The Mollusca of Utah By

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The Mollusca of Utah By BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Volume 19 June, 1929 No. 4 A Descriptive Catalog OF THE MOLLUSCA OF UTAH BY RALPH V. CHAMBERLIN AND DAVID T. JONES — BIOLOGICAL SERIES, Vol. /, No. I PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH SALT LAKE CITY THE UNIVERSITY PRESS UNIVERSITY OF UTAH SALT LAKE CITY Preface In the preparation of this bulletin an effort has been made to bring together what was previously known of recent Utah mollusks and to incorporate with this the results of the authors’ special studies. The form of presentation has been determined by the fact that, in the first place, the paper is intended to serve as a basis for further scientific work and, in the second place, to serve as a reference text for teachers of zoology in Utah colleges and high schools and as an aid to amateur collectors. The article is based primarily upon a study of upward of one thousand sets of shells collected during the year 1927 and a lesser number collected during 1928, all of which are now deposited in the Zoological Museum o.f the University of Utah. Trips totaling approximately three thousand miles, within the borders of the state, were taken to secure these specimens. An accompanying map is given to facilitate reference to the principal localities visited or referred to. Such Utah material as is contained in the Dr. Orson Howard collection, also deposited in the University, has been in­ cluded ; but that collection is largely of fresh-water bivalves from all parts of the United States. In most cases identifications have been checked by comparison with reliably determined specimens from other localities. In this connection the cooperation of other students of the group is appre­ ciated and credited where possible. W e are particularly indebted to Professor Junius Henderson, curator of the Museum at the University of Colorado and a veteran student of the mollusca of the Rocky Moun­ tain states, whose interest and courtesy have been unfailing. The point of departure for the study was necessarily his “Mollusca of Colorado, Utah, Montana and Wyoming” (1924). The “previous locality” records for the species herein listed are for the most part as compiled by him in that paper. Others to whom we are obligated for assistance on special problems or on special groups are the follow­ ing: Dr. H. A. Pilsbry, of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; Dr. V. Sterki, of the Carnegie Museum; Mr. F. C. Baker, of the Zoological Museum of the University of Illinois, whose recent valuable work on fresh-water mollusca has been freely used ; Mr. Wm. J. Clench, of the Museum of Comparative Zoology of Har­ vard University; and Mr. C. W. Johnson of the Boston Society of Natural History, who aided in bibliographical matters during a visit of the senior author to Boston. Dr. V. M. Tanner loaned material from the La Sal Mts. Mr. A. M. Woodbury, now of this institution, supplied notes on the molluscan fauna of Zion National Park and submitted material from that region identified by Dr. Bryant Walker of Detroit. The assistance and interest of various students in our zoology classes is appreciated and credit is given hereafter in specific IV PREFACE instances, but special mention must be made here of Elmer Berry, who has given constant and enthusiastic aid in field and laboratory. The general form of the paper has been influenced by Call’s “Mollusca of Indiana.” We are conscious that the attempt to catalog the Mollusca of the state has the usual defects of such initial undertakings; and an important object has been to stimulate collecting and intensive study of special problems by calling attention to the needed lines of work. We have felt that the utility of the paper would be best served by a presentation in which the easily observed characters of the shell are used, so far as possible, while at the same time reflecting some of the important systematic changes based on an increasing knowledge of the anatomy of the animal itself due to such students of the group as Pilsbry, H. B. and F. C. Baker, and Walker. Additions to or corrections of data in this bulletin will be welcome, as will also notes from teachers and others who use it as to places where difficulty is encountered in using the keys or otherwise. Specimens from localities not herein listed are desired. These may be sent to the Zoological Museum, University of Utah, and should be accom­ panied by a record giving (1) the locality from which the material was secured; (2) the date when collected; (3) the name of the col­ lector ; and (4) the name of the donor where it differs from that of the collector. Directions for collecting and preserving are given in an early section of the bulletin. R a l p h V . C h a m b e r l i n . D a v i d T r a c y J o n e s . University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, Decem ber 1, 1928. Table of Contents Introduction Page The Faunal Relations of the Mollusca of Utah................................ 1 Some Problems Presented in the Field of Utah Mollusca ........ 4 Hints on Collecting and Preserving Mollusca ............................... 8 P late E xplaining T erminology .......................................................................... A N atural C lassification of U tah M ollusca............................................... 10 A rtificial K ey to G enera of R ecent U tah Moi.lusca............ _............... 16 F am ily A nodontidae................................ ................................................................. 21 Genus A nodonta ................................................... ............................................ 22 ’ A n od on ta oregon en sis L ea ................................................................ 24 A n od on ta californiensis L ea .............................................................. 2o A n od on ta nuttalliana L ea..................................................................... 26 A n od on ta w ahlam etensis L ea............................................................. 27 F am ily Margaritanidae.....^.................................................................... ................ 28 G enus Margaritana............................................................................................ 28 Margaritana margaritifera (Linn.) ............................— .............. 29 Margaritana margaritifera falcata (Gould) ............................... 30 F am ily Spiiaeriidae .................................................................................................. 31 Genus Sphaerium ............................................................................................... 31 Sphaerium pilsbryanum Sterki........................................-................. 32 Sphaerium m orm on icu m S o w e r b y .................................................. 34 G enus M usculium ............................................................................. ................ 34 Musculium ryckholti (Kormand) ................................................... 35 M usculium truncatum (L in s le y )...................................................... 36 Musculium raymondi (Cooper)........................................................ 36 Musculium uintaense (Call) .............................................................. 37 G enus P isidium................................................................................ .................... 38 Pisidium abditum H aldem an ...................................................... — 40 Pisidium com pressu m P r im e .............................................-.............. 41 Pisidium huachucanum Pilsbry and Ferriss............................. 43 Pisidium marci Sterki............................... -........................................... 44 Pisidium variabile Prime..................................................................... 44 Pisidium concinnulum (Sterki)......................................................... 45 F am ily H elicidae ....................................................................................................... 47 G enus V allonia ................................................................................................ 47 V a llon ia pulchella (M u lle r )................................................................ 48 V allon ia albula S terki............................................................................ 49 V a llon ia gracilicosta R ein h ard t........................................................ 50 • Vallonia cyclophorella Ancey ............................................................ 51 THE MOLLUSC A OF UTAH Page G enus Oreohelix ............................................................................................. 52 Oreohelix cooperi (W . G. B in n e y )............................................... 55 O re o h clix ru gosa (H e m p h ill).......................................................... 57 O reoh elix peripherica ( A n c e y ) ........................................................ 58 O reoh elix peripherica n ew com b i (H e m p h ill)........................... a9 O re oh elix peripherica w asatchensis (H e m p h ill)— ............... 60 Oreohelix strigosa depressa (Cockerell)-................................ 61 Oreohelix strigosa tooelensis Henderson and Daniels........ 65 Oreohelix strigosa fragilis (Hemphill)....................... ................. 66 Oreohelix strigosa buttoni (Hemphill)..........................- .......... 67 O reoh elix haydeni (G a b b ) ............................................. ................... 67 O reoh elix
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