CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR BRACKISH GROUNDWATER- RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IN NEW MEXICO—PREDICTION HYDRO-SCIENCE FROM AN OCTOGENARIAN HYDROGEOLOGIST’S PERSPECTIVE Introduction to Part-2 of Invited Presentations on Desalination Science/Technology (Mike Hightower, SNL) and New Mexico’s Brackish Groundwater Resources to the Urban Land Institute-New Mexico Section, April 28, 2016 John W. Hawley, Ph.D., Emeritus Senior Environmental Geologist, N.M. Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources, NMIMT Visiting Senior Hydrogeologist, N.M. Water Resources Research Institute, NMSU dba HAWLEY GEOMATTERS
[email protected] P.O. Box 4370, Albuquerque, NM 87196-4370; Phone (o) 505-255-4847, (c) 505-263-6921 PREFACE This informal “white paper” introduces a pptx presentation on “Challenges and Opportunities for Brackish Groundwater-Resource Development in New Mexico,” and includes representative slides and an expanded list of background references. Most illustrations with a GoogleTMearth base have been designed by Baird Swanson of Swanson Geoscience, LLC; and all hydrogeologic maps and cross sections were initially created by HAWLEY GEOMATTERS for the N.M. Water Resources Research Institute Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Project (TAAP). Since exposure to water-based realities in our dryland-culture can be a bit depressing, I’ll try to keep my remarks as optimistic and moist as possible. Also, since bad-news bearers have often met bad ends throughout history, it’s prudent to avoid doom and gloom scenarios whenever I can. So, emphasis here will be on places where de-watered aquifer spaces can be replenished through timely application of state-of-the-art Aquifer Storage & Recovery (ASR) technology. Professional observations and opinions on the interlinkage of land, water, and energy resources reflects an early career in the New Mexico-West Texas region as a research geologist for the Soil Survey Investigations Division of the USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS-now NRCS), with field headquarters at NMSU-Las Cruces (1962-1971), Texas Tech University-Lubbock (1971- 1974), N.M.