4 | Wednesday, January 30, 2019 CHINA DAILY CHINA Guizhou aims Bridging cultures Man waits 18 years to relocate its for trial, is acquitted poor residents By ZHANG YANGFEI
[email protected] Zhang Yuxi, a resident of Xiayi county, Henan province, was Measure assists province in its fight to acquitted of a charge of inten- improve lives, provide better services tional injury by a local court on Tuesday after being released 18 years ago on bail pending trial. By YANG JUN in Guiyang and Zhang was involved in a dis- ZHENG JINRAN in Beijing 670,000 pute in 1992 with another resi- dent, Zhang Gongshe, which led Guizhou province plans to relo- people to violent scuffles between mem- cate 670,000 people from poverty- from poverty-stricken and bar- bers of the two families. Zhang stricken and barren regions this ren regions in Guizhou province Gongshe’s father, Zhang Chao- year, bringing the total of relocat- will be relocated this year. ming, was rendered unconscious ed people to 1.88 million in four during the fight and died. years, the most in the country, the Zhang Yuxi was later detained provincial government said. erty, the governor added. and prosecuted on a charge of This year, 1.68 million people “We will take multiple measures intentional injury in 1997. nationwide are scheduled to be to help relocated residents get According to the indictment by relocated under the 13th Five-Year jobs or start businesses, and make the local prosecutor, Zhang Yuxi Plan on Relocation for Poverty sure at least one member of the hit Zhang Chaoming’s forehead Alleviation (2016-20), and 40 per- family has a stable income,” she with an iron rake, causing the cent will be in Guizhou.