DSAT Working on Traffic Plan to Cope with New Bridge

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DSAT Working on Traffic Plan to Cope with New Bridge JUDICIAL YEAR OPENS BLOCKCHAIN-BACKED According to Sam Hou Fai, CASINO CLUB LUSOFONIA local courts have never Macau-based company FESTIVAL received more attention De Club is looking to raise CLOSES WITH from all sectors of society USD1 billion in an initial PRAISES than last year coin offering (ICO) P2 P3 GAMING P7 MDT REPORT MON.22 Oct 2018 T. 23º/ 27º C H. 65/ 90% facebook.com/mdtimes + 11,000 MOP 8.00 3153 N.º HKD 10.00 FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Kowie Geldenhuys EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paulo Coutinho www.macaudailytimes.com.mo “ THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ ” WORLD BRIEFS LIAISON OFFICE AP PHOTO China’s top Macau TAIWAN At least 22 people were killed and 171 others injured yesterday when one of Taiwan’s newer, faster P5 trains derailed on a curve along a popular official found dead weekend route, officials said. The train was carrying more than 366 passengers from a suburb of Taipei in the north to Taitung, a city on Taiwan’s southeast coast, when it went off the tracks. CHINA Two people died and 18 were trapped in a coal mine in eastern China yesterday after a rock burst destroyed part of a mining tunnel, state broadcaster China Central Television reported. PHILIPPINES Gunmen killed nine members of a farmers’ group who occupied part of a privately owned sugarcane plantation in a central Philippine province, police said yesterday. More on p12 AP PHOTO INDIA-PAKISTAN Three local rebels were killed in a gunbattle with Indian government forces in disputed Kashmir yesterday, and six civilians were killed DSAT working in an explosion at the site after the fighting was over, officials and residents said. on traffic plan AFGHANISTAN Parliamentary elections in Afghanistan have to cope with entered a second day following violence and chaos that caused delays and interruptions new bridge P4 on the first day of polling. More on p12 More on backpage 22.10.2018 mon 2 MACAU 澳聞 WWW.MACAUDAILYTIMES.COM.MO PJ cracks down on 2017/18 JUDICIAL YEAR fraudulent mobile base station Courts drew highest public A fraudulent mobile base station which was sending out messages to people near the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge’s attention, Sam Hou Fai says Macau entrance, has been uncovered by the Judiciary Police (PJ). Three local male residents, aged 19, 20 and 21, have Julie Zhu bear in mind that honesty is the the Macau government’s full su- been arrested. In total, four different foundation of fair justice. pport in enhancing operations operational sites were cracked down on HE president of the Court According to the president of of the city’s judicial system, in and 15 sets of equipment were seized. Tof Final Appeal, Sam Hou the Court of Final Appeal, the a bid to improve the efficiency The group is believed to have been Fai, stressed that the past judi- three levels of the courts regis- of the judiciary and of the city’s operating for a minimum of five months. cial year (2017/18) was likely to tered a total of 21,765 cases, a prosecutors. Two suspects claimed they were paid become the judicial year which decrease of 2,747 cases from the Chui said the government RMB10,000 and RMB12,000 for the job. has received the most attention previous judicial year, represen- would strive to optimize Ma- The PJ is still looking for the mastermind. from all sectors of society and ting a drop of 11.21 percent. cau’s legal system according to media since the handover, in However, the total number of the specific needs of the judicial terms of the operations of judi- cases remained high, as it has system. Transport, storage cial organs and of judicial deci- now exceeded 20,000 cases for According to Chui, an exam- sions. four consecutive years. ple of the government’s support sector records Sam made these remarks on The total number of conclu- was an amendment to the Ju- MOP22.3 billion Friday during a speech at the ded cases exceeded the number dicial Organization Framework ceremony marking the start of of cases registered by the courts Law – based on opinions gathe- revenue in 2017 the 2018/19 judicial year. for the first time, with 23,426 red from the judiciary – which As Sam explained, some of the Sam Hou Fai cases concluded in total, 557 had been submitted for readin- Macau’s transport and storage sector cases that went to court “did not more than in the previous judi- gs at the Legislative Assembly. revenue grew by 11.7 percent year-on- only have a long history, but cial year. “Macau courts and the Public year to MOP22.33 billion (approx. also involved huge and complex openly asked the main judicial Additionally, 11,954 cases re- Prosecutions Office were res- USD2.77 billion) in 2017, the SAR’s interests or were even related officer of the relevant cases to mained unresolved, 1,662 fewer pectively vested – by the Basic statistics service said on Saturday. The to the interests of thousands adjust the mainstream judicial than in the previous judicial Law – with the ability to exer- latest report from the Statistics and of citizens and corporate legal opinions in order to accom- year. cise their various powers inde- Census Service (DSEC) showed that persons, [and] chose to resort modate different interests.” During a speech at the ope- pendently and free from any the increase was mainly generated by to the judicial proceedings and Others have tried to impact the ning of the judicial year, Chief interference,” Chui stressed in passenger transport (MOP9.58 billion) seek judicial relief.” police system regarding the re- Executive Chui Sai On pledged his speech. and services rendered (MOP8.15 Sam also pointed out that in lationship of the main organ of the government would strive “The Government has, as billion), up by 7.9 percent and 20.3 percent respectively. The number of recent years, there have been state power stipulated in the to ensure the creation of con- always, paid great attention to establishments in the sector increased some disturbing phenomena Basic Law through legal procee- ditions to allow dedicated in- training a greater number of by 101 year-on-year to 3,054. The surrounding trials of certain ca- dings or trials. frastructure to support judicial judicial professionals and buil- number of persons engaged went up ses. For instance, “some people Sam also put forward requi- institutions when formulating ding more facilities to cope with by 9.7 percent to 19,489, while those in have deviated from the basic rements for the integrity of ju- overall plans for the city’s new development of the judicial sys- land transport and auxiliary transport requirements of fairness and dicial personnel. He hoped that urban reclamation areas next tem.” activities rose by 19.1 percent to 8,120 justice, have accused judges of the judges and judicial assistan- year. Approximately 300 officials and 6.1 percent to 7,957 respectively. mechanical justice, and even ts of the courts at all levels could Additionally, the CE pledged and guests attended the event. ASK THE VET by Dr Ruan Du Toit Bester • Grass Household products or chemicals Sneezing occurs as a natural response of the CAUSES OF PUPPY SNEEZING body trying to eliminate the source of irritation from the nose or pharynx. UPPY sneezing may be a symptom of tion of the nose, sneezing is common. These Other symptoms will include nasal discharge, Pallergies or a respiratory infection. Usually infections may become chronic, if you fail to skin irritations, itchiness and hair loss. sneezing is not a serious medical condition, treat them. Some allergies are seasonal, depending on the and can be treated or go away without medi- source. cation. Make sure you notice any additional 2. Foreign bodies Dogs typically develop allergies after the age of symptoms, so as to be able to pinpoint the real If your puppy has a foreign object stuck in the 2, but there are cases of puppies that are aller- cause behind the sneezing. nasal cavity, he may sneeze frequently, as he gic. Remember that a bleeding nose is always a rea- will try to get the object out of his nose. The pu- Sneezing caused by allergies can be treated by son for concern in puppies. 1. Respiratory diseases ppy may sneeze blood if the object has injured administering medication. The treatment will A puppy sneezing on occasion is normal, but if Dogs can get respiratory illnesses. Colds and si- his nasal cavity or the pharynx. consist of antihistamines, steroids or allergy the sneezing is frequent, you need to detect the nus infections are common in puppies. Parain- However, the object may block the nasal cavity, shots. cause. fluenza and the Adenovirus are frequent causes so you need to go to the vet immediately. Some puppy breeds with flat noses will snee- of sneezing in puppies. The vet can extract the foreign object. If the 4. Tooth i nfection ze more frequently, due to the anatomy of the A respiratory infection may also cause other object is too large, surgery may be needed. An- Tooth infections may cause frequent sneezing nose. symptoms such as: ti-inflammatory medication may prescribed, in puppies. Check your puppy’s mouth for foul • Swollen eyes and the puppy is likely to have a fast recovery. odor, swollen gums or pus pockets. Hope this info helps • Inflamed lymphatic glands Tooth infections are rare in puppies, but can be Till next week • Mucus in excess 3. Allergies present. Dr Ruan Bester • Coughing Puppies can be allergic to different environ- • Breathing difficulties mental factors, including: 5.
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