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Political Animal Voices UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Political animal voices Meijer, E.R. Publication date 2017 Document Version Final published version License Other Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Meijer, E. R. (2017). Political animal voices. General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. In case of a legitimate complaint, the Library will make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website. Please Ask the Library: https://uba.uva.nl/en/contact, or a letter to: Library of the University of Amsterdam, Secretariat, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You will be contacted as soon as possible. UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam (https://dare.uva.nl) Download date:04 Oct 2021 political animal voices Cover design: Irwan Droog Cover images © Björn Braun Top right Untitled (zebra finch nest), 2013 Middle right Untitled (zebra finch nest), 2015 Bottom right Untitled (nest), 2016 Bottom left Untitled (zebra finch nest), 2013 political animal voices academisch proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof. dr. ir. K.I.J. Maex ten overstaan van een door het College voor Promoties ingestelde commissie, in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Aula der Universiteit op woensdag 20 september 2017, te 13.00 uur door Eva Ruth Meijer geboren te Hoorn Promotiecommissie Promotor: prof. dr. H.Y.M. Jansen, Universiteit van Amsterdam Copromotor: dr. R. Celikates, Universiteit van Amsterdam Overige leden: prof. dr. B. Roessler, Universiteit van Amsterdam dr. E. Peeren, Universiteit van Amsterdam prof. dr. M.D. Davidson, Universiteit van Amsterdam prof. dr. W. Kymlicka, Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada prof. dr. J.L. Emel, Clark University, Worcester, USA dr. ir. C.P.G. Driessen, Universiteit Wageningen Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen For Pika and Putih We are all of us guests on this planet And with guests — you know how it is Some are nice and some are tiresome And some behave as if they were hosts And even as they die they believe That they have owned the sun and the air and the history that took place Even before they were born. Stefan Themerson Table of contents Introduction 11 From the political animal to political animal voices 13 Using concepts as tools, and listening to other animals 18 Political animal voices: a brief summary 19 part i: speaking with animals Chapter 1: The animal, what a word! Human language and non-human animals 23 1.1 Human language and the animal 25 Language and world 30 1.2 The animal, what a word! 34 1.3 Speaking back 37 Rethinking language with other animals 40 Chapter 2: Animal languages 43 2. 1 From human language to animal language games 45 Language as language games 49 2.2 Parrots and mimicry 54 2.3 Alarm calls: from communication to language 57 2.4 Grammar 59 2.5 Challenging anthropocentrism with a performative approach to language and identity 62 Power relations and agency: developing a performative view of non-human animal languages 65 2.6 Meta-communication: play and greeting 67 2.7 From thinking about to thinking with other animals 70 Chapter 3: Speaking with animals: from animal languages to interspecies worlds 73 3.1 Learning to read the darkness: on the relation between language and world 76 3.2 Speaking bodies 78 3.3 Understanding other animals 82 3.4 Living with other animals 84 Speaking to or with dogs 86 7 Multispecies households: material interventions and fostering non-human animal agency 90 3. 5 Developing new relations with other animals 92 Case Study 1: Stray philosophy: dog/human observations on language, freedom and politics 95 C.1 Language and habits 96 Words and bodies 98 New languages and habits 101 C.2 Learning to walk on the lead 102 Discipline and deliberation 104 C.3 Stray politics 107 A stray dog from Romania 107 From micro-practices to macro-agency 108 C.4 Concluding remarks 110 part ii: political animals and animal politics Chapter 4: Animal politics: justice, power and political animal agency 115 4.1 Justice for animals 118 Problems with traditional animal rights theories: negative rights and the risk of anthropocentrism 119 4.2 Anthropocentrism and the links between epistemic and institutional forms of violence 122 Biopolitics and the intersections between epistemic and institutional violence 125 4.3 Political non-human animal agency 127 4.4 Redefining relations with other animals 132 Chapter 5: Animals and the State: citizenship, sovereignty, and reformulating politics 137 5.1 Animal citizens 139 Challenges for the citizenship approach 141 Forming political communities with other animals: the republican challenge 144 5. 2 Non-human animal sovereignty 146 The cosmopolitan challenge to non-human animal sovereignty 148 Sovereignty before politics 152 5.3 Starting points for change: rights as tools, and challenging boundaries 154 Labour rights 154 Habitat rights and territorial rights 156 Urban animals 158 Political concepts as starting points for change 160 8 Chapter 6: Worm politics 161 6.1 Moving trees: a vital materialist view of earthworm agency 162 Eating as relating and the language of food 166 6.2 Worm power and knowledge 168 6.3 Justice for worms 170 Keep your ear to the ground: listening to our earthworm neighbours 172 6.4 Respect and response 173 Case Study 2: Political communication with the Schiphol geese: resistance, deliberation and the politics of space 175 C2.1 Goose politics 176 C2.2 Goose/human communication 179 Goose/human relations: friendship and resistance 180 C2.3 Foot voting, occupation, squatting and deliberation 182 Goose/human deliberation 184 C2.4 The politics of space 185 C2.5 New pathways 187 part iii: from animal politics to interspecies change Chapter 7: Animal activism and interspecies change 191 7.1 Non-human animal resistance and interspecies civil disobedience 192 From animal activism to interspecies disobedience 194 7.2 New directions for animal activism: intersectionality, speaking for or with other animals, and assisting other animals 197 Speaking for or with other animals 199 Assisting other animals 201 7.3 From animals as actors of change to interspecies communities: stray dog agency and animal activism 203 Chapter 8: Animal democracy: citizens, strangers, and the challenges of political participation 207 8.1 Political participation 208 8.2 The borders of the democratic community 210 Categorizing animals: the agonistic challenge 212 8.3 Moving towards interspecies democracies 213 Material interaction with seagulls 217 Greeting as a political ritual 219 Concluding remarks 221 9 Chapter 9: Deliberating animals: from multispecies dialogues to interspecies deliberation 223 9.1 Non-human animal agency and interspecies dialogues 224 9.2 Deliberation and interspecies political communication 227 Democratic inclusion and forms of speech 228 Embodied political communication 230 9.3 Political interspecies communication 231 Time: from completed conversations to ongoing processes of deliberation 232 Space: meeting other animals on their ground 233 Physicality: bodies, objects, and material deliberations 234 Relations: taking into account the context of deliberation 235 9.4 Interspecies deliberation: a systemic view 236 A systemic perspective on goose/human deliberations 238 The importance of beginning now 239 Conclusion, or Case Study 3: Thinking with animals 241 C3.1 Stray cats and bringing non-human animals into academia 242 Bringing other animals into academia 245 C3.2 Political animal voices: conclusions and directions for further research 247 Directions for further research 253 Works cited 257 Political animal voices: summary 277 Politieke stemmen van dieren: samenvatting 287 Acknowledgments 295 Publications from this thesis 299 10 Introduction Orang-utan Ken Allen was born in San Diego Zoo. While still in the nursery he was already trying to unscrew every nut he could get his hands on, and he used humans as objects to climb on in order to escape the room. In the years that followed, he perfected his techniques, which led him to escape his enclosure many times. This forced the zoo to alter the fences around the orang-utan enclosure and change their windows and locks. They also tried to distract him by bringing in females, and they hired spies posing as visitors in an attempt to find out how he did it. Ken Allen was not the only orang-utan who had a desire to leave captivity. His mate Vicki once took over from him, unbolting a door after he was caught, and escaped. Kumang and Sara, two sisters from the same group, organised and coordinated their own escapes, for example, by using a mop handle that one of them held in place while the other climbed it. Cooperative orang-utan resistance is found in many other zoos, for example, in the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, where a group of five orang-utans slipped through several security doors and climbed over a high wall. Neither bananas nor water from firehoses could convince them to go back in, and they had to be tranquilized. These examples are not the only ones available – orang-utan resistance is a structural problem for zoos, often forcing them to isolate individuals or break up family bonds by relocating orang-utans (Hribal 2012). A group of elephants in the village of Matari, India, took revenge on humans when a member of the herd died after being hit by a train in 2013 (Messenger 2013).
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