Animal Studies Journal Volume 7 | Number 1 Article 8 2018 How to Help When It Hurts? Think ysS temic Corey L. Wrenn Ph.D. Colorado State University - Fort Collins,
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[email protected] How to Help When It Hurts? Think ysS temic Abstract To resolve a moral dilemma created by the rescue of carnivorous species from exploitative situations who must rely on the flesh of other vulnerable species to survive, Cheryl Abbate applies the guardianship principle in proposing hunting as a case-by-case means of reducing harm to the rescued animal as well as to those animals who must die to supply food. This article counters that Abbate’s guardianship principle is insufficiently applied given its objectification of deer communities. Tom Regan, alternatively, encouraged guardians to think beyond individual dilemmas and adopt a measure of systemic reconstruction, that being the abolition of speciesist institutions (The asC e for Animal Rights; Empty Cages).