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[email protected] DU RIETZ RARE BOOKS HAMMARSKJÖLD 60th Anniversary New York International Antiquarian Book Fair Park Avenue Armory Park Avenue & 67th Street, NYC March 5-8, 2020 Booth C30 [ART DECO FUR FASHION CATALOGUE] FOURRERES M., LEROY & SCHMID / LE PAPE, G. / MARTIN, C. / LHUER, V. [Head titles] Ce qu’on peut faire. Quelques projets de manteau et mantelets … / Ce que dit le journal Le Temps en ses colonnes … Paris, Draeger, ca 1920. € 750 Small 4to. Three leaflets of four pages each with pochoir-coloured illustrations, four coloured fashion plates and eight half-tone photographic plates. As issued loose in original ivory colour paper folder printed in black, purple and gold. A very stylish Art Deco catalogue published in a limited number. Ref. Pages d’or de l’édition publicitaire, 16, p. 70. AVRIL, P. Voyage en divers etats d’Europe et d’Asie, entrepris pour découvrir un nouveau chemin à la Chine. Contenant plusiers remarques curieses de physique, de geo- graphie, d’hydrographie & d’histoire. Avec une description de la grande Tartarie, & les differens peuples qui l’habitent. Paris 1692. € 4 000 4to. Pp. (xx), 406, (ii), (24) table. With engraved portrait, one folding engraved map, three engraved plates and five large engraved vignettes. Contemporary calf, gilt. First edition of Avril’s narrative of his two journeys through Central Asia aim- ing to discover new overland routes to China. Philippe Avril, Jesuit professor of philosophy and mathematics at Paris, was summoned by Father Ferdinand Verbi- est in Peking to join the mission there.