BIBLIOGRAPHY for VERDE RIVER WATERSHED PROJECT. Originally Compiled by Jim Byrkit, Assisted by Bruce Hooper, Both of Northern Arizona University
BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR VERDE RIVER WATERSHED PROJECT. Originally compiled by Jim Byrkit, assisted by Bruce Hooper, both of Northern Arizona University. Abbey, Edward.(1) 1968. Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness. New York, NY: Ballantine; McGraw- Hill. NAU PS3551.B225. Also in SC. Abbey, Edward.(1) 1986. "Even the Bad Guys Wear White Hats: Cowboys, Ranchers, and Ruin of the West." Harper's, Vol. 272, No. 1628 (January), pp. 51-55. NAU AP2.H3.V272. Abeytia, Lt. Antonio.(1) 1865. "Letter to the Assistant Adjutant General of the District of Arizona for transmission to Brigadier General John S. Mason from Rio Verde, Arizona." Published in the 17th Annual Fort Verde Day Brochure, October 13, 1973, p. 62. (August 29) (Files of the Camp Verde Historical Society) NAU SC F819.C3C3 1973. ("1st Lt. A. Abeytia's Letter.") Adamus, Paul R.(1) 1986. Final Work Plan, Mendenhall Valley Wetland Assessment Project Calibration Studies. Adamus Resource Assessment, Inc. (NAU no) Adamus, Paul R., and L. T. Stockwell.(1) 1983. A Method for Wetland Functional Assessment, Vol. 1. Report No. FHWA-IP-82 23. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Offices of Research and Development. 2 Vols. NAU Gov. Docs. TD 2.36:82-24. Adamus, Paul R., et al. (Daniel R. Smith?)(1) 1987. Wetland Evaluation Technique (WET); Volume II: Methodology. Operational Draft Technical Report Y-87- (?). Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. (NAU no) Ahmed, Muddathir Ali.(2) 1965. "Description of the Salt River Project and Impact of Water Rights on Optimum Farm Organization and Values." MA Thesis, University of Arizona.
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