
Delivered by Publishing Technology to: Duke University IP: on: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 16:40:52 Copyright (c) American Society for Taxonomists. All rights reserved. ii ntuet S10/W- cnigeeto microscope. electron Scien- scanning PELCO International WB-6 an a / using acid: DS-130 using examined Instruments (formalin:proprionic then gold tific and with FPA coater coated sputter using auto sputter SC-7 field were samples the collec- in recent ethanol). to from preserved (SEM) material Floral microscopy was species. electron new tions scanning two the used of we pollen 2010), examine Tripp 2009; al. et specifically and , of family. the these of to treatment reference (1968) Meyer’s possible in two any species our for new during searched putatively made we collections Additionally, all trips. included field which RSA, and K, WIND, lr a nopeeykon(e absiee l npes,w orga- we 2011. press), August in in fieldtrip al. second Acanthaceae et a the Darbyshire conducted that and (see nized suggested known trip incompletely that was from flora results Because prep.). in ihtmu e odsigihtenn pce of species Angolan nine the the plus Namibia distinguish in to key dichotomous names the lectotypify and spe- and science, two to describe new we cies Windhoek), (National Klaassen Institute, E. Research and Botanical Kwembeya Botanic E. (Royal Dr. and Darbyshire I. Kew) Dr. Gardens, with collaboration author. in Namibia first of the by sections ongoing re-delimit is to whole a and as Phyloge- prediction similarities. the this within these test to to relationship study owing netic taxa close five a these predict among conspicuous We having venation. calyx lobe brochidodromus zygomorphic dorsalmost 2” the + 2 with + configuration “1 a and essential bracteate the citronella, of of reminiscent oils odors produce and and gent here, described species aspera new R. two the species, named two as identified enly marlothii R. O 10.1600/036364412X656509 DOI © Botany Systematic .Crla 0c og ay oe . . . 3 lobes calyx long; cm 10 > Corollas 1. nraekoldeadcletoso cnhca npeaainfor preparation in in family the Acanthaceae of of treatment collaborative collections our and knowledge increase sindt n nw pce.Bt pce r morphologi- to are similar species Both cally species. known any to of assigned species two uncovered has Namibia .Corollas 1. oyih 02b h mrcnSceyo ln Taxonomists Plant of Society American the by 2012 Copyright eas olnsrcuei motn oudrtnigtesystematics the understanding to important is structure pollen Because npeaainfrorucmn ramn fteAcanthaceae the of treatment upcoming our for preparation In oietf h w unknown two the identify To ecnutdfedoki aii nMrhadArl21 to 2010 April and March in Namibia in fieldwork conducted We in Acanthaceae on work taxonomic and fieldwork Recent itnus h ieseisof species nine the distinguish diversifolia kaokoana .marlothii R. Abstract— Keywords— Cymbopogon Shn)Pilp as rmNmba r togypun- strongly are Namibia) from (also Phillips (Schinz) < nl rmNmba h atrotnbigmistak- being often latter the Namibia, from Engl. 21) 74:p.1023–1030 pp. 37(4): (2012), 0c og ay oe r5 or 4 lobes calyx long; cm 10 hs aaaedsrbdadilsrtd diinly e ettpfctosaepooe for proposed are lectotypifications new Additionally, illustrated. and described are taxa These . oeseiespeiul dniidas identified previously specimens Some . 1 acoSnaAaBtncGre,10 .CleeAeu,Caeot aiona 11,U .A. S. U. 91711, California, Claremont, Avenue, College N. 1500 Garden, Botanic Ana Santa Rancho eetfedoki aii a e otedsoeyo w necie pce of species undescribed two of discovery the to led has Namibia in fieldwork Recent eie hcls c.Cae 99 n a and 1999) Craven (cf. checklist revised A . fia icvr,nwseis ulia,smar,systematics. sympatry, Ruellieae, species, new discovery, , .diversifolia R. aeil n Methods and Materials .diversifolia R. peg hyalsaecnetd densely congested, share all They Spreng. 2 aooi oete nNamibian in Novelties Taxonomic oa oai adnEibrh dnug H N,Mdoha,Scotland. Midlothian, 4NY, EH6 Edinburgh Edinburgh, Garden Botanic Royal Ruellia .diversifolia R. Ruellia nms ao ebra These herbaria. major most in .Moefo noaand Angola from Moore S. ervee eeathlig at holdings relevant reviewed we , Lna 85 rp 07 Tripp 2007; Tripp 1895; (Lindau aiet aii lsteAngolan the plus Namibia to native ...... lr fNamibia of Flora ...... 2 ...... Ruellia 3 uhrfrcrepnec ([email protected]) correspondence for Author rnA Tripp A. Erin r presented. are omnctn dtr ao .Wilson A. Carol Editor: Communicating uli diversifolia Ruellia htcno be cannot that uli diversifolia Ruellia e oNamibian to Key Tipe al., et (Tripp Ruellia 1,3 n yeG Dexter G. Kyle and 1023 r srbdt h w e pce.Arvsdcekitadakyto key a and checklist revised A species. new two the to ascribed are r lal itntseis ihtelte o e known yet not latter the with Namibia. species, from distinct clearly are treated (syn. .Tip&K .Dxe,s.nv [endemic], patula nov. sp. Dexter, R. G. K. & Tripp E. [endemic], Kers sntv oNmba oro hc r nei based endemic [endemic], nov. are [endemic], sp. Dexter, Phillips collections: which G. K. herbarium & of Tripp E. available four of species currently Namibia, nine taxo- on of to total its native a assess treat as cannot here We thus status. and nomic deposited, purportedly is otavensis previ- R. was 1 excludes nova below sp. Cadman’s as identified that ously but Namibia in occur ( 29 diversifolia R. brandbergensis [endemic], R. Phillips (Schinz) R. as 1 nova on ntegnrlcleto tWN,icretydeter- incorrectly WIND, of species at other collection to mined general the the in were species such, species. found new two undescribed As we the represent representing species. that collections to Additional unidentified names deemed were two no entities revealed the two (1968) to Meyer apply in could and RSA and ftevs aoiyo te pce in species other that of with majority consistent vast is the morphology exine of This reticulate 1). coarsely (Fig. with sculpturing grains pollen triporate round, rvn2368 Craven .diversifolia R. eie hcls n e othe to Key a and Checklist Revised , xlddSpecies— Excluded rvn(99 nlddegtseisof species eight included (1999) Craven erhstruhteAataeehlig tWN,K, WIND, at holdings Acanthaceae the through Searches h E td eeldta oho h e pce have species new the of both that revealed study SEM The aff. R eWne esnr5216 Leistner & Winter de UELLIA .otavensis R. diversifolia, Ruellia .marlothii R. uli patula Ruellia aq sn “ (syn. Jacq. sasnnmof a as r provided. are , .Cae 19)ntdthat noted (1999) Craven ). .otavensis R. .diversifolia R. ), 2 (Acanthaceae) hc ecudntfn tWN hr it where WIND at find not could we which es[endemic], Kers .currorii R. .patula R. .bignoniiflora R. sasnnmof synonym a as .diversifolia R. ewr nbet xmn Craven’s examine to unable were We . Ruellia R. Ruellia .G Meyer, G. P. Results p oa1”), nova sp. h eie hcls presented checklist revised The . ,and ), , .prostrata R. uli acetabula Ruellia includes , .Anderson, T. .bignoniiflora R. uli marlothii Ruellia msl to (mostly .Moore, S. ee 16)incorrectly (1968) Meyer : .sp. R. .currorii R. .diversifolia R. Ruellia R. R n resolves and , UELLIA aff. = .marlothii R. .patula R. p oa1( 1 nova sp. .prostrata R. .diversifolia R. .marlothii R. .aspera R. Ruellia .brandbergensis R. Tip2007). (Tripp and and .Anderson, T. fNamibia of .diversifolia R. .kaokoana R. .bignoniiflora R. .acetabula R. .Moore, S. Ruellia : Ruellia h two The . osnot does .aspera R. (Schinz) treats , Ruellia Kasselt R. Engl., Poir. ). sp. Delivered by Publishing Technology to: Duke University IP: on: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 16:40:52 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. h le tm eee esdneypbsett glabrous, to pubescent densely less terete, trichomes, stems glandular shorter older and long the mm 3–4 ca. to trichomes pubescent densely quadrangular, lobe. corolla ventral cup-shaped its Different by styles. species and three all included from its by former the Like from throat. in spot of and lack and tubes, corolla longer uli acetabula Ruellia 04SSEAI OAY[oue37 [Volume BOTANY SYSTEMATIC 1024 hust . ,woy rc,teyugrsessub- stems younger the erect, woody, m, 0.4 to iia to Similar Fig. .Clxatnmrhc opsdo oeo eseulyszdlbs eeal ieri hp;drams oewithout lobe dorsalmost shape; in linear generally lobes, sized equally less or more 5 of composed actinomorphic, Calyx 2. .Clxsrnl yoopi,lbsi 122 ragmn ihtedrams oetelret(ogs n iet,tetwo the widest), and (longest largest the lobe dorsalmost the with arrangement “1+2+2” a in lobes zygomorphic, strongly Calyx 2. .kaokoana R. Y S,US). RSA, NY, 1991 eleva- Lanyeni m L. 460 2011, Oropembe, Aug to 20 route tion, en Sesfonetin of north ueePoic:Kooad aeo lt rocks slate of base Kaokoland, Province: Kunene .SMmcorpso oln A. pollen. of micrographs SEM 1. .Crla ihprl imnaini throat, in pigmentation purple with colored, Corollas cream or white pure 3. Corollas 3. .Lae xrml seos[og otetuh oho iigaddid ebru material] herbarium dried, . and . living . on both asperous touch, not the to [rough asperous extremely 6. Leaves 6. rciormu eain nlrsecsnta eo;pat o togyooieosvgttvl hncrushed when vegetatively odoriferous strongly not below; as not inflorescences venation; brochidodromous nlrsecseteeycnetdwt eflk rcs lnssrnl mligo irnlawe rse . . . crushed venation; when brochidodromous citronella with of lobe smelling dorsalmost strongly smallest; plants the ; lobes -like lateral with two congested the extremely and inflorescences size, in intermediate lobes ventral .Corollas 4. .Saesadsye nlddwti ools oolswieo purple or white corollas corollas; within included styles and Stamens 7. Corollas 4. .Saesadsye togyesre;crla otybikrdbtpn,ylo n white and yellow pink, but red brick mostly corollas exserted; strongly styles and Stamens 7. .diversifolia R. .Crla upe. purple Corollas 8. .Cpue glabrous Capsules 5. .Cpue esl ueuettruhu . . throughout puberulent densely Capsules 5. .Crla ht . . white Corollas 8. ainsntucmo,epcal nnrhetr aii Knn Region) (Kunene Namibia northwestern in especially uncommon, not variants u ifr yiswiefoes n different and , white its by differs but .Crla ihu ak imne pti throat, in spot pigmented dark, without Corollas 9. .Crla ihapgetdso nthroat, in spot pigmented a with Corollas 9. .Tip&K .Dxe—YE NAMIBIA. Dexter—TYPE: G. K. & Tripp E. aooi Treatment Taxonomic hltp:WN;ioye:CS ,MO, K, CAS, isotypes: WIND; (holotype: ³ < daetltrltolbs ed oee yhgocpctihms.. . trichomes hygroscopic by covered lobes; two lateral adjacent ftubes of ihrsett h ool pnn;seswt yrsoi rcoe etitdt margins orientation to similar restricted with trichomes less hygroscopic or with more seeds lobes opening; five corolla all the terminology), to floral respect for with 2007 Tripp and McDade (see mln ecuiglbs . . . lobes) (excluding long cm 4 mln ecuiglbs . . . lobes) (excluding long cm 4 .Tip&K etrwt .Hsel & Hasheela H. with Dexter K. & Tripp E. u ifr yislne corollas, longer its by differs but ³ 5m og etams oedsicl u-hpdadoine 90 oriented and cup-shaped distinctly lobe ventralmost long, mm 15 ...... 7 ...... 9 ...... ihln tagteglandular straight long with uli acetabula Ruellia ³ 5cmlong(excludinglobes)...... < mln ecuiglbs . . . lobes) (excluding long cm 5 ...... 5 ...... ( rp etr1991 Dexter & Tripp .marlothii R.  ...... 5 km 150 < 0m og arwuepne oto ftubes of portion unexpanded narrow long, mm 30 ³ 0m og arwuepne portion unexpanded narrow long, mm 30 oetelret(a 1.7–1.8 dorsalmost (ca. the largest receptacle, the the lobe strongly to free Calyces lobes sessile. the zygomorphic, Flowers inflorescences. distal of towards pubescence, size portions shape, in reduced in becoming blades but glandularity leaf and like bracts order of second axils in foli dichasia Bracts Inflores- nodes. compound leaf-bearing or yellow. simple pale congested drying of cences glands areas in trichomes, conspicuous sparse present, with cystoliths glands pubes- patelliform eglandular, sessile surfaces trichomes and pubescent, abaxial sparsely and to adaxial cent the entire, margins apica the rounded to obtuse to acute rllbsitreit c.1.5–1.7 (ca. intermediate lobes tral . mln,pbsetlk on tm,tebae vt to ovate to blades petioles the with stems, the young Leaves 1.0–2.5 rounded, like long. stems, pubescent cm long, old 4.5 cm and 1.3 to young stems of both internodes on conspicuous cystoliths S) B. RSA). , ...... 8 ...... uli kaokoana Ruellia ...... 4 ...... + .–. m .–. ie ogrta wide, than longer times 0.9–1.8 cm, 0.8–1.9  ( from rp ta.2019 al. et Tripp ......

+ . m litcl,tetoven- two the elliptical), cm, 0.8 aceous,dense,bothfirstand l,ruddt buebasally, obtuse to rounded lly, < ...... 5m long mm 15

+ RSA). , ...... 6 ...... 5c,oblanceolate), cm, 0.25 ...... 3 ...... brandbergensis R. .diversifolia R. .acetabula R. .marlothii R. .kaokoana R. .prostrata R. .currori R. .patula R. .aspera R. Delivered by Publishing Technology to: Duke University IP: on: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 16:40:52 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. in 0.9–1 tions re aeil nudblr .–. mln,tenarrow the long, cm on 21–23 apparent portions 3.6–3.8 usually unexpanded infundibular, these lobes, material, marginal and throat dried lines conspicuous of purple surface distinctive with all with on white lobe Corollas veins. dorsalmost collecting the linear), oeagnt pcly h etams oedsicl cup distinctly lobe 90 ventralmost oriented and the shaped apically, emarginate to 02 RP N ETR W E PCE FRELAI AII 1025 NAMIBIA IN RUELLIA OF SPECIES NEW TWO DEXTER: AND TRIPP 1.3–1.4 (ca. smallest the lobes lateral two the and 2012] uti.E ihcu nhr .Syeadbfdsim ihdra oecmltl eue.Ilsrtdb mnaLabadie filament Amanda and by stamens Illustrated didynamous reduced. showing completely lobe corolla dorsal Opened with C. stigma form. bifid growth and plant Style upright F. typical anther. and Bithecous E. inflorescences, curtain. of nature congested lobe, corolla Fig. 2. uli acetabula Ruellia + .–. m h oe a 5–9 ca. lobes the cm, 0.6–0.8  .Zgmrhcclxwt oe na“ ”arneet(e et.B n .so nqe u-hpdlowermost cup-shaped unique, show D. and B. text). (see arrangement 2” + 2 + “1 a in lobes with calyx Zygomorphic A. oajcn osltolbs Stamens lobes. two dorsal adjacent to

+ –. m h xaddpor- expanded the mm, 2–2.5

+ – m rounded mm, 3–4

+ mm, 1 tga ii u osllb opeeyrdcd anterior tube. reduced, corolla completely lobe within ascend- dorsal short but included sparse, mucronate bifid trichomes, with Stigmas long, long, mm eglandular cm 2–3 ing 3–3.3 bithecous, fused Styles anthers the basally. tube; filaments pair), por- (shorter unexpanded of of of mm tion portions all 2.5 enclosing free (“curtain”) and sheath the pair) filament (longer pair), mm (shorter 4.5 long or corolla pair) mm (longer upper long to 25 mm proximal 28 filaments mm the didynamous, 2 lobes, ca. corolla within included Delivered by Publishing Technology to: Duke University IP: on: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 16:40:52 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. 06SSEAI OAY[oue37 [Volume BOTANY SYSTEMATIC 1026 .Cnetdntr fifoecne ( inflorescences of nature Congested C. Fig. 3. uli acetabula Ruellia nntv aia.A itntv,cpsae oems ool oe(aee iharw.B pih rwhform. growth Upright B. arrow). with (labeled lobe corolla lowermost cup-shaped Distinctive, A. . native in rp etr871 Dexter & Tripp ). Delivered by Publishing Technology to: Duke University IP: on: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 16:40:52 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. ehv bevdi h il otie e ( few contained is field region the in populations the observed have Both of Regionwe undercollected. much Kunene and as the inaccessible indicate, in relatively likely collections widespread is six It more these 4). is than (Fig. drainage Purros species river of the west small that Coast a Skeleton as the on well area c as Oropembe total and six Sesfontein from known rently year. to year from vary may times flowering that rainfall such to according apparently semi-desert desert or occupy similarly that other Acanthaceae However, Namibian August. of and species March between and flower is study Additional species. us. this understand by better observed to needed were visitors but the syndrome, floral pollination of no shape a The to phenology. conforms and observations corolla form, limited growth habitat, beyond its species of this of biology lination slopes. calcareous col- on Paratype occur mountains. also observed slate plants been dry, indicate lections of have base Plants the Zambezian near Endemism. growing the of and Center Endemism, Regional of intersect: Center Karoo- phytochoria Regional the the Zone, Namibi Transition where Regional Kalahari-Highveld area the the in (1993), White particularly sensu phytochoria three of environments desert nNmba(l nw ouain ftetonwseis n select and species, new two the of populations of known populations (all Namibia in h is uhr hscrlalb ofgrto sas appar- material. also herbarium is dried, configuration on lobe ent corolla This of author. before first species the never any has in morphology observed been distinctive highly This lobes. ool oe hc soine 90 oriented is ventral the which of shape lobe, the to corolla refers epithet specific the “cup,” or 02 RP N ETR W E PCE FRELAI AII 1027 NAMIBIA IN RUELLIA OF SPECIES NEW TWO DEXTER: AND TRIPP cap- per 1.2 18 3. seen) discoid, 2, trichomes. 1A, one hygroscopic long, Figures mucilaginous mm (only dense by 1.5 covered Seeds sule, long. elliptical. mm cm, 0.3 1–1.25 ca. lobe 2012] ag n osrainStatus— Conservation and Range Phenology— Ecology— Habitat— Etymology— Fig. .Dsrbto a of Distribution map 4. uli acetabula Ruellia ohn skonaottefedeooyo pol- or ecology field the about known is Nothing .marlothii R. vial aaidct htpat of plants that indicate data Available rmteLtnacetabul Latin the From .Vgtto oe ae nGes(1998). Giess on based zones Vegetation ). uli acetabula Ruellia sdsrbtdi eeto semi- or desert in distributed is letosi ra between areas in ollections Ruellia  oajcn osltwo dorsal adjacent to uli acetabula Ruellia , m enn “spoon” a meaning um, .kaokoana R. eni h il by field the in seen < )individuals. 5) ,and .acetabula R. .marlothii R. scur- is

+ iidas tified . m bacoae,adtetoltrllbstesmallest the lobes lateral two 1.1–1.7 the (ca. and oblanceolate), cm, 0.3 h oslotlb h ags c.1.5–2 (ca. largest the lobe receptacle, dorsalmost the the long. to free mm lobes 1 the zygomorphic, to strongly pedicels Calyces on Flowers distal inflorescences. towards of size portions in pubescence, reduced shape, becoming but in glandularity blades and leaf like bracts first order both second dense, and foliaceous, in red. Bracts nodes. dichasia dark leaf-bearing compound of to or axils simple yellow congested pale of drying Inflorescences glands present glands inconspicuous, patelliform but sessile abaxial and and cystoliths trichomes adaxial eglandular, tomentose, frequently, the more entire, or, pubescent margins rounded surfaces the apically, basally, rounded to acute obtuse to to acute wide, than longer ia) h w eta oe nemdae(a 1.3–1.7 (ca. intermediate lobes ventral two the tical), mWg ahPurros,” nach Wege am eas ftxnmcuncertainty. taxonomic of of because collection additional an acetabula represent R. may It collection. the on (like flowers to utable species related closely putatively warranted. these is among barriers ing kaokoana flower- R. and to, of m) plants of 50 with, (within concomitantly proximity ing immediate in ing dl hpdvnrllb.I sas itnuse from distinguished also is It lobe. kaokoana R. ventral shaped geographically oddly the from distinctive is proximal It lobe. corolla cup-shaped ventral distinctive, its and portion), unexpanded narrow, diversifolia R. However, flowers. elws rw uigfutn tgs oolspurple, Corollas stages. fruiting pale drying all during bracts brown order veins, second yellowish and collecting first with together brochidodromus lobes marginal, spicuous ldsoaet one,1.0–2.5 rounded, the peti- to stems, young with ovate like pubescent Leaves petioles blades long. the long, cm mm 4 4 to to oles stems older of internodes the of mostly internodes por- the stems proximal cystoliths, young conspicuous towards with eglandular plants glabrous of with tions becoming pubescent and densely less trichomes the terete, densely lengths, stems varying subquadrangular, older of trichomes stems eglandular with younger pubescent the substrates, corollas. purple and flowers, smaller habit, prostrate its by both Like flowers. kaokoana Ruellia RA WIND). (RSA, 5859 Liestner Sesfontein,” at slope “calcareous Kaokoveld, Kunene: (WIND); Paratypes— aooi Notes— Taxonomic of plants Sesfontein, Near ae aaidct that indicate data Label hust . ,woy paln n rsrt against prostrate and sprawling woody, m, 0.3 to Shrubs to Similar .acetabula R. .Dxe ihH ahea&L ayn 2019 US). RSA, Lanyeni NY, L. MO, K, & CAS, Hasheela isotypes: 2011, WIND; H. Aug with east 23 Dexter E elevation, K. km m 9.4 580 Sesfonetin, cliffs of slate Kaokoland, Province: Kunene .diversifolia R. .acetabula R. .marlothii R. yiseet(s rsrt)got form. growth prostrate) (vs. erect its by , WN) uee mNo Sesfontein, of N km 7 Kunene: (WIND); ute td xlrn erdcieisolat- reproductive exploring study Further . u snticue nteprtpsctdbelow cited paratypes the in included not is but

+ Sesfontein NW Meilen “25 Kaokoveld, Kunene: NAMIBIA. .acetabula R. .diversifolia R. yislne ools ogrcrlatbs(the tubes corolla longer corollas, longer its by < R loocrwti a 0k fppltosof populations of km 10 ca. within occur also m ier,tedrams oewt con- with lobe dorsalmost the linear), mm, 1 . marlothii .Tip&K .Dexter G. K. & Tripp E. .acetabula R. is 3198 Giess < and seprtps eepeiul iden- previously were paratypes) (see l pcmn tde tWN attrib- WIND at studied specimens All rmAgl,wihas a white has also which Angola, from mln,cnetdadobscured, and congested long, cm 1 ,hwvrol usaepreserved are buds only however ), .kaokoana R. and u ifr yislre,purple larger, its by differs but .acetabula R. ulvn302 Sullivan WN) uee Hunkab, Kunene: (WIND); .acetabula R. sesl ifrnitdfrom differentiated easily is + .–. m .–. times 0.9–1.8 cm, 0.8–1.9 .marlothii R. yisfoe oo and color flower its by eeosre grow- observed were — + white has (WIND) YE NAMIBIA. TYPE: .–. m ellip- cm, 0.3–0.8 u ifr from differs but rp etr871 Dexter & Tripp Populations . .Tip& Tripp E. (holotype: eWne & Winter de uk 4089 Burke + 0.1– Delivered by Publishing Technology to: Duke University IP: on: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 16:40:52 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. portions 1–1.8 m(ogrpi)ad5m sotrpi) h ue fila- fused the pair), (shorter mm enclosing filaments 5 (“curtain”) of sheath and ment portions pair) free (longer or the mm pair) pair), 7 (longer (shorter long long cm cm 2.1–2.3 2.5–2.9 filaments tube, the corolla didynamous, within included Stamens apically. emarginate to n iaetcran .Fotlve fcrlaoeig .Zgmrhcclxwt oe na“++”arneet(e et.E ihcu nhr F. anther. Bithecous E. text). (see La arrangement Amanda “1+2+2” by Illustrated a plant. in of flowers) lobes (lacking with portions calyx and Vegetative Zygomorphic G. D. reduced. completely opening; lobe dorsal corolla with of stigma view bifid and Frontal C. curtain. filament and 08SSEAI OAY[oue37 [Volume BOTANY SYSTEMATIC with tips) the long, 13–16 lobe portions cm unexpanded 2.8–3.1 towards narrow infundibular, throat, (especially in blue markings yellow to white drying 1028 Fig. 5. uli kaokoana Ruellia

+ .–. m h oe a 4 ca. lobes the cm, 0.8–1.0 .adG hwcnetdntr fifoecne Gdanwtotfoes.B pndcrlasoigddnmu stamens didynamous showing corolla Opened B. flowers). without drawn inflorescences (G of nature congested show G. and A. .

3 /

4 + fuepne portion unexpanded of . m h expanded the mm, 2.5

+ . m rounded mm, 2.5 hspatwsdsoee yteatos h Kaokoveld the authors, the by discovered was plant this 6. covered 5, capsule, 1B, per Figures trichomes. 16–18 hygroscopic ca. mucilaginous discoid, by long, elliptical. mm long, mm mm 1.25 2.5–3 12–13.5 Seeds ca. ca. seen) but two lobe (only bifid anterior Capsules long. Stigmas reduced, eglandular completely tube. ascending lobe corolla short dorsal within with included long, cm trichomes, 2.5–2.9 basally. mucronate ca. long, Styles mm 3–3.5 bithecous, anthers tube; of Etymology— h pcfceihtrfr otergo nwhich in region the to refers epithet specific The badie. Style Delivered by Publishing Technology to: Duke University IP: on: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 16:40:52 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. eetevrnet ftrepyohrasnuWie(1993), White sensu phytochoria three of environments desert eino rmnosgooia n oaia diversity. botanical and geological Region), tremendous of (Kunene region Namibia a northwestern of “Kaokoland” or 1029 NAMIBIA IN RUELLIA OF SPECIES NEW TWO DEXTER: AND TRIPP 2012] lt ilie(aee iharrows; with (labeled hillside slate Habitat— Fig. 6. uli kaokoana Ruellia uli kaokoana Ruellia nntv aia.A paln rwhfr.B ogse aueo nlrsec.C lnsgoigfo rcsi ok on rocks in cracks from growing Plants C. inflorescence. of nature Congested B. form. growth Sprawling A. habitat. native in sdsrbtdi eeto semi- or desert in distributed is rp ta.2019 al. et Tripp ). etro neim lnshv enosre growing observed been have Plants Regional Endemism. Zambezian of the and Center Endemism, of the Center Karoo-Namibi Regional intersect: the phytochoria Zone, the Transition Regional where Kalahari-Highveld area the in particularly Delivered by Publishing Technology to: Duke University IP: on: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 16:40:52 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. rmtemuho h eoRvrna osmds(Pt: Mossamedes near River Bero the of Moc mouth the from l nta frd elw rwie n yisdistinctly its by and white, or yellow, pur- form. growth red, are prostrate that of corollas instead shaped differently ple smaller, its by both oto]v.2–4m 851 mfrnro unexpanded narrow of for mm [8.5–10 in portion] unexpanded mm narrow 23–24 for mm vs. [12–16 portion] mm 26–31 (ca. corollas larger and desert coastal from semi-arid mai to The arid habitats. grassland of region a Namibe), noabtntNamibia. not but Angola .marlothii two R. species. two these the such, between discriminate As to help trichomes. not do dense features by both covered of similarly seeds 12 > The bear ovaries each. that indicates syntypes the of ination of status diversifolia taxonomic R. the flowers, kaokoana larger R. and flowers that purple determines research future diversifolia If R. known. e.g. are species, variants related color closely putatively in stesimilar the as to utable related area. the closely in seen putatively were hybrids putative these near No species. concurrently between flower barriers to reproductiveisolating on research observed additional for calls been which Sesfontein, have two The Swakopmund, of vicinity 00SSEAI OAY[oue37 [Volume BOTANY SYSTEMATIC such environments, sandy riverbeds. in in as additionally as well as similar habitats in occurrence slate indicate dry, collections on Paratype particularly substrates. outcrops, rocky steep, in cracks from 1030 ietefl ag of deter- current range to full than needed the widespread mine is predict fieldwork more Additional we probably suggest. is collections Ohopoho), species to the the Sesfontein Given collections that to these 4). by Swakopmund (Fig. encompassed (e.g. collections area total geographic 11 sizeable from known rently March. to January from Fruiting collected year. been to have year specimens from vary may rainfall times flowering to that response such in flower or apparently desert habitats occupy spe- semi-desert similarly other that Acanthaceae However, Namibian August. of cies and February between flower is study but Additional species. syndrome, us. this understand by pollination better observed to needed insect were visitors an the floral of no to shape The conforms phenology. and observations corolla form, limited growth habitat, beyond its species of this of biology lination rkoj?,“msn mrve nehl hnie Ha Khanmine. unterhalb rivier im sand “im Trekkopje?], 9257 iievat eg ywaterloop,” by berge – Giribesvlakte 9556 Kh ie ato Ro of east River “Kahn 1932 Paratypes— uli kaokoana Ruellia aooi Notes— Taxonomic Ecology— na es w ra,Ssoti n h Ro the and Sesfontein areas, two least at In Status— Conservation and Range Phenology— .diversifolia R. ¸a WN) rkoj peual rkoj?,“osn iearea,” mine “Rossing Trekkopje?], [presumably Orekkopje (WIND); K ID;Oooo o lpeiegon a otvnberge. van voet aan ground klipperige “op Ohopoho, WIND); (K, B) oainunknown, location (BR); ˆ .diversifolia R. ee;a ale aefrtepeetdyct of city day present the for name earlier an medes; .kaokoana R. .diversifolia R. hudb eiwd lhuhtepooou of protologue the Although reviewed. be should ttsta h vre oti 2oue ah exam- each, ovules 12 contain ovaries the that states AII.Sao ie,“ohr odn avalle la bordant “Rochers River, Swakop NAMIBIA. and ohn skonaottefedeooyo pol- or ecology field the about known is Nothing svral nfoa oo n htpat produce plants that and color floral in variable is .diversifolia R. vial aaidct htpat of plants that indicate data Available ihayhn te hnwiefoes but flowers, white than other anything with .acetabula R. ¨ sn ie nrvrbdwt te sides,” steep with bed river In Mine. ssing sas iia oteNmba species Namibian the to similar also is r t upe(s ht)foesadits and flowers white) (vs. purple its are seprtps eepeiul identified previously were paratypes) (see l pcmn tde tWN attrib- WIND at studied specimens All .kaokoana R. .W r o wr faycollections any of aware not are We ). .kaokana R. ero 7530 Pearson etrsdistinguishing features n .diversifolia R. uli diversifolia Ruellia hc scretykonfrom known currently is which , u sesl ifrnitdfrom differentiated easily is but ije 303 Viljoen . ssmarcwith sympatric is uli kaokoana Ruellia K;Oekpe[presumably Orekkopje (K); and WN) Swakopmund, (WIND); .marlothii R. ¨ sn iei the in Mine ssing .kaokoana R. a described was .marlothii R. ¨ .kaokoana R. .kaokoana R. ufig,” ´ e,” floral , scur- is Craven Evrard Giess are . 7530 rvn .19.Aataee p 5–5 in 150–154 Pp. Acanthaceae. 1999. P. Craven, for Namibia of DEB- people (NSF and McDade government investigation. Lucinda the our Sci- and welcoming thank National Tripp we A. Erin the Finally, S. U. 0919594). to improved a grant Ranker by Foundation provided Tom ence was and support Financial Gemmill, manuscript. Chrissen anony- two reviewers, from Comments mous us. other for collections referenced with Lendemer kindly assisted James also and (NY) Museum) Herbarium) (US (British Kelloff Carol Carine research. this Mark of aspects species. new 2011. illustrated two in Philadelphia) fieldwork the Sciences, our Natural to of contributions (Academy assis- their Labadie Nanyeni, for Amanda Leevi their thanked and are Hasheela for NBRI, Hendrina of Namibia project. also this National of of the execution WIND) in of (NBRI; tance Klaassen Institute Esmerialda manuscript. Research and the Botanical Kwembeya improved Ezekeil that comments thank informa- offering We specimen for various and with requests, assistance tion generous his for Herbarium) absie . .A rp,adK .Dxe.21.Anwseisada and species new A 2012. Dexter. G. K. and Tripp, A. E. I., Darbyshire, R aaaad Welwitsch, Damaraland, 11632 Giess is,W 98 rlmnr eeainmpo aii,3 Namibia, of map vegetation preliminary A 1998. W. Giess, yteCnevtiee adnBtnqe il eGene de R provided Ville Botaniques examples Jardin et handwriting Conservatoire of the by collection verified online as handwriting, the Engler’s by contains that one only the is vr h Mseie si necletpeevto state preservation excellent material. vegetative an and fruiting, in flowering, ample is has and specimen BM more- protologues; the the preparing over, in BM his at specimens used to that states he introduction clearly he Moore’s plants, Angolan Welwitsch’s Spencer of treatment in because others over nGranitgero in 2356 Craven ht,F 93 hrlgclcasfcto fArc:hsoy methods, history, Africa: of classification Chorological 1993. F. White, of revision Taxonomic 2010. A. E. Tripp, rp,E . .F ail .C edmr n .A cae 09 New 2009. McDade. A. L. and Lendemer, C. species-rich J. Daniel, the F. within T. A., relationships E. Tripp, Evolutionary 2007. A. in E. 1–65 Tripp, Pp. 130. Family Acanthaceae, 1968. G. P. Rican Meyer, Costa of Synopsis 2007. Tripp. A. E. and A. L. in McDade, 274–354 Pp. Acanthaceae. 1895. G. Lindau, ELADIVERSIFOLIA UELLIA MARLOTHII UELLIA Note— Note— Acknowledgments. eie eodi h Namibian the in record revised African Southern Kolberg, Sabonet. Windhoek: H. 7. and No. Report Uiras, Network Diversity M. Botanical Klaassen, E. Bartsch, S. species 7 1–8. 67: Aataee:alnaeo aeadedmcseisfo Mexico. from species endemic and Botany rare Systematic of lineage a (Acanthaceae): 2 225–281. 62: applications. and oeua n opooia nihspop rnfrof transfer Ruellia prompt insights morphological and molecular genus species. new four of 199–216. descriptions 59: with (Acanthaceae), lr o Su von Flora familien edition. (K). A-ht! ettp:K00997,dsgae here). designated K-000393977!, lectotype: SAM-photo!; Usakos, Hereroland, 1434 Kunene: Namibia. TYPE: M00306,dsgae here). designated BM-000931016!, 5033 Welwitsch Bumbo, ANGOLA. d.P rvn .Maggs-Ko G. Craven, P. eds. , h pcmnwscoe vrohr eas it because others over chosen was specimen K The The hltp:B etoe;is destroyed; B, (holotype: Ruellia (Acanthaceae). WN) wkpud Fr amnos:S 8 ha 38, SW Palmenhorst: “Farm Swakopmund, (WIND); ¨ (b,es .Ege n .Pat.Lizg Engelmann. Leipzig: Prantl. K. and Engler A. eds. 4(3b), WN) aaaad erWelwitsch, near Damaraland, (WIND); Dinteria ludkennRivierla kleinen und ll ¨ dwestafrika ewtc 5033 Welwitsch (Acanthaceae). :1–1123. 4: nl,Bt ar.Ss.1:2728 1889.— 257–258. 10: Syst. Jahrb. Bot. Engl., 5 629–661. 35: ultnd adnBtnqeNtoa eBelgique de National Botanique Jardin du Bulletin .Moe .Bt 8 9.1880.—TYPES: 198. 18: Bot. J. Moore, S. eaeidbe oIi absie(Kew Darbyshire Iain to indebted are We ero 4420 Pearson snye:K,Ppoo;lectotype: P-photo!; K!, (syntypes: d .Merxmu H. ed. , Taxon ieaueCited Literature ewtc 5042 Welwitsch 8 893–906. 58: ytmtcBotany Systematic ¨ ulct tB a selected was BM at duplicate fndrRnbredsSwakops,” des Randberge der ufen ¨ K;Welwitsch, (K); ln,C anemr .Austaller, S. Mannheimer, C. lling, otypes:GRA-photo!,K!,M!, ¨ lr er:J Cramer. J. Lehre: ller. Ruellia hcls fNmba plant Namibian of Checklist A (Acanthaceae). i natu Die snye:B! K!), BM!, (syntypes: 2 628–649. 32: sect. ero 4148 Pearson apn&Pearson & Galpin ¨ lce Pflanzen- rlichen rdou einer Prodromus Chiropterophila e Bulletin Kew Blechum rd Ruellia Marloth Brittonia revised ` ve. ¨ ufig, (K); to L.