
Vol. 7(36), pp. 2707-2713, 25 September, 2013 DOI: 10.5897/JMPR2013.5194 ISSN 1996-0875 ©2013 Academic Journals Journal of Medicinal Research http://www.academicjournals.org/JMPR

Full Length Research Paper

Ethnobotany of in the Mount Cameroon region

Fongod A.G.N*, Modjenpa N.B. and Veranso M.C

Department of Botany Physiology, University of Buea, P.O Box 63, Buea. Cameroon.

Accepted 2 September, 2013

An ethnobotanical survey was carried out in the Mount Cameroon area, southwest region of Cameroon to determine the uses of different of the Acanthaceae. An inventory of identified Acanthaceaes used by different individuals and traditional medical practitioners (TMPs) was established from information gathered through the show-and-tell/semi-structured method and interviews during field expeditions. Sixteen villages were selected for this research: Munyenge, Mundongo, Ekona, Lelu, Bokoso, Bafia. Bakingili, Ekonjo, Mapanja, Batoke, Wututu, Idenau, Njongi, Likoko, Bokwango and Upper farms. The study yielded 18 plant species used for treating twenty five different diseases and 16 species with ornamental potentials out of the Acanthaceaes identified. Results revealed that 76% of species are used medicinally, while 34% are employed or used for food, rituals, forage and hunting. The of these species are the most commonly used plant parts. The species with the highest frequency of use was speciosa (Hotsch.) with 29 respondents followed by montanus (Nes.) T. Anders. The study reveals the medicinal and socio-cultural uses of the Acanthaceaes in the Mount Cameroon Region and a need for proper investigation of the medicinal potentials of these plants. The extensive use of these plants by the population warrants their conservation.

Key words: Acanthaceae, Mount Cameroon, TMPs, ethnobotany, inventory, medicinal plants


Ethnobotany is defined as ‘the study of the utilitarian Brazil and Central America. It is composed of mainly relationship between human beings and vegetation in annual and perennial herbs, and climbers, but their environment’ (Harshberger 1896). It takes into also includes some large trees. The leaves are simple, account an appraisal of plant-human relations in all opposite, estipulate and usually entire-margined, with phases and the impact of plant environment on humanity. round to quadrangular stems. The margins are The Mount Cameroon region is considered as one of the entire, serrated or dentate and they have solitary or centers of plant diversity in the world in terms of food, racemose (Ben and Welle, 1980; Lucinda timber and medicinal plants as well as many endemics et al., 2000). Cystoliths (deposits of calcium carbonate) (Davis et al., 1994, Cable and Cheek, 1998). are characteristics of some taxa, some producing or The Acathaceaes (Acanths) derived from Acanthus are appearing as streaks on leaves. are in spikes, made up of 221 genera and 4000 species (Scotland and or cymes, large and showy involucral that Vollesen, 2000). The family is known from a variety of are fairly characteristic. The is a loculicidal , very diverse tropical and subtropical , and its four often explosively dehiscent. Some of the familiar genera main centers of distribution are Indo-, , in addition to the type , Acanthus include ,

*Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]., Tel: +27183892647; Fax: +27183892837 2708 J. Med. Plants Res.

Thunbergia, Ruspolia, and . Cable and species. Proper identification and documentation of the Cheek (1998) placed the Acanthaceae as the sixth most ethnobotanical uses of these plants is very pivotal as no abundant family in the Mount Cameroon region. This ethnobotanical surveys have been conducted to assess family is currently classified under the order and their values. The research therefore sought to carry out a clade Euasterids (Haston, 2009). survey of the ethnobotanical importance of Acanthaceae Many, if not all, non-native alien plant species of the species in the Mount Cameroon region. family Acanthaceae, found in tropical islands were intentionally introduced as garden ornamentals because of their showy coloured flowers, bracts or leaves. Some MATERIALS AND METHODS have 'escaped' gardens and have naturalized in human- Présentation of the Study area disturbed areas as weeds, adventives, or ruderal species. A few species have successfully invaded secondary and The study was carried out in the Mount Cameroon Region, located relatively undisturbed native wet (Jean et al., on the coastal belt of the Gulf of Guinea (Central Africa) in the 2007). Acanths are widely used in horticulture for their south west province of Cameroon (Figure 1). It lies between numerous flowers or bracts with showy colours and/or for latitudes 3° 57' and 4° 27' N and longitudes 8° 58' and 9° 25' E (Tchouto, 1995). The region is roughly ovate and covers their variegated or bicolorous foliage (e.g. approximately 2700 km2 encompassing the main massif which is pictum, phyllostachya, lutea, about half the total area of 1500 km2 and a summit at 4095 m carruthersii var. artropurpureum, above sea level (a.s.l) (Cable and Cheek, 1998). The mountain has dyerianus, mysorensis are a strong influence on climate causing a considerable orographic among the most well-known tropical species). rainfall especially on the rain bearing windward western side of the This group of plants is important to both man and mountain where mean annual rainfall is maximum reaching 10000 mm in Debundscha and slowly decreasing in an eastern direction to animals being used as food and medicine. In Kenya, for less than 2000 mm. Temperature varies more on the west slopes example, some species provide fodder for grazing (24 to 28°C) than on the east slopes (27 to 28°C). Relative humidity, animals especially goats (Burkill, 1985). Acanthaceaes rainfall and temperature, decrease with altitude (Tchouto, 1995; could also be used as bio-indicators to understudy the Cable and Cheek, 1998). The mountain, by virtue of its volcanic spatial distribution of plant communities (Adjonohoum et origin has soils that are first class for agriculture except recent lava flows that have poor evolved mineral soil (Cable and Cheek, 1998). al., 1996; Kouao et al., 2008). On the mountain there exist critical elevations at which there are Ethnobotanical knowledge is a cumulative body of discontinuities in vegetation or flora: 800 m, 1500 m, 2300 m, 3000 traditional knowledge, the interaction between human m and 4000 m (Lovett, 1996). vegetation goes up to only societies and the plant kingdom, precisely, how indige- about 2000 m a.s.l. giving way to savanna (Cable and Cheek, nous people perceive, manage and utilize plants around 1998) (Figure 1). them (Suminguit, 2005). Ethnobotanical documentation is A total of sixteen villages were selected for this research. To the North, sites included Munyenge, Mundongo, Ekona Lelu, Bokoso one ways of securing this body of knowledge in written and Bafia; To the South, Bakingili, Ekonjo, Mapanja, Batoke and and graphic form that can serve effectively to improve the Wututu. To the West, Idenau and Njongi and to the East, Likoko, living conditions of indigenous communities without Bokwango, and Upper farms. There are many traditional medical degrading the environment (Alfredo, 2002). It can also be practitioners in these sites and the principal activities of most of the used to increase and enhance livelihood options, revi- inhabitant’s livelihood include farming and petty trading. talize agriculture, increase food security, improve health and promote a sense of cultural pride within the Methods community. More than 80% of traditional medicines used for The study was carried out from November 2010 to June 2011. A primary health care are derived from plants (Farnsworth, field questionnaire was prepared and the approach used was the 1988). The World Health Organization (WHO, 2003) semi-structured/show–and–tell method developed by Wendy Brombley in 1988 in Korup (Duncan et al., 1989). A total of 200 defines traditional medicine as practices, knowledge and informants including herbalists or TMPs, farmers and housewives belief systems which use minerals, plants and animal from different age groups, were asked to collect all fresh samples of based remedies, spiritual therapies and exercise to the plants they use and all Acanthaceaes present in the collections prevent, treat and maintain well being. A medicinal plant were selected and questions asked about uses of the plant, local is any plant, in which one or more of its organs contain name of plant/disease, preparation methods and conservation active ingredients which can be used for therapeutic strategies taken by the TMPs using semi-structured questionnaires. The data was collected and considered valid if at least two purposes or contain foundation compounds that can be respondents provided similar uses about a medicinal plant. used for synthesis of useful drugs (Sofowora, 1993). Photographs of all species were taken to show all features that The absence of reliable and affordable healthcare, has could be lost during drying, such as the colours and shapes of caused a high proportion of the population especially flowers and leaves. Voucher specimens for species encountered members of the local community to rely on medicinal were collected and descriptions recorded. The plants were pressed, plants for good health. The Acanthaceae has been dried and taken to the Limbe Botanical Garden, Hebarium (SCA), Cameroon, for identification. Plant specimen preparation method identified as one of the most important plant families in generally followed those of Foreman and Bridson (1989). Pressing the region pertaining to abundance and importance of its was done in situ. Voucher specimens were deposited at the Fongod et al. 2709

Figure 1. Map of study area.

University of Buea Teaching Hebarium.


Males Informants in the age group of 20 to 75 years were interviewed during the course of the study and the males Females (66%) were more interested and involved in the use of the plants for medicinal purposes than females (34%) 66% (Figure 2). 68% of respondents were above 50 years, 22% were between thirty and forty nine years old and 10% were between twenty and twenty nine years (Figure

3). It was observed that the younger generation is not Figure 2. Percentage male and female respondents. very interested in the use of plants for medicinal pur- poses. Acanths are highly used medicinally (76%), with the 2710 J. Med. Plants Res.

10% for treating different ailments and 16 species (Table 2) with ornamental potentials out of the species of Acanthaceae identified. The plants are enumerated alphabetically with respect to their botanical names, parts 22% used, mode of usage/ preparation, dosage and the 20-29 number of respondents. 30-49 ≥50 DISCUSSION 68% A number of ethnomedicinal, ornamental and other uses of species of Acanthaceae have been reported. A perusal . of published literature (Idu et al., 2010; Adjonohoum et Figure 3. Percentage age of Respondents. al., 1996; Focho et al., 2009; Jiofack et al., 2009; Duncan et al., 1989) indicates the use of some of these plants but in most cases, the mode of administration and application is different as far as plant part used and methods are 13% concerned. Some of the ethno medicinal uses in Table 1 4% are reported for the first time. The leaves in addition to 5% Food different parts of the plant species were the most Forage commonly used. Mabberly (2008), reported the use of 2% leaves of Acanthaceaes in laundry as they contain oil, it Spiritual uses is said that there is no need to use pomade hence the Other uses ‘Acan’ name which means ‘it washes’. Methods of preparation ranged from decoctions, infu- Medicine sions, macerations, boiling with single plants and others compound plant preparations to which the TMPs alluded 76% that, there was increased efficacy. These preparations Figure 4. Results of Ethnobotanical survey were used for external and internal applications. In some cases a single plant was employed in the treatment of several diseases as was the case with Elytaria marginata (Vahl.) and Eremomastax speciosa (Hochst) Corfod. The species with the highest frequency of use was 30 Eremomastax speciosa Hotsch where the morphological features of the plant (two-coloured leaves) fascinate so 25 many people which probably motivated them to uncover 20 more of its uses, followed by (Nees) T. Anders. Julius and Sheila, (2006) investigated the Frequency of 15 effect of Eremomastax speciosa on diarrhea. Identi- use fication and extraction of medicinally active ingredients 10 have been reported from some members of the family by some scientists. Patra et al, (2009) investigated the 5 inflammatory activity of Hygrophilla spinosa T Anders 0 leaves in rats where they reported that leaves of H. Stems Whole Roots Leaves spinosa actually have antiinflamatory and antipyrietic plant activities on rats. Dabasish et al (2009) also studied the Part(s) used hepatroprotective effect of Hygrophilla diformis roots against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Figure 5. Frequency of parts used.

Conclusion with the least being spiritual use (5%), as demonstrated The study has revealed the medicinal and socio-cultural in Figure 4. The high rate of medicinal uses reflects the uses of the Acanthaceaes in the Mount Cameroon dependence of the rural community on plants for their Region. The extensive use of these plants including their health concerns. The most used plant parts were the potentials in treating ailments by the population warrants leaves and the least were stems and fruits (Figure 5). their conservation. Biochemists and pharmacologists The research yielded 18 plant species (Table 1) used could exploit the medicinal potentials of this group of Fongod et al. 2711

Table 1. List of species and their medicinal uses.

No of Species Parts used Use(s ) Mode of usage/mode of preparation Dose Duration respondents (1) Concoction with leaves and of (1) Until cough Acanthus montanus (1) Frequently; Leaves Cough, pneumonia, fever Aframomum melegueta in water is taken orally; disappears. 28 (Nees.) T.Anders (2) Half a glass (2) Leaves are squeezed and water added. (2) 3 days

(1) Prepared like vegetables; (1) Leaves; Asyatasia gangentica (1) Eaten by cattle; (2) (2) Infusion of whole plant; (1) Frequently; (2) Whole Till wound is healed 10 (L.)T.Anderson Pregnant women; (3) Wounds (2 and 3) Small quantity plant (3) Plant is macerated and applied as paste on the spot that hurts

Asystasia spp Leaves Headache A handful of leaves are pounded and inhaled 5 to 10 leaves 3 to 7 days 5

Brillantaisia nitens Leaves Asthma (1) Leaves squeezed, mixed with water and drank 1 glass per day 3 months 4 P.Beauv.

(1) Plant is squeezed in dog's nostrils and cause dog to become brave, bold and smells presence of (1) Before going for (1) Hunting; (2) Charms; (3) (1) Not applicable; Elytaria marginata Vahl. (1) Leaves animals even after days so it can trace it; hunting; 6 Nervous problems; (4) Fever (3) 1 month (3) Root is macerated and applied as paste on the (3) Small quantity navel.

Eremomastax speciosa (1) Infusion of whole plant in a water medium; (1) Convulsion; (Hochst) Corfod (2 and 3) leaves are macerated and boiled for about (2) blood shortage; (1) ½ glass, three times 5 to 30 min in water. Milk may be added to it for a day; (1) Two weeks; (2 to (3) headache; strength; 5) 4 to 7 days; (4) fever; (5) malaria; (2 to 5) 1 glass, (1) Whole (4 and 5) leaves are macerated with paw paw morning and evening; (6) till rashes plant; (2) (6) herpes, zoster; leaves boiled in water and used as enema; disappear; 34 Leaves (6) 4 L, every other day; (7) dysentery and diarrhea; (6) leaves are squeezed mixed with palm oil and (7) 1 glass, 3 time/day; (7) 3 to 5 days; (8 (8) anemia; applied on rashes; and 9) 3 weeks to 1 (8 and 9) 1 glass, twice month (9) yellow fever; (7) Leaves squeezed, mixed with water and drank; a day (10) labour pains (8 and 9) Leaves are pounded with Aloe vera (infusion used as enema)

Hypoestes rosea P. Whole plant Typhoid Infusion of plant (whole plant, leaves and stems) 1 glass, 4 times a day - 3 Beauv

Hypoestes Whole plant Skin infections Macerate whole plant and apply topically Twice a day - 3 Forskalei Sol ex R.Br,

1 glass, 3 to 5 times per Justicia secunda Vahl. Leaves Shortage of blood Leaves are boiled 5 to 10 days 3 day 2712 J. Med. Plants Res.

Table 1. Contd.

(1) Leaves; solmii Decoction of leaves; Infusion of plant (whole plant, Diarrhoea 1 glass, twice per day 2 to 4 days 2 Schweinf. (2) Whole leaves, leaves and stems) plant

Spp F Leaves Food Eaten by grazers - Not applicable 15

2 glasses, four times Shortage of blood Leaves are boiled and the extract drank 3 to 7 days - per day

(1) Leaf sap is dropped in the eyes; (1) Leaves; (1) Once per day; smitti Oersted (1) Stars in the eyes; (2) Infusion of plant leaves are macerated and (2) Whole (2) ½ glass, three times One week 6 (2) Cough boiled for about 5-30 min and drank or; plant. per day (3) Plant is macerated and the liquid is boiled

Phaulopsis ciliata (Wild) (1) Whole Plant is macerated, held in palms & hit on nut to To crack nuts Not applicable Not applicable 15 hepper plant crack it

Phaulopsis angolona S Leaves and Stomach disorder Eaten as vegetables Frequently Not applicable Not applicable 5 Moore stems

(1) Till wound is Phaulopsis (1) Wounds, skin parasite; (1) Plant macerated and applied to wound and skin; Whole plant Not applicable healed; 5 falcisepala C.B Clack (2) laxative; (3) Aphrodisiac (2 and 3) Infusion of whole plant (2) Not applicable

Rungia grandis Nees. Leaves Malaria Leaves are ground and an infusion made Half a glass, twice daily 1 week 3

Thunbergia Leaves Respiratory infection, cough Leaf decoction Not applicable Not applicable 3 battescombei Retz.

plants which may lead to the discovery of new very important to increase awareness among the bioactive molecules with therapeutic potentials for rural communities for the conservation and one way or the other in making this work a the development of drugs. Due to urbanization sustainable use of plant wealth. success, most especially the TMPs and members and unscientific exploitation of natural forests and of the rural communities for divulging the ecosystems, the valuable information and plant ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS medicinal properties of plants used by them. We species are depleting fast consequently, sincerely thank the University of Buea. Immense documentation of such precious knowledge is The authors are grateful to all who contributed in gratitude goes to the management of the Limbe Fongod et al. 2713

Table 2. Acanthaceaes used as ornamentals

Species Plant use infundibuliformis Nees Garden/bedding plant albivenis (Veitch) Brummitt Potted plant/ground cover/hanging basket Graptophullum pictum (L.)Griff. Hedge/garden plant, presents good colourful foliage Baker. Bedding plant/good colourful foliage Jacobinia carnea Nees ex. Moricand. Garden plant Wassh. & L.B.Sm. (shrimp plant/lobster plant) Potted/bedding plant Justicia secunda Vahl (Ink plant) Garden/potted plant strictum Nees. Bedding plant/window plant Pachystachys coccinea Rzed. Garden/bedding/hedge Nees. Garden plant Pseuderanthemum alatum, (Afzel.) Milne redh Chocolate plant Window/garden plant Ruellia cordata L. Garden Plant nobilis Rutz &Pavon Garden/bedding plant Bojer. (Black eyed Susan) Hedge and Lawn plant Retz. Hedge or lawn plant Thunbergia vogeliana Retz. Climber used for arches

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