1St Annual Forum of the Eu Strategy for the Danube Region How Can The
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1ST ANNUAL FORUM OF THE EU STRATEGY FOR THE DANUBE REGION HOW CAN THE DANUBE REGION HELP TO BUILD a MORE COMPETITIVE EUROPE? THURN & TaXIS, REGENSBURG, GERMANY 27-28 NOVEMBER Regional and Urban Policy 1ST ANNUAL FORUM OF THE EU STRATEGY FOR THE DANUBE REGION / 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD BY JOHANNES HAHN VORWORT VON JOHANNES HAHN 3 FOREWORD BY EMILIA MÜLLER VORWORT VON EMILIA MÜLLEr 5 PROGRAMME 6 PARALLEL THEMATIC WORKSHOPS 8 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 14 SPEAKERS 14 EU COUNTRIES 17 CANDIDATE COUNTRIES AND POTENTIAL CANDIDATES 27 OTHER COUNTRIES 28 EU INSTITUTIONS AND BODIES 28 VENUE MAp 30 1ST ANNUAL FORUM OF THE EU STRATEGY FOR THE DANUBE REGION / 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD BY VORWORT VON JOHANNES HAHN Europe is at a crossroads. The crisis has sharpened our Europa steht am Scheideweg. Die Krise hat unser minds. We must think more deeply on how best we use Bewusstsein geschärft. Wir müssen gründlicher darüber public finances to re-establish and to promote sustainable nachdenken, wie wir öffentliche Mittel am besten für growth and jobs. The macro-regional approach is a boost, die Wiederbelebung und Förderung von nachhaltigem by maximising the impact of existing funds and ensuring, Wachstum und Beschäftigung einsetzen können. above all, ‘joined-up’ thinking between Der makroregionale Ansatz schafft Auftrieb, da er different sectors. die Wirkung der verfügbaren Finanzmittel maximiert und vor allem ein „vernetztes“ Denken zwischen den We need to find solutions to common problems. The EU unterschiedlichen Bereichen gewährleistet. Strategy for the Danube Region has promoted projects and networks in the fields of business, innovation, security Wir müssen Lösungen für gemeinsame Probleme finden. and much more. Die EU-Strategie für den Donauraum fördert Projekte und Netzwerke in den Bereichen Unternehmen, Innovation The Annual Forum is the opportunity to take stock of und Sicherheit, um nur einige zu nennen. the work done and think ahead. We need to see together how the Strategy can help build a more competitive Das Jahresforum bietet Gelegenheit, über die geleistete Europe. We need to establish the Strategy’s links with Arbeit Bilanz zu ziehen und vorauszudenken. Wir müssen the future period 2014-2020, to make sure our new gemeinsam prüfen, wie die Strategie dazu beitragen EU budget and programmes can make it succeed. kann, Europa wettbewerbsfähiger zu machen. Wir müssen die Verbindungen der Strategie mit dem zukünftigen Building the future of the Danube Region is our Finanzierungszeitraum 2014-2020 aufbauen, um common challenge. sicherzustellen, dass der neue EU-Haushalt und die neuen Programme der Strategie zum Erfolg verhelfen können. Be part of it. Make use of this opportunity to be actively involved in how the Danube future is shaped! Die Zukunft des Donauraums zu gestalten, ist eine Herausforderung für uns alle. JOHANNES HAHN Seien auch Sie ein Teil davon. Ergreifen Sie diese Member of the European Commission Gelegenheit, sich aktiv an der Gestaltung der Zukunft in charge of Regional Policy der Donau zu beteiligen! JOHANNES HAHN Mitglied der Europäischen Kommission, zuständig für Regionalpolitik 1ST ANNUAL FORUM OF THE EU STRATEGY FOR THE DANUBE REGION / 5 FOREWORD BY VORWORT VON EMILIA MÜLLER The Danube connects Bavaria with a number of European Die Donau verbindet Bayern mit einer Reihe weiterer countries to an area that has been shaped by centuries europäischer Länder zu einem Raum, den eine jahrhun- of shared history and culture. The Danube region has dertelange gemeinsame Geschichte und Kultur prägen. the potential to act as an important stimulus in a united Dieser Raum hat das Potenzial wichtige Impulse im Europe, in areas such as economy, science and culture, vereinten Europa zu setzen; etwa in den Bereichen environment, education and security. As Bavarian Minister Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Kultur, Umwelt, Bildung for European Affairs, I have welcomed the development und Sicherheit. Als Bayerische Europaministerin habe of a European Strategy for the Danube region from ich die Entwicklung einer Europäischen Strategie für the beginning. den Donauraum von Anfang an begrüßt. For the convergence of this region, it is important that Für das Zusammenwachsen eines solches Raums ist representatives from the whole Danube region covering es wichtig, dass sich Vertreter aus den verschiedensten different fields and backgrounds come together to Bereichen und Regionen zusammenfinden und gemeinsam develop a common vision and practical ways for Visionen sowie praktische Wege zu deren Verwirklichung achieving its realization. entwickeln. It is therefore my pleasure to welcome you all here at Es ist uns daher ein Vergnügen Sie alle hier beim ersten the First Annual Forum of the EU Danube Strategy in Jahresforum der EU-Donauraumstrategie in Regensburg Regensburg, a city beautifully situated on the Danube. begrüßen zu dürfen. Gemeinsam mit dem Oberbürger- Together with the Mayor of Regensburg, whom I would meister der wunderschönen an der Donau gelegenen like to thank very much for his hospitality, I wish you all Stadt Regensburg, dem ich für die Gastfreundschaft ganz an interesting and constructive conference. herzlich danke, wünsche ich uns allen eine interessante und konstruktive Veranstaltung. EMILIA MÜLLER State Minister for European Affairs, EMILIA MÜLLER Government of Bavaria Staatsministerin für Europaangelegenheiten, Bayerische Staatsregierung 6 1ST ANNUAL FORUM OF THE EU STRATEGY FOR THE DANUBE REGION / 7 PROGRAMME TUESDAY 27 NOVEMBER 2012 WEDNESDAY 28 NOVEMBER 2012 11:00 Opening of the registration desk 09:00-11:45 PARALLEL THEMATIC WORKSHOPS ➔ Main venue*, Romanische Küche 1. Improved and Greener Mobility – Which Ways Forward? ➔ Salzstadel venue, 2nd floor, Krancher-Saal room 12:30-14:00 Lunch and networking activities 2. Energy for a Modern Danube Region ➔ Main venue, Südlicher-Stalltrakt ➔ Regional Administration venue, ground floor, Refektorium room 14:00-14:30 Opening of the conference 3. A Sustainable River Basin – Environmental and Touristic Assets ➔ Main venue, Reithalle room ➔ Salzstadel venue, 1st floor, Bruck-Saal room • Mr Hans Schaidinger, Mayor of Regensburg 4. Innovative Action for Successful Danube Enterprises • Ms Emilia Müller, State Minister for European Affairs, Government of Bavaria ➔ Main venue, Ground floor, Refektorium room • Mr Johannes Hahn, Member of the European Commission in charge of Regional Policy 5. Promoting Empowerment, Smart Skills and Inclusive Growth ➔ Regional Administration venue, 1st Floor, Mittlerer Sitzungsaal room 14:30-16.00 PLENARY SESSION 1 6. Modern Danube Governance – How to Make the Region Work? ‘Building the future of the Danube Region: The Global Perspective’ ➔ Main venue, Reithalle room ➔ Main venue, Reithalle room • Mr Titus Corlăţean, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Government of Romania 11:45-12:00 Return to Main Venue • Mr János Martonyi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Government of Hungary 12:00-13:30 Lunch and networking activities • Mr Michael Häupl, Mayor and Governor of Vienna ➔ Main venue, Südlicher-Stalltrakt • Ms Mercedes Bresso, First Vice-President, Committee of the Regions • Mr Stefano Sannino, Director-General for Enlargement, European Commission (tbc) 13:30-14.00 Reflection on the State of the Danube Region • Ms Riikka Manner, Member of the REGI Committee, European Parliament (tbc) ➔ Main venue, Reithalle room • Mr Wilhelm Molterer, Vice-President, European Investment Bank Mr Rumen Dobrinsky, Senior Research Associate – Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies 16:00-16:30 Coffee-break 14:00-14:30 Key note address ➔ Main venue, Reithalle room 16:30-18:00 PLENARY SESSION 2 Welcome and introduction by: ‘The Danube Strategy in Action: From Ideas to Results’ • Mr Horst Seehofer, Minister-President, Government of Bavaria ➔ Main venue, Reithalle room • Mr Johannes Hahn, Member of the European Commission in charge of Regional Policy • Ms Liliyana Pavlova, Minister for Regional Development and Public Works, Government of Bulgaria Key note speech by: • Mr Gordan Maras, Minister for Entrepreneurship and Crafts, Government of Croatia • Ms Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (tbc) • Mr Peter Friedrich, Minister of European Affairs, Government of Baden-Württemberg • Mr Joachim Hermann, Minister of Interior, Government of Bavaria 14:30-15:15 Panel discussion and debate with the audience • Mr Vladimir Šucha, Deputy Director-General, Joint Research Centre, European Commission ➔ Main venue, Reithalle room • Ms Silvia Adriana Ţicău, Member of the European Parliament 15:15-15:30 Break 19:30-22:00 Boat trip along the Danube with official dinner 15:30-16:00 Wrap-up and Closing remarks ➔ Embankment near the Eisernen Bridge, Werftstraße ➔ Main venue, Reithalle room • Mr Johannes Hahn, Member of the European Commission in charge of Regional Policy • Ms Emilia Müller, State Minister for European Affairs, Government of Bavaria * Main Venue: Princely Palace Thurn und Taxis – Emmeramsplatz 5 – 93047 Regensburg 8 1ST ANNUAL FORUM OF THE EU STRATEGY FOR THE DANUBE REGION / 9 PARALLEL THEMATIC WORKSHOPS WORKSHOP 1 WORKSHOP 2 IMPROVED AND GREENER MOBILITY – WHICH WAYS FORWARD? ENERGY FOR A MODERN DANUBE REGION ➔ Salzstadel venue, 2nd floor, Krancher-Saal room ➔ Regional Administration venue, ground floor, Refektorium room Moderator Moderator Ms Karla Peijs, TEN-T coordinator for inland waterways, European Commission Ms Anita Orban, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, EUSDR PAC 2 – Energy, Hungary Discussant Discussant Ms Ivana Lazic, INTERACT Point Vienna