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HAMMERFAST A Owarve n Outpost Adventure Site Mike Mearl s


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OUNGlO NS & ORACONS . 0&0. d}O. d20 Sys~c"'. W'1AHOS 0' rHt CI)A~l. PlAYER'S HANDBOUIC. OUNG.(/)N 300·255 19000001 EN MASTE R'S CUlDE, MON~nH MA~UAl . all olher Wlldrd ~ ohhe Co..SI product names. and ~heir rcsp'ective 9876 5 4 )21 logos are trademark. ofWizalll$ of th ~ (oasl Iolehe. U.s,A. and othe, COUIl1r1es. All Wilarcts ch;" aners .uHlthe di\llnctlv" likcne~se~ thercof arc properly uf Wi1a,ds of Ihe Co.:ul Ue. This FirSI PrinU"g: March 2010 material is prole""d under Ihe cupyrlg hll"w ~ ullhe Unic,.,ct SldU~S uf America, Any reproduction Or ISBN 978-0-7 869 -5534-3 unauthorized use of the ",aterl.,j or artwork comained herein I, prohibhcd widlUUl Ihe e..press wrhecn Visit our website ;,t WWw.wll~rds.(om /d nd permission of Wlt

The f'imll rule ~pllr" 11l11 ch "p,·clrialion. The exact ~~~)fM8ERF~~T:S LEG:S:CY;;frt~· nature of the divine intervention was never set forth. lUll most residcnh belicve thalthc gods would send a Tht: LOlllpact forged between the folk ofJ-lalll l1l cr· catacJy<;m to {ko st roy the 1011'11 if t his rule is broken. fa st. Moradin. Hild Gru Ll Ill"h created the foundation upon which lhl" (Own rests. It shapes cveryday life and HOllSES OF THE D EAD ill nuclJ(:cs I he town's developmeTlt. Of cou rsc, as wit h All hough some of the lombs in Ha III mcrfast lI'ere anything il1volvillg dwarn's ami on::s. i( also creates ,1 reduced to rubble by the allacking orcs. most were SO lln:e of CO llS1iI lit tension. simply picked dean of their contcnts. Thc orcs smashed open coffins. pounded s

o I orlhe mountain ill this hex. The l1Ionks oflhe Enlight Road and tile Irol1 Road. The sillali. \\'alled fort set on ened Flame once dwelled here. bll111wy WCfe Shlill by a peak overlooking the crns~road~ features illlilrro\\, 1l1araudillg gnolls more thun finy YC(lrs ago. The gnolls path th.1I winds il s way from the roads 10 the f(lTI\ ca me ill sl'ilrch oL. g reat firc.' up.. r. (I gem said 10 contain gate. A sllla ll !lumber of d"'.. rf "'il rriors led by Gru 11\' the bound spirit ora powerful ern.'eli lord. The gnolb. ba ld Oleson dwell here. The d\\,:l f\'CS ~el y on bailisIrl5 nevcr did find the gem. hut r umor~ persist of secret and cal<1pu lls to t'fllsh i lit ruders on the ro.'ld . If sorely passages (lnd tUllneis wit hin the dungeons bene.lIh the pressed . the), dispatch a clay ~cout wilh 11 mcssage 10 ru ins of ,Il(' 1110IJa ~tl'ry. A gang of band il s led hy St'rlek the maill garrison in Hal1ll1lerfasl. Untlcrlow (page 27) currellt ly occupy I 11 (' dungeon's Crumbald i~ legendary for his strict adhcrem:c to entry chamOcrs. orders. Ilc refuses to allow tr fullclito trolls or weTC.'\\·olves. someti mcs pose as innoccnt tra,'cJe rs before a!lacking. Weeping Skull Tribe: Th" OI'C" orthc Wceping GLIMMER PEAK (N-36J Skull tribe are cle"c:r. vicious marillidcrs. Their symbol This slllall set tl ement is the cenler for mining ill the is a skull weeping tears ol'blood .•md it comes from t1 area sout h of Ilalllll1l·rlilst. GIll llmer Peak sits a 101ig I lie strOlIIctimes report "agu{' images ()r a grand. reJi!,,>ion collapsed. ruined fo r t rel>~ deep within the "'ateI'. The storics 'lre Spider Goblins: These goblin dans occupy small . true, ,md the ruins hkk kuo·toas. undead cladrin. and hidden Olltposts across the J)awnforge Mountains. filbulous treaSlll'es. Their leaders ;Ire masters of pri111:1 I magic. and the clans Ira in spide rs as pack animals and Wilr ilellsb. The STRAVALLA'S TOWER (N-8J spider goblillS are 11I0S1 notcwort h)' for the helms they Just SOIIl h of MOllnt Starris. a va lley ClilS il scarlike lashiOIl rrollIlhe eyes and skin or sla in spiders. line through the lJ'l\\nforge I\lUlIllt:l iIlS. l)cspilC the Golial hs: Several bands of goli"t hs range Ih rough· ~11 Illmer 11<';11 or t he bit ter winter cold . •1 forest fo re\'er OUI the Dawnforgc Mounlllin ~. Mo!>t oft he Iimc.lhese thick and Ilish nils this valley. Tral't:.lers ~rncll SU Ill ' goliath5 wander abo\'(' the tree lille 10 keep dellr of 11lcrdoWll Valley long before they see it. as (he blooming 1II0nsters and tr""clcrs. Once it ye:tr.l hough. they !lowcrs C;lst a P(,l'flll111: 011 the wind. cngage in a gre'll race across tile mountains. A lion· Despitc it s appearilllce, the v"lIey is a place of gravc goliath tllat completes the race becomes an honorary danger. A IXJ\\'Nful hag. Queen Str,lvalla of\Vinter's melnbcr orthe clan. Mourn ing. dwells wi! hin this plOlce. I n her l'r}'Sta l Minions of Queen Stra\',,)),,: The trolls .md were· tower. ~hc "ul'\'cy' the vcnl('i1rch offreslt vic tims and trca~ un: for their queen. and ca ll, and withill the ev(,[·vcrdant forest shamble Other Monsters: III additloll to the groups lI\e l1· t h(.· ilil i IlJated corpses of thosc who da rcd ellier Ill'r tioned alloye. Olher monsters COlllillon to the [('giol1 realm. Clad in rusted "1'11101' ami covered with Sickl), include ankhegs. blood h:'lwks. dire boars, c.:lve bctlrs, swcet o r ch id ~ t hat grow from their dccuying n csh. t hesc hippogrirfs. harpieS. m folk who li.lll somewhere in between. :> "I HIGH MASTER Z MARSINDA GOLDSPINNER ...Vl The H igh l'vlaster of l-! alllmerfast and the leader of the 0: Trade Guild is a tough. clderlydwarfwho refuses to ::J. ~ urfer rools. She spe;:lks in a rapid-fire. direct manner". ~ and she believes in action over words. In Marsinda's eyes. a good plan executed today is rar better th,m a pt:r­ f­ Z ICcl pi

LORD COMMANDER MASTER ARTISAN Tr:NKAR STONESHIELD FRELDA BLACKSHIELD The leader of J-l amml'rfast's tOWI\ guard has e:lrned The head ()fUle Craft Guild was it cOlllpro mi se candi­ rl'spcc.:1. but! he extl'mkd period or peace has proven date, ilnd it shows in her actions. FreJda halc~ politics toxic to his competence. Tenka!" led sC\'eral success- and accepted the position on I)' when it became a{Jpar· ful f'xpeditions aga inst goblins eilfly in his career and enl that the factions within the guild could agree on earned his position based on his skill as a battlefield no Olle clsc. Her tendency 10 spend more time in her c.:Olllilla ndcf. Dud IIg t i Illes of peace, howc\'er. he grows workshop forging weapOnS and arlllor than jn her office bored with his dulks. Disc.:ipline is lax among the negotiating with the Trade Guild has not helped the guanJs. and criminals and agents of the Circle of Stone standing of the Crafl Guild in 1[an1merfa sfs politics. havt: infiltrated its ranks. Tc nkar has the potential to whip the town guard back into shape. but until he sees a clear threat. he is ISSUES FAClNG 1-!AMMERFAST unlikely to liike any action. By then. it lllil)' be too late. Hammerfast, due to its location and history, is plagued by two chronic issues. LOREMASTER GELD SHKINGSTONE Food and other supplies can sometimes run short. Any The hcad oft Ill' Lore Guild long ago gave up on threat to the town's food supply and stores presents a seri­ research and sludy in favor of politics. Geld is l'I'la rsin" ous blow to the town's stability. Since Hammerfast was da's greatest rh'a1. and he (-o nstantly seeks ways to bu il t as a necropolis, it lacks arable land to grow its own undermine the High Master's authority. Geld. an food. Particularly in winter, foo d panics can rock the town op{Jortunist. takes a gre 30 feel tall. with three ~tories ,md a cellar. Tile rowdiest and Illos1 chaotic orthc wards. the:: Gate a ml each h,ls a squad of six gU

L WEST GATE 4. EMPTY TOWJ:RS Two massive towers flanh'd by steel doors reinforced Ila IllITH'rfasl was once llluch IIlOrt: heavi I)' defended. by a portcull is control the ebh and now of traffi" as the long·ago dwarr ha lis or distant lands supplied through the \Vest Gate. A squad of fotlr gun rds watches warriors, \\'eapon~. m.lleri,,1. ,I lid mone), 10 dclcml the t his gate al a II times. Visi(Ors !O I'[a 1lllllerl:lst ,Ire burial grounds. Today. Ihe lown lacks !he resollfCcs directed (0 Ihe Revenuc Hall. where thc)' Illust regisler 10 slilll" e:teh lower. The emply \()lI'cr~ a Iso each h1lve t heir goods and pay a ny appropriate recs for conduct i IIg eilher ,t C

qu iel. Merchants from arro .~.~ I he Neill i r Va Ie. d Wil rvcs warehouses for SlOr.lge, A squad or al lcast flvc gU:lrt!-; from H al11tllcrfasl . and vis itors to lhe lown crowd this watches this place day and night. Loca l Ir.l{k'rs or Irad lucal ion. seekins CXU! ic goods and Ul1l11alc hcd bargains. crs staying ror:1Il eXlended period orlime h'cp their Jfi(s produced anywhere inlhc region. i(s for sale here' goods in the Trade \Vard 10 the north, in the markcl. Ferclrin Fellhallll1ler Cf) ll lll1ar l d~ t he gllard~ \\ ho Old GaIT, an deledy dwarr. IOlic rs through the watch m'er the warehouses. lie b a hcavy d ri n!.:er, li nd rntlrkct on a wooden crutch. Ilis len leg is withered ami the thieves ill town know that a few cups or wine or a useless.tlie rc~tl l t. he claims, oran Cllcounter with a rull ,deskin is enough to blur Ferdrin's watchful eye.,. I11U m my. In Irullt. he hun hi1ll~('Jr lr yi llg toroba burn­ ing warehouse in Falltrcst. c .. rr o;cc ks oul neophyte 7. STABL[S adventurers i II I he hope uf plying I hem wit h his collec- 'rhis long, low building holds the horses and he(l~( !>o r t iOIl of lrcasu rc lIlilpS. A few lead 10 small caches in I he burdenlhat belong to nlt'rdmnts v i ~ i ting HammerfilSI. mou ntains. Ollllh(' big score he has in lHind is the I1rc One orlhe s tall~ houses a white marc len here illlllO~t a opal hidden beneath tht' ruins orthe Ivlunastery orlhe decade ago by an e1ad rin p:dad in. The cladrinlws IOllg Enlighte ned Flame (Sl'l: "Uungcoll orthc Fire Opal: ' since disapp<'n red, bUI he len hehind enough cash (0 pnge G). Galfhooks his lllilrks with a Ie\\' useful maps keep his mount in rood ,lIld WilleI' for another (1l'l'nty and then asks thelll to accompany him to the mono years. The horse is in ract a polyllloJ'phed el"drin prill' a!>tcry's ruins. Using advcmllfcrs as muscle. he reliC'" cess named Elda re:l. Her tendcnC) to kie !.: al illI)'Ol1e on them to slay 1110nsters a nd ov('rCOllle traps bcf(lrc who drawsdoSt' to her is a sign orhcr rrustrat iun at stealing the opal from oc'ncath their noses, He keeps II her predica m('11 t. Iler chailipion, I he c1adrill pa latl ill wc1J.craftcd. l ~lke fire opal (UC 26 Perception check to BaldyI'. died seeking a cllT e lor her cond it ion from detcct) hidden in il pOlich for jll st such an occasion, Queen $tf/lv,llia (see "SI rava ll a'<; Towe r, " page 6), Advcn' turers wh() rccoI'er Ihe cure ,mel <;;lV(' the princess ran 6. WAREIIOUSE look rorward to a ha ndsome rcwllrd rrom her 1:l1l1er, a Tll is warehOllSC holds the goods orlncrchants who powerru l lord i1 11h(' Feywild . prOV ided thalthe}'ean ~tay in town for a shortlimC', J\1crchallls park their escorlthe petulan!. dcmanding. and ~poilcd young COl rts or stac !': t Itci r (· r;l t e~. ba rrels, ilnd silcks in these woman bilc!.: to his Feywil d estate. 8. BARR ACKS Neillda keeps a :.mil ll libra ry in Ihe bascment. She Town guards not assigned to a specific tower are gar­ gl;ICl ly allows guest.s 10 browse it. Among her books is I rboncd here. The barrack .. is a two-slory buildillg. The Ihe journal ora d ragolloorn paliluin who once livcd in OrSI noor fealUres a lIle .. s hall. ch;lInhcrs for officers. G .. rdmore Abbey (OuII8(,01l ,'Iaslcrs Guide. pagc 106). and a kitchen. The second noor consists of a large dor­ llidden in lhe journal"" cover (DC 18 Perceplion check) mitory. The cellar is nllcd with weapons. armor. and is a map that shows the dungeons beneath lh(' now 01 her suppl ies. ruined abbey. a long wilh hints about thc d.mgerous "Sleepy" Fe ll nik is it gnome qua n errnaSlef for I he (trtiEtet said to be hi(ldclll herc. garri"oll. I Ie d ist ribulCS food il llel cqllipmcllt as l1eeded 10 the gUi! rds. He's ;:tlso lazy_ a~ h is WitHe suggests, 11. BOLTAC'S GOODS (SHOPI and an inveterate gamblct. lie's all excellent source of Thc d warf Bohac Glodreddi. brOther orlh€' tax col· t il mots about the IOwn guard. 5i nce e\'c ry equipment lector Tal hik Glod rcddi. sel ls advcnturi ng gear ')lrch rC(]UC'i"t passes his eyes. Irthe ;:I(k cntutcr<; need to know :r prod igy. a young.'>IN who ers balk at such 11 charge, Ire drops il but makes ~Urt: to n1 of'dwarvCIl kill' al a you ng age. let his brother know orlhe lI'eallh tllt.:y·vc accunrulaled. l le {'llforccs thc la w upOn grieving widows. crippled gll.lrd I'Cter;lIlS. oml prosperolls nll'rchanls a like. In t hi s 12. RONDAL'S INN cap:rcity. 11(' has ,narraged 10 ililger Ilea rly every ract ion Thi'i austcre building house" a chc iSIS of' .. pOi lit orkceping hi!. no,e out or his gut'')t,,' hU!> iness. a dO.f.en cdls.each JO fee t by 10 rCI·I.lociltcd in the caters to merchants. t ravcler".• 1 n d 0 1h ers who SlOp in h""(,lIIellt. A .'>lO li t stcI__ 1door ~ca l .. oO"t he prison wing Ilanmlcriast ror a shorllime. lie offers 18 slllall rooms. (I)C 23 Thiel'cry check to \J nlock). and the celL.. have cnch with twO hunk bcds. ro r ;1 ralC of5 sp per nigh!. excdlent locks ( DC 2 1 Thievery I:heck). The locks Tarras. an cladrin bard. per/orms nightly at ROlldal"s arc deSigned to break nomnagiGl1 thieves' tools Oil an 11111 ••-I S wcll as in the Gate Nlarket and al the FOlllltla· unsuccessful Thi('very check. 11 nd glyphs or waru illg lion SlOnc (page 2 1). Tunas al .. o works wilh lite bandit trigger ilfl alarm bell ifanyoflhe doors alT opened lortl C:lrlhain. Ill' kee ps 11 pet raven tlt'lt ht" uses to selld without tire correct key. IIICi>sages 10 C.lrthain, noti(ying him when C;lrUV1lnS I c;tI'C.~ town and which orlhern arc loaded wit h cxpen· 10. TH[ A RCANE STAR IlNNI sil'e goods. Tlri~ woodell. ont'"·story hui Idillg is painted a brighl blue. Tire glowing symhol ofa .'> Iar hangs abO\·c the 13. THE FOUNDATION STON!: (TAVERNI dO(lr. The Arcane Sta r has eight la r~e rooms. six The center of social Ii Ie in lire Gate ' oVard. lhe Founda· up~i

  • p Ill;tde as part orthe rituals). Merchants who expect to spent! tillle ill 10\\,11. or rolk .. They ollcl· traded in magic item.'>. res iduum. and similar who WiIllt .1 cheap room to call hOllle. carr p.1.)' 1 gp per good.'>. bUI decided 10 "ell Ie down. They relll room" al week ro r a cra mped slecping chamher. There are rort)' Ila Ir prite 10 any arcane caster. provided I hal Iheir gut'st "uch rooms available il1t irh IWO Slnry bll ild ing. wilh i<; 1\ illi ng 10 sit and talk area rIC tlleor}, OI'Cr a bOIl Ie or each room basically:r cdl wich a ~Illa ll bed. wi ne in the i nn's sill ing room evcry ollce ina wh ill'. Urgal Ihe half·ore manages Ihis place for the Tharn Swiftrivcr. a scow a nd explorer. resides here dwa r\'cs of Ha rnmcrfils\. He I ivcs in" sr nall ap.rrt mCl1t wheat he is ill town. Nothing h;LPPCIIS within fivc mil(,s in the tenement's ha~crncnt and relics orr a spiked club witholtt Tham's knowledge. A skilled tracker, he e' LL I 10 keep the pCllec when dnrnkerl or rowdy tenants Het gll ide :.rlwnr LLrf'r <; through [he LllOUlilili LI S and know!> out of hand. Urgllk is employed by the Swillrh'er Clan the location of dll ngeon "~. ruins, and whatever 01 hcr (Location 15). A -.cercI chamher ilIt'lched to his 'Ipart· sites the), nced to uncover. Tharn know!> the loe'LIiol1 mCIll serves 11!> a hidillg place for the ha1l1ings' stolen orCartltain's camp (page 26). btll he believes the cover goods. t\ secrel paSSilge froTlllhat room opens henealh story thai C