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OUNG.(/)N 300·255 19000001 EN MASTE R'S CUlDE, MON~nH MA~UAl . all olher Wlldrd ~ ohhe Co..SI product names. and ~heir rcsp'ective 9876 5 4 )21 logos are trademark. ofWizalll$ of th ~ (oasl Iolehe. U.s,A. and othe, COUIl1r1es. All Wilarcts ch;" aners .uHlthe di\llnctlv" likcne~se~ thercof arc properly uf Wi1a,ds of Ihe Co.:ul Ue. This FirSI PrinU"g: March 2010 material is prole""d under Ihe cupyrlg hll"w ~ ullhe Unic,.,ct SldU~S uf America, Any reproduction Or ISBN 978-0-7 869 -5534-3 unauthorized use of the ",aterl.,j or artwork comained herein I, prohibhcd widlUUl Ihe e..press wrhecn Visit our website ;,t WWw.wll~rds.(om /d nd permission of Wlt<lrds of the CO",I LLe. Thl~ jlfoduct Is;, work of lillion, A"y ,in,ilMhy II) actual pcoplc, orgdni1atlon$.!lla.ces. or r.~r.nIS Included herein is IlUrcly ((JJ "d<iPtUal. Prlnled In Ihe U.S.A . f:2 01 0 Wilards of the COlaSt LlC -A sslIull Oft persons liril1jJ or ,lend lI'it/1011/ prol'oc/lriml is USING THIS BOOK Brollr lf's jor pros('culiml. ~ 111II11 I11e r(: I.. [ C':111 he Ihe gluc that holds your campaign - \Varning pll"ted at the Trade Galc, l-Ia mllierfnSI toget her. ,I town Ihal YOll can lise as a base ofopcrmions bel\\'cell heroic tier expcditions or a<; a ready .. ource of Ilisiory walk .. I he streets of I lammc rfaSI in the forlll of urha n ach'(,I1\ II rc~ . Ila l11 merfa .. t provides a framework the dead . lhe d\\·.:lfves and orcs WllO d icd inillis place d(' ~ig n('cI tt) a('('lllll modate a broad range of advelltures lII orc I ha n a cenl u ry ago. They a rc now ghosls COIl­ and ~('n' e s a~ 11 jumping·oO· point fo r your imagination. slg lled 10 wn nder Ilall1l 11erfas t's streets lIntillhe (' nd (If I[ also indlltlc!> rl'!ooLlrce!o YOLI can L1 SC 10 fill in details as dilyS. Il nl\llllC l' fa~1 II'n" once n necropol i<; , a ("ollec[ ion you m:ed Ihcm during a game session. of tombs where the dwa rf lords inte rred [hei I' people. A Safety Net: Mosl of this book focuscs on giving i\ ~ I ht' dW'1rve~ ' \\'eal1 h grew. [hei I' b Li ria I C/W m uer!> yO ll a rallgc Of oplion .. ralher lllan in-dcptll dctails. changed from Ioi mplc ~t onc !>epll1chers to lal'ish tl'ea­ VI/he n you 1"1111 "dl'('lIturc..; in HarnmcrlasL usc this sLire "au lis fill ed with the rnalerialll'ca lth garnered lIook 10 II II in [hc bin II ks I hat fO IllC Lip i 11 play. a lIow­ over a Ii feli lIIe. illg yO U to focus 01 1 pint :llld story. Lay out [he lIlilpof IlilllltHerfilst translOflned from a graveyard illto a 11 11 111 merf il!> 1 wile n [he ildvelll!1 rl' rs Cllier [he town. a nd storehouse [or treasure. alld tllllS it bcc<tnlc a ta rget. allow Ille111 to e.~ plore I he pJ:tce il!o I hey I ike between i\ hundred years ago, Ihe B1 ood !o pear on.: t ribe COIl ­ exc ursions. I f)"otl havl' dt·sign(·d a du ngeon or other· quered the necropoli.'> but gained little from it. The wise have;1II advcllturc lot'atioll Ihey need [0 vi<; it . place orcs killed Ihe pril'!o[!> and warriors tasked with guard· il Oil Ihc nUldoor map in whiltC\'er place fits best. ing Ilamlllcr/a .. [ and ... tarted 10 loo[ Ihe place. bllt the A Campaign Arc: The SlO ries this book sets in pJOIce d warves' burial c hambers yielded Iheir tn.wmres only can serve 3.'> I he fr,lIlIellork of a campaign thaI takes grudgingly. The 1H.'cropo lis held Slreel a fter street [hc "d\·enilifer.. frolll 1.. 110 10l h le\'(~ l . The three I'i"ain of Ullma rkeu IOmbs. ~O ll1 e riddleu wit h t r.a p ... many groups prc~entcd at Ihe cnd of this hook pro\'ide plelll)' empt y, .mel oil ly a few ~o l1 ti.li n ing great treasure. The of opportllnit k .. for ,,(hoenture, such as thwarting I he o rc~ suffe red great 10losc5 10 t he defense..; of Ha rn nlerr:lq rCllegade pric .. t .. of" Ihe Circle of Stone or slaying the leg· a nd. a ft cr hlllc heril1g its guards and capturing a il'w of e nd" ry dragon C:11:lslryx. its IreaslIrc..;.lhey turned thei r mlel1[ioll to easier Iilr­ A ll J de .. M inc: 1\ lall), of the deseript iOlls of the gcts in other l oc<t[ i oll~. lIollplarer e har.lclNs (N PC.. ) in t his hook include back· III lime.l he d Wilf\'e~ returned to IlamIllcrf.1<;1. Due gro u!1d~ a nd mOliv<l liollS Iha[ make them good sources to [he [ill I ofl he Nt' ril th Empire. Ihe ciladels oflhe of arh-clltllrcs. l1~ c these N PC ..; to build your cllmpaign dwarves lI'e re brokell, (:lIuinc and plag uc brew th ick (lr 10 telll p[ Ihe ndlClllurcrs illlo ;l c tion. across [hc lill1d . and mfJlI~ler S and riliders prowled freely. It! the face ,,('stich chaos, [he d\\'arves nwdc a faleful dcci..;iol1 . vVby waS[e fonifk1Hiolls on th e dead? They had no use for it. Thus. Ilallllllcrfilst was t rallS­ THREE UN1QUE TRAlTS fo rmed int o a [011'11 urlhe li vi ng. 11 has since !lrown inlo [he la rg(''';1 ll11d rit-hest seU k:rnelll in I he eastCrn pori ion There are three pOints that make Hammerfast unique. ol"lhe Nentir Valt'. .. HammerfaS1 is a town whe re the li ving dwell among Yet although Ilall\lnerfh,t has changed. ils pa!>t lin· the dead. The buildings are tombs and sepulchers, gel'''; 011. Tilt, n.' m;1 i lIillg ~ealed lOmbs !o[ and ull[OlIl'Il{'d cleared of rubble and refurbished to serve as homes 011 1)"1 il1 of death by decree of" lhc '1'011'11 Council. Ghosts and businesses. S[ ill walk the SI reelS. SOIlIC of t hCI11 ore Wit rriors slain in .. Some of the tombs remain sealed. Their treasures are a the Hloodspea rs' attack, olhers prie!ols of":Vl oradin or thc powerful lure for adventurers, but raiding such a tomb necrolw lis's doomt'd gUOIrdia ns. a nd even a few of I hcm is punishable by death. In some of the inhabited tombs, dwarn' .. laid 10 re,,1 herl' long ago. Such creatLires e njoy secret doors to forgotte n passages and chambers await fu II cfl i'lell,hip in 11 ;1 1I ll1lcrfasl. as long liS Ihey obscrve discovery. il s laws. In ;l sacrcd compllc t struck with Moradin and .. The dwarves must endure the presence of orcs. As part Crlllllll!o h. the IOII'II'S l o u n d er~ agreed to respect the of the divine compact that created the town. Gruumsh dead and defend t hei r resting pl olcd> in return forthe demanded that his dead be honored, too. by a temple right to !oc tile herc. dcvoted to hIs power. \VclCO lllC [0 Ilarnmcrli.lst! - 0 __0_ The f'imll rule ~pllr" 11l11 ch "p,·clrialion. The exact ~~~)fM8ERF ~~T:S LEG:S:CY;;frt~· nature of the divine intervention was never set forth. lUll most residcnh belicve thalthc gods would send a Tht: LOlllpact forged between the folk ofJ-lalll l1l cr· catacJy<;m to {ko st roy the 1011'11 if t his rule is broken. fa st. Moradin. Hild Gru Ll Ill"h created the foundation upon which lhl" (Own rests. It shapes cveryday life and HOllSES OF THE D EAD ill nuclJ(:cs I he town's developmeTlt. Of cou rsc, as wit h All hough some of the lombs in Ha III mcrfast lI'ere anything il1volvillg dwarn's ami on::s. i( also creates ,1 reduced to rubble by the allacking orcs. most were SO lln:e of CO llS1iI lit tension.
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