Extensions of Remarks 25081
September 10, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25081 Col. Lawrence M cCeney Jones, Jr., xxx-xx-x... Col. Joseph Charles Fimiani, xxx-xx-xxxx , A rmy of the United S tates (lieutenant col- xxx-x... , A rmy of the United S tates (lieutenant A rmy of the United S tates (lieutenant colo- onel, U.S. Army) . colonel, U.S. A rmy). nel, U.S. Army) . Col. Rolland Valentine Heiser, xxx-xx-xxxx , Col. John Walter Collins III, xxx-xx-xxxx , A rmy of the United S tates (lieutenant colo- U.S. Army. CONFIRMATIONS nel, U.S. Army) . Col. T heme T roy E verton, xxx-xx-xxxx . Col. Harry E llsworth T abor, xxx-xx-xxxx , U.S. Army. E xecutive nominations confirmed by U.S. Army. Col. John Carpenter R aaen, Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx the Senate September 10, 1969: Col. William Holman Brandenburg, xxx-xx-x... xxx-... U.S. Army. U.S. ATTORNEYS xxx-... , U.S. Army. Col. Alvin Curtely Isaacs, xxx-xx-xxxx , U.S. Col. Harold Burton Gibson, Jr., Wayman G. Sherrer, of A labama, to be U.S. xxx-xx-xxxx Army. attorney for the northern district of A la- xxx-... , A rmy of the United S tates (lieutenant Col. Carl Vernon Cash, xxx-xx-xxxx , A rmy colonel, U.S. Army) . bama for the term of 4 years. of the United S tates (lieutenant colonel, Peter M ills, of M aine, to be U.S . attorney Col. John A lfred K jellstrom, xxx-xx-xxxx , U.S. Army). U.S. Army. for the district of M aine for the term of 4 Col.
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