Loren Collins 303 Peachtree Street, Suite 4100 Atlanta, GA 30308 i: o •TI i~ February 5, i2014 i Office of General.Counsel ; — Federal Election Commission 999 E. Street, N.W, Washington D.C. 20463 MUK#- ^779 To whom it may concern: Enclosed, is ah original signed Complaint documenting violations of federal laws and regulations which I believe may have occurred. The Complaint is accompanied by several exhibits, and I have included two additional copies of the Complaint and its attachments. I can be reached at the above address, or by e-mail at
[email protected]. Thank yoii. •Lbren doljinS; ? omm FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION CD PNJ ""T :.7' In the matter of: j W Joel Gilbert S ; # DFMRF.LLC MURNo. ^uir^y * Ifr -: - Highway 61 Entertainment, LLC ——• * ' •' COMPLAINT ; 'F- r- -- 1. This Complaint is brought before the Federal Election Commission ("FEC") seeking an immediate investigation and enforcement action against Joel Gilbert, DFMRF LLC, and Highway 61 Entertainment LLC for direct and serious violations of the Federal Elections Campaign Act ("FECA"). 2. Joel Gilbert is a filmmaker and is the owner and president of the companies DFMRF LLC and Highway 61 Entertainment LLC. His mailing address is 365 E. Avenida De Los Arboles, Ste. 1000, Thousand Oaks, California, 91360. 3. DFMRF LLC is a limited liability corporation registered to do business in the state of California. The company's registered address is 1875 Century Park East #1500, Los Angeles, California, 90067, and its registered agent is Joel Gilbert. It was incorporated «•on July 13,2012. 4. Highway 61 Entertainment LLC is a limited liability corporation registered to do business in the state of California, and is primarily engaged in the business of producing and distributing films.