Jagiellonian Ideas Towards the Challenges of Modern Times

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Jagiellonian Ideas Towards the Challenges of Modern Times Jagiellonian Ideas Towards Challenges of Modern Times Editors: Leszek Korporowicz, Sylwia Jaskuła, Malgožata Stefanovič, Paweł Plichta Kraków 2017 © Jagiellonian Library, Kraków 2017 ISBN 978-83-949716-1-8 Editors: Leszek Korporowicz, Sylwia Jaskuła, Malgožata Stefanovič, Paweł Plichta Peer reviewers: Dr hab. Marcin Brocki, Dr hab. Dariusz Wadowski Translations and proofreading: Jakub Błaszczak, Tadeusz Grzesik, Dorota Janik, Marzena Mcnamara, Anna Sekułowicz Typesetting and page makeup: Martyna Fatel Cover design: Joanna Żółtowska The Jagiellonian Library al. Mickiewicza 22 30-001 Krakow tel. 12 633 09 03 www.bj.uj.edu.pl A public task co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the framework of the competition "Public Diplomacy 2017" - the component "Cooperation in the field of public diplomacy 2017". The publication only expresses the views of the authors and cannot be equated with the official position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. The publication has been co-financed by the Institute of Intercultural Studies, Faculty of Internatio- nal and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and the Foundation of Students and Graduates of the Jagiellonian University "Bratniak". Print: Salesian Printing House in Kraków JAGIELLONIAN IDEAS... CONTENTS INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................................................9 INSPIRATIONS LESZEK KORPOROWICZ Jagiellonian Values ............................................................................................. 15 JÓZEF ŁUCYSZYN CM The Pragmatic Interpretation of Jagiellonian Ideas ...................................... 37 ANDRZEJ PORĘBSKI Jagiellonian Values in the Freiburg Declaration of Cultural Rights ............. 53 SYLWIA JASKUŁA Jagiellonian Inspirations in Inter-cultural Education .................................... 67 CREATIVE HERITAGE BOGDAN SZLACHTA On the Political Thinking of the Jagiellonian Day ......................................... 85 WANDA BAJOR The Cracovian Precursors of Ius Gentium in the Jagiellonian and Contemporary Periods .............................................................................. 99 MAGDALENA PŁOTKA Multidimensionality of the Category of Action in 15th century Kraków Practicism ............................................................................................. 129 KRZYSZTOF WIELECKI Subjectivity in the European Thought. The Significance of Paweł Włodkowic’s and Bartolomé de Las Casas’ Philosophies .............................. 153 MARCIN KARAS The Contribution of Nicolaus Copernicus to Jagiellonian Ideas ...................179 5 JAGIELLONIAN IDEAS... CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES: THE GLOBAL CONTEXT TADEUSZ PALECZNY Challenges for Ideology and Politics of Multiculturalism ............................. 193 MARTA DĘBSKA The Jagiellonian Ideas in the Contemporary World Order in the Aspect of the National Identity and the Nation-States ............................................... 211 ISTVÁN KOLLAI Reinventing the Narrative of Central Europe. The Imaginary Geography of Central Europe in the Era of Global Cultural Consumerism ................... 223 VIL BAKIROV University as the Space of Intercultural Communication ............................. 233 CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES: THE ETHNIC CONTEXT VOLODYMYR YEVTUKH Cultural Security in Ethnic Diverse Society: Challenges for Ukraine ......... 249 WAWRZYNIEC KONARSKI Between Scepticism and Opposition. Cultural-Political Conditions of Varied Perceptions of the Jagiellonian Idea in Ukraine and Russia ......... 281 SEV OZDOWSKI Importance of Heritage Languages to Australia’s Social and Economic Future .................................................................................................................. 303 ŁUKASZ KRZAK The Jagiellonian Idea – Some Political Challenges ......................................... 319 6 FUTURE AND RESPONSIBILITY CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES: THE GLOBAL CONTEXT TADEUSZ PALECZNY DOROTA PIETRZYK-REEVES Challenges for Ideology and Politics of Multiculturalism ............................. 193 Patterns of Political Thinking and Arguments in Poland–Lithuania: Virtues, Res Publica and Education .................................................................. 333 MARTA DĘBSKA The Jagiellonian Ideas in the Contemporary World Order in the Aspect MAREK REMBIERZ of the National Identity and the Nation-States ............................................... 211 Jagiellonian Ideas in Shaping Cultural Identity, Social Pluralism and Intercultural Relations – Historical Reconnaissance, Ideological Bonds and ISTVÁN KOLLAI Educational Postulates of Stefan Swieżawski .................................................. 345 Reinventing the Narrative of Central Europe. The Imaginary Geography of Central Europe in the Era of Global Cultural Consumerism ................... 223 JOANNA DZIADOWIEC The Jagiellonian Ideas in the Promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage – the VIL BAKIROV Example of Polish Jagiellonian Fairs ................................................................ 379 University as the Space of Intercultural Communication ............................. 233 AUTHorS...........................................................................................................................411 CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES: THE ETHNIC CONTEXT IDEE JAGIELLONSKIE WOBEC WYZWAN WSPÓLCZESNOSCI – POLSKIE STRESZCZENIE............421 VOLODYMYR YEVTUKH Cultural Security in Ethnic Diverse Society: Challenges for Ukraine ......... 249 WAWRZYNIEC KONARSKI Between Scepticism and Opposition. Cultural-Political Conditions of Varied Perceptions of the Jagiellonian Idea in Ukraine and Russia ......... 281 SEV OZDOWSKI Importance of Heritage Languages to Australia’s Social and Economic Future .................................................................................................................. 303 ŁUKASZ KRZAK The Jagiellonian Idea – Some Political Challenges ......................................... 319 JAGIELLONIAN IDEAS... Introduction • Many problems of the contemporary world include challenges already familiar to civilizations, societies and nations of distant epochs. Solutions to some of them, both intellectual and practical, are often forgotten or even unknown, while others have gained stereotypical interpretations, which do not always correspond to the truth. Meanwhile, the skilful interpretation of the cultural heritage of many contemporary nations may be a creative inspiration both in the effort to understand, diagnose as well as shape ways of resolving contradictions, conflicts and posing developmental questions towards the challenges of the contemporary world. The Jagiellonian era is an excellent area for such inspirations. During the three centuries fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth, concepts and a -ne twork of activities, institutions and legal regulations have been developed, which correspond to similar issues of contemporary Europe in the area of social mobility, multiculturalism, international and intercultural rela- tions, religious tolerance, cooperation of regional, national and supranatio- nal communities. This cooperation is noticeable in the field of science, arti- stic creativity and political culture. It is worth mentioning that many ideas were conceived then, which go far beyond the area of geopolitical relations, and thus beyond what Polish historians called the ’Jagiellonian idea’ in the second half of the nineteenth century. In political terms, it has always had different perception in individual countries that create a specific Jagiello- nian space stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. Yet, it should be remembered, that the space was not won with a sword, but a discourse of interests, more of less felt sense of community. The purpose of this book, however, is neither to evaluate nor to continue the visions of unity, but to highlight the many, very creative ideas 9 JAGIELLONIAN IDEAS... that have arisen in the fields of science, culture, interreligious relations, pu- blic affairs, the concept of the common good, education and rights, as well as the patterns of political thinking in its interpretation of axiology. It is a very diverse world of ideas referring, as in the case of outstanding and still underestimated thought authored by Paweł Włodkowic - to universalizing values that go far beyond national contexts. They create a wealth of inspira- tion, when one looks at this heritage, not only in terms of political science, but also through cultural sciences, anthropology, cultural sociology, peda- gogy, history of ideas, intercultural studies or social communication. The texts collected in the book are mainly the result of work within three seminars and one workshop carried out in 2017, designed in a com- parative perspective, successively at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, the University of Oxford, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University in Kiev and Western Sydney University. Each of these events was a separate, but at the same time corresponding experience, which participants found very interesting. This experience shows the Jagiellonian ideas from a diffe- rent but complementary side. In all these places, we enjoyed great support from representatives of the local scientific communities, for which we wo- uld like to express our great gratitude and hope for further cooperation. Each seminar and workshop, was similar in structure to the
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