Seminar on Coastal Lagoon Research, Present and Future; Coastal
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Unesco technical papers in marine science 33 Coastal lagoon research, present and future Proceedings of an Unesco/IABO Seminar Unesco 1981 2 3 KARS 1982 UNESCO TECHNICAL PAPERS IN MARINE SCIENCE Numbers 2,3, 5,6, 7,9. IO, 12, 13, 18, are out of stock. For full titles see inside back cover. Numbers 1,4,8 and 14 are incorporated in No. 27. No. Year SCOR No. Year SCOR WG WG 11 An intercomparison of some current meters, 26 Marine science in the Gulf area - Report of a report on an experiment at WHOI Mooring Site consultative meeting. Paris, 11-14 November 1975 1976 “D", 16-24 July 1967 by the Working Group on Continuous Current Velocity Measurements. Sponsored by SCOR, IAPSO and Unesco 1969 WG 21 27 Collected reports of the joint panel on oceano graphic tables and standards. 1964-1969 1976 WG IO IS Monitoring life in the ocean; sponsored by 28 Eighth report of the joint panel on oceano SCOR, ACMRR, Unesco, IBP/PM 1973 WG 29 graphic tables and standards. Woods Hole, 16 Sixth report of the joint panel on oceanographic U.S.A., sponsored by Unesco, ICES, SCOR, tables and standards, Kiel, 24-26 January 1973; IAPSO 1978 WG IO sponsored by Unesco, ICES, SCOR, I APSO 1974 WG IO Committee for the preparation of CLOFETA - 17 An intercomparison of some current meters, Report of the first meeting. Paris, report on an experiment of Research Vessel 16-18 janvier 1978 1979 Akademic Kurchatov, March-April 1970. by the 30 Ninth report of the joint panel on oceanographic Working Group on Current Velocity Measurements; tables and standards, Unesco, Paris. sponsored by SCOR, I APSO. Unesco 1974 WG21 11-13 September 1978 1979 19 Marine Science Teaching at the University Level. 31 Coastal lagoon survey (1976-1978) 1980 Report of the Unesco Workshop on University Curricula -Available in English, French, Spanish 32 Costal lagoon research, present and future. and Arabic 1974 Report and guidelines of a seminar, Duke University Marine Laboratory, Beaufort, NC, 20 Ichthvoplankton. Report of the CICAR Ichthyo- U.S.A., August 1978. (Unesco, IABO). plankton Workshop - Aiso published in Spanish 1975 1981 21 An intercomparison of open sea tidal pressure 33 Coastal lagoon research, present and future. sensors. Report of SCOR Working Group 27: Proceedings of a seminar, Duke University, “Tides of the open sea” 1975 WG 27 August 1978. (Unesco, IABO). To be 22 European sub-regional co-operation in oceano 1981 graphy. Report of working group sponsored 34 The carbon budget of the oceans. Report of a by the Unesco Scientific Co-operation Bureau for meeting. Paris, 12-13 November 1979 1980 WG 62 Europe and the Division of Marine Sciences 1975 35 Determination of chlorophyll in seawater. 23 An intercomparison of some current meters, III. Report of intercalibration tests sponsored by Report on an experiment carried out from the SCOR and carried out by C.J. Lorenzen and Research Vessel Atlantis II, August-Scptcmber S.W. Jeffrey, CSIRO Cronulîa, N.S.W., 1972, by the Working Group on Continuous Australia, September-October 1978 1980 Velocity Measurements : sponsored by SCOR, IAPSO and Unesco 1975 WG 21 36 Tenth report of the joint panel on oceanographic 24 Seventh report of the joint panel on oceano tables and standards, Sidney, B.C., Canada, graphic tables and standards, Grenoble, 1-5 September 1980. Sponsored by Unesco, ICES, 2-5 September 1975; sponsored by Unesco, SCOR, IAPSO. 1981 WG ICES, SCOR, IAPSO 1976 WG IO 37 Background papers and supporting data on the 25 Marine science programme for the Red Sea : Practical Salinity Scale 1978. 1981 WG K Recommendations of the workshop held in 38 Background papers and supporting data on the Bremerhaven, FRG, 22-23 October 1974; International Equation of State of Seawater 1980. 1981 WG if sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein- 39 International Oceanographic Tables, Vol. 3. 1981 WG 1' schaft and Unesco 1976 Unesco technical papers in marine science 33 Coastal lagoon research, present and future Proceedings of a seminar Duke University Marine Laboratory Beaufort, NC U.S.A. August 1978 (Unesco, IABO) Unesco 1981 Published in 1911 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75.00 Paris. Printed in Unesco’s workshops © Unesco 1982 Muted in France PREFACE This s«ri«8| tht Ona se a ItcJinlol Pleura in Marin* Sciani». ls produced b> the Dnasco Division «2 Marina Scianea» aa autos of informing tha sei anti fie eo*munity of racant davalopaanta in ocsa- no*raphic rasaarch and Earina Scianea affaira* Many of tha texta puhi!shad within tha sariaa ragult tros rasaarch activitias of tha Sciantifie Coanittaa on Oceanic Rasaarch (SCOB ) and ara subaittad to Onaaco for printing following final approval by SCOB of tha ralavant working group raport* Unesco Technical gagara An Marini Scianea ara distributed free of charge to various institutions and governaental authorities* Bequests for copies of individual titles or additions to tha nail*' lng list should ba addressed» on letterhead stationary if possible toi Division of Marina Sciences Unesco Piaea da Fontanoy 75700 Paris France [ 1 XAÜLL L£ Lif-miS PAGÇ 1NTHCCUCT It'A 5 PRESENT COASTAL LACGON RESEARCH session x havaica? jimalBMX.* non-living r««ioufc»a Ch&lrd&n: F*B* Phla^tr F*fi* Ph’.ct’,cr A r«vi«« of soa* general f«atur«a 7 of coastal lagoona» J«FtF* Zlnnarmenn The flushing of atll-alnd -tidal 15 lagoons and lts seasonal fluctuations* G* Allen/M* Nichols Suspended sediaent transport in 27 coastal lagoons and estuaries* SflSSittti IX CbtulfiXry» bio.gftOcbaiBl.alrY Chairman: E* Handelii E* Handelii On the hydrography and cheaistry of 81 some coastal lagoons of the Pacific Coast of Mexico* V*E* arumhein Biogeochemlstry and seomicrc* 97 biology of lagoons and lagoonary environments* H* Postica Processes in the sediments and III in the va terosadiment interface* T* Okuda Inorganic and organic nitrogen 119 contents in some coastal lagoons in Venezuela* flEflElQK iii HJL.aI.0flY "4” Chairman: Y* Halia Y* Halim Coastal lakes of the Nile Delta 135 Laie Menzalah D*U*S• feae Some aspects of the spatial and 173 temporal variations of phytoplankton in coaatal lagoons A* Yano? Ecology in the inlet of Puerto Realt 191 Terminos Lagoon -3- A. Y&ntz Fish oecurrneti diversity» and 233 aLundanca of two tropical coastal lagoon with sphasaral inlsts on tho Pacific Coast of Mexico C»<«G< olaryir r. A review of the poton tisii ties ter 261 research and fleti culture in the coastal lagoons of Vest Africa SESSIuH IX Biclogy Chairmans B.O. Jansson B*0« Jansson Production dynamics of a. temperate 273 nea: the Baltic KmfCm Parkar Guidelines of ecosyatea research 305 in coastal lagoons Pm Laaaarra Biological approach to coastal 315 lagoons: setabolisa and physiological ecology S«*. Nixon The flux of carbon* nitrogen* and 325 phosphorus between coastal lagoons and offshore waters -4“ INTRODUIT! U N Th« prcMDt voIxine constitutes the compilation of the p«p«rs pre sented at the Seminar on Coastal Lagoon research* Present and Future halei at the Duke University Marine Laboratory* Beaufort* N.C.» W.S.A» from 29 August to 2 September 1978 under the section of the Seminar entitled "Present Coastal Lagoon Besearch". It goes in sequence with No* J2 of the Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science which contains the Report and Guidelines of the Seminar* A description of the objectives of the seminar and the list of participants will he found respectively in the Introduction and in Annex II ul No* 32* -s- A r*vit* of boko general faaturaa of coastal lagoons by Fred B. Phleger At the synposlva on coastal lagoons in Mexico City in 1967 1 pre sent sei what dsened to be appropriate coeaents on sona general fea tures of coestal lagoons (Phlegeri 1967a )• Considerable research by nun oro os 1 rvestigators during the Intervening years mites it desirable to review these generalizations and to naka Modifica tions and additions* I shall not refer to others by nans* although 1t is obvious that ay consents ara based on the work of many people* My rsesrksy however» express ay own opinions and they are meed mostly on my own experience studying lagoons* The type of coastal lagoon which I am discussing is a body of brackish» marine or hypersaline water iapounded by a sandy har rier and havieg an inlet connecting with the open ocean* Each coastal lagoon dlffsrs from ali othsrs* Those differences funda mentally involve size» shape» tidal ranga» runoff of tributary streams» climats of the arca» number and size of Inlets and kind and amount of eediment available* Differences in water movement» chemistry» geology and ecology result froa theso basic factors* Differences may be great or email* but nevertheless it is posslbls to formulate generalizations which apply to many or perhaps most lagoons* I havs found thos* useful in guiding legoocel studies end as ar. aid to interpretations* Ths following oro soms of my present generalizations in ebbreviatsd or noto fora* I am surs that additions and/or modifications can be made to these* 1* Many or most Bodarti lagoons have developed during the rising sse level of the lest 6»009-8»000 years* Thers is e veli—eatab- llshed pause in the riss of soa lovei about 7*000 years ago when the level was about IO m lower than at present* A send beach was formed at this level at this tina* As sea level rose later» this sand deposit grew upward and prograded seaward to fora a lagoon barrier» as shown» for example» at OJo de Llefcre Lagoon (Phleger and Ewing» 1962) in Mexico and at Galveston Bay» Texes <Bernard* Le Blanc» Major* 1962)* 2* Lagoena develop on aggrading or formerly aggraded coastal plainn which ara gently eloping seaward and vtiarw there is abun— 7 cant sediment* They ara always associa tad with «odam or formerly active rivers which ara tributary to than or tiea Into tha ocaan nearb) • The rivers supply sadlaant to tba naarabora turbulent zona which Is accumulated on tha sand barriers by wave and long” shore tronrort.