
Cumberland Auxilary Adds Members ^>ocia / ^Ictu 'i/ieA Personal Mention t hr r n mi h r ! a n d American AiimImi No 2<>!* n i !)t Waverly Cnli' will leave Kri- \b s. t>. W Putney, Jr will Ih1 Lcuiun Pud Call ill events to Mrs. Jean Whitaker at her IIOMK between lioms of 11:00 a.m. to 0:00 rhonc 865. rndcrt rairccr sftil mem p.m.. at day for a 15-day vacation in hostess to her brldue chib Thursday redly Hie 1 Florida evcnlnu. be .ship drive with seven iir« mem | ... born The' Rev iiiiil Mi J A Vaehe, Mr anil Mrs, W I, Deller and In an effort to mak" thi men': Hears o Hearts, Flowers, Doves. Guns Ducks, | Mr ami Mrs. T A Allen. H Blau family, f r m e r 1 y ol Rochester herslup campainii CMinpetitive a ion Ilanhnry. the Rev and Mrs N V aie at home al i:17 Buffalo excilintf, Hu mcmlM-rs were divided Robert K Withers, is 1’ I .aliens street nilo tw M leams I hr losnm te in n r. Mrs Robert Hrunitield. Miss ! iirn had tu |i rat tlir r* i|n mb: Bedeck Valentines, With Ravin' Mr and Mix. Walter S|»iye, of 1958Style, Bi ssie Cordon Join s, Mrs James and Hie Willlllli# team to a Ipp I Rochv Mount, N, < will a navi Helms. Miss Ada Blerhower. Miss Mi. Verna Kowau led tli“ win Somewhere there's a heart Friday to he yucst.s m the Robert Irene Adams. Miss Mary Nichols nej1 and Mi Hi len Tlioina and It may be the stew on ,i lint Taylor home jn and Mrs C .1 Cos wore m Peters In P ain :.e: ■ d tin vie'nrs and or coining out of ;i mm. but that v a luiri' Tin ■ nil'll:: I W a Wednesday represented Dr W Oh McCluli:.' : : jTik new I In .dippi heart is about all that some valen- Johns Memorial Kptscnpul church at the day and W<\|nrsda\ at I .aide Kvi M lived lari": Post Holm tines have in common this year. al a ol the llioccse ol meelinc tit when he attended Special :.:nr for the occasion There are for a I.vlirhbury cards godchild, Southern \ irpjnia ‘he Bible school clinic wen Me bran (cndon of Fann a baby celebrating her first S! 1 A::li ra .. : 11 !l' ]i n ln: r Valentine's sisti and her bus In and Mrs A (. I.eacli. oi day. Norman t Bake iieut S.indav wit!. h. ni.il M : Aji r, a Hit id.of I band, Someone Nice. Hubby grand- Kirluuoild and I)i A P la o h. Ilf In." aunt Mrs Dates K!y. It.eh 1 ten! "! the 1 i^na illi Anxili mothers and grandfathers, brother, Wichita Falls, Tex wa re enests m mond a' V and Ml Pan. ( ;'/ of Mi little boys, little girls. Sweetheart. the Hamilton Owen home duriue Lean "V " 11:11::: Honey. Someone Dear TeaclVT and the week How ,i I d Mini, all, of ('. r 11 i: d ■ a waiean _ a Ntet W Va will the w ek he; Mighty Boy Friend. siiend ■ Mr and Mrs W K Johnson It.; " a plavcd alter Ha ir.unr But the first sellouts were the with his family I .VI(M !N<* I ill "VICTOH'S SI*OH> an lilt l„ and were dinner riulil Mri Uncle cards 1.umly. Sunday musts of tin Isdwurd Newton Cun Mrs Harold Rih \ ot I .ynehbni Vrrna Itou an prcsidi nt of the ( umlici la inT < .<•» ion Vuxiliaiv, Mis. Wife Sold I nst (.(•ir.fwtiod Junior ninyham.s neat Pamplin was an owrmrht yurst of her pai Tito .last will be the W ife, if you I’aul < rit/. Mr' l.ian- I.01 don and Miss \iina Dickholf ents, Mr and Mis R W A n »i t :U‘( f (>i• can from the Noel, J i] 1 i it predict past Joe and of Maun Sydnor. family tins week "The all come in at the husbands were of Mrs horn, Sunday quests 1 I ! .i m last minute before the store closes." .nil!.I Km-: li rim /mil Sydnors aunt. Mis .1 1 Crenshaw Mi and Mrs T K Baldw in and !ri: !'. "H l.ann'd idltor m-chli'f (il one Farmville clerk sighed this ■ M and Mi K A M.irtin i > tie week, as she looked at the lull Mr and Mis 'I I, Lancaster Hu' 1'' ri.,'1 fTotimda Wednesday from \ a ration soir of 8 I. l’dan I >‘ln l.r I.'!! l.i II .il". o! "For My Wife" and To The and wen imests Florida top Woman I Married" shelves ton la Chase C:t\ foi the week end. tin 1 '•••ini C.i|l> «• lii w:-paper

1 Tin 'Hubby' pickings wen mighty, end Ai (li)bald Kobei m and Aa> hi Hi i’arbHi a Hi" : t nilor from sparse by min \n k Id Uni* t o:: ,1: <>! I’ebo •■!) Ho;iiiiii-1 Ini .O' not mi pit and Mi and Mi L M Whitlock It seems that the wont- n. all «err Vile: l.s (ia tin' 11,11 '1 m : (lav !' i !)( t li Mil,')1' ! i. i., r injur f 11 hi "Your House of Farmvillc spent Tuesday in Richmond where Quolify" Virginia ages, shop earlier While mother is Ho 'ininiii! 'in! I ‘a' I’n" •!! inn Mr U'hitli'ck aIti uded a in Mi a ml Mi '.ul her haiU|net l-’iaiik .lom- buying Hubby raid, she'll ;■ -r fi">i: Snf'nlk ,r w;;, to editor. honor of a retirin', nil ompTlny In nvcniU'lii -in i> ul llii II K those for tin- grade school ■ HASKMKXT pick up Ml' ! in \ tin !■ :: ■, .11>!niin11 ') children empluyi iuis I nclili:. : Ki ida\ i I'lKnu "Let s sci' 1 11 need in for my Recent :;i|is' of M; aid M; M and M Mur Alan !,, ■■ o I -f I ill.t daughter." one harried mother said, For The Lupine Krinli!' .me Mr and Mr of Delhi. N V will am\e Si fur I-;.:" -if 11. II-,: (1:1 m Tltt’iflij Fainilij checking her list. 1 .1 Amos Caldwell and dauvhter, (lay (n: ■. a a \!: Al, OUR DAYTIME COTTONS BRING SPRING So What's lor Supper ■■ ■ of 8.1ma .Spi ne M l r M i. H 11 < ;:,(!.i Biggest buyers however, are (he four oil"- .- lei Mi C K V ,ii INTO YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW! high school and girls. Mi a; d M I'hoinits Sinclair of college They Ml 1- H Hi an and .Mi W ('i W< 1*1 exhausted the town's Takom.a I’.uk and Mr and quickly supply .Mil, I’len ai of : inilh 11.1. T * Of i re. of cards Miv Iionald Hummer,, of Wheaton ■ contemporary 'sample: M: I' a a Poflciitu in ,i!H: P's Valentine's so what's M:l thi wo 1 end with Ml Day -.pent mom! v. ill n• 'a I for and fell back to the and M1 Ihieeia Kemhle -U- i. ■ ■ :■ ,., Wtipi: Club siipprr'.’" I ("lllioll ol fill A' •!!»•> v i 1 funny, two bears talking: "Let's 111(1!11!ii• .i ! 111 -: :• .. :ittc|u|i'(l M rs Pi ai son Mis C \\ fall for each other. open up to Kny Ml and Ml J (n-- ml- || I !a alini: i.! inuapti : I \Yt‘i“k

Hart. Mi Halho Lame and Mrs ■ some stairs "/You first"1 and Keiim !h ■ :i ov' ii ! .1 -a a 1 I.O'. 'Wood ill,.,: Shelton Whitaker wen ..inmiK thus* 111 < 1 the more sentimental ones it- ;y lit* I..i ;:: A I 1 .III li.i ! .1 pal" No. c the hat the red "millinery masterpieces' Favorite grin-crackers: THKRK'S SOMK THINCi AMl’MINd about the \T ; i 1 (••-. j.,r>! 756 valentine Nancy show tea In Richmond Tuesday Mr and M r It card by an It year-old o': V:: !': o: :■ purchased lie. of T. V as ])l hay daughter I.ayne, holds, there is with most of men '■() lada mu a. a a i •’ girl, bearing a lily while left hand Ml and Mr. Lester K Andrew; ll (':•;:ii fufil ii] and them this year There are a tew others, such as the rose-painted, Si mm! el on the fin- rhinestone-ringed proper and M: nd Ml. Mam ie. Lai "' satin-covered hook for a Wonderful Mother SI and lor Vou. the sentiment. "Do " ger. with lovely > are attend: j, the Virr ;n:a Btiildin;' M: ,1. Inna ; |' I. : 1,1,11 a I Honey With All AH love on Valentine's Day s l ,. some with ramh what if gave ■ you know I'd say you a• n I ■ Ma'< 11a 1 a h" i!;o;: convention f'■ .lead'.li' w A: |. ■ .''H f' some with built-in action. pnin:,' to a one on.' Two things ,tre sure somewhere then's a me a ring? Open tip ( i" *' Hot Sprite Wednesday tiirouel. -idr a.a II a A!,i K\ ,: pi o: ldcnl Number' heart and the husbands are the last to bin telephone "Wrong Satudav t ., i! A': Her.' a Si> r A1 >;x> Or how about "My dear, volt look I S. !< I i. Wo.n.i. ''1 ■ :ii : :d< nt 1! charming who doe,, your embalm-, (A Ml tmi Mi: .1 N.v.ii M: 'V'IM I Club 1 ins ?■" 'h-urlai’ Valentino 1 :rty and Mi !•': ank M i'ii and Mr am) W hi : Or "Holding hands the whole day M:. ! it in ! 1 ;il<»tti l>• lit !;< : week ;r (i, .- Sat r ! American l.cmon auxiliary—Tues- Knjny<‘(] miay « : \ii a e 1. \v< o<| iinn 1:*«■ through is fun for any twosome ,k! in Sa!■ mi, hi they day. HI, )i p.m uith Miss ■ A; I and and ! coitki go to town, but February Mr? Mil!' and f >•.1 yon Aody All'll!'',’. an-! I’,:;! I !1 ay (’a !•’( -Ii. 1v am! a so AWFUL GKUESOMF. Nancy Palsy Wallens Sjx tailin’ I il' S.l 11; Walk':. !u;n'i .i! i>! Mi I- : !'. I’, you're " ■ ilf !i‘ ■!> at .i :i v ■ I>i Jefferson V;i ji;. i' < ■ Or "Valentiru .- message: You Thomas Wertenbakcr. S|>i: }; .;. I'm.-." at tin u ■- : r lumnar uHI Nora ! .mr.islrr Saturday ai,.i11 .1: M ■ V .!■ pviwj h on me stagt thr- Carden eluh— Ml and Mr'- I A Cam, ! should ■ liOiia ini ! ii ill A■. cn,a ■ :, h».: : 10 -:! riiarli .. m t " I ■. I v I one that leaves in half an hours Tuesday February 18. p.m.. I V IV! |’l .1 !'■(! ij\ t‘ •a :'likM! .John K. S I’. i) S Whitaker hoi' U :;M m ft" Fven a epoch might like to r: < r Mr and Mm |. u> !■ An smooch but not w.uh you." Mis% H. P.inhur. .1: "tf-in (»• "Ttvs Valentino is strictly pluaty in At i, t. ■:a: It r ...... !<■: '.is Lr'DiId <>f in nw' thr : i• coni and not poetic ravin' But dish (ranine r !ln or her rrandpan id Hintorf! \ ; :■ V V*.! .'<■ {'< I\ : clmJaI ship what Sonnets by Presbyterian Yfiuiic \<1 uU class— Mr ! M.: < \K I.awhM'iie wu7, you expectin' On were Vin-iiiM ■’ 1 Iln-ibuiy Mr. -■ v .. : ,.iv j.:;,v v*■ r Mr a id Mr: of Avon?" Friday Fcbn »:•>• 11 7 p.m at. ■ i ]c I-, |>a: id the Bard Ann Ho!n:' ■ Trudy Newman. Cheryl Of tin mimii ,;i ■' ill,.! (..' ll ,1 ! M ■ f 1 nil "I .' ! !]' I’.lltl Price No Factor the church. Social. C V I.:, whorne .i: am. Notilin, Judy .Sandra ■ Dunn, Kddirm. ■ lid M: \V: 1 I I ,i r i.". l! tarnt /-a rls. The doesn't improve with Cnllece Mill (Tub—Tuesday, I-a ;>. Uunni" in Florida English Penny Ham. Aim ■ Byrd Andrew-'. Wof litirid: ... M. Ptl Hi -1 i •• alto:. mav he mado by is IT .1 with .Mis Paul Grier. jhr price for this gem available p.m.. Gl< n Bitsy and Sally C. Watkins. M' Thome .1 Minin', id Wn> M :! i, W. r i1! -. I, ( r.d a: Mr \\ K a'■,:•11 or Mr:. for a dollar: “To my husband on Leader. Mrs. FI. G Ganmon Beach. Ha a as ae a> of !i* Mu' u ;1! atlri.rl Ml. s:..;.iai H i) Wilson. Valentine's day I love ya near. I Slate Hill. DAK—\V edm d s. v. Also Ti-rry Harris, .Jark Guinn, Ml s (leery NVn-iii, n and ■; '!u I);: I .,f C. ».: 1 S'a I love far. 1 love ya anywhen ya Feb. 10 8 p.m., with Mr W F Bobby Whitaker Wadi .Stii-upson, y^ M: Ni m :r,i:; lor tin w ik mil. [•< v < 1 ■:. R Mr Ciar- at all In Mr I-'ulchi r, I >,, •. id fail. I love ya anvftme Hundley. K' ith Schuler will foil II.i\ (Jinrcfc: M a; li M. Wihiaiu F .lohi. .:i Shi'i aton-Parl. lint. 1 ".«■ '.van a- v. VI i’Co was I love Pat it e fact I guess it's safe to say. present a paper on "Mount Vi l ..on. 'J'o:i! D M ii ! h. Bruce a''I inIi-i! tho Ini:.' o! Vim VV 1 ‘I ..ft: f< I'M (i last Wl k more each P. S. Noel, Graham r ya more and day. non”. Webst< and funny Binlord at Sprain Ci I.-, < hure! I): a il! M. 1 K ( ,,'j

a ■ I'love 11 and P \\ oni.m's Anrlrr ■ iii.- i'ii’ • '■ ya." club—Thursday. Sunday Hi Ron iiok, T r ; M-s I ■at li’Iit ill Wr.rlii '. a .a! in \v Tn Ley ion n, mo, card 50 cents. III) ( liil> Auxiliary a I.'a- .nonil! hospital for la I.. M ad M .1 !’. T ia a !' rlur.nr Miluwood M Ida Southall attended t;a For a dollar you can get --enli- hr a iik i"ad (i T 1 :< Jefferson \V( r'l nbak'T. Virfc ma Stall II urdri'.'.M ra: of Mj C W mental. Adds Menders J .Hay Whitney \• .•:■ :• professer MVialion irii'i'm; and dano at the : in .< 'Ik' riff « ri ta ; r! muhti : Mr and y- H- ary Fpmrllrr of “For Someone Nice on Valen- Six new member were added at of on- at Hampden -Sydri v Col- Until .John Mar: hall in Richmond M !f( a Ilirkiinf!, ind •. ft o Pdai liMonf wi : a r'"('iaii a* of tine's Day: It may be ntst on days the Milmvood Home Demoted rati->.i !' Ve, !. ’ll be roost. apt aker lit the dunlin tlio w rk end tCii’iil 'a )■ NoMi both .f It ichmouri M .1 T O'" ns ha-.v like this that ! take time to-say club meeting Tuesday at the horn* American l.'-t-iotj auxiliary meetlnc vou're some re very special who Mr and Mn Frank C. Baldwin M:: K 'I Taylor. .1; c;;;I Hail \ Ilf R. a till. Traa ol Mrs W S Hamilton Mr II F Tuesday at pin. in the home of is nice in every way But anyhow. am spoiuiiar Thursday and Fnd:i> of hor -islor. Ml H W : :i' .' !: a a. a ;s : * Wi-drs '-ii n M.a Barbour was co-ho.-tcM t! e M (•'. Nancy and i>;,t a, Wat- I think so ev ery day the whole'year in Manon with their son and family. t a-iKhliii '.I family in (111' .: a rna ; .' i!i".:’ d !■ ai a New nr- ! through and so I cot this valentine member M V Mr and Mis Robert Baldwin. N. .1, Dnskill Mrs. H I, Ilnt.kl* v Mr to tell you that I do." Wer-enbaker will a. about and Howard Morn -(t: Mr Ha old Id and Mrs -Joseph Robert Complete with pink roses G '•■'•••( Warhincton, in keepmr with coach, Word. Mrs I. H. Tllhol: and Mr r> yui'-sts a! Washmrton and Fee doves, it opens up into a thi auxiliary's F b r n a r v Ameri box for Hinirins. V diversity in IaAiiiRton las! "ink No. and comes complete with a Benny eanisni program. end. mailing M r* A. W Covin at a::.! «\li 3520 I. Tt Yeatts nave a demonstration A nalui ") < harlolte \il;e. Wm tor A Mighty Nice Bov Friend Man. y Farmer of Warhuurion on one-dish meals. t'-nbaker wa. Princeton t’luver.Mlv For the dating crowd there's a i) (' MSiled friends lien durum Instore department chairman, and gun and .decoy 'duck decorat'd lla week end has lectured at Oxford He i a past card "Going out or staying home, I >a\ May Managers president of tin AmeViean Hr toneal Mr. and Mr. 11 K Arnientroiit no matter what vve do. 1 always At association and a noted author, and Paul Ashley, of Richmond, have a "lot of fun whenever I’m with JlIccUM Lonyrwood speciah/.in;-. in American colon:,ii were cue is of Mr and Mrs. F C you And so it's .lust no wonder I history. A and thru Sm all want, to say that when it comes to In eliarae of May dav activities diley daughter. boy friends you're .lust lops in a I I .one a ood Co IF :•< u ill be two every way." s' seniors, Mary Ann Barnett, of. of the Most, of the cards, outside Chesterfield, it 11(1 Janet I. lord of penny ones SO for ID rents are South Boston. rn O n » I » 1 ri t 10-to-:f5 rents range. Q ill the Thov won- electee1 by tie Loir: Highest priced teacher card is wood student body l:e t wo. r CULTURED PEARL in cents. Mis;. Burnett, an ejementary edu- But for 5 rents you can have a cation major who recently yva: SEWING MACHINES report, card: "Here', a report card elected a "senior per onaltty. -■-ill that's coming from mr to report be May day cliauman. Mr Lloyd that I think wm'n* as litre as can TAKEN IN TRADE will be business manager be." With a red apple. *EOT FULLY RECONDITIONED l ew Do ll Yourselves A'.mM 1 er —" •fJtPUL.XC.lBI "action car (is that RACKED BY Then' arc Service Schedule really mov( !". t!0 for tin rents, and SINGER SEWING n a few do-it-vourself kits. Not many, DRIP DRY FINISH "Tlii' Bn ad of l_.it.-" will •( tin- thouph MACHINE COMPANY theme of fill’ '.vot'd c!;.v of prayer SIZES 12 TO 20 "Not many children make their Mivici Fi -m. ■ February 21, at GREY TAN own valentines anymore.” one clerk nisi urns OR 2did p.m in Farrm‘ToUiorii:f CHECK said. ref* choi« of Valen- clinch '.aiicioaiv. After all. "Spcakinp ONI SINtii'i: r’OKlAHM s i :.:>o !■ annvillc C o n n r ; 1 of Chin-rh tines, I know I couldn't claim to be WE HAVE THE Women r. rpnu tiam'.: I lie ire HANDBAGS the err a' est in the land, bn! you ONK GINCiKK I T' ’ U U ! * I!.!»:. one of a on’M r.f•rjf:.. Mrlho- know wTiJt they iv about t.lv bin) >jgS|o (id • 11 I v oinoii u fit,' hr ill ctiai':.'o You lhi Sm in I lie hand." i;. only |0 ernls of, $12.00 ONI GINOt’K TUtT>U ?!*•'•:» iiKjs! thr '.r rvior A :uj Cnr me. there only one < >NL O IIIITI MAUI I I icnnr null: I’eivab!r man ADAM1 •* ***** M.*% «# T**« u h' po "yoo hen. Valentine ( c I )t'T\\'iiud hiAhnc. ( »jsi;;( M l .’>o JUST ARRIVED NEW don't you come, up and :-eir< me SHIPMENT t Announce Arri\csI sometime?'' wlwl RAWS of PRICES and MODELS BEDSPREADS Mrs, Dan Hammond Mrs. Georpe Mr and Mr; Derwood Guthrie Th«*a ora but a faw of Mia Double and Twin Sizes — Kitzserald. Mrs. Marvin Wash and announce the arrival of a dan.liter. many outstanding bargain». Assorted

Soo Mia stock ovnilobl* of .. Mr and Mrs. Crosby Phaup visited Cyndia Faye, Saturday. February .0 ycur Spring Colors r? ;*f Sc'• *hyifh' v Mr. and Mr. Edward Bo; tain and ^oinniup.]! llo pi* i' The Jeweler family in Richmond durinp ihr Cyndia s erandpamds arc Mr. SINGER SEWING CENTER EXCELLENT week end. Mr. Bos tain is at home and Mir. Atha Guthrie, of Farm- 6»fts That Last riioM oi t '!! I N. H \ IN S T I \ It MV II,I I \ \. VALUES after sport dim; t evenl months at tile and Mr. mH Mrs. C M. And- Faruville. Va * Ut]j/ -) 1 ('.ijlli of r\ ■ in-ton IIpHol l Krwrat-Tcr!