Stanisław Wojeński's Way to the Episcopal Mitre. The
CEEOL copyright 2020 THE JAGIELLONIAN LIBRARY BULLETIN SPECIAL ISSUE 2020 KRZYSZTOF R. PROKOP DOI: 10.26106/VTJ4-WT66 STANISŁAW WOJEŃSKI’S WAY TO THE EPISCOPAL MITRE. THE ADVENTUROUS CHURCH CAREER OF THE SON OF THE RECTOR OF THE CRACOW ACADEMY The manuscript collection of the Jagiellonian Library holds to this day “an ex- cellently illuminated manuscript presenting the Wojeński family along with their ge- nealogical tree” (Z. Pietrzyk)1 under the title Flamma rediviva e bustis et cineribus atavorum erumpens, olim factis, nunc exemplis Woienskiorum a Brzezie domum col- lustrans, ex veterum historiis, antiquis documentis, imperatorum, regum, principum privilegiis excitata anno salutis 1651 (Jagiellonian Library, MS 1890).2 Its descrip- tion reads: “A paper codex from 1651, in royal quatro, 3 unnumbered pages, 66 and 27 empty at the end. On the second unnumbered page: ‘Stanislaus, archidiaconus Pilecensis, Sacrae Regiae Maiestatis secretarius, Vladislao, decano Klecensi, Alex- andro, Joanni et Ludovico a Brzezie Woienskiis, fratribus, salutem;’ on page 4: ‘Fa- miliae origo;’ page 5 ‘Familiae in Regnum Poloniae adventus.’ A bust of Zadora, an ancestor of Wojeńskis on page 4v, Wojeńskis’ coat of arms on page 11r and a genea- logical table on page 66r, ornately gilded and hand-painted; moreover, each page gilt- edged, each initial and chapter title gilded.”3 For anyone familiar with the realities of Old Polish society, this kind of relic is not surprising, as it was then common to boast one’s ancestors, to present magnificence of one’s own family and to preserve the details about them for posteriority. In this particular case, we have a somewhat 1 Z.
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