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Harvard Ukrainian Studies HARVARD UKRAINIAN STUDIES Volume XIV Number 1/2 June 1990 Ukrainian Research Institute Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts Publication of this issue has been subsidized by the late Zenon Shwedak, benefactor of the Ukrainian Studies Fund, Inc. The editors assume no responsibility for statements of fact or opinion made by contributors. Copyright 1990, by the President and Fellows of Harvard College All rights reserved ISSN 0363-5570 Published by the Ukrainian Research Institute of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Typography by the Computer Based Laboratory, Harvard University, and Chiron, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts. Printed by Cushing-Malloy Lithographers, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life. CONTENTS ARTICLES The Ruthenian (Volhynian) Metrica: Polish Crown Chancery Records for Ukrainian Lands, 1569-1673 7 PATRICIA KENNEDY GRIMSTED The First Edition (1651) of Beauplan's Description d'Ukranie 84 DENNIS F. ESSAR and ANDREW B. PERNAL The Social Structure of the Ukraine in 1917 97 BOHDAN KRAWCHENKO Social Questions and National Revolution: The Ukrainian National Republic in 1919-1920 113 RUDOLF A. MARK DOCUMENTS Comments on Three Letters by Khan Islam Gerey III to the Porte (1651) 132 ZYGMUNT ABRAHAMOWICZ Stanisław Stempowski on his Participation in the Government of the Ukrainian People's Republic 144 ANDRZEJ CHOJNOWSKI REVIEW ARTICLES Ukrainian Medieval Painting: The State of the Art 160 MICHAEL S. FLIER Galician Villagers and the Ukrainain National Movement 167 STEFAN KIENÏEWICZ The Chronicle of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) 171 JOHN A. ARMSTRONG REVIEWS Eduard Mühle, "Die Anfänge Kievs (bis ca. 980) in archäologischer Sicht: Ein Forschungsbericht," Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 35, no. 1 (1987): 80-101; "Die topographisch-sädtebauliche Entwicklung Kievs vom Ende des 10. bis zum Ende des 12. Jh. im Licht der archäologischen Forschungen," Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 36, по. З (1988): 350-76 (Volodymyr I. Mezentsev) 176 Peter J. Potichnyj and Howard Aster, ed., Ukrainian-Jewish Relations in Historical Perspective (Ezra Mendelsohn) 179 Nicholas L. Fr.-Chirovsky, An Introduction to Ukrainian History, 3 vols. (Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak) 183 Sante Graciotti and Emanuela Sgambati, ed., Rinascimento letterario italiano e mondo slavo: Rassegna degli studi dell'ultimo dopoguerra (Rena A. Syska-Lamparska) 186 Jan Dzięgielewski, O tolerancję dla zdominowanych: Polityka wyznaniowa Rzeczypospolitej w latach Panowania Władysława TV (Frank E. Sysyn) 191 Dmytro Blazejovskyj, Byzantine Kyivan Rite Students in Pontifical Colleges, and in Seminaries, Universities and Institutes of Central and Western Europe (1576-1983) (Andrew Sorokowski) 194 Miroslav Hroch, Social Preconditions of National Revival in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Patriotic Groups among the Smaller European Nations, Ben Fowkes, trans. (John-Paul Himka) 197 David L. Ransel, Mothers of Misery: Child Abandonment in Russia (Lawrence Wolff) 198 Stephen J. Zipperstein, The Jews of Odessa: A Cultural History, 1794-1881 (James R. Palmitessa) 202 Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak, Feminists Despite Themselves: Women in Ukrainian Community Life, 1884-1939 (Karen Offen) 203 Barbara Roberts, Whence They Came: Deportation from Canada, 1900-1935 (Jeffrey R. Ryan) 206 Rudolf A. Mark, Symon Petljura und die UNR (= Forschungen zur osteuropäischen Geschichte, 40) (Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak) 208 Valerian Revutsky, Neskoreni Berezil'tsi: Iosyp Hirniak і Olimpiia Dobrovol's'ka (Ihor Ciszkewycz) 209 Jane Ellis, The Russian Orthodox Church: A Contemporary History (Andrew Sorokowski) 212 Oleh Volodymyr Iwanusiv, Tserkva ν ruini (Andrew Sorokowski) 213 Dennis J. Dunn, ed., Religion and Nationalism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union (Andrew Sorokowski) 215 CHRONICLES The Symon Petliura Ukrainian Library in Paris 218 A. JOUKOVSKY Ambroise Jobert, In Memoriam (1904-1988) 236 CONTRIBUTORS Patricia Kennedy Grimsted is a research associate of the Ukrainian Research Insti- tute and the Russian Research Center, Harvard University. Dennis F. Essar is a professor in the Department of French, Italian and Spanish at Brock University. Andrew B. Pernal is professor of history at Brandon University. Bohdan Krawchenko is Director of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta. Rudolf A. Mark is a lecturer at the Institut für osteuropäische Geschichte, University of Mainz. Zygmunt Abrahamowicz is professor emeritus, Institute of History, the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Andrzej Chojnowski is professor at the Institute of History, Warsaw University. Michael S. Flier is professor of Slavic languages and literatures at the University of California, Los Angeles. Stefan Kieniewicz is professor at the Institute of History, Warsaw University. John A. Armstrong is professor emeritus of political science, University of Wiscon- sin, Madison. A. Joukovsky is professor emeritus, Société Scientifique Sevcenko, Sarcelles. The Ruthenian (Volhynian) Metrica: Polish Crown Chancery Records for Ukrainian Lands, 1569-1673* PATRICIA KENNEDY GRIMSTED Within the Crown chancery of the Kingdom of Poland after the Union of Lublin in 1569, a separate group of record books was kept with copies of Crown documents addressed to the palatinates of Volhynia, Bratslav, and Kiev, newly annexed from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.1 These docu- ments are of prime importance for the study of the Polish administration of these areas and of their economic and social development. The subsequent fate and archival disposition of these little-known records, however, has been shrouded in confusion. As a result, their natural order and the cir- cumstances of their creation has been poorly understood. The preparation of this article would have been impossible without the unusual opportuni- ties I had to conduct research simultaneously in both the USSR and Poland during several visits under the auspices of the academic exchange programs operated by the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX). This study is based on materials held in the Central State Archive of Early Acts (TsentraV nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv drevnykh aktov—hereafter TsGADA) in Moscow and in the Main Archive of Early Acts in Warsaw (Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie—hereafter AGAD), and I am indebted to the staff of both these institutions. I also appreciate the advice of Irena Sulkowska-Kurasiowa of the Institute of His- tory (PAN) in Warsaw, of A. L. Khoroshkevich of the Institute of History of the USSR of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Moscow, of H. V. Boriak and N. N. Iakovenko of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR in Kiev, and of la. R. Dashkevych in Lviv. This article has been significantly revised from a shorter version that appeared in Ukrains'kyi istorychnyi zhurnal, 1989, no. 5. A longer version of this study is scheduled for publication in Kiev as the introduction to an edition of early inventories of the Ruthenian Metrica: Rus'ka (Volynska) metryka: Regesty ukrains'kykh aktiv koronnoi kantse- liarii 1569-1673 rr., sponsored by the Archeographic Commission of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (Kiev, forthcoming, 1992). 1 In the act of annexation (27 May 1569), the so-called land of Volhynia included the pala- tinates of Volhynia and Bratslav; the text of the act is printed in Akta unii Polski z Litwą 1385- 1791, ed. Stanisław Kutrzeba and Władysław Semkowicz (Cracow, 1932), pp. 301-308 (no. 136). The act of annexation for the palatinate of Kiev, signed on 6 June 1569, is printed in ibid., pp. 309-319 (no. 138). Kiev had already been organized as a separate palatinate under the Grand Duchy in 1471. The palatinates of Volhynia and Bratslav date from 1566. After 1569 they were reestablished as separate palatinates under the Crown. 8 PATRICIA KENNEDY GRMSTED Although the king of Poland and the grand duke of Lithuania were usu- ally one and the same person, there were always separate chanceries for the Crown and the Grand Duchy; hence, their record books were always main- tained separately, a practice formalized by the Union of Lublin. From at least the mid-fifteenth century, there were systematic chancery record books in which were inscribed complete official copies of all outgoing documents issued by the chancery, including legal decrees from the apéllate courts of the Sejm that were presided over by the chancellor and vice-chancellor. Thus there are parallel groups of chancery records, known respectively as the Lithuanian Metrica (Polish, Metryka Litewska; Latin, Acta [Metrica] Magni Ducatus Lithuaniaé) and the Crown Metrica (Polish, Metryka Korona; Latin, Metrica Regni Poloniae). As practices developed in both chanceries during the sixteenth century, separate books were kept for both the chancellor and the vice-chancellor who served the Grand Duchy or the Crown.2 Further differentiation within each métrica complex was made between books of inscriptions and privileges and books of legal decrees, and there were several other specialized series.3 In both Crown and Lithuanian chanceries, inscriptions in official métrica record books were usually made in the language in which the documents were issued. In the Crown chancery during the fifteenth and sixteenth cen- turies, Latin was the principle chancery language for both administrative and judicial functions. Crown chancery documents pertaining to the western Ukrainian lands of Old Rus'—namely,
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    NARRATING THE NATIONAL FUTURE: THE COSSACKS IN UKRAINIAN AND RUSSIAN ROMANTIC LITERATURE by ANNA KOVALCHUK A DISSERTATION Presented to the Department of Comparative Literature and the Graduate School of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy June 2017 DISSERTATION APPROVAL PAGE Student: Anna Kovalchuk Title: Narrating the National Future: The Cossacks in Ukrainian and Russian Romantic Literature This dissertation has been accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in the Department of Comparative Literature by: Katya Hokanson Chairperson Michael Allan Core Member Serhii Plokhii Core Member Jenifer Presto Core Member Julie Hessler Institutional Representative and Scott L. Pratt Dean of the Graduate School Original approval signatures are on file with the University of Oregon Graduate School. Degree awarded June 2017 ii © 2017 Anna Kovalchuk iii DISSERTATION ABSTRACT Anna Kovalchuk Doctor of Philosophy Department of Comparative Literature June 2017 Title: Narrating the National Future: The Cossacks in Ukrainian and Russian Romantic Literature This dissertation investigates nineteenth-century narrative representations of the Cossacks—multi-ethnic warrior communities from the historical borderlands of empire, known for military strength, pillage, and revelry—as contested historical figures in modern identity politics. Rather than projecting today’s political borders into the past and proceeding from the claim that the Cossacks are either Russian or Ukrainian, this comparative project analyzes the nineteenth-century narratives that transform pre- national Cossack history into national patrimony. Following the Romantic era debates about national identity in the Russian empire, during which the Cossacks become part of both Ukrainian and Russian national self-definition, this dissertation focuses on the role of historical narrative in these burgeoning political projects.
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