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.t.-:===.-._^=^.-. ==!l IJMoorc, Mr. and Mrs. William Pcheer, Bacon, of New York, were the of East Orange, and Mr. W. M. among Mrs. Louis F. es LentenExodusFromNew The Goss. arrivals at the Ponce do Leon for the I Prankard and W. H. Don- of the German government are filled York woman's Atlantic nat Is Pell are Belieair championship of the week-end, afterward going to Palm City among the New York pa¬ Gotha Almanack with the usual array of excellencies, Golf Links will begin on Mon- Beach. trons of the Marlborough-Blenheim. I professors and councillors, yet at the day. Mrs. G. K. Morrow, of Malba, L. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm J. A. Liss- head of thai government stand the L, has been ill and Mrs. Frederick Wood MeMeeker, of Winter Home for Will Fill Winter Resorts her may not defend New Y'ork, entertained at the Alcazar J berger and Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Yieth Can't With names of i bert, Scheidemann, Ditt- Up title. Other New Yorkers who ! and their daughter are at the Shel- KeepUp mann, and Barth. Nobody at dinner the Landsberg will are Mis? early part of the week. burne phi,;," M#trion Kerr, Mrs. From New York at the Hotel Alcazar New from New York. Mr. and Mrs. is supposed to care about their Chris- W. H. Ellis, Miss »ienevive Yorkers Robert of tian names. Mrs. R. Cullen, are Mr. and Mrs. William Holcomb, Many Brockway, Summit, arrived Deposed Royalty S. Porter, Miss Hazel Hop- Mrs. A. E, Mrs. at the Dennis, accompanied by Miss Tiie German national colors are still Seekers of Freedom, From Cold kins, Mrs.
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