.t.-:===.-._^=^.-. . ==!l IJMoorc, Mr. and Mrs. William Pcheer, Bacon, of New York, were the of East Orange, and Mr. W. M. among Mrs. Louis F. es LentenExodusFromNew The Goss. arrivals at the Ponce do Leon for the I Prankard and W. H. Don- of the German government are filled York woman's Atlantic nat Is Pell are Belieair championship of the week-end, afterward going to Palm City among the New York pa¬ Gotha Almanack with the usual array of excellencies, Golf Links will begin on Mon- Beach. trons of the Marlborough-Blenheim. I professors and councillors, yet at the day. Mrs. G. K. Morrow, of Malba, L. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm J. A. Liss- head of thai government stand the L, has been ill and Mrs. Frederick Wood MeMeeker, of Winter Home for Will Fill Winter Resorts her may not defend New Y'ork, entertained at the Alcazar J berger and Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Yieth Can't With names of i bert, Scheidemann, Ditt- Up title. Other New Yorkers who ! and their daughter are at the Shel- KeepUp mann, and Barth. Nobody at dinner the Landsberg will are Mis? early part of the week. burne phi,;," M#trion Kerr, Mrs. From New York at the Hotel Alcazar New from New York. Mr. and Mrs. is supposed to care about their Chris- W. H. Ellis, Miss »ienevive Yorkers Robert of tian names. Mrs. R. Cullen, are Mr. and Mrs. William Holcomb, Many Brockway, Summit, arrived Deposed Royalty S. Porter, Miss Hazel Hop- Mrs. A. E, Mrs. at the Dennis, accompanied by Miss Tiie German national colors are still Seekers of Freedom, From Cold kins, Mrs. H. A. Peabody, E. W. Per- Louisa as Northern Blast* C. ïfcrin and Mrs. II. rine, William Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Brockway and Robert Brock- given black, white and red, and the Leighton. J. F. and Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Resort "*'uy, jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Winsiow, war flag still blazons the Prussian Still Bask in Sunshine of Pick. Tenney Hotels Are Filled by of New York, are at that hotel with Mr. on Potentates and eagle. Miami, Seabreeze and and Mrs. H. II. Winsiow, of Authority This year "provisional'' governments and Robert Cecil St. George and party Visitors From Mr. Chicago. ¡»bound. Títere is Oilier Trap Shooting are Gotham and Mrs. Edward Broomfield came Princes Sets Three Arti- Poland, de icribed in Famous Places ; Atlantic Is among tho New Yorkers at the from New the almanach as "an ancient City Thriving Ponce de from Who York to visit Mr. and Mrs. kingdom." Add to Leon, coming Seabreeze, Seek Short Vaca-, Atlee Burpee, jr., of Philadelphia, at des on Poland whose "chief" is General Pilsudski. Masquerades where they were for a fortnight. the Dennis. Finland, Finland, "formerly grand duchy," has The third annual spring tournament tions Shores of Ocean «Mrs. H. E. no president, but General All the popular winter resorts con- Stephen's Guild Seabreeze is this and the by Baer, Miss Edith V. Baer and Ukraine; Cancels All Mannerheim Wednesday afternoon Amusements being played week, win¬ and Miss Estelle Baker are in a New is the present -'reg-ánt." tir.'Jt as crowded and as active socially at beautiful Cherokee Lodge, the Co- ner is entitled to a leg on the W. H. York coanut Grove home of {Kpcrinl Correspondence of The Tribune) party ut the St. Charles. Mr. and Ukraine a Little Uncertain t3 over the holiday period, when Lin- Mr. and Mrs. | Beardsley Cup. George F. Morse, of i Special Correspondence of The Mrs. Robert Smith and Mrs. H. A. John Lindley, was a brilliant success. SEABREEZE, Fla., March 1..The Rutland, Vt., was the winner in KM? Tribun*) PARIS, Feb. 10 (Correspondence of Tito Ukraine is described as "a con- coin's and Washington's birthday cele- The ATLANTIC March 1..Some Mitchell have joined the New York coi- reception committee comprised Washington's Birthday hall was the! and Louis J. Hopkins, of the Old Elm CITY, ony at the Breakers. Mrs. J. J. The Associated Press). .The swift Btitutional monarchy on a republican brau, ns brought record crowds to the Mrs. David Mrs. Adelaide feature toward which one Club, in 1918. of the congestion of travel to Sum- Todd, Mc- with every looked and ner is at the Wiltshire, with Mrs. H. C. march of history v hich has reduced basis," with General Skoropadski as fashi. Lester afternoon, while tions decora- Major Chambcrland by are members of a New York family rapid 1918, the Hetmán haa ab- parte, are rapidly filled up by North¬ H. Somers auctioned paintings abounded and there were many ami Mrs. Chamberland anel Mr. and of officials who made investigation of party at tho Strand. for the old Almanuch de Gotha. In dicated and the- is In the donated Howard Mr. and Mrs. F. peace times this of sta¬ power hands ern visitors. by Hilder. beautifully decorated tubli-s in the din¬ Mrs. Robert Neil Dickman. Major demands for moro cars and S. urrived at the compendium of a directorate of Winnit- Two thousand visitors on ing-room. trains. Stanjjope Alamac tistical data princes and itonsisting With the beginning of Lent this Friday General Chambcrland was in the battle Similar service íb from New York. concerning shenko, Petliura, Schweiz and An- witnessed th" first polo contest ever Just now every one is talking of the of Chateau Thierry and Bclleau Wood, being asked for from potentates and their dominiers went dreievaki." week more members of society from held in the State of Florida. Two teams recently anel has to prosa about the end of October, when KfW York will to inaugurated trap shooting at only recently returned from Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Washington Russia, or, to give it its modern go Palm Beach, were organized from among the Polo the Clarendon, where Mrs. B. G. Earfe, overseas. and Baltimore. its information was supposed to hold the ¡no, Or- ub members, ami Cue Many New York and good for another year, it name, locialistic Re« Belleair, Reds won over representing the «lu Pont, Powder Com¬ Mrs. William II. Crocker, of Califor¬ Work to and generally of Russ at whoso mond, Daytona, Tampa atul other Flor- the Whites by 5 to 4. pany, and herself is be rushed on the new did, barring some coup d'etat or other public Soviets," At Ian tic probably the great¬ nia, has joineel her daughter and son- in South hand Lénine iVladimir Oulianoff) and City und .Mr. arid Mrs. Homer St. Gaudens, of est, woman trap shut In America, is do¬ in-law, the; Count anel Countess de "herringbone" boardwalk which was ISeiv Jersey America. 'Leon !' j akew by, will have all the New have at ing so much to People Now, however, its issue for 1P10, Trotzky Bronslein) figure, Is York, arrived C<;coanut promote the sport here. Li mur, in Cuba, nnel with them will re¬ authorized by citv officials this week. a chat .is far as its internal 8 can accommodate. Grove and will be the of Mrs. The Clarendon turn which went to the in Decem i guests Gun Club opened for¬ this week to the Ponce ele Leon. The motor which has been Guests at tona printers administration Is concernod. Van¬ and tunnia tournaments are Augustus Saint widow of the mally on Mrs. Samuel show, open Day her, is affected in several important he J- .01 urn Gaudens, Thursday, under the direc¬ S. Dennis, with their for a ished is the pomp and of the resorts, lute iculptor, for the remainder of the tion of Mrs. Earle, and Mrs. L. Miss of week, closes to-night after at¬ Svecùtl Correspondence respects by sudden developments in¬ panoply 'nest In E, King, daughter, Dorothy Dennis, a record crowd for a of Bonoroua soïSnding names or the Rus¬ players the season. of Seabreeze, a noted tracting seashore 1. . volving many the former ruling are In the woman shot, led Morristown, N. J., also are there. exhibit. DAYTONA, March William of sian aristocracy that once tilled tho country game's. County Mrs. John J!. Hannn a the others a score houses Europe. j.... -i arranged large with of 39 breaks Stokes, of Morristown, N. J., ac¬ admi i» in tin» old i/eà rong attractions ul '"a afternoon at her Miami out of 60. Miss Frunces Legal experts were retained by Amusing to students of Germany's higher p H'.nie of the places, and horseback BeachThursday of »Mary Thatcher, heaelu of tho government of Vent- companied by his granddaughter, Miss Eastern bonier is the naive empire. Ai for the diplomatie corpa villa, on the ocean front. Among Winonn, Minn., was second Colonel Mullikan, city policy pref¬ at Petrograd, all the rs un«l r ,i,i ,-. mot! rii ». botor high. that "the boating, iishing her were a score E. F, a nor, adjoining Atlantic City, to secure Kathryn Stokes and her friend, Miss atory editors regret that »mi make a sixty guests who Schoberloin gave supper party court after ministers, oxcopf one from Spain, are bathing up varied and in- over In the condemnation of tho stretch having three new " motored from Pulm Beach. In¬ Lotus Club Grill at the Claren¬ Civil War long Conway, of Danvillo, Va., are recent prepared us "absent injj programme by day, Dinners, vited to the (»(lair Were don on Veteran, of stranei in front of that resort which articles on Finland, Poland nnd tho algniflcently designated ;¡i s Mr. and Mrs. Saturday night. Another grill arrivals at the Prince Miss Cue curiosity is Hint Albania nharp» inn.eut for charity George Everest Mrs. William tent»* Included is to be made into a public park and George. Ukraine, they were obliged to cancel kci |i the winter colony busy In the Sowell, Wright Milliard, Charles An Orlando Visitor joineel to the Atlantic Stokes ja a niece of cx-Govcrnor all three owing to the in the with Sun Marino the distinction o| T. Bull, Mr. und Mrs, Leo M. Reinhart and James jr., who City bathing change having a evenings, ami ihuru In "" In»'»4- of Mr. Mrs. Rumscy, en'» rtained Kelsoy, grounds. Stokes, of New course of events." government indicated only ¦must mi at or and Roberl Ilnssler, Mr. and Daylona friuncli ORLANDO. Fin., March 1. An inter¬ New York visitors Jersey. In othur Prince by blanks. by daj night, Mrs, Nelson Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. W. G. of New outnumbered Dr. and Mrs. Frank C. Lewis and words, Frederick H. Thrall, Schwur!, esting winter visitor hero is Colonel those from any other city in the Charles of Hesse, brother-in-law of Gllrnan, Judge und Mrs. John ('. York, liuvn arrived nl Ihn Clarendon, el aughtern, Mr. ami Mrs. C, E. Lewis the former Mr. Mrs. La Scher and J. R. Mullikan, of Newnrk, N. J. h Civil throngs which have crowded the ho¬ German Fmpotror, will Annual Tennis Grumbling, and Hollín A. De Roy William Kniglil, of War veteran. With tels all this week. und Dr. ami Mrs. II. E, of never cent himself «.pon the thront) of How Tliry Say Hrllo Tourney Weese New York, who Colonel Mullikan Many charity Lowls, Scar- " nod Mr. and Mm. James spent the en! in» win¬ i- ter is his daughter, Mrs. Mortimer Rem¬ events are being arranged fur the so¬ N. have Finland, and there is to Im no Prus¬ A nibs "l'eut be wit It ..oil Ma! hews. at the Clarendon, ontortnlnod u boio, Y,, been nt tho Elm- sian ii Holds Attention of The of at ington, wife of Major Remington, who cial circle, anel the yearly dance for burst. predominance In Poland and the Turk«i "If bo the will of Allah* Gotham contingent at the Hal¬ party friends a masquerade din¬ is at General the Atlantic City will take Ukraine, "How |« cyon was ner in the Lotus club a Bi'i'shing's headquarter« Hospital Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Wilson. Miss Egyptian«! youi poi Palm Reach augmented this week by the Grill few in Franco. place ul the Hotel Chelsea Monday Charlotte "Ex" tioti ?" Society of arrival of Mrs. Albert Huron, Mr. und nights air«1- The guosts Included Mis« Mr. M. Wilson and Kenneth Wil¬ Denlgnate* Teuton Royalty ,,! Correspondí ne* »Mrs. John C. .1. muí Mrs, Hiiirh Kennedy, who night. son, of New York, aro ut tho Prince The Chinese! "Have you rnt-»ii y..ur Lowrcy, jr., Mr. und Mrs. Murjorlo Stewart, Root, Mrs. II. tho sca-mn In have Mr. and Mrs. N. I!. of White downfall of the houses of rice'.' l« PALM l .1. Mrs. II. spent early Orlando, Roger«, , your itomacn In (rood order?* BEACH, March The an¬ .!¦».,eph Post. William Duval, Mrs. Mudo» White, L. Bole, Mr«, J. A. ruturned to their home at I. have urrlved al the Georg«. Hohenzollern nnd Hapsburg has not nual icnrii.-i tournament has ¡m«' s. Doll, s. M. .Mr. Huilón, Mrs. II. (¡. Allen, Mrs. J. A. Mineóla, L, Plains, Traymore. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Byrne, ->f eausod th« of the Greeks; "What art thou doing?" first attention this occupied Whoolock and Miss Mr, ¡m.I Mr«. Colgate I-Toyfc. <>f New Mr. ami Mr*. J, (¿. Campbell, of Orun-rn, New have rented the» "Seldom much compilers almanach Neapolitan: "May you Increase In week, being, as al¬ and Mrs. J. Hullhan. McGiiir«', Helen <'handler, Mi.,« and and oro G. York, rucking of bruins. The «a much n social as a Violotto Mrs. York, Mr. Mrs. W. G. Kieker, hero with J. Campbell, Jr. Mra. Inn," eino of the -it "ex" in prefix health." e/ays, spoiling Mayor anil Mrs. John F. Hylnn, their Ferris, McFudden and of are arrivals nt Winter M. C, Thorn, Miss Helen Thorn and pretty cottages apparently held to be sufficient avant, The nal ioruil M h h Mosul's. W. II. Rochester, Dnytonii. to define tne «tatus of William Italian«; "How goes it ?" champion, daughter, Miss Virginia Hylun, und Taylor, Lieutenant Park. N. S, Thorn tire In a parly from Brook¬ Mrs. II present "How ami Molla Bjuratedt, made her ttrsl .» of Feusles, F. II. J. Dleboll and P. Mr, und P. Floyd Hullenbeck, und Charles I, although the Spaniards) goc« It?" "I eil appear I'nteriiiyer, New York, were Ward, Mrs. Archer Brown and M!hh Brown, lyn at the Mr. und Mrs. former hand." «nee the Palm Beach courts, She S. nil Clarendon so Traymoro, c.f Schectady, New York, will upend th-i is «till with his full kill your met Mi-is lunt'.iieoii. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ev¬ Al'kwright, ¡ouriier:«. of East Orange, N. J,, are Mr. Wallace Cnthcart, who roturnod from credited fifty Eleanora Sears, Mrs. Rawson erest. G. at Many motor parties are at visiting remainder of the souson hero. three (¡lies und the lutter I« still French! "How do you carry your-¡ Sowell their arriving and Mrs. at their home un Alaskan at tho .,. L. Wood, Miss II.«' i..! Fourteenth the Clarendon en Irvine: BacllOllor trip, are Traymore, . styled Hfl!".'" Annette McCook, Miss street resilience early in the week. route to Palm Beach in Winter Park. Mr, and Mr«. Jules Dometro, Miss among other things "King of Tilford, Miss Gladys Robbins, The golf links at Miami Beach have und Miami and stopping to enjoy Hotel arrivals include Mr. and Mrs. Diimctrei ami Andrew of New Envoy Quits Mexico Jerusalem, Prince of the Trentino und German«: "How goes it?" Mrs, l-'n-il« rick Mrs, Forbes' over Dometro, Lord of Trieste." Duli'h: "How «lo you drive?" Mr-. Lewisohn, been thronged with club swingers this speeding the Orniond-Duytoiia A. W. Frost and John <'roban, of Now York, arc at the Traymore, Mrs, J. E. MEXICO Feb. 85. Dr. Luis 3. Hawk-, Franklin Richardson. Mrs, week. the New Beuch. Mrs. of New CITY, Much the same treatment Is given Danes: «kj.iv«» well." Quincy A. Shaw, 2d; Mrs. J. L. Among York devotees York; Joseph Knapp, Waverly, Venable, York, who is at the Santamaría, who has been serving to the score of Scotch: with Mrs. Bremer, of the snort playing were Mr. and Mrs. N. Y.; Mrs. F, A. Mann, Plant ville«, Marlborough-Blenheim, entertiiineel R. here in the of d'Af¬ German princes and "How's all you?'* George \\ id( ner and others. capacity Charge princelings who abdicated. ap¬ Russians: "Be well." The men's J. F. Mather, Thomas R. Gardenas, Ar¬ Conn.; Mrs, 1. L. Cary, Mrs. C. II S. H. Venable, of the U. S. S. St. Louis, faires for Cuba, has guie to Havana pear In They tournament began yesterr- thur South Florida Fair over the almanach as they were English: "Are you there?" das- ¡nul will continui much of II. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Remington, Hartford, Conn, and Joseph the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Mil- leaving that republic without a dip- but for the "ex." next through Miles, J. Carey, Robert S. Bullón, W. Fiske, of New York. ton Cronkhite, of Brooklyn; Mr. und lomutic in Mexico. American: "Hello, hel-lo!".Boston week, among the test known en¬ Philip At representative Although the administrative branch- P.ost, tries being i raig Biddle and Frod C. David M. Roth, Mrs. Nelson B. Whit- Tampa Attended Inman, The Palm Beach tournament,) comb, Raymond A. Weagant, W. II. which is for the championship of Flor- Russell, H. F. Manvcl, Paul Pinkerton, By 61,000 Persons ida, was discontinued «luring the Charles F. Bedall, Charles F. Merrall which has for the war, and W. Mannering, jr. Sjircial Correspondence present eliminated Mr. TAMPA, Fla., March 1..Tho South most of the stars. The chief trophy and Mrs. Harry G. Borden, of Florida is the Flagler Bowl, which Lakewood, N. J., are a month Fair, held during the week, becomes the spending was attended R 61,000 visitors ÍNTER permanent possession of the player1 at the Gralynn. Also stopping there by from winning it three times. are Mr. and Mrs. T. D. the North and Florida, and the pres¬ Foote, of ence of Because Washington's Birthday fell Greenwich, Conn., and Mm. Joseph. the whole Key West patrol 01 the- great ball Kern and Miss II. E. of fleet in Tampa harbor was one of the PoincianaSaturday given at the Kern, Newark. main features. The of the annuajly to celebrate it was | New York is represented at the San gates city hei«! on Monelay night. It upheld its Carlos by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ches- were opened wide for the officers and reputation of being one of the ter Graves, John V. J. Mr. and the sailors, and all of tho social affairs held in the biggest Mrs. Wood, were planned in honor of the United States, about P. Goodrich and Mrs. Robert visitors. nuvy 11,0 people taking part, not to men- Br iwne. lion as more who Rear Admiral Edwin A. SUMMER AND WINTER RESORTS many could not find Thomas Wood, editor of "Forest and in Anderson, OPEN ALL THE YEAR standing room near enough to of New has arrived command of the fleet, made head¬ Why have New \,Y:nter Resorts bren mío say really Stream," York, in his England coming such great favori they attended. The ball was given Miami for tarpon and sail fishing. He quarters with party at the Tampa for the Red Cross. is saying at the but will Buy. Besides the Admirai and Mrs. THE ANSWER IS: Juat now it Royal Palm, Anderson there was in the is one grand rush of soon start on an angling trip with party Lieu- lor all those who want to enjoy Health, Pleasure and Winter the parties all day long, with not time- Elmer Garretson. tenant Commander Lorin Anderson, jr., Winter Hotels of Sports, in whoso on the the. Snow White Hills of »New have no enough the day to get from one At the Urmey are Mr. and Mrs. grandfather maternal side From all England equal. to the other. The IL was Admiral Perry Garst, now retired. Northern Cities one can spend a week, month or time vate biggest recent pri- Frank Ganger, of Brooklyn, Mrs. the fireside of these longer by affair w'is that given by Mr. and F. It. Smart and F. R. Smart,' jr., Mr. Mrs. C. C. Darling, daughter uf Mr. Resorts and then return to his home at any lime Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury, of Philadel- and Mrs. George A. Magee, Mr. and and Mrs. Walter Preston, of New York without danger to his health. phia, in celebration of the former's Mrs. J. Thomas Fielding, »Miss Bertha and Providence, has joined her parents Ideal Cruise last 1 at the Tampa Bay. 16-day birthday Saturelay night. They ¡elding and Horace Downing, of New From Nevr York to and had the exclusive use of the York. Mrs. T. B. Stewart and Miss Bruce around this POLAND SPRING LEADS ALL Country of are island re- Club, where they had about 150 guests Late registrations at the Royal Palm Patton, Brooklyn, guests of Mr«. iasciremting» tropical and liner anel the Lillian Floyd. THE SHORT ROUTE TO THE tana, nt principa] porta. lowed. dance which fol¬ include Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paul Ste¬ W. J. ORIENT stropping One of the features was a vens, of Albany; T. Hammond Ilarahan, Federal manager, By Fast, Palatial AH mrá of George and W. L. Seddon, general manager of Passenger Steamships of 21,000 ton» $4 OO programme classical music, ami Lieutenant W. J. Lee, of Brooklyn Bxp«ms«t9 JS,. f%%" «up by a Vour.g operatic tenor, John and Mrs. John H. Mrs. Clarence the Seaboard Air Line, arrived in From Seattle to Hong Kong via Kobe- <%kJr4Ji9 who Strong, Coster, in their cur Yokohama, has been singing for the soldiers H. Hyde. Charles C. Davis, Mr. anil Tampa private several and Manila You roaW* «ho steamer tour hole! during in France. days ago. Nagasaki, voyage. Slioro Afterward there« was Mrs. A. V. Meserole, Mr. and Mrs. J ALSO FREIGHT SERVICK8 enbrç **" Seattle to Hip Far SpÄni.ll» lt/c find .;u8t.'itTU.viidtat^jiicturiuK-tie dancing, with two e.rchestras, on the I'. Chamberlain. Miss Bertha Scott East.Fortnightly. New York to tho Orient via F>»rtam>v~--Fr*>. .* Write loi moonlit veranda, with the Mrs. L. V. McFall, Mrs. L. Troudel quently. New York to British Indian I'ortB.Monthly. iWMll-niiB. of trot background Sea Tor Particular- of or age and there was a Major and Mrs. II. A. Derrick, Mr. ant Bathing Popular P-uu-age Froicht Apply to grea: display of dress and jewels. Mrs. G. W. Rogers, Mr. ami Mrs U0 BWOALWAY, NEW YORK il 400 R'WAY IH-M!»Mn»I.TWI*;l",i^ ¦-.¡Ä'ift.iit* »» Society aa been flocking to the Charles N. Vllas, Mr. and Mrs. Sidnej With Guests at HA*"* EXCHANGE. CHICAGO for luncheon J', Mrs. Earl Ormond; 409 COLUMBIA BLDC, SEATTtF and dinner Cox, Hopkinson, Mist ^^i^çj.-^, i-"1 every night. The .»-cenes there, and 1 Marion Hopkinson, Miss Jessie IL De- Weather Warm ig jjj sHEBRJ-P*" I .specially ,n the casino are Culty and Frank of New York Bright, ;- afterward, Greeley, |ay, .. ntertaining have At the Halcyon are Mr. and Mrs. H Special Corrflspoudence OPEN ALL ;' -. W. St. John, of Stuart Per Mar. 1..The MANSION HOUSE THE YEA» and M Warburton, Mr. Brooklyn; ORMOND, Fia., Hotel For od Aldrich, Mr. and kins, of Newark; l'au! Dickey, C. Gray Ormond at the heights of its season lnform2iion and Win ta/ Circular call or write to the .Mrs. son "Iraveí re, Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Benjamin Johnson aiu (|)ÍíhouíTñoU0Íe F. is teeming with gayety, the many en¬ POLAND WATER DEPOT, 1180 New «nd n, J, B. Taylor, Mr. party, Joseph Gisse), Robert W. Cam Broadway, York. Mr er H. Revel!, Walcott eron, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Goodrich ant tertainments and -social events keep¬ DELIGHTFUL AUTGMOBiLIM HIRAM RICKER «t SONS, Inc. '¦_ Otto H. Kal n, H. Nelson Slater, Dr. and Mrs. Irving Fisher, of Nev ing tho house full of guests in a happy Lorimer Worden, Mrs. Henry York. mood. Sea bathing is Amid the Orange Blossoms Mrs. those at thf. rapidly coming «mi* of (lie world'« McVicker, Harry Payne Among registering Greet into its own with tho greatest Joys IN CHERRY BLOSSOM TIME d Mrs. Fdward Beals Tree Inn lately were Mrs. Frank Will advent of warm in ,*,ouiM with (In* March Tour» of McLean, Mr. and Mr". Frederick T. enbrock, Miss Marie Hanrick, Georg, spring days. RAYMOND-WHITCOMB The most delightful season J>P-fellnghuysen, Mr and Mrs. William' N. Gailliard, Mrs. Irving 0. BateB, Mis The tennis courts, both at the Or¬ in this land. A Hyde, George Singer, Mrs. Gustav Ruth L. Slater and Dr. and Mrs. Bea mond and the Bretton OTHER TOURS FOR FLORIDA fascinating A. man of New Mr. Inn, have a select tour leaves the Pacific Finest Hotel in Walker, H. Chase, Mrs. Douglas, York; am list Independent Inclusive Trips ¡Resort South1 Rawson Wo.vd and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mrs. Everett J. Marsh, of East Orange waiting daily: thisi popular sport 'I'« Anywhere For Anytime Coast on 3, all as. . and of Y'onkers. interest April visiting Mr». Guy Simpson, sharing with golf. Horseback TROl'HLELESS TRAVEL DE LUXE of interest. Limited ^Th&DB Willis Heaver Paine, of New Oothamites who came to the Gralyni riding by moonlight along tho wonder¬ Auk for the Book that interests You places soto at a luncheon at the this week were Mrs. Irving A. Silvk ful beach offers a charming diversion membership; highest class SAVANNAH, Country Club early in the week, at Miss Mary i'usey, Amos M. Graves an« and the beautiful trails und shell roads, Raymond &. Whitcomb Co GEORGIA, which («ho entertained Mrs. Albert Snydcr. In this vicinity claim in tho 2Bo FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK arrangements. SEASON DECEMBER TO MAY- Dunn Lout-. Robert saddle many -AMERICAN PLAN harlea during the «lay, while the pony Extensively remodelled and rofurni h In Temple,! carts aro well STEAMSHIP PASSAGES 1917 ., Mrs. C'ement patronized by the STEAMSHIP OFFICE 215 and, Mrs. and younger set. oniclul 1'nr All Linen To To Europe, South Rooms.160 Private Baths Frederick Moss, Mis»; Bathing Boating Agency America, Running; water In all rooms Dorotl and i Among the evening entertainments West South without i.uth dor» Mis Theo- at the Indies, Africa, Aus¬ Steam heated thio ig Buckley. Hosts at, some | Ormond the past week were an EUROPE Golf muy be enjoyed the entire winter on l of tho tralia, , Japan, etc. Official one of the best 18-hola either dlnnen n is week have in- | immensely Popular instrumental und vocal concert by the America.An.-,(ralis for all courses in the Bou h «nui» «lud*«) Japan-Chins.South Agents Trans-Atlantic and and Count de La Greze, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Belgium Trio for tho relief of Exceptional Expert Hcrvicn Trans-Pacific Lines. For Rates Information Address William Thaw. Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Bar- At Belleair Beache. the Belgium babies; Starr J. Murphy,! Steamship HULL. Owner. hour, Mr. and Mr». Robert trustee of Ihe Rockefeller & Whitcomb Co Ovnrseii», niveler* will find our JOSEPH JOHN J. HENNESSY, Man.«,. Appleton, Special Correspondence mi ufe Foundation, Raymond service for arranging; passage de- and Mr". William Thomn- in resting talk'on tho 233 FIFTH AVENTE NEW YORK tiillH, etc., of value d Boycc j BELLEAIR, Fla., March I. After th Die campaign Phono Madison Hqiinro «UTO exceptional and Mrs, William Velio, Mr against disease; regular evening! under present conditions, Mi John N. Willys, Mr. and Mrs. Washington Birthday festivities wer card parties in tho lobbies ami the "redbrick Li-wisohn, Mr. the sociul soason di brilliant Saturday evening in tho CALIFORNIA NEW YORK STATE Wi .1. and Mr«. over at Bellaair ballroom. hops ATLANTIC CITY, KKW JERSEY M ekle, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew means. There were I-IRR 11, KT MDNTAOtm Grand 2d, and not halt by any A minstrel hIiow and cabaret is in HT.. BliJ/ïN, AT MOON. including Canyon, South¬ Carnegie, Mr, and Mrs. H. It. but. otiu-r RED'D'L.NE ern Coast Mallin«, of New York. great many departures, preparation by tho of tho ¦for 1'i.ri" Curafio & Vstiesusla. California, Resorts, " t- employees llloo, w:Mmm0- hili '»«on tho North came in to take til Ormond for the entertainment of tho K. H. Zulla. Wcdtltsdaj. lili Ï0. at 1 P. M. San Francisco, Yosemite Valley onopolizi ng H. H Mmni-Hlli.i. Mari'li at 1 P, M. and Ui-.liirwlay, la, return NEW ..»'¦*.' *¦* - Palm Beach Golf placei. guests their friends to tako placo H. H Wi'tlncarlay. Miriih 5, a! 1 I*. M. (optional) with via Colo¬ YORK TO LIVERPOO! tyopen unreti "^52.?; .'i ".f. w'th ti.« r Club »viral aro schedule on l-lilluilflphla. rALUYCAR Fl-a/ I El« CRANDALL. £\T annual tournament ^<<- »neu dinner parti«;; March 4. K. a Cirti'U. WodiiPSflay. Manll 19, at 1 P. M. rado Resorts. Escorted Tour« AQUITANIA .MAR. 6 LANTIC O got up a small for the coming week and bridge pa Bliperlor A.<.)iiiiii...l.»Uona t.ir I'ajwpiigiira 7 WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. -..«» com«» invitation tourney of .;.-'i niiis«, UAI.1.KTT & CO.. Deal. Mgra. leave during April. Carona* ..<.Mar. 10 ¿^FRENCH CiJfLLi ;,i e,f | ,. best will be held every day. Fishir WINTER players here ajt tho and como into its ow 'Fhuiia "170 lUiii.ftT S2 Wall Ktreel. Tickets and Tours Orduna.Mar. Id ^T£/. ïV- mviER.A TERRACE4 i .". Charle« Van Vleck. boating bus Royal Belgian Trio at Everywhere. Saxonia Dircc '.wood.was the jr., now that, the warm weather has a Pullman and Hotel accommoda¬ .«a...«.Mar. 18 Hy facinq tii«? Saa score of 81. medallist, with a rived, and is a daily pa! reserved in advance. Com- Carmania .Mar ¿4 Oup9rioi'oCrvirc-,»,óApr.oíntm(7nta The other playe-rs engaged bathing, too, St, Augustine to Aid tions LAKEWOOO. iVBW JERSEY Literature end Plai\s moilcJ ¦i Artemas J. B. time mixed in with the golf an information, time tables, etc. AQUITANIA .APRIL 5 Holmes, Eiwell, tennis. »wi, »i.iii. Paige, Ouinl n W. R. liÉf.l'MtëTteAN.WUOT'QUI H. Çletetineraries arranged. STREET, NEU «uiUa, J H Di Fcitner, Phil Plant, son of Mrs. Morton 1 Needy Belgian Babies .lí-í-jireüs Posta" Laurel in the Pines ir, Frederick Plant who is here for the winter, ga\ ÏCOOfAiîflll! Cer**U«> «mm flf«?nil for Program that Interests you. 'hoysen, C. Special Cnrrcspomlcne« .THE Harry Haskins, Frank a ri.'Ul.IC HE PLEASED.* N. J. and Walter dinner to a number of Die young« ST. March NEW YORK.FRANCE Lakewood, lork. Wai ion, all of New set in week. AUGUSTINE, Fla., I.- The WEEKLY EOrABi-K CLIMATK CONDITIONS. curly the In the part sent here DIIPAKTtmiCS TH0S. COOK & walks. were: Thf» Misses Ros Royal Belgian Trio, by E. dc- SON, Golf, riding mul aholtered largest real estate sale in the Virginia ( artier do Marchienne* Belgian Ambas¬ Company s Utíice ,PhBn, BovV|tnq Graen 7500 2i5 Broadway, 561 Fifth Ave.. N. Y. liKiiy oonoerta ami danclnt cottage thin Janice Liggett, Lucille Fetty, Marie sador Cook's Traveler's Cheques TJranfh ni'.'".'. n occurred at gave a THS RESurti '-'¦¦: this Kerr, Murg-iret Murray, Harriett. She] Washington, concert Good Everywhere My Run I FRANK I'. SIUTK, Mgr. LtA'JlKÍ HOUSi. OF TMk HURLO ., ot Rome. N. Y., ard and Bud Robert Dicke this week In tho ballroom of the Al¬ »V Iii.il ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. -'.-'I an ocean Clark, cazar Hotel for tho relief of "7//A* NATION'S HEALTH .- frontage of IfiOO Hugh Reed, Harry Dlllahunt and Gi Belgian Special Sailing SHOP" 1200,000. Th« property lies be- bâliies. MONTCLAIR, NEW JERSEY Hi»LTH IS CFFICIBNCV the bert Waldo. PROVIDENCE A Gtrmicluc Clltnste and Clc»i» Striret». j**en Bingham estate and that of Mr. ami Mrs. Charles ha« Miss Mona Robinson has joined Mrs. ALE BîrVn $2.97 »Jor'-.n C. Nichols, of Ilat.huway Moncure Robinson at the Wphom OUTSIDE STATr'ROOM.S,$i.io to $3.30 No Du»«. No Din. lnnumrrablo «Dut. * Greenwich, Conn. returned from Palm Beach, where th« Villa, WEST COAST Bolh lJricen Include War Tax. door Recreations and Indoor Enti »-»inmcnt» Mr; nt of the Farm- where she has the last two sea¬ JAMAICA '*¦ ¦. spent WINTER {Wix and 1 m it ted their son. Boat leaves Pier 39, North River, nt ¡> p. M, ÏDEAL HOME .nd also hi Company, of Rome, Miss Louise Jongers, daughter of M sons. CRISTOBAL Thone Siirin-i ÜIU1. «e »» mining interests, and Mrs. «if No Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Douglas Rob- AMERICA going tei build here. Alphonse Jongers, in&nn anil Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Low AND SOUTH Hotel Montclair VorK, has returned to Belleair aft.« SPECIAL BAJUNO a two weeks' visit at Miami. MOVTCT.A1R, N. J. Mmmi the recent, dinner West Coast S. S. ORIANA .*bout Mar. 15 MOST DF.t .ICJHTFri.LY RrTr- GRAND ATLANTIC Visitors Among parti TRAVEL ATED RF>ID1:NT1 AI. HOTEL IN ATLANTIC CITY, N. ,L given tit the Bqlloview wire those ) OF Ci-rrylng 1st and 2nd class passengers. NFAV YORK'S -l"RI'RBS. Vlrpinta a»» near Beach. Capat-ity f0». A FindEntertainment Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Wuterburv, OPF.N THIi ENTIRE! YEAR. strictly ' "I a»l «tiraclloivn. Brooklyn, who entertained twVnt C. Private bath.--, running aater In rooma, « .a- South America FREDERICK HALL -COMPANY. .., Mrs. F. Barstow, of Sou« ItmRNÂTIONÂLMERCÂKTIU Pacific Line ii etc Notable table, wMto servloa», At guest»; Q, Pacific Steam Worcester. $3.83. Providence direct, $2.St Eurlv se»;, m ih:,s, $3.at) up dally Fair N. who entertained twent s.S. about (The Navigation Co.) li,»okiet. Special BpteiâtCounty Orange, J., MARINELINES Oriana Mar 15 STATEROOMS, $! 00 and $2.00 wet-Uly. W. F. SHAW. C