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for Permanent Electric Motor and Trailer Trucks for Plantation Locomotives Sole Representatives in Brazil: Railway and Suburban Service. or Portable track. Like of different engines of same parts AM Work Thoroughly Guaranteed. & Co., Ltd., class perfectly interchangeable. NORTON, MEGAW adapted for Locomotives particularly on appli- 58, Rua Primeiro de Mareo, Rio d* Janeira. Logging and Industrial purposes and I Must rateei Catalogue furnished N. for Mines and Furnaces. cation of customers. WATER PAINT - Made by Mander Brothers — Wolverhampton. ê \ÚM Agents and representatives •- BORLIDO MAIA & C. Rua do Rosário 55-58—Rjq de janeiro.

Made by PINCHIN JOHNSON & Co. noriDois K

See our advertisenient on third page. I£TEMPER

R10 DE J-JANEIRO F,FLOUR Mills & Granaries Limited Telegraphic Address "Epiaermis" These Mills are the LARGEST in the SOUTHERN HEMIS- MODERN Post Office Boz N. 486 PHERE and are fitted throughout with the most MACHINERY. For the superiority oí their flours they were award- Mills. Rua da Gamboa, No. ed a GOLD MED AL at the PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION HEAD OíílCE: "FIRST ST. LOUIS London : 48, Moorgate Street, E. C. oí 1889 and the PRIZE oí BRAZIL" at the EXHIBITION oí 1904, the brands of same, which are duly BRANCHES: 8. Paulo 4, Rua da Quitanda. registered at the Junta Commercial, are as íollows : Rosário:1086, Calle Santa Fé. «NACIONAL» "SAVOIA^ Buenos Aires :.335, Calle B. Mitre. -BUDA-NACIOJNAL' ' 'JB Fí A__. XJL. 10 IJbí A '' "8EMOLIINA" A GENCIES: Victoria, Bahia, Maceió, Pernambuco, Daily pròduction of Flour and Bran: 10,000 Bags Ceara, Maranhão and Para Curitiba, Desterro,Rio Grande, Pelotas and Porto Alegre Office: 108, Rua da Quitanda, Rio de Janeiro THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY

Tons Tona

Asturias 12 500 Danube. 6,500

Avon11,000 lhames. 6,000 Araguaya10,500 Clyde 6,500 Amazon]0(000

Aragon10)000 Nile. 6,000

:£:£ rjc # :£:£:£:£ #>!<#•£ #>!<## #

Tcl. ONAItllS — Rio I». O. B. 21 e. l. HARRisoN-Representative — 53 and 55, Avenida Central IF^IRf!^., _1VCI_E___RS &> O 112, Cannon Street London E. C. ENGINEERS, MERCHANTS AND Contractors for Railway Material, etc.


Bahia-Nathan & Co., Rua das Princezas, 6 C. do Correio, 157. - Telegrams, "NATHAN" - BAHIA

Rio de Janeiro-F^y, Youle & Co,. Rua da Alfândega no. IO C. do "FRY" Correio 211.-Telegrams, - RIO JANEIRO ¦ :-'¦¦¦¦¦¦¦-¦<¦ V: if1"""

<—-*\ ACIONAI mt §$r&zwan Iara? r 8 ) [m%1 VOL. XII RIO DE JANEIRO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER, 30th. 1909 No. Í8 W!^^^^^^w^^'r[rfw^ HOTEL AVENIDA RiO DE JANEIRO SOUZA CABRAL & GO.

AVENIDA CENTRAL 152-162. RIO DE JANEIRO. (Jardim Botânico Tramway Co.'.s Central Station.) The íârgeit and most important Hotel in Brazil. Occu- pies a complete block. Magnificent accommodation. Grand Hall for Public Dinners and Eeceptions.

Telegrams -.—AVENIDATelephone 2873

ELECTRIC LIFTS TO ALL FLOORS. 220 IROOIMIS Qhe Western ZEelegrapb Company, Xímíteb.


ÍABLE STATIONS IN SOUTH AMERICA :- CABLE STATIONS IN EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA:- WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Brasil:— EASTERN TELECRAPH COMPANY. Para (Travessa Campos Salles No. 1) London: 11, Old Broad Street, E.C. Maranham, Ceara. Lmm H mmmm^MMMM^*~l^^*^MM^MMMWmMt3^j^Ml^M\MM^^^3Mm Km 1# t^» ^ / \ a. jL \ The Baltic Mercantile & Shipping1 Pernambuco (Rua do Commercio No. 2). JM ¦kSSSfl eA*íwv 1;4 >.\ Exchange, St. Mary Bahia (Rua das Princezas No. 7). í Axe, E.C. Rio de Janeiro (Rua cia Candelária No. 9). 449, Strand, W.C. Santos (Praça Maüá No. 29). Liverpool: K13, Exchange Buildings. S. Catharina, Rio Grande do Sul. Mancliester: 44, Spring Gardens. Uruguay:— Bank Place. Montevidéo (Calle Cérrito 146). Glasgow: 5, Royal mBBK^'^"^"^^JjSíWmmmmW L ^^'^^^ Newcastle-on-Tyne: K, Exchange Buildings, RIVER PLATE TELECRAPH COMPANY. Quayside. I Argentina:— I WM;«u MI^T.f^PJMMMTAlmmX/ CardiíF: 33, Merchants' Exchange, Bute Docks. Buenos AiroB, 287 and 291, Callo San Martin. +HMWHMKfcif,|SaclJA^JmWWBKlOtNDA/ *l/WMikmmW\ / Madrid : Calle dei Pez 5. VEmmVJFJANTDFA[1ASTA\ ^mmtMI^¦^•BcNGuELlaEi/ ^WEST m»VAs"ena iiHMJlAk¦vViosswieo Marseilles : Hotel des Postes COAST OF AMERICA TELECRAPH COMPANY. "jMMwIlTPIP^TrMaurr.Bo:Mifl^awMso //ktKwtSIWBSUI~.w.../ ,í^Ça22m£2j5ttm É9H mmW»w» Eastern Commercial, Boliviaj"ia Eastern "West ,, * : Holland „ Emden, Vigo, Madeira. Indiesj

AGENCIES- PARIS: 37 Rue Caumartin. _ANTWERP: 61 Avenue Marie,_PORTO ALEGRE: K. W. Sefton, Caixa, 13 HEAD OFFICES OF THE COMPANY— ELECTRA HOUSE, FINSBURY PAVEMENT, LONDON, E.C. THE BRAZILIAN COAL COMPANY, LTD. RIO DE JANEIRO REPKESENTATIVES OF LIGHTSRAGE COMPANY LIMITED. CORY BROTHERS and C. LTD of Cardiff and London. Colliery Proprietors. Coal Depôts in ali the principal ports of the world. Ali kinds of Maritime harbour transport. A constaht and fresh supply of Cory's Merthyr Steam Coal always in stock. Loading and clischarge of vessels. Prompt delivery at reasonable prices Towage. Tugboats always ready for service. Launches on hire for excursions, and for Engineering Works. Repairs to Ships, Launches, Machinery, Lighters, etc, ^rrival and departure-of packets. effected. with the utmost possible dispatch. OFFICES: Telephone No. 1,718. Edifício da Bolsa Salas 26 and 27. Entrance: Rua Gen. Câmara. Depot: ILHA DOS FERREIROS. Office Rua Visconde de Itaborahy P. 0. Box 774. (CAES DOS MINEIROS). 1190 *PII|p THE BRAZILIÁN REVIEW. November 80th, 1009. m> MAIf FIXTURJS. íttíl For Europe. Dec. 1.—Aragon, Eoyal Mail, íor Soutlianipton. * Editor —J P WILEMAN 8.—-Magelían, Mess. Mar., íor Bordeaux. 11.—Oropesa, P.S.N.C, for Liverpool. OFFICES—RUA CAMERINO No. 61. 11.—Cap Blanco, H.S.D.G., for Hamburg. 15.—Araguaya, Eoyal Mail, P. O BOX: 472, RIO DE JANEIRO. for . Atlaníiqiie, "REVIEW "-RIOJANEIRO. 22.— Mess. Mar., for Bordeaux. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: 22.—Oronsa, P.S.N.C, íor Liverpool. 22.—Cap Ortegal, LI.S.D.G., for Hamburg. Subscrlption: 60$ or £4 per annum. 20.—Amazon, Eoyal Mail, for Southampton. Payable abroad by sight draft, or cheque crossed British Bank of South America. For the River Plate and Pacific. Seperate Copies1$200 Back Numbers2$000 Dec, 6.—Atlantique, Mess. Mar., for B. A. 1 £ = 16$000. 7.—Orissa, P.S.N.C, for Valparaiso. 13—Amazon, Eoyal Mail, for B. A. AGENTS:— 20.—Cordillère, Mess. Mar., for A. RIO DE JANEIRO— ]_• CRASHLEY & Co., rua do Ouvidor No. 36. 21.—Ortega, P.S.N.C, for Valparaiso. SAO PAULO— HILDEBRAND & Co., rua 15 de Novembro. For the United States. SOLE AGENTS FOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE Byron, JOHN HADDON & Co., 132, Salisbury Square, E.C. Dec. 2.— Lamport and Holt, for New York. LONDON AGENTS FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS- 18.—Verdi, Lamport and Holt, for New York. C. STREET & Co., Ltd., Cornhlll, No. 30. NEW YORK— C. R. FAIRBANKS, Room, 22, 68, Broad Street.  _ ². Rough or Polish Ali Communications to be addressed to the Editor. Ceylon Precious Stones supplied direct from our Mines. Announcements of Births, Deaths and Marriages concerning avd Price List ov demand tn : subscribers and friends are inserted in this " REVIEW " free Sawples of charge. J. WICKRA ANAYAK & Co. u BBBHgKiMSleBBsmifBMBBisssaBBBtmBGa&sammsemÊlisBmmamÉm SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN ORDINARY POSITIONS. S. MENDES & Co.

52 Insertns Insertns SPACE 26 12 Insertns 8 Insertns Single Rua do Senado, Nos. 57, 59 and 61. Telephone No. 133. Per Insertn Per Insertn Per Insertn Per Insertn Insertn £ s.d. £ b.d. £ s. d. £ s.d. £ s.d Oue Page 3 100 4 0 100 5 0 õ 100 1 150 2 O Half Page 0 }0 _i 100 2 lõ0 at: — Third Page 1 0 1 O 100 1 140 1 17G Branches Quarter Pnge... 180 1 ü 0 l }0 1 0 1/2 inchx8 inch (.) 0 6 6 6 Rua do Cattete, 269, formerly 213—Telephone 177. 1/2 inchx4 inch 0 6 0 6 0 Rua Christovão Colombo, 78 a 82, formerly 46. Praça Tiradentes, 53—Telephone, 109. Rua Haddock Lobo, 74—Telephone, 437. The 52 and 26 Series Ratos are for Consecutivo Insertions. Rua Camerino, 82 and 74, formerly 176—Telephone, 527. Rua Senador Euzebio, 192, formerly 176—Telephone 105. 12 or 6 Insertions are quoted for upon the understanding that Praça Engenho Novo, 26, formerly 18—Telephone, 1,163. the Advertisement appears at least once a month. Rua Conde de Bomfim, 1,291, formerly 193._ Teleph. \ 33. Estrada Nova da Tijuca, 45—Alto da Bôa Vista.

Jletal and ítybbep' Ppinting Stamps Carriages of every description for marriages, christenings, funerais and excursiuns. Open ali night. The stables at the Interchangeable Type, Wax Seals, Stencils, Sign Alto da Boa Vista are close to the terminal point of the electric Markers, Stamps (trade-marks) and Type for cars, and carriages and saddle-horses are avaiíable for driving or riding in the Floresta, ;it reasonable prices. marking Coffee Bags. Business Signs Engraved. S. T. LONGSTRETH, No. 22, Rua Nova do Ouvidor. Stables:—RUA DO SENADO, 75, formerly 47. ——_b—mi




¦. ¦ *-

C&ile-Àdsíross BGRLIBO-RI0 ¦•'*¦ 9. 0. BOX 111 B0R1ID0 MAIA <& CO. ESTABLISHED 1878 General Merchants, Importers «te Contractors SUPPLY THE PRINCIPAL RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP COMPANIES OF BRAZIL Importers of Railway Appliances, Tools ; Repair Material for Cara, Locomotives, Boilers, Wagons ; Lubricating Oils, Varnishes, Lubricating Greases, Burning Oils ; Railway Àpparatus, Industrial, Àgricultural and Mining Machinery, Implements, Tools and Supplies ; Packing, Pompa, Scales, Safes, Printing Presses, Artisans' Tools ; Rubber, Leather and Canvai Hose ; Galvanized Iron, Portable Buildings, Wire Fencing, Babbití Metal : Paints. Colors. Glass, Infcs : Coachbnilders' Supplies ; Electrical Machinery and Supplies ; Clocks, Watches; Structural iron, Bnilders' and Plurabers' Supplies ; Sanitary Ware ; Wocl, Canvas and Duck. AGF,NTS A1VT3 REPRE8ENTATIVE8 For R. & J. Dick, GlaSgOW - Original Balata Belting. Mander Brothers, London - oisina Water Paint. Bliven & Carrinoton New York - Tmbricâtirig Oils and Grease. Rnfie1d Cvcle Co. Ltd. Redditch, - Royal Enfiéid Cyciea. Wm. Simons & Co.. Ltd., Renfrew Scotland - Dredge Constructqre

Head-Office ftja do Ro$aH0 17 - Rio - de Taneiro Brazil '¦"'? -.*

ga—ww ª^mjirj H. YTH 45, (RUA DA QUITANDA, 45 '-MnBKlg llPi wH» íl Light and Power p BLí§| mJÊÊvQmm i I

Electric Installations '#r ^^ \téjMlfy£:-' MfàST--' -JM| vil Sole Aorent in Brazil oi THE BRUSH ELICIRCAL fc - «,p-i/aüituY ENMNEERIM CO. LTD. iw• s^KWkWFW&WdÊP''Vil TfJ s. ry {• HJat í>lr E2 J"^LT>ffE3XH.O

MACHINERY & KAXLWAtf MATEEIAL Borlido Monz B» Greases and Lubricating Oils, &c, &c . . . ESTABLISHED 1891- ¦_.-.<' P.O. Box N. 262, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. r Warehouse:—Rua TheophUo Otionl No. IL

Telegraphic Address: " MONIZ," Rio de Janeiro. IMPORTERS OF Cable Codea—Lieber'H Standard; ABO, 5th lídition . A 1 Teleg Locomotives, Railway Material, Ensines, Boilers, Àgricultural Code: Western Union Implements, Portable Buildings, Mining and Industrial Machines Iron Buildings and Structural Steel, Launches and Naval Con- Warehouse:—RUA GENERAL CÂMARA No. 89. Btructions by Orders.

REPRESENTATIVES OF DEA1.ERS IN AGENTS AND Plnchin, Johnson and Co., London-Satinette Paint a Speclallty. Lubricating Oils a:id Greases, Iron, Steel, Metals of every kind, Tools, Repair Material for R. R. Cars and Engines, Paints and Gas Engine and Power Company, and Colors, Packings, Mechanical Supplies, Railway Àpparatus, As- Charles L. Seaburj» and Co. Consolidated, beatos, Leather and Rubber Producta Shlpbuilders and Naval •f New York. Construotora. Permanent Stock of Steam and Galvanised GENERAL GCMMISSION AGENTS. Tubes from OPEN TO ACCEPT SOLE AGENCIES TO INTRODUCE ANY STBWARTS & LLOYDS, of GLASGOW. ARTICLE OR MACHINE IN THE BRAZILIAN MARKETS. Head Office: 65, AVENIDA CENTRAL, 67, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Manufacturers' & Merchants' Representativos.Brazilian Government and Railways Contracton' CATALOGUES SOLICITSD aad CORRESPONDSNOB IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANI8H imü PORTUCUE8K. 1192 TfiÈ BfeAZlLIAN REVIEW. November SOtli, Í9Ò§.

STENOGRAPHER AND CORRESPONDENT.— were made by the S. Paulo Government to the Minister of Young Brazilian, English Stenographer and Correspondent Public Works. This week the Minister has issued instruo- tions to tlie Railway that, in future ,the freights to be col- for English, German and Portuguese, expert typist, and lected on potatoes (the goods which'seem to have been most holding excellent testimonials, wishes to fill a vacancy.— severely treated) shall be collected under a different letter " of the is the reduction Letters to Edg. Queiroz, do Brazilian Review,1' City. schedule. The result ot this of freights from 74$700 to 10$440, an enormous reduc- aCCTBg-————_


- -

' '? '¦¦;¦;¦• ¦ ."; ¦ ' -1*

•-•-¦-¦¦¦-¦¦'--- W%. *>¦-"¦ -¦i-nfT-' ¦" ___ «--..:-—___£_£—¦ ii

MANNESMANN WELDLESS STEEL SPIGOT AND FAUCET TUBES AN IMPROVEMENT UPON CAST-IRON PIPES We claim the following advantages for our Weldless Steel Tubing over ordinary Cast-Iron:— Weldless Steel Tubular Telegraph 1,—Consideràbíe saving in freight and transport, the weight Material for the Construction and and Telephone Poles made in of a Steel Tube Main being one-third to one-half less Equipment of Ships, as Boat one length stepped. Main of the same length. Davits, Derricks, Deck Supports, than that of a Cast-Iron Masts, Top-Masts, Gaffs, Yards, Poles for Electric Lighting ar.d Elec- in lengths up to tric Traction. 2.—Lengílis. Our Tubes can be supplied etc. 40 feet, thus effecting a large sa^ ing in joints, jointing Weldless Steel Tubular Gas Lamp material and labour. Poles. 3,—Breakages. Absolute immunity from breakage, whether by Subsidences or heavy vehicular trame. In ->üx§v- addition to this, steei tubes can be laid nearer the surface than Cast-Iron ones, thus lessening the cost of exeavating to a great extent. .4 -Bending Our Tubes can be berf_ cold on the spot Weldless Steel Boiler Tubes. Weldless Steel Tubes for Refriger- without trouble. ating Installations. Another important factor is that these specially covered Weldless Steel Boring Tubes. Spirals & Coils for Overheaters, etc. Tubes act as a non-conduetor, thus preventing any Weldless Steel Tubes with Flange • Joints for the conveyance of Air, Scamless Copper and Brass Tubes. damage to Gas and Water Mains by Electrolysis. To avoid corrosion our Steel Spigot and Faucet Pipes Water or Steam, as well as for Weldless Pit Propa first of ali receive a hot covering of our mixture inside High-Pressure Mains. Cylinders and Deposits for Liquified and out. and the Olltside is then covered with a special Screwed and Socketed Tubes and Gases and for Chemicals as well Jute Cloth, thus rendering them imperviOUS to rust in Fittings for Gas, Water and as Small Bottles for Syphonu. Steam. any sort of ground, whether saliferous or acidiferous.

Apply for prices and particulars to:— SOCIEDADE TUBOS P|1|1ES]IA]1]1 It. DA Office, Eua do Eosario, 64—lst Floor. EIO DE JANEIEO. Telephone 2,042. Caixa (P. O. Box) 191. Code Address: Mannestubo, Ri©. 1194 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. Hovember BOth, 1ÔÔÔ.

Therezina, State of Parahyba do Norte, is 115:452$, or — The report of the British Postmaster-General for some £7,215. Our readers may remember that a short the year ended March Slst last has just been issued." It time ago a large defalcation was discovered at the Santos states that the estimated number of postal packets de- Custom House. These leakages, when the amounts are livered in the United Kingdom during the year was as foi- added together, make a considerable difference to revenue lows :— in the course of a year, and must be excessively annoying to the Minister oi Einance. " " IncreaseAverage ²According to the Jornal do Commercio there Number per cent.No. for each sems to be a danger, now the Post Office is to be re-organ- person ised and the number of employees considerably increased, that favouritism will be shown in the appointment of these Letters 2,907,400,000 1.565.1 aiew employees and inflüehce be brought to bear Postcards 860,000,000 0.219.3 political 1.321.3 to get places for people who have no experience and simply Halfpenny packets953,200,000 the Newspapers 202,300,000 1.34.5 want a sinecure. This we trust will be checked by ?Parcels President of the Eepublic who has set his face age inst 113,020,000 3.22.5 everything which savours of political corruption. It is quite 1.3 112.7 certain that if infiuence and not proved ability is to be the Total ,.5,035,920,000 open Sesame to the new appointments, the reforms will lose much of their effectiveness and the public money be squan- * dered without any adequate return being obtained. Includes parcels sent abroad. ²As Messrs. IT. Henry Sclirõdér and Co. have much to do with this country and its fmánces, it may interest our During the 3'ear 84,825,000 telegrams passed over the with 85,969,000 in 1907-8, readers to know that Mr. Tiarks, a partner in the firm of Post Office wires, as compared Messrs. J. H. Schrõder and Co., who recently endowed a a decrease of 1.3 per cent. As has been pointed out in (his reduetion is due to the. increasing use professorship of German at Cambridge University, has previous repo.ts, written to the Viec-Chancellor òffering to supplemeiit the of the telephone, especially for local communication. The £2,709,500, as against £2,736,700, a gift by contributing a sum of £5,000 íor the endowment of receipts amounted to one or more scholarsbips for the encouragement of German decrease of £27,200. The number of foreign telegrams in the University. sent to and írom the United Kingdom (exclusive of certain ²The Eoyal Mail Steam Packet Company's steam- telegrams dealt with entirely by cable companies) was over ship Balantia lias been launched from the yard of Harland 9.421,000, an increase of nearly 275,000 ab compared with and Wolff (Limited) at Belfast. She is tlie second of two the preceding year. Since the last report 28 licenses jiew intercolonial mail steamers for service in the West (covering 48 installations) have been granted for indies. The sister ship Berbice was delivered to the stations in the United Kingdom under the Wireless company a few months since and is now on her station. Telegraphy Acts. The whole of these were for These vessels are 313 feet long, 38 feet 3 inches bearn, experimenta] purposes. The total number of licenses nnd about 2,500 tons gross gross. The Balantia has been is now 201 for 200 land stations. The total provided with aceommodation of a superior character for a number of British ships of the mercantile marine now large number of first and second saloon passengers, also for equipped with wireless aj)paratus, or in course of equip- dèck passengers. She will be fitted with electric light ment, is more than 100. The Post Office has continued to throughout, and will also he provided with reírigerating collect and deli ver the Marconi Company's radiotelegrams machinery and insulated chambers. By the adoption of to and from ships at sea under the arrangements settled in " two sets of Messrs. Harland and Wolff 'a balanced " 1904. The total number of outward radiotelegrams dealt qúadruple type of engines vibration is eliminated. Tlie with during the year was 1,817, as compared with 1,725 in Balantia is appomted to leave Belfast on December 18. 1907-8, and of inward radiotelegrams 22,732, as compared •— Apropos of shipping subsidies, the New York " Jour- with 20.067. nal of Commerce'' brings the following:—" Senator New- —- The Prince Line s.s. Italian Prince has gone ashore lands of Nevada has put very pointedly iu a letter to the near Natal, on the coast of the State of Eio Grande do president of the Oharnber ot Commerce of San Francisco Norte. Amongst her cargo is £270,000 in gold consigned the ground of his opposition to ship subsidies. It is that, ac- to the German and Italian Banks in Eio. It is expected GÕrdíng to the very arguments of those who favor that the vessel will be off without much trouble, though " them, got the cost would be too colossal íor the people to tolerate." she may have to trans-ship her cargo. The cost of construeting and operating au American ship is so much greater than that for a foreign ship that, obvi- ously, the Government could not make up the difference S. PAULO. and support a merchant marine without an enormous out- ²A lay in subsidies. Mr. Newlands makes another point which dastrrdly outrage was perpetrated in S. Paulo is equally obvious to those who reason on the subject. He on Tuesday last when a bomb was thrown into the large says that. the same conditions which make it impossible for shop in the Eua Direita known as the Casa Allemã. It American ships to compete with foreign ships, owing to appears that some little time ago several of the partners their high cost of construetion and operation, " make it were threatened by blackmaileis, who said that if they were difficult for American manufactured goods to compete with not paid a sum of 50 :000$ they would kill the said directórs. foreign goods. The purpose of our tariff i:; to raise the cost Shortly afterw7ards bomba were exploded in the gardens of of production oi protected manufactured products an aver- the private hour.es oi the several directórs simultaneously, age of 46 per cent above similar products manufactured but luckily no material damage was done. Threatening in foreign countries. If we should de vise a system for letters continued to be received and it was stated that the carrying our manufactured goods free to foreign countries establishments of the firm in S. Paulo, Santos and Cam- we could not compete with foreign manufactures." This pinas would be blown up. On the evening of Tuesday is a truth that needs to be driven home to our last the attempt was indeed made and, though apparently people at every opportunity. It is high cost and high the actual damage done by the bomb was not great, the prices, induced by our fatuous tariff policy, that hamper premises cought fire and were practically gutted. One man our foreign trade, which the ship-subsidies are so anxious was badly hurt and several others received minor wounds. to promote at the direct expense of the Government in Luckily at the time of the outrage there were not many supporting American shipping. Articles which our policy pople either in the shop or passing by in the street or we makes it costly to produce and costly to sell cannot com- might have had to record several deaths as well. The Pire pete in South America or anywhere else with those which Brigade were soon on the spot, but owing to the fact that a are made at much less cost in Europe. Subsidising strong breeze was blowing, which fanned the flames, their American ships to carry them will not induce foreigners to efforts were not successful until a great deal of damage was buy in the dearest market. The same policy makes the done, whilst the people living in the surrounding houses bulk of our manufactures so costly that we cannot sell them were panic-strieken and began to throw their belongings out profitably abroad makes shipping so costly that we cannot of the windows. We understand that the premises had use it profitably in eompetüion with íoreigners, and our been carefully watched by the police for more than a month, Government will not let us buy it where it costs less. The but the authors of the attempt in some manner in •wading sueceeded absurdity of making the things we wish to export cost so their vigilance and effected their object. No dam- much that we cannot sell them abroad, and making ships age has been reported from Santos or Campinas where the cost so much that we cannot own and operate them without premises are guarded by police. The Casa Allemã in S. loss, and then taxing the whole country to pay the freight Paulo is stated to be insured for upwards of 1.600:000$, or for carrying American goods on American ships, must £100,000. dawn upon the sensible minds of the great mass of the ²The Mogyana has acquired the Estrada de Ferro American people after a while." Vicinal—38 kilometres—íor 421:800$000. November 30th, 1909. THE BBAZILIAN REVIEW, 1195

i F. J, CARLSSON Wmwrw. mi i & 0©i J_>:_*GH_ISI_- TAILOR (THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED FIRM OF ENGLISH ACCOUNTANTS IN SOUTH AMERICA.) 69, Rua da Quitanda, 69 Railway and General Àuclitors Incorporated Accountants and Agents — Buenos A-ires, Rosário, Montevideo and First floor Rio de Janeiro Formerly-$Ufl DO ÇOZA^IO, 42

T. B. D. FOWLJ-R, F. 8. A. A. V. G. G. 8CROGGIE, F. S. A A. T. C. E. FOWLER. F. S. A. A. GEO. W1NTER,F. S. A. A. And a large staíí of Competent Assistants and Experts SWEDISH, DANISH, GERMAN, FRENCH, Uudertake Investigutions anrt Reporta on Pultlic Companies' Accounts iu PORTUGUESE, AND SPANISH, SPOKEN. tlie Argentine, Uruguuyau, Chilian. Brazilian and other Seuth American Republics ; also legal r<:presentation of Companies, Firms, or others. HEAD OFFICE: BRAZILIAN EXCHANGE 64 Northern Insurance Ituihling 441 Itartolomc Mitre, Buenos Aires THE 8TUDV OF AN INCON VERTI BLK CURRKN» Y B. C, Al & Lieber's Codes, A. By J. P. WiLEMAN G. E. Cable Address, "OUITTANCE' (Kditor óf the "SSI&AZJLI AN 2C-3VIICW"") •Union Telephone 83 PRICE lOfOüC Sold at Laemiuert, & Co. RIO DK JANEIRO. Effihghám Wilson, Royal Exchange, LONDON. THE, OFFICIAL SEAL Offices o( the «Brazilian Review.» AND Rua Camerino No. 61 GUARANTEE OF PURITY OF FREITAS HOTEL t RUA RIACHUELO, No. 120. Telephone No. 209. This well-known house has been completely renewed in Modern ? The State of San Paulo Style, and with every Sanitary Convenience. Fine Dining Room and comíortablo rooms completely re-furnished. Every comfort (Brazil) for Families and Tourists. Spacious Verandas. Large Cardens. appear on every tin of The situation of the Hotel is picturesque, very healthy and t qulet. First Class Cuisine. \ Proprietor:—J. F. FREITAS. t FA NDA Commefeial and Passengers Guide PU COFFEE MERCHANTS. Sold in England by ali Grocers. Ornstein & Co.—Rua 1.° de Março, 5G. Cable address: Ali friends of Brazil in England should Ornstein. ask for «Fazenda» coffee & see that they get it. Dr. Albert Friedmann, Physician & accoucheur, .graduated '*>»'?¦ at the University of Vienna (Áustria). Residence: Rua Honorio de Barros, 18 (Senador Vergueiro). Tele- phone, 605.—Office: Rua da Alfândega, 95, from 1 to 3. English spoken.

lhe CURIOSITIES. Coffee with a Government Guarante 8 A. Jacobsen, Natté's Successor.—30, Rua do Ouvidor—Rio. Feather flowers, Fans, Insects, Birds and other curiosi- ties of Brazilian Natural History, Yiews of Rio and 8d per 72-ib Postcards. Awards gained at several Exhibitions. Grand Prix at the St. I^uis Exhibition. Ground or Whole Berry. In hermetically seal- ed tins, which preserve the fresh/iess and aroma. ÈLECTRICAL GOODS. H. Smyth.—English Electrical Supplies.—37, Rua da 4 Imported, roasted & packed by thj State of Quitanda, Rio. San Paulo (Brazil) Purê Coffer Co., Ltd., • 62, KING WILLIAM STREET. I LONCOW. PATENTS. l A6BST.S m Hit\/n, f Registration of Trade Marks in Brazil and Abroad arranged E Johnston & Company, Ltd., Santos by Buschmann & Co., Rua General Câmara, No. 34, -?./.?,?,?.? »+? f »?¦»? »f-»-f- -f -?-+-?-+-?-+ <• -*¦ > -*• -t- -*- ? +-1 Rio de Janeiro. Caixa do Correio, 314. 1196 THE BRAZILIAN %EVIEW. November 30th, 1909. CLUBS PEUGEOT -w______t_ _ i_NrsT__i__v___isrTS oif ssooo ANTUNES DOS SANTOS & CO. Rio de Janeiro—14, AVENIDA CENTRAL, 16—Telephone No. 53_ Complete equipments for Lawn Tennis and Football

r^_^cy«7iK^.?^^T^a^'?s^>'.r^^i^;/-^&^íe.-->e^^?T^-- THEÍJEZOPOMS ttltiltWAY E. JOHNSTON & Ce. Limited Excursion Train Every Sunday to Therezopolis SANTOS Depart Prainha 6.30 A.M, COFFEE EXPORTERS.STEAMSHIP AGENTS. „ Therezopolis 3.00 P.M. Week Days. GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. >—«® d •_»—< Depart Therezopolis. 6.30. A. M. ,, Praiiiha 3.00. P. M. Return tickets available for one day only at reduced rates will be sold in IIAIU OFFICES II ffi SM OF l PAULO Al advance or on the day of the excursion. S. PAULO.S. CARLOS DO PINHAL. IMPORTANT NOTICE—The accommodation iu the traiu is limited and it will not take luggage. AMPARO.RIBEIRÃO PRETO. OR INFORMATION— Apply at the Office of Company — Avenida ESPÍRITO SANTO DO PINHAL.S. MANOEL. Central I*o. 55, over the Royal Alail Office TAUBATÉ, JAHÚ, JABOTICABAL. ¦>-ooo^- FERREIRA IRMÃO & O. Open to accept sole representation oi manufacturers Specialities:—Fruit and Ice. -+r General Agents in Brazil for the Hamburg- Fresh Fruit ali Round. the Year Síidamerikanische Dampschifffahrts - Gesellschaft. Cold storage goods imported from the United REPRESENTATIVES OF States, Europe, etc. Guardian Assurance Company, Ltd., London; The Sack- 4, Rua Primeiro de Março, 6 Filling and Sewing Machine Syndicate, Ltd., London; The State of S. Paulo (Brazil) Purê Coffee Co,, Ltd. Telephone No. 32. HEAD OFFICE: "Fructagel" - Caixa (P. O. Box) 673 Telegr.: 6, GREAT St. HELEN'S Rio de Janeiro. LONDON, E C.


l_9 mmjM^wmimmm



GRANADO & O* ' \^ \ / <:


Grand Prize and Two Gold Medals—National Exhibition 1908 U¦ ^E______k_^-^srt_5i&-^íàrl;-Jj7;,:-vv.^^<0Ê*yiy:^&h S^fcP y__ã B_ ^^.Mêbêê »_^w___ofi___f,_>^-^^*Áwm ou



!-)R_> s 1i^^*_Pf_f -" SR I^_ iÊÊffifflfífil

Besides our íamous Brands Bock-Ale and equals Teutonia we recommend especially our celebrated Brahma-Porter, which in quality Guiness' Stout and is èxpressly brewed for the tropics in liqnid form It is the most nourishing beer in the world. Makes appetite. Gives strength. Food 72 half bottles PRICE : Rs. 60$000 in cases of 48 bottles - 55$000 in cases of RUA VISCONDE DE SAPUCAHY 104-142

¦KTIWFQMessrs. Ahlers and Co. report with date JNUlli-D.Rubber October 30th that lower quotations had so far afíected island rubber only and that for up- river kinds holders of stock maintain a firmer attitude and Our readers will learn110 business could be done. to 2,938 tons, against Mr. W. G. Chancellor. with regret, equal only to ourReceipts for October amounted 1908. own, thatxi 4- Mr.tv/t.. Chancelloirhanopllnv^ V3,680Exp0rts tons m " " were 3,659 tons. connection with the Eeview will cease from this num-Quotations:—Up-river 97d. ; Fine Pará 77Md.; Coarse slats 44^d.; f.o.b. exclusive ber. Urgent private affairs oblige him to go to England,28d. ; Cametá 36^d.; Cauck nor does it seem likely that he will return. Mr. Chancellor of shrinkage freight and ins. has been on our staff for some five and a half years and^ y ^J unfavourable besides being responsible for the section denommatedThe Bank economic and commercial " " Brazilianische General News and for translations, supervised thefür Deutschland. conditions in 1908, this Bank getting up and of the paper and, during my ab-did very well. Net profits, pròduction including the carry senee in Europe on two oceasions, in ali for VA years, actedwhich amounted to Marks 1 690,653.47 distributed as follows:— as Editorforward from 1907, were "Eeview" He will be hard to replace and the willMarks. doubtless suffer for a time until we can find a competenti?„nA33 XtGSÍ^VVG Jr uno. '947.22 substituto. The amount of labour entailed in producing a .^peciai FUnd 99,917.65 " " paper like the Eeview in a foreign country, and with a percentage of Directors 57,391.30 10:000,000). insufficient staff, is immense. Eor the thorough|p|||^ Per cent on Marks ^GO^OO generally himself into and hearty way in which Mr. Chancellor threw q^.*^" forward 439',397.30 the work and relieved me of the drudgery, I wish publicly to express my best thanks and to wish him .ali th<_ suecess1,690,653.47 which his energy and abilities are sure to command in his distributed since new care-erThp 10 Per cent- dividend, regularly 1905 inclusive, has been maintained. In our next num- J. P. WILEMAN,her we hope to publish the report in full, 1198 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. November 30th, 1909.

S, Paulo (Brazilian) RailwayThe meeting of the Si Naturally Paulistas grumble at the charges, but when on that, most who start Paulo (Brazilian) Eailway Company, Ltd., was held on they look on this picture and to November 5 th. Lord Balfour oi Burleigh, the Chairman curse remain to bless Gaffrée and Guinle, the twin genii of that the the concern. As the old rhyme has it:— of the company, présiding. The Chairman said " large Had you sion tlie roads before they were made íeport was a satisfactory one, though there was not so You would hold uj) y.our hands and bless General Wad.." a balance as they had been accustomed to. Taking ali tlie Tlie Santos docks are monuinents to energy and tho circumstances into consideration, the condition of the power of the Bank of the Eepublic. At Eio there has been company was sound and prosperous. The gross receipts pi nty of bank-backing, but precious little to show for it. ameuúied to £566,000, an increase of £11,501, while ex- When last here, the tramways at Santos were a relic penses totalled £435,000. The latter item had been made of the one-horse age, barring the steam tram to S. Vicente, a matter of comnient, but a railway such as theiis could not the worst of the lot. Now, under the oogis of the Santos be compared with the railways at home. Two directórs— City Improvements Co. and Mr. D. M. Fox, its présiding Mr. Hammond and Mr. Gordon—had been to Brazil and genius, ali that is changing if not changed. The wheez- had brought back a very iavourable report as to the con- ing, smoky, cinder-vomiting locomotives of the S. Vicente dition of the line. tram have given place to comfortable, roomy electric cars, in which a round journcy, viâ the Matadouro to S. Vicente Western Telegraph.—The report of the Western Tele- and back by José Menino and the ever-charming beach ot graph Co., Ltd., lor the half-year ended 30th June, 19U9, Boqueirão is a delight. There are still a few lines in the submi.tted at tho meeting on lOth inst., states that the central dist:ict to eíectrify to complete as good and quick a revenue amounted to £357,082 and the working expenses Io service as will be found anywhere, for wdiich the consont £134,917. After providing £16,000 for Debehture stock of the Prefeitura or some jack-in-office is still wanting to interest, and £6,743 íor income-tax, there remains a balance unify ali the system. of (.199,421; to this is added £5,214 brought forward, mak- Second, if, indeed, not foremost in Santos' regard ing a total of £204,635. A quarterly Ínterim dividend, should come Mr. D. M. Fox, GE., to whose happy op- airi mnting to £31,189, has been paid, £90,000 transferred ti.mis.rn and trust in things Paulista this city owes so much. to the general reserve fund, £5,000 to the maintenance In season and out of season, Mr. Fox has sounded tho ships' reserve fund, £10,000 to the marine insurance fund, praises of Brazil and, in the end, been justified. Water and .£10,000 to the land and buildings depreciation fund. and gas, and now electric light and trams. Santos owes The directórs now recommend ;i final dividend of 3s. per ali to Mr. Fox's belief in the future of the State'where share, making, with the Ínterim dividends, a total dividend fifty years ago as a young engineer he helped to turn the both free oi' income-tax, which together will amount to first sod of the great S. Paulo railway, struggling then with £51.982, leaving £6,463 to be carried forward. The drec- financial' embarrassments.Z tors report that Lord Eichard H. Browne has resigned his With prophetic eye he foresaw tho enormous dovelop- seat on the Board, and that the vacancy has been filled by ment of railways in S. Paulo and urged the directórs to John George Griffiths, Esq. extend the line at least to Campinas. But ali was in " vain. and to this day, the line never got b.eyond Jundiahy, a Brazilian Street Railways.—" The Financial Times waysido village, notably only as the starting point of the says:—" Although no dividend is declared on the Ordinary thousands of kilometres since construetod chiefly with nativo shares oi' the Brazilian Street Eailways in respect of the capital and by native energy. year ended 31st July last, the accounts now presented are Had Fox had his way, ali this immense network oi satisfactory, in that they show some improvement over railways might have been tlie property of tho S. Paulo Eail- those ler the previous twelve months. There has been a way, instead of tho insigniíicant 191 kilometres of line slight increase in gross receipts during the year under re- owned by the company to-day. view, while a strict watch has been kept over expenditure. Soon even that will pass from them, and English rail- Further, some benefit has been derived from tlie move- way administration will be known in S. Paulo by tradition ment in exchange, the net result being that, after paying <*nly. the Preference dividend, there now remains to be carried To be optimistic about things Brazilian, one should forward £900, or about £000 more than was brought into live only in S. Paulo or never, at least, at Eio. There these accounts. The accident on 14th June last, whereby environment engenders hope and trust in the rapidly do- two passengers lost their lives, is referred to by the Direc- veloping future and self-reliant character of the people. tors in terms of sincere regret, but at the same time they Here, however optimist at the start, hope soon dies out and éxpress the belief that no liability attaches to the Company optimism is turned to hopeless pessimism by the instability in regard to the accident. The current year has opened and unreliability of everything. showing well, gross receipts to date a satisfactory increase But enough! Let us try to at least forget our pes- over the corresponding figure twelve months ago." simism whilst here. The town of Santos, too, is much improved. The A LETTER FROM THE EDITOR. streets are really clean and better paved; new houses are springing up everywhore, especially along the wide and S. Paulo re-visitetl. A trip to Santos and S. Paulo handsome avenues laid out through swamps now drained by one of the palatial Eoyal Mail steamers and back by by open conduits built from sea to sea across the spit. the night traiii, which can be done, if you rush it, in about In the city itself the. German and tlie Commercio and 40 hours, does not seem a very formidable undertakinrr. Industria banks have built new premises for themselves, Yet. so intenso is life at Eio, that only after a three years' the former really very handsome and spacious. In course interval could I steal time from the pressure of other inter- of time the two English banks will, we suppose; follow ests to do it. There is one advantage of long intervals: their example; certainly not before it is wanted, for more that changes are more striking and en evidence. cramped and dingy premises than those in which these At Santos tlie moment the ve: sol enters the harbour two banks transact their huge business, could not, we and stoams along the 20,000 feet of quays it is borne in should say, be found anywhere in Brazil. They are relies " upon one that here things are not as in Eio, but that of the dark ages, when Santos was known as tlie anti- "In life is real and iloings not for show but for use. The doei. chamber of death," and nothing was meant to-last. duties may be heavy, very heavy, but the " docks work the midst of life we are in death piously exclaimed one quickly and efficiently with as little delay between in-cuming sea-captain, on taking over the command of a ship that had may To and out-going as be. go back to the old state just lost its commander by yellow fever, and straightway of things before docks at Santos were made is unthink- went down to his berth and died also. After him followed able. At Rio it would seem that, as far as economy "nor,is con- two others and it was only the fifth got that ship off, after cerned, docks had better have never been made; in- losing two complete crews. de d, were they so necessary. With a bay like Eio's, ali Ali that is finished to-day and done with and Santos as th t \v<°s wanted was a thoroughly efíicient lighterage " " service healthy as any place on the coast. Hot it often is, especi1- to do ali we are likely to do with our docks and more. ally when the N.E. wind blows and turns the into a " " place The last stone of the quays of the Santos docks was furnace that even the asbestos brothers might ímik. • laid this very day. The front is now complete from the I remember Santos in 1884, before the docks were " Outerinlios," Eailway station to but there is still a deal thought of. What a bole it was! Eeeking with filth in- of work to he done to fill up and drain tho big bend, now deseribable; a place to avoid and get out of. an inland sea. I remember it again in 1889 when the docks were The miles of new quays yet virgin oi trafíic seems at already under way, but there were still miles of stinking sight overdone. first But at S. Paulo development is foreshore to reclaim and cover up. Things were better wondeifully rapid and within a few years even those 7,000 even then, but yellow fever still exacted its subsidy and metros will be too little. There is, however, plenty of salaries were high, but life short if merry.-j rpom for extension down stream and a company ali ready Now, salaries are normal and everything else, except and anxious to undertake it. the S. Paulo Eailway dividends and dock dues. November 3Òtli, Í909. TtíÊ BÈAZÍLlAN REVÍÈW. íM

Value in Currency A RADIUM FACTORY IN LONDON. Principal. Imports:19081909 " Cotton, raw, y::rn and nianufactured6.864:411$5.589:000$ The Financiei-," of October 18tli, brings the follow- Iron and Steel anil manufactures thereof.10.429:989$9.055:977$ •m„:"Lady Bamsay on Saturday laid the foundation Machinery Industrial2.691:093$2.294:212$ Limehouse, of a factory to be built do Agricultural536:393$294:795$ stone in Thomas Street, do unenunierated7.463:938$6.503:83í'$ for the manufacture of radium according to a secret process Drugs and cheínicáls2.028:248$2.379:473$ discovered by Sir William Eamsay, which will, it is be- Leatber1.783:567$2.192:164$ the of from nine months Jute Yani2.611:233$1.301:864$ lioved, reduce period production Coal3.675:696$3.056:507$ to six or seven weeks. The establishment of the new Kerozen H1.823:053$1.437:758$ works follows the discovery of pitchblende"at ore made by Mr. Kice25:923$86:778$ Fox some two since the Trenwith mine of üodfish2.012:102$1.635:199$ Fíaiiçis years Wheat ílour3.533:325$3.499:076$ the St. Ives Consolidated Mines Company. Sir William Wlieat9.660:796$12.498:681$ Ramsay subsequently experimented with 151 lbs of high- Wine(i 812:385$6.817:592$ sundry grade pitchblende concentrate taken from the mine, with food stuíls7.145:241$6.172:874$ results. The British Eadium Corpora- Coin and paper curreu.u113:113$1.625:790$ very satisfactory Principal Exports , tion, Limited, has accordingly been formed, with a capital Coffee211.653:762$ 301.325:639$ of £40,000, for taking over the radium rights of the Tren- Kubber (mangabeira)96:281$137:715$ the St. Ives Consolidated Mines, Limited, Bran808:905$1.163:6918 with .mine from Bananas211:462$306:300$ and the sèrvices of Sir William Kamsay have been retained. As it was necessary that he should be in constant commu- nication with the factory, the very convenient site in Thomas Street, Limehouse, was secured, and the erection of cxtensive premises will be pushed on as rapidly as pos- LUCAS & CO. sible, so that the actual manufacture of radium may be started at the end of the present year. At the same time the joint companies are spending a large sum ot money in ífaa de S. José, 66-h^o de Janeiro the erection of plant at St. Ives, where the pitchblende ore will be crushed, so that the material íor treatment may be sent up to London in the portable form of concentrate, or Ciioice Bordeaux and Burgundy Vintages liifh-grade ore. Even in this crüde state radio-activity is IIV ev-V^lí^, CASES A1VI> BASKlDaS so assertive that heavy rubber gloves have to be worn by the workmen. The only other radium factory in the world is in Áustria, from whence the earlier specimens were ob- Sole Agents for Áustria the export tained for use in England. prohibits Eschenauer & &/ of \he element on account of its scarcity. It may be noted B°rdeaux that up to the present time the total quantity of radium J. Latrille Fils...., ( which has been recovered for scientific use throughout tho Guichard Portheret & Fils .... Chalon S/Saone world is estimated not to exceed one quarter of a pound. G. H. Mumm & & The British Eadium Corporation will give preference in the Reims sale of their radium to British hospitais and scientists, Feist Frères & Fils Francfort though it is expected that the production will be sufficiently ETC, ETC. large to enable other countries to benefit. In this connec- tion it may be mentioned that the total stock in the London TELEPHONE 1.108 Hospital is but about 16M milligrammes. It seems strange that but a little while ago the pitchblende containing this wonderful element was actually regarded as a nuisance by tho old miners of S"-. Ives, so that it was east on one side on the rubbish heap—a heap which grew to mountainous proportions, and from which to-day the company's men are obtáining tons of material." NEW ISSUES. ÍLEA& The Jequié Rubber Syndicate, Ltd.—Eegistered in August 1908; Capital £40,000, now being split into 400,000 shares of 2s. each. The Directors are Messrs. L. T. 3 Boustead; E. Le Brasseur; D. J. L. Anderson and W. H. Glanville. The estates approximately 80,000 acres (690 now under rubber cultivation) owned by the Syndicate are ERRINS situated in the district of Conquista in the State of Bahia, Tfic statement issued by the Company is not a " prospectus, but for public information only," and is at the disposal of any of our readers who care to peruse it. SAUCE SÀO PAULO THE FOREIGN TRADE OF SANTOS gives a delightful 10 MONTHS, JANUARY TO OCTOBER 1908-09. IMPORTS piquancy and flavour 1908 1909 £ £ January 634.049 556,787 to ali February 685,844 532,063 March 648.794 550,517 Ap'il 677,511 522,892 MEAT DISHES, SOUPS, FISH, May 565,890 531,431 June 579,862 621,117 July 530,102 621,268 GHEESE, CURRIES, GAME, Au ;ust 567,533 591.115 Sept 527,978 570,395 POULTRV AND October 685,545 013.091 SALADS. Total 10 months 6,109,1085,711.576 Assists digestiov. KXPORTS • I January 1,676,888 2.549,035 February 1,186,978 2,739,141 March ],130;693 1,130,978 April 478,518 27,923 The May 9K!),050 19,747 June 546,067 24,600 Original and Genuine July . 993,817 2,113.060 August‡ 2,287,485 3,108,779 Sept 834,220 3,106,858 WORCESTERSHIRE. By Royal Warrant to A October 3,207,910 4,160,9S3 H.M. THE KING. jMW ^mmmW Total 10 months 13,331,626 18,9S1,724 2000 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. November 30th, 1909.


£2,000,000 Capital üp :::::::::: «.jm» % „íi„. paia £i,ooo,ooo Reserve Fund

" 7, TOKENHOUSE YARD, LONDON, E.C. Head Offloe " 10, RUA DA ALFÂNDEGA. Branch Office In Rio de Janeiro 5, RUE SCRIBE, PARIS. Paris Branch

Drn.ws on Hepd Office nnd the following Branches:— DO PARA PERNA MU CO; BAHIA, SANTOS, S. PAULO, RIO GRANDE SUL, 'toS-flCDrt„ nt>n„rrn manAOS íAeeacT HOSAÍUO DE SANTA FÊ, PARTS and NEW YORK (Ageacj). _S»ra, TONMVIdIÕ ymm. AV11B3. Also cn tha f^,;*

CORRESPONDENTS Ports and Cities of Brazil, TJruguay, Argentic*, The Bank has Agents or Correspondents in ai! the principal the United States, and Europe. THE LONDON & RIVER PLATE BANK LIMITED ESTABLISHED i»G2

Subscribod Capital £2,000,000 *%§# Realiseddo 1,200,040 2_& Reserve Fund 1,300,000 29 RUA DA ALFÂNDEGA and 112 RUA DA QUITANDA

And at London, Paris, New York, Santos, São Paulo, Pernambuco, r-ará, Bahia, Buenos Aires, Rosário, Me«doza, Concórdia, Bahia Blanca, Barracas, Montevid' , Paysandú. Salto and Valparaiso. .


Manáos, Maranhão, Ceará, Maceió, Victoria, Curityba, Rio Grande do Sul, Pelotas and Porto Alegre. Correspondents in ali other chief towns of Brazil.

BILLS OF EXCHANGE issued and purchased on the CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened with commercial firms and following places:— private individuais. LONDON and ali the principal towns of the UNITED DEPOSITS received for fixed periods or at 30 days' notice KINGDOM. of withdrawal. PARIS and ali the principal towns of FRANCE and of LETTERS OF CRÉDIT issued. GERMANY, PORTUGAL and ITALY; also on tho STOCK and SHARE ORDERS executed and every descrip- ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, URUGUAY, CHILE, tion of banking business condueted. HNITED STATES, CANADA and . TERMS ascertainable on application to the Bank.


" Established in Hamburg on 16th December, 1887, by the Direction dor Disconto Gesellschaft " in Berlin and the " Norddeutsche Bank in Hamburg."—Hamburg.

CAPITAL REALIZED .... 10,020,000 MARKS. Brandi Office in Rio de Janeiro: RUA DA QUITANDA No. 131 (Caixa 108) Branch Offices in:—São Paulo, Caixa 520—Santos, Caixa 185—Porto Alegre, Galxa 27— r»ahlaf Caixa 152. Cable Address: ALLEMABANK.

CORRESPONDENTS IN: Pará, Manáos, Maranhão, Ceará. Pernambuco, Parahyba, Maceió. Victoria, Rio Grande. Pelotas, Curityba, Paranagià, Santa Cathar-ina &c. ^raws on : — rrédit Lyonnais, Paria í Direction der Disconto Paris and branches Corhnroir National d'Escompte de Paris Paris 1 Gesellschaft Berlin Société Pari» Frankfurt a M. Bremen and correspondente. France.. / Générale (poúr favoriser etc.) tarmmiv/ Lazard Fríres & Co, Paris JNorddeutsche Bank inl Paris Hamburg. Hamburg De Néiiflize A Co. ( Heine & Co. Paris l Credito italiano /N. M. Rothschild «t SonsLondon Italy V Direction der Disconto GesellschaftLondon ] Banca Commerciale Italiana Portugal—Banco Lisboa & Açores and correspondi nts

"I ,'fr _XZ_?.AJNTCO O B__R__A_ZI_I__ E/IO IDIE j"-_-_nsr_-__ii-E_o .*_»-»_. —€ CAPITAL Rs. 70.000:000$000 RESERVE FUND Rs. 1.031:902$949 h— ON 3Ist DECEMBER 1908 HEAD OFFICE IN RIO*ffaa DE JANEIRO í}aa da Alfândega, 17 and da Gandelatia, 9 BRANCHES AT PARÁ, MANAOS AND SANTOS Correspondents at Maranhão, Ceará, Pernambuco, Bahia, Victoria, São Paulo, Florianópolis' Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre and Pelotas. Draws on—Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Sons—London & County Banking Co., Ltd. Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris and Baring Brothers & Co. Ltd.LONDON Norddeutsche Bank in Hamburg. HAMBURG. Comptoir National cTEscompte de Paris and Hottinguer & Co. PARIS.—Banco de Portugal LISBON. Opens accounts current. Pays Interest on deposits for fixed periods. Executes orders for purchases and sales of stocks and shares, etc, and transacts every descriptio of Bankine business. Enjoys sole right to issue gold cheques for payment of import duties throughout Brazil m -_¦>—_—- Tm»_-j_-n-_. BANCO COMMERCIALE ÍTALO BRASILIANO (SOCIEDADE ANONYMA)

HEAD OFFICE: SÃO PAULO 4*9 Capital subscribed and paid up Rs. 5.000:000$000 g>* % Reserve fund „ 1.350:00ü$000 ^ _B1_A_^C*IJ£S : «IO ÜJB JANEIRO AND SAIS 1 OS Espirito Santo do Pinhal., -geiicies at: Botucatú, Ribeirão Preto, S5o Carlos and _ „ , « --u'-_¦-' _i Corresnondents at: Aracaju, Bahia, Ceará, Curityba, Desterro, Maceió. Manaos Maranhão, Pará, Parahyba, Paranaguá, Pernambuco, porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte, São Francisco, Victoria and ali other importan- towns of Brazil. — " Address: CAIXA OO -CORREIO 501—SÀO PAULO Telegraphic Address: ITALOBANCO Agents of the BANCA COMMERCIALE ITALIANA, MILAN CORRESPONDENTS ABROAD London, City Midland Crédit Lyonnais, and Banco Hispano- AmericanoMadrid. and Bank, ¦ Swiss Bánkvérein‡ London. Crédit Frauco-Portugáis, Banco de Lisboa e AçoresLisbon. . Banque de Paris et des Pays Bas, Crédit Lyonnais, and National City Bank of New YorkNew York Société etc Paris. Générale pour favoriser Itália Rio de Ia Plata and Nuevo Bauco Haiuburger Filiale der Deutschen Bank Conuiier/. and Banco de y Disconto Bank Hamburg Italiano Buenos Aires -_>•!,,'• i Ln . a ,.- fu_. "SaSi«-..-«. fà .AnrnhlP terms Letters of Crédit, Bills of Exchange and Cable Transfers issued.-_,!_( Purchase and '3&Zt££Ui32S&$£: receivéd.. Current ac.ou„ts „p.„e_.gDepMÍt- receive. .« nM »ceord._, S„e of transacted. o the time fixêd for their withdrawal. Ali kinds of general aud Banking business GENERAL AGENTS OP THE «Navigazione Generale Italiana"—"La Veloce"—"La Itália"—"Lloyd Italiano," Shipping Companies 2002 THE BRAZILIAN ÈEVIEW. Kovember àoth, 19Ô9. SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE Lamport & holt line BRAZIL-ADRIATIC LINE of D15 Naviga- Transports Maritimes à vapeur da Passenger Service for New York. The Austrian Lloyd's Steam tion Company Marseilles. Average passage, Rio to New York: 17 dayB. and DEPARTURES OF STEAMERS The Royal Hungarian Sea Naviga- BYRON 2nd Dec. tion Company " Adria " Ltd. FOR FUROPE. VERDI:•• 18 th » sailings from Santos and Rio de PAMPA ..: llth Dec. 3rd Jan. Tri-weekly TENNYSON". Janeiro for Trieste and Fiume and, with tranship- for ment, to ali Mediterranean, East Asiatic and East- Marseilles, Barcelona and Genoa Afriean Ports. í. gold. BYRON DEPARTURES FOR TRIESTE. Through fares toParis, Ist class 723 1909. dodo 2nd class 550 dodo Srd class 100 od 2inl December for T1BOR Í5th Dec. sails Through fares toParis (return), Ist c^sb ..i,i4g MELPOMENE ít I .st » Victoria, Bahia, Barbados and New York. dodo 2nd class. 88t dodo Srd class ..364 Taking Ist k Srd class passengers for above ports. For Freight apply to the Broker. Marseilles,_Genoa, íird class 115$20 Wm. R. McNIver, Barcelona. \ Srd class 124$&0 Passengers booked throughto Liverpool, 51, RUA DE S. PEDRO. Agents-ANTUNES DOS SANTOS & CO. " lork, London, Southampton viaNew For pa&sages and further information to the Rio de Janeiro.—Avenida Central, 14. by tlie Cimarcl, White Star& American AGENTS:— 8. Paulo.—29, Rua 8. Bento. Steanieri. Rombauer & Co. Santos—Praça da Republica, 33. RUA VISCONDE DE INHAÚMA, ,84 For freight apply to the Broker: Rio de Janeiro. Wm. R. McNiven, PRINCE LINE RUA 11 DE JUNHO, IA. 51, RUA DE S. PEDIU) Santos. Regular Sailings to the United States. and further information apply to the For passages DEPARTURES Agents: NORTON, MEGAW & Co., Ld. "Oliaieii! DE MARÇO. (lül)inifl fitai'" VOU NEW YORK. 112, RUA PRIMEIRO a GLtE 1AN PRINCE Nov. líTili TBIK S. S. SONS & CO. FOtl NEW ORLEANS ILSON SAXON PItINCE » 29th. w (LIMITED) AGENTS. Steamship Agents and Proprietors ot DAVIDSON PULLEN & CO. OOAL DEPOTS AT Expected írom Rio da Prata, on December Srd will sail for 145 MADEIRA. SÃO PAULO. 145 RUA DA QUITANDA PALMAS. MONTEVIDÉO. Ter.erifíe, LAS Lisbon, Vigo, Le Havre on Dec. 5th, 119. ST. VINCENT, C. V LAPLATA. ANTIGO BUENOS AIRES. PERNAMBUCO, Càrrying Ist and 3rd ltOSARIO. Class passengers. BAHIA. The Royal Mail RIO DE JANEIRO. BA1I1ABUANCA. SANTOS. THE S.S. RM.S.P Steam Packet Company.

Also Branch Establishmenta at CARDIFF and Under contract with the British and BARRY. Amiral Jaurèguib:rry Brazilian Governments for càrrying the inails. Expected from Europe on December 2nd Table of Departures. Workshops at Las Palmas, St. Vincent (C.V.), Pernambuco, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. will sail for Foreign Governments Contractors to British and Dato Steamer Des-tinatlor and ali the chiei Transatlantic Steamship Santos, Montevidéo and Buenos Aire» on Dec. 4th Companies. Càrrying Srd Class passengers.

Sailing-!. ler Europe COAL.—Stocks of only the very best description Coal kept. Also Stocks GoylanDoe. of South Wales Steam 6 th Dec. 1 «Aragon».. Bahia, Pernambuco, S. Vin- of Nut Coal, Foundry Coke, Patent Fael and Ouossantjan. 2nd (19.0) cent,Madeira, Lisbon, Vigo Gorse Anthracite Pea Nuts for Gas Engines. , 29t!i > Cherbourg and Southampton 13,« Amazon».. Bue- BOATS always ready for service. Information from Santos, Montevidéo and TUG the General Ageut nos-Aires. CARGO LIGHTERS. ditto. » 15 € Araguaya » Bahia, Pernambuco, Madeira, STEVEDORING undertaken. C. COATALEM, Lisbon, Leixões,Vigo, Cher- *ALLAST supplièd to ships. bourg, Southampton. 57, Avenida Central, 57. » 27 «Asturias».. Santos. Montevidéo and Bue- nos-Àires. « 29 «Amazon».. Bahia, Pernambuco.S.Vincont, ORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, Madeira,Lisbon, Vigo, Cher Repairs to Ships and Maehlnery. bourg anc* Southampton. N BREMEN. Jan. 10 «Danube»... Santos, Montevidéo & Bue- HaviHg large workshops fitted with eílicient nos Aires. » 12 «Asturias».. Baliin, Pernambuco. Madeira, repairs of ali descriptions under- modem plant, Capital Lisbon, Leixões Vigo,Cher 125,000,000 Marks. bourg andfcoutl ouipton taken. » 26 «Danube».. Bahia, Pernambuco, o \in- NEXT DEPARTURES. cent, Madeira Lisboa, Vigo, AGENTS OF THE Cherbourg and Soui bamptom Feb. 9 «Ara.ou»... Southampton Dato SteamerDestination » 23 « Araguaya» Southampton «Amassou» Pacific Steam Navigation Company. Mar. 9 .. Southampton » 22 « Asturias».. Southampton Shaw, Savill & Albion Co., Ltd. April 6 «Arapon»,.. Southampton . 13 » Should sufficent induceinent The New Zealand Shipping Co., Ltd. offer, D.c. 10 •Halle» Bahia, Pernambuco, Madeira, » 20 «Aragu.iya» Southampton Lisbon, Leixões, Antwerp » 27 Should BuCJricent inductment nnd Brem mi. vor Freight apply to the Broker:— offer li. Mc. Niven » 21 tWurzburg»Bahia, Madeira, Lei- Wm. xões, Rottordaiu, Antwerp 51, RUA DE S. PEDRO and Breincp. Special attention is drawn to the following.— I r Passages and further informatioi apply to Holders of flrst-class tickets, single or return, may break their voyage at any intermediate port» & C07, LTD. WILSON, SONS Passengers & Cargo accepted. and proceed by any of the PACIFIC STEAM Passenírers rentes. Cabin.Steerage. NAVIGATION or MESSAGERTE8 MARITIMES 2, Rua de S. Pedro, Rio-Rotterdam, Antwerp, Company's Steam»'"" Bremen Mark» 400 85$000 For freight, passages, ana otner miorvaM<°u RIO DE JANEIRO. Rio— Madiíira, Lisbon A apply:—[ Leixões 00 8ô|000 HEAD OFFICE:—Salisbury House, Finsbury £17 Avenida Central, Nos. 53 and 55. For further information apply to Oirciis. London, E.C. E. L. HARRISON, Representativa. C, Agents. 'i.Rio Janeira iubb-aa.* x HERM, STOLTZ & Avenida Central, fiO de November 30th, 1909. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 2003

MONEY MARKET. Saturday, November 27th.—No ehange in counter- drawing rates. The market was firm with the Bank of DURING THE WEEK ENDED NOVEMBER 26th W15RE AS KOLLOW8:- Brazil drawing at 15 9-32d. íor the first two mails and th* foreign banks at 15 9-32d. and 15 19-ü4d. Private paper (Compilcd, by Permission, from the figures given daily m the " Jornal do Commercio.") was quoted at 15 5-16d. and 15 ll-32d.

"¦* _J N M O» • —iHO „ CO CQ OO OO OS OOOO 3) *\ **. °* °Í cq. ©WN the Bank 5plO__ AVO^ _ The market closed this afternoon with pf i- co c<3 co co co coran Brazil drawing at 15 9-32d. and the other banks at 15 5-lüd. _ "_ ifi «O IM « -O to I M«"-Í gold g S.inqiuvH $ S f5 S S £ ffSS by the wreck of the italian Prince. At Santos commercial RL_ _ „ _) "5 "5 ifi 1(5 «Oira t» was offering at 15 ll-32d., whilst at Pará 15 19-32d. w •" co co co c: co cococo paper oiihjSM«_ .41 CO ^ co to to _, _.co CD :_ __ was quoted for cash. H -4-^<o* .¦.-._ Though the end of the Santos coffee season is -* getting (^ jDCOtOOU-üoooo -" M ~ a^^ little anxiety to take. Government m IIOpllO'1 _ 5> _C so close, there seems IO Ift »_>: -Í5 IO y -H --< M *-* f"H iC *-•lOlO and the Bank of Brazil are still the heaviest takers and p, _, _ _ ÍM. up a considerable ¦¦-¦ between them must have piled pretty c _¦."•..¦..« i> _.m"-í^S" •O _ .O„' ü lO rnr-l 'O ICÍ ri .-<lO June. nn "5 lO'O ri • The gold in the Caixa is already nearly £11,000,000 o _i o oo oco oco om ©iracon reach _ coco coco ao oo oo oo coco cococo cn and before the end of the season will W N #n Treasury, exchange is safe 1 It may fali to point a 3«-i ** Q -Ht-1 í—í-H -Hr-H T-t -— gold W__J 11*1"$ 111 Ifl T -C r-l i—1 .—t-HHO S O [l.P " _.- to 91 _„ _-» O* O* OiI NI- Prince line steamers g _ dvir — ÍM coco coco coco coco cocoreco The Italian Prince," one of the -o  from New York, has ashore somewhere on the coast tin ttü gone _ Q w m* mo n^ (i^iI co cn of Rio Grande do Norte with $1,350,000 (£270,000) in gold d * »•* 0 4 «OI1 NHI MilOi OI ' D ' —-co_rCOCO taken as cover has been « uopuo-i n"rHn'^_""Hrl"e0 Consequently, the exchange _ io co co Sr tcrtt-_r are on account of the Ger- 1(5 1(5 «O 1(5 1(5 1(5 __ 1(5 1(5 IO iOlO ««5 re-sold, of the total, $000,000 __, r-1 t-h r-l i—t TH **^ -H-H r-1 —1r-l»—* man Bank (Brasilianische Bank für Deutschland) and o oi co -h ia -~.... Italo-Brasiliano. o» CM Cv> oi oi otm • • $750,000 for the Banco Commerciale > •.-..••tu • • •¦•_•¦¦¦ -g ¦ at Santos were again very active, 569,497 _? ..«D ¦¦¦ W : J*03 OT Shipments bags, as against only 340,814 for the week, Eio co H g H fa_d. Business was normal. there may be a little more to come besides that already en Thursday, November 25th.—There was no alteration route, but it cannot be much, and henceforward ali avail- m counter-drawing rates. The market opened with ali the able bills will be wanted for trade requirements. banks drawing at 15Xd. and 15 9-32d., but later these rates London were very rose slightly, private paper being quoted at 15 5-32d. Quotations of Brazilian bonds in Friday, November 26th.—No ehange in counter-draw- firm and, unfortunately, we are only able to give Friday's mg rates. At the opening ali the banks were drawing at .dosing prices. 1889 fours rose Vi to 84^ ; 1893 fives were 15 9-32d., but later at 15 19-6 ld., there being money for unaltered at 99 ; 1903 fives rose % to 102lÁ ; Western Minas coffee bills at 15 5-32d. The market closed with bank were unaltered at 98; Fundin<_s rose j_ to 104/2 and 1907 XÁ paper quoted at 15 9-32'd. and 15 19-64d., the Bank of fives to 99. Rio Municipality, Bello Horizonte and S. at 94, Brazil purchasing coffee bills at 15 5-16d. Private paper Paulo 18Q8, 1899 and 1904 fives were ali unaltered was quoted at 15 5-16d. v.9. 98, 102 aud 94 respectively. :#

2004 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. November 30tli, 1909.

XÁ Cum. Tlie business done on the Rio Stock Exchange during the week ended Leopoldina stock rose to 69K, whilst Dumont to 2.011:055$000, distributed as follows:— Eio de Novem'iêi' 20th, 19 9, amounted Preí. were unclianged at 9%. The quotations of Government Securities 1.809:720$000 Janeiro Tramway, Light and Power were as follows: Bank Shares 96:844$000 Railways ano. Tramways 82 :003$000 Monday, 913_; Tuesday and Wednesday, 93; Thursday, Cottoi. Mills 26 :045$000 98&; Briday, 91%, or 2% higher than last week. S. Paulo Insurance 38:009$000 Miscellaneous 338:319$000 but 218 :375$000 Tramway, Light and Power rose to 151/. on Monday, Debentures declined to 149 on Tuesday, closing at 150 5-8, or yesterday 2 011:055$000 Total, week ending Nov. 20th, 1909 1 1-8 higher than last week. Nov. 19 th, 1909 2.305 :134$0r.0 Consols closed at 82 5-8 àpnst 82 11-16 last week. Nov. 27th; 1908 2.761:787$000 The rates of the Banks of England, France and Ger- EXCHANGE many were ali unaltered at 5, 3 and 5 respectively. Lon- BUSINESS DOME ON S. PAULO STOCK market rate closed at 3 7-8 against 4 1-16, Paris at dou WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 25th, 1909. _%, the same as last week and Berlin at 4% against 4 3-8. DURING THE DESCRIPTION. Government Securities Apólices 4th 207910$937$910$930$Oct.24 EXCHANGES. C-OSI NG QUOTATIONS ON THE CANADIAN STOCK do 5th 00937$935$937$930$Nov.0 30095$95$95$ 94$5Ä10 MONTHLY PRICES. Mocõca 2nd 97$97$97$100$Oct.0 Nov. Nov. 4 Santos 2rid 94$õÄ20 26395$94$594$5 * ™%<2 do 3rd 85$Nov.16 Mexican Light and Power Co. 15080$80$86$ ‡ Barretes ¦ Ditto 5 cent.* • • • 109 91$91$91$ 92$5Ä4 per ** 144/6,:.,,v,Ku& S. Carlos ist S. Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Co., Limitai 15002$91 $592$ 92$5,.9 luii/fciuu^j do 2nd Ditto 5 per et nt ** 2590$90$90$ 90$Ä9 ** SJK88j£ Itapira ²— Rio de J ineíro Tromwãyi Light and Power Co., Limited 220;_ 74$72$74$ 03* Jó/L Caçapáva Ditto 5 per cent.** Bank Shares. * 93$Nov.16 London.** Toronto. União  CO94$593$594$5 Commenro e Industria . 300420$425$425$424$Oct.20 Commercialeítalo- Brasiliano 280$280$280$255$Sept.17 CONVERSÃO Railway Shares. BALANCE OF THE CAIXA DE Mogyana 1,'l70466321$335$315$5330$321$335$315$5327$Nov.Ä1210 Paulista 27th, 1909. 90$Ä16 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER Dourado—debs 55098$98$98$ Miscellaneous. ^^XS Account ready for emission) 100112$109$109$100$Ä12 Note (Total Melhoramentos 93$5Ä11 Subsidiary Coin. Balance in Hand ••••o.iüu^új do debs 7094$91$94$ 10 0-135.Q25:336$000 Oàáh Gold in deposit £8.439,083 Cia. Ferro Esmaltado 1—16.0S0 :§253 333 85$Ä12 Fiancc 2 i 289 420 1,003,1:6 14 Silex—debs 7584$84$84$ 8 7-14.651:574$904 90$Ä16 ió&i-M&m016 723 Salto Fabril—debs 2C0908590$590$5 Rs ise-oVoS.....21034 2 0- 386:546$000 debs 2 02191 $589$91 $588$.,16 S. Bento 85$Oct.27 no Paraná-debs . 1 Vi87$85$87$ 110- 521$465 Melh. Liras S'0 32 Cia. Telephoüica 333160'$100$100$170$May14 Marks 8,725,200 428,140 8-6.850:246|124 2 05092$88$592$ 89$Oct.2S 28$616 S. Martinho-debs ²— Pcsetas 45 H50- do 30 d/s 92$592$592$5 117- 633$616 87$Nov.-1 Orowns 050 30 Vid. Santa Marina—debs 2:,10090$90$90$ Mortgage Bonds. 10,808,705 17 1-172.040:259$ 101 73$5,,16 Banco União 50375$74$75$ 3G4$54$54$5 4$Oct.18 231.557 :940$000 Banco Credito Real Insurance. Crédit Balances: Cia. Paulista 100102$102$102$100$Ä9 217.878:5101000 Notes retnittable (received) Paulo Stock Exchange during the week ended The business done on tlie S. Less relired paid and replaced distributed as follows:— ______i72.92S:040$000 November 25th, 1909, amounte d to 2.492:371$(i00, 442 :375$000 Notes emittable (received 58.611:900$000 Government Securitie 212:680$0Ü0 Federal Treasury (.received in subsidiary coin) ²18:000?000 Bank Shares _ _ ..58.629:9Q0$000 Railway Shares — 1.019 :974$000 Miscellaneous 76S:O49$000 231.557:940$000 Mortgage Bonds 39:093$000 Insurance 10:200$000 " " Tlie Balance Slieet of the Caixa de Conversão shows fresh issues during 2.492 :371$000 the week ended November 27th to have been 8.983:4901 and withdrawals 187:170$, Total, week ending Nov. 25tli, 1909 "Caixa" value oi the 214:046$000 leaving a gain to the of 8.796:320$, or £549,770. The Nov. 18th, 1909 £10,808,705, as against 425 :256$000 gol-i in deposit on November 27th was 172.940:250$161, or Nov. 20tli, 1903 £10,258,962 tho week before, against which convertible notes are in circulation to thevalu, of 172.928:040$ and 12:219$161 in subsidiary coinage. liüOVD BUSINESS DONE ON THE RIO STOCK EXCHANGE ROYAü HOüüflHD

DURING THE WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 23th, 1509. SAILINGS FOR EUROPE: DESCRIPTION. sales Highest Lowest This week. Previous 19tli.—HOLLAN Dl A—Lisbon, Vigo, Boulogne Government Securities.Closing December and Amsterdam. Apólices Geraes 5% ...757 1:021$ 1:014$ 1:012$ 1:014$ Nov. 14 FOR THE RIVER PLATE. do alvará 19 1:0208 1:017$ 1:020$ 1:007$ 12 SAILINGS do fractions 2r/,„ 1:030$ 1:000$ 1:000$ 1:025$ 7 Mun Loan order 27 191$ 104$ 194$ 190$ Oct. 28 Nov. 30Üi— HOLLANDIA—Santos and Buenos Aires. do 1900 £49 1 2$ 176$5 177$ 170$ Nov. 18 do 1903 10 1:016$ 1:015$ 1:015$ 1:016$ 18 £20 98 202$ 290$ 291$ 290$ 16 do '$ The T. S. S. do 1909 180 148? 146$ 14 147$ 12 State of Rio 4% l.l(i 79$ 5 78$ 79 $5 78$ 18 State of Minas S"> 800 $ 851$ 800$ 8"C$ 18 State of Espirito Santo 01 700$ 700$ 700$ 700$ 18 HOLLANDIA Mun. de Nictheroy 682 183$ 182$ 183$ 182$5 18 do order 45 187$ 1S"$ 187$ 187$ 18 Loan 1897 27 1 :017$ 1 :015$ 1 :0I5$ 1:015$ 18 Sails on do 1909 328 1 :005$ 1 :000$ 1:000$ 1 :000$ 18 and Buenos Aires, and on do 30 d/s 144 1:000$ 1 :(1(0$ 1:0(0$ Nov. 30th, for Santos Bank Shares. Dec. 19th for Lisbon, Vigo, Boulogne s-m and Amsterdam. Brasil 3 9 187$ 181$ 18:$ 186$ Nov. 17 of ali classes. upper berths. Vi 90 p 90$ 90$ 91$ 17 Splendid acconimodation for passengers .No Commercial Luxe. Electric fans in 218 125$ 125$ 125$ 125$ 13 Cnhis for one, two and three persons. Cabines de Comi.-rcio Dark room. Ma^coni Wireless Telegrapny. StoneJLIoyd s Railway Shares. every cabin. Sapucahy 1,277 40$ 39$ 39$ 40$ 18 system for the automatic and simultaneous closing of ali watertight doori, do 30 d/s500 40$ 40$ 40$ 41$ 10 do to 2-ul December 223 40? 40$ 40$ DIRECT TICKETS TO PARIS. Victoria and Minas 70 41$ 40$5 41$ 4085 Nov. 18 Minas e S. .lero-.ymo ..30 15$ 15$ 15$ 14$5 Oct. 28 Cotton Mills. For Freight Apply to— Alliança 10 277$ 277$ 277$ Nov. 18 Snr. Campos, Eua Visconde de Inhaúma, No. 84. Progresso Industrial ...20 275$ 2í.-)$ 275$ 275$ 18 Botafogo 75 215$ 215$ 215$ 210$ Sept. FGr Passages and other Information apply to: Insurance. FLLI. MARTINELLI and Co., 29, Rua Primeira de Março, 29. Garantia 33 200$ 200$ 200$ 200$ Nov. 13 Lloyd Americano 215 15$ 15$ 15$ 1085 18 Ar_os Fluminense 15 5iO$ 520$ 520$ 515$ 5 Indemnizadora 29 30 $5 30$5 30$5 30$ 5 Previdente -0 390$ 390$ 310$ 307$ Oct. 26 BOUND VOLUMES Miscellaneous. Docas da Bahia 950 15? 75 15$25 15$5 15825 Nov. 18 Loterias Nacionaes 10,005 28$ 27$ 28$ 20$ 18 OI THE do 30 d/s l.OTJ 2185 28$ 29$5 2o- u Oct. 18 Terras e Colonisação 350 4$25 4825 4í25 4$25 Nov. 13 S Docas de Santos 20 30 5 $ 305$ 365$ 366$ 11 ilB í Carruagens ..100 77$ 77$ 77$ 83$ Oct. 29 Transp. e ' Amer. Sellos-Coupons ..15 221$ 22 $ 215$ Nov. 4 Debentures. Jardim Botânico 371 210$ 217$ 207$ 200$ 16 Review do order 26 270 t 21°$ 210$ 208$ 18 do 60 d/s 6 120$ 12 1$ 120$ FOR 1900/1907 Carris Urbanos 200$ ...130 195$ 194$ 195$ 193$ Nov. 16 Mercado Municipal 20 1818 181$ 181$ 182$ 18 Jornal do Brazil 8 p. c.280 184$ 18!$ 184$ 1S2$ 16 Carioca 12 200$ 200$ 200$ 203$ 16 Can be obtained af tlie Office Rodrigu-M & Co1'3 199$ 199$ 190$ 199$5 8 Assoc. dos Emp. no Com20 50$ 50$ 50$ 50$ Oct. 28 Ordem da Penitencia ..100 228$ 228$ 228$ 225$ Sept. 29 61, Rua Camerino, 61 Candelária 2nds 10 215$ 215$ 215$ •* V-

THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 2005 November 30th, 1909. COFFEE MARKET. Commissarios Priees Market Priees. Nov 22 ...7$1007$000—7$100 COFFEE ENTRIES 23 ...7$0007$000 of 00 kilos. " In bags " 24 ...7$0007$000 " 25 ...7$0007$000 WEEK ENDED FOR THE CROP TO FOR THE " 26 ...7$0007$000 27 ...7$0007$000 Nov. 19 Nov. 27 Nov. 26 Nov. 27 Bi O Nov. 26 Í9Ò9 1909 i«.M8 19(i_ 1908 COMPANHIA REGISTRADORA DE SANTOS. 4:— Closing quotations on November 26th of.type 40 212 37,884 20,048 752,7.0 505,335 November .•[• • 4$200 Central Ry--; By K • 3$950 , Leopoidina \ 24,544 33,888 1.031,750 774,963 December • • • • •• • 24,606 Inland 8,546 2,146 1,772 93,235 74,701 January • • 3|9^ CoaitwiBe.iUicbarged.. 3$950 64,574 55,708 1 880,705 1,37,4,999 February  Total •• 73,364 from Mo Trantiferred 4,837 4,930 2,056 44,584 51,523 OUR OWN STOCK to Nictheroy In Bags of 60 kilos. •• 59,614 53,652 1,836,121 1,303,475 Entries at Rio 68.527 Net .. November 19 a43,523 Coastwise, in transit KIO 8tock ou tion Rio & Entries during week ended November 26. 68.527 Nicth.roy 12,193 14,319 11.161 214.808 256,537 Loopoldina R \ 412,050 including Ni- 61,113 Total Rio 73,963 64,816 2,050,929 1.560,013 Loaded (Embarques ) for tbe week ctheroy & transit 80,720 387,789 347,830 305,-25 9 600,977 6,627,900 NOVEMBER 26 350,937 Santos: STOCK IN RIO ON Stock at Nictberoy and Porto da Madama on 468,509 421,793 370,241 11,711,906 8,187,922 11,601 Total Rio * Santos November 19 Stock in Ilha do Vianna on November 19 .... 32,857 » Afloat on November 19 38,109 week ended Novomber, 20th werefrom embarques Th» coast arrivals for the Entries at Nictheroy plus total Garavollas6,122 including transit Macahé' -^ 172,175 Jtapeniiriin'"•• Santos 6 Deduct : embarques at Nictheroy, Porto da Madama and Vianna and sailings during Total.. 8,546 bags. the week______IN NICTHEROY AND AFLOAT ON NOVEMBER 26114,049 by the diflerent S. Paulo Railways for the Crop to Novem- STOCK The total entries and THOSE AT NICTHEROY t,»r26th*"* 1909 were as follows :-- STOCK IN lst and 2nd HANDS PerReinaiuing and AFLOAT ON NOVEMBER 26 494,986 Past Sorocaba.uaTotal atTotal at-n SANTOS: Stock ou November 19 2,414 825 Jundialiy ard otbersS. Paulo8antosS. Paulo Entries for week ended November 26387,789 1909/1910: 8 433.089 1321,1389.574,2279.660,977nil 2,802,614 662,4836.635,2186.627,9097,309 1908/190'J: 5'.972,735 Loaded during same week569,497 COFFEE LOADED (EM3ARQUES) STOCK IN SANTOS 0NN0VEMBER262,233,117 Stocks in Rio and Santos on November 26 H)ü92,728,103 In bags of 60 kilos. do do on November 19 19092,840,915 do do on November 27 19082,631,030

TO DURING WEEK ENDED FOR THE CROP FOREIGN STOCKS 1909 1909 1908 1909 19118 In Bags of 60 kilos. Nov. 26 Nov. 19 Nov.27 Nov. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 20/1909 Nov. 13/1909 Nov. 21/1908 United States Ports.. 3,464,000 3,313,000 3,038,000 Bio 61,113 32 267 54,582 1,615 8.8 1.313,629 Havre 2,565,000 2,593,000 3,059,000 186,194 255,620 NieUioroy 16,302 9,912 6,654 5,906,000 6.097,000 In transit Both 6.029,000 Deliveries United States 150,000 205,000 181,000 lutai Klo including Nictheroy ti 236 1,802.02*2 1.569,149 Visible Supply at United A transit 77,415 42,179 61 '252 3,793,000 (imitou 569,497 340,814 23:,6.3 8 390 470 4 995, States port. 4,510,000 4,336,000 Total lUo & Santos 646,912 382,993 292,869 10,192.492 6,564.40L SALES OF COFFEE. DURING THE WEEK ENDINC NOVEMBER 26th, 1909. November 26/1909 Nov. 19/1909.November 27/1903 27th, 1909. '46.000 Eio de Janeiro, November Rio.... 67,995 52.456 «M 8«HtOI 400,596 223,820 151.844 Entries at Eio and Santos for the week ending Nov. 458,591 276,276 197,844 26-h were 46,710 bags more than for the previous week, and Total. last 08,208 bags more than ior the corresponding period COFFEE PRICE CURRENT year. DURING THE WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 26th, 1909. For the crop, entries reached 11,711,906 bags, as against 8,187,922 bags last year, and 6,756,468 bags in Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Aver- 1907-08. DK3CRIFTJON 20 22 23 24 26 ages Shipments (embarques) were 263,919 bags more than for the prev:ous week, and 354,043 bags more than for the corresponding week last RIO — year. 4.970 4.902 Market N .6.lOkHow 4.944 The average for Eio No. 7 was 4$808, against 5.038 4.970 4.970 4.902 4.902 4.902 price 4.766 4$834 in the week, and at New York it was 8.42 > N.7.> » 4.834 previous 4.902 4.834I 4.834 4.766 4.766 4.766 4.S08 cents against 8.50 cents in the week, and 6.50 4.6'.'8 4.630 previous N.8.» > 4.630 cents last 4.766 4.698 4.698 4.03H 4.630 4.672 year. 4.562 4.-'93 . N.9.» • 4.493 Stocks decreased 112,112 bags, and are 97,073 bags 4.630 4.562 4.562 4.493 4.493 4.536 more than last year. SANTOS— 4.2 '; 4.100 4.100 4 100 4.000 4.000 4.083 Santos entries 39,959 bags more than for the perIO kilos... 3.6DO were superior 3.700 3.700 3.7v0 :i.700 3.6i0 3.666 previous week, and were smaller than shipments by 181,708 fíood Avorage bags. The daily average for the week (six days) was N. YORK pei Ib >/_ 04,631 bags, as against bags for the week Spot N. 7 cent. >/_ S 8 3/8 83 8 S 3/S 8 4? 65,566 previous 8 '/« 8 1/8 8.17 and 50,904 8 - .. 8 7. 8 8 1/8 8 l/S bags last year. Options a ¦3 6.35 Up to November 26th entries for the last ten years Dec 6.40 6.30 6.25 6.30 6.32 March.. 6 45 6 40 6.45 6.50 6.47 v/ere as follows 6.55 6.65 :— i_ay.... 6.65 6.55 6 60 6.60 1909-10 11,711,906 HAVRE, p'r so kilos Optionsfranes. 1908-09 8,130,922 . Dec... » 45 5') 45.00 45 00 44. 6 44 75 44.75 44.96 1907-08 6,633,468 !March > 45.50 45 00 45 00 45 0 ) 44.75 45.25 45.08 41.75 45 00 1906-07 9,543,116 !May... » 45.50 45.00 44.75 44.75 44.96 1905-06 6,912,250 HAMBURG per '/_ k. 1904-05 6,808,488 Optionspfnnlgn. '}6 r0 !Dec... > 36.75 50 30. 36 50 36.50 36.75 36.58 1903-04 7,253,825 » March. > 36.50 36.26 36 25 36.00 36.(0 36 25 36.21 1902-03 7,191,840 i May... » 36.50 36.: 36.00 36.00 36.00, 36.25 36.17 1901-02 9,399,211 LONDON wt. 1900-01 per 6,225,441 Options shtUirigs For the coffee crop clearances up to November 26th !Dec... > 3o/b 35 6 35/6 35,6 35 9 35,6 36/6 ^how ¦ March > 32 3 32'- 31 9 31/9 31 9 32/ 31/11 3,256,972 bags more than for the last year, and ster- !May .. » 32/9 32/6 32;3 32 3 32,3 32/6 32/5 'ing value £7,440,50_. more. 2006 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. November 30th, 1909.

From " The Economia.," Hamburg, October 27th.—" The market has rather SANTOS. futures aggrcgat- abruptly rélâpsed into pronounecd dulness, with a turnover in Nov. ing appreoiably less than half that of the previous week. That prices under witnessed recently, 20.—BALACL A VA—New Orleans Hard, Rand & Co 18,209 such eircumstanees, and after an advance such as has been Ditto ditto Israel & Bros support. The Brazilian re- Leon 12,000 have not given way proves the underlying strong Ditto ditto E. Johnston & Co., Ltd. ceipts have shown no falling ofí of moment. The shipments last week were 10,150 but Brazilian Ditto ditto Baldwin & Co. 10,000 again very, large, and the spòt business here quite moderate, Ditto support, and the ditto Mich., Wright & Co. . 7,100 c. and f. otliers were higher. New York continued to give Ditto ditto Holworthy, Ellis upward movement they were & Co. 7,000 leaders of the let it be undierstood that prepared Ditto ditto S. Caldeira & Co to from any It is true ttíaft recent ahirmist cables 6,750 protect prices còllapse. Ditto ditto Krische & Co 4,250 have not been contradicted; that the believers in a 10% million bags crop for here see Ditto ditto Barboza & Co 3,300 Santos are as ready as ever to màihtain their figure. But merchants Ditto ditto Theodo-' Wille & Co no famine in that; they say 9% millilon bags will be siiipped anyway, to which 3,000 Rio, million Ditto ditto S.F. et C.Franco-Brésilienne 3,000 are to add % million Minas cofiee viâ Santos, 3% millions Yx 11. Alves, Toledo & Bahia (inantities the markets will Ditto ditto Co. ... 2,250 and Victoria, and besides these Ditto ditto C. Hellwig ha\e million bags of the old Valorisation coffees, or, say, a total 2,000 y, Ditto ditto Prado, Chaves & Co 1,000 of 14 X million bags -of Brazilian coífee alone. This quánfcity with 4 to 4% million bags from other countries would be ample to sati9fy the world's con- Ditto ditto Roxo & Co 300 sumption for the season without impairing the large stocks held at the beginning 90,309 one, the Santos crop of 1910-11 BELGRANO—Hamb urg Mich., Wright & Co 10,002 of the reason by bag. Sensational estimates of Ditto are still being received, some low as 8X to 8% million bags. This is mere ditto Theodor Wille & Co 7,000 as Ditto ditto guesswork. and if former experience in such matters be any guide, tlie final S.F. et C.Franco-Brésilienne 7,00.1 crop be much beyorid such a figure. O. and f. range from 38s. for Ditto ditto Naumàhn Gepp & Co 6,000 would prices Ditto ditto superior Santos, and 30s. 6d. to 37s. for good Santos. Closing quotations of Prado, Chaves & Co. 5,400 futures in kilo:—October, 34.% a week ago); December, Ditto ditto E. Johnston & Co. 4,750 pfennig per % (37>_ Ditto ditto March and May, 31% (34); July and September, 34% (34%)." Krische & Co. 4,500 Ditto ditto Roxo & Co. 4,31)5 Ditto ditto Holworthy, Ellis & Co. 3.5C0 Value of Coffee cleared for Foreign Ports. Ditto ditto Hard, Rand & Co, 3,000 Ditto ditto Barboza Co WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER & . 2,500 DURING THE .«th, 1909. Ditto ditto Baldwin & Co. 2.000 Ditto ditto Leon Israel & Bros . 2,000 Ditto ditto Nov. 20 Nov 19 Nov. 26 Nov. 19 Crop to Nor. 26 Levy Álvaro & Co, 2,000 Ditto ditto Herm., Stoltz & Co. 1,260 Ditto ditto C. Hellwig . 1,000 Ditto ditto l-sugs, Bags. Bags Zerrenner, Bulow & Co. .. 634 £ I {" £ Ditto ditto Nossack & Co 500 'i Rio 8,300 107,128 17,013 219,598, 1,58 132 2,882,824 Ditto ditto Schmidt & Trost 480 Ditto ditto Diogenes Ferreira & Co. .. 375 Santos 430,017 470,000 879,493 978,893 7,951,228 15,867,714 Ditto ditto Lion c. Co 215 ~89Ô\5Õü- Ditto ditto Aguirra & Total 1909 1910. 438,317 577,128 1.198,491 9,635,660 18.750,538 Co- 72 69,093 FRANKFURT •Antwerp Prado, Chaves do 1906 1909. 434,090 289,811 & Co. .. 2,750 771,221 522.827 6,278,688, 11,310,036 Ditto ditto Thedor Wille & Co 2,000 Ditto ditto Holworthy, Ellis & Co. 1,750 Ditto ditto Krische & Co 1,252 CONSUMPTION, JANUARY—SEPTEMBER. Ditto ditto Roxo t. Co 1,250 (Messrs. G. Duuring and Zoon's Circular). Ditto ditto Nossack & Co 1,000 Ditto ditto Leme, Ferreira & Co. .. 1,000 19091908190719061905 Ditto ditto Levy Álvaro & Co 750 Bags.Bags.Bags.Bags.Bags. Ditto ditto Diogenes, Ferreira & Co. 750 Ditto djfto Baldwin & Co -41 Germany 3,015,0002,495,0002,493,0002,333,0002,335,000 Ditto ditto Leon 1,321,0001,251.0001,247,0001,183,0001,096,000 Israel & Bros 500 France Ditto ditto c. Hellwig Áustria 500 ) „. *713,000680,000676,000667,000578,000 Ditto ditto Nanmann Gepp Hungary. & Co. 250 \ Ditto—Bremen Prado, Chaves & Co. 1,250 United ( + Ditto dittoNossack & Kingdom ...... 174,000172,000171,000163,000165,000 Co 1,250 ( Ditto dittoKrische & Co Switzerlaiul 1,000 '... 133,000158,000138, .00134,000101.000 Ditto dittoLeite & Santos 1,000 5,356,0004,756.(Xw4,725,0004,480,0004,275,000 Ditto dittoZerrenner, Bulow & Co. ... 613 * last inoiiih estimate Ditto dittOR0xo & Co 500 Ditto dittos.F. et C.Franco-Brésilienne 250 -ÍNDIA 20,356 22.- Trieste Xaumann, Gepp & Co. .. 14,500 MANIFESTS OF COFFEE Ditto ditto Theodor Wille & Co 13,000 DURING THE WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 26th, 1909, Ditto ditto Hard, Rand & Co 7,319 RIO DE JANEIRO. Ditto ditto u. Johnston & Co 4,225 Ditto ditto Mich., Wright & Co Date, Vessel 4,150 if; Destivatinn Shipper* Bags Total Ditto ditto Piado, Chaves & Co 4,000 20.- Z A AN LAN D- Buenos Aires Ornstein & Co. ²380 Ditto ditto BarLoza & Co 2,375 21.—BELGRANO—Hamburg opt Ornstein & Co. 500 Ditto ditto Diogenes Ferreira & Co. .. 1,750 Ditto ditto C. Silva & Co. 257 Ditto ditto Krische & Co 1,500 Ditto ditto S. Gonçalves & Co 1,000 Ditto ditto s.F. et C.Franco-Brésilienne 1,500 Ditto—Hamburg listado de Minas Geraes . 300 Ditto ditto Roxo & Co 1,000 2,057 Ditto ditto Zerrenner, Bulow & Co. .. 508 CAMPEIRO-Pernambuco Zenha, Rumos & Co ²160 Ditto ditto C. Hellwig 500 MAGELLAN—Montevideo C. Silva & Co. 50 Ditto ditto Leme, Ferreira & Co. 500 ditto Ditto Pinto & Co. ... 125 Ditto ditto Baldwin & Co 250 Ditto—Buenos Aires Sequeira & Co. 200 Ditto ditto George Rosenheim 250 Ditto ditto Norton, Megaw &: Co. .. 200 Ditto ditto Levy Álvaro & Co. .. 250 Ditto ditto C Silva & Co. 200 Ditto ditto Nossack & Co 250 775 Ditto ditto Flli. Martinelli Co. ITAQUI—Pernambuco & 200 Eugen Urban ²150 Ditto ditto S. Caldeira & Co. ... 125 ITAPEMA—Rio Grande Zenha, Ramos & Co. 20 Ditto ditto Rombauer & Co 21 Ditto ditto McKinlay, Schmidt & Co. 50 Ditto -Fiumo Hard, Rand Co. Ditto ditto & .. 025 Eugen Urban 200 Ditto ditto E. .lohnston & Co. .. 500 Ditto—Pelotas Zenha, Ramos & Co. 50 Ditto ditto Theodor Wille & Co. 500 Ditto ditto Lag» & limão 50 Ditto ditto Pinto 59,798 & Co 250 ENTRERIOS—Hamburg E. Johnston & Co10,408 620 Ditto ditto 1TA1PAVA— S.F. et C.Franco-BrésiKenne 8,500 Rio Grande Sequeira & Co. 171 Ditto ditto Krische Ditto—Porto Alegre & Co 3,752 Ornstein & Co. 50 Ditto ditto Holworthv, Ellis Ditto ditto Sequeira & Co 3,000 & Co. 700 Ditto ditto Nossack & Co 2,000 921 Ditto ditto Hard, Rand 22.—P PESSA MAFALDA- -Palermo Cario Pareto & Co 250 & Co. 125 Ditto ditto Herm., Stoltz & Co. ... 140 Ditto- -Rhodes Ornstein

Dittoditto George Rosenheim 3,500 „+ ,?^m . «L1'?™ £oen ,arge lml,0'ts from Rio and prices are lòwer again Dittoditto Nossack & Co2,150 at 13*000 to 15íf,000 for Home-grown and 12$000 Dittoditto 15. .lolinston & Co1,705 to 13.$000 for Southern.' • M,"h4°--L'ntrie^ are 3-4,000 bags a day. Prices at one time declined to 80 Ditto— Nantea B Johnston «fc Co255 reis, but then jumped up on demand from D itto-London 13. .johnston & Co10,237 North to 90 reis once more, at which *"P1'ÍC€ U °nC° in°re °" the dawnward Dittoditto Hard, Rar.d «Sc Co3,000 ónivVffers oT&fi Tél? tack with Mich., Wright Dittoditto & Co2,000 Farinha.—Also easier at 0$000 per bag of 00 kilos Dittoditto George Rosenheim 1,555 a"d CarB° Dittoditto C. Hellwig 1,000 and Í2es,Sh0d3 Londonged -^ Quotations are 10s- su«ar Wverpool Dittoditto Thooilor Wille & Co1,000 15 34cd- Dittoditto S.F. et C.Franco-Brésilienne1,000 to Mm% for cobrança and then advancin* Dittoditto Prado, Chaves «Sc Co500 ft§§S WÈ. Ditto—Aberdecn S.F. et C.Franco-Brésilienne1 æ 55,758 PAULO—Hamburg 15. Johnston <& Co11,250 Dittoditto Piado, Chaves «fc Co8,000 CURHENT COFFEE FREIGHT Dittoditto Theodor Wille «fc Co8,000 RATES Dittoditto S.F. et C.Franco Iírúsilienne7,000 Dittoditto Mich., Wright «fc Co0,040 During the week ended November 27 th, 1900. Dittoditto Krische «fc Co4,757 Dittoditto Naumann Gepp «fc Co4,750 Dittoditto Roxo «Sc Co4,385 Rio Santos Dittoditto Barboza «fc Co4,125 Amsterdam Dittoditto Holworthy, Ellis «Sc Co. ...3,250 35/-&50» : 35/-&5°/0 Dittoditto Nossack & Co2,375 Aden via Trieste 50/-& 5 »/0 Dittoditto ... George Rosenheim 2,250 Antwerp 1.000 kilos...' 35/- & õ »/0 Dittoditto 35/-*õ»/0 Baldwin «Sc Co2,000 Alexandria** 64 frcs. in full. Dittoditto ... Leon Israel «Sc Bros 2,000 Alicante...' 64 frcs. in full. 50 frcs. iu full. Dittoditto Levy ilyàrò <& Co2,000 Algiors 50 frcs. ín fui. Dittoditto via Marseilles' 62 frcs. in full. Hard, Rand & Co1,050 Almerie 63 frcs. iu full. Dittoditto Leite & Santos 50 fres. in full. 1,000 AguilesV.V..'.'. 56 frcs. iu fulll. Dittoditto C. Hellwig 1,000 73.50 frcs. in full. Dittoditto Bassoran 76 1/2 frcs. in ull. G. Trinks 720 . 108 frcs. in full. Dittoditto Schmidt «fc Trost 704 Barcellona 108 frcs. in full. 35 frcs. in full. Dittoditto Zerrenner, Buiow «fc Co. ..512 Bilbao 38 frcs. iu full. 56.50 frcs. in Dittoditto Lion «fc Co209 Bremen full. 56 frcs. in full. Dittoditto Sundry 16 '. 35/- A 5 35 & 5 78,053 Bordeaux, 900 kilos..... % "/„ % ] \ ] [ 40 fies. A 10 35 frcs. &10-°/o Bombay via Trieste 50/-& 5 °/0 °/0 Total 50/- 5 430,017 Braila**'^[ 71.50 frcs. "/, Srindisi**!•'!'.'.'.'.!! in full. 71.50frcs. & 10 60frcs. in full. 60 frcs. in full. THE COFFEE SAILED Buenos Ayresper bag. 60 kilos.1! 18200 Beyrouth** 1S500 ENDING NOVEMBER 69 frcs. in full. DURING THE WEEK 26'th WAS CONSIGNED TO THE Cadiz 69 frcs. in full. (Spanish line).'..'.*.'.'.! 35 frcs. A 10 •/„ 38 frcs. FOLLOWING DESTINATIONS. Calcutta via Trieste in full. 55/.&5°/0 55/.&5°/0 In Bags of kilos. Cartliagena,. 60 50 frcs. in full. d0 fros. iu full. Colombo. 50/-A5°/e °/0 Corfu**.77." 50/- & 5 EUROPE á TOTAí. 66.50 frcs. UNITED K,VKK CROP in full. 60frcs.&10°/„ MEDITEI*-COA.ST CAPE0*H.?R KOIÍ Curraehee... °/0 STATES TO DATE 50/ & 5 50/&5°/o RANKANPÍA™P°K:rS WHKK Comuna O3.50 frcs. in full. • Cavalla**.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.:. 53 frcs. iu full. 66.50 frcs. in full. Christiania 66.50 frcs. iu full. ²285 46/9 in full. Rio, 6.8603 524 1,155 11,824 1.746,204 Copenhagen Santos..., 99.172 323,2077,638 ²²— 430,017 7,973,476 44/3 & 5 70 37/6&5°/0 Oonstaiitiuople" 61frcs. in full. Kume-'; 62.50 ires. in full. 40/- & 5 o/o 35h. Total Galatz**77777" a a 7„ 99,172 H80,067 11,102 1,155 285 71.50 in full. 71.50 1909/191» 441,841 9.719,730 Genoa frcs. infull. 1.000 kilos 40 frcs. & 10 °/0 40 frcs. °/„ Qabraltar & 10 H)0el/I9i>9 229,896 196,988 3,230 5,890 1,816 437,082 6,438,648 via Genoa 66.50 frcs. in full. 66.5C Gijon' fros. in full. 56.50 fresin fu|l. frcs. Hamburg 53 in full 35/-&5»/0 35 & 5 °/0 Havre, 900 kilos ... 25 frcs. & 10 7„ 20 frcs. in full. SUGAR MARKET. Hongkong ü/0 via Trieste 60/- & 5 60/-& 10 °> Kobe via ±v /o Pernambuco, Novemhcr 17th, 1909. Trieste 65/-&5°/n 65/- A 5 •/•; L: sbon]' 30/- & 5 °/° Entries for October were 194,001 bags, compared with 219,508 bags same Iiverpool monta last year, but this month they are already larger and to ICth are 150,396 35/ A 5 °/0 bags, against same time last year 134,455 bags, and past few days have been london 1.000 kilos77,7 40/- & 5 °L 35/-&5 14-10,000 bags a day. The market has been very llrrn and to up Do ° 7„ prices planters (options) 40/- & 5 0 considerably, but altliough dealèrs were paying these high figures a granel, it Malaga °/0 lias been 35 fres. A 10 ' 38 frcs. possible to buy bagged many of the qualities at considerably less, Malta, maGenoa & and the cxplanation generally açcéptcd has been that some dealers were over- Marseilles. . 62frcs iu full. 62 frcs. in full. Marseilles 1.000 kilos "»/„ sold and the steamers by which freight had been engaged being in port, they ** 40 frcs «&I0 40 frcs. «fc 10 »/0 had no remedy but to buy and complete their engagements; anyway, Messina yesterday **]]V 56 frcs iu full. f6 frcs. in full. i there waí: a cessation of buying and most qualities declined 200-300 reis, and Metelino 71.50 fresin to-day the market was also flat and further declines registered for Usinas full. 71.50 frcs. infull. and Montevideo per bag.60 kilos!..!. 1S000 there have been no buyers past two days. Quotations are as under:— Mostagauein-Marseillet» or Genoa. 64 fresin full. 64 frcs. Per 15 kilos on shore. Naples infu-11. Usinas 5$300—5$600 54 frcs. iu full. 54 fies. in full. Crystals (White) 4$100—4$300 New York Liners per bag 35c. & 5 u/0 °/o Ditto 5c. & 5 (Yellow) (Export value) 2.$500 N. Orleans I.iners » » 35c. & 5 0/o °/ Whites A boa 4$400—5$ 100 ** 35c. A 5 O lessa 66.50 fresin full. Somenos 3$700—3$900 Oran 66.50 frcs. Clayed 2$500 62 frcs. in full. 62 frcs. in -Penang via Trieste full. Bruto Secco 2$200—2$400 60/-*5°/o 60/- * 5 »/0 Bruto Mellado (Export value) Iíji700—1$900 Palermo 56 frcs. in full. Retames **.....'...'..'. (Export value) 1$500 Patras 66.50 frcs. in full. Therr, is a good enquiry for export qualities, but these are scarce as planter? Piraeus** 66.50 frcs. in full. have been 61.50 frcs. in full sundrying and up in Guaiana they are holding these to extent of Port Said**.'!.'!!!!'.'.'.'.'/. 61.50 frcs. in full. 10,000 to 20,000 bags, anticipating that would considerably higher but 64 frcs in full. 64.00 get prices, Ritterdam[,¦¦;] °/„ frcs. in full. in this they seem likely to be disappointed. Foreign markets are firm as there 35/- & 5 35/- «fc 5 •/. seems every probabiUty of Bcet turning out much below the original estimates. Pango on via Trieste 5Õ/-& 5 »/0 Shipments since 55/- A 5°'0 my last and up to 14th inst. have been: Rio, 14,003 bags; San Francisco 75/-& 5 °/0 Santos, 3i,029 bags; Rio Grande ports, 29,320 bags kilos). November 3rd, £a:i s.s. (75 Sebastian 56.50 frcs. in full Purus, 12,008 bags to New York; November õth, s.s. Gladiator, 340 bags to Santandert- 60 frcs. in full Liverpool and 22,088 60.50 frcs. infull bags to London; November 8th, s.s. Sergipe, 000 bags to Sanisoun ** 60 frcs. in full New York. ][ 66.50 fresin full 66.50 Weather.—During Se vi lieif... frcs. iu full. the past ten days there have been most refreshing rains 50 frcs in full 50 frcs. and will have done much throughout tbe districts. It o/o in full. good sugar is still" hoped via Trieste 65/-& 5 65./- °/0 that more may yet come during this and next month as was the case last year. Saiyrua** & 5 61.50 (rca. in full. 61.50 frcs. in full. SouthaTjipton 1.000 kilos ...... 35/- A > °/„ According 35/- & 5 ?/0 to tbe U.S. Four Port Summary, imports of Brazilian sugar into Suez via Trieste 35/- &õ o/0 °/0 the United States up to October 60 frcs. A 10 28th amounted to 2,825 tons, as against 1,328 Southampton 40/- & »/o tons to tho same date last year, an increase of 1,497. (opt.) 5 Do via Genoa or Alarseilles.... 64 frcs. iu full. Saloniea** 61.50 frcs in full 61.50 Sulina**."..".."..".'.'.] frcs. in full. COTTON. 69 frcs. in fali. 69 frcs. Singapore in full. via Trieste.'..'! 60/- A 5 «/0 60/- o/0 Pernambuco, November 17th, 1909. Taragonne A 5 50 frcs. ir. fui! 50 frcs. samc Trebizond **....'..'. in full. i7enlll0r errafcic st:ltc °f things prevails here, the month opening with 66.50 frcs. in full 66.ÕÜ WWiO loi ali declining on 9th Trieste. frcs. in full. qualities, to 10$30() in rhorning and closing same , 40/-&5°/o 35s. °/0. hny°VH ab 1C$500; rising next day once more to 17$000, at which about Tunis**...!!'.!!!! A 5 , ii,3üü qL ibags were 62 frcs.i n full. 62 sold, but on 12th once more dropped to 1G$500, at which has Valenciat frcs.i n ull. since continued with only small _ _ _ 50 frcs. in full. 50 transaction as sellers are holding off in hopes Valpara5so(op'.ions;.'. frcs. in full. ot once more getting buyers up to 17$000. This morning, with stronger advices 47/6 5°/° irom Liverpool, Ki.fOOO was Varua ** indicated, but now buyers again fcalk of l(i$500, and ] 66.50 frcs. in full. 66.50 frcs. WH9 Ior Sertaos only; even this price is fully 2$000 above its value Liverpool Venice via Trieste..[ in full eve>< in 45/-&5°/„ 40/- A 5 »/„ at tbe better quotation of to-day, and as there acorns to be very little Vigo."', °/0 going South from this it looks as if mills would 40/- & 5 38 frcs. ii not buy at present prices and Yokohania via Trieste «/„ cney should continue firm in this and on short time, they would ere long 55/- A 5 55/- A 5 <>/0 in at go " gec lower prices as sellers would get frightened and some of the stocks Hamburg 58/5 in full. 58/5 in full. oeing aceumulated at ali the up-country centres would come along ivia New York olu xnere have to market. 50/- & 5 been good rains in many parts of the cotton zone, including many >¦ Southampton.amptou. \ Paus paraíba, and if these continue it is hoped ot cottonpi there will be a fresh picking » Hamburg,'urg....( in January-February. Durban 4'2/6 A 2 1/2 °/„ in, Octo'iei' » Antwerp.srpC lfl,.fEvi1'!e8 were 14,384 bags, compared with 17,147 bags same month !? far, f01' Present month 9,913 bags have » Bremeiíii) hni?oy*nuags ior ..orne in against 11,188 same time last year. Liverpool ... 42/6 2 1/2 °/0 ™0' 775 bags; Snntoa. RinSpÍSrtSinnílT0,,jeen,:kio üriande, 004 bags and 415 pressed bales; ia New York... 70/-A5»/o 100 bales; Leixões, 500 bales; Liverpool, 1,000 bales Delagoa "Southampton Bay ‡Hamburg.... Pernambuco, November 17th, 1909. Antwerp 70/-A 2 l/2"/n b;ígMWe,n? «¦iic S0.,c! t0, Ha«»burg shippers at 7*000, and since » Bremen the mSrf^flvL500maiket h firmei- with the Trapiche buying at 7$200. » Liverpool.... 70/- 2 1/2 o/0

' ¦'¦¦; ¦ ¦¦'. ¦ ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ . November SOth, 1909. 2008 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW.

21.- -ITAIPAVA, Brazilian, s.s.Y 707 tons, for Southern Ports. Via Buenos Aires 21.- -TERENCE, British, s.s., 2,600 tons, for Santos _ » Algoa Bay... 42/6 in full -F1DELENSE, Brazilian, s.s., 250 tons, ior S. João da Laira. 21.- l

IN SANTOS HARBOUR, NOVEMBER 26th, 1909. RAILWAY NEWS AND ENTERPRISE. D*te of Date ot entry. Steameri. Toni. entry. Sailing Veiieii Tom. TRAFFIC RETURNS * Nov. 6.- -Thespis 2,735 Nov. 4.—Santa Michel 698 8UNDRY 14. -Samoza 2,030 10.—Amazone 1,985 16. -Saxon Prince 2,235 15.—Varden .... 643 2,380 17. Wheatly Hall MileageLatest Earninga Reported Aggregate to date^ 20. Birchtor 2,377 20. •Tarley 2,760 .1,950 Railway¦'•,~~~ 21. Dundas Weekor 22. Terence 2,609 19081907 19071906m7im 22. Salamanca .3,802 23.—Emy 1,630 23 Luchana 1,984 24. Tyne 1,854 •Espagne 2,478 South..'*10110 Nov 28:750$ 31:933$354:128$ 346:821$ 382:279$ Ceylan — 6,216 Dec 43:666$ 35:458$397:794$ 25 Celtic Prince 2,208 Cap Roca 3,609 lsX)9190819091908 25 1.074,819 25 Teddo 2,974 Leopoldinaa 1.478 1,460 Nov.20th 25,162 20,6711.076.053 Total—Tons 45,935 Total—Tons 3,226 í RIO GRANDE DO SUL. a Karnings reported in pounds, b in mil reis _ OF HIDES FROM THIS STATE FROM JANUARY TO EXP3RTS Leopoldina RailwayThe traffic returns on the Leopoldina íor the week WERE FOLLOWS:— OCTOBER FOR THE LAST 6 YEARS AS ending November 20th show an increase of 68:000$, equivalent to £4,491, the aggregate decrease since January Ist, 1939, being now £1,234.. CofI';e carried for the season up to November 26th amounted to AllM.dHH carried 1,127,959 bags, the Central 750,897, whilst 8ALTED HIDESDRY HIDES bags of which the Leopoldina 96,631 carne coastwise.

YEARTOTAL Great Western of Brasil Railway.—The traffic returns of the Great Westernu of Bra/,il Railway for the week ending October 30th, 1909, amounted to £12,7«p? EuropeU. States EuropeU. States an increase of £772 over the preceding week. The aggregate up to date amountel to £109,821, an increase of £65,520 over the corresponding period of last year. 1909 ... 559,113²265,89312,100837,106 São Paulo Railway Traffic in October .... 468,6<>3²176,41017,100662,113 1908* ". iço8 tçoç 1907 ' . . 500.543²191,64710,000702,190 1906 443,590²294,2739,000746,863 Uptraffic Tons77,76677,437 341,513²258.37214.510614,395 1905 Down » » 1'2.™5137.662 1904 483,042²238,76637,779759,587 Passenger , Number125,4891*6,909 Interstation > Tons35,72937.250 PERSONAL NEWS.

ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES DURING THE WEEK. Arrivals. H. B/ the s.s. Oriana. from Liverpool, on November 24th.—R. Cooper, C. Rowland, A. G. KiffHiu} -Ú3 cx -ÕXiãi \uy\TJOXC€lò lUr Hutchinson, E. H. Dònkih, J. Hart; II. Smith, G Down S R. S. Russéll, Miss K. Béht, B. Comber, G. B Stevens Williams, W. Boote ana tvz- -c'tun»u\?, riut'nu'.\ u'1'c; i e\'c. c\' ai\- ti Bv the s.s. Avon, from Buenos Aires, on November 24th.—A. olV«ivn F. H. Hardman, family E. Honold ar.d family, G. Riley, L. Pond, E. Henry, L. Frith, S. Daniel, H. Stenhouse, L. J. Armour.^.; .¦ L Rowe, Pritchard. Z)licfi i^u.}- S tí e<•' ti 111li : By «li-a s.s. Goyaz, from New York, on November 26th.-D. H. Departures. 'iVUlH li|l \\ \'\ Jllll ailUIUMIlll ^Z/CIPÓ.fl t'. i iVíl

HAMBURG-SUDAMERIKAN1SCHE MERRYWEATHERS' " DAMPFSCHIFFFAHRTS-GESELLSCHAFT " UNIVERSAL sjvxtla. tia.© HAND POWER PUMP lia. oonneotion With Metãllic Cistern and HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE Gun-metal Pumps, Table of Departures: CAP BLANCO December at 2 Expres service: Sails on the llth p.m. for Lisbon, Leixões, Vigo, Bou- CAP BLANCO.. llth December logne, Southampton and Hamburg. CAP ORTEG^L 22nd. K. WILHELM II 3th Jan. 1910 CAP^OCA CAP VILANO. . 15tn * Sails on the 2nd December at 2 p.m. CAP ARCONA.. 26th February for Bahia, Madeira, Lisbon, Leixões K. F. AUGUST.. 7 th and Hamburg. CAP BLANCO.. 19th These magnificent and fast stea- For Watering Plantations, mers are fitted with the latest impro- Pumping Liquid Manure, Empty- Weekly intermediate service: Land, vements and offer to first-class pas- ing Ponds and Draining Reservoirs CAP ROCA2nd.December sengers the highest comfort. Fiiling Tanks and and General Pumping purposes- HOHENSTAUFEN.9 th For freight apply to the brocker: CORCOVADO.. . 16th Largest makers of High-claas Hose CAP VERDE ....30th WM. R. McNIVEN, SI. Rna S. Peta in the World. Wriie for Pamphlet 859 YX.

For passages and further information to the agents: MERRYWEATHERS, 63, Long Acre, London, W.C. THEODOR WILLE CO., 79 Avenida Central ss p p úUUlu é FiÉre b llilffll raiiui Brésili J11I1 J <^~ ¦--m

Succs: of NÂTHAN & CO, ¦¦¦' . «Mrvoe RUA DE S. BENTO 43 e 45 Rua Quinze de Novembro 13 Caixa do Correio 0. Box) K. (P. Caixa do Correio (P. 0. Box) 147, "LUPTON" $ Telegraphic Address: & Telegraphic Address: "WYSARD"

Importers, Exporters and General Merchants "%. ¦y* £*?.*_"

G\\\l((h G)\\l(% ""ltlllg SPEGIALITieS: Cementi, in Railwav Matéria PaiÉ CalÉiii Agrieiiltiiral and Carbide •Vy'"*-'~i*jfifiÉ_i5 llillillPIT Sole representative in the State of General Hardware, Sâo Paul) Gas and Water — OF— Pipes and Fittiogs.

*_¦ _____}____! ''______§' 'i^Bfb™ ______! _____^___j___»* tB _-____**^*%_-i__^____iif__v 11v TheKtuüriOaCi __ IRON, STEEL, OF NEW YOFK COPPER, BRASS


METALS. '""~ '*-''x"i ^''•¦'''' ''''''^'-^'f^^-^^^^*™^^ Department) ._à_M___BP_F__i*' W m $*toi*git*» $#qpt-**to4 Open to accept sole Agencies in the State of Sao Paulo ii m FF PAR HAUCHAT \ í m m. " : u

¦æ _____ ,_H______WW II-H i 1m ff I _^_¦ m^____^^^__>______r ^ 1^<^ £ I _____ II II f II 111 r _J^^W^__r"4? ______¦ I æ1 IIII ¦I IIII i VII ll-J-T_____r ^.\_r^>fW^ 6-° ^«/"v v.__¦___pi ¦ II i _Hi 1 ______HI II I A V I ^_*v_.^_^^' -\'" ^# ______^H II I II __¦ II M h _J__r ^r ^^^r "v>$>-\°_____^^^B__ II ___¦

! I ¦ I ^^JkT*/Í$S cf * \^VV ^f ^M ¦ B ^1

,I JÊfa*\.-__-_r / ^^ \\ ,^er°aÀWÍ___¦ T m____ || I |lI ^_i li,||I ^ -v^ ^V'* I I I I H ¦ I__L___r^%*^^ _r _* ^? JM_wd_____f ¦ V J | I | 11 ^|| ^fl| r*^J)^t^^^^V v I _á V III H ______^B _^J*• •,^'__.il___! ,,,_H____,,I ^éá m 1. WI _ i. ¦| II| æI |I | II_ |II II||

c/V _^^^B,_J,^^^_^^Ü^^^^^^miwí_____K-----B---bW TRAMWAY. LltíHT AND WWWf. THE SÃO PAULO °_^^L TORONTO. CANABA - NE™ HEAD OFFICE, AVENIBAOENTR PRADO No. 1 RIO DE JANEIRO 76 SAO PAULO, PRAÇA ANTÔNIO "^f of the State of Sac, Paulo, M The city of São Paulo, which is the capita, sea levei the valley of the Tietê River, 800 metres above the resembung^f™'1^^"^ very cio elyhat of Southern of this State. The climate is delightful throughout the year, may easüy be ™lerS Califórnia. São Paulo is a city of 300,000 inhabitants and , ho8urs to Sao Paulo^n byJv < ulway tak nng or Rio de the journey from Santos the ports of Santos Janeiro, o State 12 hours. On account of the natural resource and from Rio to São Paulo Je commer^^^^ cen. City of São Paulo is one of the most impo.tant and owing to its peculiar location, the ters in South America. & POWER CO. LTD THE SAO PAULO TRAMWAY, LIGHT ali the electric light and Electricity is operates ali the tramway lines in São Paulo and supplies power River, some 35 kilometres brio- the city developed hydraulically, utilizing the fali» of the Tietê are now m for a large increase to the 12 000 H P is developed there at present and works progress demand for Four d,s incl_ creu,t. to enable the Company to meet the constantly increasing power. plant Power House to the Substation in Sao Paulo on two separate steel lines convey the current from the pole The Company operates 125 k lom etres where the current is converted for tramway, light and power uses being largely Italian, labor » readily of track, coveringthe entire city. The population of the city good manufactones to be built. obtained. This and the cheap rates for power is causing many new relative to the establishment of Information concerning the res.ur.es of the country and that obtained by application to any of the offices of the Company. new industries, prices for power etc. can be P. 0. Address Telegraphic Address Caixa No, 593 FERRO-RIO HIME & CO. General Merchants, Metal Importers and Manufacturers of JNails, Bar, Angle and Horse-shoe Iron, CharcoaJ Box Irons, Wire of ali kinds. Lcad Pipinff, Mule and Horse Shoes, Bolts, Nuts and Rivets "RED CEMENT UNDERTAKE CASTINGS 0F EVERY DESCRIPTION Sole importers of CROSS" Sole Importers of HalPs Hauitary Paint "ItlATOlvIJN" CENTRAL OFFICE: •¦ 52, RUA THEOPHTLO OTTONI, 52