wx itiatt OT. #« •p. - - A'. ® <JI»KJtt» «•,r,..vv 4L VOL. XII RIO DE JANEIRO, TUESDAY, November 30th 1909 No. 48 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Philadelphia, Penn. PRINCIPAL OFFICES AND WORKS, 500 BROAD STREET manufacturers of^BROAD AND NARROW GAUGE LOCOmOtiVCSSINGLE EXPANSION and COMPOUND —__ ... ___ ,& Êik l ki 1 £ a -íâl III __5ü-_i J___K <_ ___ füfft" kiI -Jl^i>:ili 8lt ¦ _H_____i •_*Ü3^B ';\K_i f '-¦^v^BSB^K' ^•jBaM«t^^^a^^Mfk*r_T_u. _F" 4^_f_^_B__R_tfnj___B__ ',,__„„?.'.__,,'.„,::;.._„¦,:,_:..,Í..I...Í:.:'.i.S.i ,_.. for Permanent Electric Motor and Trailer Trucks for Plantation Locomotives Sole Representatives in Brazil: Railway and Suburban Service. or Portable track. Like of different engines of same parts AM Work Thoroughly Guaranteed. & Co., Ltd., class perfectly interchangeable. NORTON, MEGAW adapted for Locomotives particularly on appli- 58, Rua Primeiro de Mareo, Rio d* Janeira. Logging and Industrial purposes and I Must rateei Catalogue furnished N. for Mines and Furnaces. cation of customers. WATER PAINT - Made by Mander Brothers — Wolverhampton. ê \ÚM Agents and representatives •- BORLIDO MAIA & C. Rua do Rosário 55-58—Rjq de janeiro. Made by PINCHIN JOHNSON & Co. noriDois K See our advertisenient on third page. I£TEMPER <fTN®®_X_) Resisting and Sanitary Water Paint for inside and outside decoratiou The perfection of white euarael Cor house decoration — Sole agents in Brazil: BORLIDO MONIZ & CO. Rio de Janeiro. £v. DICK'S PÃTENT BELTING B C and A1 Codes USed. Telegraphic Address: " GUTTA PERCHA," GLASGOW.A <S|111Í1|3* R. & J. DICK -- Greenhead Works GLASGOW AGENTS AND REPRESENTATIVES s^BORLIDO MAIA & Co.^^ 17, RUA DO ROSARIO-Rio de Janeiro - BRAZIL . Sj.. R10 DE J-JANEIRO F,FLOUR Mills & Granaries Limited Telegraphic Address "Epiaermis" These Mills are the LARGEST in the SOUTHERN HEMIS- MODERN Post Office Boz N. 486 PHERE and are fitted throughout with the most MACHINERY. For the superiority oí their flours they were award- Mills. Rua da Gamboa, No. ed a GOLD MED AL at the PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION HEAD OíílCE: "FIRST ST. LOUIS London : 48, Moorgate Street, E. C. oí 1889 and the PRIZE oí BRAZIL" at the EXHIBITION oí 1904, the brands of same, which are duly BRANCHES: 8. Paulo 4, Rua da Quitanda. registered at the Junta Commercial, are as íollows : Rosário:1086, Calle Santa Fé. «NACIONAL» "SAVOIA^ Buenos Aires :.335, Calle B. Mitre. -BUDA-NACIOJNAL' ' 'JB Fí A__. XJL. 10 IJbí A '' "8EMOLIINA" A GENCIES: Victoria, Bahia, Maceió, Pernambuco, Daily pròduction of Flour and Bran: 10,000 Bags Ceara, Maranhão and Para Curitiba, Desterro,Rio Grande, Pelotas and Porto Alegre Office: 108, Rua da Quitanda, Rio de Janeiro THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY Tons Tona Asturias 12 500 Danube. 6,500 Avon11,000 lhames. 6,000 Araguaya10,500 Clyde 6,500 Amazon]0(000 Aragon10)000 Nile. 6,000 :£:£ rjc # :£:£:£:£ #>!<#•£ #>!<## # Tcl. ONAItllS — Rio I». O. B. 21 e. l. HARRisoN-Representative — 53 and 55, Avenida Central IF^IRf!^., _1VCI_E___RS &> O 112, Cannon Street London E. C. ENGINEERS, MERCHANTS AND Contractors for Railway Material, etc. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS -FOUNDATION — LONDON" Bahia-Nathan & Co., Rua das Princezas, 6 C. do Correio, 157. - Telegrams, "NATHAN" - BAHIA Rio de Janeiro-F^y, Youle & Co,. Rua da Alfândega no. IO C. do "FRY" Correio 211.-Telegrams, - RIO JANEIRO ¦ :-'¦¦¦¦¦¦¦-¦<¦ V: if1""" <—-*\ ACIONAI mt §$r&zwan Iara? r 8 ) [m%1 VOL. XII RIO DE JANEIRO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER, 30th. 1909 No. Í8 W!^^^^^^w^^'r[rfw^ HOTEL AVENIDA RiO DE JANEIRO SOUZA CABRAL & GO. AVENIDA CENTRAL 152-162. RIO DE JANEIRO. (Jardim Botânico Tramway Co.'.s Central Station.) The íârgeit and most important Hotel in Brazil. Occu- pies a complete block. Magnificent accommodation. Grand Hall for Public Dinners and Eeceptions. Telegrams -.—AVENIDATelephone 2873 ELECTRIC LIFTS TO ALL FLOORS. 220 IROOIMIS Qhe Western ZEelegrapb Company, Xímíteb. THE LY DSRECT ROUTE WSTH S BRIGA UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT. ÍABLE STATIONS IN SOUTH AMERICA :- CABLE STATIONS IN EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA:- WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Brasil:— EASTERN TELECRAPH COMPANY. Para (Travessa Campos Salles No. 1) London: 11, Old Broad Street, E.C. Maranham, Ceara. Lmm H mmmm^MMMM^*~l^^*^MM^MMMWmMt3^j^Ml^M\MM^^^3Mm Km 1# t^» ^ / \ a. jL \ The Baltic Mercantile & Shipping1 Pernambuco (Rua do Commercio No. 2). JM ¦kSSSfl eA*íwv 1;4 >.\ Exchange, St. Mary Bahia (Rua das Princezas No. 7). í Axe, E.C. Rio de Janeiro (Rua cia Candelária No. 9). 449, Strand, W.C. Santos (Praça Maüá No. 29). Liverpool: K13, Exchange Buildings. S. Catharina, Rio Grande do Sul. Mancliester: 44, Spring Gardens. Uruguay:— Bank Place. Montevidéo (Calle Cérrito 146). Glasgow: 5, Royal mBBK^'^"^"^^JjSíWmmmmW L ^^'^^^ Newcastle-on-Tyne: K, Exchange Buildings, RIVER PLATE TELECRAPH COMPANY. Quayside. I Argentina:— I WM;«u MI^T.f^PJMMMTAlmmX/ CardiíF: 33, Merchants' Exchange, Bute Docks. Buenos AiroB, 287 and 291, Callo San Martin. +HMWHMKfcif,|SaclJA^JmWWBKlOtNDA/ *l/WMikmmW\ / Madrid : Calle dei Pez 5. VEmmVJFJANTDFA[1ASTA\ ^mmtMI^¦^•BcNGuELlaEi/ ^WEST m»VAs"ena iiHMJlAk¦vViosswieo Marseilles : Hotel des Postes COAST OF AMERICA TELECRAPH COMPANY. "jMMwIlTPIP^TrMaurr.Bo:Mifl^awMso //ktKwtSIWBSUI~.w.../ ,í^Ça22m£2j5ttm É9H mmW»w»<um/ Malta: Central Station, St,. George's. | Chili:- Arica, Pisàgua, Iquique, Antofagasta, La ^BVhRtTTTvb^ /jm^i/^KT^HbHmm k ^Bm!^b^«. X Rome : 28, Via¦ Venti Sottembre. Serena, ^¦¦¦¦MMMM BV / Jj Ik^MM^felM^wlBuAl ^/mH BP^MT Goqnimbo, Couccpoion, Coronel, Talcahuano. Valparaiso (Calle Prat 69), COMMERCIAL CABLE COMPANY. Bantiago (Calle Huérfanos). New York: Commorcial Cable Building. [ Peru:— Boston : 112, State Street. Callão, Lima and Mollendo Halifax, Kova Scotia • 201, Hollis Street. mm PLSASE ZbCA-IRIEC 3TOTJ:R, telbg-bams :- rom SOUTH AMERICA to ALL PLACES. To SOUTH ASBER3GA. BRAZIL .. Via Western Great Britain Via Eastern Madeira. Italy ... Via Malta, Madeira. TJruguas' .. V ia Madeira. Argentina France—Paris, Hortli ,. Anglétprre Madère. Spain ... Eastern Madeira. Faraguay •] \ Via Rio do la Flata, ,, South ,, Malle Madère CHILI- Portugal ... ... ,, St. Viucent. funta Arenas ... Via Rio doía Plata. Germany „ Emden, Vigo, Madeira. Ali Other Places ... Via Èâsfcarn, Belgium Madère, KTortli America and^ Peru ...> Eastern Commercial, Boliviaj"ia Eastern "West ,, * : Holland „ Emden, Vigo, Madeira. Indiesj AGENCIES- PARIS: 37 Rue Caumartin. _ANTWERP: 61 Avenue Marie,_PORTO ALEGRE: K. W. Sefton, Caixa, 13 HEAD OFFICES OF THE COMPANY— ELECTRA HOUSE, FINSBURY PAVEMENT, LONDON, E.C. THE BRAZILIAN COAL COMPANY, LTD. RIO DE JANEIRO REPKESENTATIVES OF LIGHTSRAGE COMPANY LIMITED. CORY BROTHERS and C. LTD of Cardiff and London. Colliery Proprietors. Coal Depôts in ali the principal ports of the world. Ali kinds of Maritime harbour transport. A constaht and fresh supply of Cory's Merthyr Steam Coal always in stock. Loading and clischarge of vessels. Prompt delivery at reasonable prices Towage. Tugboats always ready for service. Launches on hire for excursions, and for Engineering Works. Repairs to Ships, Launches, Machinery, Lighters, etc, ^rrival and departure-of packets. effected. with the utmost possible dispatch. OFFICES: Telephone No. 1,718. Edifício da Bolsa Salas 26 and 27. Entrance: Rua Gen. Câmara. Depot: ILHA DOS FERREIROS. Office Rua Visconde de Itaborahy P. 0. Box 774. (CAES DOS MINEIROS). 1190 *PII|p THE BRAZILIÁN REVIEW. November 80th, 1009. m> MAIf FIXTURJS. íttíl For Europe. Dec. 1.—Aragon, Eoyal Mail, íor Soutlianipton. * Editor —J P WILEMAN 8.—-Magelían, Mess. Mar., íor Bordeaux. 11.—Oropesa, P.S.N.C, for Liverpool. OFFICES—RUA CAMERINO No. 61. 11.—Cap Blanco, H.S.D.G., for Hamburg. 15.—Araguaya, Eoyal Mail, P. O BOX: 472, RIO DE JANEIRO. for Southampton. Atlaníiqiie, "REVIEW "-RIOJANEIRO. 22.— Mess. Mar., for Bordeaux. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: 22.—Oronsa, P.S.N.C, íor Liverpool. 22.—Cap Ortegal, LI.S.D.G., for Hamburg. Subscrlption: 60$ or £4 per annum. 20.—Amazon, Eoyal Mail, for Southampton. Payable abroad by sight draft, or cheque crossed British Bank of South America. For the River Plate and Pacific. Seperate Copies1$200 Back Numbers2$000 Dec, 6.—Atlantique, Mess. Mar., for B. A. 1 £ = 16$000. 7.—Orissa, P.S.N.C, for Valparaiso. 13—Amazon, Eoyal Mail, for B. A. AGENTS:— 20.—Cordillère, Mess. Mar., for A. RIO DE JANEIRO— ]_• CRASHLEY & Co., rua do Ouvidor No. 36. 21.—Ortega, P.S.N.C, for Valparaiso. SAO PAULO— HILDEBRAND & Co., rua 15 de Novembro. For the United States. SOLE AGENTS FOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM Byron, JOHN HADDON & Co., 132, Salisbury Square, E.C. Dec. 2.— Lamport and Holt, for New York. LONDON AGENTS FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS- 18.—Verdi, Lamport and Holt, for New York. C. STREET & Co., Ltd., Cornhlll, No. 30. NEW YORK— C. R. FAIRBANKS, Room, 22, 68, Broad Street. _ ². Rough or Polish Ali Communications to be addressed to the Editor. Ceylon Precious Stones supplied direct from our Mines. Announcements of Births, Deaths and Marriages concerning avd Price List ov demand tn : subscribers and friends are inserted in this " REVIEW " free Sawples of charge. J. WICKRA ANAYAK & Co. u BBBHgKiMSleBBsmifBMBBisssaBBBtmBGa&sammsemÊlisBmmamÉm SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN ORDINARY POSITIONS. S. MENDES & Co. 52 Insertns Insertns SPACE 26 12 Insertns 8 Insertns Single Rua do Senado, Nos. 57, 59 and 61. Telephone No. 133. Per Insertn Per Insertn Per Insertn Per Insertn Insertn £ s.d. £ b.d. £ s. d. £ s.d. £ s.d Oue Page 3 100 4 0 100 5 0 õ 100 1 150 2 O Half Page 0 }0 _i 100 2 lõ0 at: — Third Page 1 0 1 O 100 1 140 1 17G Branches Quarter Pnge... 180 1 ü 0 l }0 1 0 1/2 inchx8 inch (.) 0 6 6 6 Rua do Cattete, 269, formerly 213—Telephone 177. 1/2 inchx4 inch 0 6 0 6 0 Rua Christovão Colombo, 78 a 82, formerly 46. Praça Tiradentes, 53—Telephone, 109. Rua Haddock Lobo, 74—Telephone, 437. The 52 and 26 Series Ratos are for Consecutivo Insertions.
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