International Conference on Global Education V “Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”


AHMAD RAIHAN NUARI Email : [email protected] Graduate Student, Economic Department, State University of


The harmony of national life today becomes important, given the emergence of various issues concerning inter-ethnic divisions, religious groups and so it takes a preventive education patterns and inherent in the education curriculum in schools. This study aims to explain the importance of multicultural education as an effort to maintain harmony in . This study uses references from the literature relating to the theme of the study. From the study of the existing literature recommends the importance of multicultural education to be made part of the curriculum in secondary education level, especially high school.

Keywords: Multicultural Studies, Education, And Harmony Live Nation

Introduction In line with growing age, education is the most important factor and has a great influence to change the mindset of the laity and stiff became more modern, making insights. Education is very important for everyone, therefore the Government of Indonesia has already announced a program of compulsory nine-year schooling. The importance of education is also visible from the magnitude of the budget provided by the Government to education, i.e. 20% of the total NATIONAL BUDGET Indonesia. Actually education is not just limited to formal education at school or University, since we are born we have got education from our parents. The purpose of education is to create quality and character of a person thus has a broad view to the front to achieve a goal that is expected and is able to adapt quickly and appropriately in a variety of environments. Because education itself motivate ourselves for the better in all aspects of life. As stated in the Sisdiknas law No. 20 of 2003, that the purpose of national education is to the development of potential learners in order to become a man of faith and piety to God Almighty, precious, healthy, have learned, accomplished, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible.

Universitas Ekasakti, , 10 – 11 April 2017 2501 International Conference on Global Education V “Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”

In the era of globalization nowadays we can not escape the global life. The wave of democracy increasingly open regarding not only bring positive values in terms of respect for human rights (human rights) and the existence of groups of people, but also have a negative impact for the continuation of the lives of the nation and split split a country. Like the events that occurred in Papua, where a plurality of Tolikara Church Church Gidi attacked Muslims who pray are Eid al-Fitr, a sudden create communities, particularly Muslims, to respond with a variety of opinions. Some sniping, even to condemn the heinous event. Antaretnis conflict also occurred last year in the town of Tanjung Balai which resulted in the destruction and looting of the anarchist as well as various houses of worship facilities which cause a lot of losses. It was this event which then ignite the fire of religious antarumat etnosentrisme good Islam or Christianity, that has been able to muted well. (Kompas). Viewed such phenomena, the application of education in Indonesia are required to have a sensitivity of multikultura facing the current rotation of globalization. Pattern doktrinasi monokulturalisme imposed during the new order needs to be evaluated, because it implies negative for reconstruction of culture the multicultural Indonesia. On the other hand is still often we come across the existence of the phenomenon of the split in the middle of the community, either in the form of a brawl between students/riot, RT, between tribes until the desire to separate themselves from the SO, still often coloring national media both print and electronic media. To date there has been no serious multicultural education handled in Indonesia, whereas in neighbouring countries since the year 2000 already implement multicultural education at various levels of the school. Therefore, to build a sense of unity and unity as well as a sense of nationalism in the middle of a plural and multicultural communities in Indonesia, as well as answer some problems kemajemukan as described above, it takes systematic measures that can serve as a national movement. In this paper the authors offer solutions through "the importance of the application of Multicultural Education in Indonesia". The Meaning Of Multicultural Education Multicultural is derived from two words namely multi and kultul, multi meaning many and kultul means culture. Gollnick (1998) a multicultural education is education for life in a free democratic society, its student help transcend their cultural boundaries and aquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to engage in public discourse with

2502 Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017 International Conference on Global Education V “Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity” people who differ from themselves and to participate in the creation of a civic culture and work for the common good. According to H.A. R Tilaar (1998) gives a sense of multicultural education as a transboundary discourse that peeling problems regarding social justice, deliberation, and human rights, issues-political, moral, educational and religious. While Ainurrofiq (2003) says Dawam, multicultural education is the process of developing the whole human potential that respect the plurality and cultural diversity as a consequence of heterogeneity of ethnic, tribal, and the flow of (religion). According to Zubaedi (2004), multicultural education is a renewal movement that changed the educational components include changing senua basic value of education, the rules of procedure, curriculum, instructional materials, organizational structures and Government policies that reflect cultural pluralism as a reality of society Indonesia. Defenisi this is not much different with the opinion Azyumardi Azra (2000) where education multicultural education for cultural diversity or in responding to changes in the demographics and culture of a particular society or even the environment as a whole in order to tercita the collective consciousness. A thorough understanding of the definition above, the author argues that multicultural education is the process of planting a way of life, genuine, respectful and tolerant of diversity of cultures that lived in the middle of a plural society. This meaning that multiculturalism is a theological movement to memehami all the differences that exist in every man, as well as how the differences could be accepted as natural and not to be the reason for the occurrence of acts of discrimination, anarchist behavior tend to be divisive nation. The education process is done consciously and planned to realize and develop the potential for him to have a religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, attitudes, and skills required of him, the community, the nation and the State.

Multicultural Education Goals Multicultural education and to train and build student character agarmampu be democratic, humanist and pluralis in their environment. In other words, can be described through a proverb "while diving drinking water." Artunya in addition to expected student can easily understand, master and have good competence against the subjects taught the teacher, students are also expected to be able to always be and apply democratic values, humanism and pluralism in school or outside of school.

Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017 2503 International Conference on Global Education V “Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”

Yaqin (2005) reveals a multicultural education has two objectives, namely the original purpose and ultimate goal. The initial goal is the goal while goal because this function only as intermediaries in order to make the goal eventually is good. The original purpose of education multicultural education that is building a multicultural educational discourse among teachers, professors, experts in education, making education and mahasiswajurusan in the world of science education as well as the General student. The expectation when they have a multicultural education discourse is good then later, they not only can afford to build the skills and expertise of students towards subjects that he teaches. But also able to be multicultural education transformer capable of instilling the values of pluralism, democracy and humanism directly at the school to the participants his learners. As for the ultimate purpose of this multicultural education, learners are not only able to understand and master the subject matter which he had learned but it is expected that learners will have a strong character to always be democratic, pluralis and humanist.

The urgency of the implementation of Multicultural Education in Indonesia Indonesia is one of the largest multicultural Country in the world. The truth of this statement can be viewed from the condition of social-cultural as well as geographic are so diverse and extensive. Now, the number of islands in the territory of a unitary State of Republic Indonesia (SO) around 1,754 Islands large and small. Population the population numbered more than 250 million people, consisting of 1,126 tribes using nearly 728 different languages. In addition they also embraced the religion and belief as diverse as Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and great variety of beliefs. This diversity, recognized or not, will be able to cause various issues as noted in the introduction. Hence the need to let a special strategy was sought in solving various problems. Related to this, then the educational multikulturalis offers one alternative through the application of the concept of civic based on utilization of the diversity that exists in the community, especially that of the students such as the diversity of ethnicity, culture, language, religion, social status, gender, ability, age and race. And most importantly very rewarding to build kohesifitas, soliditas and intimitas among the diversity of ethnic, racial, religious, cultural and needs among us. Exposure above also

2504 Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017 International Conference on Global Education V “Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity” give encouragement and spirit for national institutions to want to instill an attitude to learners to appreciate the people, cultures, religions, and beliefs of the other. Not only does this educational strategy aimed just so students easily understand the lessons he had learned, but also to increase their awareness in order to always behave humanist, pluralis, and democratic. Through the cultivation of the spirit of multiculturalism in schools, will be the medium of training and awareness for the younger generation to accept cultural differences, religion, race, ethnicity and needs among fellow and want to live together peacefully. So that the process is run in accordance with expectations, then we should be able to implement multicultural education by disseminating through educational institutions, even if possible, set up as part of the education curriculum at various level in both the Government and private institutions. Moreover, the multicultural paradigm implicitly also became one of the concern of the article 4 of LAW N0. 20 of 2003 National education system. In the article it is explained, that education was held in a democratic way, not discriminatory with respect of human rights, cultural values, religious values and kemajemukan Nations. Therefore, the important thing to note in this multicultural education, a teacher is not only required to master and be able to professionally teach the subjects or courses taught. Lebij from it, an educator must also be capable of instilling the core values of multicultural education such as humanism, democracy, and pluralism. By using educational strategies implement at once had vision and always uphold and respect for pluralism, democracy and humanism, expected students can be a generation that upholding morality, kedislipinan, humanistic, caring and honesty in everyday behaves. One of the important objectives of the concept of multicultural education is to help all students acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills that are required in running roles as effectively as possible in society and pluralistic democracy – is required to interact, negotiations, and communication with the citizens of diverse groups in order to created a moral public order that runs for the common good. In the end, it is hoped that the problems facing the nation is gradually can be minimized, because our generation in the future is "multicultural generation" who appreciate the difference, always uphold the quantity of democratic values, justice and humanity. There are at least five dimensions of multicultural education is very significant to applied in Indonesia. First, the integral education (content integration) teacher who

Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017 2505 International Conference on Global Education V “Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”

concocted the examples to explain the concepts, principles, generalizations and theories of particular disciplines using unsu-cultural elements of various groups that are relevant and reasonable. Second, the process of construction of knowledge, teachers help students can understand, discover, reveal how a certain cultural assumptions that implicitly wraps a bias in science are studied. Third, reduce the attitudes of prejudice, mengbangkan a positive attitude towards racial differences, ethnic, religious, and cultural groups with equal status (equal position), to develop teamwork, interpersonal relesionship, as well as the existence of a reword and panisment. Fourth, the equality of the pedagogid (enquity pedagogig), namely to facilitate the same pedagogig to all students who comes from different groups both from the aspect of both teachers of stail learning process. Fifth, the pembergayaan culture in schools, namely the school culture of mempekuat as an example of early mutikulturalisme, promoting school as a multicultural society as a miniature on the community surrounding it.

Multicultural Education Is Taking Care Of Concord Concord is a persadaraan atmosphere and peace among the various elements of the community, both from the aspect of culture, ethnicity and religion. Not forever that diversity can be empowered as a treasure and wealth of the nation, but often the trigger to avoid conflict and Division. This is where the necessary existence of coaching and education kontiniue to merawarat unity in the midst of a plural society, particularly in the school environment. Many of the things that gave an overview of issues or events that pertain to its diversity at the school. In educational institutions, is certainly a very instrumental are teachers or lecturers. Teachers and professors haru was able to explain with accurate and systematic way about critical understanding of diversity. As educators, inappropriate instill hostility against anyone, including different ethnicities or different religions. Let alone the legalized violence against other people (religious). In this case, the teacher should not be the case. He should have explained that the disciples and comrades applicable discrimination or unjustified narkis either in law or religion. He should also explain that all religions or beliefs that exist on this planet have never commanded the believers to do violence to anyone, including the followers of other religions. So far, the studies have recently been called only exist at the college level. Then only limited to specific courses such as religious studies, sociology, and political

2506 Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017 International Conference on Global Education V “Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity” antopologi. To resolve this problem, there must be some change in the orientation of our religious education, curriculum and lesson materu used. Orientation of education that not only refers to the formation of religious understanding in textual and rituals, but also refers to the social and contextual understanding. A curriculum that not only aims to build students ' ability terhadapa of religious subjects, but also how to build a student's attitude was written and social care. As well as the subject matter which not only refers to the religious texts (books, book) sourced at a flow of pemukiran, but also come from the author, age and school of thought. The teacher is an important factor in mengemplementasikan values diversity and an inclusive and moderate in the school. Teachers have an important position in the multicultural education because he was one of the targets of this educational strategy. If a teacher has a keberagamaan understanding of the paradigm of inclusive and moderate, so he will also be able to teach and implement these keberagamaan values against the students in the school. The role of the teacher in this case include; First, a teacher must be able to be democratic, meaning that in every whim good attitude, and he as well as his words, not discriminatory (unfair or offensive attitude) pupils who adhere to a different religion to her. When a teacher explaining the history of the Crusades "crusade" (1099-1291) Ad involving groups of Islam and Christianity, then he should be able to be impartial towards one of the groups involved in the war. Although the religion adhered closely with one of the groups involved in it. When a teacher of siding against one of the religious groups involved in the war, the course of analysis and explanation will be very subjective. As a result, the explanation is not only going to hurt students who adhere to a different religion to him, but can also give rise to hostility in his students against one of agamayang involved in the war. Secondly, teachers should have a high concern against the events tertentuyang nothing to do with religion. Cotohnya, pembuman when going to a cafe in Bali (2003), then a teacher of the insightful multicultural should be able to explain his concern against such events. Then a teacher should able to explain that the incident should not have happened. In all religions are in the religion of Islam, Roman Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism and religion-religion and beliefs more clearly said that the use of any form of violence in solving problems is prohibited. Violence will only cause new problems.

Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017 2507 International Conference on Global Education V “Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”

Related to this, a teacher should also be explained that the essence of the teachings of the religion is to create peace and prosperity for all humanity. Bombings, military invasion, and all forms of violence is something that is forbidden by the religion. Dialogue and deliberation are all ways of settlement of any problem that is highly recommended by all religions and beliefs. In addition, the role of school teachers is also very important in establishing the educational environment pluralis and tolerant of all religions. For that school should pay attention to the following steps; First, the school should create and apply local law. Law schools that applied specifically in one particular school. In law school, of course, one important point that is listed is the existence of the prohibition of all forms of religious discrimination in the schools. By implementing this legislation expected to all items such as teachers, principals, administrative officer, and pupils can learn to selalumenghargai other people of different religions in their environment. Second, to build mutual understanding between students-early Shiva who has different religious beliefs then the school must play an active role promoting religious dialog or dialog antariman which of course remain within the guidance of the teachers in the school. Antariman dialogue of this kind is one of the effective efforts so that students can get used to doing the dialogue with adherents of different religions. Third, the other thing that is important in the application of education mutikultural i.e curriculum and textbooks used, and applied in the school. Multicultural education curriculum is the main requirements that could not be denied in this educational strategy. In essence, the multicultural education curriculum is a curriculum that contains the values of pluralism and tolerance keberagamaan. So did the books, especially religious books used in schools, it is books that can build the discourse of learners on the understanding keberagamaan an inclusive and moderate.

Summary It is time the multicultural education applied in Indonesia significantly and up. The reason for not saying at all that there has been no concrete signs of the Government program will hold a multicultural education. Of course, the implementation of a learning culture-based education as a strategy to build Concord was implemented much earlier, given the very heterogeneous nation Indonesia. Whereas, if the implementation of

2508 Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017 International Conference on Global Education V “Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity” multicultural education done in a systematic way and hard-wired in appropriate form sokalah, it will be created real and natural harmony. At sampiang will give birth to a generation of elegant, tolerant, inclusive, and away from prejudice and discriminatory behaviours to avoid. So the terwujudkan unity and the unity of the nation as well as the attitude of the nationalist (love the Fatherland), as the capital base of kelenjutan development, either in material or spiritual.


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