\ ' i' - J-'

I . l- FRIDAY, MARCH 26. IdM •4Ttrni9 Dntiy prggg Kim i J i a n r f t f ^ r fciiitttittg? I| w a li Far tee Week Ended Msfck M. 1954 X Ah Important masting of the TbTUpaar CXu). wlU hold a card Mr. and Mrs. PhUip Keith, of committee, headed by Prands B. party tamorre# night at'7:S0 in New Tock Ci^, who were married 1 1 11,195 Miner, which is planning tha tes­ tha ctfbhouaa on-Hralnard PL Ra> in Pebruary. will spend the waWr* •fantar efrihe Andit end with Mr. Keith’s parents. Mr. timonial dinner for W ilfred Clarke ’ V'.' fraahmaats wUl ba aarvad. Tha Spring Fashion jifewk From HALEYS Bufeap ef Clrcolatiena aiid Mrs. Wariran Keith, 61 Cam- and Pete Wlgren on May 10, will pubUo !a Invltad. ' , {1 , '=Sta M nid^ S t be held 1 tonight (lat 7:M at ^ Manchester-^A City of Villago Charm mlfflMT American Le|^n Home. Repro- « r GAUGE SHEER A ' aoh waa borh at the SL itiM u a Members of the Auxiliary of sentatlves of alt civic and church d a r k s h a m . a t c m D tiu (n - Fraacia Hospital Wednesday, to ^OL.LXXIII,N0.160 (Claaelflad Advartieteg an Page Ifi) Dilworth • Cornell - Quey Post groups, as well as anyone Intar- FANCY X M A I^ E S T E IL CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 21^1954 (TWELVE PAGES) ' L m VnMgtity 9t qob- .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Server, p i American Legion^ w . remind^ Ssted in working on this commit­ jnlucG nvi'iM E is 1 te t lw evAtonl chair- Branford SL. tKe auction Wedheedavi J tee. are urged to.anend this meet- X teterMlMMdiiS bbH jraddtnt • of by the /<5glonnalres./rhe;’ ey are do- NYtON fauth ot OMi* Mrs. Prank J. Crowie;^ 57 Ger­ -dating cakes to be .spid that eve- __ __ Mcona yiwr. H# a rd 'S t, waa pleasantly s«roris«d nlng, and are also/ comnouung tho board of Unitad this week to hear that berN^ter, salable articles fOr/the auction. Tontla Ha (raduafad Mrs. Robert Moore, of Marblehead. i ' /■ V- . Jobless R i^ H a li HOSIERY High School last Maas., was tha winner of the “John • Mr. -and MTs/Henry H. Miller. TayMr Arms Award.” ■ which sig­ 92 Washington St. have received Reported mState In new spHne colors. nifies tha top prise in the floral ar^ news of tbO birth of a son. their ,J3i»jWi9toll. ' . G ill Seouta of Troop 20 will hold rangeibeht section at the spring' chilii to their son-in-law and aT htod^bala tonjojroW at 'Hala’a flower show held recently in Bos­ htte./Mr.jand Mrs. Norman ..Hartford. March 2« rlae tloc%/from 2;00 a.m. on. ton. [a m of Snn Pemando, Calif. in unemployment tn Qonneb^teut MrsyMhrks was the former Miss for Sve consecutive wontha M e /^c. Lawrence. I. Decker, Jx., J ^ e H. Miller, R.N. The.baby Omaha, March.,^ 27 (A>)— son of Hr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. h 2 been named Paul Hayward come to a halL ' Chairman Leouird W. HaU of Decker, Sr., of 75 Cooper SU re­ ,Marks. ' H ila was reported today hy thr the Republican National Com­ cently graduated from the A ir­ State Labor Department following SPECIAL’ FOR SATURDAY X * ^ \ mittee says Sen. McCarthy borne Jump School at Port Ban­ Sgt. N i^ olaa H. Paganl. son of a surrey which ahon'Sd that the \ u- Mr. and Mrs. Dante Pagani, 47 NEW SPRING STYLES IN .^(R-Wis) "has done more ning, Ga. He U now serving M a .number of persona v.'.t of work in t,- sound leader with Battery C. |«th Homestead St., arrived in San harm than good" in his trade Airborne Antl-airfctaft Battalion. Francisco, Calif., yesterday, after mid-March waa the same as in of verbal blows with top spending 17 months In Korea. He Faille and Plastic Calf Port CampbeU, Ky. He att«n<)^ February. The department put the \ ■' w-yi report to Canm Kilmer,-.N. J., Army officials. Arnold College in Mllforitand en­ figure ar'35;000 for^tbe State. -r ■ As a reeult. aaid Hall, Mc- WaterfrWiit D e i^ c r a ts tered the mitttary aeryiCa last \vhere he will be d(Kharged from Three of the msJ^r em ^ym cnt the service, and la expected home HANDBAGS Oartey’s "Senate effectiveness baa May. areas' in the State showed declines dttmlnlahed In tha past few weeks." next Thursday.. in / jjoblees during the first two Hall’s aUtement In an interview Bargaining n, B. m o m s T n ; ^ Pnp. Sunset arcle. Past Noble wbeks of Hafch. niiUe three others Hit at GOP King David Lodge No>ai. lOOP. $2»49 Plui Tax '.last night—came as one of the g«t ftroM t u m IO-S49S1 Grands., w ilt meat Monday at 8 f(^>orted an increm. Strongest crltlclami of the Wl>- p.m. in Odd Penows Hall. Mrs. will meet tonight in OddXPelloNvs o rm tt BVBBV IBPBMINO Hall at 7:30. P.efreshmentaNs'lll Iw - Hartford eho'v^ 500 more peo­ Top Handle, Hoxie and1 sboblder Strap etylea,etylee. many with ■ eonain Senator yet put out by a Evelyn Swords' wSl be in charge ple a t wort; to brinh; iUi unemploy- 'high GOP official. Several weeks Ballot Seen CH TP. f •Served after the meeting. \ / alppsra. Colors: Navy, black, brown, tan, red. natural. of the entertiiniiient mcht total to 4.400. N ew . Haven ago Hall had deacribed McCarthy was down by 1,000 to fiiOOO^out of as an asset to the party. New York, March 27 UF}— r work, ajad gtamfbrd 'vaa down by Prober Caa’t Ite Beached The prospect of a second b v - Washington, March 27 (/P) A 540 to 1.450: Bridgeport added 100 REGULAR .IKOa Sen. Ferguson (R - Mich) & ' ■ ■■ McCarthy, chalrmab of the Sen- gaining eliection and a more to its Jobeaa roll for b, total • ate Inveatlgationa subcommittee, called today for a spendup in 5.800. Waterbury was up 800 to series, of ^gal actions today Ladies' Plastic Billfolds could not be reached for immedl- action on Preside^ Eisen' 4,7(00, and New Britain up 140 to - ate comment hung over New York’s turbu­ i.n o- Ail with Change compertments and paas cast. 7 - McCarthy end eabcommittee lent, strike-ridden waterfront. bower’s legislative program T m Labor Department said thht 'Counsel Roy Cohn have tangled One legal step planned 'by the in what he said will be the while\ fa cto ry. employment con­ with Secretary of the Army Ste- New York Shipping Assn., would make • or • bregk month of tinued \ o show a oeoreaae this S ' Investigate the row. , , ' - election, apparently won by the "Unless we get these meaeuree .. 'Asked about th a .. McCarthy- ■ ------. X/' ■■ ILA. be set aside because of vio­ out of commlUeo by May I aad X ■ X ' . ./k- Arm y ex£hanges( H a'' aaid .. "the Hanoi, Indochina..March 27 * of the Dien Bien Phu airstrip but lence and threats against voters. on the Calendar where they are (Uapute has hurt. Any dispute T/R-The French t«l.y .lepped; Z Votes Challenged ready for Senate action. 1 ass hurta." , afraid some of thMd juqt aren’t' up radio picas for a brief; supplied helicopters and trans- The IL A rival, ,an A F L dock ...America’^ oldeat triplets, «-••••< farity Mufphy read a letter from . , His 'comn;ent came ]uat before union of the same name, had chal­ W n g to get paeeed before oori RICH be telked about campaign strateio^ Cease fire to permit pl&liies to ports were braving the fire and at Pru d en t Elsenhower at Marlboro. Mass, The President congmtui4ted the syomen who will aoon eele- lenged some 4.000 votes, ehough tp brste ttieir 88th Mrtedays.~~ After reading the■ letter■ ‘ the ■ trio‘ ‘ decided d e ------to -tnni • - Republican "■ -Immediately. - ■ - scheduled July 81 .edjoununaBt,'* at a banquet gathering of . the move their wounded from managing to evacuate some place the outcome in doubt even he eqid. Midwest and Rocky Mountain Re- NE A Telephoto. \ ' Dien Biem Phu. But the V ie t-, *xhe*spokesrr.ah..dld-not disclose though the vote count gave the The\MiChlgan Senator aaid ha '* publican State Chairmen's ,Assn. IL A a margin of 1,492. \ minh continued their constant haw many casualties had been thinks the present li^roar-over tta 'Seym l Thousand Yards "There is one person who alwa.vs Leif called for a new election'as controveita between Sen. McOtr- bombardment of the besieged - taken out to hospitals in Hanoi and ^tween Msnehest^ speaks for our party," Hall said in soon as ppssible. A'hearing on his Alabama Bank thy (R-Wu)s^and Army dffiidala ie / and Rockvifle , his dinner speech, "and that is northwest Indochina fortress. ] «l*ewl>ero or how many were still recommeiidation ia scheduled to be obecuring tfiq' EiMiteower pro­ Dwight D. Bisenhower. C^n't let'' T h e French High Command for- ‘ in the hearily bunkered, under- held in Washington Tuesday, The gram. , anybody tell you that because of mklly accused the Oommunist-led ground first aid station of the full IkMrd ia'expected to make ita Refund Deficit In Omaha, Republican Nationel $1.00 Per. TfU la The pne \ quarrels in Washington that there rebels of flagrantly Ignoring Red fortress. — report several days alter that. Chairman LeonaroyW. Hall aaid no unity and nb leaderahip.” . 100 Yds. ill PIlo X ‘ .Cross-marked trqnaport planes The ipo'<;esman said the aid sta­ .^new election -would. give the last night the McCarthy-Army The GOP 'National Chairman flying mercy missions. tion had been hammered by Viet- A F L another chance to win con­ Set at $75,000 dispute "haa done morq ha m ttan told an entevalaatic attdianca that French Oommaader in (^ e f, iclnh fire. ' trol of waterfront labor from the good." Tel. JA^ tha big cainpaign laauea this year Gen. Navarre appasle^ pcraa&sliy . Hq poiniqd (pit tha French had iL A . Vrbich was ousted from the Clio, Als/ -March 87 75,0ft‘‘tD force General Manage)- gresatve" prognun will ta - tea bqfore. The Nisw Tork'-New Jersey insured money exchange agreed on prtecipsl issue lh\ the Novsmbsr a te a Tm e D. S. Policy . Waterfront Commission reported the settlement at a mass meeting Richard Martin to .readv8rtise for Building On the second, he aaid: ' bids on the school baaed on revitad Prosperity j^L^ey elections,. He said; that itytioB- 3.854 men were at work on 39 last night, but another 40 or so gress doesn’t enact mosL -M tta "W e have at long last'developed ships, \.about 142 more workers took the prepared agreement con­ plans by Arnold Lawrence, archi­ Coofroctors a truly American foreign policy tect. program the.; Republloam wao’t Footsoif^ Bahd N^rs than thboreylous day.The harbor tracts hpMo- deserve to retain contrti .sC tee which meets the overeeee Com­ In yesterday afternoon's hear­ Linked to Sales has 24,(XM longshoremen, of whom ^ Mayor Heads CoAimltteb munist threat head-on and lay* the ing, A tty John R. FltxGerald sum­ legislative brench. ' RtsidBBtIdl Coiiiwurcioi^ about 20,0do normally are at work. .The 'creditors,' committee, headed Thus far the Senate haa pMled rfoponsibility where it beibnga— Meanwhile . the- IL A rejx)rte' for the ailing mining induatry._ last Sunday had dwindled'to-nine smuggling ring. — eniploymeht on record., he .said. ting a 'brtak three-mlle-an-hour bI9 72x100 . . . . 42.79 ' ordered a preview’’ of present mains a good prspectivo )>uyer,'’ REG.S2A9 72xU^ S2.1Y ,J i^ k p iIe gpdts and estimated that- who climbs mounfaths for oxerclae, last night, about 18- miles from Boston the past 40 years,' killed surance,-plus an estimated $lS,600'. energy /program. . . , T o r m e r from the AP Wired REG. $3.79 01x100 . . . $3.09 admitted he:wAa” pretty tired.” Washington. 50-yMr-oId; Marcus’ijjVerhle in hie from the sale of Reynolds’ house, ^President Harry S. Trumart says he added. ."He mkde more money REG. S2.O0 01x100 -... $2.39 REG. S3;49 90x100 . . . . 03.19 ' the resulting increases would mean than. evec. befqrg^laat year. - Hq The. Origt|ial^qrty of*37 that' had watchmaker’s shop in London’s furniture ■ and *H ; Oteer P ««o n »l some "IqoI been REG. 49c 42x34 ; . . . . . S9c REG. 79c 4 2 x 30V2 .. .. 49c ' addinohal government buying-of apfenf more, too," and salted away REG. S9o 42x34 CASES M. 49c ■■ 35 to 40 metals, primarily front trudged; out 0 1 Cumberland qarly (Continned on Page Eleven) busy Paddington dl«trlc\ Wednes­ property.- accused.^ Spying In Siberia and DODGE to RBSION •.'rhe_ mayor said the exchange suggests "that, great investigator more.,. Waahlagtta. Mareb 27 PPV-* •H" - domestic producers.. day and gravely injured a clerk. Industrialists at the conference -' Almeida-Waa killed a few min­ president and his 'wife have already be per’mltted_to go to work for. The White Rotas tsdsgr an> The stockpiling revision? a White were told teat good labor.apd in­ BsuBced that Roaepii M. P sd|;s la SNtfGFIT FITTEP BOTTOM ond TOP SHEETS _ House statement said, should ' be utes later Witts his * deeded'' their fs'ahionable brick Malenkov and findbut'what they were'dolagvthere.’’ dustrial relations can ciiL-Jabot resigateg ApirU 15 as Dtrseter .-.j-r: baaed on the considerations that, tussle - With -the tredltlonally un­ home over to tee depositors and cashed in $5,000 in bonds yesterday. Former Seyivtary of; .Treasury costs; . of the Bsdget to retam ta- fe L foreign sources may be -cut off in armed London Police. ,:.Meanwhite. at Sanford. Maine, TYPE 128 TYPE 144 TYPE 180 - Authorities said they are fairly He aaked'qnly to be allowed to John Snyder is called by 'Senate vvartime and that domestic pro- acceptence of a 40 to 42 centa' ah tta post'bit taard efealeaaw sf PEPPERMA MUSUN LAUY PEPPEREU ^ LADY PEPPERELL certain Almeida waa connected keep two dr three pieces of fuml- subcommittee to.give hit side of . dtiction may be Interrupted by story alleging he promoted Harold hour pay cut was Voted yesterday the Detroit Baak Id Deteait. Ra COMIED PERCALE enemy attack. with an ihtema^onal amuggllpg tufe that,ta1®®8dd to his mother, : SUPERFINE MUSLIN - who is dead. GIssser after, FBL. said, it had ayi:, by 200 local mehdera and burlers s leave fnaa ttaq Jshi ' Senators from the mining states OnYalue of VTp Plane ring -and had ‘come to London be­ ______whose work the Goodsll-Sanford lEG. S2.49 TWIN^ . V- • -4249 cause he had been dwble-croaaed Will Give Up CUinM d'ehce Unking Glaaser wifh Soviet REG. $3.49 TWIN ...... $2,OS '‘aictetaned the- o r ^ r as "a very espionage."'. Government iridl-'vCo..' moved to other plants seversl ROYAL TAN WINS V REG. $ l3 9 TWIN . i... $2.39 wise move’'''m id ‘« a :at- least an over a deal,, v-— The ultimate repayment of 85 Washington. March 27 (NEAl-vf-redkced ta»ce-o« distance Conipared cates it is sticking to ils support- months ago. Atetree. Eaglaai, .Jiaeefe REG.4A09 FUU .. .. $2.39 REG. S349 FULL ...... $2.49 REG. $3.09 F U U ...... $3.01 "effective atopgap” measure to . They added they are qatlafled, or 90 cents on the dollar is based f4 OaiCIAN P ltA li tetMfiieelllr'glefted 'The two -experimental' vertical to -the -long runs needed' by cur­ lowering plan that, is ':^ p ect^ to if: was the Aral break in a stale- (A) ■Royal Taa . CAMHQU rmC-A-BOO; OeoUa-ds^ ay.'' tide the lead, sine and other min­ however, Almeida had never met on the agreement of -other me'in- qytea bedka end beHeei ate |dv* deer take-off planes which have beeh rent jet fighters,. the jeweler before _ the' shooting, bring down priee Of butter April 1. ' tel leN trte. (rent and bock. Nrlssi dip to ing industries over the present bmlf to room' straight up and land c...Japan's Kyodo N w s Service ~r/(CoatUWg ea Page Five) band, el aylen lace. Adiwfeble ikars. Vte* period of faUtag; .demand and A ir Force .experts take a more nor had any dealings with him. (ContteiiM on Page Eleven) ' HEAVY QUALITY rtiidt-o-bre.'' laviib njrien loco ittapi and ' atraight. down," tell first, have says Japan wiU open/lts doote to a sitae lUtah ^ ___ REG. 13.49 ~ fena ireciei Shedewrireelreael far M rre- conservative view xd. the future of Scotland Yard believes , he raid­ Irish LIssfd w siebetst# a^tet ,Nce cocktail kirn ot Iteni. prictR: * Faunched . a higb-level debate in long-banned Russia^traders ne.-it leciiea laneamight have limited uses’ for' • - Records Show Bhrte ter Georges Bidault agrees to meet -O------a- FUU AND TWIN OED SitES : u tiwlbed the action aa "only a tem- agate wifA W'eat GermanjChancel- q Although Ybla radical type of rlqse support of ground troops and Records at New Bedford, Mass., David McTera. tttftsry'program which should be as 'interceptors. ' » ' ‘ lor Konrad .AdenauariOo try to Proposal Proteisted RIG.44.29 WITH RUOOER OUHONS $ 3 .4 9 Formerly ^($.98 ^ ilrcrsdt has bben the dream of de­ show that Juetlne Almeida Waved Out to Sea died at $iS* a. aa ^ BOARD PAlQS o r d e r e d " the forerunner of a signers since the days ox Leonardo I^ ls also argued that the price bom In 1904 ih -Liebipn, Portugal, reach-settlement of explosive Saar * • ' ^___ ” ,5 , dtenprehenaive attack on the pro^ V laota’a Hospital da Vinci, there are experts who ' in performance which you pay for and lived at Dartmouth, i New dlapute.' ;__ New .York, March 27 teV"Busi­ -jaflsa lat ■ ■ ■ REG. $4,90 WITH ZIPFERS ...., $ 3 .7 9 With drill cover.'Iron, t^ ce m feat end euter. ^ 8 of the raining and mineraU achieving vertical take-off makes Bedford suburb. San Diego, Calif., March 27 British atomic experts raise contend it is already obaplete M- A hte-Oy je'. fighter pilot who wing-, ness and civic groups have pro^ 4t3e p„:ae. •ame liigb: quality mattress cover which wq have carried for. $3.79 XOIRONmet JUSMdP, DMP MW DRYI cause of guided missile and. other, ! Itr impractical for bombers, cargo His juvenile record showed six question “^ e th e r fiydrogen bomb tested agaieet Mayor Robert F, ' ^M^^iterori^ak (R-IdAho), 6ne planes, night fighters, and long- offenses, beginning with a delin­ waved a fuiAway jet out to Ma to haa ahy 'naal valBe, in practical 'aircraft developmente; XVoid pofsible land .dlsaattr aaid Wagner's plan to extend the city’s !Slt£ia Jilivte isisco sM«k Itewiy, ted« S ij^ .n i SP* • of a group of Western Senatota ' The plainea vvbich era cauaUig range iht^eptora. As one expert quency complaint in August, 1914. warfare, claliring,/several smaller three per pent aalea tax te a num­ the Bstay who have been demanding relief 'eifjfialna; . \ _ ' In 1020, at the age of 18, he and today he could havrpuahed it with A-bombs would bf more -effective. GIVE TO THE RED CROSS At.hnl • sUkyrtMt sup • ! 109% N V W If TRIpOT wWt SHABOWPWOOF the debate are the XFT-1, built I actual contact. ber of commercial aervlcea HALE’S OWN BRAND' , ■;< for lead and sine producers, saw "The .cost/of vertical take-offif thfea other youths ware captured . . Fjederal nar^tics agents in RAW * lor csiiwpiste pratedteii 'wsslfc XnM eprteg wM l ammsr drpisi by ConsoUdated VuUec, and the LL (jg ) C. W, Vandenberg;-25, ' G. Keite Fuq^n, head ot tee new stockpiling XFV-1, .built by Lockheed. Both ia a less stie^lined fuselage, a .te e gun battle witlf New Bedford New York says narrotlcs arrests te New Ydrk Stock Exchange, qald SieCK MR NOW... fterewself... w h I far Iwtufw elfis esswM w . . . COM! 'very compHcaJed' cockpit cc Rlpon, Calif,, fiylng at 300 ihllet STURDYWEAR ^ ICreen Stamps Given With Cash Sales \ good aa a “temporary palHaUVe, resemble conventional' high-speed con-ypollce. Charged with five 'epunte ot Hartford have provided them with the tax. If applied to the securiUea at met ion, diffibMty of pUbting, rceny, assault.and breaking And an.hour in hU F9F8 Cougar figi ter, EARLY'fteiso HteYte swrate t s fa ll • » tWs RfleM hut t W the real aolutlon w y Jo fighters and both are' powered *by: “very Interesttegr’ Information, ■, business, v(DUId "diacrtmjhiajte 7 *^ S Sb tea-flow of .mors complicated, instmments and tiering, he wsia sOni to the Maasa- 'tutiiSd ' thq., other Cougar away m a t t r e s s PADS k counter-rotating turbo-props, a from. lU bMline' for' the populated Bridgeport’s Mayor Jasper Mc- Iher agalta^ an industry alfeady abnmd. He declared he w- extremely com|M^ vortloql con­ tts school for Boya at Shirley, Lery naarfcs Jils]78th btrthtay .be.- heavUy p^U aed. Idr-, bringing turbine; drivins: a conventional pro- trol aysteme: What'you gten la thp but escaped, was recaptured coa^ after ita pllq^had balled out TWIN-MD S B I $2 7 7 GREEN STXMPS t^duM a teU shortly to e ^ b llte pellef. hind fiower-banked' desk at C(ty buainass to Ntaf. Tout City." . Iniiiort aviotea on th* two/metajs. elimination -of a concrete runway. sent tack to Shirley. , j . oyer the-ocean. J,. -- . .GIVEN WITH ! Oteer Modeto Seenet ' He' maneuvered hia hing tip HaU and indicatiM'he haa no plaiis Harold Riegelman/counMa to thq u w u i m s s a . . $ 3 .’7 7 ■ Idaho Senator / ^ e '8e for moet Air Fores mlaslona „ JTO yean later he wu-sent to fpr^rqi^rv'hcnt . . A S7-->'*ar-old :AtlaenB B u ^ et Comteiaalei^ a Tho-Air ;Porce haa oUwr pdre- SUte Wison for a robbery at -New under' tpe' runaway, which had, J CAjSH SALES ' o f etockmuag u ey be nulU- the gain is not worth the price." woman is foata stabbed.tq taatb .private civic gnnip. said audi a tax S S ^ H L I S S l S i ^ t t e S e to fiow nUMlals. atlU aperat, daMgwed Ewsd ardent proponents of the Bedford. In-1925'he was aOntencad rightad itself but ot a apiq 80 mllaa ruled vritb pbre white cotton jteat from hare, and m acai^' to owing in her bed te Waterbury ahd police wlU force eeeta-taebieaw to efaw lllttreelp^^m abroad-' for nraFoktetelMp the aa ' VTQ planaa don’t aoo milch future to oefve~8-10 yean at ttete Prison pooA Itagtiialiniii eg gefag aay they are questloiiiiig her hus" np tlwy wm SHolrq m ' band JR coaoMcUon with alayiag.


nMy be provided to Uanchsarti* appolnUhgly alow. Oiva M o W b o r b i j ^ E U i n g lp n Rockville-Vernon Lce t» the Rescaio-rAflaln only aa long aa there are people ly to the IU4 CTOaa this y»Ar- H e t f i s O n * Wesley C, Cryk Ap p oin t^ I Ml 11 / - ni-aMri*. . First Aid KHOwledge Proves who are willing to contribute )nelr needa your support. time in voluntary service lo the BvTr-alJrt, Dog WaTOen Lee District AL Post, Red Cross 'or who contribute Grange Degrees DANCING Fracchia spied an envelope on The proportion of the XMt, pesu- i&ft «tVTQ’» Valuable in Any Emergency ac To Brau fowling Banquet the sidewalk during the rath money needed- to sustain Xnla - 1 alien of tha Uhited fliftlM ovw M To Be Coiiferreil Unit Set Mf^eting Uvlty. years of age has doublwl- Ehca Thursday, evening. .'When he The response to the cifirent Red. f M ! > « • Om ) t o n i g h t I picked it \ip he found Ihe enve­ 1900 to about 8 1-5 par cent of the WeMey S. Oryk, aRorpey and To Feature Guest Speakers A highwRy hums wHth thb ac-; namer. to tha post b y , Commnaily. Supper Set Vernon Ave. Among the honor­ Protestantism ahd Orthodo:^ in thank you,...... , ^•hen it is likely that there are in- sh a d y g li STAGE. RADIO Sad TELEVISION paading car misjudges the speed I fttHB tlia fo p l of commar* Committee, headed by Mrs. Irma d of Directora at a special The- next community supper wilt ed guests to be present will - be the sevrtith annual "One Great Vrnal injuries and pcMibilitles of V- (Daaelaf Evtry Satarday Night) . of the southbound traffic and is 'MlfBara. irho aaak lEr^ck. will ,aerve tha Harvest In the hearing room of| b* held In the CongregaUonal Philip W. Sschse,' who organised Hour of Sharing fpr Relief and Re- internal hemorrh^t. 'TtnYisy be id canTlnf wltti I Supper. The new mentors Include; Church' dining rooms, Friday at 8 the leagiie 25 years ago. conathictlon," the'offering going aideawiped. . pointed out thaO n the tojo rity Municipal Building. ! Fortuaidely, ooly two cara have *000 » Mr. and Mrs. J. A .^ a m e y and has not pitfillcly taken a ' p.m. The Friendship Class will have Sam Johnson . of Stafford to. this program. '.** Rc!v. Camp to Tal of accidents, the extemal condition ICECREAM 1 haUcofiton fly atraiglit .Miss Donna May Lyman. a white elephant table. The Candle­ ■Hprlnga, one of Connecticut’a lead­ /The Rev. Foreat Musser, paator been < difmagrd but three of the of the patiient is most times in­ itand on the current dispute over : paasengera are-, injured. CUribaity, Spring Wtlw^ te'tlw Tto* to let year tast« rtui Cl|d down, thay do it i mudr Tax Book Being Made the Keeney Street School. He re- - light Club Trill present a program ing duckpla artlsta, will be the of the Union Congre'gatlonal dicative .of those types of injuries ' Blewor and ttoair forward apaed ia ! Mrs. I Margaret Frink, t during th* entertainment that fol­ CJiUrch, will have for his sermon At Centei* ServM and the -urge to lend a helping which may be alleviated by the ap­ Shady Glen srlth to ' ■••rt.T 88 dellcleBs flavOTBof Im ceived the vote* of Directors W al-! principal speaker. / hand; draws a crowd of people to cream, la a gay fsMlval *t Spring eotors, ymr oonndafaMy limitad. But tMa alao^ clerk, is making out the tax ter Mahoney, Helen FltsMtrick,] lows the supper. CLUB CHIANTI topic "The- Universal Appeal* of T—— • - plication of first aid. Other speakers Include Mavbr Conalng Eveate MANCHESTER the scene of the accident. Several The Ma-ichester-Red Cross con- do Just that. -'^iakaa halieoptar flitiit , much baaed on the recently com] Matthew Paton, Sherwood Bowers, 14 D E P O T S Q U A R E Frederick S. Berger, First SelSct- the Cross.’' The Pastpr'a Class of ,-The Rev. Ruaaell E. Camp, h The Brownies wMI meet In tha persona voluntarily 'comfort and '(labts. classes in first aid./ Last .IflMipdi. atthougfi avan it la ' only grand list. Taxes are due oi Jacob Miller, and Everett Kent.edy. .^man Herbert 1. Pagdhl. Stephen instruction will meet at 4 p. m. Protestant chaplain at the State WhAt Is TOUR favorite flavor? BaMMS? Mocha Church Social Rooms Monday at-S aasIst Xhe injured. Tliey render aid year, 86 first aid certifiqat'es welre MfltMflflfl to pay oK eommar- liStAprH 1. , ( Mttle:; 'augflMtad a mechanical Von>.t Euw.auw »/aof theaiic XVtiVBVVIliCRockville tfVMII- Jour- and the m High School Fellowship at Prison in Wethersfield, will epeak Chip? iTstaoehIo? OraageSPtoapple? whatever II in a te a paaaucf^ and mail ,;:PeraoMl Menttoa p.m, , with dispatch and proficiency. issued. This is a decrease com­ or electrical angmeer might be ap­ M l Slid Thomas Rady/of thei ^ subject of the Rev. George at the fourth, annual. When the ambulance arrives, the Is—you’re sure to find It at Btody Olea. Arthur Ifielb.Jtas beM re-ap­ The Ledlea Benevolent Society service and bfcakfairt Sunday, pared with former years. 'The new' pointed. Bo*’*ro eakl s>ich a person Rockville Leader. injured are ready to be transport- VTO antbuafaaU point out pointed dog warden tetween their this work to enroll ^tYi first aid sanctuary, at 7 a. m. and \ the In other actions, the Bdard voted' Metcalf Trill Im worship leader. maater of ' cfrenulnieii (or, the firmation Claaa will meet at the injuries and their treatment at the cltoes. ' ■ y atrikin t tiia V . VTO planaa Br. M. Bayham morial Hospital ih/East Hampton. to appropriate 1500 to Join In en­ Route44-A,jid 44- BoltonTel. Ml-9-8023 breakfast will tolow in Woodhiff ,t6BM ba naatfliMd l^ im aa Arm y Albert Armstrong is still a Ra- 'The Pilgrim SUwfrs will hold a affair will, be Fred T. Hartenateln,, torsonage at 3 and at 6:30 the Pil- hospital. 'The possibilities of a disaster-^-, gaging a consultant to opposb the UNDER NEW MAl^TAGEMENT OF A. F IA N p a«d SONS wh() nheda no/lntr<>duction to a Hall. // '-u nto dnA oparatia without run- Tlie IBM Cancer. Campaign in tient at the Middlesex Hospital Wesley R. Giy k rehearsal at the' Church, Tuesday glim FeUowahlp 'wlIl meet to go 1116 persona who ■ provided the natural or moh-made-rstriking 'w ayA and thay could ha fCationad as S result of a leg injury sustain­ hike requeste4 by the Connecticut at 3 p.m. ■} local audience, and who i i “ieerjtaln for a mystery ride to visit another Before*'^ accepting his present emergency service-had received our city ia perhaps not quite as ...... *. # without the n ^ Manchester again will be headed ed In an accident Jan. 30. Power Co., In residential elec-; The Girl ScoUU will meet at the to keep the, program going in hla Pttgrlh) Fellowship group. position, the Rev. Mr. Camp vwas firift aid'training» -by the Red remote aa we^ would like to be* by Dr. Robert M. Rayburn,, -ac- tricity rates and formally referred church, Wednesday at 3 p.m. Cat*riR9 to w«ddiii9 porriot. bonquotf, foc^ry uaual efrtetent manner. A t 'the -Talcottvllle Congrega-- pastor, of the Allston Conflrtga Cross. First aid in'* no way sup- lieve. Even. ihe course of evefy for bulKIttinnn; Ob' flitoa. « to the Town Planning Commission'' Gibbons Assembly tol-ChufCh In Boston. H e was '* « fluidad miaalta akr cordlhc to an announcement to^ Maacbfoier E>'eBlBg HeraM Thursday, ths Chancsl Choir will \4'lljilaina to Be Honored tional Church, the Bey. Jamea A. plants the sctivfftes snd ectipe^-i^ty-eventa requifea many penta (he work of the at­ ple, last' year 120 -persons received 5pika» battaltOna hamr set up Soctety. The fund appeal geta Howard Lord. tele|AoBe E. Haasp- WE CAN ACCOMMODATE UF TO 500 > iround ttia oounpry nlraady anawar toii gg7-J-2. faclUtiee at Purnell Piece. Churtli Calendar PaH Deputy of thh Lodge The fourth Lenten vesper service ford selnlnarjf. and 'served in.Tthe tending physician. first aid by the police, department u nd er^y April 1. a {wrlod set The 1500 will be expended pro­ Toniorrow at 10:45 a.m. fourth Stafford Springs Church. Yhe first sld trsliiee is Uught to rnoblie Unit. tha uaad for Iphallaad air dafauae. , '------,------y . Gibbons - Assembly, Catholic of Elka, wilt he honored at tea- will b« held a t'7 ,p . m. in ’ the ' Tha nika ia a vary accurate, iside by Act of Congress as -Can­ vided thre othqr'TOwne toln In the Sundky In Lant, the Rev. Mr. John- - tiihonlal dinner tonight when t,he church with the theme of the serv­ Tickets can be secured from render aid which will lesaen the The Red Cross has /rtiried on a . yockat-pcopallad anti^urcraft fluid- cer Control Month. * ' • effort to-engfige a coinaultant. Gen­ Ladle* of Oplumbua. announcea eoETa^ Isermon la...... entitled,' ^‘‘Oiv*■ Us lodge will present him' jvlth ah ice, "Spirit of the Church." The E. Si. Bushnell, Arthur LeClairc discomfort Of the injured or continuing campaign- -to Interest The "Lights On^ campaign thia Tkla Day Our Daily B r e a d .It' U. \ pd miaaila. Fiind Dnve Opens eral Manager Richard Martin told, that the /^BUBagt. sale for the j / honorary life memherahip. • The Pilgrim Fellowship meetii at 7.‘tt5 fiferbert Kiecolt, Walter Fredrick­ wounded. He is stso taught to act Manchester citizenry In. the need year will again be the focal point the Board the cost of the. con­ beBeflt of the ndw Church of the iha fourth in his series bassd^on /' dinner will be held a*''?he Elka p.' m. in the church parlors. son, or. Sedrlck .Straughan or at promptly when a persons. Ilf* is for people with fin t.aid training. \ y ' Aa t o tha uaa of VTO planaa of the local appeal, "tigh ts On"' sultant will ba $5,000 and not Aeaumptlon, Trill be held Thurbday, the Lord’s Prayer. The Chancel Hbihe and will be attended-hy "The Prodigal Son" will be thfe the church office., endangered;. The whaler' siHsty Newspaper., armies have heeii Tor Youth Building • W ITH/ . 7' • y p w CAN TASTi THE QUALITY* M a r tha battlaflald, an A ir Force wise Instituted so Manchester resi­ 12.000 as originally axpected by April 1. at 30 BBaetl St. It Will Choir Trill sing "Peaca I Lsava many ,Elka from lodgea tm-ough- Rev. Nathan 8, Burton's sermon, training program'provided, by the written, talk* tove...been given to With You.’!^: aaya: dents, by turning on their portb Mayor William T. Caitol of Tor- .o| ^ at B a.m. and continue «ut the state. topic at 9 a, m. tomorrow at the ‘ Athough Central Falla in Rhode Red Cross la an example o f thf* various clubf'^snd church groups lights, might indicate to the vol­ Touth organisations af the Hihtban whoi originated the Idea of The Junior Fellowship meets at TINt^UINN iRi ORCHESTRA^ Community. Methodist Church, lalknd has 23,000 people, in one sort of instruction. Red Cross first in-an efforb-'to sustain interest in T h a concept may have a poo- throughout the day and evening, Prayer, Healing Mlaalon ROUTE 6 — MANCHE^ER TEL. MUcImU 9^245 aibUity hare, but if auch a plane unteer- collctora. their desire to Church of the Naaarene haVe be­ Jointly opposing tha hlksA ^riweee it is a sell-out before that the church. A t * P- Lhe Rev. Yothorrow evening will aee the C^atpl Lake. square mile, the' state also has a aid trainees are Instructeil hOw to flrtt aid sMvlce. There are 18 In- / Mr. Johnson will continue his Len­ 'FEA'iUBINO: ' . ^ - ) 1 (Oiiw to operate cloaa bahih^ contribute to the cancer drive. gun a financial drive to erect a Martin said the Board a o u 1 d opening of the 5-day "Prayer and 'The State Luther League' will township of 49 square miles with apply a splint to a broken member, Btructory available for teaching 'Vouth educational building, coat­ time. ten pro,; rams and Frank Kepton ' a front-you atm hava tramandoos Ih-. Rayburn , pointed out that mpPto>rtata only $500, the amount' ^: Members of the committee w ill Healing Mlaalon" at St. John's hold an Executive Committee only '700 people. how to apply a tourniquet land to first aid at any level.This service ing approxinuitely 110,000. This is Worship leader, with Laurel An­ loflMlcai proUama of flatting fuel the only dilrept puMc soUcitation in tha call for tha meeting, and be on hand to receive'articles for V As All Star SAsw DIrsrt Fram letloi Episcopal Chiirch. The Rev, D. eetlng at- the First Lutheran; figure is the goal set t o the drfve. derson In charge of recreation. «n d apart porta to i t And as you .Will -be during tha "ligh ta On" recommended that if the Bpdrd the ssl*. beginning Monday. March obert Bailey of Brookl.vn, N. Y., urch in this city at 3:30 p. m.- Financial Comntittee . Chairman ' 'The Senior Fellowship has a sur­ flat into thia problam tha aavinga peHod April 25. wished to Join in the vqhtui'e R 28, through Wedneaday. If pickvq) ^ WITH LARRY OUVER— COMEDY M.C.^ ill be the missioner. The aervlce tdmorrow. William H. Davla, Jr., and Secre­ prise in store at 7:3d p. rn. aohiavad by not baving to lay down Tlie chairman bae appointed the should vote the $500 contingent 1s Qlesired it ntay be arranged by wm begin at 7:30 with hymn slng- ‘W ho Touched My Garments?" tary-Treasurer Martha McKinney • fl(^tar atrip almost becomes * folloW to committee,,to assist him: upon other towns Joining. EXCELLENT-F q 6 d ALL LEGAL BEVERAGES ih ^ a n addreaa, and the healing ia Me subject of- the. sermon at hava niade extensive plana for this <;ontacting Mrs, E. 8. Michalak. minor part of the whole effort." "ligh ts On" chairman, Atty. Says PVC Is WatcMeg Maacheater Eveidilg Herald XI- rtthat for those who deaire it. aervirts in the Vernon and Rock­ p re s e t 8$ Gerard St., or MrS. Raymond llagtea rorreapoBdeat. Mra. O. F. OPEN toD A Y S , NOON TO NINE Both Navy Prajacta Leon. Podrove; apecial gifts chair­ The Board Eu;ted af t.Sr a. public Rkgedorn, ll8 Glenwood St. Each day of the week the Holy ville Methodist CTiurch, the Rev. The two VTO planaa which mdat man,’ MrsVRuth Spencer; organ- .'rois educational building will ba hearing at which G e^gs Kata, an Berr, telephoae Rockrille 5-BSlS.' Comm^lon'.Will be celebrati^ at Carl W\ Saunders in charge. The located^t. th#'rear of the recently Others assisting on the commit­ a n NaVy projacta. but avaii in that Izations chairman, Richard S. Car­ officer of Green Manor .Aesn., re- 8:45 a.nu Liater In the momlRg at Methodiik Youth Fellowship will acquired property of the Church of tee art Mrs. W^Jltam Qulah, Mra. •arvica there ia dabata ovsr them. penter; industrial chairman. commended the move. The ...only WiUiantealing and the bookjet\‘’I Believe." the dis V ^ -m od ela aU the Navy’s ahips puMlcify chairman, Mre. 'X. T. this past week with the excavation the Manchester Chamber of Com- H A R T r O R f i ^ by peraimal mterviews. cusston to b\ led by Jewel Nert 6f the basement. Of brick con­ Jamaitis^ Mrs. Leo Quash, Mis. wili have guided miaailes capable BanUy, Jr. \ mpred, who said oontrithiUng pub­ W. G. Finnegan, Mrs. Roy Hage- Each •vening through Friday, and her .moth of tha siama missions iparformad struction, it will consist of a base­ lic funds to oppoaa the hike ia there will be a^rviise 7:30, In- Jehovkhla Withessea . . "Every atate^ every community, ment and one floor. dorn, Mrs. Waino Kokkanen, Mrs. by VTO planes. every fainlly will be called on to “stepping out- of bounds a little Cniarles Mather. Mrs. George W il­ eluding hymn ainging, a sermon. ■ There will be\a . set vice meeting Furthar, it i«_Sfiintad out, ends Thia building, which represents Sft instruction on healing, followed tenight at '7:30 V m ., the theme help deliver tha.t' b i^ e r blow bit." She said the Public Utilities lard, Mrs. Rets Sfa*8 kntt, year. I am sure this cause, la the rate^hlkes ia the watchdog of to remain for the healing ritual King etirisi; Je*'ur.\ At 8:30 p.m. and the Navy hju Just placed a for Sunday school rooms. Caravan > .....V ■ ' — -*TTke L*Bg. ■ , may do so, or may remain In the there wilt be A Th eototlc Ministry close enough to the heart of all youth week and social functions. public utilltlea. Long Trailer" large order for.aptoly Jeta which She said that at a public meeting church for prtyer. School wfth study of the ."New Manchester citlsens. I know . they It will have a capacity of approxi­ LaclUe BaU pan land-on tho sta and be picked will once again demonstrate -their in New London, 400 persons Were Le(iir|en Music Set Thia will be the miaaloner’s sec­ World Translation of Xht! Hebrew up ^ ahipa other than carxierb. mately 150 young people. Deal Arnas ond visit to the -parish. He came Scriptures. deaire’ to carry this cancer cru­ In addition,* an outdoor activity invited to a meeting on the aub- "Callaway Went Bmpite the arguments, howevar, Ject of thb hikes and only 18 came, a year ago during Lent for a mid­ Tomorrow at 3 p.m. aAreprCsen- sade over the top In IBM,"' areg is being constructed on the At Siouth Churcb Th'aUway" Tative-^of thy Watc'itcyCeASoclety, all me experts concede that the Rayburn said. six o f them officials of the CJon- week service, and the congrega­ accompUahmeht of vertical taka>off laxge property adjicent to the 'Fred MacMnrray tion that filled the church testified N. J. Anaghos will give ^public building. This will also be for the necticut Power Co. — is a startling development which New London la one of the towns Speclkl Lenten Music at South to the interest in' healing niisaion leisure. !.tXhe Gt^»t. Sign V the could rei^tmonlM some aspects of about the Indians who roaihed use of the youth of the Nazarene Methodist (Jhurch wtU berin on work, and led to the present plana Times." / (^Ui;ch. ” Mayor Carroll has invited to Join mlliUry aviation and also ebn- about thia area and ih e early white in the effort. None of the other r’aaslon Sundsy evenlng/»ifh a for\a full week of services iindet A t .4:15 p.m. a sf.idy ot theUeb. 15 Watchtower, ai'bject. "Jeh oy^’s tributa greaffy td tha ganeral ad- settlers of Manchester. towns has yet decided to go for­ rendition of Bach's "S L Matthew his Erection. Invitations have been vancamant of tha art af flying. Book of Remembrance," will Robert W. Reid, well known ward'with the plan. Passion” by the Chancel Choir, lip- STARTS SUNDAY ** sent to nearby , churchea, and to local auctioneer, is again giving N o l^ Pastor Due Accordlng-'to Martin the Tt>r<; der the direction of Herbert A.^ “PRISONER OF ZENDA" prayer groupa in neighboring held. . -.. his aervicee. Harold Olds is serv­ CitiM. \ There will 'be a Study' of th' -V. ripgton counsel met last night but France', , "REMAINS TO BE SEEN" ing as sanitary and the Legion­ ' Soloists for the' occasion include Other ^services at ,Sl-]sjJ°hR’a "biew Heavens anil a New EJarth” Good Piano,TV Set made no decision, hook Wednesday, at 8 p.m. a tjH naires are assisting in various At r^^rth Church Referral of the street widening Jean Kraft, Mntralto; Marybeth Church tomorrow Include Holy Orchard'St. )Ways. question to, the Town Planning Zlmmertnan./Boprano: Philip Treg- ComiYuuiion at 8 a.m. with corpo­ At liegiim Auction rate Cpmmuntoit, of the . stiver _ .There .'.will be a business meet­ Donors who wish pickup of fur- Frequently cited aa the on^ &>ramlaaibn la a formality dince gor, baritone, and Harold BagUn, iture orl>ulky articles should call ‘ Cross Society; 8:2.5/iii-m.. Family ing of St. Michael’* Society of St. Negro In the United States to ho the commission faa^ already had tenor. - Joseph'p Church tomorrow :*t 12 ( le American Legion, 20 Leonard >rellmlnary dlscuSalona with two service, sermon, "T,he. Church, in . I^ast, Cm dr.'wilber UtUe. who pastor of an. all-White congrega­ 4 The performance of the Paaaion noon at tiie church hall. la sarving again as chairman of St. Previews may be made ,or Latin America;” 11 a.m.. morning tion.- the Rev. Dr. Roland T. Hea- traffic consultants arid may'decide ■will be given with the narrator, the To Show Polish Film* , ^ e sacond annual auction of me ooda delivered on Monday, Tu|u- Monday to engage one of them to HEALTH prirayer, sermon, "Light from the cock of Staffordville, will he in Rev. Percy -F. Smith, taking the MANC-HESTER m isr Ps‘salms.’’ *- There will be tw;o showings to­ ^ American Legion, acheduled for Say and Wednesday evenings. conduct a survey. DARrS DAIRY, Inc • T^ Manchester on Palm iSunday role of the evangelist. . t hurch Leader to Npe*k morrow at Kosci'-'.szkt Hall of the Wednesday from • td 10. p. m. at mornlnjg to apeak' to the men of Wilfred Maxwell, planning ad­ The public is cordially invited to D ru - 9 fv tha Legion Hall, Leonard 8t„ M RtH ON ’TBE ROAD Chaaatl S (hrmerty •> New Havea, TaSiariow's Dajrtlaa RRiShllshU ' Mias Helen Kenyon «|f New PoUah motion picture, . "Piesnl « ___ the .North Methodlat Church, gath­ ministrator, told tbe Board the the service which begins at 7:M g r t T t 'N Werseawl," The flrst showing will statas that a ntimbar of deairahle Town Pliulning Commisalon al- C«aa. U:tt ( SJALPEB LTBCr8 Haven, nationally knowt) ‘Congre­ Manila '(F)— On Igorot mountain ered in their flrst annual Palm pjn- ^ OMBa*! M New Britaia, Casa. . S:M 4 t) CONBBACH gational Chrisf Ian and interde- be at 4 Pjtii. and the second at 6:30 articles hava already bsMi re- Sunday ^mmunioh b'rtakfast. >I ready has a master plan made out eSaaaei SI Halyakr- Ra**< / SiM : S) MAN OF THE WEEK celved, among them A good piano, woman who was riding in a bus got t'haaaci U Waterbary, (^saa. ' lOmlnational lay leader, will speak p.m. The title c f the fltm trans­ Dr. Heacock will apeah upon, the for the area bounded by Spruce lated, Is “tongs of Warsaw." To- just the thing for aome embryo off near Baguio City/ and walked St., ^ n te r and East Center Sts., Chaaael SI SsrlasUeM. JCaet. fhmorrow evening at 7:30 p.m. in Into a hut. She rettinied IS min­ theme "The Nafure and the Nur­ SI'NDAV, MARCH U thVUhlon Congregational Church. m ia ow ’s, film is_ the Jlrsl of a pianist to practice ~tipon and a ture of the Soul." . a line west of 'Main Street, Hart- talevislon sat. ute* later, Philippine News Service •Tb^xprogram will be presept«d, series to be shown tfuring the com- The program wlli commence at' tor6 Rd., and Charter Oak St. ..MON 'W S:tt ( S> HALL OF » AME little calls atteitlon, especially reported, with a healthy baby boy He said the commission would be (M> MAtilCIAN ^ .The Ordeal' of Thomaa Jef- unde\the aiieplcea of the Woni- 4n§; months. to newcomers,In ICanchestar and she had delivered bersdf. 8:45 a. m. with yie administration rorcoa > rLAvHotsE three Connecticut Civil Air Patrol , that the commlttea has rdleived ' Lacillr Ball Jsrk Palaacc SHOWN 8)20 aad 8:58 S:1S (St). INOl'STRY ON .FABADK Ot Year'a Prvsrania Miss Kroyon was the flrst/*'om- the last donation of the Histories Jamea W, I^cKay vrill serve iaa t:M ( S) TV ftAvaorsK (31 Appollo of Beilac , an to be eW ted a* moderator, of (:adeta nominated for the FcrisJgn ■ "Tite Long, ■' :--Dra»n« . (411 MATINEE THEATRE , of Manchester, compiled by Percy OAR KILLS BEAR organiat. Tha'men will'be served VlilMI in the GeneralA^uncil of the Con­ Cadet Exchange Tour to take place a hcartj’ bi'eakfast at 7:30 a; m. Long TrnllerY IM) THK LAW IN VOtB Llt'K (In procreaal Bidwell and Mathias, Spleaa, Shower^Coiiducted ' the Attic" (U) YOl'TH rOBl'U S:M (S3) PEACE OF MIND-St Im gregational Christian Churches during July and Av.gust. by members of the Toung Adult- \' Tecfc. S:M ( S) OSSIE A HABIUET—Ufa 'authority on.Indian lore, with the Atlanta VP)—3. P ad Oobb was ^'S:rt-S:»-Si4S '’4:S7-8:U (SSI WRHTKRN PLAVkOtSE snd ser’.’ed in that position through asaietance of a, number o f promi­ driving along a highway in South groull olT the church under the t:tt ( tl TH»: LONE BANOEB ■ ■Irith tha'Ni'taoq Family Tslrottsille items are now han­ For Mis» McCarthy —Sliirir* oMfl*' ' OSl/NEWS A WEATHER the biennium, IM8-1950. This is dled through the Manchester .Eve­ nent local/realdanta. The hooka Ceorgda when he banged into a leaderahip of Mrs. Ernest ..Arendt, (Ml VAPTAIN HIDNIOMT (SII PASTOR'S STIDY ' Tomoirow at the 10 a. m. wor­ Sun. "Money from Honte" techt the highest honbrSYy position thy ning Herald Rockville burear lo­ werp printed immediately follow-- 250-pound'black bear. The impact Robert Ryan—Jaa Sterllag ' (Sir NEWS A WEATHER tits ( M il WORLD WN LIVE IN Congregational ChrlMlan churches killed the animal and threw Oobb's ship service, i^. inember of the A bridal shower was given last tiSS <«ll FIL.M (SSl-NIGHT SIDITOH cated at One: Market St., telephone Ing the celebration of Manches- SHOWN 8;88 in o i tr v o n ab a o e can bealo.v uj)ori a member. car ageinat a bridge railing. After arrangouionts committee will a>.is (sii .'S > - (SI) TO RE ANNOrNCED Jtoekville 5-SIS8. tar*a Centennial in the fall of 1P2S. evening In honor of .Miss Judith " . WfARlS^MORROW 4;M ( Si Y o r A8KEU FOB IT— S:M ( t-SS) VQtr ARK THERE Etas Kenyon is s e r ^ g *8 Di- They will, be found of educatiOpal raking the bridge for many yards, speak to the congregation concern­ McCarthy; daughter of Mr. and Rrqn*.it* for (hr unusual. ■/The Conapirary. of Cath­ j t ciMt him |i,0B0 to get his. car ing this event. Tickets may be "THE CREATURE FROM AH Bak-r. rmcri- erine The (Ireaf r^ to r 6f the Epeakers’ Bureau for . interest to the .school children \of Mra. Charles McCarthy. 32 N: Elm' THE BLACK LAOOON’ (Ml THE BIG PLAYHAGX (Ml KIT. CARSON SHOW Congregational I ' - today, .who wiU: enjoy rtadlhg back In ahepe.. procured from Roland H. Ostran­ 4he l4jS(k)'.ooo .. St„ by several Of her close friends, CO-HIT—"PROJECT M-7" (SSI nom'v MACK show , ... (Sl-SII OEOROE. JESSELXKHOW der, Henry A. Hembrechts, or (SSI THIS IS THE UFE . 1:M ' S-SI^WINCHELL - SfAtoNJ^V Church Building Loan)sn Fund Cam­Cam- RUIRISH and at the home of.Mrs. Joan Colby, belrtg. cdnduclhd by from any of the active members 2B Chimberla.nd St. ''The Upa’ard Look'* paign whiclv.ts. a s h e s (SH THE nip PICTfRE^r- (Mi) LIFE WSIH FATHER X this fellowship. " ' V RiMOVED of Methodist Men. ' . -r-'- After the bride-elect had opened /trfon AiD(-I.ureue IHiUlb As^ an alumna of 'Vamsr Cob / her gifts, refreshments were setVett' i (ssi' a c t Ho r siEirrs eaiTid^, Genfrfll Clcaninff, of IN ihlmrl - (SSI CRISADE IN THE FACIFIC .lege sto.hss been (ionheeted with and an enjoyable evening was CellarN anil Attics 7:M CRSSdSI PRIVATE SECHETABY eveiy fund raising effort made by STARTS SUNSAT' Tht Fatlot SMib —Ann Southern CD Training* Class / ■apeqli”*'^;. . - r.—-i,- miQ Vas.ssr since she .enteryd college. CaNMI.9.97S7 r .4(Gss 'Mepkrthy- will be married / (SSI OPERA.CASTEOS . > ■--- ■8.' THREE DAYS ONLY! NOW PLAYING! ,/ (Sh) TV TEEN I.Ll'B y ■ . When ,the new athleto building to Whitman H. Smith of West’ jCAMIRA SHOP. S d lor W ednesday E ft o r Wllliains-VaB Joh'niOB / , Paul Whiteman 7 was completed it waa/nsmed Ken- ( Hartford on Saturday. April 3, at Photo Suppllea, Portrait 8:tS ( ABtl ROGERS A HAMMER- I N I M O S T D A M N I N G / ': 4 p.m. at. the Second Oongrqgx- ' “EASY TOrLpyE” had Commercial Photography . STEIN CAVA1.CADF,— 28th ■ yon Hall in her honor.: . • AnniveraarV Prorram. InstallAtion /Tonight tional Church. \ 70 E Center 8 t.„ A{I-S-5808 A very important Civil Defense In Tebhnicolor SMI SI'N'DAV PLAVHOl'SE ■ The recently rirtteSL officers of IXfOSg IVI 11. M l # I nteeUim will be held at the Hoi* ~ “ Bandit Queen" SERVICES) Also Barbara Ruick In . piden Skinner AihclUan' will hold Hater Street School, Wedneaday at MONEY FOR THE BIROS (sst The Mask a;«s (Ml FAEL KILLIAM SHOW ^ "Royal Revenae". Its Inatsllstion of offlcws tonight 7:30 p.‘ bi^ It^wiU be s training sea- ^e Wai; Smoke” 1:0 ( 8) THIS IS YOl'B LIFE —' (SSI Sr.WAV CINE.UA That Intaniret The .Wi»h« '•i .. Ralph Erlajirda. hoet in the G. A. R. Halt. The installa­ alod for all Bleickf Wardens and Newton,~iMa8a4ID—Walter * . "Detour" Tom .Neal • Ann "T/ 'S U N D A Y (Ml RANGE antFR- Savaae tion will be preceded by * supper ' /Of The Famil;?„;. any or all citlsens interested in the house p«intef;''lnur spent I3,0D0 of ' lUI FILM , '—^ S:M (Ml MY HERO — Robert Cum," eSvibDefense Program.' - ntii '^ r t hard earned. cash djuHng Lucille Ball In (Ml RIG Plt'TI'RK .'■The 7lh In- 'mlnfa to he.served at 6:30. - . , Nell Conklin, a'Zone .Warden, the past six wintjers to feed "wild "LONG, LONG TRAILER" fantr)' Division t:(M (Ml TO WE ANNOl'NCEO Yewrlmok Staff'. Nametl MAIN OFFICE (Sl> BREAK THE RANK — Bert (SS) ROCKY KlNfii.-r>e|eeUv* , The staff for the 1955 Banner will be In charge qf^ the meeting. ducks, geese and gulls. '■ Parke • t:M (3SI INTO THE NIGHT JOHN B. BURKE '■’Two filntia wili be sbown during T:M < SI, MAN BEHIND THE BA0GB. (,M I! TO RE ANNOCNCED yrtrhook has been announced by (Mi HEAT THE €M>CK - .’Bud FUNEIiAL HOME the seasibh. One of the films Is T (SSI PETER PnrrF.R show Principal Allen Dresser ss follows: ‘4 ■> Collver- ■ - ..... (SSI THK PLA1NCLOTHESMAN— Ralph Gibson, editor in chief; S7 EAST CENTER ST. color movies of the atom bomb ex­ .:/:/.a'(Ul MEWS A WEATHEB , "The Trunk Job" plosion at Yuca Flate, Arisons. (SSI FOUR STAR PLAVHOt’BE ISiSS’f SdU LORETTA YOl'NO SHOW,. ' PsUy^ Scotts, ssslatsnt editor; TM - Ml-f*88te This will be the first Ume /^ls , (SI) ETHEL AND ALBERT -4SSI tWE 1rt,B—' Helen Wsllnskl. business ;msna,ger, .Situation comedy of « typi­ "The. Favorite” , A BIGGER, BETTER BANK particular film hak been .shown in cal Ameri(»n couple (.«) TO BE ANNOCNCED ' PtoiieT hsta been Invited h^the a m b u l a n c e s e r v ic e :conneCtlcjit. : ■"••t • T:4S (SSi JNDtoTBV GN PARADE , (SSI BREAK THK RANK— QuU sXate Board of Education torWeet S:M ( SI SPIKE dUNES SHOW • with Bert Parke The Qlvn\tofena,b prog(%m Is of I.M.SSI JACKIE GLEASON SHOW With olfier-. secondary schools in vital Interearto all' the citlsens as (SSI »TLM IS:M- ( II ^ ^ T 'S '.MY LINE-Jyhn Brsnjfprd'Tuesday snd Wednesday the organization is preparing for (41) WHERE’S RAYMOND -.Ray for th* purpose of evslusting the Opens SundiiY, March 28t, Bolter 4 (M l'this IS THE UFE ' Read Herald Advs. any emergency, .... t:M|( I) AMATEEB HOL’B — Ted (SSI NEWS -- - - Branford High School. T O P R O Y I D E MANCHESTER Mark, boat —- , (SI) BEAI'TY SECRETS ' 'V - ■ (S3) FILM ~ DRKW PEARSON SHOLES LAKESIDE CAS (ttl THE JAMIE SfOHY 1S:M NIGHTCAP EDITION —Btodon DeWHde ~ , IS'iU (SII HTBEHT KREOELlNi ' SOUTH COVENtSY S:M ( S4I) TOIR SHOW OF SHOWS ,(SS> PREVIEWS ■NLianty/iTiUi —-Sid Caesar A Imosene \ . Coca TltM ( SI SUNDAY NEWS. SPECIAL (M-SSI TWO S'OH THE MONEY—. . IMI DREW PEARSON . ' BUY WITH ITS MOST COM PLETi_ AND CIRCLE SKATIN8 SUN, WEB^ asA FBI, NlBHTS Herb Shriner. qitlxmaeter (SH SIX' STAB FINAL (SSI SATURDAY NIGHT FIGHTS lilts (SI) TV THFjkTEB NUMDONTNfSSPr ~ ■ . —Ttalo SeortTchtnl v«i-Car- U:IS (J ) FIRESIDE fHEA-YEH— ■ SgNMiDnilfON MMUSI SAT.-SUN,, eontiniioiift ~ Even Greater On Our mlne Flore (He THE LATE BROW— Giant Screen!. t:W «M> MY FAVORITE 'HUSBAND, Michael BtrusofI Acodfiny Award Winnsr - Joan (7auineld-Barry'NeUun -■J'- (U) FRONT PAGE DETECTIYE II :tS ( -tl PACTS FOmUM As A u e AinSTS ffeturfl with NEVILLE IRANO • Emiit M«y«r Uicillc BaU .. Anthentio —Edmund Lome lt:l3 ( I) NEWS MOST MODERN BANKING FACILITIES* • i4S (SSI FILM fnflk FAyIm ’Ln Gonitfl'lflb^ Ostflrioh md Cist of Thousands i nSceneat lt:iS (M-SSI MEDALLION THEATEB D esT ^rai^: , /- —To be announced ' Temerrew'i DsyMae HlshUsirte OF PROVEN nU S; iXCITING^ COMEDY FEATURE What'S Actual Story / (IS) FILM 11:M I S) 8TBIKE >T BICH ■W" « ef Korea! tSiM < *411 VOtJB HIT PARADE — V “The MualctU , dramatlutton ol *:** (ESI BIO FAYOFF y the tiip tunei of the w»ek ' .l:tt (*1) KATE SMITH SHOW . Pleasure? Long, l^ng “Cease (M) My HE Bo — Robert Ck>m- *(HU Trailer” F ir e ” minse' SORCEY-NiOl A meal/or a drink? LIstenlBg (In color) (v— (U) WHESTUNQ (SSI NIOHTUAP EDITION "t'o musK Or dancing? Well, 8;t8-f^9;35 ’ ■ —Fred Dwyer JOHN t. OLSON mioweryJNys vyhatevar.iit Is, you’ll find it at tS:U (SSI PHKVI'FJI rArrectlv designed monuments are products of careful the OAK G RILL! U)W ( S> WRFaTLINC Poinfor and Docorafor AM > STARTS SUN. (Ml THE IJtTE SHOW ^ lliffcn t stuV- They haVe balance, eliatinction and —"Woman of the Town" . ■ 7 4 \ r n S r ih iy have beauty that wiH endure. And His DEAN •St) ELEVENTH ROIR HOVIE-. U)SA.( Sr-MItYV1.0BT T H E A T'EH . HENRY STREET All Meals and Beverages LEO WATTS Blue JERRY "Trnlh Avnnu* KIrt" rultinff Done In Our Own Shop From The Igr Mountaineers. Modern ^'MONEY FRO] 6 m e " 1:1* ( S) NEW* Rough Stone To The Finished Memorial Mixed By Mastera and |(d Old Faahloned Dancing. (In color); C O /M r L/E T f RANKING ^ S R V I C E A T 2 C O N V E N I 1.^ T. (L O C A T I O Served To I^rfeetion ./ -G O M A ^ r „MAIN ICE— S93 MAIN ST. NORTH IRANCH— II NO. MAM .aertawE PLUS: 2nd EXCITING BlY with Harlem MORIARTY BROTHERS . and DANE Manchester M em orial Co. COMPLETE HEATING SERVICE A MARILYN MONROE 88^ OAK ST. I SU NPAT—fltOfl, OHI, fiOS f . M. PANGE AND FUEL OIL t A. 'H. AiMETTI I^ . iiiuLiir::: "UDI|$ OF BtANCMKBTSB FeeturtiSga. Itftisdo-M tor HARRlSpI^^STRPLT-MANfcHECTEB ^ ‘ “ -f > - “ -I ' - i . ’ ...■al-.-'*' =2i- ^ “-■)= j i — 1 “ ’!■ a. 1 Frtai Ibagtet** T THE CHORUS" Ca-i)BWtBrai : ' fN tR -PHONf Ml 3 si - i'\ r . 'V ■ I • s ''".' i h . . r f ', ■ ■ V *<


Ho hath shewed thee, O man, what y P o p p lM g Escapes Serious Injury Trufft Co. M oviag into New Quarterff is g ^ ; and whit doth the Lord High Point in ^Tew Religious Film Skywatch Schedule Democrats re<|ulre of thee, buf to do Juttiy, 1 Asks and to love mercy, and to walk Cub Scout Pack . ^ AsEarm ts^Rock Wall, t i p s humbly with thy God?" (Mlcah March 28' Hit at GOP Hurt Seif, 8:5.8). Sunday, y ' '' ■ r- Oorrelstlve passages from the O rganization- Set A'ohinteers Needed /i Midnight-2 a.^ escan-d * ’ c^ifpinnlght resulted In,the arrest of both In Mandamu Christian ■ S c ie n c e textbook. '2 a. m.-4 a, m. , , -Fred Bond S t dames* R. C. (Burch "Science and Health with Key to ...... '.'Volunteers Needed afternoon JhH!! yesterday drivers, police r ^ r te d today, Rev, doha F. Haanon, Pastor Wspplng. March 27—(Special) i a. m.-8 a. m. . them" Cr*lK Spencer. 16. ^ 4 6 0 Lake 8L, .. Halt Avers Scriptures" by M iry Baker The first organisation meeting . . . Volunteers Needed (CentiajMd from Fagh OM) ! commlttea th cmuidt yMUi Martik, Rev. Oeorge P. Hughes 6 s. ih.-9 a. m. Hinhwiiv Crd"® I was charged with.fallure’to give V I made It dear MartiirJMMl caatrffrt ly, Include' the •foUowlnf^ on a proposed Cub Scout pack for 9 s. m.-Noon ... . Sam Clemens R «v..M gar d. Farrell ^({1^ 8:5): ‘.‘What we m6st need is ...... Yicforla Fllewlcs,* Cyril Banka . signal, and Charles E, Dowds, 85, (Coutiaued from (OonUaned from P6ga Oae) Crockett -wat using tlWr words j. power. the pupils of the local schhol, Noon-S p. m. » the road, strnck a rock wall, of Bolton Lake House, was cjfsrg- prayer of ferven* desire for der the sponsorship of the I ...... VoliMiieera Needed bounced off and then lipped over. ‘could not resdvertlse for bids"!- FltsOarald said, .cyeiX. If H Sunday Masses; 3 p. m.-6 p. m...... Columbia be Carll. Celeste King ed with \dolation of ruIe^'M ths luiiky to get a. dozen Oon- Meanwhile, in Washington, find-, when he meant "should not re- | confer such power, that/power la /n't growth in grace, expressed in ps- will be held Monday evening at 8 6 p. m.-8 p. m. . State ratrolman MIchsei Con- flwuMy Sohool for j For adults: ,8. 7, 8, 8, 10 and 11 Uetim, meekness, love, and good Mr. and Mrs. W. Hewitt road. grbss,” he sail). \ ing a special counsel to handle advertiM for bids.” He said that, revoked by the Feb. 16 i *. m- ■ « » " at the Firehouse.' 8*p. m.-TO p. m. . Shnsta investigation of .charges InctaKUag adulU. o'clock, with two Masses at 8, one deeds. To keep the commandments Volunteers Needed Patrolman Frederick^ Tedford Democratic National Cnglrman was not a legal defense and that declared that all afrea JoMph Pachece heads th^ Or- 10 i>.-m.-Mldhlght 05., and hla yeife, Marian, 54, auf-: .aid Dowd’ s car attock the Fear McCarthy'and high Army officials T i U 1for children o< | in the main auditorium for adults. of ^ r Master and follow his ganisstlonar Committee. wWch in­ »lon I}'. March 29 _ ' fered only alight cuts and bruises ' Stephen A. Mitchell said in /Gary, the c^irt ahould -not to asked to : from the bond sale are MraUpptns panota. . . and one for the children in the exanmle.ds our proiwf” debt to him cludes Kenneth Nichols, /Stanley VoUintcers Needed of one driven by Spencer' on E. Ii)d., last night that. becauSa of have aimed at - each other is interpret a charter. * ; and aseerted there are Midiitght-2 a. m. in the srcldent in whl6h their car Middle Turnpike "at Lake Street, proving to be' a tougher job than \ , H ft. m., Bftrvic* of prftiae for basement ajnd two Masses at 10. and the only worthy evidence of Dsnllbwtls. Rubs4IJ BoItSriddge and .)foliinteers Needed the row between McCarthy and IX of FltsGerald’s fine! argu- *"<• perhaps more ways In , trayeiled 260 feet after hitting the after the teen^g^r had stopped to some .Senators apparently had ex-- thft fourU Sunday In I>nt. one in the main auditorium and our gratitude for ail that he has William Casavant. rock, the last 67„(eet on Us side. Al'my officials he doubts " if ' the fceHt was that the "scceptshcs of I which, situation call to rbe "i a. ‘^ 6 * ;!”m: make a left^and turn, ' average citizen even recalls that pected. •Miudt “I&ina CcleaU” . .Grav. one in the basement. done, outward worship is not of it­ There, will be three/ maetinge. 6 a. m.-9 a. m.' ■ •. ' ohinterrs Needed Uonroy 'sald Br'iwo told him his bids and the swarding of contrscU j 6)t of control and turning hind/nlm too closely. commandments'". • ^ / Bruce McElroy. Scout executive of ...... Richard l^hadlk, Roderick Wright It into Ihe rorlf,'After the-impact, vaUed—Md so far w« see not a- Senate Investigations subcommit­ to modify plans without legislative i what policy should to f o lt o ^ . 6 p. m.-8 p. m .',. oilce today also . reported an, single piece of It enacted,” Mitchell *• Ik . __ _ __ tkm- ■rmtiAVRl vnaffiRflrAto ff»R6i •Olllffew ; I W Ckipftl, W m .. Rev. Arthur d. Hegemon, Pmstor the Charter Oak (BuncII, will con­ 8 p. m.-lO p. id. • •! ’ ! ! . .. R«y Eckler. Robert Coleman the car ye»wed back onto the high­ tee, acknowledged that it now approval, the question of whether the general manager can ‘follow Rev. Kenneth V. Karvells, Cumte duct the nieetlM and outMne the , Volunteers Needed' i'cldeift Involving ears driven by said In'a \speech. “We awslg ac­ seems 'less' ' possible” that the It, FltsGerald told the court. t t e BpUUe, n Tlntiothy , The Second Congregational Chnreh way and traveled 193 feet beforj Mrs. Henry Rosensweig, 37, of 139 the plans should be cHgnged Is a'; , "I Do not A«k, O Masses at 7, 8:30, 8:30 and 11 program.. Boys -from eight threUgh *’vo?uiUeets*imy to cjvll D ef^''" ynSava * tipping O', cr. . tion on agriculture, on foreign Hearings can get under way next pbllcy decision which should be He said Rublnow oontomlqd North Main Stfdet 10 years old are eligible! pal Building. Manchester on Mondays, Wednesdays, a(id Fridays Elizabeth Dr., and Mrii. Marian irede, on the St. (^wrence Seaway, week as he had hoped. thrt, because the people have vot­ m. Rev. Arnold W. T«»er. Minister The couple wiaa taken to Kan, Gordon, 40, of North Coventry. .msde by the Board. / , H tm n, "Rock of Ajfea” . . .Toiniidy. f Board Appvovra Radio .from 1-5 p. m. cheater Memorial Hoapltol by oiKTaft-Hsrtley, minimum wages, McCarthy,' the subcommittee's ed ftor the school, the General Barriay F. Wood, Organist \ The collision occurred at 5:25 housing, social security, medical /FitzGerald' based his argument Ottertory, "Contomi^ftUon^^.^y St. Bridget’s Church Following/oction of the Board of Manchester Patrolman Zsamuel chairman, has agreed to let Mundt bn Chapter I of the charter which Manager has the power to buiUi it Rev. James P. 'Ummlns, Pastor Mrs. iterbara R. Becker, Finance meeting Wedneaday night i- p.m., in the Intersection of E. Cen­ research, hospitola, highways, con­ run the Hearings. against; the wilt of the Board- Choir Oirector Maltempo for enerrfpilcy treat­ ter and Parker Streets. According outlines, the town's corporate pow­ iannon: "Andrew, tiie rMKdple." Rev. Robert Carroll and the completion of the Volunteer John C. Rpbinson, a VetoraihAmer- servation, and gll the reet." Mundt and Sens. McCIellsn (D- In completing his argument ment. No arrest wp^ made..,.hnt to Patrolman' Kenneth Barker, T h en were unconflrnred. reports ers snd'on the Feb. 16 Board rule , “O Itortftr. lAt Me Walk Rev. Theodore Oubala. Asalstaats Fire Department's 3-way radio Deaths Last Night Ican Negro aviator who f l w for Oonroy handed Bn «o. a. warolng Ark) and Jackson (b-Wssh>, which he contends was passed pur­ FltsGerald contended a mandamus Sunday, March 28. system Was virtually assured. The Ethiopia for several-'yeaya. «Ued Mrs. (Gordons car ^ stopped on Eisenhowet'might make aome pub- planned snolher round of,effort to­ should not be Issued becauae the , with Thee” Gladden, 10, Morning Worship knd Church $ ticket for exceaKiv’e speed. Parker, leaped into the intersec­ suant to Sec. 17, Oispter' V of the PosUude. "Pnatludium" . .F^ulket. Masses, on Sunday at 7, 8, 9, 10 Board approved a recommendation ; today from injuries reciri^ lH\a A two-car aCl'Ident in Manches­ lie move on behSIf of his public day to line* up for. the j«b a lalvyer (tmeral Manager haa not the pow- School. > .that 8670 ;be appropriated to pur- j By THE A8S(K!lATEb PRESS tion after tier foot slipped off the housing recommendations, which ■who would qualify as neutral and Chsrtei. ■er |o act. T p. m,. r o ^ i Lenten Veaper and 11 a., m. and Masses down­ The Prelude. "Chorale Prelude, ’O plane crash tw# weeks ag«/ ter short l.vv'af ter midnight Isst cliitc^ ' No arrest was made. 'That rule requires Board ap­ V mevic4 In the church. The junior stairs at 8 and 10:45 a. m. chase-a walkie-talkie'^adio and a Bradenton. Fla. Dr. M. Robert were roughly handled by the House capable, .would command public Rhbinqw, who as- the plaintiff Lamb of God, Al) Spotless’ ’’ — Sutton, 78, o f Alden, Mich., chief CThicsgo — Hsiry C. Kopf,\51, a proval in contracts for services choir wUl ataf an anthem. The power megaphone. vice president of the National Api^ropriationa • Committee. He. confidence by his record--;-and haa the right of rebuttal, baaed hie Bach the high, dramaticlpbints of a new religious film. "Venture ‘The radio Will coat '|510, of surgeon for Buick Motprs for 32 charge of Welkins Brothers Fu­ recommended a 4-year construction would be willing to take' on the amo'in'ting to more than 8500. final argument on the contention : thaoM for the paator’a m^UUpn Center Congregatiooal Chnrck Hymn—"For the Beauty of . the Into' as' the parents o f a tubercular son rejoibe after he has Briadcasting Co., rince 1941 and FitzGerald said the problem la "The Spirit Makea the Church. which one-half will be given to the years. Died Thursday. general manager of the company^ Seiiators neral Home, 142 E. Center St. program of 140.000 units. The job. that no interpretation of the ch v - Rev., CUfferd O. Simpson, MlnUter Earth" received prayer for divine healing at an evangelistic meeting. The town under. Civilian Defense funds. tCleveland -William Dtisch. a vio­ House groun. proposed' to end the The trip, serving as a special arose because to the proced'ire of ter should be made which haa uw , T.-dO p. m.. PUfrim Fellowahlp Unison R«ading picjturA built around the evangelistic ministry , of Rev. Oral Roberta, television agd radio stations in\ Issuing bonds on and estimated Dr. Wntoon Woodruff, The megaphone ls7 an outright linist with the Cleveland Orches­ Z - W '''* *• S«xllaeek work after .35,000 units were built, subepmmiUee to nominate the effect of “sterilizing'’ the proceeds • aoeta ht/Uie church parlora, The Anthem.,"OThbu Joy of Lov- Mturea the noted evangeUst'snd his entire party. In addition to pro- Chicago, died of a heart attack cost. -. of the bond issue. / The Week Minister Emeritus purchase by the^town fpr the Fire tra for 31 years, for the past 12 Hall Stockpiliei Mark Ivar Sedlacek, infant son bemoersts,threatened a floor fight counsel, ke^ secret the names un­ Andre.w B. Wstson,, -“ Ing Hearts’’—VUtorla /fMsional actors who have previous religious Aim experience. Stars, Department. • . 'x last night.- / \ _ for ptrtJilc hoiising next week. , der consideration !. FitsGersId . asserted there was He quoted cotirt law to substan­ years personnel head and librarian ■B-^l . M -mm ' Mrs. Albert C. Sed- Monday— Minister pf Music The Chlldrex’a Story of tlw picture, shown above, are Charles Gibb, David Day and Doro­ With receipt or^lhe radio, all for the orchestra and at one time Approgrintions Committee Mundt said H^ is sure newsmen;no question about the procedure tiate' that contention and pointed 7 d » p. m..’ Healing miaalon at Hymn-"’*What A Friend We Have thy I^Uer. ’The picture is being shown throughout th* country at 6-F|j||i j y i k » f ' g l a flecek,. 961 Forbes St., East Hart- would recogmire 'to* name of one until that situation arose. Hf out that the bond Issue can to gt. John'a Church in Rockville. equipment of the department, the a member of the Minneapolis Sym- ^ ford, died-' yesterday at the Hart­ Chairman Taber (R-NY) said in I 8, .8:15 and 11, Church Servicss. In Jesus” churches and auditoriums, but will not be shown at theaters. It «ill firehouse and. two wspatchers' phony. Born in Chicago, Died Fri-^ an Interview, "the public housing of the men if thejt-. heard it, and | termed the question of what is. the charged agahtat the debt llmit'of Hynm—"Lord; Speak to Me That I ford Hospital. that the name of snhther would be [ legislsilve function and what- the i Adult Bible Study group Prelude—"Spring Song" . .HoUlnt, be presented Satmdsy, Ajprll 3, at 7:30 p. m. at the South Methodist homes are in communication with day. program is a racket, .it just hasn’t the-town, therein preventing the May Speak” * (Continued from Page One) Be.sides . his parents, he leavea familiar to t)iose with'long mem­ administrati've, the pivotal issue town from proceeding lylth other Anthem — 8:16. "The Good Shep- Church. ' each other at all timea. \ New, York—George Alexander- ; two brothers,' Charles A. and Ellia worked out like it was Suppotod. iBoeU at the Howards. New Testament Reading, Luke 18: It is' thought the fire chief will' to.” ories. in the case. pubUc improvemente if the pro- held':...... Barrl. 18-30. son, 51).^ a photographer for the L. Sedlacek; his maternal grand­ Pili^m CTroir, soloist: A la n use the walkie-tslkie at'the acens Benefits for the copper industry, However/last night the House! ! \ Refusal to Serve Seen He astorted that under Chapter , ceeds are frozen. \ m.. Ladles’ JSlMionary The Offertory, *’ ’Adagio’ from therm H oi^ broadcast over 1.100 Classes lor younger pupils "at pils New York Times for 25 years and mother, Mrs. Lets Holmes, of East I of the charter which outlines the Public M ea^, PuMIe Trust Cburlla. hour. '■ of a fire to coordinate the efrorts as well as lead and zinc prndvic- Banhingbommittee gave final ap­ , ; There were indications tHey got Mctety in the ohurch. Organ Sonata I”—Mendelssohn stations in bO . languages in 58 a wartime overseas staff photogr ers, Were foreseen by Sen. Watkins rtford, and his paternal grand­ a turndown yesterday from kpoth- town's corporate powers, the town He said public money Iz a piiliHe 11, "O, Savloui' Of Ths World’’ .. The Sermon, "Young and Hungry" territories’’ and Iweign countries, , 11:00 a.m., Morning Prayer with of all men and equipment, and the rspher in the Far East. Died mother, Mrs.' Albert Sedlacek, of proval /t o other parts of the ad- S.'ia p. fn., Brownies In the power megaphone will be used for (R-Utahi. .'He said the stockpile er prosXtol- They previously had has the right to exercise certain tnut. church sbclnl roonja. , . .. # IrGOSS. Hymn, *;G Master-Workman of the heard locsllv every Sunday after­ sermon by the Rector. Senior Thursdiy. I Manchester. miniatration'i overall housing pro­ denior Choir. direction of the'men by- the de­ enlargement “should be an/Effec­ gram. Key provisions aim at announced that William J. Jame-, pow-ers by ordinance,... by-law. or If we easuir-e that the 7:Sei p. m.. Men meet at the Race’^ noon over WGTH at 1:30. *- choir. Mi)4ical outline of this Toronto — David Morrison Gal­ tive stopgap until a long-range Grayesidei^torvices will be held son, president of the Aroe'fican Bar.^ otherwise. Among those poWIrs is has the authority, to sign con­ Scripture Reading — Luke 22:39- service:'.' '■ ’ partment officers. loway, 74, industrialist known in at the^Vest Cemetery Monday, Xpped up the slum clearance prn- church for a “work-nlghL” The Poslude — "Fugub on the For "This Is the Life” WNHC- policy' can be prepared and put \ Herald Assn., on the advice of its board'to® power to contract or be con tracts, we can eesume that they 46. Kyrie'’—Couperin Processional,\‘."Lord#' As To Thy , . Church Calendar both Canada and the U h 11 e with the\Rev. C. E. Winslow of th. ■gram and at lower down payments Thursday-- ^ . ____ Hymn — "Faith of Our Fathers” t V kindly consult your newspaper. The topic of Rev. David Crock­ into effect.” / and longer repayment perioda bn A large derrick, owned by D,ewnlng and Perkins, hoists eqHjpment of directors. declined an InVri- ti’seted with and the ■ power "to should study them in detsU," Rubi- 1 7 p. m.. Class in church mem- 11:15, Service for teachers. Dear Cross We Flee” — States. Died Thursday. / Church of the Nazarehe officii of the'Manchester Trust. Co. through a second story window'of the tation to serve. cr^te, provide for, construct, reg- now said. He said it Is abnird to berahip meets in the church par­ Hemy-Walton. 8:30, Church membership class 'Ilie W eek ett’s Sunday sermon will be "The Milwaukee — Hugo F. Deymjin. Mobilization DlrectoZ'krthur S. i ing. government insured' tor. new or Seque’nce, ‘.'Lift Up Your Hearts!” FleminA;^ who wilfundertake (he' new bank 'on Main Street. It was necessary to build up the .stag­ Mundt had s|)pken during the ulato and maintain all things in contend they are expSetSd to do Anthem — "O, for a Closer Walk |or Junior and Senior High School Monday— Offertory, "Thou Whose Sweet Authority of Jesua” - 65. purser of the Grand T^nk Funeral ' arrangements in did houses. the nature of public works . and lors. • ,7:45 p.m.," Men's Club meeting. stockplleXreview, said in a'n inter­ In a speech prepared for .a Dem'^ ing and platform and_ t.gke out a window in order-to get the equip­ day of having thrXs, candidates un­ that for their salary of 8200 a year. 7:30 p. m.. Senior choir rehesra- with God" ...... Foster. young people. ' Conripas-alon” ...... Maunder The..-Pilgrim Youth Fellowship Line’s carferry Grand Rapid^ who charge of the T. Pi HonpVM Fu­ improv.ements.” Rublnow further contended that Offertory, “Andante Rellgloso” .. Wednesday- ' __ _ will meet at the Community House view sumE/ of "considerable niag- neral Home, 175 Center/Bt, ocratic dinner at Tell City, Ind., ment. too large for regular door entrances, iHnfde. The bank will der serious consideration. He later al in the church.' \ 6:00, Lenten supper fellowship. Re'cessionai; "There’s' A_ Wideness sailed the Great Lakes tor 40, mentioned only,.two and declined Says Power-with Board to aSsume they have power to in* Smt^l. FamlhM should bring sandwiches 6:30 p.m., Adult membership St 7 p.m. ’The Fellowship will hold years. Born in Montague./ Mich. nlU'de” wilLbe spent over a;- ex­ Sep. Kilgore (D- W Va) blamed open its new quarters Monday rripraing; , Friday— ''"J. Sermon — ’’Marks of a C3jriaUan In God’s Mercy” tended perio^in the new progtam. Eisenhower for* what he said was to elaborate. Other sources, how­ FitzGerald said the basic au­ cur «o rourti legal Jabiiity ia also 8:15 p. m., Junior High Ij’elldw- -.Hlessert and beverpge w-Ul be au^ group. - - a public round and square dance at Died Friday. . absurd. He denied that the'Board Faith" . .?-rtv-Rev. Clifford O. 7:00 p.m.. Evensong with Boys' the Community House April 3 • He did not limicate which metals the/(aHUre of Congress to make ever, said the third, msnxhad said, thority for those contracts rests aklp meets In the church parlors. plied. ”^ o short films will be 7:30 p.m., Fifth Lenten service. Choir. Instruction hy .the Rector Addis Ababa, Ethiopia .-A, Col. "no.” - is the inheritor of the powers of Simpson. Text: ktork,14: 54, 66-7i. Theme: from 8 p.m, to _ midnight. The Would probablyXbe purchased. But any ipaleriai progress on the ad- with the legislative, the Board. of shown, "Monarch Butterfly’’-, and follows this, service. Topic this Directors. He cited the charter sec­ toe town meeting and said th* Ifymn "My Faith Looks Up to "The Storjr of the GObd Samari­ 'AshsU-ed-of jesua? Yes,, I May, Rhythm-Airs will provide the. mu­ other officiaLa stmed that lead and ministratipn'a program. McCarthy himself predicted It week, "The Ordinal and the Three­ zinc definitely would be on the list. ‘Peace, It’s will take “A lot longer” to grt the tion which provides that the power to contract came to rest in Community Baptist ChuKh Thee” ...... Mason. tan,’’ enacted by puppetk. When I've No Guilt to W’a ^ sic. Tickets will be, available at the "Presldefit Elsenhower himself the General Manager,, with the 588 BSst Center Btreetj ■ Postlude — " S e c o n d Grand fold Mihislry.” / door, or from Fellowship members. has said that "if the Republican inquiry under way than Mundkex- ' Board shall exert^jae the legialativw T keW eek.,— Away.” ------The White House/stalement ih- Mrs; .8," Russell Pratt pects. McCarthy said “ I will leave j powers of the town. ^ ag^tlon of the rtiartei‘. At the Oreen Choeur" _____Grey. The 5th Wednesday in Lent: dicated that new'and "long term!’ Gongress does not enact a dynam­ \ Monday, 6:30, Girl Scouts. ' Regiatrstion for Commtmlon on 7:0p,a.m., Holy Communion. FILMS-CftMERAg Fimefal services for Mrs. Mil­ It up to the committee" to decide **« ■“*‘1 *>e cannot agree wiUi( Z n ® *«Yne* that Section 11, of John R. Newbert, Miaiater 9:15, Church School for all ages, Wednesday, 6:80, Merrl-Weds Afril 4, after the Lenten service, Manchester Evening lirraM stock pile goals would be fixed for ic projrram it does not deserve the Theater Manager i;toapter V infers the Board of Di­ kindergarten through junior high. 10:00 a.m., Holy Communion fol­ Wapolng correspondfuL.. Mrs. An­ FLASH RUf C A S ^ dred Sheldon Pratt, wife of S. Rus- confidence or the. vple* of the whether he ahould be a witness Rublnow that the Board can act Robert M. dokas. Choirmaster supper meeting. and Friday, April 2, 3-4 and 7-8 some metals wtiose original goals seil Pratt. ISO', Center St., will but reiterated his determination to o"*y through 'ordinances and by-> rectors does not ^vg-'toe power Ornyuid il. Weat.'clr.. Organist • 'l l . Church School, pre-mursery lowed by Intercessory prayer. nie Colllna tefiipfione MI-S-4418. M01 PABTSt already/have been achieVedT , American people in the elections 6:45, A Cappella Choir. p m. ' . ; ■ ■ / ■= "" 7:30 p,ih., Utany and sermon by ))E held Monday afternoo.n at 2 Insist on the right jo question wit- I S«ctlon 17, Chap- to contract. ■ - through lower junior grade 4. 7:00, Boy Scouts. F r id a y '■ ' ' / , \ViU Aid At Right T ^ e in November,” Kilgore said. Maybe it was the threat of a cur- ^pp^g^ed twice on the program In arguing ^or the mandamus, 4:80, Pilgrlift Fellowthlp—wor­ the Venerable John H, Esquiroi, o'(noclv in St. Mary's Eplacopal "But having said it, the Presi­ „ ___ nesses. He said toat "if I were one V. in th® charter which grants I ft. m; Church School for all 7:30. Chancel Choir. ’ / 6:30 p.ntrJunior choir/, / ►ftrthyr/D^^ In making these additional Church, with the rector, the Rev. few hanging over them. Or maybe with Mrs. Daisy Canade Rublnow said, with all ttiq me- . ■■jM xOiUdim cared for through ship and fellowship meeting. J. D., Archdeacon of Fairfield. Churrli of the NairjireBe dent apparently feels that he can playing ■ of toe other six (members > I would "*** Board the power to “make Tbursday, 5 :S0, Boys’ Choir. 4 p.m., and Saturday/^^ lO a.m., chases, the White House saio^ the Alfred L. VVilliom.s. - officiating. it was all the bad publicity; their . accompaniments oh the ; ask McCarthy io , testify.’’ 1 ■"‘1 regulations riitnery waiting to be set momiuwonMp. ■ 6:30, Junior and Senior GYP Topic. T h e Church in the Nation." 466 Main Street waslrhia hands of the,, matter, cer- Friday, 3:30, Girls’ Choir. ConArmatlon classes. 7 C, E. 'W’lnslow, Minister government will buy when it 'c;on'- Burial WUl be in Buckland Ceme­ piano. The girls received a big \ McCarthy had said previously he i concerning purchases and con- tion, ia it reasonable to assiuqa ^ 0 :1 5 ^ m. Morning worship Club — Filmstrip and records — I .«■ ■ • . . ' " ' Organisations: All organisations aiders that its entry into the nonr- talnl.v there has been little indica­ But whatever the reason,\ the that the Genirsl Manager caff int,_ Florence Wood and ~ r ~ 7 ^ tery. tion that he himself will provide-- hand for their number entltled, would offer to let thrf Army counsel I _ Gallery of Witnesses.” meet at their visual hours, as re­ ket Will helD to ‘'reactivate pr*^ teenagers who flocked to the Slate "You,/You, 'You,” and another 1 cross examine him. FitzGerald said the Feb. 16 back and do nothing. \ . CoatOrdla Eit'angeUcal, Lotheraa vised for Lent. \ Gertrude W)lsoa, Organists' Friends may call at the .-lolmcs or that he. is .even interested in Prelude. "A h^U noV -----Durand ’The Week Bolton Oongrvi^nnal Church ductive capacitv" and in otheX Funeia! Honle. 406 Main St., from Theater last night to sSe Martin dance number, “The Blacksmith In Augusta, Ga . with controversy!®®**'^ is pursuwit to the ex- Hymn. "Ood of the Earth, the Sky - Church , The Rev. Arthur/A. Wallace, providing—the kind, of ' dynamic Monday— Sunday, March 28 ways to alleviate distressed con-' 7 to .9:30 tonl;,'ht. and from 3 to leadership which ev4ry successful cassuand a-s«ws»Lewis inset “ Money aFrom svess Hornas\ji«»v\ Blues" They s wore jaunty top ticska,hats, ■ «vi.aisstill raging nUUUtabout him.IlirTl, Pvt.rVl, Lf. *“'*'"* ij s-C P®''^**'? | * “» ^ ^ t section. * He the Sea’’ \ ' T, Girt Scout ’Troop One. Wlfter aad Garden Streets Mintotof- tf - , t r t E A R M Y O l i d 1 4 A V Y C L U l ditions in connecyon with domes­ The Rev. Erich Brandt. Pmstor South Methodist (Tiurch Church School, 9:30 a. ni., Ten- :30~XTfd~from 7 to 9:30 p.'m. tOr President has exercl.sed. and which were a pretty well-behaved group. XKr'en.vc.sts and satin coats with David Schlne'was to be graduated 1 ^ Children’s- 7:45, Women’s FcderaUoa exe­ - Waiter Orxyb, Organist tic mineral industries;!’ korrow. ' / \ ** L&ilS fX n rl In 41nA « r\ 11 wv !■ — — — t It * ^ _ ..tt « a I Cl\lCl€8 ft COHLl*ftCL xOP Lll A COHBLPII^i Hymn, "How O ^ e Ctod’s Com ivnn Beckwith, Organist and/ Main Stiwt and Hartford Road nysph McFall, superintendent. a; President must exevciae 1? his State 'Theater manager William and in the second number! from a military police basic train-' ,, **#* ® ^ *®« -J cutive meeting. The announcement emphasized .ppeared without the latter, wear-j ing school at Camp .Gorddn th ls llf? Poliee Arrests 'manda’* Choirmaster ' . Rev. Fre^R . Edgar, Minister Worship Service 10:45 a., m. administration is not to J>e a Brown said it was the'^best-behaved ^ and Judge King had questioned Tuesday— Sun^ay^-March. 28. Fourth Sun­ Message, ‘‘Tnterceasory”. •''' that preference will-be given to Ni. AVerdelin tragic failure. Ing white blouses and short, black ■ morning. Scripture Lesson Blood BgUlu- Rev. t^rcy SpriithN .newly-mined, metals, and minerals Friday night crowd in months. tiehts that contention earlier. Anthem. "O Come ahd Mourn Sunday. March ^8, Fourth Sun day in Lent. Junior Church, 10:45 s-rn. / Thk funeral of Carl N. Werdelin, “The hard truth is (that Preai- “ I don’t know what happened.” , " The former' committee investi­ 6:30. Confirmation Class, Rev., ‘ 9:30 a.m.. Church School. ■. Aseoclate Minister „“ of domestic origin.” Sen. Watkins gator for McCarthy now may get ritzGerald said he found , no­ Loren Smith, 48, of 22 Tyler With Me” ...... D . H ^ lllla m day In Lent: Herbert A,.Fraince, Youth Service. 6 p. m., M^tha 17 Dinsion St., was held yesterday dent Elserthower has not yet as-i gaid Brown, who, until last night, where ip the charter' the' use of the Circle, was arrested for iiitosdca* Clihoid Simpson. . 11 a,m., service of Worship. / said thla might permit the rsopen- afternphn at 2 o'clock at the sumed the leadership even.VAT, ofnt bishis a ...J \haimonica numbers, and fcnother crack at entering the- Sermon, "Our Daily Bread ' 8:45 a.m<.Sunday School Minister of\^usle McKinney,* prealdent. M ^ 3IU- had dreaded Friday nighfshowings j lerni “construction contract” and tion, breach of , the peace and 6a- - 8, Craft Group. 10:15 4.m. Nursery to care , for Organ Pre!w^le. \' ■ ing of rntneff now closed and help HoIniM ^ m eral Home, with the own divided party.’* 7‘ because of weekly displays Of criminal Investigators school at Hymn, “ We Plough .Uie Flelak, and Wednesday— \ dred Bowers w'ho soenj,!- several keep in operation a number of concluded that the Intent was to ssult early this morning small chlldten while the mothers iToceaslondl Hymn, "We've A'^ years in China," w ill/'be guest, Rev. Carf\E. Olaon, pastor of the Kilgore said that "we ' have checked rowdyism by ttonagers I ®" ‘®-*to« » ®“ *^’ Go'rdon. according to Army offi­ Scftttcr"^ ' ^ ' 8:30, Pilgrim Choir reheknnd. ^Fourth Siind'ay In Lent,\ Merch 28 mines which have been losing •■k.'.t I u-r,. 1, ....J'; "'ay Ba>\ and other tuneful Irish cials in Washington. He was re- include contracts for construction allegedly struck his wife Postlude, v^os’tlude in F” . .Clal worship. ^ story to Tell tq. fl*® Nations!.'. speaker. /:> EYEIir SATURDAY NIGHT Emanuel /Lutheran Churrh, of' noisy sideshows in the ■Congress but whatever/ltwas, I hope it con- m Vome of which the audi- of buildings in the words “con­ other woman. 6:30, Boy Scout ’Troop 25 supper. \Servlces' of 'Worship \at 8:00 money- and reportedly are on tne and a failure of lea/ilersWp in the ’ -V ■iCused admittance tp the -school erhia is the fourth sermoh 10:15 s.m. WorMiip service. Anthem, "Thee. We Adore” and 10:45 o'clock. . / ' Evening Message, 7 p. m. ’The firiating. BWial was in the Ea.st tlnues. / tract tor services." Patrolman Alfred Ritter repit^d 7 a. m„ MeA’^i CtommmUon sery- ■. Theodore Dubois / STARTINCw AT 8;15 SHARP verge of shutdown., , V Cemetery. \ .p— executive department while the Bi'pwn grinned and added, Ah. eace joined in the chorus. No local ■ while in training.' the series oh the .Lord’s Prayer.) vards, 'Federwon Room. Prelude: ‘ Adagio” from "Second Prelude— . \ . ' ' Gain in Godllne^. ' frlsh prograriT is complete with-1 Schlne has' been the center of Both Rubinow and Judge King that the women who accused Squth 8 p. m. Executive Board meets Symphony for Organ" Charles Scripture Reading, Colossians 3: Songspiration; 8:30 o. m. : / 20 .LAR GAMES—3 SPECIALSl ' " Bearers were Russell Gustafson, nation slips into reces.don.” Peace, it's' wonderful—especially had cited Section 22 of Chapter were his wife, Gladys,! who is listed 80, Sanior Chplr rehearsal. Ti^ression" ...... Karg-Eleyt- “Today it is increasingly clear out songs by Mr. Jones. controversy since the Army offi­ at the <^urch. M. Wldor , 12-17, Galatians 6; 1-10. Hymn-\ .'V . \\ C, Tfiie Week Robert Gustafson,'' Ronald Burke, off Friday nlKhtS.’’ IV as evidence toat makers of the as Uvlng st 362 Adams St., and Hw Week 8 ,^ i)ib r Choir p^rty. Roger Burke, ClWles Bartlett and that a divided and faltering Re­ For good me'uure, the commit- cially charged that McCarthy Hymn: ‘"Thee We Adore, *Etefi)kl Hymn, ‘'When T h y Heart With -I’Joyfi^X Joyful, ,We Adore / Monday- 7 p. pi-. Youth, Prayer ijnrommon Quift tried to obtain special privileges charter recognized distinction. Mrs. Verna Hanna, who poliC* say T h u r « y — ' Joy O’erflowing!’ Axel ChrisioffsoX; ' publican party does not have th* tfee arranged with Mrs. Samuel That section.' sets forth various Monday-^ 7, GlrK^ut Troop T; Lord” /*. ’liiee” '\ ■ '-N ■ ■ - iefvice,lh preparation for the re- TSvo patrolmen, one of them in Schors to show colored pictures for the wealthy young NeWxYork also lives at-22 Tyler Cii>ele;: 8 p. m. Teacher training class Hymn':’ "O BleM the, Lord, My Sermon, "The ThrSe R’s of Chris­ ablllty,.pi:„the will to conduct to* plainclothes, were in the theater, kinds of contracts. \ . .Ritter made the arrest at th* : 8, Len^a nelghbrh^ meet- Anthem—- affairs" of the nation;’! hex de­ taken in Britain aHd Ireland last er.~.. ' meets at the church. Soul'' tian Fellowchlp.” lesdty, 8 p .' ni.,- Royal Bulld- and they had -nothing to report of . FitzGerald argued that it does I^ler Circle addrSss about 2 a.m. ' ' 7 p. m. Youth Fellowship meet­ Inipi. ■ \ ' . ' \ r "<3ome Noiy, and Let Us Reason clared. z summer where Mr- and* Mrs./ The Augusta Herald has qi Sermon:' "Psidms ■ o f ’ Remem- Offering for the “One Great HpOr Together” *: Brian't' i3)ass meeting. ■ / DEPENDABILITY s w^ter pistols, unnecessary noise or an unidentified rource as si _ hot mention “eentrseta for con­ this morning. Smith is beutg held Friday— Schors apenr.abput three monthg. struction” and therefore contracts on 8200 bond for court arraj^nUnt ing. T brsnee”, lAfth in a series .’of of Sharing” fund. Offertory Solo— '/ Mtodneaday, 7:30 p. m. Eva^ any of the other acts that had in They arrived by planeX at Prest­ Schine will, remain st Gordon tor Wednesday— - 3 Brownies. seven sgjt'mons on the Book of Waterfront the past made Friday nights a tor construction is included In con­ Monday,. 6:30,' Lower■ Jtlnlor Family ^Ight Recessional H y m n . "CBri^Uan, ’!At the Cry of the First BirdV gelistic . aeryicea bef^n with COOPERATION • • wick, Scotlgnd, just pitor to/the . week in a receiving company b*' 8 p. m. -Lehten midweek service Psalms) Rise an^ Act Thy- Cttti 'nightmare fo" Brown and his f tracts for services, Police today also reported / . ^ and Church business meeting. supper. ■ (8:00 a. pi ) -----. Gjutoi^ Rev. A,f)th'ttf M. Fallon of p n g - A b o u t T o w n Coronation ef (^enxElizaltoth, ahd i ore getting s new assignment. \ If. it we Anthen: “ Seek Ye the Lord ’ J- V. Postlude, SATISFACTION ••• sitolt pptrbns. , . br^ought back many lovely Vjewg of j ere not, FitzGerald said, arrest on a chjitge of intoxication Thursday— Satdrday- VMarybeth ZimrtiermaiX’ ' )n,\lN. Y, as gue.st evsn^Iist. Oiwar Johnson' there would wou be no need for corn- of Paul Peterson, 60, .of 2M Oak Roberts . , ------— r — r- ^q^n is 'the son of Mr. and ballot Seen — ----- .. The u-shers, too, reported sn un­ the parades, the decoretions,. royal 7 p. m. Girl Scout Troop 8-meets 8:80, Cherub CholiNwhearaaL Offertory: “ Andante Expreasivo' , mezso-soprario v-' -'”* . . Oscar Johnsph. 90 Summit St., common quiet. .From the start of prtitive bidding, b oh building. He at. He was arrested yesterday by 8, Ck>-Wed rehearssL Offertory AlfOihm— A i^ w Fallon of ^ ,Camp: Members of Anderson - Shea palaces and buildings.*- " ' at the church. Rohm Shackiey Hie Salvation Army ikMWOOD PAINTING and died early thus morning .at the Auxiliary are requested to meet the prog.am la.st night to the end. Seek Change / said he Was sure Rubinow would' F'atrolman Raymond Peck, Friday— ' ■ , - - Sunday. April 4 Hymn: “Praise to the Lord,, the "Blessed JesiL^onnt'bf / flel4 Road. Manchester, xio'nn. Spe­ Manchester Memorial Hospital, (Continued .from Page ») . JomoiTOW-atip.J[rL!.at-the Holmes Brown kept expecting something They made their headquWterV in not. contend that contracts for — 7 a. m„ Mens’ Communli serv- rr66t Main Street Mercy"* . .^ ^ 1 ? . Dvorak cial services will/cwtinne each 7 p. m. Choir rehearsal. ' Almli^ity’' DECORATING COMPANY following s lingering illness. Funeral Home. 400 Main St. to to happen. But it never did.- Belfast, where Mrs. Schor^spent building wohld fall within ”c'bn- 8 p. m. Men’s Fellowship "Ladies Ice. Major and Mrs. John l^kup, (from the ^ ta b a t Mater'*) evening at 7:30 p yin . through ILA of-contempt arid demanded a her childhood. Sometimes retorred trsets tor any supplies, materials,; Postlude “/ile g ro Pompobo” F. W. ' Officers In Charge . Borq in Sweden, he had lived pay their respects to Mrs. Mildred Last there was just To New Zone Night.” 7:45 a. m.». Men’s Comm Hymn— , " Sunday. ■ here for 45 years, he and Mrs. fijiw of at' least 8100,900. to as the "Glasgow of Ireiand\the* equipment” aa set forth in Section Cai) Hc^bwray WEST HARTFORD — TJEL ADoms 2-6765 Pratt. Whose mother, Mrs. Frank laughter, and that came in the Pen(3iiRl Notices Saturday— breakfast. Rev. Russell E. ; \. ,,Tke'Week "Lord,' Speak tb Me" V Johnson making a jVlsit'Ho their ^/The New .York Shipping AssS Sheldon is a member of the Auxil- right p'aces., city is famous,for its shipbuildii speaker. j Svnday, March 28 ,___ Reception of New Members* Ask About Our iHonfic Improvement ^lafi an industry started as far bagk aa 9:30 a.^ m. Chluth membership Wednestiay: 7:50 p.m. Lenten r z native land in 1952. He was a lar>-. , - r - ' The behavior of the teenagers , Ten applications ■ for ..''/zone ' Rubinow said later- In,rebuttal class for young people at the 8:30 Sunday S'choot classes with Sermon— .' St. John’s Polish National / / “Beauty Pips Protection At Your .Service” /announced, three ne-w legal efforts M..T 1636 :■ also for its beautifuloeauuiut linens,linens. he contended Just that. rvice. Part IV the Passion Russell Clou^, leader. ;7" .....Catholic Church , / membgjLlof the Emanuel Lutheran chatter and sjtering or establish­ In Memorim ^church. "The Coat of Diacif^eii hip’ ChurcnT/fenlghet Temperance S^- would, be :nade to end the waHtout. the vK^^Lter^Zho went tn t^e ^f**.®*-" K«ve a running descrip- ing building lines Will be heard at FitzGerald said that if- a con­ North Methodist (Burch H ^ory will be read. Sermon on s 10:45 Koliness service with niee- 'Tito'Rev. Stephen' 8. Str.vjewafci ....R,forge Findell, Jr.? 60 CObiirn the yo'ungsters who Went to the lion of the places visited; which 10:30 a..m.. Junior Choir rehear­ .-r-— - Dr. RjeShlS,. Edgar clefy, Scandia Lodge No. 23, 0 :^ tr One' Would be ati api>eat through" ',d„. a Bophoniore;at the University ( wj-egtllng' matches ■, Wednesday s’ pubJICx hearing J o f the/ Tinvh tract for. construction i*. not a In loving memory of Annie Vettaanl. ‘ 447 North Main St. ^ymtol -pf the Passl6n, “ A Pie^*e ol’ asge By Major Plck’ip. ' - . Mtaa Clnrn..SkrttlMcs, (>fgisii^' were familiar to, many in the who passed'Sway March 77, IMOl sal at the church, Miss Louise John E- Post, Minister Hymni—"Are Ye Abl8” of Vasa, and King David Lodge the U. S. Attorney General tor a of -Connectlrtit-majoring in mgi'- night--at'the State Armory, an- 'Planning Commission Monday contiact of service then no com­ * Tracey, director; ■Silver\ ' >■, 2 p.m. Hospital rieitatlon, Mrs. Postlude— • ■ \ audience. She showed the parlia­ petitive btddiiig is required under Wednesday: Choir rehearsal fol John Pickup and Mrs, ElisaBeth No. 31. lOOF. / new/ 80-day injuriction against keting, has been appointed to serve other tspot where"'to®®®g*rs had night.-'S o'clock, in the McnicipiU A door iiwlnga briefly open,. 8:00 a. m. to 12 m. The Wom- Janies W»", McKay, ■iMaestoso” . X....Messper Sunday. March 28. ^ He leaves his wife. Mi's^.' Anna striking ynder the . laft-Hcrtley ment buildings at Stormount and Building. \ . Section 22. He ternied that situa­ And a loved one slips away. Ministnr of Music. lowing tnb service. „ ■Wilson. *^tS0 a. m.. Mass. on toe important Board of Gover- i„ the past caiiseid trouble, ito stqtue of the lale Lord Carson Slips from life's dark shadows kn’a Society of the church ■■will Wednesahy: Adult laembershlp *At 10:45 a. m. \ AuA^usta ■ Johnson; one daughter, Law, The first such injunction ex'- norZof the Stodent Union at the; c^ief of Police Herman O. Two of toe requests ,4rt, in tion absurd. . - hold . a rummage sale at the 2 p.m. Silver LKhS Siinday 9:30 and ■ 10:45 -a, m., Churoh 10:30 a., m.. High Ma.ss. Mrs.'Sherwood Smith of/Manches- in the foreground; Hazlewpod PS'rk He said that since Section 17 -of Into bright eternal day. Sunday, March iS, 10 a. m.—- • class follo'wmg the seryice. School, Cecil Kittle! in charge. *pired on'Christmas Eve. unlVCTStty for the .year 1954-55.; Scffendel remarked on the big im- and. Cave Hill, .a few miles /from .effiict, companion cases and the XilLC^i 79 North. Main St. School; T p. nj,. Senior MYF will- V, ter; orfe\. brother, - Christopher The tyelve’ students.on this board 1 — —^----- flrst. to be-preaentid under Ih.e re- Chapter V Includes construction Where earthly griefs ore over. -elude, “Chorale: O Sacred Head. .-'Frtdsy: 3 Flist-yes.' Catr 6':’4l5 The band wili;play fornhut- . injunctions Sought . 1 Thursday, skying there i the center of the city, Where' pain shall be no more. see the' film, "A Job for Bob.’* Rurklngham (kingregallonal Johnson .of West Hartford, and The association also pldnned to are/c' vis^ Residence. Zone C regpls-. contracts in Contrsets tor services Once Wounued" .-w...... Bach ^helical claaa 1ns. ' ,i-\ t r .« V Tl,.Tlie .Schors took frequenff’/bus then so doe* the Board Feb. 16 To peace post understanding. Saturday: 8- Second-year Worship will be “led by Sylvia Mc­ J . Church one sister. Mrs. Alidn Latoon of -seek—injunettans a^.inst '' mass ship, toat-had plagued police and pub- tlons. They are tor areas between (>od bos opened wide the door. Emanuel Lutheriui Church PFdceasional, "Come, Let Us Tune 7:30 Salvation meeting' epn- Carthy. Charles Potter Will di­ trips, to scenib places, such as rule which-is pattsrned afttz--Hw . OUr Loftiest Song:’ Catechetical'class Vrltten exam­ ducted'.by Colonel Rodds. the -Na­ Rev..PbUtp M. Roae/ Mkiister Waterbury. ^ picketing in' state cejurts of New cltizej 'iic alike at previous wrertllng Sumtnit and Hunfington Streets, CaiTE- Olson. Pastor ~ rect; recreation; Intermediate The ' funeral .will be'* held Tues­ Portnish, the—Giants' Causeway snd Huntington Stfee - to-Membr- section. \ . ' ______James Vennard and dati6ptg;y.*‘‘V..„^ ' Dean W. Berg, Anthem; •‘What Tliese That ination; tional Sj^rttual apecial. Band and POULTRY MANURE York 'and Nfev/' Jersey. , shows. 2 .. / and' the glens along- the coast of FitzGerald asaertedX that the MYF. Lenten Series, With ' Mr. Sunday.. M&fch 28^ !■ / ■ day at 2 p. m. in the chapel of the The third move would be- Mifu Fetke, daughter -of iiil Field. The commission Is spon­ Assistant to HtPYtetoe. . ' Are Arrayed 'in White Robes 7.” ■ Songster music. , Emanuel Lutheran .Ch’hrth,- vdth Study Curfew Antrim, 'Hiey also dsltcd Dublin Board Iq the auccesahr, under., the Stainer, *' Smith as sjiieaker; 8 p. ,jn...lLenten 9:45 a: m. Church school. against .tugboat strikep.Z The Mr and Albert' Petke, 17 | soring one applicstfoif,wh(le ,i^s» , Philip N. Treggor,'’^./'; "' — j^' ’The Week ' / , DEHYDIATED - PULVERizED ^ ^ the Rev. Carl E. Olson, pastor of Campfield a student at Colby Tuesdaynight; the Board -of hnd showed many views of the Kil- charter, to the town ineeting and Hymn, “Lead. Kjndly'Light'* Wkpplux Community Church Service in/the clfajiel., Mr.^SrpItK 11 a, m.- Morning ^vor8hlpL 11)6 shippers announced they would/file Directors, nulae aware.. xof, the^ Theodore-Rosen and Alvin Yules ■ V d r l^ ls t and Choirmaster ~ Rev. Davki Crockett, Minister Monday, the Friendship Circle will. ppeak on "Jesus’ Cross” ' -at sermon theme. Will be/iThY King- the church, .officiating. Burlql will Junior College, in New London, N. laniey lake region, ai> of which are making the other request. Both that under Section 22, Chaprer V, Offertory, "N ow, Let '.All the meets at 7:30 with special movie. an unfair labor practice ' chargee growing, trouble caused by tee'ii- wera'greatly eiijoyed. , it hae express power to regi^te OON(T Heayenir-Atlorc Thee” ... .Bach Lorraine DThCtotchey, Organist this informal sf9Vice sponsored dom Come.'’ .in the series on T h e Now is^tiie' time to help’your grass make a good lawn bs in the -East Cemetery. \ H'.; is *i>endtng her spring vacation areas are now tn Residence Zone ’ Fourth Sundmy-Jn Lefit— Tuesday, 2 pjn. the Women’s Friends may cah at the HoUties against .the ILA's Tugboat Divi­ agers at^the theater and st the /.competitive bidding. He- ssidr/that/ 8ennoil,."My God, My God, Why by the Epworth League. All-are. Lord’s Prayer.” . . ■"“ - this year. This superior natural,,fertiIiiEer is inexpensive ax Miami Beach, Fla. She will re­ iThc tea party preceded the'pro­ A. . ' ' Throw Thom^Away 9 and 10:30,-Dlvlno WorgMlb;;^ M om 's-D^ue w)ll meet;'" welcome, - Funeral Home,. 400 Main St., Mon- sion, claiming it was conductlngUUV sume classes on April 6.' ' ■; wrertling matches, discussed the gram. The members of both lodges —Stanley-Bray, local realtorv seeks .Control oydr competitive bidding \ Hast Thou Forsaken Me?” Mr. . Sunday, March 28 . illegal sympathy Strike. __ e®actrnent^;9f aij ordinance ttjat ■ StUl Pleaty Of Wear Le(| ’ 9 and 10.:^,. Church School. >" 8:30 a.m., (Burch School. . 6 p.m..Junior Band practice, Through the -Week - and lojng-lastinff. • !day from‘ 3 to 5 and from 7 to 9/ lta!(rhaired quantities.«f the popu- tp/chahge t(3;,Busines8 Zone II s | given tiie Board indicated it was 1 10:80, Nursery. Post - ' *6:45 Serior Songster practice, The Kiwahis Club will ;meet' ‘•"P®''® * » ®’®>®®h curffw In 8h*re Repaired, Jitore Recessional. "Ablder'Wlth Me\ t 10:45 a.m.. Worship Service. Monday, 6:30 p. m.. Men’s “du b lir; ’ Irish breads, (% ^s'and - cupr. {^rcel of land'/Bh ' the southerly j the Wtention of-th e.; charter Prelude, "Prayer** Beethoven. 8 p.m. Senior Band practice. ^ ROGjiA OLCOTT Jp ' ' Monday noon at 12:15 at the Man­ on children under 18 and mSke 'cakes, which were served with tea side of Spenc8r Streqt, near the drlfftees that leglalsUve power 7:45 p. m.. Evening service, rgs- Prtlude, “Minuet in G” Beethoven fFalher and Son hknquet; 6:30 p. parents crlminslty reliponsible for ’ A n th em ' (first Service)^ ^Thy Hymn, “I Need Thee Every Hour' Thursday, 7:30 open .air, .service Fill your' freezer with quality 5In». Elliise J. T. Lasbiiry chester Country Club. Joseph Bx or cq^ee,' The napkins were folH^ East. Hartford towi\ tini^ 500 feet' sjtould extend into . the 6el4 of S M YULYES f . Chttroh, O.God” . . .V., Thiman, turlng sound ihovte, "The Hlddra m.. Girl Scout Troop 9; 8 p. .m., fowl, _roasters, fryers, while ^osp i^ Noleg to'e'delinquency o f their chUdren. Heart.” ' V Lowry on Main Street, -folloived-by, the ,403 West Center Street ; ' Mitchell 3-7853 . Mrs. Elbise Jane Thrall Lasbury, Gather superintendent of the Oe- Inaidis'.'a'little- green top-hSt.^and by'500 feet, for toe purpose , of-contracts. ' She* Repairing *1. the B*tt«t >' Chapel/Choir. midweek service sV8 p.m. Epworth .Circle. * , / prices are right. 'Do it how. .We borne Prison Farm, 'will describ® And all week, the 9 ’o'clock cur­ the- "waitresses wore .while caps TheAyeek * Offertory. "Autumn” Chamina'‘de Tuesday, 3:15 p. m.. Girl Scout v/ldow^ of Ralph. C. Lasb'jrj’, Sf., erecting a business block. "Once they msket an approprlS'- Klml' Done WMle TaS W alt ' Anthem (second Service) "Worthy Friday, -7 p.’raTkitpB cadet class, dellver.j_ / , died at her home in the work , the stato"" docs. st the few has been th* favorlt.e, topic of and .white aprons -on which a large _ Darfs Dairy.: asks to, c f i ^ e | tion,,Mr."R(iblnow says the Ggn- Monday---, Hymn./'What 4 Friend We Have Mr»., P’eter SteVenson. ,-->!• Troop 17; 3:16 p. m., , Brawnfe i? . Patirnta'Today: 162/.!^, 15-MAPLE STREET - Is the Lamb" ...... , Hkhdet. 7:30 ,p. m .,. ChurcB_Property South ‘WlnXfeor, following a long farm. • ' ■ •' * K ' conversation among the ttonagers. shamrock was outlined in rlc-rac. two/parcels of land from Walker j eral Manager can ignore them.”. V Emanuel Choir. In Jesiis”. . . . ' . . Cc^arsc TtoOp ,/7.il6 p. m.;, l^ y Scouts'. GALL Mlfchdl 3-6849' " ADMITTED Y E %;TE.RD A Y: Opp. First NntMiial W*re Committee.' , , Anthem, "Create in Me, jgC3ean Itlness, . ^ * I'uch credit should be ‘ given Street' . westerly ■ from Residence I pttzGerald said. 5 Offertory, ” C*hzone” '. . . . . " Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Chil-' Mrs. Helene Gauthier, 212-Lydail .Four Mandhester business girls', _ x Mrs.- Annii! John'stoh, Mrs. Mary Firldng-L*t, Wednesday— , Heart, 6 Ood” ...... JBlueller .Cavenant Congregational Church Bom in East Windsor, thp^ Str-il'enry Nukis.‘ ‘?09 Main St,; Zone A to Business Zone I.- ! /(jktee Charter Amendment ! r-8ermon: “Are TTou Ohe of His 5:30 to T p. m-.' W8CS*supper. dren’s Division Council; ''?:30 p. ' daughter of the late Moses and are spending a W'lng vacation in a ¥ f || ¥ ¥ g v n r l l 1 J '* t a Conn, Mrs: MSrtha L,eemon and Charles Portticelll w«l request a | FitzGerald sato dtot residual ! V Disciples?" Sermon; "The Authority/of. Jesus" ^ 48 Spnice St. m.. Spiritual Life Clasa. . " Mrs. Jeanette' McDonald, RFD 2; tour of Florida."Two of them, Missi w u L r B a U llV 'a O .otlier members who. piit so much " 7 p. m. Choir rehearsal. '< ■ Hymn, “O' Lord ahd Master of U» Adelaide Pinney Thrall, she., had change from Rurftl;R*S»ldence Zone/ powers rest in toe Gto'ersl Man- : J^Uuda, "Chorale” . . . Pachelbel. KeV. K. E Ejnar Rank, Minister Thuraday. 10-11 a. m.T Prayer Mrs; ■ Florence Redtiubl. SoiitH^ Qladys M>. Hewitt, 98 Lyn®"® St. effort into the preparations. to Residence Zone AA for 7 p. m. Adult membership Claa; —./Ur _ ____...... Dykes THE lived In that section all her life. Cov'entiyi John Lowe. 32 Garden'. three • 'agir by virtue of Speeist Act 475 4, Dfitrict ^Ldther Leag.Ue at psirsbivage.' Ernest C. Johnson, Organist Group; 6;30 p. m.. Girl Scout 'KKKKKKKKKKKK aiid'Migs Rvelyn Rivard. 425 Ha'fck- lots south of Hackm s^k* street! .r„e„d,ng the charter, but the con Chonts rehearsal at Newington. Postlude,*" "Postlude” ; . . . . Rlnck -Troop 52... She leaves three sons, Ralph C. St.; Ernest Boothroycl, RockviHai; Iri^h Tea Fete Thursday----- . > , Lssburv, Jr,. 6. East Windsor Hill, matack 'St. left on Wednesday by JJ!lntr.ct U .peclfical^%ested to Uuths ■ #,. "fl^ w sh lp Howe,’’.. Luther 7 p.m., Pilgrim Youth.iJ^ellowahlp Sunday, March 28 I^day._..7:30 p. m., Choir re­ Elliot Rfmmey,'226 St. James St.; auto 'for St. Peteraburg. This toe location of the proposed Keer , 7 p. m.. Youth, Membership in the Community House. ayde Lasbury of Englewood. Fla., Joseph Pechle, Rockville; Patricia' G irl, 3, E scapes Board. W ASH ER HalL Sbund 'fUm; defresbments Class in church vestry.' i9:45. a.- m.- v (auijch Sfchool. hearsal. PjNE PHARMAOY morning Miss Betty Crawford, 181 ney. Street School. . . aamred bjr Ladies’ ^ Aid. Pre-Con April 1. .Neighborhood I.*nten and Waiter T. lAsbury.r Sr., pf Snow,. 405 N. Main. St,*, Cathy Hal­ Daughters 6t. Uberty t^gia, , The powers of the Dept, of Pub- j Friday-r^ .. 11:00 a. m. Morning worship. Saturday, 7:30 p'. m., "Venture SAVINGS BANK McKee St.*'ahd Miss Mary Mayer, Noe. 125 and 17, Ladies 6ran.

■ .' ■" ‘ ■'■ -I . V- MANCHESTER EVENHlIO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY^MARCH 27, 198 MANCHESTER E\^NING HERALD, MANCHESTER,. OONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1964 I III ^ -1.-- A *lhit Um Mtin controv«r«y b* r»- This WerM Not Bit Enoafh H e b r o n WOKV-13M Bolton .... jMiTCd ilmpljrbjr havins both Oolin Doily Radio wora-^idif 1 ■ ! ' One simple geographical'fact WILNBt-SM 1^' and Adanu reatfii. haa indeed come into extetetice as Area Heart Unit j WDBO—lisp Eaatam Stahdud Tlaea w n o - ^ m Thtf !■ not going to get ansr- a rosult of the Marcti 1 hydrogen Zone unn /iSKS Kuies onij wtoirt, aiaaply boca««e Senator bomb explosion at Bikini.' j Requests F/wds ' a M^bHcdminittoa By JIM SCOTti The following program acJieduleh;.«'W;j-^.j)_,p„rts BooUHht - MAMCHESiHt’S LEADING It Is that tha weapon h u now; r. auppued by the radio muage. \- will not buy it and cannot afford _Qn Lot Size, Ground Areas tMcome t ^ big to ba-uaed’^in re-' To Aid/Service ment. and are subject to -chang* —— W«TH -Dinoer ~>iAQer Date to buy It. Nor, for that matter, Around the olflo. hem at eontlnuoua muMe 4 s YOUR GUIDE TO heatsal explosions. two felloWa. have been boasting; ®^ ™ ••nil-pop type.^ without Botlcai \ wiTay—Ssuwsr ssrenade i; un could the gaaenhower administra­ Hsbron, March 37— (Special)— Beltan, March 27 (flpectot)rT-^Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. Wor- or, to put it ^ e other way, tha they ''rediscovered radio." *17110 After a half hour of . this qur tjeo- ' . ■ WTIC—Ujl. ArinjrBaBO'. 1^ Eionteg Board's proposal to tion buy It \ eyas Ware droqpteg and wo had WUAy-N*«a • yvOSO-PhUadtlB Orcheetra riilp service. Church School seMoh BUSINESS SERVICES Appals ara.,betng/iMnt out to local amand sonlng rcguhit'ons calls for world we have up't big enough for may h« • g4 thing, depending on to pull in for coffee at a, brightly WCCX:-«Ur Time ^ WuTH-r-Dlnnsr will bf held at 9:30 a.m. •Tbe reason nobody Except Mc- what you wank. In the wrmy of re­ people from tha/wtlllmantlc Dis­ WUIB-Maws; Xd Iwstt fibow Stto- an upirard adjustment In fiie ridnl- The MYF will begin a aeries of w■a.e&£S$«M I II IteeitiieliT Oeoia., me the testing of thla^^weapon. , lighted diner on the Post ItOBd. WTlc—News WHAY—Supper fieranads qarthy (isuld poaaibly o w la ception. .entertainment or infor- trict Heart Ai^.. appkaling for WTIQ-V. 6. Array Band - awen lot sise aa wall aa mlnlmum> Sunday evening medtlnga at-6:30 iV For the next, bigger ex­ By thte Ume we figured the WORC—News that McCarthy ia the o ^ one mktion. V funds to be spent in reaearch, WUTH—News WDRC—Philadelphia Orchestra ground floor areas. tomorrow. They will n-cet on alter­ ^ '‘■oMcauFTioii l u m plosion, w i lace extending the f^or-. Boston- or Worcester atatione till™ ■ ■ ' • WUTH—S. • Oammell ^ I wnpwho Accepts hlaMUm wwaao ^ theala'vthatWS.VW Actually, whak, they mean la education and/»mmunlty aarvlcee Contacted last evening, nate Sundays in addition to the would be hltUng the airways. They WHAlf—BuraeryWUAlf—Buraery Story 1; Agent Oscar Kreyaig outlinM pro­ n\ia mal area within which no one else that after « long bout with TV., were. And the first thres tM.kji for people apffering from heart WCCC—Marino Band vmAY Eith­ campaign Sia part of tho WUH- WUTH—ConuscUcut Ballroom tojil - 7:80 p.m. Monday; the Commto- John S. ^olcott Advises on Lawn Care Manchester Millwork Co. Reuipdels Homes \jtUf •kdseeeeeseoeeeoeodOee tate that of March' 1, wa will Wa decided to try this tame ex­ mantic arog district. Sixty per cent :se— WHAY—Soppef Itor^MdA frontage oh Residenca Zona B lota. alon for Miaatona at'8 p.m. Tucaday AN ITALIAN HAIW CUT , flare*up between ^h ii and Adams. er that, or else the station opara- WHAY—Saturday MatBike WTIO-ThaaUc Rpyar ily enjoy no aura guarantee periment the other morning while of the money raieed to to ihmatn WDRC—Johnny MereorV Buateeas sons lota ivoukl 1m ra- and membership clsas and choir a SEVIRE OR M OM ID/ ~PpMSM I Bvbrybody else views McCarthy tora deliberately plan such early WCCC—Music Room < . qulrod to have a minimuWfront thatxthe area we mark out will bo drivli|g from Boetoprtb Manchea- rooming pTograma as a direct In­ for uee locally.-Forty par cent of WKNB—TraU Herdera WUTH.-Oueet Star \ 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. ter. .Our Journey began at 4:30 what la rptoad gees "to the Stato WTIC—Rosa Miller Show - ^ aga of 200 feet; Masses will ba celebrated et St. A T T H I the eiid of the bomb's threat and sult.* WDBC-CIly Hospital \ 7:3A> tctaes credited to tt, orl v»n>v. Thev do so because . the a. m.. ao th# chance. for varied and nktional programs for research WUTHlMSmnecUcut Ballroom WHAY—Supper Serenade Minimum area of lota /In Reto- Maurice Chapel-, tomorrow at 8:30 credited after-throat. One Boston outlet featured a WTIC—Bis preview dence Zone A, Under tM amend' reception wam limited. \ rural broadcast which Included gnd adUcafipn. Checks should bk WDRC—Johnny Mdireer and 10 a.m. Now ^ can be pilous about For some reason air radios are made out to th# wmimantic Dta- }\ WHAY-;Saiurda^^ WUTH—Word of I»lfe_ ments, would be 40,0W sq'iare Bolton Congregational Church of I ynj*'s^iB* implicated McCarthy bendy Upa on the proper way to WCCC—Music Room •44— ■ '■ this for a ilfne, and pretend that uhilaually sensitive, knd . it’s no trict Hoart Atok- WKNB—Trail - Herders - feet. In the case of ttrSgular lota, will observe the One-'^reat HOt.r of as well as Cohn in the efforts to start a tractor during cold 'WHAY-Stipper Serenade tha avorage width and depth of the Sharing of the united appeal of f o aemee clieat ef ft. B. A there is nothing seriously the mat­ troMble at all to pull in Mld-west- weather. Another beamed out Mrs. WilliamBorst - ia local W n c —Ross Miller Show WTIC—Bis Preview procure specifcl treatment. for em or Southern stations whi^ chairman. WDRC-Clly Hospital WDRC—Johnny Mercer lot would have to b« IfiO feet. U. ..sir lurches for oveiiseaa relief ter with our going ahead with our a Combination folk music and news lVitS:e« fricord Hop WDRC—Uunamohe \ , The present soniiig regiiloUons directed tovard reconstruction, re- be Joining that demand already The nasal drawl of a Carolina ^tonsMed Over News on. These are ell worthy caueee. WTIC—Ross Miller Shplr WUTH—Twenty Qu.esUoilA '--- 7 the Herald1 .JbtatiiiaJUtettttf Company, Company. leo.,Zne.. |I that thetna Army wasw«n rei 80rtin<» ti blllbUIy informed the world that Crippled Children, the Sited, Red WDRC—Uef» I*relei)d require a minimum of 150 feet habltitation and..ri voiced in Japan—a demand that He was having a, great time, WUTH—Mel Opera Slid—' ^ ;■ frontage in Reeimnce Zone A and The Rev. Arthur ./i/iyallace will _jsamea no C S I •■blackmail." They do so because ♦•for a limited Ume only" hla eta- stumbling over names In tha news Cross and other ealle are not neg­ WHAY—Brietnl Polleh Home / M A N C H C t m futiirok, testing of i^tomic deyices be lected here and It to d^btful SsIS— WTIC—Bis Preview 79 feet frontage .In Realdence Zone preach a aermon on 'The Three S S S S S ' i S ' oUMr*"r««fte th® v«r*city of McCarthy M tioh was offering a. bargain in and finally ran up against a WHAY ^-Saturday MatlnM WDRC—«un»moke placeiiTunder the saperviaion of the IfiasUca. This bargain consisted whether the large-cities g ii^as WCCC—Muilc Boom. ', a . R'a of Christian Fello-.t-ahto;; in his / MIUWORK C< well as that *f Co’yj end' Stevena atone wall In reporting the war WKNB—Armed FTircea Record Hop WUTH—Twenty Queetions The ihinlmupi ground floor arts fecial Lenten aeries. 394 Brand Sfc.»1M. United Nations, ao that-no more of one table cloth, eight napkins, ,from Indochina. much In proportion to po^atl unriC-Rpis Miller Show l:SS— and Adams Which ha» been put at four aprona two Wbe, and a "easy- aa to. given here. WDRC-rt.et a Pi-etend — WHAY—iJUalelte Novess , of single stoiy dwellings v ouldAie Bventa of the 'Week incl-;0 p.m. on Wedi.ea- The. truth ia, the world is too and on and on; there was no end of needs. Thousands of dollam are IrcCC—Music Rodm S:t5— dwelltega, minimum ground floor / • rridar—1 p. as. Itaneday. - aerioUa and't^ fundamental to be had a grr.dge against the world. WHAY—LaeSIFttn Novens...... area would go froih 624 to 720 day and a meeting of the Renovat­ small for the taating of such It "Send no .moneyi Just a For a solid hour we h*«fd moM drained away from It annually for WKNB—What's New ‘ e General MfBwMlt '' resolved-lW the eacrifice of two in^ the above charities. We should'hsyA WTIC—Roaa Miller Show WTIC—Ws Preview aquare feet wltlv .the- total mini ing Ooromlttee at the pariah room postcard with your name and ad- of file aame type of commercial, W0RC—Forum WDRC—Oansbuatera eCouaplete Wtadew Untta |ay M puhileatlea eaeapt Saturday — weapons, •ntera la hot kny place, had no fire protection: if irhadkfot. WUTH—Mere'e To Vets mum floor sues frc4n .9M to 1000 at i p.m. on Friday. , > ' A;as. dlviduiUKwthout shy regard a* to dreee and the words x 'Ptoatlc country musiC and poor nawaeast- WUTH—Meycpera Depeadabto QnaBty ... Bm litl e All siae Doans anywhere, which c m be guaran­ Deal.* We'll take care^of the been for the forethought of' the S: !t:tS—, square feOt. Arq you plannihg a new home which^a might bf Innocent and Ing. l^A Y —Mturday MaUntS WH VY—Nrw*: Record Review .In dwellinga designed for two or Mancheater Evening Hemld Bol matea will.be cheerfully furbished eMHrad aad*Oiao« Saturday, March 37 teed safe for such tests. Then about 7 a.m.. thtega begin late Edmund H. Horton, who saw WTIC—AlPSter—Red Crea* or Just wishing that you could e Expert Cahlart W«rit which one guilty. .w*t-” to it that certain funda.AVhlch had WCCC—Mualc Room WDRC-Two rot The Money mora iamllies a minimum of 720 ton eorreapondent, I^ra. Joseph and 'you are cordially invited to Sooner or later, we will have to Eventually he got * c r M the to happen.Ttie annouiicera wkke i p. WmB'-WhSl's New IFltalln, -telephone Mitchell 3-9949. Just because tie price of Ken- XD kills weeds, Scotts Pest Con­ have one ? Well, te either case, the visit the new showroom and In­ Willlan H. SchM4|i • Ceusplete HaMssara 1 The issue can ho more be re- idea that the mailman would come Bccinhulated from the^i|tete were im c—Ross Miller Show WUTH—Proudly ^4 Hall square feet per family wouRKhe trol kills the grubs and Scotts Hesr Lsbel For ThSProoo give up the idea, of playing with tfie music takes on a clvUlzed WDRC—Forum reared. Frevioua figure for this tucky Blue G \haa gone “sky answer to this 1* to otll on the spect their dlsplaya. They are open IU SpniM * 1. Td. u.*.iut /Mved that way than it can be re- ataggerteg up to the house,-load­ swing and the commercials a n cut uaed/for a Firehouse/^' WUTH—Met Opera *"WHAY—Newa; Record Review High” because of ' 4^ aeason’a Scutl takes care of the fungus and Open 8 A. k. te 't 'P. ■ a r s a g hydrogen bombs, and coiitent our- took some ^ticlsih on this WTIC—AlhSlar—Red Croea claasiflcatlon waa 624 square feet. services of .the Manchester Mill- bvenlngs till 9 Monday through HM.preee of America, and radibi solved by any procedure in which ed with packages, all- of which to A minute or leas. By that time 3:1 shortage 6f . the cro^ don't use fii4 Scotts Turf Builder puts the 'Saturday and they"wlir gladly ad­ ilvea with setting them off only t but his^Action' was finally WHAY—Bsturdav Matinee ITORC—Two For Tha Money In Zone B only, the mininuim cheap seed. There Are other | green in the green grass. work Co., Broad St. Thom*^ and televliion along with it, haVe senator McCarthy eucheeda in his would coat only one dollar—plus' the rtde’a over. WCCC—Record Rovue . .. WUTH—Proudly We HaU 294 vise you on any Job you have in approved. Nojr there Is an active ground floor area would be 624 grasses thst make good1 Istvns'• and-i Scotts Turf Builder Is the ideal when'we mean it. handUng and postage. \ The P. I. or per inquiry |ypa of WKNB—New*. Hermle OreiMl square feet.' This -is an increase Ruth Millett Mason and Joseph Rivosa, owner* in mind. Whether you are building unddisona an amaaing transfotma-1 pretense tliat he himself is no Pure Meeaitoia Coni radio comriercial to apparenfij^f ire componyliere and many houses WTIC-rExp«rimentai Theater /^?HAY—New*: Record Review In msny.instencea, are betteKthan fertiliser for all lswhs,\ls easily \, WDRC—Do It Tourecll fr6m 928 square feet. of thi* company, are ^rttculhrly or modernizing your, home, Man­ tlon, aU of it within the past few I p ^ y to the issue, but m e r^ a "V Finally It was time: tor music. value to stations operating a^ id banuKhave been saved troin / WTIC—People the Kentucky Blue ; Grass, .applled^with Scotts spreaders and O A K l ^ MORRY'S WUTH—Met Opera WDRC—If* MlMualc Tlroe__ . Bummer Home Hectloa Out chester Millwork Co. can handle I If This consisted of half a record deatruction and residents can drgw hardier and having! the-.ability ia economical at the rate of ap^l- well qualified to help you,'whether aratks. [ committee member-helping to re- night or' atartteg early in the’ S:U— WUTH—LombardolandWUTH-Lombi U.I.A.' Other changM call for deletion What can parents do when they your Job, if you wish, term* may MEN'S STORE of pure mountain com against a morning. And it seenB that New IfSB terrified' breath when. ^ WHAY—Saturday Matinee S:«5— withstand hard wear. It is .far bet cation they recommend. Mr. Wol yon are building a new home or UnUl this tiransformatien took j ,pivd the iasue. dhnger comes Up. W11A Y—Ne wv-JfiOCOrTecord Review of tha section in the rules which feel they are losing control over a be arranged. - DELICATESSEN AND OUBANDfO SERWIOB background of cowbells and moo­ England broadcasters, -who once ^ WCCC-Record Revue teen-age daughter? ter to plant the. better’seeda that Invented a marker that sim modernlaing your old one. A COMPLETE LINE OV ^ !, avwybody knew, or thought | \ Tosm-Needs SIdesndks WKNB—Newe; Hermle Drewel WTIC—People applies to construction of summer the application of all Reptts If a new home is being planned, — OPEN SUNDAY — Connecticut ing cattle. .Sheer insplraUonal tdiunned thto kind of adverUateg. WTIC—EzperimrnUI Theater WDRC—I f * Mualc Tine . _ ^ A mother writes: "I am really are free from weed seeds at a qUALITT . . . ey knew, what the press of ■ The town has no sidewalks, ex­ WUTH—Lombardoland, tT.8Jt. dwellings. Agent Kreysig 8aid.-tbe pound per 300 or 400 square feet | Pro^hjcts. This marker la attache the Manchester Millwork Co. wllL Mtlon of one Bide or the oUter, stuff.' ^ now accept It aa a neceaaaor evil. WDRC—Record Shop heed for this no longer exists, aince worried about our *15-year-pld A FULL LINE OF e WORK CLOTHES lerlch was. It was, according to When the recording was some­ Per inquiry advertising works cept tor, a pkvement from tbe li­ WUTH—Mot Opera IS'So­ daughter. She seems to be. slipping and let it .fill in, (n time, than to j ed to (^spreaders in us4 and to bh take care of all the general mlll- • FOOT WBAE Uiif controversy must now go to Yankee brary/gp far as Pdrter'a store. wn AY—New*: Record RSvIaw the summer cottage to no longer plant the ' cheaper annual seeds loaned, to those who can treat their ■work. They carry a complete line • COLDOUirS .Stevsnson lh"'the 1992 where In the middle of the song like this: / 'WHAY—Saturday Matinee WTIC—Country Tune* being built. All construction, be away from us. She spends as little A.H1SUNOS • SPORTSWEAR Its ultimate showdown, ho'matter By A. H. O. ,\ the music was faded down for Wear Usteaer Dowm<_ . Whert thto was first put dossn peo- WCCC -Record Revue , WDRC—If* Mualc Tlin* time at home as possible. She uses that die out over the first winter. |own lawns. It is the'husine. he saye he iy looking for ia, ao offers. The two were combined In must be imrified by the first. With .'piud covering it In front pf WDRC—Record Shop ll:es— answer to your problem. The Co./so that you can have Ju*t the or Mitchell 9-6886 asray from the busy thorough- and tha pi^y, must clear out of the Old ischoQlhouee, and at thX WUTH-Met Opera WHAY—News cision ahail apply only to the sec ther potential for aupaingful po­ novel, BO unprecedenM, so diail- a unique sales presentation that It taken'a Jong-tlme to ^ t ^fiig w yeara aren’t going to be kind you want„lf ypu wish deeper fan. Dtottaettve Serirlee: . Mod- the way if they ever hope to get Legion 'Home, etonee cracked and 4:13- /' WTIC—3-Rlns NeWe tion adjudged and . shall not Jn and easy no matter what more. Smoking increases the acid Wimaat H. Green, Praf. luaionlng, that wa hardly know Insured the buyer of getting 100 money and often a nreat dea* Of WHAY—Potka Hon WDRC—New* ------violate the remainder of the regu- dtewers, divided ones, slote for era Faeilltlee. litical laaderablp. lit oh toward. free and constructive heaved out of placA and there 'WCCC-Record Revue WUTH—New* you di secretions of the stomach and, t how to discuss it. baby cliicke and one dosen ever­ dtoc^mtent to Uattotera WKNB—Juke Box lationa. your trays, a apace for your elec­ - Colambia Biardea only the Wg buslii«\polnt" bt functioning. wbo receive shodMMutrchandJke or doesn’t seem to be gny interest in •WTIC—Road Show U:I$— But Here are a few suggestions: therefore,. is usually banned for tric mixer or any of ^ u r app^- Normally, Mr. Bailay doesn’t go green walrus blossom trees for a WHa Y—Record Review A hearing on the pro^wsed .The T. P. HOLLORAN , Goodyear Tirca view; it was automaw aliy Rapub- mere two .bricks. Another bargain!- feel that the iteni^as. otoepce- making repairs. WDRC—Record Shop EtecoursM your daughter to spend those with ulcers of the stomach. ances, these can be maM to your out-looking for a candidate for gov­ For a town of over 1,900 It pre- WOTit^Met Opera WTIC—Join the Navy amendroente will be. held at\ the more timAat home'by letting her Shorten* Breath Funeral DIraeter Bepairs, SerHeia - llcan, reactionary, far tooXmnaer- ernor until he .baa the candidate he A Scarcity Of Mi ‘ sented. / WDRC—Nlyht Owl community Hal),April 8. \ exact aperifltetions. You iqay have seiiu a rather shabby appearaace; 4:Se— 'WUTH—Dance HuelC have frJenM spend the night, by It Is quite well kdwn that smoky 4^cctaaories vative, and it was aaid tn^ the Gambtera Who Won’t Lose wants all selected. Still a scarcity of mi So that’s early momUig radio WHAY—Polka Hop ; TV Bet lastalled \ Doctor Says the counters covered with lino­ . . . country style. We wish somebody would start a WOCC—Record Revua lI:Sa— suggesting''^at she have - the ihg interferes with iithletic ■ prov/- leum or fomlca and, tq glVe you C. S. McHALE. Jr. Another segment of out eCono- . When he g QSa out “l^blng,” tried the New York area. Several WlOIB—Juke Box WHAY—Record Review Education Board Secretary Nor crowd in to dance, etc, Bnitelncr 180 Spmea Street lack of outlet for liberal V^ewk Next time we’H try kome of the “F|x up your ToWn” campaign* WTIC—Surllsht Serenade man J. Preuas installed a televi­ ess, and shortness of breath on an idea of the wide range, from W»at U mtrely tha-procaas Of mak- stations were on there but they \ Church OalendBr 'trac-Road ghow Be/sa tolerant aa you can of her exertion in" hea'vy smokers is 179 Oeater 8t —TM. M1-9>7M» ooaatltuted 1^ national emerge I myi thiaftime the potato Industry surs-that tha delesrstaa are. bv went to anofiiet^ extreme. No con­ agony shows. ‘ They dan’t be any WDRC—Record .Shop WDRC—Nlsht Owl \ sion act at the school library uhto : Heavy Smoking May Affect 7 which you may choose, it leaa,t.35 ^ Phon^Bn-9-06S6 Ing sure that the delegates are, by Chpreh aervlces for tomorrow WUTH-Met 0pm WUTH—Dance Mualc / friends. Som^ teen-agers always Throat and I jA a to Cough charscteristic. / AU* this baa aiiddenly —has iu>w confessed that it is in­ a happy chance and by use of their versation — tim«'xChecka-or t^nti- .worse. U:t5— . ' ;/• week to make It, possible for inte)-- different patterns pt ,formicir'are MI-9 -4 3 3 S' will be; Hebron Congregational. 4:4j2. / WHAY—Record Beriew/ want to be at s^eone else's house -^.Tt is known, too, that in/cer­ J,— -gomadiad. and reversed, i^th capable of operating itaelf aa a own selective Intelligences, rc- WHAY-rPolka 4Iop asted townspeople to see the sofir* instead of at h ^ e because they carried h’ere.' \’ 10 a; m., with Sunday -School at WCCCl»Record Revue' WTIC—Starittdit fk^renada of progrtms 'sponsored by the By EDWIN P. JORDAN, M. D. tain diseases of the blood vessels lOlved upon a ^oice which hkp WDRC—Nlirtit owl > - are afraid their brents will be too. Doofb of all aizes,'’'^windows of ^ f>OR EVERTYNING vengeance, in the p ^ few weeks. enterprise, and has sought, 11:19. From 11 the pastor^ John G. WKNB—Saturday Juke Box . State Department of Education on Written.for NEA ^rvjjce. such.as Raynaud's Disease_.or pens to be identical with M r.lM l- Beck, gohkxto the Gilead Congre­ WTIC—Road Show- WUTH—D en ^ MuMc critical Of their cr< Buefger’s Disease, tobacco is def­ every size and description ace Buddaiily th<^ laNa naw labeL obtained, what amounts to a Fridays. yours at the Manchester. Millwork IN SLEEF ITEMS • CUNUFfE/^ /DON WILLIS ejr'’a.‘ gational (^urch to officiate. Sun­ WDRC—Record Shop Know. .Heg/Whiereabouts One of - those, questions which I initely harmful and must Jbo dis- It ia “the left-wingSpnas, radio ;al of government manage- WUTH-Mel Opera How ChrUtta* fictence Heala Miss Viola iLarspn, elementary tosist, gehtiy but firmly, on a Cp\ The work turned out here Iq SLEEP It most be said, to defease of day School to taken care of before supervisor, wlli\.bo at the school have been dreadtng,..haa grrl'vred. coilfteued. kOTOR SALES an£ taleviiUon." It is ^ y in g the meftt of ite affairs, together with, Mr. Bailey, that there has, to WHAY—Sewi: Your Sfti Pftlt few things. Knowing where she is 'These are^a few of thb specu of'the highest quality and p*e HOWARB^ CENTER OMRDE TaTitot Isn^t thA church kervlce there. next Friday to view the program "Is it true what ia being said “Ckmununlst game.” of cbur|se,' government guarantee Um past, IpcB aothtog wroag The pastor A» ^ W m R chain, united In criticlam of Bens-1 ^ Rembrandts in swank' ni^bt. clubs sound a practice today as it evqr this clnb: like./to be dropped; It's • RABTS (new nnd nbuUt) it nevc^elesB produced gates theaiBelves. graduatteg class d^ln’t get. mu^ e Rev.-4fc^R, Keeii will of­ free-H^ord Revue tomatoes, pears; Thursday — Was. disposes to cancer of the lungs. tor McCarthy for hla handling of ^ for five bucks a\copy. ficiate at St. Peter's Episcopal WKNB—SaturdayIB—Satun . Juke Box' the ruli-^ln ■ the Servicemen’s JOB AND COMMERCIAL •/ ATOE8SORIES uch. T^he iw ^ t haa been an So long aa a leadar, making up of A welcome. It conjured visions Tony's tale mado a lot of aanae. WTIC—Roaif^^SliOw baked poteto, sliced bam, buttered Don't worry too much about thi The flngSr of suspicion hen not of hours of backstopping, exchang­ Chuioi at 11 a. m. Church School spinach, gingerbread: Friday— been pointed at pipes or cigars— Wives ■and Bweethearte Club. PRINTING 4 SUPPLIES the. ahvlcker affair. Tha press p e -tinust^_____ and welcims bargain for. bis own mind, aelecta a noiAnee It makes one understand why a WDRC-^vm^onelte robelllpusness. Moat teen-agers • DUPONT PAINT, SUPPLIES the party, ckh ratify-j easily from ing of baby pictures agd shouts will bA at 9:30 a. m. WUTH-Met Opera . ' :P0tat6-tuna bake, mixed peas and ,pt least not yet. When - the ' MrVlbe man returns FOR E X ^ MONEY calved lU new epithet again When It I rotatoec -great taienj like, say. Victor Borge S:4S— fight sgafriSt the restraints and from his mUitary duty, hla wife or, Prompt and Efficlei its own ihatinctf, he is merely to "good ola Mnkle.” \ \Bot LpacANeou carrots, fruited gelatin. Milk, supervision parents know are nec­ t seems certain that there has. transgressed by seeming to think bejpnNfsryrtpw. lie . reeult has has to ptoy the "Blu*' Danube” *rba Elementary Shhool hot WHAY—Hall of Record* sweetheart Can't belong any more- of AB Kim MANCHESTER SEfl FOOD being a wise qhd provident leader, But It turned out much better. waits backward from upside doi^ were—Record R4yue bread and butter will bO'" served essary. n an increase in the amount WtPAY ^ thpra w u something, aerioua and ai^ ;heen . ^ of hard^p. lack cl not. a dictator operating out of Larry, who raised hU - tuition lunch for the coming week will WKNB—Juke Box \ with each meal. \. /But even v,hen they fight cancer of the lungs and that sheet music or Helen *lTaubelIias be: Monday^ravloll, green beans, wnc-Hoad Show \ — ALWAYS PREMB — •cnaational about the ^ m y W dieaateV for some a amoke-fUled r q ^ . money by working nights h) a to sing-^'Blll Bahley Won't/You WDRC—Sy mphonelte' Chnrch Oalendar against them, they get 'a feehng'of increase has gone hand' in PARTS rye bread and butter. milk,\frult "Ya Would Not” Will be thSsS«r- COMMUNITY HIOHE FRIGES , • Loisms chfrges against McCarthy and potato growei^ Last fall, ther^ware some in- bakery and cAught up- on tea Please Oo'me Home" to hold pub­ WUTH—>fu*lc V security out of knowing that teey hand with the Increase In clgaret 370 Brbnd SL—TeL Mf-94536 Tuesday — ^getable meat pie, S:r zkoa topic of the Rev. J. Richard have parents behind'them who are Cor. No. Main and Paper, Metals dicationa that Mr. Bailey had al- Bleep in. the classes for which he lic interut. WHAY—»w * smoking. Also, sodie investiga­ 24 . HOUR SERVICE Straeta Tatepito— For Rat • o Y s m s Cohn. It ia guilty again when it S6 now SecreWy of Agrtculture paid the tuition, now to.k profgii- milk, bread ond butter. GTahiun Teager at 'United. .Methodist stronger and wiser than they ai^e tors /are convinced that k>ng- reedy gone. Into a proper coaaulta- TalenI, whether It’a for ehetch- WTIC-rJHew* and ,p IroB •SCAUOFS holds that theae char|;ea should oe ^ mari\who waaVolng tion of .'hlmaelf,' and that he had sioniil feeder. HU firm puU out cracker delight Wedneqday WDRC—New* and not afraid to' stianq/firmly be­ contin^ and , h e ia y y clgaret teg. emglng or mlxinif a Martini baked beanA green salad,, bran WUTH—New* -HOME Of\ q UALITY»» ' CALLOJ DELIVER TO InveaUgated thoroughly. AU this ^ take thO.govehiunent ouV of made a selection which tbk party the meato for scores of Milwaukee isn't /enough these daye. Yisq’ve hind what they know la right. smoking definitely Increases the * C L A M S muffin, milk, gelattnel 'Thurtolay— BRUNNER'S (All.ri • rMOXad. NEA guUt U shared by the gr«*t terming. announcee\that hie would probably raUfy without 'too factories end liwtltutlohs. ^ r r y got Jo have a gimmick. ,v Rooms For Old chances/of developing lung egn- sWHEN THINHING OF HOLLISTER •FILLITS much trouble, aiid that, when. It served the reunion dinner. . vegetable plate, cube of, chbese, Television Programs ervice, Inc.) cer. \ Jority ofuewipapera in America^ ,, beginninka "llml bfMd and butter, milk, instint PAVEY O ST R lN SK Y r came time for.hlm to go about’’the The principal remarkg were by /X' '46 N A S H At present most students of the Dealers In Waste Uaterlab tha same newspapers which, he- p „ g ^ of buying potitoee whl, pudding. Friday — tomato sou; On Pfige Two O R T IC A t atate -consulting -leaders and .dele- 'EkI, a shy, red-haired lad'a quarter •• ‘ S E O A N subject apbear to f#e>- that ciga- B R ID A l 011 781 PARKER ST. I • CM«a|Wilii%llia gore, were rtacUonary, big bual- ^ ••.urplus * from\the i993 xrop atek, he would know precieely century ago who .;had become a With crackers, toasted cheese laisiiBJ ret ateb,K\ing ia hor. the/only 117^ SprsM* Rt. T«L TeL Btl-8-5788 or MI-8- « m sandwich, milk, cupcake. . A / Needs motor job. Latfi Nfiws In.CTfistlcs PRESCRlI-TtdNir Tt|^ED JUST PH O N E ynese, end die-hard RepubUcan. , I ^ to noti^thia in hete he was going and precisely university Jwesiderit. Around him ews cause of: cancer df the lung but TELEPHONF - .Furthermore, the preae is no Thr price we ^ for ist the eventual result wa» going were John,-a medical achboLdeanr that Is -u important Influence; EMERGEfilltrr R E P ^ S ' be. Hla conaultative Joumeya 4 K D .. Manchester Evening Herald’He­ few non^garet amokera acquire ' l^^M E S AND LENSES M(4 I^6 8 6 ^ Paul, an engineering c o 11 e gs bron corrMpondent, MUs Susan longer Just guUty of being ‘'left- potatoes will aUrt going u^The woiild, when they caqie, be in -the regentt 'Tom. a Navy commander this dise'kaa: B^T-far ^as the sec­ wing’* in Ite handUng of the neWa industry wiU begin to "cut itotugf. of a. pleasant formality. s ; Sending Bonohers to Aid Pendleton. HArriatin 3-3339. ond question thg' reiifTrV^e 701 MAIN S't:, MAMUUESTER NUINCHEKTEt who fie win'from the Pacific C^ast Oten Blen Flih” ■/ \ Tel. MI-9-1978 Res. MI-3-«S77 and in its axprasslon of opinion. It some of ite 1993 crop loeses—er to BOW Mr. Bailey la off to on, aa one clasaiiiAte put iii oUr hm-mfulness, o(\pipe or cI gaf'r laifU: y ou / - . -//jt/ la, according Jo the McCarthyiteir the ttmtiage, aad the dread aus- defense bonds; Ralpb,' an/mtti'-re Thei queaUon'«f the honr . J snioking as cotmiared with clgs' add to iU profit, ‘nte texpayeca Miough H mny scMn vnipie to reti, I think n6 ^ne actually GEMOLOGIS' DRY CLEMEIt engaged in a plot more far-reach­ pleloiiNla that he has bo advaawe- alderman, and Jack, an toactlve Redmen Expect 175 ’4f PLYllOUTH dOUar-4a_J^ing. uapd to aubaidlxe S choice'* w his owii-'ap his .aleqvei state ^legialBitor bMauae qf a ik- you . . f la Miuit Isrsoteg to hag* knows.-r • , ; \ 1 ' , ' for pbyalcUuis, dentists, bual- A D A M Y 'S . 9 $WBlSSTRBnr ing. It ia mit to deatrdy^^liverybpdy pen . . . nt IMen Bien Fiia . . < 2-Poor. Runs good. At the' moment iK^ever, there CUSTOM SpoeioHst Ir John neoaosen, etc, 34' hoar eervioe, the potato-ind^^y again, and to ’ tgat he to aa.oim to auneaWba ceht elpcUoh. . , To Attend Dinner MofielMstBr WdlfUBpcir BSSO SERVICENTEB . .Who wants to catch Cbmnsuni^ ^■ick lup tha price the taxpaycre aa he as; ter.. nB' in Indoehliial .- . tw _ are some definitely aCMpted facte eeven daye n wbek, Snndaye aad When the->reunioh btoke up at town’a held by the French v-. ------' ' • Gas • Oil • Lahrleatton TilFplMM MI-3-72S4 ^Xt ia out to apUt tha RepubUcan beglOBtog'^pty-taBded h Jour- its original meeting-' Aow- . end Paint Cbimpimy about ambklng on- whrch^ nearly AWNINGS hoUdnyi,. _ have to pay. for'the potatoes they where their tolUng, anwnfing all are’ agreed. ’Pobaccq smoke party. And, ^Unfortunately, it is Bey that aify BlM 'ead up with ever. It did hot move on to the Hbout 175 ara expectad to attend O. .'E. FRECHETTE. Prop., 98 SL.Jbhn Bt,' Tel. Ml-S-7881 fl Tires fBatterfes eat. ■. -j him aniipty ‘ ‘ 'aoldiera . . . nre fighting from n the 42nd annlveraary celebration Irritates''the deHCate mu^us lin­ Hading , tools in pubUc life. Any preeident’s reeidenol. to the deaiv- trench . » nttecldng them nn t49 Broad SU YeL Ml-9-6991 • Accesaorfes What's wrong With free enter- There vtoh^tlag toiUcBr ery; the regency or the com- of Mlantonomoli Tribe 98, Im­ ing of the breathing passages and ■ 'inember of Congraaa, for instance, Ipgit? Well in the fir^t place, we: 'tIoBB thaV the\ secret choice-he,:- mandery. It ahifted almost en “Oonunlea” . . /Who nra mllyteg proved Order of Redmen, tomor­ OPEN ByERT EVENING OPEN NIGHTS^ certainly tends to cause a coatetT TeL Mi-9.8107 '"■'Who critifixea ’any- McCarthjf- oace aeeihed t«Khave aiade toat masse to , the estebllshmeBt.„.,gf with enae . . ." a ^ tbe French' , row afternoon and evtcnlng at the • // ' ONTIL 8 '■ tongue.' Heavy smoking will Mso find it ver> difficult to accept re nre getting; bettered . ..' na they SiUNDAYS A affect the throat and larynx ' Middto 'Taraplke East McCartliy tactic, ie inv fall has aoaoiehoiMieea wiped off Tony, the one memflbr..of thfc class' Garden Grove, Siiive ■ 'Vietidrillo, \ Johi J : ll i t “ hiMKira(l$ o f (Cantor East Cdafbr) sponathlllty 'along with 'freedotn Ma secret record aioek, eltlier by "tighten u)i the aqueese . . . fight chairman, reported today. frequently leads to slight ^qough medlatriy accused of -having been who had become a saloonkeeper. : ’ we’re sending bombers . . . We don't seem to have' very much - some aecoBd thount ob hla part,, ■Tony’s place, in a re^ential LeadlQS State dignltariea of the and hoarseness, , . fcouMwivM wh^ bay'- oR bnfhrtunate eimugh to have be- capabiUty for regulating ourselves or a aecoad |hoag1it\OB the part nelghtterhobd, Is the "Sketeh teohnictons to help ont . . i Order Will be preaent. Paat Sa'chem Someone who stops heavy smok­ ■ dMHIle tha “Uxd of . the left-wing of the ouididate of Ma prospec­ Club” nnd once inside we all un­ this nlfi to. Jast a whisper' William Bchffidge wUl be- toast­ ing sirddenly iBsjially.gains veeight fliair mMt ^bfra o ck Ii by the rules of edhittion sense—.for . when the fTcMt^iiill'srstot- merely because he or she eats TRELPRUNINB KOSTEirS tive chelcc. . X derstood the name. The walls were master. wook Hm sav- not planting tpo mspy acres to po- lout.... it nppenrs this vlthf A dlnnar will be served at 2 W „ .To read'the roster of this ”left- The hietOTlc pciaeibilUy li,' then, paired with drawing" In the ighold . . . of DIen Bten Pha XBXAOO SBRVICMI taCoea, for instance. same bold technique Tony had o’clock wjth entertainment follow­ / C T H E OFFICES O F rn^s yo«.,,cMva by so Wiag press’* -is to include aU the' that this ia a grais rooU' survey \hna nil of the Ihgredlenta ud REMOVM. Arid, in the second plpce, we no which is really a greaa roots sur* used in adorning-the'fly-toayes of ing the speaking program. Tony . .jinat newspepera of the country, "Caeaar'a Gallic War" with cari- I ; make n worldwride stow! / VENETIAN jUNDS d o ifif. ^ -longer accept both -aides of the O'Brisht' and Wa orchestra will Have your 1 tha very aanie newapapera, in fact; catiirea of Julius himself. Tony provide (httner and dancing ir.usic > a l v a n -k - YULES. p .b .S ; COAIBINATIUN STORM ' gamUle'^ o f. free enterpviecV If we The' fundanTenUI trJ%le keeme MERRILL’S reuNvad' hy LUIRICATIOII ' IMKmaUy chaiged with repreaent- smoothed . hiS' whltA spron at hla until k o’clock. ; WINDOWS and DOORS win, that's fine. But if we lose, to be- that more than .one candi­ waikt' and .-told his story.— ------—■ L.T . W OOD tur«d taw I fa^ no ^int of view other than date who, last fail, might have MAnchostor Awaiiiq Co. LOCKER PLANT even_ because of our.own folly, “When’I got out-pf,-school," he A Tjbiraght for Tpday' Conneotloct claima that the first HAVE BEEN MOVED TO / MiRKET huaihess.” Ncyerthe- been quite definite about 1994 pro -bcgtei. “I wenl. ln\o commercial 195 WEST CENTER STREET fit Btoaell St. Phone M1-8-S434 somebody has to make it up for-ui pqsitloha, baa atnee slipped into a successful U. S. steql mill was set ''in a . Senator McCarthy has an- art I had no real formal training up'in 1744 in Slmabury. S4 dokloMl Strtot TelepiMM 90-9-8091 And we make quite a t4ahn, tgp, bit of uncertainty. THE LOKD'U MY SHEPHBBO 431 m a i n ST., M A N C H E ST E R Mstnead hla intention of conduct- at lti''but you fellows reraemher f./'. thatit ohght te bf the govern Not even Mr/’Balley can^^ooae how I sKvays Jlked Jo draw. I J. 7ftudaon\ ^ylor, daunfiees Tol. M I-3 - 7 3 9 4 •H p # u si a committee investigation between uncertaintiea. N ei^r, H O LU rW O O D EXPERT CO. ment which does this. Our aigu studM art oh' the aiao and did miaaionary toyChlria,. wrote * of '.AiV.® al inveattgatlon of the for that'! matter, : can^the^giwse %hat I think was soma good work, theae beautiful Vortl* teom-PaalQr' PH O N E W . 3-7IW ment ie < that when we '"are Froa DaHVary m infUlratlon ' « f the roots he is visiting, ^ e actual t'^en In the 30s came the de- 23: riMi TO sow toanai threatened with a To^iig outcome process of getting-a nominee may "Not waa, got hMy ho. ;nor wUt Hraae, r ^ o and .tele- preaaion. If there w4s one thing WANDELL- OPEN SUNDAYS A H iC STAIR of our ^ree enterprise gamble, that be Just as tedious, involved, and people-could get along without., it be. He U on Sunday, la on Mon: Grou needs a helping hand long bm l^iitad meanwhile the Atnert- democratic aa Mr. Bailed-siys It (lay, and'ta Ihraugh avery day of ia Just as bad fw the nation S4 was commerolal art. had to Hi# amart home-maker 8 A . M . to 1 f . M . 'tore apple blowOmt and spring tovef. a new reputatjlon to lagoingto.be. find eomething else to do, the week; to te JaRfif*^> !• Hi De­ ANDEASOM har color scheme with thi whole aa tt ia lis aa Individuals Takes only o few minutes with a ily, at least. I *'I tried a lot of things without cember,, and every month of the sons. Sllpcoysrs are teaxpe’ 8075 or aa a group Uidustry. When we "FENglONEitS STAY HEALTHY much success, -Then I gOt..the yearf to at home, andea in China; Building ,// anh easy to make- with this 10-20 spreader and you con Scoff it Yoprtelf. win a free enWrp^;^ gamblk, the of running a tavern. ,jBut other in peace! and, to in Wm:; lif abun tern. . . TBiUCPpaUe dance, and in penufy/’ priK la something we ari able tc Sydney,'N. S...IA>»—They egy If tavemkeepera were starving. My Contractors ^ Pattsm No. 2419 conUlns dia­ So youthful %nd charming—so DOBALDO J ia n . LAWN MID 70 % scarce Ken- you put-ig Scoteman on pension place would have to be dlOerent. It seema much aaslerYor ya to grams and easy to foUow dime right for g.busyUMteg season. A -tucky Bluegross—-oil perenniot grosses— r MoCarthy bed', take out of the hides and. the So I -figured o(it the Sketch Cliib. repeat the words of Piatea23'than FOR he’ll live forever.-Bolstering this tiona as weU aa many helpful hlnU new-looking Clasaic frock, yrltta fuU Mokes the deluse lawn in sun or shade. a using every pocketbeoks of the public. - And “ People come in here of an'eve­ to trust its meaning intelicltly, *esldeef^CBiimiereiel for- making slipcovsra. aktrt buttoning below the waist, MUSIG BENTEB STORAGE, gdagrareT9 ex-miners, mostly of tid MBMILE WEST to aay that when we lose, we take it ouj^ Of the ning for a drink before tdmteg in even though we know fuU well AlTtrHtioBfi-ltBmBdilliif Send 29o in coins, your name, r Fpr thto pattern, 'aend 80c fii f 14 SOO sq ff - $r.4S 2

' f - ■ I s \ i < ’■

^ \ /, A,. .../I '\ e*'

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER* CONN^ SATURDAY, MARCH 2t. 1954 JIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MAl^CHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1954 T *|wen DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE FOLKS BY fONTAINE FOX irUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER \ A Answer to Previous Puxxle Sense and Nonsenise i l L j c u n Honduran Hikt Trend on hla hundredth birthday, every- A o o n , DOWN Make Riy Wide and high, t)ddy was anthiislaalic but oath -, 2.. J i t s . * - Higgins, the priae belittler of the ' I Honduran ^ I High in To let ■ neighbor! know, Sjd^olzWins iHow Yankees' Win ! —“~t That they e not the only onea, village. ' Ruth McIntosh Paces port iHaUire Seth — Can’t see any reason for a — eapita) U 2 namr of Who ruaUe up the dough. Charitt Lamb It. All Eb’s done la grow old. and In U. S. Debut Tegucigalpa ha has taken a. lot longer to do it aschi Lauds Stengc} 8 Aaethar port l l U r — U In Chicago was grtim^ Women’s Loop P inn^ mountsinoui .. the heat. Said aji^ther, than anybody else. In Win over X In Honduras 4 Anointi Juat returned frorp't'trlp Gets UnanimoUB Duke 12 WoUhound , the South: / The unprefosieselng woman of ISNteaUvrword JS S Jni.ii Former Town Champion [r Over. Andrews in TO Play Norwfeh ^ot! Boy, you don’t khow what uncertain age was calling ol^. a Paces Bowli t V Vi* ft 7 Pilot 27 Plant 48 Mineral hot la. One. day this V*ek in Mis- small boy’s mother, and the child Avera^ 106; Fran |_ l^und Bout Rt Garden Sparks Victory Tonight ; Kelt Gdod'wlft llV " 4 tt)anljhaMport2aComcfi train spring* aiaaim, I aaw a dos7«)iaaing a cat was doing his best to answer her numerous question* politely, Crandall, Dot Cowles CITiIb'^ le the last of three arti- the various .EeiMuitmenta./' }• . 8 Hor«o’» nacli 20 Proportion SO Roof .edge and- they were b o ^ wMlUng.’’ New iTbrk, March 27 IA5.—:Gus- Ed Lopat, the emo,- southpaw And Carlson ' A«dlrt i> iS L “ hair* SI PSiMigc in tlwSI Toward the Woman—And how old are youT tav (Buhl) Bchols I* no Marcel cles.) ' , , 1 Roy — Almost six. ,How old a rt Gain Other Laurels ! . / By FRANK KCJK- ' j who knows )u>w to keep hitters In Scoring _Co|»raiw ** .w-- . 10Table *crap* • brain ahelttred tide X Society note/^ln the Wrexham, Cerdan but he'll do. ' AP. Newsfeaturrs Sports Editor : off balance and h a' aetn a big l: The dill - 82 Youth* S3 Smell £nglandALei^r{-*rrhe brlde’r go-„ you ? The 23-ycar-old unbeaten Ger­ I IRRtRAMt} Woman — 6 h. (in embarraaaed By KARL YOUT H St. Petersburg-r^Many glowing, Yankee winner si.ica /1948 when Owrge M ilan's n 9*l|#i4Pi •«# M 10 Compas* pointSS Require S4 OasCoui lng-away\ .Outfit conaisted of a Former Women's Town bowling man middleweight,, latest of he came from the Wlilife Box, sgys; dark-green: nbardine suit w'ith mannet'l 1 don't- remember the /| tributes .have bMH 'paid -^Casey cagera last night !(tvanc«d to ttM I SlKnocX . 41 Penetrate* , citment champion Ruth McIntosh wool' horde of foreign fighters tO' ii Stengel a* he led the New York 22Joum«y ’ 42 Scottish river SS Organ* of coat to iMie. Both are well known year I was born. " . . . . va'de the United States in the ‘.'Since I’ve ^ e n witfi them there finals of the Norwich InvRaUen -■ higTi average honors in the Worn- ■ Yankeea through / five straight has .been no Individuall-smi^'s al­ Tournament' aa a result of their *«***»’T, . 2S Challenge 44 Assist. hearing ^otod in Heture Port. Boy — never mliid, (polltelyl«/ en'a Botyling League during the: year, made his Americano .^e^i.?emit Ai world^ Series. But/one he is sure tell me the century., / winning one last night by: gaining], ways been team pUiy%’! convincing 82 to 60 Win over the 20Fbmou* 4S Ridicule M Heart p u t Mason with a 106 average. to enloy cOcomes f/om Vic Raschl, Aboiit his coaches, tengel says; Taftyille Shyma Club. In tonight'* S S D to S r^ rw Inglirt •chool47 Barter 50Greek letter ibart—Thoae girls look.exact- The league rolled every Tuesday a unanimous ' lO-round idecision a pitcher he I out of the Amerl- Who defeAtlbd over spunky ,A1 Andrews Of Supe-. “ •®“* . "Jlm Turher knowa pltci'ln.v. He final, which le scheduled for t alike. Are they twins T Teacher — nigh| at the Y lanes: MiSs McIn­ can League. has spent more thin half his llfSs o’clock, th* locals wUI meet the 20 Danger 1 1 r- , r - Samuel—Oh, no. They merely Phoenicians? S3 Goddess o( 1 r r- H tosh held the women's crown in rlor, Wl*. I Htengey knows his bull at it. (T rrner-it 53 and began his pre-tournament favorite Zip's went to the aamu plastic surgeon. ' Johnny.— Notre Dame? 2953. A southpaw Boeker, the former! players and knowa what they ran organised ball' career in 1925 by Grinders of Norwdcb-'Iit will be a infatuation r* 1 1 • • A I Berlin rook floor^ the 28-year- , jo,” savs Raa(-h1. "He also knows' SCJohn (Gae No wonder Adam railed it para- winning'. 19 gamca .'or V'lnston- repeat performance as the Nor-- SOlndenatian of Does anybody know why tiiere HIGHBST TRIPLE w s a 367 old e*-OI In the fifth round with a th,. ball park*. He really has made Salem, N. C.) wich quintet nosed out Naeaiffs la V ID diae. Ha didn't have a mother-in- is invariably more parking spaoa score f by Frances Crandatt, for left to the Jaw and recked power-* n study of the game.” last year!* finale. Mindanao / law. mahy years one .of the town’s best i less Al In the *e\’enth and tenth j "Frank CrossettI knows infleld o SSTWieesi w~ 1' IR r on the left side of the street than i ' ‘This is e.*iiccially high praise' play and how to. coaoii at third * Zip*, coached by Tuffy Maroom o "Quick, get my expreetton! ( talked back to the wife today i 1 /■ on tha right? female' pinners. Dorothy Cowles' I rounds with a' rapid-fire bombard-' ■Since it comes from slo p pitcher -basr-: succeeaful-mentor of thi* aeasotri ^ 2 ? SSPaatrr "I wouldn't mind being a wall- 133 was the best single effort. ment.' Androws Jumped int at one and got away with it—I might want to do K again!" 38 Scatter K who has been known for his silent "BUI Dickey knowii hitting (1<1 QtUnniplac College quintet, reach*^ ftowar," aaya Joe E. Lewla, “If Ava Mr. Jones — What were you and Best single game' score without a . In the fifth but hnd to Cake the qualities. It is all the more note­ ed the final* by virtu# of their 40 Concluded wma my Gardner.” ^ I mandatory right roiiht. The offl- Of hi* Siiet 11 seasc s he' hit ibove Mrs. Smith diecuasing m ark was. Alice' Beebe's DS.-/- » a-, ' ar -M------^ worthy aVVALItJ when AVSICSt WBie;one coq-iiders MUC* *1 V*»r*fcthat .300 as a Yankee) hnd. he know.* wtii ovier Frankie’s Drive-In from OUR BOARDING HOUSE w ith MAJOR HOOPLE 43I ta ----- Princess Restaurant won' the Ijtlila'/votea for Srholi;, were 6-8-1, ■ leavlfig-the Yankees could mean East Hartford. Dimlnutiy* Porky G u t O U R W A Y BY J. R. 'wiLLtAMS provide a ^ At the end of/the evening some Mrs. Jones—Juat buslnetB, dear. catching. Look how he’s helped ar P Mr. Jones — I kpow that — but \ league championship. The George 6-8-1, Md 7-t-r; The Asaorlated f „boUt an 88,200 cut for. Raschi. Yogi (Berra). ' 5. Vierlra, Worthy Patterson and I republican M women are so tired they can hard­ Pazlanos’ entry has won the title Press hstd It #-8-I. ’ That w’as his World Scries -Rhare, Joe Kubachka ., *p*arhead - the ly keep thair mouths open. whose business ? \ ^ ■"I Just ten them what tbiSo and ASWCLCOMErM Aht * P ' i Sign lo-a Seattle (Wash.) grbce.v ^ three times. Althoughit was a clean-cut win, [ la.st year and he's been .getting a they know how to get It across. Grinder five. Vierira was nmner- I DON'T krWOWtWHV. 40 seine P / Members of the championship •jii-the 1-3 tavorite Schbls was disap-< winner’s share ever since 1949. itp-to Rio Orande'a Bevo Francie m rr everv n ajcticE KAVftONM&NaiaokiN 48b p ir r "Hoiw can I keep my potatoes :------7 / And sometimea I-dnnT ten them P $0Hee,¥M3Ktl HANeMT U- squad are Betty Phillips, Msry- pointed over his shpwj.ng. . ,| “In Jim -Turner the Yankees what to do—and they do It.” - thl* season in ecorthg h«Mra OF PAINT PLACTER. 40T1ieatcr other / from sprouting,” . someone asks. Fgiend—Was your uncle's mind Ann Paalanos, Florence Klqter, "It was one of the worst •fights have the best pitching coach in the among the small colleges. The AND PUTTY MAS TO ,OAMPS0 4 WO«MAOM S21«alebee % Poasibly b> eating ^them. vigorous ah'd sane up to the very \ Alice Beebe and Ruth McIntosh. I ever made," he said In his dre.ss- business,” Raschi cdhtlnued. "He , And how for a pitclrer 'who had tlnjr^t-shot ace averaged better HAVE PAPPtEd. POLES ATAfiTVffTE «NCe- ' SSGrow pallid '** / w last? • ni^ brains ki.ockea out. four-times AND BRUSHES PETRIFIED ■ .• * '■ \ Ing room in Madison Square Gar- helped'me aPPortland. He helped than 35 point* a game for th* eea* VDU V«R6 HERE AND 81 High card 1" When Uncle Eb White was the Heir — I don't know — the will ANNUAL BAN<|irET of Ui4\ den. ‘T was tired and fls'tle.ss be- me in 'Yanltee Stadium,. He runs by\the Yankees last ear, here's Bobby Knight son. Fn(EDlHArRA06rrA guest of honor at a party given Won't be reed until tomorrow. "The ntdin thingthe Yaa- how\ Harry Byrd, Obtained from gONotion I league will be held on April. 3 at \ cause I ani not yet adclimated. In the Yankee stal/. He’s always keea is over-ad rtrength, plus a \ GRAND SienVLt f l Aaaeverate c the Italian American (?Iub. Garden Europe it was 5 a.m.. (it was llitjiinking ahead. Whe.n he sees a the Philadelphia Vtl. etlcS;. f eels' PATTERSON CApTAniED CARNIVAL B y d i c k T U R N E R Ruth Mqfntosh good bench. If .dne fellow move* about «(e Yankees': \ gS Period r K Grove will cater. p.m., e.s.t.- here) and I felt, like 1 pitcher in trouble tn a clo.se game into. the llnettp . iic’e capable of this year'* successful ConoecUnit OSPortal. / wanted to sleep. When I„.ani ac- and knows thiit the pitcher is due w inning th at' position. There’* no "I dot^. that I 'uea ■ ’em aKall quintet whereas Kubachka ik wisU 04Obeetves t U climated,' I-will do much better.!’ to hit, he'll have two meij warm.r complaceaoji" on the. club. We have last year. (He didn’t. He l(*;t fouy known locally for.his fine play MAga • fl Most observers' felt that Bubi ing up In the bull pen." ; " . . on the bOnch fellowa who could ttmlk; and six out of" s'^en''since with- Hartford, and Manchester in OOSea aaglcs Z I? 0? Spor t made a fine debut considering the i Raachl completed, only 7. of 26 be oiitetending player! on iither coming i:p in 1952). 'ICH lie a new the American League and with Ue circumstances. He . had . been 1 starts last year and th a t is the big ctpho ‘ eypeelence for me to And out how Lenox Merchants in the' Eqstern plagued with legal trdtiblea and raason for his sale to the St. Louis the other half of basc'oall lives. League. - JGS B U N N Y 'o days later, the only amend- m alter - was fighting under different rules Cardinals for 375,000. "NoWr I don’t have to worry Namlffs again had to stage a CRAVAT LKACiCK ROLLOVr than in Europe. 7 , A'lie R efolds, who ha.i pitched mt to his 'previous statement about Uietr hitter*. I don’t thipk 'any. "l • i strong second half , finish to win errnnd RsSihI was: Tram Ns. t "He s .a iiiie, i lghte'r,”rBirid Harry seven Series victories and who in pitcherr likes to pilch agaiqst the last night’s contest played before Tracy ...... 123 AL ^ IL U A and Jack Pro- Meritfedh"." 'managing director of- ,19,53 saved ' many games for "Casey has the - utnMst oon- Yankees,..I^ey bM t you’ c.li k^nds a standing room crowd. It took ( Bi'rncU ...... 102 : van were the pnly Manchester the International Boxing Club. Raschi, says: / Ailcnce In HI* coaches to' handle of ways. INDIAN8 some fine play by Bobby Knight, Murphy .,.....*7...... X<...... 92 Burr Carlson and Kenny Goodwin Masmiimn .. lin j football players yho participated "He's one of the be.it to come Oklahoma )qity, Okla.] March «7 M. Schubert ... 92! here since the War. Alter he gets to finally gain the semi-final in the spring training drills at acclimated he'll be able to hold (Al -The Cleveuuid Indiana and the triumph. Totals .*..... the University of \Conneetlcut.' New Vork Giants today renew the The: first quarter was poorly Team Nu. 2 his own with tlie best' middle- f!\ longest exhibition rivalry in major Burke ...... h>i, Both boys are ilnemenXand former weights in the- world." ’ W ashiit^on on played with TaftviUe holding a league baseball, opening their an­ slim 16-14 advantage. The victors r.rimn ...... }j*| Manchester H igh performers. . Markson offered Scholz’ Amer- { num spring Series here. Diet* ...... lean manager. Hymie. Wallman, failed to work the ball through Kn>IK...... i.niijCndy Winans, 'o^, Rockville, a' "The 16-game sqries will wind Op Carlson into the bucket; .being Ahth boards and \' A U k Y O O P w t PiikM anr V. T. HAMLIN B Schubert ■...... 110 sity squad’ this ispring at Congee .left eye, suffered in the sixth Waahlngtoh Senators -said, ."We has been., an annual fixture since A Totals . X...... 4456 477 S0« 15.19 tlcut. Fox is a 8»\<>rt8top and Stf- t;o"nd. It required four sticbes. ' 1934. Althbogh the Gients have won managed to establish their tw’o V w noN E w r xaDHOWifiQrrf " m r-rond of 8,210 paid ^,298 to won't look good until our pitcheyS ] point lead at the buzzer. MEMROAfiUY \ Team S«. 2 iji - I Yens an outfielder, UConns 'V^ round into form.if .... '] Consolo 'Frees Goodman five seven games this spring UR^BUrwUM nCfiSMEDL.WON»., Bkfmam/rK\i XM HAPPY ID HWtTOU Burke > ...... ^ }jJ ^ ista rtM o n d a y n lg h tin N o rth C a ro - are the(IlM GermaniridkMnAei ’* scoreM««Ae>A Ms iaia tenth8aea8^K 'With Cleveland,^ the Indiaha hold an 'Mitchell inMrt*d> Hal • "Deacon” Rebilike USB ANyOPAWlMNSS, I: Hi fin That not-too-.itartllng predic-; WCREHaBHOUEP] TOTHKcmruPt Diet* .. m 191 113 ii9 iina against the Canip Lejeune rtralght victory and hi* 54)th.^ win. all time-edge oC\126-U7. Garocr in/the llpeup at the start OU OeMYTO UP..IH«MMT, ONTH’l iprrviiu. SPsra YOU* Krnll .. ita 87 98 298 Marines. JH^ drewr In tw'o other bouts. An- tion looked might.v good today as Samapta, Fla. — (NIjA) If*->handed all the way, fought Veteran Bob Feller ts -wcheduled of the second perUrt and the for­ RIDE, ID CAY 5 « N « iM MQMNBOLrrarTHB A d s’ny ...... 9,4 102 104 300 i ; drnv^ wlnner of 12 of hip last 18 the Sehators found themselves t)ie. 'ed Williams had not fractured■ sh'inp lb bat .281 for Louisville to open on the mound'for;nd fo! the Tribe mer UCJbnn star proved to be just TOJDMMCi v o o m proud possessions of a five-game L* collarbone, Billy.Consolo mak- with 23 home runs and 108 rims- Totals :7;'C’'....1 m I S I 25 IH* . CH.ARLIK R |i0B % lN R placed be^rojpi^st night, suffered his '"r; —'T .-"M toda> against Ruben^ome*. Early what/the doctor ordered. Teaming — - I third behind young Johnny Kelley s|xHi^.^s against 26'wins, Schols winning streak, , due largely to the ^g like Billy Martin at ^seednd baUed-lh. He promises to stick out | wynn Snd Dave'Hoak^ are tohurl ,ln Die backcourt with KnlghL TMm »#. t <•> • Nick- Cbstes in the 30- weighed 156i^, Andrews I5.5>/«., improved efforts of their moupd basq'^ would have posed one of ; in baseball as he did In football for ] (or Cleveland Sunday NWhen , the G*fi)er begsm hitting (MrlsOn In Tracy ,... The DQUt was broadcast and corps: streak,' due largely to' the tho!a pleasant problemt vfor the t i,teams ConeJUd# their two-x^ay, stand the bucket, lyith Carlson scoring Bennett ., *93 *3'' » ^ I kilometer face in New Bedford improvedr efforts. of their mound Red'Tlox. When Milt Bolili^ 'vaa hurt last '’peS'* Murphy — .".‘.'.".'’.'.'.’.7.' 9« *'109 82 2871 Is-at. Week. Bobbins writes that telbeast dol(st to-coast and in 'ad ­ from' the inside, and Ncssiffs* two Mapinson ...... 94 141 100 A15 ; Kelley, winner'of the Trrkey Day. dition, it w'qe telecast in color over corps. -----\ ; But w hat to do with Billy . Y'ANKEES .\ ; A Negrfr stars cbnnecUng from the ‘ ■ Schubert ...... ^ toe .123 j ijj Manchester the past' the netwdih.N.the first sports event (Goodman was plsin when S lugger. f[®Wed nine, straL^Id l9 -ut of Orlando, Fla., March 27 ilR outside; the winnera'"atrack gainhd ^ to get the rdinbow treaimeriL THE NATS HAVE ^ O M l^ a anager Caaey Stengel of the New Total* ...... ^^„7..; to3 52S 480 1516! three year*, has been clocked in -Williams - - - crocked up afterTjust / I vakio, George Kell, the third k bsse-“P " much-needed spark, suod: they led 5-U7 Trim No. S ^ Oif. M. 0. P41. OH.' ^ Ijtrrter ...... §5 2^1 Boston Marathon course in prac- cast. cohidh't see the cut under exhibition schedule 'ivlth;- nine Rookie Bill Skdvirron. C8p\ iM4 bf MA Swim. Ire. I.rfehre .... Lou, Boudreau hopes Jt /w ill third or a’loi t KleiiiKhmldt ’!iii lio 135 .iss'tice runs. . Kelley ■ was. the first .Scholz’- evq nor '^ e blood that straight setbacks. And npxv that work out like it did the last timr ‘Skowron is playing with a bad KNIGHT, who had the crowd / Verona ..... 102 96 •IJJ ‘ American to cross the finish line trickled frott) hdth iighters’ noses their pitchers' aye - cUckUtg, they T3ie pitching starts yhth the ex-: leg,' Casey said today. "He cheering his every move, Carlson "Oh. poatible to talk people into an e'eonomie B"n«»ton- ... _m______96 '99 .112;in the famCd -BAA ■ run last from the fouryi rouiql on. • - look more and more^ like a glub d e p r t^ — -i"—. ”hr grort* wu£l?“"n 'irtfVe\d“ d wn and Cpodwin, Nassiffs' three Mg My wifo does that at our houst overy payday!" . SIS 508 560. U66''Patriot's Dayf'keUey and Robbins that will give the othV American Th>» UT.* .ft.r th. o.h. Spishec With the utterly amaz-, he was afraid I't sit him down mem spearheaded the attack" in Totals LeSgue teams ! lot pf trouble this That was efter the ^llowy ^ h -, , flreman. 39-yesr-old Ellis DODGERS WILKmTpkMtccr T h e C hsso BY RUSS WINTERBOTHAM .MKiU'A NTrr.1t l-KA*iI' K wifi be in the starting field, along erman broke bones in his elbow ^mder. In betiroen arotthc right- the third period which saw the lo­ BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES din Schedule BY EI](GAR MARTINx inhSMS rai*t (2) ...in u* E a s» t “A l l S t a r s .les.sbn. crashing into the Cbmiskey Park Tampa,.Fla., March 27 (ByBrook- cals soar to a 65 to 49 advantage SrhacS 128 I thoners. The race . will be held Yesterday. rigMhandert Frank Wall in the All-Star Game of handed .Skinny Brown,. Willard lyn catcher Roy Campanella pre- oin. the giant electric scoreboard. 46EE« t o o Bomba r«tl>*r 93; |8 '"vv-,...,.. Shea and Sonny-^txon- Itmited the Nixon, Ivan De)oc)< and- Bennett ^dicted todaJ( that outfielder Sajidy GEEA1* . B. Opton ... 8S — 85 ^7 'April 19. 195(), Billy the Kid went on to The locals took advantage of their m o t K T ^ rm e UPPITEBiTUe ...J. ^ 97 89 1241 30( F a c e W e s t iv e Boston Red to bnlv seven Flower* and fbo' tsft-'hended Bills Amoros will be one of the major ((w.trek...... win _,the...5. batting championship —Henry and Werie. . speed and height advantage to 'y o m ^ A ^ P tV D N Y - VacBRtt >... .^.,..124lAtf »011132 ■ lO^ 195 34 "M-; r ANNUAL MEETING and elec­ hits as Washington pounded out a with .354. \ JVith indications that league’s best hittera befbre he's practically clinclu thq verdict in i g A m j m o w . A d ^ B ft CMXlOtMlO NOO SiBOtST f — MY MOMMY • Twfrily ,.i. tion of officer.* of the Manchester' convincing 4jU-l victory. . X through, ^ r ■ \'New York, MsiTh 27 (Aji' —It Williams lipy be-out until late this quarter. Knight,, the ex-Globe^ x 'v m 0 o r T o ^ S E U t7 J 0*0 NOUR 6 0 0 0 J Total* ...... 541 478 51IV1529 High Bqpater (?lub will be 'held, In the last four games, the KIKI KIELYi a slim'left-hander, "Amoror had Ol* shortest stride will be East ys. West tonight liv May, he's Vven nicer to have was something pf a wkle kid when at bat 1 ever aaW," Campantlla otu TYotter, was especially effective In' .. . Nassifl AriWs HI Alonday night at 7:30 a t the school Nats’ Roundsmen have allowed arouqd now^ snaring rebounds and quick- • AHO AVL 'WAT. WljpmWcki r;-A...... Z 87 96 110 293 library on School Street. ' ^ ' the’ annual All-Star . basketbsll 'ghe opposition only six rUhs.' More the Army called. Joe Dobson is served. "H e never overstrides on a SOOT 0>t .S.'Xa«*lff ...... M 100 game for the benefit of the New When the Boston Americans ob­ trying‘t'o get in a final bit of mileT pitch and those kind of hitters are passing to Carlson On several fast- KraVjintk.s 183 ■ M i03 U^ IMPOftant, Shea, Bob Rorterlield.:. breaking scoring pla'ys. ROT f F. Naajlfr...... /.i. ;.M 101 :ioo BANQUET for boys who par- ■York Herald Tribune- Frq*h Air Ckitlnie Marrero and Chuck Stobba, tained Jackie Jensen, Manager age, ' ' ■ hard to fool." n. NiuSiff ..t.^ .;...io 2 _ioi ^ Fund at Madison Square Garden. Boudreau expressed th e’^opinion , But Boudreau is looki.ng to frert' A m o r o a , the International TaftviUe was a broten club in ticlphted, in the West ^d say that he had the best alNrdund out»< ditcee for pitching; too, dwilfhe Leagues’ leading hitter in 1953, bolds almost every'-collegiate rec­ the least. field In baseball, the phenomenal disappointed if he aocah':t.gpt two bats left-(handed. ' ' . only bright spot in the last period Leagues will be' held'.tqnlgHl ord in the book, ivill team with ' .“':aENATO^'-, 'Was the dribbling exhibition aa the East Side Btc. Boys are asked In fact, the Bo.ston tally ■yester­ performed by the - iitoomparoble to turn in their uniforms to'hfght 6-9 Bob Pettit of Loutaiaiur'SMte day was slightly tainted. It eSme Orlando, Fla-, March 27 -UPt— 0 . for the first time. Togo P^zzi Five . straight wins under .their K night Ohiy one Shyma iday(er Uiambelluca ...... IQO *** 98 ■ 'IS SSS 1 before the,dinner. as a. resdlUof ,a Washington error Dacev...... 97 103 85 285 -of Holy Gross, and Frank Mnrisey belu makes it thgt much easiw 'tried to catch the:.fancy ball- and a pop fjy double to left by Ted handler and wh'eh he fouled p ' < A urtoii : ...... • Jlli!' J l? i l l BOBBY REY’NOLDS and and Lou Taloropoulos of m ntuckv Lepcio. The - Senators more than ft.r -the Washington Senators to TolaM ...... *09' 504 495 IMB., •Wayne''Reynolds,' brothers, haye also aWH pt. on. the Ru^starting made up (or R, jumping, on Lefty. grin at the sidelights of a spring­ Knight, in desperation, none ofJ()s Mnatsswirrjr H’srd (*) , ' Won table, tennis championships team. . , '' ' Bilj/Henry for six runs in the time basehsil game. teammate* dared to give chase to” .iJ , '"<(11;, ('ar*y 101 92 3n0' the clever dribbler, and who could P R IS C IL L A ’S P O P Something Spcciil BY AL VERMEER at th» West Side RCc.'Bobby de­ Fm the West, th e^ tarters will tilled inning.' 'T'bnv'Rolg's'* bases They got a chuckle yesterday— J.a IKHCm O^! IDONT1 ...... ^0^ 90 295 'and -Wayne triumphed among the' of ' ' Callfornla;"7A/hle S^ort of Ok­ second of thr.et hits ip the fourth toi. Henry: wSniMred with 1.9 point* followed by (3arl- •UTFEM P iNOEwmiEiuRit uni,__ .M m x Total* 442 /47.1 461 1366 10-12 year olds. He defeated lahoma cit,v J^d - Indian added another^ _ back'to the bench after miisiBg a soh and (Jopdwin with 15 and 14 . ■Gordy Todd'Jr., In the finals. Both Leonard andyfelck Farley, The New York Yanliees, seem. second strike- Upiplre! (jharli^ Dei" 'teSpectlvcly; Dependable ATSuro-. CARE MUeW ROR KNOHai EUNRE PWLlBEAUSEg Wise, although he only pUyed in TVS JDSrinilQNDBBNSJ XQUKNDt IT llaar.besler 4)imj*l Jl) boys will be' presented with' tro­ H o w a rd ^ n n of New 'York Uni­ ingl.V'getting ycady in (^lirolsBt.. fol -ry Sent Henry Sack to the plate—i SARDINES! Kozlckl . A3 ' 87 77 247 versity is Mach the East squad 8(Brae rule about it ta'iting '0)re* the fourth period, c‘(dnectidr" nine ■ A»(VTiMe.mLltm/i______. » NAVEFBJ . O O O P E ^ . HoHand ^ 2 100 103 195 phies. • coming Amrerican League pennant points as well as showing to hd- . / j^dONOIOFKL •< NimDRElOP nFFRBmiKmL! MeGlSior ..r.,V...... 123, 95 78 and Okzie ' Cowles of Minnesota race, defeated the. Broo.k-l.Vn Strlker to make ah' oiit. . , Fiw/iWtrii^iHri* W l ! * b n - 90 99. 102 291 dlrects/the West team. - ,Then Washington .hurler.'Jfronk viintage in the rebounding depact•> WklKNNPSOliriMTIMEfCONiyiWIireP V e n n a r t j l 7 107 110 .314 Dodgers, their perennial October .THe^Eart holdr ic 4T3 edge in the Shda marched to the'- plate a bit .ment. ■ ' .1 IW AM**WI NUA \ MR IDE SAW! Tfimiv Square —" victims, 8-4 Bs-.they.’ exploded for The veteran Bob UVea was Taft- ' e Toml* i....-^!..r4S5~«8'TrO 1443 seven-yeM>- series.''’ "'three hor'ers,^ two doubles'Blia:'.«■]'■ talep, bat on shoulder. Just as he ilKCSETTRIRN C>iiliaf’l*A Jrid’rlrr* (2) . . eY*': ‘ ' ' ^ ville’a best point-maker, with a Piercei,..} 87 90 102 3 ^ Bageball Series pair • ofVA .triples. vesaGil a«.aw*#ws«f^McDougald, ****«• tdibk 'a.ti'la.. swing, a big chunk^of total. of 18, nine of 'which came Simpson ...... n a - w .91 299s irrTV Y ogl Berra and'Gene-Woodling hit th* bat feu off.' when Uoodwln was rested In the . Crl*trn*on y7 109 .2i for the circuit. Don Newcombe and Simmon* . u . . . V I 109 78 278 Exhibition Baseball . Igst period. Bill Carver netted 13 I.0W Man Al . 87 - n 247 Washington, March 27 (AV- • , a’ Joe Black lyere the ■ylctlme.’of. the points (nustiy on sets from the.out- - Yanitea onslaught. Reel S o 5t Release! 488 .^93 440 1421 baseball (If(if you could caH caH'U U U)*t)t))at) side. The loeen battleKAB th* way Total*I •/•*•!•»•••«• q« series between George WasMnEtqri (Stardinga of the feama) - ^ ’ETBRAN -JIM KONMTANTY Wat J they h-'er* no m atch for ....JNeiirV YopjtYopk (Madison(5 Squdre ’ university and Trinity C o 11 e g e American League * and,^ ropkie Patii PenSoh combined ‘ Pilchers,to Farm MltcheU'a t6dent-loade (Chicago ...... 1 0 Manager Lou Boudreau ha* FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS It’s A Stickup! Philadelphia —Johnny Cooke,' play.'Trinity outlasted the -Golon- stanty, the National League’s East Side Rec at.7:l&-far tonight’s BY MERRILL-C sB U ^E B ials yeSterdav for an 8-6 victory. Boston ...... 11 9 .550 .'jrpst va»uablo'''player in 1050. trimmed his Boston Red Sox pitch­ championship clsat - /rrith ' the iidt. Philadelphia, outpiirinted Em­ Clev'gisnd ...... 7 JiBZ ing corps to 13--by sending Ik* favorite No"\vich roihhbui. my ^Tiicci; 145, Philadelphia. 8. In the first game, played Wed- -Wielded lour, hits tn the six Innings Doldek';' -ben Flowers. Hershell JuNe vuohitRioeiN X GOTTA HAVR ANOmER H ello, STEVE t x n e c K nesday, George Washington com- New York 811 .421 he wdrked.’ Granny Hamner and Paris, Fritiice -^^UharleS Humez. WashltigU-n' ...... 6'" 10 .375 Freeman and Al Curtis to th# . _ MY HEAP WITH HER. Fh/B FOR. AN ORCHID/ ME o u r OF THAT POKER ‘ 15^1,4, Parlit, outpointed- Garth bineffr hits with 15 walks for a Stan Jok nit-hbmer* for yie"PhiU THREE FOR TKE 'MONEY—8* my White. Billy Goodman sod NEW. FORMAL,! 14-1 decision over 'rrinlty.- Detroit, ,','V3 ...... 6 12 '.333 LoulsviUe farm club of the Amer- §2rnfr*f* J ? JSAMC •' Pkiiter, 158H, Salt Lake City, 10. National League . ' . ,lies. Jackie Jensen, left to right, have lively discussion at Red Sox’ 8ar^ lean Assqciatlon. Kl.>cSnfr. 1 7 MEED 13X1 3 T ~ ~D»tfielder.,Gua Bell walloped an Bsota, FU m tralnlag camp on thdlr favorite atihjqct—b*t*, tN EA ) Delock, Flowers and Freeman'E«-hnpr*i*. ! i ,8 6 . fARE/ Pittsburgh 'v ...... 10 4 .714 BrooMyn: ------...... 12 7 ' .633 elgkth inning twb-run Jhomer to Were with Boston Igst year while ,!ri""v*--f f ^ lead the -Cincinnati Reditiga to a Jim PiersaU' heii^ the other mAn, out of five bright right-hand 1 opt- Curtis.wg* on-the XamtafUle ros- iSSioL ".".’.".’.rr.# y il St. Louts ...... ,.....,.11; ,7. .611 3-2 win over-the St. Loula Cardi­ of course, X dqi^m an won't^ hurt fuls — Xor.im.v B'ewer, Truman ter. ' .I?*:’' 8 ---- 8 1 - 1 '-,'3 - . Cincinnati ...... 1^ .1 nals. Bell'a bloW’ 'came off Memo it, but, Jensen/eft-more than 400 Clevenger. Al Curtis, Jimmy New York 8 ' T .533 .o ...... Milwaukee ...... 9 11 .450 Luna, a lefthander_ the ''Cards men on base for the Senatore. -bought from San Diego last win Karl Olson, rated b l g ^ m • th e'’th*»« alpkahetlcrtly. Rill Henry aiid'Bm Werie. and nine TeiMlto (0> STOCR CAR RACING Phiiadelpf-ia I e • * e a a • - -- All have had from one to three pfi*. f .V...... chain, before going in|(6 th* servt Chicago V.; . ter -^for 8100,000. Rookie Wally righthanders—Sid -Hildson, Hector r*)'!'","'/, Moon dro'/e in both of the ice, but appears to piv* left con­ campaigns In the minors; Brewcjr,. (Skinny) Brown. WUUlrd Nixon, Red- out of the Army, hsflU'i-eurve, . Friday’s Results birds’ runs with a'a'inide. siderable there,,, Hoot Ever* ^ JoeT;kjbson,,Ellis Kinder. FriuUtis^mird. STAIfORD SPRINGS in fine shape.' change vp and poise. Clevengqr is Sullivan, Tom Brewer and Truman' c ...... Washington (A) lO, Boston (A) 1 Gehe Conley, and Ray O qne remindful of Tex Hughaon. Curtl* ' PhiladelMlia JN) 6rDetroit (A) 2 gave up only one hit as the MU aevengert, THE QOLD tiOX youth movc- possesses, a Jive fast .bail. EhHer . ( "riLeat'ry all of them back to' fairiuu^, a ...... -..-.i.fiidvg' t New York (A) 8, Brookl n j| OVIR 60 HEADING STOCR CARS and other, track atars. try for new champion a t foa r records in the Chicago Daily,Newt AND DRIViRS EHTERED ■ See Ue For The Lgtert Ins ' " .'’By Hie Assoristed Free* which ha* yet to lose a 1954 play- Relays.'Sii^tee easfo) was foe " C . O . R-A. S A N C D O N E D , FM Oif Tackle, Golf, Baseball and TennU Equipment Th* four teams parUcIpatfog in off-game,The Nationals have won mai(| attraction in hi* araounced Aden » inrge supply of outdoor . Wq Carry 'VltaMty - ■ the semi-final* of the NBA play- jjy, atrolght >U>ee "the reguiaf latent to try-again for'fos'^ four- STL grills aad ateaails. offs swing )>ack into action today I gdgqu epded, on# of them a 109-94 minute mlla, which he feels he can., Next > OFCN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. ir. "miisr game* for the .^ o n - Thiiraday. Counting run if Ije w "Just rijfot" «i w 1 Racing M IttBtpi O ltics sndL_RC(Cheater Royals, i aea- • ' t v -ttfiViir*"'* • . X Th* Oslt# appear ip have the foe laat gam* of foe regular se *. POepUiY FLAYOWR vsU in a Detroit at Toronto 00*rt-«^T h * 7 « ^ ^ giAea| *^vev#» GEN IA L io>MisSl^bN $1.3^ iii;^ UKiYBR triwnnr tel. wO-Miw tougher aaaignaseat They have to | eon the Nate hay* m face a^ red hot Byrarae* taoaa. roW*> i artjqa tietf M ). ' ^ ...... '«tedte=gagagsaa:Bga .... >*i- J. ■-■y.U-sJ'- *■ ■ ' ' ------‘t > , ■■ .-'x ..... '’V ;\ J u i J ./ ■JT J > " n ' C,! -9'“ "~U- .j-n, ■n v'.'-Vl'r-‘ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. .MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1954 If,nvA '■ MANCHESt^R EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY,' MAR^H 27, 1964 ■ t ■ , ■ ■ -■'■'i' ,..- ■ ...... I I.. I..I i..,....i...... ■ I— -, II, ^ HhuMS For Sslo tZ Houses For Sat# 72 AatoaiobilM f6r Sijt 4 Gantes—Scnics^torsfe 10 Hesting-^Pllllpnbinff IT Hdy wanjtd-—Mats 86 Household Goodii ' 6 l] Rooiiils Without Board 59 Hfiuscs For Sale t 72 Resort Property For Sale 74|(^n^J H ik e rS /N e a r Wagner Sales Tax Coventry m a n u m e s t e r STORAGE . SPACE for rent S3' * g u a r a n t e e d piuaablat and w a n t e d -M an for dellveiry and CRAWFORD-combination electric RODM'WITH private family ^ lU IRVING STREET .— Vacancy COVENTRY — Three .-room :year A--- - round cpttitee 'Mth all rity conven- X'' With garage doora. MJ. 1-2303. heating. AlteriUoria and new T v Installation, General work a n d 'oil' iiwnge. Oil burner, never West Side, parking faculties. Ml. V* CAPE CODS MANCH^TER jV^UES April 1. six flnlahiul rooms invit­ En^ of Long Tour Proposal Protested 193» Chevrolet i-Dr.—Runa well, Inquire 043 No. Main St. work: Perma Maaa electtie and arou^ ^^llance atore. Behabn’a, used,. Excellent for cottagb. Ml, 9-6893. > ing rear porch, oil hot water heat, lencef.''Bargain for qqtck sale. rw A Vacant X'oiir Room Cape ^ EAST SHXfi—6 room Cape Cpd Call'MI. 9-0767 or .PI. 2-7092. MIXED roVPLM Faculty la Told tiA #ull price $S^' '' gaa water heatera aoM and in- )M5 Main 9-9814. V , Rosco wmdQwa. and -dobra. All in <•) Btali^ nm e paymenta arranged. NEWLY picOORATED, fioautlfully Rolling PXrk. Extras Includa . In gdo4,tondlUon. Oil hoV'wstea vary fine condition. Madeline CCentlmirt from Page One)* Battl«(6 97 (Continued from Page One) 1M6 DeSoto Cuatom S«dan-r;Ra- JUST RETURNED FROM 102 its MotorcycIeS-r-Bicycles. 11 Skelley BroUiera. Mitchell 9-S714, furniahad and apacious itoun. Th* riumlmim « ' heat, fireplace, acreenaand storm Smith, Realtor, XG. 9.-1642, 9-1146. / (4) dlo. heater and automatic Btuationa Wanted— EXHlBm ON — most complata light bousakheping dormers a|>d amealte dlWa, ^rara windows. Lovaly yaid In'fine fteigh- Suburban For Sale ' 75 Among the doggtd. survivors ...... 127 M 4ntt drive bthera out of the city. Di^ipline in Ldctf^ was Dr. Gtorg* Froddrick Miller, ...... 123 111 Rlegajman. a Republican, c d a d v t . . Bhift Only 3»5 down. 1945 HARUCT DAVIDSON motor­ JET GLASS-hot water heatera, Female 38 USED IN MODEL HOME faclUtles avallabto In Manchester. for a fast aale *® bofimod-—$12,500. ‘ EAST HARTFORD. Nlfar present VERNON, Sunset Estates —Three, opposed cycle, 45 cu. in. 29 Sunaet St. Ml. Amesiran Standard flxturea sold You wUl marvel at tha eieanlineaa ' • Y.-' high aohiixd. Several homes prlcad 73. He WM limping. IVX'gtitoin the mayoral race. IOUR8 IMS Dodfe DeLuxe Sedan—Ra­ 3 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS 01. 0oa*t how you can miM year old, owner supervised ranch Cbventiy, March 27 (SpSelal) —.i. Three local 3-6705. : ' and promptly installed.. Jobbing. R E U A B l^ V^oman driver ahd su­ of this buildlhg. ChUdren accepted. MANCHESTER GREEN 9 in the 318,000 bracket. TIm Eacott Welcome Waite .ilKere TTiomba Jefferson Mlley, execu­ 4:S0 P. M. dio and heater. 310 down, burban car available, shopping, "DE LUXE" FURNITURE on a deal like thi*. - room Cape Qod on bus tin*, oil home with basement, three. bed­ With the Waahlngtor. Monument tive vice-president of the Com- Teac)tora In the local i hools wbra ■ ^ m a rd J. Tom Dawkins, Master Plumber. Central. Priced ao reasonable Off Porter Stieet—A 3 year old; Agency, XG. 0-7033. rooms unuBulUly . large kitchen, - — — COLUMBIA 36” bicycle,, front and Phone MI. 9-9669. / picnics, ._U^t deliveiiea, small — ALSO — you'll gasp! Ba aure and ate this steam heat, fireplace.\, clean Just a few mllee away, the wklkers -pierce' ahdNjndustry A8an., the instriicted to step up disciplinary i 9 : *****. ^ ItHO Naah Sedan — Radio and tall lighta. baaket, built-in lock. ••WKSTINOHOUSE” with four rooiu® down and a Wll throughout, chaerful kitchen. large living rooiA' with fireplace, were buoyed by the promlie of a Jii^MoEWNGrTIMB mbrtng, 'spem t dinners prepared, one. Mra. Dorsey, 14 Arch St. ON 3>A ACRES, 4H large plastered wane; lot 100 < x 280. Jlty'i ,c:hamber of Comtnerce, said measures in alltoreaa of school ac- nald Merriflcld n ok a heater. FXill price only '$205. Good condition, 335. MI. 9-1696, summer cottag** - conditioned, APPUANCES shed dormer all floored •inily regal welcome — and a •the tax would mt the construction : for greater reHtwu9.' a d v t No money down, la te d . Not a b a d home for $111100. lavatory plus bath. Scree Priqh 313,000.' Ekicott Agency, rcLAisinED . Moving—Trucking beach or lake, rough painting, TeL Ipcludea following: PRINCETON STkEBT A’ltEA— porch, nlcejgardan, fruit treVa, ga­ b le a ^ rest. The National Park Industry alone tb'lhe extent of *2, ^ *^'*1*? ! values to sarva ROOM-FOR Rent, Two girls or QI easy. Occupancy aodn.’ Lovaly cuatoni built SH.rOom Cape Licenaed Broker, 266 High S Se^lee promised -to send a mule- million dollars. \ / flowing problem of Juvsime de- MON. THRU^FRL m i PonUac Sedan — Full price Storage ’ 20 Rockville 5-3315. ^ • VERY PRETnr ” BEDROOM rage apace 5 cars. 15 minutes out. West, corner McKee. ;XG. M68S. I upon which cirtc, radpaet a ii BOY'S BICYCLE, excellent .condi- • OOROEOUS" U yiN O , ROOM couple. CaU^Ml- 9-llSS. • Branford Street Fpur down Cod. 3 yeara old. Charming living drawn sightseeing barge up the C Some business leaders' estinteted llnquency here. It wai reported this built. ~ ., • • ^ 1O:S0 A. M. 3140. No money down. 312.000. Carlton W, Hutchins. XG. morning by Jesse A. Bralhard, Uon. CaU Ml. S-4411, , MANCHESTER Package Deliv­ ••ATTRACTIVE” DINETTE SET and twoxup Just atout. ’ room with fireplace and picture 0-5132.9-4094. VERNdN-blrect from builder, six and O Canal to transport them the extension of the tax i^uld i/m 50 Brafainard Said - laUif' that tAtt^AY9A.M. ■ AT THE CENTER, it jma for gen­ Has arflreplkce- This wka built chairman of, the' Board of Educa­ 1048 Packard 3-Dr.. Sedan—1 ------\ ery. Local light truefeng and Dog»—Birds—Pets 41 "MOHAWK” RUGS window, dining area, heramld 'ttle ------:---!:--- room Cape Cod (2 unfiniehed), Im- last five rnlles or so. million dollars a year to toe tost of problem of extreme dattaquafiti ra- tlemen, single; or double, 14-11 fore the wsT.'0^^•ner,Mya to start ' hatoroom, kitchen and bedlam WEST SIDE'—New, two bedroom- .The hJka grew odt of a Jan. 8 tion. ffected, certainly: at m q ^ a a th#, and . heater, good conditio: package delivery. Refrigerators, CANARIES, GUARANTEED aipg- "ARMSTRONG" INLAID / Wadsworth St. macttlate condition, country set- 2A2 doing buainesa in the city. t o iw OOliWSEAnON w n x Business Services Offered 13 waahera and stove moving a “WESTINGHOUSE ' E L ^ . REF. off at $12,900 but he will listen to downatalra, 2 large bedrooma\up. ranch, full basement, oil hot water editorial In which tha Poet and 310 Unofficial city ball estima' In (he morning .eeaion of a meet-^ a ^ tS; chUdSC Only 395 down. ------Ml I - -■■■le— era, all colors, also females. ' ting;, MI. 9-4848 5-8 p.m. . W4PPMECOATED specialty. ML 941753. ••WESTINOHOUSE’' / a good offer. O w ^ finenclng. Outside .fireplace and patio. At- heat, inaulated, tile bath, near Tlmee-Herald backed proposals forf«^ -. placed toe additional tax ; ing held by toe Board of Education, A partial answer to the lituaUeil HAROLD A SONS. Rubbish re- Ml. 94H39. ONE PLEASANT furnished room •Off Mather'Street—All brick with toe local acliool faculty sitting 1947 Hudaon 2-Dr: Se^an — Gpod LAUNDROMAT ' / with kitchen. privUdge* for a cou­ tachM . fx****- achool, bua and shopping cahter.- VERNON—Four room* ranch, large a sCenic parkway' along- tha o|d C,j 15 million dollars a year. It was 0ontalna any substantial capital Investment, tumitura aapecialty, chairs eaiied Truedeau. Ml. 9-1914. Tel. Ml. 3-7405. sk! la building on Greenwood .Please call Howard R. Hastings Realtor. MI, 3-1642 or 9-to«- H. Haitaen , ...1 1 7 17 based on its studies and/tms. board and overturned. AFTER 7 P. M. CH-9-4590 * SIX ROOM duplex, near Maip St. house, 5 X 5 flat, large lot, excel­ Into the 70's, *0 I would be under', pressure Ip locate Cordler told Stat9 Trooper Ed­ t d u . ZOPPl, reader and adviser. 1953 CHEVROLET H-ton pick-up, and rushed. Anson F. Thmp. Two'-or. three adulta. only. Box Z, DrIroT The Iota are at least 90 by Agency, Manchester. MI. 9-1107. '>■ But the welcome mat has been out of New York.” will then dlscuae fits fipiUnga and See It Dav Or Night - lent location, new hot water heat­ Total* ...... 210 171 143 S44 act upon them, ward Beattie he took his ayes off AU welcome. 359 rranklin Ave., dark green. Low mUeage,- 3945.. Phone MltchcU 9•57S3.^ Herald. 100 and the new Vernon Street er, new garage, house newly reno­ unrolled for .them at comforUble p Ain t in g a n d ' Articles For Sale 45 A— L-rB— F.—R—T— •—S school can be aeen from the kitchen MANCHESTER — Several three Wanted—Real Bstk^te" 77 In the afternoon session, the aiqv- the road for a moment andtwfora nereea from the Art theater. For Carter Chevrolet' Co., 311 Main vated. Priced right for quick sale. Oshing and, gun clubs. ’overr | Business Locations ing at *16,500. If you decide to , Coda, near'Bowers School and two South Main, three bedroopi ranch or colonial local lobbying for and against the jDfPERT -OORSETRT service in ONLY DOUGLAS will seU you a guns, etc.,. repaired. Shears, JOHN M. AicCANN For ,|tent 64 buy soon you can choose your own ranch homes in Green Manor. with plastered walla, bpsement, . Total* .... 189 166 178 510 tativee from toe Stat* Police, PTA \Police warned Qordier /or iaat- plus tnstaUaUon. Combination .and'drapes custom made. Re-up- parkway. 'qfficlfcli, teachers aqd church lead-; te^ v e driving. .. your home. Trixie foundaUons. late model car aa low aa 3145 knives, mdwera ate., put into con­ 30 Laurel Street aluminum doors 349.80 plui InStal- decorations. Tha. Eacott Agency. XG. 9-7683. EXCHANGE CUENT wlUl' well large lot. No agpnts. CH. 2-1072, / Some 200. townspeople met the <41 Lstetl at $75,000 Alda Adams, S3 Durant St. MI. down. We do not eak you to take dition for comtnig needs. .Braith- Xilatering. . Beautiful fhbrica. AIR CONDiriONED offices. Mod­ 'A. Frry 97 108 120 325 ^ met to seek more effective latlon. Manchester Home Improve­ /prin to stripes, solids. . Expertly MANCHESTER—5-room home with cared for 3 room home on lot 107 hikers, at Brunswick, Md., with a ’ H. Frey 129 106 88 320 g-llto, caU after 5 p.m. .______a loan from a bank or finance waite, 63 Peart atireet. Tel. MI-3-7388 or, ML ern design. Near Poat Office, Mam MULTIPLES by 130, will exchange for tour READY BUYERS waiting. For tto- m^na of raising Student respect iter Eveaiag Herald Cay-' ment Co., 35 Oak St. Ml. 5-8177. '^flniahed: 15 down. 12 weekly, basement garage, gbod condition, huge banner readtok: “ Juatlce for authority In toe home, the entry rtrrespoadcat,' Nra,. Chatlsa company to complete your down street, corner Wadsworth. MI. Fo\ir family on the corner of room home in town Madeline medlate action list your property i Total* 226 . 213 206 646 (Contlnurt from Page One) WANTED—Ride to Pratt A Whlt- peymehL. Poeitively only .3145 COMPLETE Hand and power lawn halitoce one- vear to nay. Call 9-9779, or Ml. 9-9819. 312,000. Madeline Smith, Realtor. with the Albert J. Gatto Co., Real­ Douglaa; Brunswick Favors Park­ school an*..the c<>tnmunlty.. L. Littlr/ielepkoae PIIgrtai:$-«ttL aeyk, 7:00 to 3:30. North parking PAINTING AND Pki>erhanglng. BAILEY'S Antique Shop, 353 Mitot JAcksbn 2-77M or JAckson 4-0184. Chestnut and Laurel. Two dqwn- Smith, Realtor XG. 9-1642 or way/’ down buye a 1949 car, 3195 buya a mower sales and service. Motors Street. Mitchell 3-5005. Moderaiatoly XG. 9-1542 or 9-1146. 9-1146. tors, CH. 0-8489, evenings, XG. bers of the Reynolds family to let. Vicinity of Hartford Road. CaU tuned an'' overhauled. Pickup and Spring house cieani^ is Just Out of tovTi reverse charges. LARGE STORE for rent .with base­ 'ataira apartments will be vacant. But at Sheperdatown, W. Va., 1950, 3395 buys a 1953. No addition around the corne^ Now is the time 'priced Itema in china, glass/tin- Upstairs brings In a nice Income. 3-6946, JA. 8-3939. McDermotCs Bat give, up some 333.000 in claims to ausplciouB. Biuidcion was klUyed MI. 9-4334. al aide notes or .loenq. We guaran­ deUvery service. Gibson's Garage. ment, daalrable location. Sultabla TH^EE BEDROOM Green Manor the hikera round a sign .tacked to their share of exchange deposits, to have that k i^ e n , bathroom or w'arc, pevtter and furniture^- House needs some paint but pre­ BIGELOW STREET stick planted Just to the right Automajtic Signals after lingual ^toura.. tee *to eell under the above terms Ml. 3-3013. for any business. For information, ranch. Radiant heat,\ garage. 1 plus the 72-year-old nearly blind Father p eta gu r apeaks -seven RtDERS WANTED from Bolton or all the rooms done at a surprising KITCHB^f s W , very rood^ condi­ write Bex E, Herald..^ sents a good Investment propdsl- of a mud puddle. It”said; Manchester to Aircraft. Gate 9— with notes as low as 340 monthly. low coat. All work guaranteed. ALL. ALUMINUM combination win- tion. Reasonable. Call Ml. 9-6360. Large 6 and 6 duplex, onfi Direct from owner. MI. 9-4095. Hits Two Fans father's promise tb put up 314,000 languages—YugoMav, Polish, Good credit is our only require­ ALL KINDS of antenna worii. CaU dowa and doors, aelf-atming, save ilon to a thrifty buyer, ' •‘Juatlce Douglas, keen to the Set Class Routine Ited shift. Phone Ml.' 9-5898.______Art Pinney, TV Antenna Jpeclal- Free' eatimatlng. ' CaU Lister SECOND FLOOR, '2400 aq. R.. WANTED, out of his' pocket. Sian, (j«rman, ment. Douglas Motors, 338 Main. heat, comfort: convenience, last a KELVINATOr Etoctric range, ex­ car garage, prop^ty is imgood | tw o -f a m il y 8-5, excellent condi ) right. Boopy traps to left are for Although onl.v 86 of those pres­ ist. Sales and Servtc^. Very fair Silver. Ml. 9-4552. plenty .igtat, two lavatories, three BOLTON tion Inside and out, oil Xteam heat, Post editors." | Sara.sota. Fla.. March 27.^ — Italian and Latin, lifetime. Free demonstration. CaU cellent condition,''reasonable. MI, frimt. rooms, auitable light manu­ condition. One side will soon...... Maurice XTcDermott lost his *baj ent last night signed the contract ‘Urbana-Chsinpato.' ■ ' Z' 111. (F>-' 7 ■-The ne speaka fotor, Shi{ 1955 DESOTO Fifedome V-8. Two- prices. Tal. ML 9 -4 ^ . PAINTING AND Paperhanging. anytime. BUI Tunajey. MI. 9-9095. 3-6017.' . * Right smack on the lake and storm windows, near bua, stores, Three or four acre , , AttUimobiles for Sale 4 facturing, large office halls. Apply be vacant. Excellent financing school, good income, will go G.I. while pinch hitting for th# Wash­ agreements at the time, there Was achool roiitine of 1^797 Ui^verslty C2iineae Cantonese ( tone green, hardtop convertible. First class work. Your neighbor on 44-A, a neat five room .winter­ farm with at least no dissenting voice when Easter­ similarity to Chinese ) USED WASHING machines, refrig­ ROVAL AND Smith-flonma port­ WESTINGHOUSE R e f r 1 geratw. ^ ck a f, 39 Oak. available. Brokers protected. ..Carlton W. Hutchins. MI. 9-5132, ington Senators in their game yes­ of Illlnolb student* and Instructors 1953 Studehaker ^ Ton Pickup— Privately owned. CaU before 3 erators, upright vacuum cleaners. my recommendation. 20 years iii ised home. All the necessary con­ Cease Fire ling asked repeatedly if an.yone and Ija’tin. p.m. MI. 3-494S. able and atawiard typawritera. ideal for camps and cottages, ex­ veniences-topluding a huge atone 9-4694. . six room house with­ terday with the Bd, garage, on a 90' landscaped lot Agency, Ml. 9-1107. Waved Out to Sea much of the negotiations /which Passport P^blem Connecticut’s Oldest |!Ierironics i spectlye buyer of this had better with trees, split rail,fence. Many tored^ leader of the rebels. | lay professors from tha chooae nanta at tow prices. Also tug wool, picture window, ceramic tile bath. leaulted in the proposed j repay­ 'niver8itiea> of ArlsoAa and New ker Champion Cqnv; MANtUlESTER T. V. Sarvtce, School. EkiroU now for spring Summer Homes For Rent 67 hot need three bedrooms or he will Many other features. Price 313,500, extras, quality construction. Only - Fears Troop Move ^941 HUDSON, price 375. CaU and inatructiins in braiding ruga.' Machinery and Tools 52 i LISTINGS’ w a n t e d - Single. (Continued'from Page One) ment plan. '■ Faced by Priest exlco. ’ ' ''. na owner. Fully equ^t- owner, Ml. 9-4291. - ' ' radio and T.V. sptolaUsts since term. CaU Hartford CHapel 7-1930,1 be out of luck. This Is a weH kept XG. 3-4722. 32.800 cash needed. two-famUy, three-family, busi­ - The Communiet chieftain of the Wallace cautioned ffeposilora 1931. House aaivtce cnll 33,50. CaU RockviUa 5-5706. FOUR b e d r o o m cottage. Point Vietmlnh lapparently feels that A search for wealth beneath the miae this one. or write for fuU information. New GARDEN M ’—"Elt^ Tractor, 8H home on a large well-landacaped ness property. H9ve many'cash that' it isn’t a "sure fire”' thing and 1952 BUICK Riviera, fully equipped. MltrtM^ 9A990 day er night Ekigland Technical Institute,' 193 O’ Woods, Jane B. Wilcox. Real XIANCHESTER — 8 and 5, large Many More Listings In AU planes landing on, toe fortress air it around 180 degreet.. It crashed rocky soil of toe. Ifi^milUcjn acre , Down Paymento DELTA-DE WALT power tools and h. p. with equipment, 3600. XG. tor, 432 Sargent Rd., South Lyme. lot. Has an attached two car ga­ buyers. Mortgages arranged. that aln "unknown crtsditor’* 'with Hong Kong ;(P)-^When 7S-yeito- . ExceUent tires. Call after 6 p.m, Trumbull St., Hartford, Conn. rage. House has a full basement. pleasant rooma. Convenient. H. B, .Price Ranges atrip nrilght carry trboil reinforce­ at sea. old Yugoslav priest, Fra^li land is under way. The geologists’ Low Bank Rater.:.. *• ROTOTILLER for hire with opera; acceaaortes. Salea, service, demon- 9-9922. , Please toer, atraight CASH WAITING for any type real today on the Vletmlnh positions plane's wing and tilt it around. to take to speed the settlement J. Duchesne, who met him at the CHOICE 18 BUND (2)' extra nice beautiful colors, Oil hot water . heal, fireplace; - Realtor—Insurance "I didn’t touch 'wings with the Household Services Washed stone, sand, gravel, fill. edge/stsnley hand plaWr, two 8” VERNON ■ estate you have to sell. F^rst and rinphg Dfen Bien Phu, and grdund along. Hong Kong border.^ /■ Rock Hill, 8. C.'OR—When Rock, OIDRCBES MOTOBS 1948 Chevrolet Fleetmaster tudor. nd pUuid Nusadorf Sand and Stone Co. Tel. hand power saws, 150’ Of cable. Wanted To Rent 68 Out in Sunset Estates, we hkvc storm windows, screens, awnings. Tel. MI-3-S600 second mortgage money available. patrolsNthrust warily at toe at­ other plane, but even If I had, it There was a of di/flculty HUl merchants gavenway an auto­ Douglas Motors, 338 Main. Offered 13-A your home. XG.. 9-5144. Four rooms and bath down, liv­ Reynolds, himself a former piudeteger Bales and Servica XG. 9-7408. LaFIamme Appliance, to Oak listed two nice new- ranch home.i MI-9;4389 or MI-3-5711 Also listings -wanted. Call The tackers, filte Vletmlnh, meanwhijle, WXs dying ateadily enough ao that mayor arid a Sunday school teacher, about , Father B ndgar’e anfient mobile. they got a blind-man. York CORNICES, Drapes and slip covers able upstairs. Am'eute drive. Es­ Johnson Building Company, 953 brought in^more fighting powlfr -there would have been little dan­ County Coroner M. Pink Nichols, 1948 .CHEVROLET Aero sedan, tu- 1” ALUXOyJUM Irrigation pipe, in St. Tel. MI, 9-6868. * that *^.iF«qdy -for Immediate oc­ tablished neighborhood. XG. 9-1379 vanished from Clio March 7 ^ t pass)>6rt; .He went into China 30 SO 6qK» N Scoutmaster and wife de- ed wire barricedea defending the went Into the spin (from 33,000 . Salas, 333 Main. ______~'' LOWER r a t e s to GOOD FOR SALE hear. These homes are fairly priced. plurrbihg, newly redeiMjrated, 600 Miami. Fla (ffO—->octor’s orders Car is in .excellent condition. Will WEAVING ot burns, moth holes BORROWERS DOUBLE SET TUB. suitable for or 4 rooms unfurnished. Can get all the mortgages you ft., from bus line. Sold direct by have driven Mrs. ‘ Frank Amand fortress—and killed 42 Viet'nlnh feet. * ■ ■ accept trade. SeUing price, 3775. A I\ 3-1191 after 9 p.m. Lots For Sale 73 soldiers. The plane unaccountably right­ ■S9U LINCOLN CMnmpoUtan hard- and torn clothing, hoisery runa, Ask yhur bankers or attorney about basement. Good condition. XG. NEW deed. too. One is goln? at -312,500 owner. Call MI. 3-7025 or 9-2994. out of business. At 240 pounds she top. aport coupe. Tw.o tone, aU ac- Igl. 9-9039 evenings. handbags repaired, S ip i^ re­ 9-7327 after-5:30. and the other for'a Httle more. wa« billed aa Baby Tlielma in/a In the-continuing bottle Agtlnet ed itself at 4,000 feet, rose to CONNECTICUT MORTGAGE 11,4-2 HP Garden Aid XIANCHESTER—Bolton area, cus­ TOLLAND TURNPIKE —'3 lots Vietminh ^filtration in the vital 8.000 feet and headed for San eeasorlea, loqt mUeaga, plus sno- 1938 PONTIAC-WIU trade for gas placement, umbreUaa repUred, EXCHANGE • These houses are.on the market circus sideshow but her physician Tractor With CultrvatoT Business Prt^perty Fqr Sale 70 for the first time. tom built five room ranch type abutting two streets, each approxl- said she had to come down to ,2fl0. Red River delta af-ou-d Hanoi, the Diego. stove or other household goods. men'a shirt collara reversed X id Fi-anrank A. Bu\ke, Boats and Accessories 46 home, two partly flnithed rooms - mately . x , 250. ’ Sign on replaced. Xtarlow's Uttla Mend­ NEIGHBORHG^ Grocery store. 100 - '"After she had knocked off 73 French reported' today klUtns 116 Navy aviators said they be­ iitt-lSiO, OLDER Chevrolata, 220 Charter Oak.-CaU. MI;-9-3S52. ElxeCieCuttve Dire< 6 Teeth and 2 Gang Wheels on second floor, full cellar, oil premises. Madeline Smith, .Real­ rebels and citotvring 110 Otoere. lieved Vandenberg's maneuver was The Payroll Savings Plan ing Shop. 1. S-S897 12 FT. DECKED utility boat, trail­ Small but a ctiv ^ Good money T. Jj (^ROCKETT pounds, her husband, a 125-pound other0 good transportation, 1940 CHEVROLET Club coupe. 27 Lewis St.. Phone CHk Phone Mitchell 9-7442 'Real E>tate Broker ateam heat on lot 106 by approxi- tor. MI. 9-1642, 9-1146. circus performer. l:ad to go to a They also said they rounded up something new in aviation history. Good craditiradit enable uaus to ac3 'h.p. outboard makinr. Priced to sell. Warren'E. - matelv 200'. K ot.ground fenced', Must Bell. Make me an offer. 220 FLAT .FINISH Hrtland wlntlow Howlapd, Realtor, 94* Woodbrldge 244' Main St., Manchester hospital, with, tuberculosis. Now 175 suspected Vietminh eupporters Maccou)i was rescued from toe helped nie save over $6,000! down, .ptiuglaa Motors, 333 Main. first MORTGAGES second motor. Price 3375. Ml. 3-4426 after in. OuUlde tool abed* storm win-j HACKMATAOT in the sweep through the-vicinity sea bv a Navy anti-submarine Charter Oak. Call MI. 9-3552. ahadea, mpde to moaauto../ AU 8 p.m. .. St. XG. 3-8600 - XG. 9- Phones: Office XG-3-.5418 dows and combination boors. Call | ney. approximately 100 x 510 lot. Theimn must be the family brekd- metal veneUab bllnda at ‘a new Musical Insfrumehts 53 Residence \xG-9-7751 wlnner but at soihe other Job. of Sontay, 35. miles north of Hanoi^ helicopter, which let dowij. a rope. SE FO R X YOU Buy a UMd ear FIRST. AND . second m(aortgagea <— owner.'MI. 9-4167. MI. 9-3347 after 6 p.m. Baa Oemiaa Motor'Salea. Bnick low price.. Keys made whUe you bought for our own accountmt. 1949 BUICK Super, fully equipped, MUSIC Ir'trumental rental. Com­ Houses For Sale / 72 COLOXGAL RANC^ 6814 fqet hi and Jtorvioa, 2S5 Mam wait. Mariow'a. / confidential service. Manchester Diamonds—Watches— plete line of inatrumente. Rental ig 9-4571. Opan §iv^ 3780. Inquire M Drive G.______Investment Corp., 244 Main street. Jewelry 48 length, 28 feet in width- iM 140 ft. applied to purchase pnee. 'Rep­ MANCHESTER—4 laif e tbqma. In , front and 245 feet deep. Six'rooma FBI AiirRequestecl Bulldog—-Contnltotins; 14 XG. 3-5416.« . resenting - Olds, ^ Selmer, Bach, /rivtuwo^ s s t 'Aiito'Accessories-^Tires 6 LEONARD W. TOST, Jawaler, re­ lovely secluded eettihg. Tonn$a- 'o f amart byauty ' suid lasting Pedler fuid Bundy. Metter'x Music town .kitchen, paneled^ in .knotty comfort, '214 tiled baths, 4 fire- A -GOOD t/aed mur or a new SPECIALIZING in cuatom buUt ga­ adjusts watches expertly. Studio,' ITT McKee. XG. 3-7500. By Scotland^Yard FOR TIRES, Tubqg and batteries rages, Stanley overhead doors, >nable prices. Open daily. pine, oil liot water heat, , trees, ga­ \placei. Fineat of nutefial and ^OidamoMla With R ^ e t engine isincM Opportahities 32 Reaaoa • » s - contact Al Catalano, the Man­ contact your GoiOdyear Service .;nhincts. block tile ceilinga, air Thursday evanlnga. 129 Spriica ' •' ------■ ■— rage, amealte drive, bus, $10,800. Wrkmanship. Beautiful view from s-4134. Store, ’’ 713 Main ^Street.; -MI. j d i ESTABUSHED soda shop and Uarlton W. Hutching. XG. 9-5132, aiiNgldes. Madeline Siqith, Realtor, (CoMttoBed from Page One) fmyodTOO/ rtoator Motor Sales. terationa, additions. CaU. Frank street XGtchell 9-4357. BECKER BROS. Piano with bench. 9-S890,. jUae our easy pay plan. 9-4394.' . . . T'" XG. ;9-1842 of 9-1149: \ Contola, XIL 5022,. luncheOfieUe for sale. Long term, XG. 3-7257, USED TRUCKS tor sale. Oag to aafifflAJait.. low refit lease available. Call ACB iL , for armed robbery at Fall River, says Frank A. Squires ton-ton capacity. Suitable tof'i yU jrgMOUS LIFETIME batteries, six GSNEUIAL Constructionon] alferk-' - Fuel and Feed— 49-A DIRIKCT FROM owner,'Six room Maes. year guarantee. Self-recharging in Realty for appolnttoant. XG-. XGRRA-PIANQ, 3295. Case rede­ ,Capc Cod 12 unfinished), immacu­ t h Rr e f Xm il y \h o m e Slirpoaea At bargain prices.' Carl- ' tlpna, ■ remodeling, plA->taMto__ tilp, 9-to92. ^ signed- 4 » epinct” style. Excellent In'December, M982," Gov. Joseph of Naperville, Illinois * “ 44 Stock Plact. Ml. attneomds. Buy'the beet for .lees, counter work, garage, etc. No Job FIREPLACE Wood for home or late condition, complete^in every B.vEly granted Almeida a pardon $1 weekly. .Cole.Mdtora. condition.'. Bench and delivery in­ detail, 313,800. XG. 9-6503. and INVESTM^T ; ■] too .’small. .Eugene Girardin; 13 ------Cottage. Low prices. Delivered cluded. Goss Plano Co., 317 to save him from depbrtation but ’a ■' T Trotter St. XG, 9-55t)9^ Help Wanted—Fepnate 35{ mMt anywhere.'Stores, GA. 9-2438, Asylum.St;, Hartford. JA. 6;9996. > ALSO 2]f a MILY ^LAT month later he was arrested in IMS F RANCH wagon, 1951 MOTOft ..SALNjifew motpr guar­ EAST HARTFORD. Beautiful Sun­ •Waltham, Maes., for carrying, a fh r t Victoria,' 1947 Ch^rtoef eon- antee, Ford, Chevrolet, Mercury, CABINET XIAKiNa-Ws alad do SEAMSTRESS Wanted, full time. set. Ridge. 'Three homes priced ■’/ ’ • ■ -r..; loaded revolver without a permit. Dodge, 3124.95. Pontiac, Oldamo.. HAMMOND CHORD. ORGAN, only from 317jioo'to 322,900, - See these vqrtlble. 1962 ^ e v r o le t sedan, all types of carpentry" work, re­ Pleaae M>Ply in person. Burton’.s, Garden-r^Farm— Dairy 1 *y^ar old, hard tp tell from new, C^e flat, vacant, good IdiCatio'l; to Octeher, 1955, while serving a IIM Fort tudor, 194F Ford tudor. bUe, «tc, 3174.98.. 310 month. Cole modeling, 'alterationa, .etc. Good Mato St.; Menchq()ter.' ,. Froducts 50 today. The Eacott Agency..„xn- sentence for that offense, he es­ Motors. Xa. 9-0930; 3845, be/ich included. Goes Piano 9-7683. iM s st down payment anywhere. workmanship, - and -reasonable Co., 317 Asylum St;. Hartford, JA. caped from Middlesex County Jell, ^^^^Dwigtoa Motore, 353 Main. rates.’ Estimates gladly ^' vgiven. EXPERIENCED WaitVesa wanted. FOR YOUR^reezer, tender. Here-. at Cambridge and later was\|ound •Trailers for Sale 6-A Apply in peraon. Center Restau­ 5-5696. Open Thursdays until .9,' EIGHT ROOM house for sGe direct' CaU t>ick at PI. 2-5695 or J ( ^ at fortUiteeri. Whole or part. Your Free parking In lot next door. , AHT KNOFLA, R e S fe r in a Revere, Maes., rooming htifUM. 2*61 Hudson 3-Dr. tiuper's Sedan rant,; 499 Main St. - \ fronS'«wner. Good cmuUtion. Oil 1945, 2$ FT. TRAILER, toilet and XG. 8-5769. - . choice^ froin my large herd.' Sul- steam heat. Vacant. 'Ml. 5-5434..; An extra year was added to his - ' - —Radio, heater - and over- Ahower, good:'condition, reason­ kbwskt, WllUmanllc HA, 8-3217., STBINWAY GRAND, medium size, ^875 Main Street sentence'for that escape. , - • drive, egca^lent: condition. - GENERAL CairpeQtry, altel'ationSi REGISTERED'Nurse and trained recently reconditioned and baas rb- able. JqaeX Roy, Chamber’s Eaao attendant, alee full time cooir. CsUl GARDEN MANURE—No hay or ^IX ROOMS, dormersy hot~ water After completing the sentence, 1951 Hudam Hornet Club Coupe— Stafibh, Veroon. i ad.fUtions,-neW construction, roof­ strung, priced for immediate" sale bU heat, fireplace, Inaulated, city "Mf]5-54l|0 ' ing, siding, uhfinished rooms. Will XG. 9-2324, zrh for Xfr. Coleinanr: straw. "Deltvered. mpst’-aayy'h'ere. 'the Immigration Service began de­ A one^Owner car.. Must be ar 3665. Goas Piano Co,, 317 water and sewera, comhlhatlon portation proceeefings but before i Savings Bonds, in 'you* name, aa^dw- aeen to be appreciated. Ra- finance to 32500, 6 .years Ao pfiy. "StoiTS GA. 6-2438. . Aaylum St., Hartford.- JA. 6-6699; storm windows and screens;, hear ML9-6938 How often have you jsiid; "Sure, I’ d lpye_,-. Auto Repgiriiif—'Painting <7 RoCkvlUe 8«8111. ' „ v , they were completdifl' Almeida was ^-,-dlo, heater and hydfamatic, Help wanted— Male -:Vsrptanck school, shopping center;, arrested for armed robbery and 'tO/*sve. But on my pay, 1 esn't.” V Bonds are turned over to yo«i5 direction aignalA ' • .FOR SA I^ • P* two bus lines. (^i<;k occupancy/ XIANCHESTER; BoweuiBchoOl dis­ bar and music stand Iheluded, 395. sentenced to serve 18-20 years In y *■ '■ , 7 .1951 Hudson Hornet-8edan---Spe- Roofinflh^dlng 16 Man WANTED for grading , and .Owner ' mo'vlng opt of, state.' trict —• Clean, comfdrtable Cape prison. He was discharged some­ Don't girt up! If Frank Squirm-cbuld Saving anly $3-7S a wee* can CAB BUBi^ OIL? ^ duifip truck drivtog. Must be good ' : GQW MANURE Inquire 24 Drive G. ‘t ; Priced 313,500. Chas. Les^rance. Cod. Six rooms. Oil steam heat, clal-saint radio, heater, and FOR THE BEST hi Bonded built time in l*te 19M or early this on a furniture hiker',|, pay, and uv^up- Vtolg yau $S,1S1-71I hydramStic, 4 new whitewall "hard worker with excellent driving, XG. 9-7330'; , - V overei*e4 garage, lovHy land- year—the records ere not clear— , . . v - , / up roofs, shingle roofs, gutters, record. Apply at - Thomas Coils " Delivered hy Hie load, acape.d Ibt'. Near school apd bus. tliM, Economy pvgrhaul, most all conductors and roof repairs call Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 and thejLark-Uke lot. be was seven. -•V-** -*'••■1 , - - — - 'll- - - ■ ------— - ■*- . the fiifrws//V Payroll Sayings Plan! . —Very good, condition. Only MI-9-0980 ' prices-^13% dia<:ount bn aU roof­ Laige liyloff rtx>m,,fireplace, pic- Start an tha raaliatic raasi ta Anancigl 5S9S. ing ui'd aiding. Free estimates., APPLy NOW for future opening. M1-3-74Q5 ‘ slacks, an size 10. ExceUent non- IF ■ a II I I. I ^ a rtist* I ■■ dltion. Tel. XG. ^7276. ’ ' turesqqa (lining room, miodcrn lartapaaelanca — naiwl 194$ Nash tSedan-^BeauUful black Call XG. 9-8933. . Fuller .dealer franchise. Men who kitchM. Master bedrbom'plu's twilff 1 COMPLETE Torpedoes Caught The Plan re«llT V *»k»~. J, 'fihlsh. R a d io e d heater, ui pass qualification test gusrafiteed Household. Goods_ 51 size/TUe bath, attic, hot water oif hecauee it s«vea|*r y«ul More than S mijlion wodcia$ men and hrtatcry Just Ilka naw..Oniy .Auto Driying SthobI' 7-A ROOXlNO, Siding and carpentry. 'XSS per week take home. Perms,- Alterations and additions. CaU- Wanted—^To Buy 58 hept, basement garage. DflHiwaeh- women are laving successfully on PsytoU ■$596. / ■ , ■ - _ ,.nwt. Write Box C, Herald.------ei* and disposal. \ 8croau$d aide By Two Fistermen Juit go to your ((ompany.'i pay office *nd_ DRIVINQ lAstructlons from your Ings. Workmanship'guaranteed- n 6 n e e d 'TO JOIN A CLUB LOOKING FOR Savings. For your (amiljr't mke, and ytw ISM MerhitV Club‘'Cbypqr-^RailiD, WILL BU'Y Refrigeratoni, rangee, 4Mrch. Many othefi features. Elva sign a Payroll Savinjg* application. Then home, Pual-control Inauneo car, A.' Af-JNon, Inc., 299 Autumn SA'i^MAhTWanted In a , diiiette- and washing roachiroa. La- MOTOR TUNE-UP haator and overdrive,.^.^ one- . Top Quality Furniture- ' ^ e r . ReGtoc. XG.\6-4499. own, how about )o>nto$ today? If you*» atandard or automaUe. Call Xiah- street. Mltch'U 3-4850. -ttnoteuhi store, temporary atore. Flamme AppllSSice Co. Ny.’-9-985^ Paeadena, C * U f"m—Two fish­ your saving is automatically done /sr ^wnerjcar.' Chester Drlvina Academy. >< Ff, 721 Main St. Brand Nanic Appliances OFFIGESPACE ermen want .(Jiving for abalone re­ self-employed, join the Bood-A-MooA ISfl Studebaker Land Gruisar— 2-7249, ToU free. SPEXffALlST in gutters and down: you—before yo“ e''“ 7°“^ P*7- and ’iV, at Tremendous Savings cently end p4me UP with a couple Plan white you tank. Autoiaatic drive. Only 24,000 -apouts. Tom Dawkins,' Master RETIRED.'Bueinesaman. An-active Rooms Withodl 59 of .tin fish (torp#dose). They ts'invested in interest-earning U- S. Series ifORTLOCk'S Driving Schwl] Ldist man la a happy man. Interesting s e . o o mUea. FuU intoe $999.. Plumber. Phone Mt, 9-9649. CHAMBERS FURIOTURE I N A10i 0 % netted Gdorge E. Troester, and confidence quickly restored by a 24 gV-v.-. and challenging part time sales ' ' ' SAlJiS'"”"’ ROCKVILLN-HlUalde SEPTIBTA Xifurray Black 3100 apieoe. S'lr- ;.-,U ]wh lack cash for down pay- skilled^ courteous ihatrubtor. En­ Hoofing 16-A opportunity afito well-known local Grove St.,, two To<>m ent jiiiD. tiiMta- ir. dorsed teaching method guaran­ / At The Cireen, ■■ 'A line, Blafik spotted hie "fish” 135 feet U * V. I.‘ ^ rnegt X.thaaa cars, wa can arrange . ccmqgn). Work when you want to, wtfh' private bath, LOCATION? down at San piemente and, after ..... h f Heir ptihMit «*• ^ liw othOr tsTTim. , - tees fewer lessons, license in­ ROOFING—Specializing In re|>alr-. earn asltoucll ax~ypu want; Un- .XGtchell 3*5187 TTaUTdreh an.f-4MS ■BWIUI3AOB O lg P M A t 00. o f m a m c h i ]*9)^ra — torpadoaa art aapfn car. Ogghla axpsriimert instruc- aJBNNOX' Fuifiacca and waiwi w JANITOR. Dsp«ndabUity- imppr- -'unmavrad. Marvelous buy. We ■IVt.' Ur. oS S m -lk xa m StiuiqL XG. • kaafuig. Earl Van Catop. IlftailU tatqt, part time tii dally qxcapt tun- 'pave two, only .need one. XG. : Panr' -. UMtTKfffft. to. r •-^*4. . . ■ ,' ' I ; day. dsii i g ; 5-7914. S-IOM, _ \ '

i- I


BATXmDAY, MARCH 27,^1WI Artroiw Dally Ntt P tom Run i^aitrlfi^Bt^r Ettj^nbtg' Hi^Ui >br the Weak Bafiefi *7, I8M yaar and X9U when the worM waa Bolton Drive ahockad by aawa of tha tragic alnk- Quintet Wins top Honors at Rockville High Schyol 11,161 iilTp i^ inc of dia 8. 8. ’ntanip with a Iota traf tha Aadit' Heard Alon^ Main Street M i.BOO Uvea. > ' Of Re d Cross a( Cttahlatlaaa \It waa in' April 1948, that both Muasolini and Adolph HlUei' came M anehetter^A City of yUh/te Charm ..J *$. to A.i;c. And bn Some of Manchetter** Side SfrMts, Too to an ignomlnioue end. andjn A J ^ a tm o a ftt NelliB Passes 13 M that year President VOLLXXm.NO.15l (q nasUlefi Advorttahig on Fnga 14) ribMpital. iMM D. Rooeevslt’e death occurred. MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1954 paternal m nd- V . PMice News ^dosen other crimes going unpub- (SIXTEEN PAGES) Ushsd and unsolved. ■ The Town of Bolton, wkjdh ia ' Mra. Adelbart . K .nothing else,, the current We’re not demanding that the w w ard ChrlsUan BeMMrs part of the Manchester Rs4 Cross -St; and the troversy betipfecn Chief of Police Sunday night waa a gusty, Chapter, surpsf&sed its fund 'drive ta are ,-Mr. chief tell us everything that he and Herman O. Schendel and Matthew His men are 4oihg. The very na­ nippy evening and aa ' qviota by soihe 135 dollars today. CdJilfrefifiman LeLves Hospital iiA ib ik PatM- f^ywy 79 Broad St. The total amount collected in Bol­ S9c Butter Ike Is Seen M Mo7i*rty* fuel olill antl^car ture of police work makes that out oh Main Street from onh of unrealistic. But a litUe more co- the local drug stores ws wera ton waspbme 1894 while tos quota iJb a. Jacob dealer and vrrScker-service ogerat tor, has brought to llgat six burgla­ or^ratlon with the press and the somewhat ‘ startled to hear the was 1845. — t i tha WaUrhOodW Temple Beto people of Manchester on reportihg anomoloua ( to ua) melodic straina Local Fund Drive Chairman Is Due by ries'that hr-ve never beep.,reported For House Ihalnn. aaid that w apring band- what ia going on in town—the bad of ‘‘Onward Christian Soldihre." Venion F. Hauschtid wltoea to 4M(#HwUlng aawrion ViU be held at before. . ’ as well as- the good—would clear We weren’t able to identify the publicly thank and to axtend his tSa Temple, Monday at 8 p. m. Like any other newspapep. we congratulations to Mra. Richard like to print new|Kwhan It is news, the Mr and make for a greater de­ source of the marching s^g- bn-, Ttda'WiU be the laat aeaaion-for the confidenge. Olmsted. Bolton chairman, and -Week-end Excise Bill aaaaoa at the Temple and, aa not a week or a month or k year gree of mediately, but there was ^ mis­ take tn our mind that a ^wnd was her assistant, Mrs. Edward J, naaal. will be open to the public aa after tt has happened, but; with Mack and to all who aided In tha Washington, March 29 (/P) arell ^ aa menroera. Mra. Irving Schendel,. apparently We don't, al­ Them Days Ooae Forever providing the music. Washington, March 29 (/P) Ruth Shinn, the Bolton fresh­ For a split second we' mentally Bolton drive. - —-Secreta^ of - Agricultural Bayer la Community Service chalr- ways have much choice. Hauachild stated that tha suc­ — Senate Republican leader n m and Mra. Hyman Uhrman la Schendel says he doesn’t feeli man at the University of Connset- plnch4d ouraelvea and mused over Benson said today some retail icut. Went for a^ swim in, Bolton the possilfility M March 21 being cess of toe Bolton sactiop of the Knowland (Calif.) predicted tn 'chuge ot folding bandagea. obligated to release news of every drive will give local solicitors toe outlets havfi reported they liiere la a continuous need for break, and there's no law we knoW Lake last Sundajr, first day of n State or national holiday. But / at the White House today spring, but we have it from good before we were able, to come to morale boost which is needed will -offer butter for as low as bandagea First Across ' Bank's New \l%|NMhold prits and thereby impedC police in were missed during the first can­ to a lower basis.^ ■'-,1 liie Cbnnectlcul State Fedora' their investigation. in past yimrs ,the first local,swim- and Mancheeter Salvation Army proved by the House. ' 1. R e v o ^ i o n nier to hit the waters was a man. bands and ^ soldiers conducting vass in sn effort to diminish ths Benson said, however, that most ./■;. tlon of Women’a Clube will hold an Now, the chief has had a good 81,000 deficit which |iresently There was toe implication in this iu!day"mheUng in Cheahire. many years experience in police and he ventured into the icy wa­ their grsnd.march. of the retail prices for butter are prediction that ths President ters on Jan. 1. Autos, following at a anall's exists in the residenlisi quota. expected to be .In the "mid and Thuraday, April 1. undev the di work,' and his views, therefore, de­ Jack N. McCarthy, residential might not sign it if ths bill ..lade Govi^cfl to reetton of Mrt. Paul J. Maxon, serve respect. But after all. la it Members of the Army A Navy pace, kept a respectful distance upper 80‘s." Reuill prices are now cuts os heavy os were voted J>> the diairman of international affairs, Club well remember the days between themselves and the chairman, stated that It would generally above 75 cents a pound, Senate—a total of 81,034,000,000.. reasonable to asDume that nvnews help this good cause if residents who llvea In Cheahire. There i^ l stoiy whk*- says a break has when Frank D’Amico took his marchers and the hectic atmoe m ^ ly around 84 cents. A major cut voted by toe Sen­ be tallmrbh "larael-Arab Bela- annual swim on New Tear’s Day. phere generally associated with who have not been solicited will The governmeht's support rate ate, but not approved by ’ toe occurred and* teUs-where and how nisll their contributions to Red (1 Power tlona". “ Tugoelavia Today” and entry was gained and what was No matter how much andw was military parades was replscsd by \ will decline - about SU cents a House, was a reduction of the ex­ on the ground or how much ice Cross Headquartefs, 80 Center St. pound-rfrom about K to 57 cants. cise or soles tox on household op- Japan. Japanese dances will be taken and that poUce are working a serenely confident mood. Corporate returns continue to presented and a,brief explanation covered Globe Hollow, Frank man- We. felt a tingling Sensation ‘The dairy support/program, now plionces from 10 per cent to 5 per Ctiro, Egypt, Msjrch 29 (ff) on the case teUs the burglars any­ lag an4. are a matter. of much given of each One. thing they don’t already Imow? a ; ^ to get in his Swim. running up and down our apine N at 90 per cent of parity, will be cent. Also the * Senate voted to -^Egypt’s military govtrn- HrrSid Photo. concern,' Frank Simon, corpora­ V reduced to 76 per cent for the new abolish to* admiasl-iiis tox on After all, anyone who U gOtng He srould take a group of fel­ as the blftd passed by and - the tions i^ift chairman, has stated ment announced tonight that Hie annual Setback Party for to commit a burglary must do so lows with him. They stood bun­ full ImpaFT of the stirring march The five honorntedents who won marketing year beginnlng April 1. movie tickets and others costing 60 all previotis decisions to e<)D> the Pltem«i-Police AthleUc Assn, that It is now evident that the suc­ cents or leas. The House voted to with the knowledge that it’s go^ dled up in heavy coats along the hit ua As the marchers disap­ Den i. Pfidt 91. Attention! top honors fop toe Rockville High also on toe Banner staff. Marian cess or failure of the drive will de­ Will Cot Markup duct Constituent Assembly will be held tonight at Hose Co. 1 iiig “to be investigated,-and we bank while be took his first dip peared down Oak Street, we Stoool class of 1954,>bclude, first Homelson, daughter een RICH April 1, acquired under dairy price Maseh 1, leaves casualty hsspitel, Washington (Mnrch 28,). accom­ approve a reduction if toe legisla­ leatsod of a (Jonstltuoat Aaaein- pamplets on flag etiquette to Girl made to cover up ‘‘deficiencies.” and nursfS concerning the expect­ Roderick EHason, .John GrSgan, WohUebe was a ir.emUer and sec­ panied by his wife. Bentlejr's doctor aaM he is “doing very well” tion in its final form calls for cuts bly previously promlsad by tba weather was nice, back In the dim Bruce -Rose, David j^terle, active in athletics, tMting part in ■ support commitments. Scout Troop 4, of which Mrs. Moriarty, who must have a fine in­ ant father, “We never lost a fath­ days before surface transportation retary of the Student CduilCll, and baseball, football am winning his and may be able te runme hie Coagreeelonal dntiee urithin a month. about the sixe the House voted. Revolution (JouncU, it was' oSeidod Charles Pease U leader. Thursday telligence network in loivn to un­ WUllam Whltsel and/Stephen Benson said he was not \yst (A P Wlrephete);^ ~ er yet,” doubtless Is true. But the waa atresunlined, an^ possibly as a member of the AthletiC Assn., letter in basketMul. He was a TOPSOIL ready to announce plans for dis­ Asked then whether he waa to establish an appointed “ National evening in Ehnanuel Lutheran cover all these breaka, has made nervous fellows do not always TCnrich and Mascot' ‘Thomas and. National Honor Sptlety, She member of this ^a ria team which .counting, on to* Senate-House con­ Advisory (kwncU” in which varioun f just such a charge. long as anyone living today can Eliason. Den MotherM Mrs. R. Several Thousand Yardfi posing of ths govemmebt surplus Church. Mrs.'Helen Beebe, presi come off scattaless. recall, the old men used to quit was a cheer leader of,toe Gymnas­ reached the sen^finals in the State ference coocmittee to knock out otganlsaUons and professions would dentyintroduced Patriotic Instruc­ We do not subscribe to the L. EJiason. ^ Between Manchester stocks. He said the l8-memher Na­ the additional cuts vot^ by tbs ■Taka yoimg. Gerald A. Page of their posts In front of Ui4 barber ium team, a membqf of the Giris Tournament! Me Is vice president tional Agricultural ’Commission, be Tcpreaented. tor Dorothy Wohlegemuth who theory that any attempt is being and Rockv^te Senate, Knowland teplied: This developmeint coma shortly made to cover up •'deflcienclea”- - Detroit,' for instance. He huitled shop, -the smithy’s, or the hotel Activity Club apd she attended of his class ^ d also served in the __ appointed by Prssifient Bseh- presented the flag, which was ac- 7 Laurel Girls’ Stpt* UConn dur­ same offica^ring his Junior year. "That is my personal belief.” after the Army rushed tanks and iwpted by Patricia Leduc for the the department has Just so many hia V fiti to a/materhity hoepltai piaaaa and saunter down to the hower, will go Into this matter at as tha time of crieie drew near. station to watch the evening mail from the sky for a fqw momenta ing her Junior year. Dorothy 811- He was rotu'BBOtttotive of the Ban­ $ Per. Td. Ia The Wla H/hwever, as toe Senate-House steel-helmeted troopprinto Cairo to Ob-1 Scouts. Other Auxiliary mem members and can’t cover the 1.00 meetings to be held here today, to­ preserve order'sfter deinonstrators whole town at once. But we do Holding a heavy suit case in one come in. , before roariiM off- into the twi- vetherx was .Vice president of the nerette, a member of the National morrow and pdutbly Wednesday. conferees went into a closed door bem attending were President HMit. a s w ^ y moving eonstella- Dramatic Oub and had a role In Honor Society and the Asseipbly 100 Yds- In m meeting at toe capitol several attacked dnd. beat Egypt’s chief elect Oglore- White. Mrs. Florence feel that auppreaeion of the facts hand aiM her arm by the other, he They Would detach themselves, Olaira Ike Wreag JusUce. in cases of crimes here as tn the rushed fttrough a hoepital door. slowly, from their interminable tion of tiymkllng red; white and toe play./’The Stage Door." She Club of which he waa vice presi­ members told re^rtsrs they putt Mrs. Edith Mason, Mrs. Lu / Meanwhile, toe National Farm-, -White House thought it likely the. group would An Army Officer Udd newsmen suppression, of facts wnywhsrs, Ihat’e right, "through’ the'-door. argumenta and gossip as'the twi­ green If ‘ w’aa a‘ Member of toe Assembly dent. He was also a member of toe Tel. JA-8-0271 erg union offlciale argued today ~1rile iBrth and Mrs. Anna Rich Comi^tce. toe' Bannerette staff, Student council. ^ approve the Senate plan.; to wipe . . Herald .Photo. . , the JusUee, Abdel Rassak ganhourl, . -ards. ciui only breed suspicion. It was glass and In his excitement light deepened and the straggling It m & be a far cry froin the that the Eisenhower administra­ Realtor and liwnrancenruui Arthur A. Km became the first customer to traasai^. bmlnew ia the had drawn a pistol and kUled two How many other breaka are Page- failed to see it group of them would silently make custom^ **I4 to halt the. after- an ./Vtoletic Assn, representative, a Wfishington, March 29 (A>)— Longshoremen estimated by out taxes on mo'vie tickets and ■e# Maicheeter Trbqt Co. bank at 89S Maln/St tion is wrong ia figuring flexible other admissions costing 00 cents thU morning. He- Is greeted by Treasurer Vinoent demonstrators, but a photographer there that have not been reported? He wasn’t much hurt, and Mrs. their way to their favorita van­ aupi^ Chores to watch for the meitkber of toe PhotograjJiy Club lagraham who opeaM the dobra at 8 o’ldock. Dr. Sheena Stuart who is an of the Girls Athletic Asan. dance / farm pries supports would cut police to number around 1,(K)0 picket64^ the White House to­ Or less. ; Otoer* Meatiflable tn toe photo behind Knofia an Aa- who arrived during the attack «■<(! Interne at Manchester Memorial And If breaks go unreported by Page had her baby In due course, tage points near the tracks. post rider or the stage or ^the production and solve toe problem tbOBy Angelo, seHioe Stattoa ow-aer. ames Brogan, West Side grocer. two ware wounded and no on# was The routine for this arrival and in but-the folks who apprccl- 'froup, and Was < n toe Bapner day in protest against the government’s handling of /the bit­ / One.said h'e thought it likely Hospital, is anticipaUng a vUit police, what abouV other crimes? and all thi;ee are fine. of farm snrphisea they also would accept the Senate Wiled. - - from her parents who Uve in If the chief doesn’t feel “ obligat., Who said expectant fathers face departure of the mall train was __ ! the simple and "Sfflalt thinn' staff. A member Of the Dramatic ter dock strike that has t i^ up the Port of New York. Club torotighout her four years at On toe contrary, one euggeeted, Motropidltnn police said about ------—---- — ------cut on household appliances' but Sonhouri was takaa to too Scotland. ed” to divulge news of all breaka, no peril? , ) ' the same every evening. Some ol^ of life -find it today, as they did One Wj^ek Dry, Cleaning fanners may prince more., and perhaps there are other viblationa for years outnumbersd, whe.ww High School, Unda Sumner, daugh­ 1,200 to 1,400 of the m m had come other members expressed doubts home of President Moahmed Na­ gentlemen would gather about Vm more in an elMrVto. maintain on this. Jordan Claiilis guib after the a lta ^ and It waa SMckland PTA 'wUl meet of the law far wbrse he chooaea to station master’s window for addi­ the mall comes in. / ter of M:=. and Mrs. George Sum­ into the capital by bus qnd other . . . Fatetal April ner of ,24 Hale St. Ext., was a their income ott-lowar prices. means,mssna, malnlvmshdy from NnwXVarkNsw^York kutbut Ctongreas is working against a French Break Out impossible to roato him immedi­ Tuesday at 8 psn. at the school. withhold from the public. April, which is Just -around the tional small talk while others '.It ia generally concetM that Edwin Ohrisuaheom peMldent of Textile Unians A laick of candor on the part of member of the Student C!ouncil, with toete saaks swelled'by' con- deadline of Wednesday midnight ately te check too staUmiat ol FoUowing the ' business meeting comer, ia -said to be history's moat would poke their heads In^ the the mall plane U no longer a toe Minnesota (Farmaig Union, on the bill, because aU the changes Israeli Troo]^ the officer -who nported two tbs parents vriU Judge the safety the chief, Uierefore, can lead to a fateful month, beginning with the station to check the wall^ clock was on the Bannerette staff, where tingents picked up on the way. new fangled conti^iptlon” be- toe waa production editor, and waa / said “agricultural recoiAi of toe ‘Ihey expected more. Refuse to V mid take effect ThursdayApril slain. pciters made recently by the pu­ lack of confidence In the police crucifixion of Jesus, the greatest against their owp e n g ra ^ tur­ caiutt it truly has /feplaced to* years 1819-22, 1980-32 and 1938-89 which would take more than one MARCH TY-APRIL 3 Plan to Picket NLRB 1.' Both Houses would have to, ap­ Attack Village O f Dien Bicn Phu Nagidb Osllapsas pils of the school. Teatmers wUl al­ fragsdy the world has ever known. nips and note -whatber/tbe mall train as a lurO fot the pi^sent • I Miow that when farm pricea went prove to? oonfmqce agreement so be present at this time. Refresh­ column of type describing the A wort<|:FhlfrAvent of great im­ was “ on-time’' or “ late.” down, farm prbfiiicUan went up.” Plana-aaaduadod by fhe fioek- „.,ft3IA.eutoreak'"eaina whUa.-No*' generation of thOM men who \ yrorkers as they Isft New York had 15% Ciit iiiP^y and Premclil'SMnhOvi^r , ' ' • ’■"''J '' guib, who coUapsod teSH tbao tola ments wiU be served at the end of "brilliant solution" of one break to portance took place in April, 1S48, 'The sounds around the station watch for the mall. The only dif­ Chrtetianiwh was among laafiera Jerusalem, S o tla tr Seatiofi, offset. After afh there might be a LADIES' OR MEN'S atao incrudM ptckstlnl Op^tlona ^ have to.pigii it to make it la)q- merninf, engaged Ifi enteia) ooih the evening. when a deadly form of bubonic Were so familiar aa t o fail almost ference today hi that the men are. COIN FOIOESS (WITH OUT FUR J _ of tot f Armors union w ho.an iM ^ VM any cuti are firmly in the ^11. March 29 Greenland, telegraph relay clicked and clack; dren for, young and old, they all committee to oppoae the^ admin­ — gome 8,000 • Textile work-- to ebt to 10 per cent toe present bringliM death to (uie-fourth of the tomorrow of sn NLRB sxaminer'a launched an organized mteck at day afternoon and the high command said they killed 1,000 tion CouncU.<>~^ ed its brief aiinouncements In thrUI to .toe thought of vringing istration’s plan for sliding scale era in iVoonsocket and Water- 30 pe^oent tax on fun. Jewelry, world’s people. props on baste commodities start­ rScOmmsndaUons.in the dock labor midrnghf on a Jordan viinge two men of the Communist-led Vieiminh in a counterattack out­ it official aouroe said Naguib spasmodic bursts of activity. Then through' the skies. / dispute. ’ handbag >ind luggage,, cosmetics, ^ A i^ , 1800, eight years aftar —the big moment neared . ‘The HOliY SHOPPE ing next year. viUe, Maine, have' refused to take a mHes west of Bethlehem. First side the fortress’ fringes. s,,. <1- _ • . ,=—— . Wi^*keep his three JoIm aa pral- But the mall plane, although Cor. Center and Ortswold/ Tha man represent the old Inter­ pay cut, despite warnings by man­ light b u l^ and cameras and -’■ French Army headquarters an­ Rumbus discovered America, rails would'/start, faintly at first, quite commonplace, la still able to repbrta said nine Arab troops Were dent of the republic. Prime Minia- Fadrci Alvares CarbiUe, a Portu- nationa] Longshoremen’s Assn. agement that they may be forced killed and 16 wounded. nounced French tanks, artillery \ to echo the click of the wheels suiiply those who meet it with T (CeatiaMi on Fagn Bight} (CoBti■ae(^eq^ Fage Eight) ter end chalrinen of the Revedu- gueae discovered another great REGULARLY $1.S0 (ILA), which upartotly won a out of business by high production The spokesman, M*i- Moham­ and infantry, under the fortress 1 ./ 1 1 1 1 C S lO I jfIV © tion (Jouncii. NevertlUdeaa, the and. alm'ost at the same time, the phough food for speculation, espe­ board-supsrvfssd slaction just be­ costs. land, Brasil. In hie eearch for the mellow/whistle of the crossing med Izhaq, senior Jordan, military commander. Col. Christian De . / decision to cancel ail plana for a '-‘Fotmtaln of Youth," Ponce de cially when Ita doors open to make fore toiristmas for the right to rep­ More than l,o0o workers, repre­ delegate to tile U. N. Mixed Ar­ warning, and the train bell wi earth-bound again a -thoughtful Castries, killed all Vletminh en- I T ' C ...A (Jonstituent Assembly elecUon and Leon discovered Florida in April, resent the dock workers. A board senting 4,200 employes in 1? woolen mistice (Jommlssioh, said toe Is­ trenched in two villages about two / m S C t-U fi sJ s O s x V l l l l end qf toe military regime repre­ Join jm a simpla duet. Next wu old gentleman who Is placidly NORMAN'S ‘Joe Must Go’ examiner recommended that the and worsted mills and texUle dye Mass of Cold MM. be heard the deep rumble as, tne raelis Also demolished' some houses miles from this western line o f toe' - sented a complete defeat for toe ' Five wars began in America dur­ sucklpg at anjjmllt com cob pipe. 448 Hartford Rd.. TM. Nl-8-4807 elecUon be volcled, on the ground houses in Woonsocket rejected a then withdrew to Israel after an President. mail stomped across, the to«*tl* that the ILA was responsible for proposal for a 15 per cent cut in ing April, the War of the Revolu­ hour. ' For Indochina A. council spoksiiman said toe tion, the Mexican War. the Civl] and. finally. In one grand gteacen- ■/- Hurrah! Even Hip! Hip! Club Petitions 14016000 4001 intimidaUoiv which he wages and. fringe benefits yester- Air Rolls iitio do of grinding steel on Steel and CAN YOU SEAT THIS! said prevented a fair test at tha day. , Iteiaq .sald the attack was made counterattack since the Vietihinli RevoluiJon (Jounell would remaitt War, the Sbanish-American War A t last an invention for Which flik toe v i^ g e of Nahalin in the launched their great mass aasault in power “until toe end of too and World war I. , wheexing steam, the Mail would many have' longed has comp up. pifila. At about the same lime, em­ By EDMOND LE BRETON Prober Recall A new union, the AFL-ILA organ­ aekion of/Palestine occupied by on ths big northwest Indochina transition p4riod”-^set for Janu­ Paul Revere made hia- hiemor- come In'. They’re going to make power lawn lENDIX-CROSLEY ployes of the Wyandotte Worsted East and South Jordan since the 194I war with Is­ Washington, March' 29 (dS — As the engine panted and mutr (EXCEPT WHITE$) ised by the American Federation of (to., in WaterviUe, voted 186-18 outpost on March 18. ary 1954. The spokesman said ablr ride April 18, 1775. / mowrs that are practically notse- FULLY AUTOMATIC rael. ' I The U. 8. govariiment’s position The death of President WUliani tered to itself U im would be a Sauk City, Wls., March 29 m y - Labor, opposed the old ILA in the against, accepting a -wags cut SOes Mere Maas Attacks that ah. dectstons annouttcad by ■a. election-and protected the apparent totalling 17 cents sn*hour. : By T H i ASSOCIATED PRESS He skid toe Jordanian casualties During three days of screaming. on keeping Indochina out of Com- tbe counbll op March 6 end March Harrison, the first president to dia quick eXiMah^ qf passengers, ‘The “Joe Must (id* ;€Sub,'^M>«ar- included six National, Guardsmen freight, and maHbags^and when ThaUs what the man sajM. the irssuU. The new tinion was saf up' The Industrial Trades Unioli A vast tide o f Arctic air spread wave-on-WaVe of Infantry charged,' niunist hands andz holding the 25 kre canceled unUl toe end eg I In office, occurred on April/i. IMl, SPEGIU. 1 DAY GLEANINQ SERVICE beaded ^ sight editors and writers eastward and. southward today, and , three Arab Legionnaires I'JuMa month after his inauguration. this climax had rim iU course the man in this cms being the head of from Wisconsin weekly news after the federation had thrown the (Ind), which represents the Wopn- the withering Frenqh fire killed an door '*------against-—* MaUhg -■• of Red (J^ina the- transition period. h .company 'that makes power old ILA out of its membership for socket workers, said the average rolling early spring in hortoem killed, and 12 National Guards­ estimated 3,000 of Vietmlnh Cbm- in the United Nations is . uji for On 'Aprtl 14,'1886, the entire na- mail would/^part, leaving in a ACOEFTED UP TO 10 A J . papers today began the task of men-and four Arab Legionnaires NiMser Still te Peteer v lawnmowers. Thq scientific expla- WORK faUure to rid Itself of gangster wage in the woolen and worsted United States, after dumping, manderjn Chief Vo Nguyen Glap’s restatement tonight, reportedly in Lt. Col. Abdel Gamal Neaeer, Ition was in -mourniiw^Preai^nt shower of cinders and noise and ntting out about one.out of eyery heavy snowfall and sub-uro tem­ wounded. Uncein was dead ,f ram ^ assas- smoke enough gossip for the next paUon of too gadget which, cuts five o l the state’s ellgibla voters elements. mills in that city is 11.60 an hour best trbops and wounded another tough terms. apparently back in power as the ihachoOQJhg! the-noise of toe things almost to iCEPT MTURDAYS . Picketing, which began . shortly and that the 15 per cent cut yould peratures .on- Montana Sunday. ITie reported-attack raised the 8,000. , The spokesman is Secretary of I ain't bullet..... / day, for each passenger known to sign petitions aimed at toe^re- threat of sharp Arab retaliation undisputed boas of toe regime xsro is long and involved. Who after the men began to Orrive here mean an hourly reduction of be­ The concentrated chill plum­ The Vietminh pulled back to re­ Slate Dulles. He will talk ,to the told newsmen censorihip woiM bo In 1887. April S. .Alaska wla pur- and unknown, was. a topic for in­ call of Sen. McCMrithy (R-Wls>- meted MonUha temperatures Sun­ I chased from Russia. tense speculation amon|f the cares a b o u t the explanation, after their all-night m ve from New tween 35 and So cents. against Israel. Rejiresentatlvea of group, presumably for more mass Overaeas Press Club in New York reimposed on all Egyptian oewi- The chib waa formed at a meet- York, vVaa orderly/but on a mass day to 10 degrees blow Mro at the’ sev'en Arab states said''in The trouble wl&. Spain which had watchful old timers. though? Now no neighbor with Sn R E 4 ; $ i3 9 J M - Ing called here yesterday by Lgroy A spokesman fof- the C:iO Tex­ assaults. Since then they have kept and to the nation by ABC radio 1m -... f - - been brewing fbr 'aome time, came early-rising Complex and a fiendish .scale. As new contingenta came In tile Workers Vnioni-which rsprs- Bank, to season rseprda of -7 at Washington last week after a con­ up artillery bombardments from and Dumolrt Telavtsion (9 p. m. / ‘This ancient habit of meeting VOD SAVE 870.00 ' Gore, editor of a local weekly nea-s- they Joined the n^chers. Great Falls and 2 above at Hstena. (Coatta^ oo Pago Bight) fto a head when the BatUeehip the mail Ja bUll a part of the lives delight In mowing toe lawp before paper, that drew about 500 per- sents the Watervil|p workers; said ference with y. 8. Secretar3i«,M the hills surroundUifg” 'the' plain, EST). "Maine’’ was Mown up on April 24, brqakfakt can keep his former Price iBcludee: 'file pickets marched in a 16ng the average hourly wage there IS -Barn of end' enveloped in the State Dulles that an aggression by The administration has been of m oet-«nd expire Wednesday night. series of deClsifationa.. within ihpj froin one of the two. entrances to Some 000 workers Ih, five plush Miles (Jity—all in Montana: lesser about 20 men killed and had killed from tho A P Wirqg r.‘’ ■ ihg the mail' continues at every —Anon. - ent- vote«. ;''— ■•/ “eyery-Vletminh soldier" found in past few d^s', from adminli toe other, then back along the mills operated by three firms in falls across this northern* Great tiph sources And others, has . led airport ,ln -the world gs It does Hie committee Or^20 was choeen curb. ,th^ vinages of Ohg Pet and to circulate petitions toroiighut Woonsocket rejectedt-a manage­ Plabu into toe Great Lakes rs- up to ,11 ' .' every- , evening at Bradley Field ' A detail of about 40 policemen, Ne^s T^bits Ban. ' " * too state. Thes*. must bear about ment proposal Satqrday for a ^2 gl6hr'’ and. such alt>«ctA*“l**’ tem­ ‘ .U. 8. Against, Dcala ' ASKS AKMY BAB BBDB where the mall plane dfdpa down m e perature changes as southwestern T^iey 'claimed they bad smaahed .. Wesblngteg, March'. jW (88-* BRUNNER'S 4.04,0(X>.'Signatures before any r4 ; Called 'from ' AP Wire* a long string of yietmiph-anti-air- ‘Hie United States is interested ■ PACKAaO ^ call /move .can bh even considered (CeuMuaed on Page Tu4r). (Centlnued an-/.Page Two) Kansfs' 15-d«gree drop in 15 min­ in ! maintaining stiff resistance Legislatian to bar msmbsti eg utes—from 76 to 81. ^ craft batteries, wblch.;.': for two r- by toe Secretary of Slate. ' » 'eeks had been firing on Jthe Red^ against any jteals on .Indochina tbe OamnsnsilaS pefty Dem •*>!** Snowfall ranged fiOm light t o Tbe sUte has about 2,200,000 Former Vice President Alben W. BIB U • BAT •ff ■y through his hunt for CommunisU lUinols. - Premier Wal.ter Ulbritkt Into un­ mered -the. enemy with high explo­ States. Great Britain,-France, Rus­ Leals peBeeamm wSat aa trial CALL . in government an today nppreved the fAt Ia(t-«die wonder finidiet'that cially abmit the thermonuclear the aecrets of the Implosion process (CoatouMd.W Bags IJght) bomb tuts. (Ceatliiued. ea;(. Page ^ e ) :. Bay State's Department of ef fenaer Sasu geba -A.s ,aMke home decorating a cinchl-» for tlggering nuclear bombs; pra- 'Natural ' Resources announces (B-Csaa) . t o be a JaifS St tba iNew Otffch Boy NaOcyd bate wall The fundamental of military ciu Information on the type and in- Available security la to .prevent a ioreign 1800,000-spraying operation aimed Oeart oTApfeala ter the BIristefi tensitv of light and the size and te kill gypsy moths will get under- ef Cihsnsbla Daitehstv *)ba ia land w ^ w ork cnamdi! Them wperior paintf'dow lo Siamese I'win power from learning, by duign oi/ duration of,the fireball in various Glare Luce Denies 1,500 Rescued after Blasts, -CLEANINO AND INSTALUNO accident, information i t value to 'way latp in A pril . . A round,,, froai Meritse. Osap,. Is aesr jsmoothly, cover to oempleb^y, dry quickly that you can atomic explosions to provide iden- glowing object “about half way to' •Mrvlig aa the eaarb aaisr 4B feaviVc drab rooms in no .time at all. No "painty” odor-no that power in preparing its dwn tificatioii of explosive materi^ Venus" causes considerable, stir SALES EXPERIENCE HELPFUL lU T NOT NECESSARY. In ‘Pool/Gondition’ offensive or defensive plans. used. Italy Regime Bla^ Intortm qnaationiag their repfated washabUity-these' finishes arc SERTiC TANKS and CESSPOOLS In Norwich area. __ Fire Cuts British TrpOpsitip A complete organlsatioa of TRAINED 8EWAOB BFliOlALMTB ■ Deterrent. Vahie Stressed Knowing that helps the Ruuians Roadblocks are set up In Mla- OONOBEU MBMADB DOB a pleasure to usel Awf it’s a pleasure to chootti too, from using the moat modem equipment Had mnchlnery— RBBDl/rt lA FULL TIME WORK ON SALARY lASIS. Mpntreid, March 29 (P)—Sla- Tbe fundamental of toe current make their own weapons. It also Rome, MariA/n (P)^U. 8. Am- nesota and nearby Wlsconsih as nr'” '' '» llto donna of exciting colors and color combinations at A # ' BETTER Job nt n L p W E R PRIOB. S mese twin girls, part of a set of rearmament program ia to build a could help convince them that basiiader esara Booths Luce has highway patrolmen'^ and sheriff’s . Algiers, Algeria, March 39 (P)—4ing stooko ra'cing through toe ves- PART TIME WORK ON HOURLY RASIS. triplets bom to a Montreal house- force so poweribl tost no nation they arc, , at a given time, too far fiifM back a fiat denial to a magd- officers seek flve prisonerf wba A first ahlploed of British soldiers, sel. Cofi^CoSoiy. Why not do it today? will dare gamble on war. iThls behind in tbe technological rao4, v^ e Saturday, were^ reported In le-;. rart that, ehe criticised fled Ramsey County ' Jail after- rescued from the bend^ troop­ Hi)U at Sabotage Wlffi o Sump pumpo tustalled tfi THIS IS WHY ^ deterrent ^licy is embraced in •to. tfv war. - . Lentten hewapepers specidated A V. remove water from y*ur “ poor” condition early today.. The y's government tn a speech to overpowering two Jailers. . . . eee\l . . . moro'pftoplo ctD third baby girl was sald .-^o jw nor- every major military and diplo^ But If at anx, time or for any ashlngton newsmen. After pub- Pspermsksra at 8. D. Warren ship Empire Wlndruah,^ltd for the ship had been sabotag'd but cellar. matic policy statement made since o New uadergrouad- watier M kinney Broo. *mal and in good Miapc. . reason Soviet technicians decide lation of .toe rte>ort, 35 far leftist Miirtcfrirotc on question of whether home today thaibcful to be alive Admiralty and Tranapo.rt Ministry HIOQINB 1950. It is at ton heart of the they are even or ahead the deter­ after one of 'the roost spectacular to ttnea lustalied. Local doctors said they had tbrs’ 4 *mxnded that aba be company will celebrate centennial authorities refused comment on (1 ) Prompt Sorvlco"^^ never hsato of Siamese babies as atrategic. air plan aiid toe nuclear rent value mav be weakened, al­ ted from ttie country. by. throwing big party or glvthg rescuse in naval history. '. this.. Tba apcculatloB was bsighr o.NetV ’rootproof’ sewer (2 ) Quality Work . ^ program. ' Soma 1,500 B-ltohs — amohg tensd because she had Just been Unm luatolled. part of a triple Wrtlu though it is pouible they v. sUH' Her ' statemant, terming the 8104,444 foe high school gym. o Plugged oewer UUeo Mean- (3 ) Reasonable Prieoa Tha triplets were born fiatuftey Hofw do you coavinco too Soviet might be reluctant to undertake a Acoirat of toe ^uiported speecdi a University pf Waahin^n medi­ them 277 wumeh oiid children and through the Buss Canal, where toe government .and its miUtaiV high punishing war. i t invalid soldieia:--calmly an|3 ad olMtrieally.,.' . . . “ night to Mrs.' Jamas Savage, Si- “fsDritiitiQn pure and simpla ” waa cal rsaearehei; reports length of EgypUapb are waging 4 reee’ lsae WAUsPAfER dOMFANY RE SAFE EE SURE year-old wife of a local coipmhbd that war wouldn't pay V. S. invited Beds iaouM) cotnei^taUy with a raport parson’s jHa may depend upon bow quickly aJ>andoned tbe biasing abijp c a t o ^ ^ to force out the M,004 C.R. aaleaman. Ttie couids have th r^ -off, without also telUng’ too much la 1M8. when there sUII linger­ from Washlngtonrthat. Mra Luce qi^ckly Vgg ffbmi whl(ih be ."came yesterday morning 20 tci.Iea off- Britiab trqope eUtioaed toefi^. tBET — T E U MI-9*9713 other, children, a boy nine and detaU about toe nature and Stse of ed aome touches' ef toe old war- had urgently requested Pipoident was fertilised. . . . State arid local ahote in the MbdiMrraneah end The burai^ Q|it btJk wee reimit' tbe fOroh ready to bit them if they ' wSiW resetied eofely. GREEN STAMPS, Coll MCKINNEY BROS. daughtws elR^t •oj Unas spirit of aUlipce and the de­ Eiaeahdwer to send Vice President police anfist 24 perssns ip 2 a. -m. edeUUL C A U MR. FAULKNM. M |-3-4\«1 AND ARRANGi FbR INTERYIEW. • a v ^ S3, aald he and hia wife make the gxmbii$ terrent policy teas unplanned,” toe Nlxbfikb o brief goodwill tour of raid in room bver Bariin Turnpike Four erewmen of tbe 14,48|l^toii mizsdty aati ' 4 - ^ a ■■ SEYFAGR DISFOSAL COMPANY ■tv.-- The ItuMiaa may bs fiiah- rsdtaurant where they said dies died^ ^ 8 Au M . 10 9 P .M . TEL. MWahaB 8 IBIi 188-182^ FBA|ltt. fgg, M A N U |aB I»l I' ef.Paga •) ■vom Isr tite pniiNql word s* ghroa (OsiiMmMd en rH te*IU ts«i) <1' (CWttMM ntSMB) puna was in progress. iaeat flre'.aad’i

, . if ’ / . 1 . 'V. . ■ , ■ . , J

J, : v