\ ' i' - J-' I . l- FRIDAY, MARCH 26. IdM •4Ttrni9 Dntiy prggg Kim i J i a n r f t f ^ r fciiitttittg? I| w a li Far tee Week Ended Msfck M. 1954 X Ah Important masting of the TbTUpaar CXu). wlU hold a card Mr. and Mrs. PhUip Keith, of committee, headed by Prands B. party tamorre# night at'7:S0 in New Tock Ci^, who were married 1 1 11,195 Miner, which is planning tha tes­ tha ctfbhouaa on-Hralnard PL Ra> in Pebruary. will spend the waWr* •fantar efrihe Andit end with Mr. Keith’s parents. Mr. timonial dinner for W ilfred Clarke ’ V'.' fraahmaats wUl ba aarvad. Tha Spring Fashion jifewk From HALEYS Bufeap ef Clrcolatiena aiid Mrs. Wariran Keith, 61 Cam- and Pete Wlgren on May 10, will pubUo !a Invltad. ' , {1 , '=Sta M nid^ S t be held 1 tonight (lat 7:M at ^ Manchester-^A City of Villago Charm mlfflMT American Le|^n Home. Repro- « r GAUGE SHEER A ' aoh waa borh at the SL itiM u a Members of the Auxiliary of sentatlves of alt civic and church d a r k s h a m . a t c m D tiu (n - Fraacia Hospital Wednesday, to ^OL.LXXIII,N0.160 (Claaelflad Advartieteg an Page Ifi) Dilworth • Cornell - Quey Post groups, as well as anyone Intar- FANCY X M A I^ E S T E IL CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 21^1954 (TWELVE PAGES) ' L m VnMgtity 9t qob- .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Server, p i American Legion^ w . remind^ Ssted in working on this commit­ jnlucG nvi'iM E is 1 te t lw evAtonl chair- Branford SL. tKe auction Wedheedavi J tee. are urged to.anend this meet- X teterMlMMdiiS bbH jraddtnt • of by the /<5glonnalres./rhe;’ ey are do- NYtON fauth ot OMi* Mrs. Prank J. Crowie;^ 57 Ger­ -dating cakes to be .spid that eve- __ __ Mcona yiwr. H# a rd 'S t, waa pleasantly s«roris«d nlng, and are also/ comnouung tho board of Unitad this week to hear that berN^ter, salable articles fOr/the auction. Tontla Ha (raduafad Mrs. Robert Moore, of Marblehead. i ' /■ V- . Jobless R i^ H a li HOSIERY High School last Maas., was tha winner of the “John • Mr. -and MTs/Henry H. Miller. TayMr Arms Award.” ■ which sig­ 92 Washington St. have received Reported mState In new spHne colors. nifies tha top prise in the floral ar^ news of tbO birth of a son. their ,J3i»jWi9toll. ' . G ill Seouta of Troop 20 will hold rangeibeht section at the spring' chilii to their son-in-law and aT htod^bala tonjojroW at 'Hala’a flower show held recently in Bos­ htte./Mr.jand Mrs. Norman ..Hartford. March 2« rlae tloc%/from 2;00 a.m. on. ton. [a m of Snn Pemando, Calif. in unemployment tn Qonneb^teut MrsyMhrks was the former Miss for Sve consecutive wontha M e /^c. Lawrence. I. Decker, Jx., J ^ e H. Miller, R.N. The.baby Omaha, March.,^ 27 (A>)— son of Hr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. h 2 been named Paul Hayward come to a halL ' Chairman Leouird W. HaU of Decker, Sr., of 75 Cooper SU re­ ,Marks. ' H ila was reported today hy thr the Republican National Com­ cently graduated from the A ir­ State Labor Department following SPECIAL’ FOR SATURDAY X * ^ \ mittee says Sen. McCarthy borne Jump School at Port Ban­ Sgt. N i^ olaa H. Paganl. son of a surrey which ahon'Sd that the \ u- Mr. and Mrs. Dante Pagani, 47 NEW SPRING STYLES IN .^(R-Wis) "has done more ning, Ga. He U now serving M a .number of persona v.'.t of work in t,- sound leader with Battery C. |«th Homestead St., arrived in San harm than good" in his trade mid-March waa the same as in Airborne Antl-airfctaft Battalion. Francisco, Calif., yesterday, after of verbal blows with top spending 17 months In Korea. He Faille and Plastic Calf Port CampbeU, Ky. He att«n<)^ February. The department put the \ ■' w-yi report to Canm Kilmer,-.N. J., Army officials. Arnold College in Mllforitand en­ figure ar'35;000 for^tbe State. -r ■ As a reeult. aaid Hall, Mc- WaterfrWiit D e i^ c r a ts tered the mitttary aeryiCa last \vhere he will be d(Kharged from Three of the msJ^r em ^ym cnt the service, and la expected home HANDBAGS Oartey’s "Senate effectiveness baa May. areas' in the State showed declines dttmlnlahed In tha past few weeks." next Thursday.. in / jjoblees during the first two Hall’s aUtement In an interview Bargaining n, B. m o m s T n ; ^ Pnp. Sunset arcle. Past Noble wbeks of Hafch. niiUe three others Hit at GOP King David Lodge No>ai. lOOP. $2»49 Plui Tax '.last night—came as one of the g«t ftroM t u m IO-S49S1 Grands., w ilt meat Monday at 8 f(^>orted an increm. Strongest crltlclami of the Wl>- p.m. in Odd Penows Hall. Mrs. will meet tonight in OddXPelloNvs o rm tt BVBBV IBPBMINO Hall at 7:30. P.efreshmentaNs'lll Iw - Hartford eho'v^ 500 more peo­ Top Handle, Hoxie and1 sboblder Strap etylea,etylee. many with ■ eonain Senator yet put out by a Evelyn Swords' wSl be in charge ple a t wort; to brinh; iUi unemploy- 'high GOP official. Several weeks Ballot Seen CH TP. f •Served after the meeting. \ / alppsra. Colors: Navy, black, brown, tan, red. natural. of the entertiiniiient mcht total to 4.400. N ew . Haven ago Hall had deacribed McCarthy was down by 1,000 to fiiOOO^out of as an asset to the party. New York, March 27 UF}— work, ajad gtamfbrd 'vaa down by Washington, March 27 (/P) r Prober Caa’t Ite Beached The prospect of a second b v - A 540 to 1.450: Bridgeport added 100 REGULAR .IKOa Sen. Ferguson (R - Mich) & ' ■ ■■ McCarthy, chalrmab of the Sen- gaining eliection and a more to its Jobeaa roll for b, total • ate Inveatlgationa subcommittee, called today for a spendup in 5.800. Waterbury was up 800 to series, of ^gal actions today Ladies' Plastic Billfolds could not be reached for immedl- action on Preside^ Eisen' 4,7(00, and New Britain up 140 to - ate comment hung over New York’s turbu­ i.n o- Ail with Change compertments and paas cast. 7 - McCarthy end eabcommittee lent, strike-ridden waterfront. bower’s legislative program T m Labor Department said thht 'Counsel Roy Cohn have tangled One legal step planned 'by the in what he said will be the while\ fa cto ry. employment con­ with Secretary of the Army Ste- New York Shipping Assn., would make • or • bregk month of tinued \ o show a oeoreaae this S<K;ks Plus Tax Aa airport oace covered tela area where French-Vnioa forces dig vena and John G. Adanu, qaaiatant trenches as protecnea from Red bombing in the Dien Blen Phii. nren kndbk out support from the har­ April month, tee rate of decrease was 7 9 <^ •Army Counsel, with: bor’s 4,000 tugboat crewmen who. considerabW reduced. Noa-msau- A ll white with triple roll cuds, soft spun cottoh with nylon of ladocbtea. (N E A Telephoto). , . Democrata, maanwMle, gibed at .. 1. An Army report alleging Mc- threw their weight behind the 23- the Republican leadership for ffpat intr^Hoes tbe facturing Employment, on tee reinforced heel and toaa for extra wear. Sixes 8<i tp ^ r t h y and .Cohn sought special day strike yesterday. they called failure tr push terough fon [ of JaMiag/ other hand. S h ^ *il ^ oustmaary aojif* Green BtuniM Given With Cash Ssles traatment for a former subcom­ Aid from tugboat crews came to the President’s propoaale. ' spring pickup. "/■ mittee aide now in the army. striking members of the Iittema- Ferguaoh aaid in an interview he Almost all of non-roanufac- '■ 2. McCarthy’s counter charge Uonal Longshoremen's i Assn.,.. will ask th e' Senate RepubOen turlng activity ibutod to tee 5 Pair U '- $io0 ■that..Stevens and Adams used French^ Cease Fire (Ind) at the same tlnie their cause Policy Oommittee, which ha headn overall gate. ' itniCtlon tx|dSe Vblackhiair’ .. tactics in effofte^ to suffered a blow in a reportrby Na- to'consider next Tuesday a sched­ began calling ‘ workers and ' block the subcommittee's' search tiohal Labor rtielations Board Ex­ ule aimed pt bringing to the Ben- ' wiKheeala and r e t if eetabliJh- -rif^^H AU eA to- Reds In the /.rmy. ' , aminer Arthur Leff, . ate calendar in the next five 'waeke mente reported an Inc: ip hlr- .« iv t TO RID CROSS C0MI*i 'The subcommittee is now look­ Request Is Ignored Leff recommended that last De-. all of the't'Ula covering tfie Presi­ ing te'lmaparation for .ef buai- u ing for an outside. lawyer to help cember's waterfront bargaining dent’s meior recomn-rndatioiie. > ' Investigate the row. , , ' - election, apparently won by the "Unless we get these meaeuree .. 'Asked about th a .. McCarthy- ■ ------ ----------- . X/' ■■ ILA. be set aside because of vio­ out of commlUeo by May I aad X ■ X ' . ./k- Arm y ex£hanges( H a'' aaid .. "the Hanoi, Indochina..March 27 * of the Dien Bien Phu airstrip but lence and threats against voters. on the Calendar where they are (Uapute has hurt. Any dispute T/R-The French t«l.y .lepped; Z Votes Challenged ready for Senate action. 1 ass hurta." , afraid some of thMd juqt aren’t' up radio picas for a brief; supplied helicopters and trans- The IL A rival, ,an A F L dock ...America’^ oldeat triplets, «-••••< farity Mufphy read a letter from .
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