Biographies M81

covery by H.M. Stanley and the subsequent wanderings and death of the renowned traveler. Together with a comprehen­ sive history of African explorations, the Livingstone relief expeditions, and recent events; the whole abounding in picturesque descriptions of the country and people, their traits, customs, and superstitions. Written and compiled from authentic sources; with introduction and chapter on Natal by Rev. J. Tyler, missionary of the A.B .C .F.M ., in Africa for twenty-two years. Hartford, Conn.: Columbian Book Co. , 1874. 801p.

Livingstone, D. 3721. LLOYD, B.W. ed. Livingstone, 1873-1973. Cape Town: Struik, 1973. 99p. "A symposium to illustrate the many-sided achievements of one of history’s most outstanding men.”

3722. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The life and work of , missionary and explorer; written to accompany a series of 49 copyright lantern slides. [LondonJ: The So­ ciety, [19137J. 28p.

3723. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Outlines of the Rev. Dr. Livingston's missionary journeys and discoveries in Central South Africa. London: The Society, 1857. 23p.

3724. LORIOT , C.F. David Livingstone et sa mission sociale. Paris: Charavay, 1881. 329p.

3725. MACAULAY, J. Livingstone anecdotes: a sketch of the career and illustrations of the character of David Livingstone missionary, traveller, philanthropist. London: Religious Tract Society, [1886J. 135p.

3726. McGILCHRIST, J. The life of the great African traveller, Dr. Livingstone; with the most recent information. London: Haughton, [1872]. 112p.

3727. MACLACHLAN, T.B. David Livingstone. Edinburgh: Oli- phant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1901. 157p. (Famous Scots series)

3728. MACNAIR, J.I. Livingstone, the dauntless, 1813-1873. Exeter: Wheaton, 1935. 64p. (Makers of history; n o .l) 482 London Missionary Society

Livingstone, D, 3729. MACNAIR, J.I. Livingstone the liberator: a study of a dynamic personality. London: Collins, 1940. 382p. (Library of classics)

3730. MARRAT, J. David Livingstone, missionary and discoverer. London: Wesleyan Conference Office, 1877. 139p.

3731. MARZ, J. David Livingstone: ein Pionier des schwarzen Erdteils; fur Jugend und Volk erzahlt. Leipzig: Spamer, 1911. 270p.

3732. MATHEWS, B.J. Livingstone the pathfinder. London: Ox­ ford University Press, 1912. 208p.

3733. MONTEFIORE-BRICE, A.J.H. David Livingstone: his la­ bours and his legacy. London: Partridge, [1889]. 160p.

3734. MUNCK, V. David Livingstone: en levnedsskildring. Kjdbenhavn: Gad, 1887. 2v.

3735. MURRAY, N. Dr. Livingstone's experiences with the Boers. Montreal: Murray, 1900. 16p. (Murray's broadsides, no.8)

3736. NEURDENBURG , J.C. Wlaar was Dr. Livingstone, toen de Boeren in 1852 Sechele aanvielen? [s .l.: s.n ., 18817. 4p. "Overgedrukt uit de Mededeelingen van wege het Neder- landsche Zendelinggenootschap, 25e Deel, le Stuk".

3737. NORTHCOTT, W.C. David Livingstone: his triumph, decline and fall. London: Lutterworth Press, 1973. 140p.

3738. NORTHCOTT, W.C. Livingstone in Africa. London: United Society for Christian literature, 1957. 83p. (World Christian books; no.18)

3739. PACHE, T.D. David Livingstone; la grande epopee africaine 1813-1873. Avec une preface de Mme Anna-Mary Livingstone. Lausanne: La Concorde, 1923. 221p.

3740. PALGRAVE, M.E. David Livingstone: the best friend of Africa. London: U .M .C.A., 1902. 60p.

3741. PAUMIER, H. L'Afrique ouverte; ou, Une esquisse des decouvertes du Dr. Livingstone. Paris: Meyrueis, 1858. 132p. (Nouvelle bibliotheque des families) Biographies 483

Livingstone, D. 3742. PLIENINGER, G. David Livingstone: ein Lebensbild des grossen Entdeckers und Missionars, fur die deutsche Lese- welt, besonders die reifere Jugend, nach den Quellen dar- gestellt von Dr. Gustav Plieninger. Stuttgart: Kroner, 1885. 270p.

3743. PRYDE, J.M. Livingstone and the slave trade; or, The opening up of Central Africa. Glasgow: Oppenheim & Lang- man, 1902. 47p.

3744. REUSS, R.E. David Livingstone, missionnaire, voyageur et philanthrope, 1813-1873. Paris: Fischbacher, 1885. 118p.

3745. RITCHIE, J.E. The pictorial edition of the life and discover­ ies of David Livingstone. London: Fullarton, [1876-18797. 2v.

3746. ROBERTS, J.S. The life and explorations of David Living­ stone, complete so far as known. London: Adam, 1874. 316p.

3747. ROBERTSON, J.S. The life of David Livingstone, the great missionary explorer. London: Walter Scott, 1882. 320p.

3748. SEAVER, G. David Livingstone: his life and letters. Lon­ don: Lutterworth Press, 1957. 650p.

3749. SHARP, J.A. David Livingstone, missionary and explorer. London: Epworth Press, 1920. 239p.

3750. SIMMONS, J. Livingstone and Africa. London: English Universities Press, [19557. 180p. (Teach yourself history library)

3751. SKETCHES of the Rev. Dr. Livingston's missionary journeys and discoveries in Central South Africa. London: Snow, 1857. 23p.

3752. SMILES, R. David Livingstone. London: Cassell, 1885. 128p. (World's workers)

3753. SMITH, G.W. David Livingstone: the great heart of Africa. London: Stockwell, 1913. 272p.

3754. SOMERVELL, D.C. Livingstone. London:Duckworth, 1936. 139p. (Great lives; no.61) 484 London Missionary Society

Livingstone, D. 3755. STAEHELIN, F. David Livingstone: zu seinem 100. Geburts- tag. Ein Vortrag. Herrnhut: Missionsbuchhandlung, 1913. 30p.

3756. STEINER, P. David Livingstone als Missionar und Entdecker: ein Lebensbild. Stuttgart: Evang. Missionsverlag, 1924. 31p.

3757. THOMPSON, W. The Rev. Dr. Livingstone's exploration of South-Central Africa: his object therein: and its claims. [ Cape Town, s.n ., 18567. 3p. An appeal for the establishment of a fund to support Living­ stone's work, and the work of the London Missionary Society in Southern Africa.

3758. VATTEMARE, H. David Livingstone: voyages d'exploration au Zambeze et dans VAfrique centrale 1840-1873; abreges par H. Vattemare. Paris: Hachette, 1879. 190p. (Biblio- theque de lecture des ecoles et des families) Resume of Livingstone's travels, with short extracts from his journals.

3759. VATTEMARE, H. Vie et voyages de David Livingstone. Paris: Hachette, 1881. 36p. (Bibliotheque des ecoles et des families; 5. serie)

3760. WILSON, H.F.L. Livingstone, the master missionary. Lon­ don: Hodder and Stoughton, [1923J. 230p. (Master mis­ sionary series; no.l)

3761. WORCESTER, Mrs. J.H. The life of David Livingstone. Chicago: Moody Press, 1888. 127p. (Moody colportage library, no. 109)

Mackenzie, J. 3762. CHAMBERLIN, D. John Mackenzie. London: Sheldon Press, 1932. 32p. (Little books for Africa; no. 35)

3763. MACKENZIE, J. Day-dawn in dark places: a story of wan­ derings and work in Bechwanaland. London: Cassell, 1883. 27 8p.

3764. MACKENZIE, J. Papers of John Mackenzie; edited by A.J. Dachs. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press for African Studies Institute , 1975. 282p. Biographies_____ 485

Mackenzie, J. 3765. MACKENZIE, J. Ten years north of the Orange River: a story of everyday life and work among the South African tribes from 1859 to 1869. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1871. 523p. An account of Mackenzie's earlier missionary career in South Africa.

3766. MACKENZIE, W.D. John Mackenzie. London: London Mis­ sionary Society, 1921. 48p.

3767. MACKENZIE, W.D. John Mackenzie, South African missionary and statesman. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1902. 564p.

3768. SILLERY, A. John Mackenzie of Bechuanaland, 1835-1899: a study in humanitarian imperialism. Cape Town: Balkema, 1971. 236p. (South African biographical & historical studies; no. 8)

Moffat, J.S. 3769. MOFFAT, R.U. John Smith Moffat, missionary: a memoir by his son. London: Murray, 1921. 388p.

Moffat, M. 3770. DICKSON, M. Beloved partner: Mary Moffat of Kuruman. London: Gollancz, 1974. 238p.

Moffat, R. 3771. ADDRESS presented to the Rev. Robert Moffat, on his in­ tended return to South Africa, at a public meeting of the Friends of Missions, held in Grosvenor Street Chapel, Man­ chester, November 15th, 1842; James Kershaw, Mayor, in the chair. With a brief account of the other meetings held on the same occasion, by the Rev. Richard Fletcher. Man­ chester: Ellerby, 1842. 8p.

3772. ARTHUR, G. Robert Moffat. London: Morgan & Scott, 1919. 62p. (New missionary series)

3773. BECKER, P.L.W. Crumbling walls. /"Moffat's house in Kuruman J. Johannesburg: the Author, /T958 J. [4]p.

3774. BJORKEHAG, B. Hjaltedad i Sydafrika: en techning av Robert Moffats liv och verk. Orebro: Orebro Missions- forenings Forlag, 1944. 125p. 486 London Missionary Society

Moffat, R. 3775. CAMPBELL, J. ed. The farewell services of Robert Moffat, in Edinburgh, Manchester, and London. London: Snow, 1843. 17lp.

3776. CHAMBERLIN, D. Moffat of Kuruman. London: Sheldon Press, 1931. 24p. (Little books for Africa; no. 32)

3777. CLINTON, I.A. Friends of the chiefs: the story of Robert Moffat. London: Lutterworth Press, 1958. 94p. (Stories of faith and fame)

3778. COCHRANE, J.D. The Gospel in the tropics. London: Collins, A 90-?7. 68p. "Moffat of Kuruman: the friend of the Bechuanas", p.7-46.

3779. COCHRANE, R. comp. Earnest lives: biographies of re­ markable men and women. Edinburgh: Nimmo, 1881. 224p. (Nimmo's library of biography) Biography of Moffat, p.108-154.

3780. CULLEN, A.H. Blazing the trail: some L.M.S. pioneers of 1816. London: London Missionary Society, 1916. 192p. Moffatt, p. 9-44.

3781. DEANE, D.J. Robert Moffat, the missionary hero of Kuruman. London: Partridge, [18877. 160p.

3782. ELLIS, J.J. Robert Moffat: the gardener boy who became the great South African pioneer. London: Pickering & Inglis [19297. 64p.

3783. FRAME, H.F. Moffat leads the way. London: Livingstone Press, 1949. 142p. (Pathfinder series)

3784. FRAME, H.F. Roll on, wagon wheels! Robert Moffat of South Africa. London: Edinburgh House Press, 1937. 32p. (Eagle books; no. 2)

3785. GLARDON, A. Robert Moffat, apdtre des Bechuanas. Lausanne: Bridel, 1888. 109p.

3786. M'GOWN, G.W.T. Scottish heroes of the faith. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1907. 280p. Includes Robert Moffat. Biographies 487

Moffat, R. 3787. McKENZIE, F.A. Robert Moffat. London: Knapp, [19-?[. 63p.

3788. MALAN, G.L.N. Die groot fontein: die verhaal van Robert Moffat. [Johannesburg]: Voortrekkerpers, [1967/. 112p.

3789. MARRAT, J. Robert Moffat, African missionary. London: Woolmer, 1884. 104p.

3790. MOFFAT, J.G. Robert Moffat. London: Religious Tract Society, 1890. 16p. (Short biographies for the people, v.7, no.84)

3791. MOFFAT, J.S. The lives of Robert & Mary Moffat, by their son. London: Fisher Unwin, 1885. 484p.

3792. MOFFAT, R. A farewell address to Sunday scholars. Lon­ don: Snow, 1843. 48p. (African stories) Includes stories about Moffat's missionary work in Southern Africa.

3793. MOFFAT, R. A life's labours in South Africa: the story of the life-work of Robert Moffat, apostle to the Bechuana tribes. London: Snow, 1871. 151p.

3794. MOFFAT, R. The Mat abele journals of Robert Mo ffat, 1829- 1860; edited by J.P.R. Wallis. London: Chatto & Windus, 1945. 2v. (Government Archives of Southern Rhodesia. Oppenheimer series; n o .l)

3795. MOFFAT, R. Missionary labours and scenes in Southern Africa. London: Snow, 1842. 624p. Also in Dutch and French.

3796. MOFFAT, R. Robert Moffat's visit to Mzilikazi in 1835; edited and annotated by P.R. Kirby. Johannesburg: Wit- watersrand University Press, 1940. 38p. ("Bantu Studies" monograph series; n o.l)

3797. MOFFAT, R. Scenes and services in South Africa: the story of Robert Moffat's half-century of missionary labours. Lon­ don: Snow, 1876. 255p. (Special edition for presentation) A reproduction of A life’s labours in South Africa, with additional matter. 488 London Missionary Society

Moffat, R. 3798. MOFFAT, R. Visit to Moselekatse, described in a letter to the Rev. A. Tidman, foreign secretary of the London Mis­ sionary Society. London: London Missionary Society, 1855. 4p.

3799. MOFFAT, R. Visit to Moselekatse, king of the Matabele. Communicated by the London Missionary Society. London: Clowes, printers, /1856J. 24p. Reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society v . 26, 1856, p .84-109. An account of Moffat's third visit to Moselekatse, May- December 1854.

3800. NORTHCOTT, W.C. Life and work of Robert Moffat, with particular reference to the expansion of missions and White settlement north of the Orange River, 1817-1870. Ph.D. thesis, University of London, 1961.

3801. NORTHCOTT, W.C. Robert Moffat: pioneer in Africa, 1817- 1870. London: Lutterworth Press, 1961. 357p.

3802. SCHUURMAN, M. Robert Moffat: eene halve eeuw onder de Beetsjoeanen. Leiden: Donner, [1888]. 40p.

3803. SMITH, D.M. Robert Moffat. London: Livingstone Book­ shop, [1927]. 15p. (Venturer series; no.16)

3804. SMITH, E.W. Robert Moffat: one of God's gardeners. Lon­ don: Student Christian Movement, 1925. 256p.

3805. THOMAS, G. Robert Moffat. London: London Missionary Society, [19-?]. 24p. (Short stories of L.M .S. missionaries; no.13)

3806. WALTERS, W. Life and labours of Robert Moffat, missionary in South Africa; with additional chapters on Christian mis­ sions in Africa and throughout the world. London: Scott, 1884. 336p.

3807. WILDER, M.L. Memoir of Robert Moffat, missionary to South Africa, 1817 to 1870. Chicago: Woman's Presbyterian Board of Missions of the Northwest, [1887]. 93p. (Missionary annals, I ) Biographies 489

Philip, J. 3808. AUTHENTIC copies of a correspondence which took place in consequence of a statement made at the General annual meeting of the Society for the Relief of Distressed Settlers, in Cape Town, August 18, 1824, reflecting on the conduct and char­ acter of the Landdrost of Albany. Cape Town: Bridekirk, 1824. 40p. Correspondence resulting from allegations by Dr. J. Philip that the Landdrost of Albany, Harry Rivers, was indifferent to cases of distress among settlers in the Albany district. This pamphlet is also included in Dr. Philip's Documents originally published at the Cape of Good Hope fq.v.J. For Dr. Philip's reply, see A reply to a pamphlet.

3809. CASE of the Rev. Dr. Philip, superintendent of the missions of the London Missionary Society in South Africa. London: Bagster, printer, 1830. lOp. An appeal for contributions to the Dr. Philip Relief Fund to pay his debts after the libel suit as a result of the publi­ cation of his book Researches in South Africa.

3810. CHASE, J.C. Some reasons for our opposing the author of the "South African researches", the Rev. , Super­ intendent of the London Society's missions in South Africa; by the British immigrants of 1820. Cape Town: Robertson, 1836. 61p.

3811. DAVIES, D.H.M. A salute to the memory of Dr. John Philip, 1775-1851: in three salvoes. fPaarl: Fisher, printer, 1950?]. 7p.

3812. KAPP, P.H. Dr. John Philip se koms na Suid-Afrika en sy werksaamhede tot 1828. M.A. thesis, US, 1966.

3813. KAPP, P.H. Dr. John Philip se opvattinge en sy werksaam­ hede in Suid-Afrika. D.Phil. thesis, US, 1975.

3814. MERENSKY, A. D. Philip, Superintendent der Londoner Mission in Sud-Afrika, 1820-1850. Kassel: Rottger, Drucker, 1902. 54-68p. "Beiblatt zur Allgemeinen Missions-Zeitschrift. No.3. Mai, 1902". 490 London Missionary Society

Philip, J. 3815. PHILIP, J. Copy of a letter from Captain William Clark, late of the Sixth Foot, to the Rev. John Philip, relative to a statement made at a public meeting, respecting the distress of the Harden family; &c. &c. Hackney: Goodier, printer, /18257. 12p. Supplementary remarks by Dr. Philip regarding his allega­ tions of unrelieved distress among Albany settlers.

3816. PHILIP, J. Documents originally published at the Cape of Good Hope: comprising "Authentic copies of a correspondence", etc. etc. , with a reply, by the Rev. J. Philip, and a letter from Mr. Rivers to the Colonial Secretary. To which is added, A reply, by H.E, Rutherfoord, with several important papers essential to a full development of the case, the publi­ cation of which could not be procured at Cape Town. London: Underwood, 1825. 121p.

3817. PHILIP, J. A reply to a pamphlet, printed at the Government Press, entitled "Authentic copies of a correspondence", &c. &c. &c. Cape Town: Bridekirk, printer, 1824. 32p.

3818. PHILIP, R. The Elijah of South Africa; or, The character and spirit of the late Rev. John Philip, unveiled and vindi­ cated. London: Snow, 1851. 72p.

3819. WARDLAW, R. What is death? A sermon delivered in Poultry Chapel, London, on the evening of Thursday, November 27th, 1851; on occasion of the recent death of the Rev. John Philip, D.D. , for thirty years superintendent of the missions of the London Missionary Society in South Africa. With an appendix containing additional particulars of Dr. Philip's early life and labours. London: Fullarton, 1852. 56p.

Price, E. L. 3820. PRICE, E.L. Journals written in Bechuanaland, Southern Africa, 1854-1883, with an epilogue: 1889 and 1900. Edited with introduction, annotations, etc., by Una Long for Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. London: Arnold, 1956. 564p. Mrs. Price was the daughter of Robert Moffat and the wife of a missionary, Rev. Roger Price.

Price, I. 3821. SLATER, M.I. Isabella Price, pioneer. London: Living­ stone Press, 1931. 184p. Biographies______491

Includes the story of the Price Helmore mission to the Makololo. Isabella Price was the first wife of Roger Price, L.M.S. missionary.

Price, R. 3822. HARRIS, J.C. Roger Price. London: Livingstone Bookshop, 1927. 15p. (Venturer series; no.18) L.M.S. missionary in Rhodesia and Bechuanaland.

3823. SMITH, E.W. Great Lion of Bechuanaland: the life and times of Roger Price, Missionary>. London: Independent Press for the London Missionary Society, 1957. 444p.

Ross, W. 3824. FISHER, R.F. The story of the life & labours of a St. Andrews student, the Rev. William Ross, missionary and civiliser in South Africa. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: Menzies , 1881. 62p. Cover title: William Ross: a Scottish artisan missionary to South Africa.

Semane 3825. HAILE, E. Semane, Queen of the Bangwato: one of God's builders. London: Sheldon Press, 1939. 32p. (Little books for Africa; no. 63)

Shomolekae 3826. BROWN, J.T. The apostle of the marshes: the story of Shomolekae. London: Religious Tract Society, [1925?;. 109p. The life and labours of a Christian convert by a missionary of the L.M.S. at Kuruman.

Smith, M. 3827. PHILIP, J. Memoir of Mrs. Matilda Smith, late of Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. London: Westley, 1824. 189p. Mrs. Smith was a friend and supporter of Dr. van der Kemp. In 1805 she travelled to Bethelsdorp, where she assisted in the mission work.

Van der Kemp, J. T. 3828. BANNISTER, S. Vanderkemp. [ s . l. : s.n ., 183-?;. f4Jp. Short biography written in French. 492 London Missionary Society

Van der Kemp, J. T, 3829. BRUYN, W. van O. Dr. Johannes Theodorus van der Kemp, de apostel van Zuid-Afrika; na honderd jaren herdacht. Utrecht: Breijer, 1896. 61p. Overgedrukt uit het Nederlandsch zendingstijdschrift.

3830. DR. Joh. Theod. van der Kemp: zijn leven en arbeid; uit- gegeven door de Redactie der "Berigten aangaande de uit- breiding van het Godsrijk". Utrecht: Kemink, 1861. 53p.

3831. ENKLAAR, I.H. De levensgeschiedenis van Johannes Theo­ dorus van der Kemp, stichter van het Nederlandsch Zendelin Genootschap, pionier van de London Missionary Society onde Kaffers en Hottentotten in Zuid-Afrika, 1747-1811, tot zijn aankomst aan de Kaap in 1799. Wageningen: Veenman, 1972 168p.

3832. HUBNER.J. Lebensbeschreibungen frommer Manner aus alien Standen in alterer und neuer Zeit; herausgegeben von dem Christlichen Vereine im nordlichen Deutschland. 1. The Eisleben: Kloppel, 1870. 226p. (Der Christliche Verein in nordlichen Deutschland) Dr. van der Kemp, p.96-105.

3833. LEVENSBERIGT van I.T. van der Kemp, med. doct. en zen- deling in Zuid-Afrika: uitgegeven ten voordeele van het Nederlandsch Zendelinggenootschap. Groningen: Zuidema, 1831. 52p. Based on Memoir of the late Reverend J. T. van der Kemp, [q .v .], with corrections and additional material.

3834. MARTIN, A.D. Doctor Vanderkemp. London: Livingstone Press, [1931], 195p.

3835. MEMOIR of the late Reverend J. T. van der Kemp, missionary in South Africa. London: Dennett, printer, for the Mis­ sionary Society, 1812. 42p.

3836. MERENSKY, A. Dr. Johannes Theodorus van der Kemp: ein Bahnbrecher fur das Evangelium unter den Eingebornen Slid Afrikas. Kassel: Rottger, drucker, 1902. 24p. "Beiblatt zur Allgemeinen Missions-Zeitschrift. N o.l. Janua] 1902". Biographies 493

Van der Kemp, J. T. 3837. NORTHCOTT, W.C. Hero of the Hottentots (John Vander- kemp). New York: Friendship Press, 1945. 24p. (Eagle books; no.21)

3838. NOTTEN, J.W.A. Het leven van J.T. van der Kemp, Schot- lands grooten zendeting: in korte trekken geschetst. Kampen Zalsman, 1863. 28p.

3839. SMITH, G. Twelve pioneer missionaries. London: Nelson, 1900. 304p. Includes Van der Kemp, p.137-148.

3840. VAN DER KEMP, D.C. Johannes Theodorus van der Kemp, Medicinae Doctor, als aan de hand der Voorzienigheid, langs de donkerste wegen, opgevoed, voorbereid en bekwam ge- maakt, om als zendeling op te treden, ter uitbreiding van het evangelie onder de heidenen van Zuid-Afrika. Amster­ dam: Van Heteren, 1848. 56p.

3841. VAN DER KEMP, D.C. Levensgeschiedenis van den Med. Doctor Johannes Theodorus van der Kemp, zendeling ter uitbreiding van het evangelie onder de heidenen van Zuid- Afrika. Amsterdam: Van Heteren, 1864. 147p.

3842. VAN DER KEMP, J.T. Zegepraal der waarheid over het on- geloof, blijkbaar in de bekeering van den heer Joh. Theod. van der Kemp en in de wijze van zijne roeping tot den evan- gelie-dienst onder de heidenen: zijnde een uittreksel uit zijn eigen dagregister; in 't licht gegeeven door H.J. Krom. Dordrecht: Blusse, 1801. 68p.

Williams, John 3843. CAMPBELL, J. The martyr of Erromanga: or, The philo­ sophy of missions, illustrated from the labours, death, and character of the late Rev. John Williams. 3rd ed. London: Snow, 1843. 472p.

Williams, Joseph 3844. HOLT, B.F. Joseph Williams and the pioneer mission to the South-Eastern Bantu. [LovedaleJ: Lovedale Press, 1954. 186p. 494 London Missionary Society


3845. CALDER, J.M. Scotland's march past: the share of Scot­ tish churches in the London Missionary Society. London: Livingstone Press , 1945. 35p.

3846. ELLIOTT, W.A. South Africa. [London]: London Mis­ sionary Society, 1913. 115p. (Handbooks to our mission fields) "A chronology to illustrate L.M.S. work in South Africa", p .102-111.

3847. FREEMAN, J.J. A tour in South Africa, with notices of Natal, Mauritius, Madagascar, Ceylon, Egypt, and Palestine. London: Snow, 1851. 492p. The author was Home Secretary of the London Missionary Society, and he was requested by the Directors to report on their stations at the Cape, etc.

3848. GOODALL, N. A history of the London Missionary Society, 1895-1945. London: Oxford University Press, 1954. 640p.

3849. HAILE, A.J. A brief historical survey of the London Mis­ sionary Society in Southern Africa. Bulawayo: [London Missionary Society j, 1951. 41p.

3850. HAWKINS, F.H. Through lands that were dark: being a record of a year's missionary journey in Africa and Madagas­ car. London: London Missionary Society, 1914. 159p. South Africa, p.13-65.

3851. HORNE, C.S. The story of the L. M. S. , 1795-1895. London London Missionary Society, 1894. 444p. This work is continued in James, A .T .S . Twenty-five years of the L.M.S. , 1895-1920 [q .v .j.

3852. JAMES, A .T .S . Twenty-five years of the L.M.S., 1895- 1920. London: London Missionary Society, 1923. 176p. A sequel to The story of the L.M.S. , 1795-1895, by C.S. Horne [q .v .j.

3853. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Brief van het Zendelings Genootschap te London aan de godsdienst-lievende ingezeten van de Caap de Goede Hoop; uit 't Engelsch vertaald, en door V:A: Schoonberg gedrukt voor 't Zuid-Africaansche General Histories 495

Genootschap ter uitbreiding van Christus koningryk. fKaap- stadf, 1799. 8p. This was the first religious publication at the Cape and also the first 'book'.

3854. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Gedenkschriften der Maat- schappij van Zendelingschap, tot voordplanting van het Evan- gelij in heidensche landen, opgericht binnen London, in herfstmaand des jaars MDCCXCV; benevens eenige daar toe betrekkelijke leerredenen. Uit het Engelsch vertaald, door M. van Werkhoven. Dordrecht: Blusse, 1798-1804. 5v.

3855. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Historical summary, show­ ing the origin, growth and present position of the London Missionary Society. London: the Society, 1894. 23p.

3856. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. A register of missionaries and deputations, from 1796 to 1877; compiled for the use of the Directors and missionaries of the Society, by J.O. White- house. London: Yates and Alexander, printers, 1877. 313p.

3857. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. A register of missionaries, deputations, &c. , from 1796 to 1885; compiled for the use of the Directors and missionaries of the Society, by J.O. Whitehouse; 2nd ed. , rev. and enl. London: Alexander and Shepheard, printers, 1886. 391p.

3858. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. A register of missionaries, deputations, etc. , from 1796 to 1896; compiled for the use of the Directors and missionaries of the Society, by J.O. Whitehouse. 3rd - centenary - ed. London: the Society, 1896. 391p.

3859. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. A register of missionaries, deputations, etc,, from 1796 to 1923; prepared by J. Sibree. 4th ed. London: the Society, 1923. 221p.

3860. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Report by Mr. F.H. Haw­ kins, of secretarial visit to South Africa, November, 1912 - March, 1913. London: the Society, 1913. 208p. Report of a visit to the Society's mission stations and insti­ tutions in the Cape Province, Bechuanaland, and Southern Rhodesia. 496 London Missionary Society

3861. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Report of Mrs. J. May, Mr. T.E.B. Wilson, and Mr. F.H. Hawkins, deputation to South and Central Africa January-July, 1924. London: the Society, 1924. 142p. Report of a visit to the South and Central African mission stations on behalf of the Directors of the London Missionary Society.

3862. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Report of the deputation to South Africa, January to March, 1898. London: Alexander & Shepheard, printers, [1898]. 93p. Report signed: R. Wardlaw Thompson.

3863. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Report of the Directors, 1795-1853. London: the Society 1795-1853. lOv. Vol. 1. 1798-1814. Vol. II. 1815-1820. Vol. III. 1821-1825. Vol. IV. 1826-1830. Vol. V. 1831-1835. Vol. VI. 1836-1840. Vol. VII. 1841-1844. Vol. VIII. 1845-1847. Vol. IX. 1848-1850. Vol. X. 1851-1853.

3864. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Report of the Directors to the 60th general meeting, May 11, 1854. London: the Society, 1854. [218p].

3865. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Report of the missions in South Africa and of auxiliaries, in connection with the London Missionary Society. Cape Town: Solomon, printer, 1852, 1855. 2v. v .1. 1851. v . 2. 1854.

3866. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Report on visit to the South African missions of the Society, November, 1910 - April, 1911, by the Revs. G. Cousins & W. Dower and Sir C.J. Tarring. London: the Society, 1911. 168p. General Histories 497

3867. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Transactions of the Mis­ sionary Society. London: the Society, 1795-1824. Vol. I. 1795-1802. Vol. II. 1803-1806. Vol. III. To the end of 1812. Vol. IV. To the year 1817. Vol. V. To the year 1824.

3868. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Cape Town Auxiliary Mis­ sionary Society. Report of the Committee, 1825, 1839-1849. Cape Town: Bridekirk, 1825-1849.

3869. LOVETT, R. The history of the London Missionary Society, 1795-1895. London: Frowde, 1899. 2v.

3870. MACKENZIE, J. The London Missionary Society in South Africa: retrospective sketch. London: London Missionary Society, 1888. 21p.

3871. NORTHCOTT, W.C. Glorious company: one hundred and fifty years life and work of the London Missionary Society, 1795-1945. London: Livingstone Press, 1945. 196p.

3872. PHILIP, J. et al. Redevoeringen gedaan door den Eerw. Dr. Philip en anderen, omtrent de Kaap de Goede Hoop. Eene vertaling. Kaapstad: De Lima, 1829. 22p. Extracts from speeches by Dr. Philip, Sir T. Buxton, and others, on South African matters, during various meetings held in London, May 1829.

3873. RIVERS of water in a dry place: an account of the intro­ duction of Christianity into South Africa, and of Dr. Moffatt's missionary labours. London: Religious Tract Society, [1876?]. 252p. Published in Boston by the American Tract Society with the title: The Gospel among the Caffres.


3874. CARNEGIE, D. Among the Matabele. London: Religious Tract Society, 1894. 128p. An account of the Matabele written by a missionary of the 498 London Missionary Society

London Missionary Society who was in charge of Hope Foun­ tain mission station near Bulawayo from 1882-1892.

3875. CHIRGWIN, A.M. Beyond the Great Thirst Land. London: Livingstone Press, 1925. 152p. On the work of the missionaries among the tribes near Lake N garni.

3876. ELLIOTT, W.A. Gold from the quartz. London: London Missionary Society, 1910. 223p. An account of Rhodesia from a missionary's point of view.

3877. GILLMORE, P. The great thirst land: a ride through Natal, Orange Free State, Transvaal and Kalahari Desert. London: Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, [1878]. 466p. A narrative of travels in the Transvaal, and a hunting trip through the Kalahari, with a description of the mission at Shoshong.

3878. MACKENZIE, J. Bechwanaland, the Transvaal, and England: a statement and a plea, prepared for the Directors and friends of the London Missionary Society. London: Yates, Alexander & Shepherd, printers, [1883]. 14p.

3879. ONE hundred years of Christianity among the Bamangwato = Lekgolo la dinyaga tsa Sekeresete mo Gamangwato: an his­ torical account published for the Shoshong Centenary Com­ mittee. Lobatsi: Bechuanaland Book Centre, 1962. 28, 22p.

Text in English and Setswana.

Chapters by J.H.L. Burns and A.E. Seager.

3880. TAYLER, C.B. ed. The Christian souvenir. London: Tilt and Bogue, 1842. 276p. A religious miscellany. "The Rev. Mr. Moffatt and the Bechuana mission", p.191-219.

3881. THOMPSON, W. The Boers of the Transvaal Republic and the mission station at Kuruman. Cape Town: Solomon, 1859. 16p.

3882. THOMPSON, W. The Makololo mission; its recent disaster and present danger: a call for immediate help. [Cape Town: s.n. , 18607. 1 leaf. Regional Histories 499

An appeal for funds to enable search parties to be sent out from Kuruman to find and assist the Rev. Price and the Rev. Mackenzie and their families.

3883. THOMPSON, W. The Makololo missions: confirmation of former tidings, and grateful acknowledgement of aid. [Cape Town: s.n., 1861/. 1 leaf. A further appeal for funds to assist the survivors of the mission to the Makololo, near the Zambesi.

3.8.5 LOCAL HISTORIES (Mission stations) (arranged alphabe­ tically by place)

Bethelsdorp 3884. MEIJERS, A.J.F. Die geskiedenis van Bethelsdorp tot 1830. M.A. thesis, UPE, 1973.

3885. SCHAUDER, C.D. The historic village of Bethelsdorp. Port Elizabeth: Historical Society of Port Elizabeth & Walmer, 1970. 25p. (Port Elizabeth series; no. 2)

Hankey 3886. COULTON, J.J. A short history of Hankey; or, The other side of missions in South Africa. Grahamstown: Grocott & Sherry, 1924. 33p. L.M.S. station established at Hankey in 1825.

Inyati 3887. CLINTON, I. "These vessels ...": the story of Inyati, 1859-1959. Bulawayo: Manning, 1959. 96p.

Kuruman 3888. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Centenary of the opening of the Kuruman Church, November 1938. Kuruman: London Missionary Society, /1938?j. [7]p.

3889. THOMPSON, H.C. The Kuruman mission. Kimberley: Dia­ mond Fields Advertiser, printer, [1952]. 12, 12p. Afrikaans and English back to back.

Pacaltsdorp 3890. ANDERSON, T .A . The story of Pacaltsdorp and some re­ miniscences. [ Cape Town: the Author/, 1957. 123p. 500 London Missionary Society

Pacaltsdorp 3891. CAMPBELL, J. Pacaltsdorp; or, An account of the remarkabl progress of civilization & religion, in a Hottentot village, originally called Hooge Kraal, in a letter from the Rev. J. Campbell. London: Westley, 1825. 31p. Also in French.

3892. VAN DER LINDE, H.W.D. Die sendingstasie Pacaltsdorp, 1813-1923. M.A. thesis, UNISA, 1967.

Pniel 3893. SILBERBAUER, C.C. Pniel and its first missionary superin­ tendent. Cape Town: Citadel Press, [1943?]. 69p. Text in English and Afrikaans.


3894. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Sermons, preached in London, at the formation of the Missionary Society, Sept. 22, 23, 24, 1795; to which are prefixed memorials respecting the establishment and first attempts of the Society. London: the Society, 1795.

3895. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Four sermons preached at the General Meeting of the Missionary Society; also the Report of the Directors, and a list of subscribers. London: the Society, 1796-1814. Published each year from the 2nd General Meeting in 1796 to the 20th in 1814. They include references to South Africa.

3896. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Founders' Week Conven­ tion (1895). Centenary of the London Missionary Society: proceedings of the Founders' Week Convention, at the City Temple, Holborn Viaduct, London, September 21st to 27th, 1895. Papers and speeches in full. London: the Society, [ 1895J. 400p. Speeches by Chief Khama, p.2, 29-30. Addresses on Afri­ can missions, p.165-187.


3897. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. South African Agent. Cir­ cular: Cape Town, 15th August, 1850. [Cape Town: s.n ., 1850 7. 1 leaf. Characteristics 501

Circular letter to L.M.S. mission stations, signed: Wm. Thompson. Begins: "I am desirous of completing a Schedule of the London Missionary Society's property in South Africa and requests details or plans of buildings, etc., at missionary institutions.

3898. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. South African Agent. Cir­ cular: Cape Town, 15th August 1853. [Cape Town: s.n., 1853 7. 3p. Circular letter to L.M.S. mission stations in South Africa, signed: Wm. Thompson, and dealing with the statements of account required from the stations.

3899. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. South African Agent. Queries proposed by the agent of the London Missionary Society to the missionaries in connection with the said Society in South Africa. [Cape Town: s.n., 1852./. 2p. Signed: Wm. Thompson.


3900. THOMPSON, W. To the brethren in South Africa interested in the operations of the London Missionary Society. [Cape Town: s.n ., 18667. 3p. The author discussed the question of training future ministers for South Africa with the Directors of the London Missionary Society.


3901. CAIRNS, E.E. Political and humanitarian activities of the London Missionary Society in South Africa, 1799-1857. Ph.D. thesis: University of Nebraska, 1942.

3902. PHILIP, J. Letter to the Directors of the London Missionary Society on the present state of their institutions in the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, from the Reverend J. Phi­ lip, Superintendent of the Society's missions in South Africa. Cape Town: Pike, 1848. 26, xlp. Reply to a letter by the Rev. W. Elliott, published in Evan­ gelical Christendom, ■ pointing out certain evils inherent in the kind of missionary institutions maintained by the L.M.S. Dr. Philip seeks to refute the charges. 502 London Missionary Society


3903. HAILE, A.J. African bridge-builders: Tiger Kloof Native Institution, South Africa. London: Livingstone Press, 1937. (On the spot booklets)

3904. HAILE, A.J. Tiger Kloof: one of the London Missionary Society's Native institutions in South Africa. Letchworth: Garden City Press, printers, [19- ]. 4p. 14 plates.

3905. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. South African Agent. Memorandum on the acceptance of government grants in aid of education. [Cape Town: s.n ., 1857? J. 2p.

3906. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. South African Council. The future of Tiger Kloof: (a paper read before the South African Council of the London Missionary Society at their meetings held at Tiger Kloof, March, 1911). Tiger Kloof, C.P.: Tiger Kloof Native Institution, 1911. 8p.

3907. WILLOUGHBY, W.C. Tiger Kloof: the London Missionary Society's Native Institution in South Africa. London: Lon­ don Missionary Society, 1912. 120p. An account of the nf the Institution, by the Principal.


3908. GOODALL, N. The "fundamental principle" of the London Missionary Society. London: Livingstone Press, 1945. 16p. (London Missionary Society, 1795-1945. Triple jubilee papers; no.15)

3909. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Papers respecting the Matabele mission, South Africa. Printed for the Directors only. London: Yates & Alexander, 1873. 316p. Correspondence with reference to disputes regarding trading with the Natives.

3910. MOFFAT, R. Africa: or, Gospel light shining in the midst of heathen darkness: a sermon preached in the Tabernacle, Moorfields, before the Directors of the London Missionary Society, May 13th, 1840. London: Snow, 1840. 55p. Deals with missionary work among the Hottentots, Bushmen and Bechuanas. Missiology 503

3911. SCHUTTE, C.E.G. Dr. John Philip's observations regarding the Hottentots of South Africa. M.A. thesis, US, [193-?]. Published in Archives Year Book for South African History, 1940, vol. 1.

3912. SCOPES, W. The fundamental principle, then and now: (A brief study of the role of the London Missionary Society in the light of world mission today). London: London Mis­ sionary Society, 1960. 32p. (Essays on mission; n o .l)

3913. WOOKEY, A.J. Letter to Dr. Mullens on the situation in Griqualand West during the Native disturbances in 1878. [s A . : s.n. , 18787- 16p. L.M.S. missionary A.J. Wookey was stationed at Mothitho at this time. The letter is dated August 27, 1878 and describes events from May of that year, with comments on the causes of the Native rebellion. Dr. Joseph Mullens was foreign secretary of the L.M.S.



This Society was established in 1799 in Cape Town. It organised and directed the earliest mission undertakings in which the colonists themselves were engaged, and was responsible for the founding of Zoar Mission in 1817.


3914. DOHNE, J.L. Redevoering over Mattheus IX. v. 35-38; ge- houden in het Gesticht van het Z.A. Zendelings Genootschap in de Kaapstad, ter gelegenheid van het biduur, op Maandag den 2den Mei 1836. Kaapstad: Richert en Pike, drukkers, 1836. 16p.

3915. ELS, P.J.J.S. Kerkplanting by die Suid-Afrikaanse Sending- genootskap: 'n sendingwetenskaplike ondersoek na gemeente- vorming in die Suid-Afrikaanse gestig. D.Th. thesis, US, 1971. 504 South African Missionary Society

3916. JORDAAN, D.J.A. & LAZARUS, Z.J. Gedenkskrif oor die Suid-Afrikaanse Sendinggestig, Kaapstad (1799-1949). Kaap- stad: Direksie en Kerkraad van die S.A. Gestig, 1949. 32p. "Uitgegee by geleentheid van die herdenking van sy 150- jarige bestaan."


3917. DE JONGH, P.S. Sendingwerk in die landdrosdistrikte Stel­ lenbosch en Tulbagh (sedert 1822 Worcester), 1799-1830. M.A. thesis, US, 1969.


3918. SOUTH AFRICAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Fundamental and by-laws of the South African Missionary Society, established in the year 1797 [sic] under the denomination of The South African Society, for the Promotion and Extension of the King­ dom of Christ. Cape Town: Van de Sandt de Villiers, printers, 1849. 8p. Also in Dutch.

3919. SOUTH AFRICAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Grond- en bij- wetten van het Zuid Afrikaansche Zending Genootschap, op- gericht in het jaar 1799, (ter bevordering van de uitbreiding van Christus rijk). Kaapstad: Citadel Drukpers, 1909. lip .

3920. SOUTH AFRICAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Verdeeling van werkzaamheden, gemeente van Z. A. Zending Gesticht. Kaap­ stad: Citadel Drukpers, 1906. 8p. Regulations laid down by a commission appointed by the South African Missionary Society, in connection with the division of the congregation of the Gesticht into two sections, each under its own pastor.

3921. SOUTH AFRICAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Wetten en bepa- lingen betreffende het ambt van voorstander in de gemeente van het Zuid Afrikaansche Zending Gesticht; in te gaan den lsten Januarij, 1879. Kaapstad: Hofmeyr & Regter, druk- kers, 1885. 7p. Polity_____ 505

3922. SOUTH AFRICAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Wetten en bepa- lingen voor zendeling en inwoners van het Instituut Zoar. Cape Town: Van de Sandt de Villiers, printers, [185-7. 7p.


The first Wesleyan Methodist missionary, Barnabas Shaw, arrived in South Africa in April 1816 and proceeded to the Northern Cape. Two of the most prominent early mission stations which he established were Leliefontein in 1817 and Rietfontein in 1819. William Shaw, who arrived with the British Settlers in 1820, pioneered a chain of mission stations in the Eastern Cape. Healdtown, one of the best known missionary educational institutions, specialised in the training of teachers. The Free Methodists commenced work in Natal in 1891. Under A.D. Noyes and J.P. Brodhead, the work was extended to Southern Natal and Pondoland.


3923. MARRAT, J Missionary veterans in South Africa: bio­ graphical sketches of the Revs, B. Shaw, T.L. Hodgson and J. Edwards. London: Kelly, 1894. 176p. Three pioneer Wesleyan missionaries.

3924. MEARS, W.G.A. Wesleyan missionaries in Great Namaqualand 1820-1867. Cape Town: Struik, 1970. 26p. 2nd impression. First ed. privately published by the author, 1968.

3925. MEARS, W.J.G. Methodist martyrs of Namaqualand. Cape Town: Methpdist Missionary Department, 1954. 16p. Also in Afrikaans.

3926. MEARS, W.J.G. Methodist torchbearers. Cape Town: Methodist Missionary Department, 1955. 27p. 506 Methodist Missions

3927. METHODIST missionaries; fby W.J.G. Mears, et a lj . Cape Town: Methodist Missionary Department, 1958-1961. 5v. Contents: no. 1. Peter Hargreaves; Samuel Clark; Theo Curnick. - no. 2. Edward Boyer Cook; Charles Pamla; John Whittle Appleyard. - no. 3. Arthur Brigg; Theophi- lus Chubb; Arthur James Lennard; James Samuel Morris; William Mears. - no. 4. Herbert Louis Bishop; John William Househam; The Bechuana mission; Samuel Broadbent; Tho­ mas Laidman Hodgson; James Archbell; John Edwards; Tho­ mas Jenkins; James Scott. - no. 5. Methodist missions, missionaries and ministers.

3928. MOISTER, W. Heralds of salvation: being brief memorial sketches of Wesleyan missionaries who have died in the work since the commencement of the enterprise. London: Wes­ leyan Conference Office, 1878. 316p. Includes sketches of missionaries in South Africa.

3929. MOISTER, W. Missionary martyrs; being brief memorial sketches of faithful servants of God who have been put to death whilst endeavouring to propagate the Gospel of Christ, chiefly among the heathen, in different ages and countries. London: Woolmer, 1885. 242p. "William Threlfall, Jacob Links, and Johannes Jaager, martyrs of Namaqualand", p. 103-133. - "James Stewart Thomas, the martyr of Kaffirland", p.157-170.

3930. MOISTER, W. Missionary pioneers: being memorial sketches of eminent ministers who have led the way in different parts of the mission field. London: Hamilton, Adams, 1871. 584p. "Missionaries in Africa", p.320-409. (Includes Barnabas Shaw, Edward Edwards, William Shaw, Thomas Laidman Hodgson, Edward Look, Joseph Tindall).

3931. MOISTER, W. Missionary worthies: being brief memorial sketches of ministers sent forth by the Wesleyan Missionary Society who have died in the work from the beginning. Lon­ don: Woolmer, 1885. 438p. A continuation of his Heralds of salvation [q.v.J.

3932. TELFORD, J. Makers of our missions: pages from the lives of Methodist missionaries. London: Kelly, 1895. 191p. Biographies 507 Individual biographies (arranged alphabetically by biographee)

Agnew, G. H. 3933. HOGUE, W.T. G. Harry Agnew, a pioneer missionary. Chicago: Free Methodist Publishing House, 1905. 317p. South Africa, p.39-40, 105-113, 200-287.

Allison, J. 3934. MEARS, W.J.G. The Rev. James Allison, missionary: a biographical outline. Durban: Methodist Church of South Africa, Mission and Extension Department, 1967. 16p.

Appleyard, J. IV. 3935. APPLEYARD, J.W. The War of the Axe and the Xosa Bible: the journal of the Rev. J.W. Appleyard; edited by J. Frye. Cape Town: Struik, 1971. 157p.

3936. SMITH, T. Memoir of the Rev. John Whittle Appleyard, Wesleyan missionary in South Africa, the author of a Kafir grammar, and one of the translators of the Sacred Scriptures into that language. London: Wesleyan Missionary Society, 1881. 142p.

Ayliff, Jane 3937. WALTON, J. The late Mrs. Ayliff, of Grahamstown; from the Methodist Recorder, June 13th, 1889. Grahamstown: Sole, printer, 1913. 4p.

Ayliff, John 3938. AYLIFF, J. The journal of John Ayliff: 1: 1821-1830; edited by P. Hinchliff. Cape Town; Balkema, for Rhodes University, 1971. 130p. (The Graham's Town series; 1)

3939. GODLONTON, R. A brief memoir of the Rev. John Ayliff, Wesleyan missionary, from the South African Wesleyan, by a friend of forty years’ standing. Grahamstown: Godlonton and Richards, 1862. 53p.

Buckenham, H. 3940. BALDWIN, A. The Rev. Henry Buckenham, pioneer mis­ sionary. London: Johnson, Primitive Methodist Publishing House, [1920]. 12p. Biographical sketch of the first missionary sent out by the Primitive Methodist Conference in 1870 to Aliwal North. 508 Methodist Missions

Butt, G.E. 3941. BUTT, G.E. My travels in north west Rhodesia; or, A mis­ sionary journey of sixteen thousand miles. London: Dalton, [190-7]. 283p. Author was President of the Primitive Methodist Conference, 1905.

Caldecott, W.S. 3942. CALDECOTT, W.S. Leaves of a life. London: Kelly, 1912. 180p. The author was a Methodist minister in the Eastern Province and later missionary to the Fingoes.

Clark, S. 3943. CLARK, S. Missionary memories. Cape Town: Methodist Book Depot & Publishing House, 1927. 115p.

Edwards, J. 3944. EDWARDS, J. Reminiscences of the early life and missionary labours of the Rev. John Edwards, fifty years a Wesleyan missionary in South Africa; edited by the Rev. W.C. Holden. Grahamstown: Grocott, printer, 1883. 160p.

Evelyn, G.M. 3945. EVELYN, G.M. Steps in my life. [Salisbury: Mussell, 1977J. 48p. Includes information on the early missionary work of the Methodist mission stations at Chipembi and Waddilove.

Hargreaves, P. 3946. CONRADIE, A.F. The life and work of the Methodist mis­ sionary Peter Hargreaves in the land of Sigcau, chief of the Amapondo, 1882-1901. M.A. thesis, UP, 1967.

Hodgson, A. 3947. SHAW, W. comp. Memoirs of Mrs. Anne Hodgson; compiled from materials furnished by her husband, the Rev. T.L. Hodgson. Comprising, also, an account of the commencement and progress of the Wesleyan mission amongst the Griqua and Bechuana tribes of Southern Africa. London: Mason, 1836. 252p.

Hodgson, T.L. 3948. HODGSON, T.L. The journals of the Rev. T.L. Hodgson, missionary to the Seleka-Rolong and the Griquas, 1821-1831; Biographies 509

edited and annotated by R.L. Cope. Johannesburg: Wit- watersrand University Press for African Studies Institute, 1977. 434p.

Hodgson, T.L, 3949. RIDSDALE, B. A record of the religious experience of the late Rev. Thomas L. Hodgson, during his last illness. Cape Town: Solomon, 1850. 23p. Also in Dutch.

3950. SMITH, T. Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Laidman Hodgson, Wesleyan missionary in South Africa; with copious extracts from his journals. London: Mason, 1854. 178p.

Kunene, S. 3951. HURCOMBE, E.H. In the Zululand mission: Simon Kunene's unique works. fBlythswoodj : Blythswood Press, [192-?]. 8p. Sketch of Simon Kunene's work as evangelist.

Lea, A. 3952. LEA, A. Across South Africa: being an account of a journey taken by Rev. Allen Lea, general missionary secretary of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of South Africa, (1) through northern Zululand, (2) from northern Zululand, through Natal and the Orange Free State, to and through South West Africa. East London: Central Missions Office, [1925?]. 48p. A reprint from the Methodist Churchman, 1925. % Meara, W. 3953. FREELAND, S.P. Fighter for God: the story of William Meara. Ilfracombe: Stockwell, 1956. 172p.

Moister, W. 3954. MOISTER, W. The story of my life and missionary labours in Europe, Africa, America, and the West Indies. London: Woolmer, 1886. 322p. "Mission to Southern Africa. 1850-1860", p.195-257.

Moroka, Chief 3955. MOLEMA, S.M. Chief Moroka: his life, his times, his coun­ try and his people. Cape Town: Methodist Publishing House, [ 1950]. 210p. 510 Methodist Missions

Morris, J.S. 3956. HURCOMBE, E.H. For God and the Bantu; the thrilling life-story of the Rev. James S. Morris. /"East London: Stan­ dard Printing Co., 1930?7. 39p.

Pearse, H. 3957. SMITH. T. The earnest missionary: a memoir of the Rev. Horatio Pearse, late General Superintendent of the Wesleyan missions in the Port-Natal District, South-Eastern Africa. London: Hamilton, Adams, and Mason, 1864. 278p.

Ridsdale, B. 3958. RIDSDALE, B. Scenes and adventures in Great Namaqualand. London: Woolmer, 1883. 293p. Experiences of a Wesleyan missionary.

Shaw, B. 3959. MEARS, W.J.G. Barnabas Shaw: founder of South African Methodism. Cape Town: Methodist Missionary Department, 1957. 40p.

3960. MOISTER, W. Barnabas Shaw: the story of his life and mis­ sionary labours in Southern Africa, with a brief account of Wesleyan missions in that country. London: Wesleyan Con­ ference Office, 1877. 214p.

Shaw, W. 3961. SHAW, W. The journal of William Shaw; edited by W.D. Hammond-Tooke. Cape Town: Balkema, for Rhodes Uni­ versity, 1972. 220p. (Graham's Town series; 2)

3962. SHAW, W. Memoir of the Rev. William Shaw, late General Superintendent of the Wesleyan missions in South-Eastern Africa; edited by his oldest surviving friend. London: Wesleyan Conference Office, 1874. 464p. Preface by the editor, signed: W.B.B. [i.e. William Binning- ton Boyce ].

3963. SHAW, W. Never a young man: extracts from the letters and journals of the Rev. William Shaw; compiled by C. Sadler Cape Town: H.A.U.M ., 1967. 189p.

3964. SHAW, W. The story of my mission among the Native tribes of South Eastern Africa. New ed. London: Wesleyan Mis­ sion House, 1872. 322p. Biographies 511

Shaw, W. 3965. SHAW, W. The story of my mission in South-Eastern Africa: comprising some account of the European colonists; with extended notices of the Kaffir and other native tribes. Lon­ don: Hamilton, Adams, 1860. 576p.

Smith, C. 3966. SMITH, T. A Christian mother: memoirs of Mrs. Thornley Smith, with extracts from her letters, &c. By her husband. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1885. 274p. A biography of the author's second wife, Catherine.

Smith, E. 3967. SMITH, T. Memorials of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, wife of the Rev. Thornley Smith: including brief notices of the Wes­ leyan missions in South Africa, and of some occurrences con­ nected with the recent war in that country. By her husband. London: Mason, 1848. 70p.

Somngesi, W.N. 3968. BUTT, G.E. The Rev. W.N. Somngesi. London: Johnson, Primitive Methodist Publishing House, [1912?]. 12p. Somngesi worked as an evangelist of the Primitive Methodist Church.

Stott, S.H. 3969. STOTT, S.H. A nonogenarian's [sic] experiences and ob­ servations in many lands. London: Epworth Press, 1927. 126p. The author worked amongst Indians in Natal for 60 years.

Threlfall, W. 3970. BIRTWHISTLE, N.A. William Threlfall: a study in missionary vocation. London: Oliphants, 1966. 168p.

3971. BROADBENT, S. The missionary martyr of Namaqualand: memorials of the Rev. William Threlfall, late Wesleyan mis­ sionary in South Africa, who was murdered in Great Namaqua­ land, together with two native converts, Jacob Links and Johannes Jager. London: Mason, 1857. 170p.

3972. CHEESEMAN, T. The story of William Threlfall, missionary martyr of Namaqualand, with some account of Jacob Links and Johannes Jager who fell with him. Cape Town: Metho­ dist Publishing Office, 1910. 164p. 512 Methodist Missions

Tindall, J. 3973. TINDALL, J. The journal of Joseph Tindall, missionary in South West Africa, 1839-55; edited with introduction, foot­ notes and sketch-map by B.A. Tindall. Cape Town: Van Riebeeck Society, 1959. 22lp. (Van Riebeeck Society publications; no. 40)

White, J. 3974. ANDREWS, C.F. John White of Mashonaland. London: Hod- der & Stoughton, 1935. 316p.

Wilson, J.M. 3975. LAMPLOUGH, R. "Janie"; a flower from South Africa. Lon­ don: Wesleyan Conference Office, 1869. 71p. A memoir of Jane Maria Wilson, daughter of the Rev. John Wilson, Wesleyan missionary in the Eastern Province. She died in 1868 at the age of 20.


3976. BRODHEAD, C.A. ed. Our Free Methodist missions in Africa to April, 1907. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Aldine Printing Co., 1908. 77p. Includes Johannesburg district, Natal, Pondoland, East Griqualand.

3977. FINDLAY, G.G. & FINDLAY, M.G. Wesley's world parish: a sketch of the hundred years'work of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society. [London./: Hodder and Stoughton, 1913. 224p. Includes South Africa.

3978. FINDLAY, G.G. & HOLDSWORTH, W.W. The history of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society. London: Epworth Press, 1921-1924. 5v. South Africa, v.4, p.237-377.

3979. GARRETT, A.E.F. ed. South African Methodism: her mis­ sionary witness. Cape Town: Methodist Publishing House, [1966J. 137p.

3980. HOLDEN, W.C. A brief history of Methodism, and of Metho­ dist missions in South Africa. With an appendix on the Livingstonian Mission. London: the Author, 1877. 519p. General Histories 513

3981. HURCOMBE, E.H. Our missionary story (in brief outline). Cape Town: Methodist Publishing House, 1928. 72p.

3982. JABAVU, D.D.T. What Methodism has done for the Natives. fLovedalej: Lovedale Institution Press, [1923]. 8p. Lecture delivered at King William's Town on 28th April, 1923, on the occasion of the Wesleyan missionary centenary con­ ference.

3983. LEEUW, G.J. A short history of the Bantu Methodist Church of South Africa. Johannesburg: B.P. Press, printer, /194177- 28p.

3984. MEARS, W.J.G. Methodist missions among the Coloured people of South Africa. Cape Town: Methodist Missionary Department, 1956. 36p. Also in Afrikaans.

3985. METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Missionary De­ partment. Annual report, 1932- Cape Town: Missionary Department, 1932—

3986. MOISTER, W. Conversations on the rise, progress, and present state of Wesleyan missions in various parts of the world; with historical and descriptive observations on the respective stations occupied by the Society. London: Hamilton, Adams, 1869. 528p. Southern Africa, p.141-190.

3987. MOISTER, W. A hand book of Wesleyan missions, briefly describing their rise, progress, and present state in various parts of the world. London: Woolmer, 1883. 252p. Southern Africa, p.62-90.

3988. MOISTER, W. Memorials of missionary labours in Western Africa, the West Indies, and at the Cape of Good Hope: with historical and descriptive observations, illustrative of natural scenery, the progress of civilization and the general results of the missionary enterprise. 3rd ed., rev. and enl. London: Nichols, printer, 1866. 592p. "Although this is called a third edition of the Missionary Memorials, it is substantially a new work, the whole having been rewritten and greatly enlarged." Part III: The Cape of Good Hope, p.417-567. 514 Methodist Missions

3989. MOISTER, W. Missionary anecdotes: sketches, facts, and incidents relating to the state of the heathen and the effects of the Gospel in various parts of the world; 2nd ed. London: Wesleyan Conference Office, 1875. 311p. Includes South Africa.

3990. MOISTER, W. Missionary stories, narratives, scenes, and incidents, illustrative of the providence and grace of God in connection with the propagation of the Gospel in heathen lands; new ed., with additions. London: Wesleyan Con­ ference Office, 1877. 296p. Includes South Africa.

3991. MOISTER, W, Stories, sketches, facts, and incidents, il­ lustrative of the providence and grace of God, in connexion with the missionary enterprise. London: Hamilton, Adams, 1868. 416p. Includes South Africa.

3992. ROBB, J. In the way with the gleaners: being some account of the work of the South African Missionary Society during the year 1906. Pietermaritzburg: Leake, printer, 1907. 22p.

3993. TELFORD, J. A short history of Wesleyan Methodist foreign missions. London: Kelly, [1906]. 282p. Includes references to South Africa.

3994. WALKER, F.D. The call of the Dark Continent: a study in missionary progress, opportunity and urgency. London: Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, 1911. 372p. (W.M. M.S. centenary series, no. 2) "Our South African mission field", p.100-149.

3995. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. South African Missionary Society. Annual report, 1883-1931. Cape Town: the Society, 1883-1931.


3996. ACCOUNT of the Wesleyan mission to the Bechuanas, in South Africa. London: Mason, [1841?]. 12p. (Missionary series; no.623) Regional Histories 515

3997. ACCOUNT of the Wesleyan mission to the Namacquas, in South Africa. London: Mason, [1841?./. 16p. (Missionary series; no. 620)

3998. BRIGG, A. "Sunny Fountains" and "Golden Sand": pictures of missionary life in the south of the "Dark Continent". Lon­ don: Woolmer, 1888. 255p. Describes the missions at Heald Town, Wittenbergen and Bensonville.

3999. BROADBENT, S. A narrative of the first introduction of Christianity amongst the Barolong tribe of Bechuanas, South Africa; with a brief summary of the subsequent history of the Wesleyan mission to the same people. London: Wesleyan Mission House, 1865. 204p.

4000. BUCKLEY, E.M. The history of the mission work of the British Methodist Church in Rhodesia from the 1890’s to the 1940's, with particular reference to the role of African ministers and evangelists and development in education and women's work. Ph.D. thesis, University of London, 1977.

4001. BURNET, A. A minute on the present position of the Trans­ vaal and Swaziland district and on some problems connected with its future administration, [s .l.: Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society?], 1919. 12p. The Rev. A. Burnet, Chairman of the Transvaal and Swazi­ land district for 17 years, wrote this report on his retire­ ment from office.

4002. BURNET, A. A mission to the Transvaal. London: Culley, 1908. 127p. (Methodist missionary library)

4003. BURNET, A. Wesleyan Methodist Church: five busy years in the Transvaal. [Johannesburg: the Author?], 1907. 8p. A review of the work of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in the Transvaal, Swaziland, a large section of British Bechuanaland and a part of Portuguese East Africa.

4004. DAMANE, M. The Wesleyan missionaries in the Caledon valley; paper delivered at the University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland History Conference, held in Gaberone, 3-8 Septem­ ber, 1973. Gaborone: the University, 1973. 26p. 516 Methodist Missions

4005. DUTY of improving our privileges, urged from the example of heathens; with some account of Jacob Links, a converted Hottentot, and of the happy death of Hobo, a native of Caffre- land. London: Mills, Jowett and Mills, printer, for J. Kershaw, [1824?]. 12p. Includes a letter from Jacob Links to the Committee of the Wesleyan Missions. The account of Hobo is by the Rev. William Shaw.

4006. GRAY, S.D. Frontiers of the Kingdom: the story of Wes­ leyan missions in Rhodesia. London: Cargate Press, 193— ?7- 119p.

4007. HELGESSON, A. Gud och guld i Afrika; en skildring av metodistkyrkans arbete i Sydost-Afrika. Stockholm: Nya Bokforlag, [1955]. 38p.

4008. HOLDEN, W.C. British rule in South Africa: illustrated in the story of Kama and his tribe and the war in Zululand. London: Wesleyan Conference Office, 1879. 218p. Chief Kama was baptised by William Shaw at Wesleyville in 1825, being the first chief in the Eastern Cape to become a Christian.

4009. HURCOMBE, E.H. Centenary souvenir of the Buntingville Circuit, 1829-1929. [s.l.: s.n ., 1929?]. 30p. Gives a brief historical outline of the sixth mission established by William Shaw. It was named in honour of the Rev. Dr. Bunting.

4010. HURCOMBE, E.H. Pioneer missionary work among the Natives in Zululand and Maputoland. East London: Standard Printing, 1926. 22p.

4011. HURT, N.K. Wesleyan missions on the eastern frontier of Cape Colony, 1820-1840, with special reference to the Kaffir war of 1834-1835. M.A. thesis, University of London, 1957-58.

4012. MACDONALD, F.W. ed. The story of Mashonaland and the missionary pioneers. London: Wesleyan Mission House, 1893. 64p. "The journal of the Rev. Owen Watkins and letters of the Rev. Isaac Shimmin form the substance of this little book". Regional Histories 517

4013. MEARS, W.G.A. Wesleyan Baralong mission in Trans-Orangia 1821-1884. Cape Town: Struik, 1970. 44p. 2nd impression. First ed. privately published by the author, 1968.

4014. MEARS, W.J.G. Methodism in Swaziland. Cape Town: Methodist Missionary Department, 1955. 14p.

4015. MEARS, W.J.G. Methodist missions to the Indians of Natal. Cape Town: Methodist Missionary Department, 1957. 23p.

4016. MEARS, W.J.G. The Witwatersrand Methodist mission. Cape Town: Methodist Missionary Department, 1956. 20p.

4017. METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Natal Methodist Indian Mission. A brochure in commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the Durban and Coast Methodist Indian Mis­ sion, 1862-1952. [Durban: the Mission], 1952. 40p.

4018. METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Natal Methodist Indian Mission. Centenary souvenir brochure, 1862-1962. Durban: the Mission, 1962. 28p. Includes a brief history of the Durban and Coast Indian Mission.

4019. MOLEMA, M.S. Methodism marches into the midlands = Bo- Methodis bo fitlha BuTswana; written for the Barolong cele­ brations of the 150th anniversary of Methodism. [Mafeking]: Mafeking Mail, printer, [1956?]. 12, 12p. Title page and text in English and Tswana.

4020. NYEMBEZI, I.N . Umlando ka Nzondelelo (Natal Native home mission). Cape Town: Methodist Publishing House, [1961]. 87p.

4021. PRIMITIVE METHODISTS. Missionary Committee. Report of the Deputation - the Rev. W.J. Ward and Mr. Frank Hardy - to Rhodesia & South Africa, 1929. London: Swinden, 1930. 59p.

4022. SCHOLTZ, P.L. Die geskiedenis van die Wesleyaanse sending in Natal met spesiale verwysing na Indaleni, 1840-1860. M.A. thesis, HUC, 1946. 518 Methodist Missions

4023. SMITH, T. The Wesleyan missions in the Cape of Good Hope district, &c. , with a sketch of Rondebosch, near Cape-Town. London: Nichols, printer, 1848. 4p. (Papers relative to the Wesleyan missions, and to the state of heathen countries, no. CXIII, September, 1848)

4024. THORPE, C. Zambesi venture. London: Cargate Press, [1960./. 39p.

4025. THOSEBY, W. Sketches of Port Natal: with which is con­ nected a plea for the entrance of Primitive Methodism into the Colony, as being far better for the people than Colensoism. London: Davies, 1863. 63p. Written with the aim of introducing a Primitive Methodist mission in Natal.

4026. VAN SCHALKWYK, M.J. Die werk van die Wesleyaanse Metodiste Sendinggenootskap in Klein- en Groot-Namakwa- land vanaf 1816 tot 1840, met besondere verwysing na die stasie Leliefontein en die werk van Barnabas Shaw aldaar. M.A. thesis, UNISA, 1964.

4027. VENTER, W.A. Die geskiedenis en invloed van die Wesley­ aanse Sending in die Transvaal gedurende die negentiende eeu. D.Phil. thesis, UOFS, 1963.

4028. WATSON, R.L. The Seleka-Rolong and the Wesleyan Metho­ dist missionaries, 1823-1884. Ph.D. thesis, Boston Univer­ sity, 1974.

4029. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Re­ port of the Indian section of our missionary operations, 1914. Maritzburg: Leake, printer, /"l9157. 7p.

4030. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Natal District. A message for you and an appeal to you. Port Elizabeth: Ware, printers, 1921. 14p. A booklet giving information about Methodist missionary work.

4031. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Natal District. Missionary Committee. Concerning the affairs of the South African Wesleyan Missionary Society, [s.l.]: Natal District Missionary Committee, 1893. 7p. An account of the wbrk of the Society and an appeal for funds. Regional Histories 519

4032. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Natal District. Missionary Committee. Is it nothing to you? Port Elizabeth: Ware, printers, [1922], 16p. About the need for Christian mission work among the Indians in Natal.

4033. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. South African Missionary Society. A voice from Zululand. Maritz- burg: Leake, printers, 1921. 8p. Includes "Zululand mission report, 1920".

4034. WESLEYAN METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY (London). Affairs of Bechuanaland. A letter to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies, from the Wesleyan Missionary Committee, concerning the complaints of the Chief Montsioa of Mafeking. London: Hayman & Lilly, printers, 1887. 31p.

4035. WESLEYAN METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY (London). Wesleyan missionary notices. South Central Africa. An appeal from Bechuanaland and Pretoria. September, 1885. London: Wesleyan Mission House, 1885. 16p. "Report of a visit to Bechuanaland, by Rev. Owen Watkins", p.6-16. Watkins was Chairman of the Transvaal and Swazi­ land District of the Society.

4036. WILKINSON, C.E. Methodism in Basutoland. Cape Town: Methodist Missionary Department, fl956J. 15p. History of Methodist missions in Basutoland from 1833 to the 1950s.

4037. YOUNG, S. A missionary narrative of the triumphs of grace; as seen in the conversion of Kafirs, Hottentots, Fingoes, and other Natives of South Africa. London: Mason, 1842. 160p. An account of mission work at Mount Coke and Wesleyville.

4038. ZVOBGO, C.J.M. The Wesleyan Methodist missions in South­ ern Rhodesia, 1891-1945. Ph.D. thesis, University of Edin­ burgh, 1974. 520 Methodist Missions

3.10.5 LOCAL HISTORIES (Mission stations) (arranged alpha­ betically by place)

Bollihope 4039. CRAGG, E.L. The story of Bollihope. [Cape Town: Metho­ dist Publishing House, 19677. 60p.

Butterworth 4040. McGREGOR, A.M. Butterworth - first Christian Mission in Transkei: the story of one hundred and fifty years (1827- 1977). King William's Town: South African Missionary Museum, 1977. 26p.

Clarkebury 4041. MEARS, W.J.G. Mission to Clarkebury. Cape Town: Methodist Publishing House, 719737. 78p.

4042. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Clarkebury mission, Tembuland: centenary souvenir, 1830- 1930. 7s.1.7: the Church, 1930. 64p. Cover title and running title: The deathless years.

Durban: Bmbilo Road 4043. METHODIST Mission brochure, Umbilo Road Durban. 7s.1.: s.n. , 19557. 8p.

Hope Fountain 4044. CLINTON, I.A. Hope Fountain story: a tale of one hundred years. Gwelo: Mambo Press, 1969. lOlp.

Indaleni 4045. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Natal District. Missionary Committee. The story of Indaleni. Maritzburg: Natal Witness, printer, [192-?]. 20p.

Lily Fountain 4046. LILY FOUNTAIN (Khamies Berg, Namaqualand). Rules and regulations of the Wesleyan missionary institution called Lily Fountain, Khamies Berg, Namaqualand, South Africa; (re ­ vised 1857). Rondebosch: Wesleyan Mission Press, 1858. 8p. Also in Dutch.

4047. METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. 150 years of mis­ sionary witness: celebrations at Lily Fountain. Cape Town: Methodist Publishing House, 1967. 13p. Local Histories 521

Lily Fountain 4048. SHAW, B. Memorials of South Africa. London: Mason, Hamilton, Adams, 1840. 371p. An account of the mission settlement at Lily Fountain and the progress of missionary work, with references to other pioneer missionaries, by the first Wesleyan missionary in South Africa.

Shaw bury 4049. WILSON, D. ed. Shawbury: the story of a mission, 1843- 1943. Lovedale: Lovedale Press, 1943. 62p.

Thaba Nchu 4050. METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Centenary cele­ brations of the Barolongs of Thaba 'Nchu, O.F.S. in com­ memoration and thanksgiving to Almighty God for blessings bestowed upon the Baralongs and one hundred years mis­ sionary labour by the faithful missionaries of the Methodist Church, commencing on Friday the 15th, ending the 17th December, 1933. [Lovedalej: Lovedale Press, fl933?J. 15p.

4051. VENTER, I.S.J. Die sendingstasie Thaba Nchu, 1833-1900; die werk wat op die gebied van kerk en skool deur die Wes- leyane onder die Barolong gedoen is. Pretoria: Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, 1960. 56p. (Mededelings van die Univer­ siteit van Suid-Afrika. Reeks C; no. 18)

Wesleyville 4052. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Final centenary celebration at Wesleyville, the first link in the chain of Wesleyan missions in South Eastern Africa, on Wed­ nesday, December 5th, 1923, at 12 noon. The Rev. John W. Househam, President of the Conference, will conduct the ceremony, [s .l.: s.n ., 19237. 4p.


4053. RYFF, F.J. An examination of the indigenous church prin­ ciple with special reference to the Free Methodist Church in South Africa. M.A. thesis, Seattle Pacific College, Washing­ ton, 1955.

4054. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH. Transvaal and Swaziland District. Ruies & regulations affecting the administration of Native circuits. Pretoria: Van der Reyden, 1914. 16p. 522 Methodist Missions


4055. DAVIS, W.J. Charge delivered at the ordination of Charles Pamla, John Lewana, and Janies Lewana, the first Native ministers connected -with the Wesleyan Church of South Africa by the Rev. W.J. Davis, at Healdtown, February 26, 1871. Grahamstown: Richards, Glanville, printers, 1871. 15p.

4056. RIDGILL, R. The Gospel workman: an ordination charge addressed to two young missionaries in South Africa. London: ’’Methodist" Office, [188-7], 16p. Reprinted from The Methodist.

4057. SARGEANT, W. A charge delivered in Russell Road Church, Port Elizabeth, on the ordination of Abram Mabula & James M. Dwane, to the office of the Native ministry, Sunday, January 11, 1880. Grahamstown: Richards, Slater, 1881. 45p.

4058. SHAW, W. A defence of the Wesleyan missionaries in Southern Africa: comprising copies of a correspondence with the Reverend John Philip, D.D. , an introduction and appendix. London: Mason; Graham's Town: Aldum and Harvev, printers, 1839. 80p.

4059. WESLEYAN METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY (London). Address from the Committee for the Management of the Metho­ dist Missions, to Messrs. Shaw, Broadbent, Carver, Callaway, and Jackson, missionaries about to sail to South Africa, and to the Island of Ceylon. London: the Conference Office, 1816. 16p.


4060. HEALDTOWN MISSIONARY INSTITUTION. A brief account of the jubilee celebrations in connection with the Normal Training Institution, Healdtown, June, 1906. Cape Town: Argus, 1906. 39p. The foundation-stone of this missionary institution was laid by Sir George Grey in 1856.

4061. HEALDTOWN MISSIONARY INSTITUTION. Healdtown, 1855- 1955; centenary brochure. fLovedale: Lovedale Press, 1955]. 38p. Mission Education 523

4062. HEWSON, L.A. Healdtown: a study of a Methodist experiment in African education. Ph.D. thesis, RU, 1960.

4063. MPHAHLELE, M.C.J. The Methodist venture in education at Kilnerton, 1886-1962: an historical-critical survey. M.Ed. thesis, UtN, 1973.

4064. RICE, A.F. A proposed plan for a girls' school in South Africa under the Free Methodist Missionary Board. M.A. thesis, New York Biblical Seminary, 1946.

4065. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Free school for the heathen = Vryschool voor de heidenen. [Cape Town: s.n., 182 -?]. 1 leaf. An appeal for funds to erect a school.

4066. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Pro­ posed hostel at the South African Native College, Fort Hare: a statement and an appeal. Grahamstown: Wesleyan Methodist Church of South Africa, 1918. lip .


4067. MOUNT COKE HOSPITAL. Silver jubilee 1933-1958. King William's Town: the Hospital, 1958. 25p.

4068. PROZESKY, H. An account of a trip in Maputaland. Blyths- wood: Blythswood Press, [1925], 16p. Newsletters of a missionary nurse, describing her visits to out-stations of the mission in Zululand.

3.10.15 SOCIETIES (e.g. for women, youth)

4069. METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Transvaal and Swaziland District. African Women's Prayer and Service Union. Manyano - Kopano jubilee celebrations at Pretoria 26th and 27th September, 1959: 1909-1959. [s.l.J: Goldfields, printer, [1959?]. 16p.

4070. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Com­ mittee on Native Women's Christian Associations. Suggested regulations for the guidance of Native Women's Christian Associations connected with the Wesleyan Methodist Church 524 Presbyterian Missions

of S. Africa. Butterworth: Gazette Office, printer, /T912?i. lOp. Text in English and Xhosa.


4071. DUGMORE, D.P. The beginnings of Methodist missionary policy in the Transvaal. M.A. thesis, UP, 1939.

4072. METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Missionary De­ partment. The challenge of change. [Cape Town: Mis­ sionary Department, 19637. 16p.

4073. VENTER, I.S.J. Die ruilkontrakte in 1833-34 aangegaan tussen Mosjesj en die Wesleyane. Pretoria: Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, 1960. 55p. (Mededelings van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika. Reeks C; no. 20)


The Glasgow Missionary Society was responsible for the first Presbyterian mission in South Africa. Their first representatives, W.R. Thomson and J. Bennie, arrived in South Africa in 1821. The famous educational centre, Lovedale, was established in 1824.


4074. ROSS, B.J. A missionary family: John Ross, 1799-1878; Bryce Ross, 1825-1899; Richard Ross, 1828-1902; Brownlee J. Ross, 1865- Edinburgh: United Free Church of Scotland Publication Dept. , 1925. 64p. An account of three generations of missionaries in Kaffraria.

4075. YOUNG, R. Trophies from African heathenism. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1892. 218p. Biographies 525 Individual biographies (arranged alphabetically by biographee)

Bennie, J. 4076. BENNIE, J. An account of a journey into Transorangia and the Potchefstroom-Winburg Trekker Republic in 1843; edited by D. Williams. Cape Town: Balkema, 1956. 30p. Bennie was a missionary of the Glasgow Missionary Society.

Bokwe, J.K. 4077. MQAYI, S.E.R. LJ-Bomi Bom-Fundisi u John Knox Bokwe. Lovedale: Lovedale Institution Press, 1925. 92p. Bokwe was closely connected with Lovedale, and in later life was ordained as a minister.

Henderson, J. 4078. SOUTH AFRICAN OUTLOOK. Dr. James Henderson, principal of Lovedale, 1906-1930; memorial number. [Lovedale]: Love­ dale Press, 1930. [32]p. The September 1930 number of The South African Outlook was devoted entirely to the life and work of Dr. James Hen­ derson.

Jabavu, J. T. 4079. JABAVU, D.D.T. The life of John Tengo Jabavu, editor of Imvo Zabantsundu, 1884-1921. [Lovedale]: Lovedale Insti­ tution Press, 1922. 154p.

Laing, J. 4080. LAING, J. Memorials of the missionary career of the Rev. James Laing, missionary of the Free Church of Scotland in Kaffraria; chiefly compiled from Mr. Laing's own journals, by his friend and fellow-missionary, the Rev. W. Govan. Glasgow: Bryce, 1875. 364p.

MacDonald, D.A. 4081. MACDONALD, D.A. With Christ in Africa. London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1937. 158p. Autobiography of a missionary of the Free Church of Scot­ land Mission in South Africa.

MacDonald, J. 4082. MACDONALD, J. Light in Africa. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1890. 263p. 526_____ Presbyterian Missions

Missionary experiences in Lovedale, the Transkei, East Griqualand and other parts of South Africa.

Niven, R. 4083. NIVEN, R. Perils of a missionary family in the Caffre War of 1850-52. Glasgow: Bell & Bain, printers, 1860. 20p.

Ntsikana 4084. BOKWE, J.K. Ntsikana: the story of an African convert; with an appendix "Ibali like Ntsikana" in the Native language. Lovedale: Mission Press, 1914. 67p.

Ross, B.J. 4085. ROSS, B.J. Brownlee J. Ross: his ancestry and some writings. [Lovedale]: Lovedale Press, 1948. 109p.

Ross, H. 4086. CHALMERS, J.A. A mother in Israel: a memorial of the late Mrs. Ross, of Pirie. Lovedale: Institution Press, 1875. [S}p. Mrs. Helen Ross came to South Africa in 1823 and worked on various mission stations of the Free Church, including Love­ dale .

Semple, D.W. 4087. SEMPLE, D.W. A Scots missionary in the Transkei: recol­ lections of fieldwork. [Lovedale]: Lovedale Press, 1965. 74p.

Shepherd, R. H. W. 4088. OOSTHUIZEN, G.C. Shepherd of Lovedale. Johannesburg: Heartland, 1970. 247p.

4089. SHEPHERD, R.H.W. Where aloes flame: South African mis­ sionary vignettes. London: Lutterworth Press, 1948. 172p.

Soga, T. 4090. CHALMERS, J.A. Tiyo Soga: a page of South African mis­ sion work. Edinburgh: Elliot; Grahamstown: J. Hay, 1877. 488p. Also in Dutch.

4091. COUSINS, H.T. Tiyo Soga, the model Kafir missionary. London: Partridge, 1897. 160p. 1899 ed. has title: From Kafir kraal to pulpit: the story of Tiyo Soga, first ordained preacher of the Kafir race. General Histories 527

Soga, T. 4092. WILLIAMS, D. Umfundisi: a biography of Tiyo Soga, 1829- 1871. Lovedale: Lovedale Press, 1978. 138p.

Stewart, J. 4093. McEVOY, C. Stewart of Lovedale. London: Carey Press, [1924]. 48p. (Torch-bearer booklets)

4094. WELLS, J. Dr. Stewart of Lovedale. Edinburgh: Scottish "Monthly Visitor" Tract Society, 1909. 4p. (Monthly visitor, November 1909) Adapted by Dr. Wells from his Stewart of Lovedale [q .v .[.

4095. WELLS, J. Stewart of Lovedale: the life of James Stewart. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1908. 419p.


4096. BANTU PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Silver jubilee celebrations at Port Elizabeth. Lovedale: Lovedale Press, 1948. 16p.

4097. FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. Foreign Missions Committee. Report of deputation to South Africa, June - October 1881. Edinburgh: Murray, printer, [1881?]. 20p. A report on the South African missions of the Free Church of Scotland.

4098. LENNOX, J. The story of our missions: South Africa. Edin­ burgh: Offices of the United Free Church of Scotland, Foreign Mission Committee, 1911. 87p.

4099. MORRISON, J.H. On the trail of the pioneers: a sketch of the missions of the United Free Church of Scotland. London: Hodder and Stoughton, [19137. 180p. South Africa, p.148-164.

4100. OGILVIE, J.N. "Afric's sunny fountains": travel notes of a visit to the African mission-fields of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: Blackwood, for the Foreign Mission Committee of the Church of Scotland, 1921. lOOp. Deals with Nyasaland and Kenya. Includes a few brief references to South Africa. 528 Presbyterian Missions

4101. SIKUTSWA, D.V. Formation of the Bantu Presbyterian Church of South Africa. Umtata: Territorial News, /T946?j. 16p.

4102. SMITH, G. Fifty years of foreign missions: or, The foreign missions of the Free Church of Scotland, in their year of jubilee, 1879-80. Edinburgh: MacLaren, 1879. 79p. South Africa (Kaffraria and Natal), p.54-62.

4103. STORMONT, D.D. The Bantu Presbyterian Church. Blyths- wood: Blythswood Press, /1924j. 8p. (Blythswood review. Pamphlet no. 2) A brief sketch of what the Bantu Presbyterian Church (formed in July 1923) is, and how it evolved from the Scottish Pres­ byterian missions.

4104. UNITED FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. Foreign mission atlas. Edinburgh: Foreign Mission Office, 1902. 8p. 12 maps. Kaffraria and Natal missions, p.5-7 & map no. 11.

4105. YOUNG, R. Historical sketch of the foreign missions of the Free Church of Scotland. Edinburgh: Greig, printers, 1871. 48p. South Africa, p.27-41.


4106. FINGO CENTENARY FUND. I-Nkulungwane yama Mfengu 1835-1935 ne si-Vivane = Fingo centenary 1835-1935 and Centenary Fund. Lovedale: Lovedale Press, 1935. 47p.

4107. GAVIN, W. To all helpers in the Colony and Homeland; third yearly letter from Rev. William Gavin, United Free Church of Scotland Mission, Pondoland, South Africa, with season's greetings. [s.l.J: Rainy Mission Station, 1902. 14p.

4108. HUNTER, R. History of the missions of the Free Church of Scotland in India and Africa. London: Nelson, 1873. 387p. Section VIII: Caffraria, p.338-380. Local Histories 529

4109. MISSIONS of the United Presbyterian Church described in a series of stories. Edinburgh: United Presbyterian Church, 1896. 5v. in 1. Pt.III: The story of the Kaffraria mission, by W.J. Slowan.

4110. SCULLY, W.C. The seed of the Church; and, Little Tobe. Lovedale: Institution Press, 1895. 28p. Two stories of African life in Pondoland and among the Hlubi tribe. Reprinted from the Christian Express.

3.11.5 LOCAL HISTORIES (Mission stations) (arranged alphabe­ tically by place)

Cape Town 4111. GORRIE, W. A plea on behalf of the mission of the Free Church of Scotland, Cape Town, South Africa. Cape Town: Pike & Riches, 1851. 36p. This mission was started in Cape Town in 1846.

Cape Town: St. Andrews 4112. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Cape Town). Report to the Committee of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, for foreign missions, respecting the missionary operations in St. Andrew’s Church, Cape Town. Cape Town: Pike, printer, 1839. 8p. Report is signed by James Adamson.

Cunningham 4113. NEW COLLEGE MISSIONARY SOCIETY (Edinburgh). The Cunningham Mission, South Africa. Edinburgh: Murray, printer, 1882. 12p. History of the Free Church Mission at Cunningham.

3.11.6 SYNODS, CONFERENCES, ASSEMBLIES: OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS 4114. BANTU PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Pro­ ceedings of the convocation summoned by the Commission on Union of Certain Presbyterian Missions in South Africa, and of the first General Assembly held at Lovedale, July 1923. [Lovedale./: Lovedale Institution Press, [1923]. 44p. 530 Presbyterian Missions______

4115. BANTU PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. General Assembly. Proceedings, 1st 1923 - 54th 1977. [Love- dale]: Lovedale Press, 1923-1977. General Assembly held annually.

4116. UNITED FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. Synod of Kaffraria. Minutes of the Synod of Kaffraria, July, 1902. [Lovedale] : Lovedale Mission Press, [1902]. 36p.


4117. BANTU PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF SOUTH AFRICA. Manual of law, practice and procedure in the Bantu Presbyterian Church of South Africa; compiled by a special committee by authority of the General Assembly. [Lovedale]: Lovedale Press, 1958. 149p.

4118. STEWART, J. The South African mission: two letters addressed to members of the Foreign Missions Committee of the United Free Church of Scotland, January 1904. Edin­ burgh: Constable, 1904. 40p. Letters dealing with the relationship between the United Free Church missions and the Bantu Presbyterian Church of South Africa, and the future of Lovedale.

4119. STORMONT, D.D. On the organisation of the Bantu Pres­ byterian Church. Blythswood: Blythswood Press, [1924]. 4p. (Blythswood review. Pamphlet N o.3)


4120. PHILIP, T.D. The training of Native preachers. [Lovedale]: Lovedale Mission Press, [1893?]. 8p.


4121. CASE of Mr. E. Tsewu, Johannesburg. Lovedale: Lovedale Mission Press, 1897-1898. 7, 7p. Tsewu, a minister of the Presbyterian Mission Church in Johannesburg, was deposed by the Synod of Kaffraria be­ cause of alleged irregularities. Mission Education 531

4122. TSEWU, E. Defence of the Rev. Edward Tsewu, of Johan­ nesburg, on dispute in church matters. Johannesburg: [s.n ./, 1897. lOp.


4123. BOKWE, J.K. Ntsikana: the story of an African hymn. Lovedale: fLovedale Mission Press, 19047. 31p. Includes words and sol-fa version of Ntsikana's hymn "Ulo Tixo mkulu".


4124. AFRICAN papers, no.l, edited by J. Stewart. Edinburgh: Elliott, 1879. 74p. Partial contents: Paper [on Lovedale/ read at London Mis­ sionary Conference, by Rev. Dr. Stewart. - Rev. J. Bucha­ nan on Lovedale.

4125. ALDHAM & ALDHAM (Firm). Lovedale Missionary Institution, South Africa, photographic views by Aldham & Aldham, Gra- hamstown. Lovedale: Mission Press, 1884. 34 plates. Photos pasted in above letterpress.

4126. BARBOUR, R.W. Lovedale, South Africa: 'how it strikes a stranger'. Edinburgh: Elliot, 1881. 21p. (African papers; no.2)

4127. LENNOX, J. Lovedale, South Africa. Edinburgh: Offices of the United Free Church of Scotland, 1903. 32p. (Hand­ books of our missions. New series; no. 8)

4128. LOVEDALE: (From an outside view). Lovedale: fLovedale Mission Press7, 1883. Ip. Includes an extract from the report of the Inspector-General of Schools and Colleges /Donald Ross/ (presented to the Cape Parliament in Feb. 1883), in which he comments favourably on the work done at Lovedale.

4129. LOVEDALE: past and present. A statement. Cape Town: Richards, printer, 1884. 12p. A protest against municipal taxation.