Biographies M81 covery by H.M. Stanley and the subsequent wanderings and death of the renowned traveler. Together with a comprehen­ sive history of African explorations, the Livingstone relief expeditions, and recent events; the whole abounding in picturesque descriptions of the country and people, their traits, customs, and superstitions. Written and compiled from authentic sources; with introduction and chapter on Natal by Rev. J. Tyler, missionary of the A.B .C .F.M ., in Africa for twenty-two years. Hartford, Conn.: Columbian Book Co. , 1874. 801p. Livingstone, D. 3721. LLOYD, B.W. ed. Livingstone, 1873-1973. Cape Town: Struik, 1973. 99p. "A symposium to illustrate the many-sided achievements of one of history’s most outstanding men.” 3722. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The life and work of David Livingstone, missionary and explorer; written to accompany a series of 49 copyright lantern slides. [LondonJ: The So­ ciety, [19137J. 28p. 3723. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Outlines of the Rev. Dr. Livingston's missionary journeys and discoveries in Central South Africa. London: The Society, 1857. 23p. 3724. LORIOT , C.F. David Livingstone et sa mission sociale. Paris: Charavay, 1881. 329p. 3725. MACAULAY, J. Livingstone anecdotes: a sketch of the career and illustrations of the character of David Livingstone missionary, traveller, philanthropist. London: Religious Tract Society, [1886J. 135p. 3726. McGILCHRIST, J. The life of the great African traveller, Dr. Livingstone; with the most recent information. London: Haughton, [1872]. 112p. 3727. MACLACHLAN, T.B. David Livingstone. Edinburgh: Oli- phant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1901. 157p. (Famous Scots series) 3728. MACNAIR, J.I. Livingstone, the dauntless, 1813-1873. Exeter: Wheaton, 1935. 64p. (Makers of history; n o .l) 482 London Missionary Society Livingstone, D, 3729. MACNAIR, J.I. Livingstone the liberator: a study of a dynamic personality. London: Collins, 1940. 382p. (Library of classics) 3730. MARRAT, J. David Livingstone, missionary and discoverer. London: Wesleyan Conference Office, 1877. 139p. 3731. MARZ, J. David Livingstone: ein Pionier des schwarzen Erdteils; fur Jugend und Volk erzahlt. Leipzig: Spamer, 1911. 270p. 3732. MATHEWS, B.J. Livingstone the pathfinder. London: Ox­ ford University Press, 1912. 208p. 3733. MONTEFIORE-BRICE, A.J.H. David Livingstone: his la­ bours and his legacy. London: Partridge, [1889]. 160p. 3734. MUNCK, V. David Livingstone: en levnedsskildring. Kjdbenhavn: Gad, 1887. 2v. 3735. MURRAY, N. Dr. Livingstone's experiences with the Boers. Montreal: Murray, 1900. 16p. (Murray's broadsides, no.8) 3736. NEURDENBURG , J.C. Wlaar was Dr. Livingstone, toen de Boeren in 1852 Sechele aanvielen? [s .l.: s.n ., 18817. 4p. "Overgedrukt uit de Mededeelingen van wege het Neder- landsche Zendelinggenootschap, 25e Deel, le Stuk". 3737. NORTHCOTT, W.C. David Livingstone: his triumph, decline and fall. London: Lutterworth Press, 1973. 140p. 3738. NORTHCOTT, W.C. Livingstone in Africa. London: United Society for Christian literature, 1957. 83p. (World Christian books; no.18) 3739. PACHE, T.D. David Livingstone; la grande epopee africaine 1813-1873. Avec une preface de Mme Anna-Mary Livingstone. Lausanne: La Concorde, 1923. 221p. 3740. PALGRAVE, M.E. David Livingstone: the best friend of Africa. London: U .M .C.A., 1902. 60p. 3741. PAUMIER, H. L'Afrique ouverte; ou, Une esquisse des decouvertes du Dr. Livingstone. Paris: Meyrueis, 1858. 132p. (Nouvelle bibliotheque des families) Biographies 483 Livingstone, D. 3742. PLIENINGER, G. David Livingstone: ein Lebensbild des grossen Entdeckers und Missionars, fur die deutsche Lese- welt, besonders die reifere Jugend, nach den Quellen dar- gestellt von Dr. Gustav Plieninger. Stuttgart: Kroner, 1885. 270p. 3743. PRYDE, J.M. Livingstone and the slave trade; or, The opening up of Central Africa. Glasgow: Oppenheim & Lang- man, 1902. 47p. 3744. REUSS, R.E. David Livingstone, missionnaire, voyageur et philanthrope, 1813-1873. Paris: Fischbacher, 1885. 118p. 3745. RITCHIE, J.E. The pictorial edition of the life and discover­ ies of David Livingstone. London: Fullarton, [1876-18797. 2v. 3746. ROBERTS, J.S. The life and explorations of David Living­ stone, complete so far as known. London: Adam, 1874. 316p. 3747. ROBERTSON, J.S. The life of David Livingstone, the great missionary explorer. London: Walter Scott, 1882. 320p. 3748. SEAVER, G. David Livingstone: his life and letters. Lon­ don: Lutterworth Press, 1957. 650p. 3749. SHARP, J.A. David Livingstone, missionary and explorer. London: Epworth Press, 1920. 239p. 3750. SIMMONS, J. Livingstone and Africa. London: English Universities Press, [19557. 180p. (Teach yourself history library) 3751. SKETCHES of the Rev. Dr. Livingston's missionary journeys and discoveries in Central South Africa. London: Snow, 1857. 23p. 3752. SMILES, R. David Livingstone. London: Cassell, 1885. 128p. (World's workers) 3753. SMITH, G.W. David Livingstone: the great heart of Africa. London: Stockwell, 1913. 272p. 3754. SOMERVELL, D.C. Livingstone. London: Duckworth, 1936. 139p. (Great lives; no.61) 484 London Missionary Society Livingstone, D. 3755. STAEHELIN, F. David Livingstone: zu seinem 100. Geburts- tag. Ein Vortrag. Herrnhut: Missionsbuchhandlung, 1913. 30p. 3756. STEINER, P. David Livingstone als Missionar und Entdecker: ein Lebensbild. Stuttgart: Evang. Missionsverlag, 1924. 31p. 3757. THOMPSON, W. The Rev. Dr. Livingstone's exploration of South-Central Africa: his object therein: and its claims. [ Cape Town, s.n ., 18567. 3p. An appeal for the establishment of a fund to support Living­ stone's work, and the work of the London Missionary Society in Southern Africa. 3758. VATTEMARE, H. David Livingstone: voyages d'exploration au Zambeze et dans VAfrique centrale 1840-1873; abreges par H. Vattemare. Paris: Hachette, 1879. 190p. (Biblio- theque de lecture des ecoles et des families) Resume of Livingstone's travels, with short extracts from his journals. 3759. VATTEMARE, H. Vie et voyages de David Livingstone. Paris: Hachette, 1881. 36p. (Bibliotheque des ecoles et des families; 5. serie) 3760. WILSON, H.F.L. Livingstone, the master missionary. Lon­ don: Hodder and Stoughton, [1923J. 230p. (Master mis­ sionary series; no.l) 3761. WORCESTER, Mrs. J.H. The life of David Livingstone. Chicago: Moody Press, 1888. 127p. (Moody colportage library, no. 109) Mackenzie, J. 3762. CHAMBERLIN, D. John Mackenzie. London: Sheldon Press, 1932. 32p. (Little books for Africa; no. 35) 3763. MACKENZIE, J. Day-dawn in dark places: a story of wan­ derings and work in Bechwanaland. London: Cassell, 1883. 27 8p. 3764. MACKENZIE, J. Papers of John Mackenzie; edited by A.J. Dachs. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press for African Studies Institute , 1975. 282p. Biographies_____ 485 Mackenzie, J. 3765. MACKENZIE, J. Ten years north of the Orange River: a story of everyday life and work among the South African tribes from 1859 to 1869. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1871. 523p. An account of Mackenzie's earlier missionary career in South Africa. 3766. MACKENZIE, W.D. John Mackenzie. London: London Mis­ sionary Society, 1921. 48p. 3767. MACKENZIE, W.D. John Mackenzie, South African missionary and statesman. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1902. 564p. 3768. SILLERY, A. John Mackenzie of Bechuanaland, 1835-1899: a study in humanitarian imperialism. Cape Town: Balkema, 1971. 236p. (South African biographical & historical studies; no. 8) Moffat, J.S. 3769. MOFFAT, R.U. John Smith Moffat, missionary: a memoir by his son. London: Murray, 1921. 388p. Moffat, M. 3770. DICKSON, M. Beloved partner: Mary Moffat of Kuruman. London: Gollancz, 1974. 238p. Moffat, R. 3771. ADDRESS presented to the Rev. Robert Moffat, on his in­ tended return to South Africa, at a public meeting of the Friends of Missions, held in Grosvenor Street Chapel, Man­ chester, November 15th, 1842; James Kershaw, Mayor, in the chair. With a brief account of the other meetings held on the same occasion, by the Rev. Richard Fletcher. Man­ chester: Ellerby, 1842. 8p. 3772. ARTHUR, G. Robert Moffat. London: Morgan & Scott, 1919. 62p. (New missionary series) 3773. BECKER, P.L.W. Crumbling walls. /"Moffat's house in Kuruman J. Johannesburg: the Author, /T958 J. [4]p. 3774. BJORKEHAG, B. Hjaltedad i Sydafrika: en techning av Robert Moffats liv och verk. Orebro: Orebro Missions- forenings Forlag, 1944. 125p. 486 London Missionary Society Moffat, R. 3775. CAMPBELL, J. ed. The farewell services of Robert Moffat, in Edinburgh, Manchester, and London. London: Snow, 1843. 17lp. 3776. CHAMBERLIN, D. Moffat of Kuruman. London: Sheldon Press, 1931. 24p. (Little books for Africa; no. 32) 3777. CLINTON, I.A. Friends of the chiefs: the story of Robert Moffat. London: Lutterworth Press, 1958. 94p. (Stories of faith and fame) 3778. COCHRANE, J.D. The Gospel in the tropics. London: Collins, A 90-?7. 68p. "Moffat of Kuruman: the friend of the Bechuanas", p.7-46. 3779. COCHRANE, R. comp. Earnest lives: biographies of re­ markable men and women. Edinburgh: Nimmo, 1881. 224p. (Nimmo's library of biography) Biography of Moffat, p.108-154. 3780. CULLEN, A.H. Blazing the trail: some L.M.S. pioneers of 1816. London: London Missionary Society, 1916. 192p. Moffatt, p. 9-44. 3781. DEANE, D.J. Robert Moffat, the missionary hero of Kuruman. London: Partridge, [18877. 160p. 3782. ELLIS, J.J. Robert Moffat: the gardener boy who became the great South African pioneer. London: Pickering & Inglis [19297. 64p. 3783. FRAME, H.F. Moffat leads the way. London: Livingstone Press, 1949. 142p. (Pathfinder
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