Sanskrit Manuscripts
— CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS A. BEAHMANICAL LITEEATUEE. I. VEDIC MANUSCRIPTS. A.—Ria-VEDA. Aslitaka 1 ends : — 3^f(T ^pjft «inT: TWTw: ii ^^ ii ^^ ib^b ^r fnjrt 1. Add. 5351.—Foil. 385 (original numbering by separate ashtakas) ; European book form; Similar inscriptions, with dates within the folio, same year, V.S. 1838 (A.D. 1781), occur at 15 J in. by 7 in.; 12 lines ; Devanagari, dated V.S. 18S8 (A.D. 1781). the ends of some other ashtakas. [Col. Polieb.'] In the eighth ashtaka the numbering of DR.RUPNATHJI(the DR.RUPAKVargas differs NATHfrom ) that of the editions (and from most of the MSS.), owing to the RiGVEDA. Samhitdpatha. In the first volume (Add. 5346) is bound a long letter (dated 20th May, 1789) from Poller to Sir Joseph Banks, of the Museum, in which he points out that See the editions of Max Miiller, Aufrecht, a Trustee fruitless efforts had been made to obtain copies of the and Rajfirama Bodase (Bombay, 1890). " . Vcdas on the Coast of Coromandol . in several part.s . of Bengal, and at Bennares." " My researches," he con- 1 The present collection of MSS. (in 11 volumes, Add. tinues, "at Awd, Lacknow, Agra and Delhy were perfectly 5346—56), probably the first collection of Vedic works useless." Subsequently, hearing that copies could be had ever made by a European, was formed apparently about from Brahmans at Jeypore with the authorization of the 1783, in Rajputana, by Lieut. -Col. A. L. H. Poller, an Raja (Pratapa-simha), he made an ajjplication to that officer of Swiss extraction, who served the East India sovereign, which was granted, and "in the course of a Company between 1759 and 1789.
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