mt,,uuhea June S3,ue*. rot.,. [ TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18,' 1868. t„»„„ $sm> <„ «amnce. _PORTLAND, TH* PORTLAND --g- DAILY PRESS to published business cards. KEAE ESTATE. every day, rx^oted.i ru No. 1 Printers’ REMOVALS. Political of a (Sunday I MISCELLANEOUS. Opinioii* Veteran OWttir, of the to that Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. _____ right delegates repre.eut iVaid We are to n. a. foster, profe'etob. Jrtil.N NIC A I, A DAILY permitted published tlie foliow- should have been shown, and. It necei'.anr, a SON, For ! iVo. a. PRESS. Dollars a in advance. ^3,500 REM G V A. R extract from a ate letter Hon. new Terms:—Eight year Cou”selio-3 ■■ oitr.itvis ing pin by election allowed, lnsteid of this, the ard A Item its. of a new two ami a half story resi- PORTLAND. SSF” Sir.gle copies 4 c^rts. No. 10 Gamaliel E. of Mr. Smith of Exchnngo str.ft. OXE-TIALFdence, within five minutes’ walk of the P. O., S:MILIA SDJILlBrrS Smith, Xewfield. question their admission was laid ou the JOHN SEAL. cont lining t°n finished OUfiANTUR. THE MAINE ST 1TK PrtJSSS. is published af the J. r. SEAL. j roonn, all In complete orde is now 77 of and his table, ami the marh'c mant- l nearly years age, during proposition to submit the ques- same place morning at §2.00 a Feb. in p:ulor. gog-i ceil «r, cistern. tic.— Lufkin & every Thursday year, umy bl. bOw | Gray Perry, tion to I availably io advance. House piped f»>r gas. Tlr's property is off red at a Tuesday Morning, February IP, 1B68. long aud indust lions iile has always taken another Ward meeting was re acted. low fi *ife and easy a-» the owner is ab>uc Manufachirers and Jobbers of Humphrey's payments, Homoeopathic Specifics, a of And, to ■ leaving the Sfa’o- to patriotic Interest In the conduct public contrary parliamentary tul ns well Kates of Advertisiso.—One ifich of In Apply E PROY space, GLO. li. DAVIS Sc CO., EI>, lrora flic most ample cxp^rl- as to common of le^crh nt column, constitutes a “square.'- GEODOTSKI S SiransF Characteristic of the Army, affairs and has repeatedly been called upon principle, justice, thovyh « BEOS., iehlTdlw DeaJers in Heal ll^tate. HAY c,n‘He success; Simpk-Promm- Effl- $1.60 per square daily first week. 75 cents clPTit> and Reliable. J are to the other per Mats, Caps, Furs, hey the nnlv Medicines Some hard-hearted treat represent bis liiends and neighbors In the majority of jate» was opposed week after; three insertions, or less, continu- perieetiy to people ruay with $1.00; and of 9d*pted popular use—so simple that were ing every other after fir*t we 50 cent*. Importers Wanuftciurers House Lots. mistakes cannot be State wa- a to them, they allowed to act on tl e day ek, And Straw Goods! made in using them; ro harmless levity the unsuccesftal wooing ofmilitary men Legislature. .He ifepreecntative Halt three Insertions or as to dj free from square, less, ,0 cent.*: one on Congress near State t ort, nn*l eight danger, and so efficient : s to be al- in the of their own mid 60 ccuts week after. HAVE REMOVED NEW reliable. to which has Massachusetts Legislature irom the question ri'jht, they total week, III 00; per A lots on r^ewlg an l Thomas streets, lor T» TIIEIR STORK IN ways I hey have raised the com- Democracy latterly become of Kmery, highest Unde head •‘Amusements,” £2.00 per square sale hv W. II. THE mendation from all, and will a1 ways render satisiae- District of Maine, and before he was !0 years theinneleen into their own tent*. three inserti M'EPUKJiSOK, much addicted. But with us It excites com- per week; ns or less, $1T»0. CIGA XX fe* 2 F-j'.lO, 2d National Bauk. ton. old had Special 18C?.-tf_At served In the same On examining all these wliica wo Notices, Si. 5 per square kr the fir«t Ctc passion tor its utter failure and hopelessness, capacity during tacts, Insertion, and 25cents Woodman No. Cnres have felt per square lor each snfcsc- Farm for Sale. Block, Fevers, Congestion, Infiamatioue, 25 eight legislative sessions. The two book, It our duty thus to make we insertion. ^ ** and we feel in like mood a3 when public, qu**nl orm*, Worm-Fever. 25 melting In ; YVorm-CJolic, which he mentions as ate satisfied— Advertteern-nta Inserted In the a Casco. A good l«i» conlaln- Corner of iV.tddle and Pearl Streets. « r>foSCo!i. constituting his po- “Mai*k State IIiei .. .. nrXechingothdan's, i'6 we read of trora a conven- sdiuum U1 about 50 acres < 1 i Diar* Sappho jumping a lai'gc circulation in every part Pipes, a, good early Feb 17-d&wlw 3 h«« nj c'lllrirrn or adult 25 litical are books wiikh 110 man Firs', That ,aS8c'J! ? is 4». one fluid library, the delegates ,a^e) f°r *L00 per lor first insertion ¥■* land, tensed tv iuu.oji.h jr t ient headland Into the mad with the tor- Deering from square *• Griping, IHioti* 25 sea, and 50 conts Bond, nb ut 230 rods ot 0? C Colic, could read without at Ward 2 were tbe per square for each wubs*qceni infer E) stone wall, holera- vioi-bimNausea,Y'oinif ing.25 tures of arriving very clear opin- actual choice of a tfOM. Ivlded Into and Removal. unreciprocated passion, or Petrarch majority Ullage, pastnrage «;ougIi*, Co ds, Rivmchlts, 25 on the of the Acc., wood land: is situated on a tmve'el ions subject of State rights. Hut the Republican voter, who HOLDERS, goon, road, J«»n. T- -tl.a.-Iie. Faw-ch* » writing immortal verse in celebration of the aU« ndc'd the ; leading to Mec'-anics Fall-, a a u onemlle and bad from leased for a terra ofy^ars the buildings » H*-a,jHch.:«,S,rl-HeailacSe, Vertigo,25 best point in Mr. Smith's letter is not drawn Ward meeting; ! Casco Village, hall a mile from school house, and in HAVING,at the Blllious charms and virtues of an unattainable Laura. are ■ <1 «. By*prpM«, Stomach. 25 BUSINESS CABINS. now open at a hood, iho land is 1 11 bis but from his own That if Ward two good nelghboi early, good and Bui>preft*c(S, I COUNSELLORS AT ject and a book of contest in which could not in duty time POK'riiANDi MK A-1 icati ns may bo addressed P) tbe subscribe!s LAW, to, direction*, $10.00 they any case me tojead, and when I bad arrived at the at what course should be Th'a bond it protected by an Portland, Smaller Family and case*. have much ot a suggest purged if the g. b anr. (janSOdtl) u. n. xevfxs ample sinking land, Have Removed to Traveling hope of triumph. They dreaded age dozen years I had trail ihe and is a choice security lor those a sale .T. B. BROWN, or w i b 20 to 28 vial*.from $5 to geogra- nomination seeking and $8 the of the times, with the which Inis been made is insisted remunerative investment. J. B. BROWN & SONS. Cumberland Bank Specifics lor all Private Di*en*e«, both popular hatred it they ventured to de- phy history of the dis- G. & J. T. D OHryjELL. iebl-dtf Building, for and lor covery of and such as upon. It is sufficient tor its to | C-uriug Preventive treat- fame, oreveu to them. So America, books were express the hope in vial* and ignore they tried, in use .June and 7.30’s IVo. Of! ment, pocket cases,.$ j to $5 and withiu my reach. that those men who BATH, ME., .Tuly Exchaiio-o Street, for a to cannot, by such jg&^Tbeso Remedies by the case or single Box are season, stop the mouths of some of My lather attended to proceed- For Sale—One Mile from Port- fol2 sent to ot the l»v tanning in a small lx* made Cordng:© Manufaeliuvrs, Over Lowell & Senter’s. d&wlm any part Country, mail or express, the black of ings, the instruments of certain free ol sheep the who would bleat Way, intermixed with which car- lnelu Full Converted into New charge on receipt of the price. Address party lumbering, ing Gang*, FisberinQn’n Hawsjrw, I>olt- 5.20’s, land. ried me on the officials in out their Point Trawl Lath about “the and Sherman) teaming road much of the carrying schemes, wfll U*ji e, Kope, Warp, Yarn, Ac. Ou Very Favorable Terms. beautiful residence by Rev. W. I\ Humphrey'* Specific Butcher,” Grant, Orders solicited. occuiiicd time. I read the papers when I could adopt such measures as will maintain j&nttatira THEMerrill, situated in on HOMEOPATHIC RKEDICIXJU COITIP’Y the “Bummer Chief.” But the matter has pro- the Holders SE Westbrook, tbe Back cure but could of VEX- Til III TIPS Core road, known bv the name of tbe Office and Denot No 5G2 them, not understand how it honor of the t .Maclngonne Broadway, New York. ended in almost Republican party, and, at the ilia, Tbe arc laid DR. complete of should that gain nothing delaying grounds ta-tei'uiiy out with R E M HUMPHREY Is consulted daily at hi* unanimity happen two men should serve in same by walks, nower OVAL. office, time, subserve the best interests eon beds, splendid evergreens and shade personally or by letter as lor all‘fi rms of on the subject. The the ol the of tbo FOGG & version. about 200 above, dis- feeling conflict between army Revolution with equal zeal WEBB, FREEMAN, trees; pear, apple. ]>lnm and cherry frees eases. city in its Holder* of.Vier and bhip First Class Sherman," said she was sorry she killed the DEALER* IK Companies, which I procured those books DEAI.ERSblock. Orders solicited, NORWAY, Msi, a valuable birm, containing WHOLESALE say these hopeful Mark Tapleys,—“he has would he too te- child hut hoped God would torsive her, and cuts ai out no other, to ItKKSRHKcr.s—K. P. Buck * New INlioOaere*, seventy-live tons ot lr>v.— Only, being represented at tk'.i dious describe at length. It is to would let her come Co., York; House. egeney. always been conservative. His enough to heaven. Ishe didn't «»• Met)livery. & v.oodhouHe, stable, barn and out buildings, military state that I them Seursport; ltyan Davis, all in first procured and rend them, know why she had murdered the but iuar26dtl' CORN, rate order, within three miles of South record is second to that of child, FIaOUR,- ?AT~ All persou.s ol Goods House! Grant alone in and found that my adviser had me Portland._ P^ris Siatkra. Will be sold on favorable terms, or desiring insurance thit charac- Fancy given iiie somehow she couldn't it. She had im- ter. are invited to help exchanged tor desirable real estate in Portland.— renpeoHtilly call. biilluincy. He, maybe, will serve us." So right direction. 1 have never been at a loss plloated another C. O. Portland, Feb. 7, IMS. teblldtt negro, Lucv, in the crime DOWNES, Eresh For particular* enquire of J. O. PROCTER. desire to inform our customers lhat we have how to act on Ground Yellow President Johnson is instructed to seduce the great national questions. out now’ she she said slip told a lie and was Meal, lebUtdtt No. 93 Exchange Street. WKassociated ourvelves together under the firm of it MERCHANT Thus was, that when I became a voter 1 for it. The TAILOR, man who marched to the with a sorry scaffold was erected upon HAS sea, pretty- was satisfied that the RK.«OVEt>T0 Oafs, Shorts, Itj/e Meal, dc. Land for 8a)e. Constitution under tbe commons, behind the Court House.— little in the a we No. 233 1-2 & sugar plum shape of nomination which live is the same in with About it several hundred Congress Street, A r.VRT of the lap- S. Lunt’a near MERRILL, PRINCE principle men. white aud Mary Estate, CO, as the model laid FINE DAIUV AND *** Portland, via In R E O V brevet General. The result is an down by in his black, awaited the CORNER OF CHESTNUT TABI.E SALT. Tokey'g Bridge; parcels to S A. L (Late Merrill Bros. & explo- Washington impatiently appearance of suit Purchasers. in person or by letter of Co., Bostou,) circular addressed to the Governors of the August 30, lets). u dl l Enquire sion. Wrath unspeakable fills the breast of the prisoner, while in the surrounding win- JAMES several States before he W, H. WALDRON, OKCK W. TBTE. JOHNSON, A. And have leased one-halt of the store by lelf the army. Then dows ladies and children were lo blroud water, Westbrook Adm’r of said Estate with F. MILL & occupied Sherman, and he is not at all “reticent” congregated 20 CO., John K. the where is the January atdteodtl will annexed. net. 22-UAwti .Fairer, question is, difference be witness the execution. At two o’clock the Gray, Lufkin & Perry, Maimfhctnrers, Jobbers and Ketollers ot about it. So Shermau and tween the It Grant, Sheridan, parties? is simply this—The prisoner was marched to the scaffold, attired JVo. eat of the MAX UFA Cl UJi Fits 140 Middle Street, the three .’great military names of the coun- S' body people are honest and pat- in a plain white gown. As she ascended the SMARDON & 3X E3 IV riotic ; but one axr> jobbers or THOMES, CO., become claim in Killing In be led steps there: was a visible tremor ol her whole The Mercantile Or«*r Lane A try, unpleasant to the Democratic by JOBBEHS OK little's, demagogues mid the other not. which some Agency, ear. When to Washington body, thought was caused by ex- I CAPS. these are added Meade, How- was a ATS, FIJKS, 47 fongrrM aud 111 Wait r Street, Koxton, FCKMISHUVe Where we have a large and well selected stock of practical statesman and wanted a gov citement. hut it was found to be only the ef- -AMI- ard, Thomas and eminent to fect WOOEEJTS, Logan, Sickles, very few- strong enough protect the honest ot cold. Alter the body was taken from AND Will kart an Office First, of March in Jose Block masses in their Straw Goods I prominent military men remain irom whom pursuits and control those the gallows, the rope was cut in smalt •No. 88 the Custom GOODS, who up 54 A 56 VI id dir Hi, ever Erchauye St., opposite FANCI DRY GOODS ! oppose wholesome laws, Jefferson was Iragmeuts and Woodman,True A CoV, liave removed to their new Store the Democrats may select a leader ibr their distributed among an eager Tailors’ Trim ! Home, Portland. fcUCH AS a at crowd of I* O R T I. A N minus philosophical statesman—leaving things bystanders. O, H A I \ K fainting cohorts. Hancock is the loose ends with Apr »-dtt AGENTS FOB THE Th?s institution was established by Lewis Tappan, No. 107 MIDDLE decidedly every one intake care of him STREET, most famous self. in new York, in 184'; by him and Edward E. Dun- of the soldiers who are Washington wanted a government Opposite Brown’s Hotel. GLOVES, HOSIERY, at to Varieties. DJiEBING, MIIiLIKEK & CO., Ne Plus Ultra Collar bar m Boston, in 1843, and subsequently l»y them and still nominally in sympathy with Democrats, mug enough sustain itself and maintain Comp’y, its -jo hue ns or- llielr successors in each of the _dtt ground against foreign inroad:, aud domes- BIliDEFOBD, ME. principal cilics of the and they begin to distrust him. He doesn’t —Beecher is lecturing upon “Hurv to ho YAJRNTS, tic violence. Jefferson was for for- United States and Canada: and is believed to be the REMOVE. T.j pacifying To be is DRY ‘*»0 Union manage Texas to suit them. As in case of eign intruders soft and Hippy.” happy to be— Be.-cher. GOODS, Street, first and on in ; of by words, domestic as- AXD original organizat ny part the Small (First Door trom Middle.) Ware1-, Trimmings,&c, all his Now Orleans pirants by comments on —Report says Senator Sprague of Rhode world, for the of procuring in a predecessors, begins to plausible “State purpo;e thorough Island is Klands 0. Tlum.es. Je20T/&str Geo. II. Sraardon which we offer to the trade at the make him a Rights."’ to build a very largo cotton in manner, recording and preserving for its de- Swcft & Radical. After Hancock there factory WOOLEjNTS, patrons Bradley, it was the Have this removed 10 the now and slavery element that had Wilmington, Del. has also said that day spacious store tailed information respecting the home standing, re- may be mentioned Gen. a crept Report erected tor them DEALERS IN Lowest Market Prices I Steedman, good into the constitution that and credit brought Mr. Jeffer- the same gentleman is to build three fac- sponsibility of Merchants, Manufacturers, soldier the war not large COPAltTNERSHIP NOTICES. during but an especially son into power, although he has so often been 58 and 60 Middle St., Traders. &c., to aid In dispensing eicait and collect- Prince & Co. tories in Augusta. Maine, and be has Merrill, prominent one, wlio has shown so little skill proclaimed the apostle of Democracy. Burr actually ing debts. COOK & PARLOR a On the Old Site occupied them to the STOVES, was a Democrat in It he “inaugurated” brick-yard in the latter place. by previous February 6. dtf and discretion as a full. could not gain lire. tbe ~ politician that but little great Dis solution. During twenty-six years ihat the Mercantile For Wood or power by a popular election he would —Capital punishment was abolished in Portiaud, March 16. tf Coal, use can of tight Agency has been in op ration.there has been no time be made him. Gen. Custer, too, lor it. Rhode Island in 1852. Since Have removed to THE rOllTLANI) .Tar.narv, then C. that it has not tho confidence and was a brave JOHN E. DOW, Jr., partnership<*xistirg between G. Hudson enjoyed patronage and skillful soldier, but has late- We are uow experiencing all tlie evils of murder and other crimes punishable with Tnr.and C. H. BJawe, under the trm name of of the most honored and business sagacious men lu JTo. 134 ly sunk under a cloud. An unfortunate hab- the Jeffersonian policy ot “State Rights." death, have not increased in that State. each Exchange Street, miUKOJV U BLAKE, community where one of Its offices has been lo- Kerosene Gil Where it will end God knows. From an Counsellor and at rim Comp’y, it of his o.vn men and only —Canada is said to have a war of sexes in Law, cated. With a public are respectfully requested to ex- shooting waiting upon Attorney WE8 cissrJvfd determination, adhere! to Irora tho amalgamation of Democratic by mutual rrn. ent. February 1st, lfC8 amine the stoves and prices. dtc30d3m Would inform the public that they continue his wife when he spec- prospect. It is that rival And, w first of this office to se- should be Indians, ulators and Southern reported petitions Solicitor in Bankruptcy, George Hudson ill roniinuc in Llc buidr.ess a opening tbepre-sent time, To hunting rebels who bred the Manufacture are in circulation in some JAI7NCEY the old s and, 337 Congress St. cure the aid oi'reliable and painstaking has caused his trial by court-martial and tem- wax to perpetuate we have to parts oi the province COURT, Feb 13. correspon- li E slavery nothing o3ito M O Y AlJ! of one 41 Wall Hired, ... htiv Yerh City. dent®, men ot character and integrity, competent porary removal from command. And here hope. Whether those who will attend the Ontario, signed by the ladies chiefly, assistants and Portland Kerosene convention at to ftS’-Comiulssiuher lor Maine and Mar.-at-bdsett*. clerks in nil responsible positions, and Oil, the list of Chicago nominate candi- against issuing any licenses to sell liquors, ■fan. 29 dll' Democratic soldiers for the to be our From Albert Coal ends; dates lor President and Vice Notice. strictly impartial in reports without fear Exclusively. President will and the other from the young men that the re- Copartnership WOODMAN,-TRUE & Democrats wili mention Rosseau with or CO., hardly loam wisdom from the last convention re- T. favor, the business has grown to an extent corres- striction as to the number of dealers W. BHOWN & CO., ISIPOHTEK3 A XT) DEALERS IX The of a of Inferior and liquor rt'HE undersigned have this day formed a copart- to the increased prevalence large quantity pride. mains to be seen. ponding leritory and extended busi- may lie removed. X nersldp uewer the lirm name of dangerous oils in the market, at a cheap price- General Commission Merchants, ness of tho country; and never lias tho been The army, theu, is a unit for agency practically —Ou in New a many of which are little better than Naptha itself— The Nouaiuatiau for Mayor. Saturday, York, man was No. 90 1-1 Commercial Htrect, I>onnell, Greely & Butler, in condition io render such valuable service to its DRY justice and Heaven the GOODS! and the exis ence of false reports in regard to the equal rights. pity found dead in the street, who died of starva- 1 subscribers as at the time. (Thomas Block,) And taken the store No 31 Commercial st., corner present [The following document, whi h POIITLAND KEBOSCNE render it a master party that can claim the of one areplvto tion. of Franklin and In addition to the recorded GIL, support only WnLARD T. UOOWK, I Commercial, where they will ron- reports, revised syste- WOOLENS, be found on the is at the For.lavd. tin ue the business as of to as well as in a hundred of those who have may inside, published —St. Valentine is dead—as a door nail. Waiter H. Buotvs, ( twice a justice ourselves, safety done and matically year by correspondence and trav- of the whose to consumers, that some notice should be request gentlemen names are —Commodore who was in command Stile Wholesale Agents (or tbe Boston Match Co. elling, we have, for the past three issued to suffered most for their and mr ikind. Earran, Commission xVIercliautn, years, Gents’ country thereto.—Ed lor Maine. By permission rater to Dana &T Co.. J. Furnishing taken of these 'facts. Therefore, we again signed ] oi the Pensacola Yard when the re- subscribers who desired it, they paying an addition- Goods, Navy' W. Perkins & Co., Josiah H. Drummond, And TVhob sale Dealers in ORGJEItlES, FI.OUH an and Burgess, al AXD SMART. present advertisement, would call bellion and who Fob*. & Co. j uner'lsil I KORK, LAUD, FISH. &c. subscription for the use thereof, a REFERENCE WARES, Dominion of Canada. commenced, resigned from attenlion to the high st udard of our Oil, the To the voters J. B. containing name-* ot Individmls and firms in Have this Republican of Portland: the United States and entered the rebel DONNELL, ROOK, day removed to Woodman’s Block, A NEW uavy W. H. .ItJSXL’S lire test of which is 135 degrees of Fahrenheit, and VrKW OF BECIPBOCTTY —NOVA SCO- PUILUPS, UKKELV, Mercantile, Manufacluring. Mechanical, and other At an Informal meeting ol citizens from service, has been pardoned by President A. RL'TLKU. Corner of Middle and Pearl Streets, often reaches considerably higher; also, wo would TIAN MATTFUS. Portland. An:'. business, arranged in alphabetical order in their Johnson. His was 1,18'7. nuSeodtf that we are to its different who are not satisfied that pardon urged by Senator CARPENTER, BUILDER, Nearly opposite their old s*te. say determined maintain long es- Some weeks since we Wjuds, respective towns nr cities, with a double ap- had occasion to com- rating lor Maine for the tablished reputation. any fair and valid nomination for has •oolutle, Gov. English, of Connecticut, and artnc rsh Koti re. Agents World-renowned ment Mayor And Ship Joiner. Cop ip pended, (as per Key furnished with the book.) show- on the opinion expressed a Halifax ma- 0, by been tlie w ere y prominent citizens of Connecticut. ing, first approximately the Linen Finish Collar I Portland Kerosene Oil Company. made, undersigned appointed vr (Secular and Jig Sawing done with undersigned bare this day tor mod a pecuniary strength,and paper that a renewal of the ar- —The senior of the despatch. ropart- With Cloth at the Button and Reciprocity to ascertain aud the tacts on the pi oprictor Portsmouth Mouldings ol all Doors, Sasli and Blinds made THEnersb p uni tor the name of secondly, the mercantile credit. This work, now is- IToJe, POETLAXtl. He., Aug4th, 1SCT. report bearing kinds, rangement was undersirable for Canada as Journal has been in the or furnished to order. sued In anjflMdly. office of that paper January and July of each year, is kept use- Gray’s Patent Molded Collar question. These tacts are within the personal the for a 119 Commercial Hi of ful to paving way annexation. The writer just half century. He purchased the estab- , (foot Park HI..) RICHARDSON, HARRIS & CO., subscribers by tlio Issue of weekly, (or more —ALSO— knowledge of two of the Committee; and ao20di t seemed to think that a little taste of lishment in and there has been no Portland, Malm', ior tlit* frequent) notifications oi Important changes which free 1885, change purpose ot carrying on the wholesale Agents for Stagers Sewing Machine. their correctness has been verified by others. affect the ratings. trade with this would be to since, except in the admission ol his son to 11'OflBlI V.V, VIS I E A CO. country likely the NATHAN WEBB, Besides tho GENERAL As incident to case, and connected in 1853. West India REFERENCE BOOK, of Portland, Dee 2d, 18t>7. deo3d4m The Subscribers are uow prepared to fill orders for create a hankering for the whole loaf—that partnership whole U. S. and Bri! tali we a the other should be Goods, Grocery, Provinces, issue CUMBERLAND with facts, it noticed that —Grimm, the German AND- such in the of com- novelist, bas a plas- Counsellor and at BOOK OF PRINCIPAL CITIES, tome 70 In num- B E M indulgence coquetries Attorney Law, O V A L the Ward meetings were called nearly Iko ter cast ot which is claimed I l'iUf iSllsilKKs. ber, a merce could not fall to lead to a closer union; Shakespeare, to No. Ol NEW Raw Bone of Lime, (reeks earlier than usual, when no one was have been takeu Uxchangic 8t. ENGLAND REFERENCE BOOK, and a Phosphate and therefore he would immediately after his death. an