The Order of the f,'ounders and Patriots of America ulletin Vol. LXXVIII, No. I Spring 2004 Whole No. 172

Roswell Levi Atwood, PhD Governor General 1981 - 1984 NOW AVAILABLE!

Second Revised Edition Founders of EarlY American Families

by Meredith B. Colket, Jr' (Revision Editor - Keith M' Sheldon)

Theoriginal3T0pageeditionofFoundersofEarlyAmericanTamilies,publishedin irformation about some 3,300 male was rapidly o,ri. rt contained rrirt"ri*r 1g75, 1607 to 1657 ' 'oro to the 13 original colonies from heads of families whJernigrated

TheRevisedEditionof468pages,publishedinlg85,alsosoldout,wasreprintedinabout 4,400 emigrants since 1999_. it featured data on 1gg3 and has been out of print -plusahistoryorrn"o,a.roftheFoundersandPatriotsofAmerica'eligibility requirements,arosterofcurrentmembers,aninterestingdiscussionofwhereearlythat may ( otp,omi,,",'t colonists and earlv residences colonists came from, irr,,,*,io,,, genealogical of Arm, ,"j" t"i""ui" guide to ronn"' be visited today, data on coats research. names of 4glpages conlains 90 more Founder The new second Revised Edition p1usal1of.h.Fo,,,'dlffiinttre.iqgJEdition'arosterofcurrentmembers,of the order' a list of ail past Governors General Governors, General orn".r, ."0 to their will fi"311:-b::::i:i":]:T:1e addition Family historians and genealogists library. It is priced at uJt'uu' rnurr order' Please use the form below to

Founders Book c/o W.R.H.S. Library 10825 East Blvd Cleveland OH 44106

of the Sqcond Revised Editipn' Please forward copies made payable to "Founders BooK'- Enclosed is my check fot S-


ADDRESS STATE ZIP- CITY %lbtin Spring 2004 Vol. LXXVIII, No. I

Journal of The Order of the Founders and Patriots ofAmerica

The Bulletin is published semi-annually by the: Features General Court of the Order of PGG Roswell Levi Atwood 5 The Founders and Patriots of America 815 E Street SE Heritage Roundtable 6 Washington, DC 20003 Bulletin Background 7 Subscriptions Non-members are $10 per year 108th General Court 8 Associates are prepaid by annual dues

Editorial Deadlines Robert & Aaron Coe 14 Feb 15th for the Spring issue Aug 15th for the Fall issue Associates in the Spotlight I7

Articles, poetry activity reports and photographs from associates are Departments welcome. Governor General's Message 4

Please send editorial materials to: News From The Societies 18 Stephen P. Shaw PO Box 440 25 East Haddam,CT 06423 How to Join Our Order [email protected] WelcomeNewAssociates 26 Send changes ofaddress to: The Bulletin Necrology 27 c/o Robert P. Vivian 827 Lamberts Mill Rd Directory of Key Officers 28 Westfield, NJ 07090 [email protected] Merchandise Order Form 31 Governor General's Message between national officers and state officers. Our membership continues to grow steadily, due to the effective efforts of our Registrar General' We look fotward to a new administration continuing with these programs already started and developing more new ideas for the future.

During my tenure over the Past four, I need to esPeciallY thank the two associates with whom I was in constant communication relied on their good counsel. I refer to Bob Vivian, our Secretary-General, and Mike PhelPs, Treasurer-General' Both contributed a Dear Associates, great deal to the advances made over the past four years. Bob Vivian, has always It is good to know that, as I write this, been immediately responsive to requests there is only about six more weeks until from me, or other general officers and Spring, and all the hoPe that season state officers, and can be counted on to brings with it. Our Order is also about to offer good sound advice when called enter a new season with the advent of our upon. Mike has worked diligently to put General Court in Sarasota, Florida, where our national finances in order' You may rve will have election of new officers, and recall he came to the rescue when he and hopefully, new plans being made for the the California Society volunteered to host next several Years. the General Court last Year'

As this administration draws to a close, Many associates will remember mY I think we have made good Progress fatheq Past Governor Roswell Levi in a number of areas: the restoration Atwood, who just Passed away on of financial health to our national February 4th. He could also be counted organization, the creation of the John on to offer his suggestions when I asked Quincy Adams Foundation to finance for them, and often, when I did not' I long term developmental and educational will miss hearing his advice and opinions' plans, and the start of what I hope will be an on-going "goals" program for the We are heading toward spring, and I look national organization and various state forward to seeing you at the General societies. The insignia merchandising Court in Sarasota, Florida. program, having hit some serious snags in "order fulfillment" in the past, Alden Atwood has again become a reliable source of Los Angeles, CA income. Because of e-mail, there is more immediate and effective communication 4 Roswell Levi Atwood, PhD Governor General 1981 - 1984

A native of Salem, Massachusetts, our Past Governor General professionally was a teacher, management and education consultant, lecturer and author. He received his A.B. Degree from University, M.A. from New York University and Ph.D. from London University. He also was the proud possessor of several honorary degrees.

He was a member of an array of the following superb groups: The Hereditary Order of the Descendants of the Loyalists and Patriots of the American Revolution; Somerset of Washington, D.C.;TheD.C.; The Order Chapter, Magna Charta Barons; of Washington; The Jamestowne Society of the Descendants of the Society; Flagon and Trencher; The Colonial Clergy; General Society Stephen Hopkins Society ; The Elder of Mayflower Descendants in D.C.; Brewster Society; and The National Sons of the Revolution in D.C.; The Gavel Society. Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, Priory of St. He was a strong and dedicated King Charles the Martyr; Sons of the associate for the Order who held American Revolution; The Society of many positions. He restarted the Colonial Wars in D.C.; Association Bulletin after a three year absence of Descendants of Knights of the and worked toward increasing Garter; Colonial Order of the Crown; membership by introducing the short The Military Order of the Crusades; form we use often today. Baronial Order of Magna Charta; Society of the War of 1812; St. Governor General Atwood married George's Society of New York; The the late Thelma E. Bowlby in Society of Descendants of Knights of 1933. He is survived by our the Most Noble Order of the Garter; Governor General Alden Atwood, National Society of Old Plymouth four grandchildren and 8 great- Colony Descendants; Hereditary grandchildren. Order of the Descendants of Colonial Governors; St. Andrew's Society He will be missed. - The Heritage Roundtable

...... A New Level Of Commitment For The......

The John Quincy Adams Foundation

The Heritage Roundtable is a new, exclusive top-tier giving club or level added to the existing giving levels established in 2001 for The John Quincy Adams Foundation. Associates of The Order of the Founders & Patriots ofAmerica as well as others can now make a lasting contribution and commitment to the future by including the Foundation in their estate planning. These efforts will help to perpetuate the Order into the future by creating a lasting endowment for the Order.

Those who wish to become members of The Heritage Roundtable will be asked to notiff the Foundation by signing an Application/Commitment Form indicating that they have made a planned or deferred gift to the Foundation. Examples of the kinds of gifts accepted into this program include the following:

I Naming the Foundation in a will or living trust.

2 Establishing a Charitable Remainder Trust for the benefit of the Foundation.

3 Naming the Foundation as beneficiary of an insurance policy.

Those individuals who elect to become members of The Heritage Roundtable will be recognized in a number of ways, including but not limited to:

1 Presentation of a handsome certificate honoring the individual as a member of The Heritase Roundtable.

2 Recognition at Meetings of the General Court and in publications of the Order and Foundation.

Individuals wishing to become Charter Members (the first twenty-five members) of The Heritage Roundtable should contact PGG Lyttleton T. Harris IV, Vice Chairman of The John Quincy Adams Foundation, for an Application/Commitment Form at 6524 San Felipe Rd, Suite 102, Houston, TX 71057 or [email protected] Bulletin Background

The Bulletin has had a long history which has been agreed a should be continued. With small start it has expanded to t6unt.r, .r! $rr!a!{r 8rt1.lin the publication you have before you now. There have been many changes and some years when it wasn't published. d; 6.{r*r i,t ;rai rn . eaii rrii! & ' rit.

,ryrn*-4. !..1!. tr \.rkl , t '*6 ,s .ra &?qiaii.d!{r.i!..r,,-r,(l,*{ _,. Beginning q6l!r$r!{Ll rrd'. with the first issue on May 14,1928, it was 4rt\i.$ttrtsi,,. f,}trg3 t'r1d. tid,4| ,, -i..r.rr *1d*,wkn!r:&( i.8 .r.rwrp.!]!][email protected] rri,,edr,rn,arlr!6rrtr.',,tt.lltl a simple listing of state society news which totaled four :,rtlltiiliiiitlii,,.,t,urli!"ryrq.s;it',,t:ti ,: ,l,&1e,1!t'rr61d ra nr*rd&, ,!4r r; l$ilarill&riillse&61.&li.@};-p,_r.dr* -,., pages. By 1932, it had moved up to twelve pages to include Y, : ., d!- r. ..ei.,.i q j rliry, @ !,rGdn{*i.,.itse{'.N*...,..r.i,,rt: General Court meeting highlights, state news, necrology and '-:::aaaaaaa:,,:,. lbrdkr*,lll,, :l?S'd,'ddtrl,, riri-; *i*'sr ! k I r.!f 4&q.e\t tti.t .\4: ;trr. *, te *,,1 '. one picture adoming the cover. The general format hadn't .. a ia"J'afZii.4<,,',....,.. r'J:/,-i. ...,:.'.....1..'

' taa :,'.':'::. . changed much. .: .'t' ".,r:i::rlrllll

In 1943 new members began to be listed on a fairly regular ,n} Silrirlr basis. The Editor was made a member of the General Court .f!rn|{r Erll,rin ,i:. in 1963. After thirty-five years the position was considered a ...... ^''- '.,:''.-.. worthwhile position among the other officers. 1970 brought photos throughout the issue during Harry Morses'tenure.

In the Fall of 1981, Win Williams brought us back after a three year absence with the current format. During Win and Tom Curtis'terms as editor it has remained a great asset for our Order. They have been the backbone for so long.

I am honored and humbled to take on this task. I will do my utmost to continue the fine tradition of this publication. I remind all that this a sum of input from Associates from all over the country. I count on submissions from all. I look forward to reading and preparing your historical knowledge for others to enjoy.

Patriotically, ;r&l]'i}l

Stephen P. Shaw -iB..{p E * d n{$ile * *t I i08tA Qonata0 Aoait Sarcsota;F0ofida $,Ay"'"2i7 to 80,200?l

The 108th General Court will be held Bailey Circus, he built a spectacular in the historic city of Sarasota, Florida mansion on Sarasota Bay. Also on the Gulf of Mexico. Promoted in a land developer, Ringling used Scotland in the mid 1880's as a land his circus elephants to build the of fresh air, abundant fertile land, first bridge from the mainland to plentiful citrus groves, and affordable Lido Key, which he developed as a housing, numerous ships filled with commercial and residential center adventurous Scottish families arrived (St. Armand's Circle) that now to find little more than a frontier ranks with Worlh Avenue in Palm camp. Disheartened, many returned Beach and Rodeo Drive in Beverly home, but of those who stayed, Hills. Needing a home for their vast John Hamilton Gillespie emerged art collection, John and his wife, as a leader. A Scottish aristocrat, Mable, built what is now the John lawyer, and member of the Queen's & Mable Ringling Museum ofArt, Bodyguard for Scotland, Gillespie one of America's most famous art built what is believed to be the first museums. Ringling is also credited golf course in America in Sarasota. for moving the circus winter quafiers He built a hotel to attract tourists and from Connecticut to Sarasota, whete potential investors and, in 1902, was it stayed for 20 years before moving elected Sarasota's first mayor. south to Venice.

By 1910, Sarasota was attracting Today, Sarasota is the host city for America's most wealthy. Today's many of Florida's most interesting Historic Spanish Point was once the activities from the Sarasota Film posh waterfront winter estate and Festival and Florida Winefest to gardens of Bertha Palmer, widow of the Suncoast Offshore Grand Prix, Chicago developer Potter Palmer. And Sarasota Jazz F estival, and Christmas it is Mrs. Palmer who is credited with Boat Parade of Lights. The Florida attracting John Ringling to Sarasota. Society looks forward to providing The owner (with four of his brothers) a most memorable visit for all who of the Ringling Brothers Barnum & attend. HEADQUARTERS reservation and General Court registration forms in a direct mailing The Hyatt Sarasota on Sarasota Bay from Secretary General Robert opened in 1975 and was most recently Vivian. Non-General Court members renovated in 2000. Attendees will and their spouses are encouraged marvel at the views of the marina to attend and may use the forms or the bay from their rooms and provided in the Bulletin. will undoubtedly witness numerous beautiful sunsets. The Hyatt is THURSDAY DAYTIME in walking distance of shops and ACTIVITIES restaurants, the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall, the Florida West Coast For those who arrive on Wednesday Symphony, and the Selby Library and or before, we have an optional is only minutes from the shops and bus tour available (must reserve restaurants of downtown Sarasota and when sending in registration) to St. St. Armands Key, the Towles Court Petersburg. St. Pete is the birthplace Artist Colony, and the world famous of baseball's Spring Training, the beaches. Taxies are readily available first U.S. and the worlds largest water from the hotel's front door. For those reclamation system and the Sunshine plan who to come early or stay late Skyway Bridge, the largest cable on this holiday to take weekend, in suspension bridge in the Western even more of the many sights and in Hemisphere. We will visit the Dali around Sarasota, is advisable to rent it Museum ("the most comprehensive a car, par1licularly if you arriving at collection of Dali's work in the an airport other than Sarasota's own world") during the worldwide Sarasota-Bradenton Airport (SRQ). celebration of the Spanish artist's For those arriving at SRQ, aHyatt 1 00th Anniversary which will feature shuttle is available for a nominal fee. objects from its collection never For those arriving by car, ample free displayed before. After the museum, parking is available on site. we will lunch at the historic St. Petersburg Yacht Club, established MAILINGS FROM THE in 1909 and one of the oldest yacht SECRETARY GENERAL

Members of the General Court include all General Officers, Past Governors General, Past Deputy Govemors General, Councilors General, Incumbent Officers of the State Societies, Past State Society Govemors, and the Editor of the Bulletin. Each will receive hotel Gardens for a two- hour tour. Executive *#:$ Council Members will convene in the Keys Rooms from 10 a.m. to noon for a meeting of the Executive Council. The touring group vrill be returned at noon to drop off Associates for the aftemoon meetings. clubs in the . After The Goals Committee will convene in lunch, we'll have some time for some Keys Room for a working lunch waterfront shopping and sightseeing the from noon to 1 p.m. The touring before returning to Sarasota. group will leave againat 12:15 P.m. guests Armands Circle REGISTRATION; HOSPITALITY to bus to St. they will visit RECEPTION on Lido Key, where the shops, take in the sights, and have lunch on their own until 3 The Associates may register in the Florida P.m. opening session of the 108th General Room on Thursday, May 2l from Courl convene from 1:30 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. or on FridaY will P'm. to 4:30 p.m. in the Keys Rooms. At outside the Keys Rooms from 10 a.m. p.m., the tour group will be bused to noon. The Florida Society will 3 back from St. Armands to the HYatt. host an informal welcoming cocktail Friday evening at 5:30 p.m., reception in the Florida Room, Associates and spouses will gather overlooking the marina and sunset, in the hotel lobby to be bused to the from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. on ThursdaY, Car Museum for May 27,2004. Sarasota Classic a private dinner and tour of the most once owned bY FRIDAY ACTIVITIES AND famous cars, many people. On the waY DINNER the most famous to and from the museum, we will be to do a little touring of Sarasota's After enjoying the hot buffet able many points of interest. We'llbe breakfast (included in your hotel fee), back a little after 9, more than enough Trustees will convene in the Keys time to check out the local club scene. Rooms from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Friday, May 28th for a meeting of the SATURDAY DAYTIME John Quincy Adams Foundation. At ACTIVITIES 9:45 a.m., spouses andAssociates not attending the morning meetings will enjoying another hot buffet gather in the hotel lobby to be bused After breakfast, Associates will convene to the Marie Selby Botanical 10 in the Keys Rooms from 9 a.m. to the banquet in the Salon Ballroom. 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 29th The banquet selections for the for the Second Session of the 108th evening will be a choice of Garlic General Court. The ladies will have Roasted Pork Loin with Apple-Pear- the moming free to check out nearby Golden Raison Chutney, Cognac shopping or relax at poolside. At Glaze, and Maple Sweet Potatoes noon, all Associates will assemble OR Potato Crusted Grouper Saut6ed for the Official Photograph of the with Strawberry-Cilantro Relish and members of the 108th General Court. Saffron Risotto with both entrees accompanied by salad, dessert, and Saturday afternoon at I2:15 p.m., wine. The banquet will feature the Associates and spouses will gather customary banquet toasts, annual in the hotel lobby to be bused to the awards, Governor General's remarks 66-acre estate of the late John and and dancing to the music of the Big Mable Ringling on Sarasota Bay. Bands and Oldies. This promises to Upon artlal, we will go directly to be an evening to remember! the Banyan Tree Restaurant for lunch. Following lunch, we will SUNDAY MORNING CHURCH break up into groups to tour the SERVICES recently refurbished 32-room C' a d'Zan Mansion (the home of John There will be a church service at and Mable Ringling), the Ringling 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, May 30th at the Museum of Art (21 galleries housing Church of the Redeemer Episcopal over 600 pieces ofart and sculpture Church, which is celebrating it's acquired by the Ringlings from 1924- centennial this year. All Associates I93I), and the Ringling Museum of and spouses are invited to attend and the Circus (exhibiting the history of participate in the service, at which the the circus and the Ringling Brothers' Order will be recognized. key part in it).


One of the highlights of any General Court is the Governor's Reception, which will be held in the South Lobby, adjacent to the Salon Ballroom, once again overlooking the marina and the setting sun. At 7:15 p.m., the traditional Procession of Flags will commence, followed by


The agenda for the 108th Meeting of the General Court in Sarasota, FL will be as follows, subject to any unavoidable last-minute modifications. Your registration fee will include the cost of all events shown, except the optional Thursday tour.

Thursday, N4ay 27,2004 8:25 am to 4:30 pm - Optional bus trip to St. Petersburg 6:30 to 9:00 pm - Registration and informal reception in Florida Room

Friday, May 28, 2004 8:00 am to 10:00 am - Meeting of the John QuincyAdams Foundationx 9:45 am to noon - Ladies Program: Tour of Selby Gardens 10:00 am to noon - Meeting of the Executive Council* Noon to 1:00 pm - Goals Committee Meeting (working lunch)* llzl'pm to 3:00 pm - Ladies Program: Visit to St.Armands Circle 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm - opening Session of the 108th General court* (Attire: Coat & Tie) 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm - Tour and dinner at Classic Car Museum (Rt. 41 and University Pkwy.; 941-355-6228) (Note; Friday lunch: Associates and spouses on their own')

Saturday, N4.ay 29,2004 9:00 am to 11:30 am - Second Session of 108th General court* (Attire: Coat & Tie) 12:00 noon - Official Photograph of the General Court will be taken l2zl5 pm to 4:30 pm - Lunch and Tour of Ringling mansion & Museums 6:15 pm to 7;15 pm - Govemor General's Reception in the South Lobby adjacent to the Salon Ballroom of the Hyatt Sarasota 7:15 pm - Procession of State Flags (flags provided) 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm - Banquet in the Salon Ballroom of the Hyatt Sarasota; Big Band & 50's music for dancing (Attire: white tie or black tie, with decorations)

Sunday, May 30' 2004 9:00 am - church service at church of the Redeemer Episcopal Church, 222 Sorfih Palm Avenue

* All meetings of the 108th General Court will be in the Keys Rooms of the Hyatt Sarasota Hotel.


TO: JackAshcraft, Treasurea FLOFPA 757 Westlake Circle, Sarasota, FL34232-1944 Telephone : 9 4l -37 1 -413 I Email (preferred) : jwashT5 7 FAX: (941) 377 -8492 (Use FAX cover sheet directed to Jack Ashcraft) Make checks payable to: "Treasurer - FLOFPA"

Full Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Email: Official Title: Spouse/Guest (Names for ID Badges):

Founders Name and State: Patriots Name and State: Founder and Patriot listing deadline: (May 1,2004): $25l$28 if not attending

Early Bird Registration: (if rec'd by April 30,2004): $255.00 per person Regular Rate Registration: (if rec'd before May 15, 2004): $275.00 per person

Thursday Optional Trip to St. Petersburg ($60./ person)? YES _ NO Includes tour of Dali Museum (moming), lunch at St. Petersburg Yacht Club; aftemoon of bay front sightseeing and shopping.

Hotel reservations can be made with the Hyatt Sarasota Hotel at800-233- 1234 or Request the Founders and Patriots (Group Code FPOA Tour). Our Special room rate is $109 per night+tax(single) or $124 per night+tax(double).

Honor Your Founder & Patriot Ancestors!

Last year, California Governor Michael Phelps kicked off the inaugural campaign to honor our founder and patriot ancestors by listing them prominently in the centerfold of the Program for the formal banquet. We had over 40 participants, representing over 600/o of the national societies. This year, we'd like to see 100% of the societies represented and at least double the number of participants. In keeping with that goal, we won't raise the price - still a modest $25llisting (or $28 if you will not be attending the General Court and wish a copy of the program mailed to you).

13 ------: and CaPt Aaron Coe Robert Coe I

a Coe' waJorn at Thorpe-Morieux' Robert Coe, the son of Henry Sheriff. Jd tll* t in suffotk . o,rr,,y-nr,-giil ;;; *-,t-r small rural p ari sh parish ffregrsters Tlr*' ,1i tsgeias recorded in the old probably also a ;Tili:fiLtfit;il.;.^G coe was a substantial yeoman' still preserv.a. m. father Henry for *J r""ai"g in the communiry holding cloth maker, and a man or.nur'u.i.i, severalyearsatThorpe.Mo,i.,,*th.honorablepositionofchurchwarden.

Before|625hewasmarriedfirsttoMarywhodied?n,27oct1628in,Boxford, Suffolk,Englandgema,rledsecondonzgApr1630Anne(Hannah)DearleyinLI, NY died: iutter i" f OSg at Hempstead, Assington, Suffolk, i,ffia *fro

Robert'sfirstwifewasMary(alsoknownbyMarieaccordingtoherburialC";;t' Englalg'They were married about records of Boxford Cr'*tt', s"ff"lk four of Robert's children' 1623 inEngland' Mary had all

InApril30,|634,Robert,Anneandtheirchildren,John,RobertandBenjamin,for Suffolk, uo*a.d the ship 'Francis'bound appeared in tpswlch]co,rrrty ""i NewEngland.mtrrosedaysavoyage.oN"*Englandtookabouttenweeks,so 1634' R;;i". probably anived in Boston in July from many some 25'000 who emigrated Coos (Coes) were among the The and Suffolk) to New had reiided in counties Essex England (2/3 of whom the Established t;;0 u|! 1643, mostlv Puritans who escaped England between earliest immigrant iiu.rry in the new land. He was the church to find ,"rigiou" emigration orttre puritan revolution in 1643' of the name c".. il;;1h. ,,r...r, puritans did not return to England' declined to a trickle." N;r., These t4 His admission as freeman to the occurred in 1634. After living less than ayear at watertown, he joined a group who migrated to Wethersfield, Connecticut in 1635 to find a new 'plantution'there. I find another possible founder William Rogers of Connecticut and , who resided in wethersfield, at the ct same time as Robert coe, and possibly belonging to the same religious group under Rev. Richard Denton, uni lut., both resided in Hempstead.

Robert coe removed to Stamford cr as part of a church split and held many influential ofifices there. Another church dissension sent him with a group to Hempstead, then under the Dutch govemment at NewAmsterdam, but after its conquest by the English in 1664 called New york. A church was immediately organized of which Robert coe is said to have been chosen elder, and here he remained eight years, acquired extensive grants of land, some of which he retained until near the close of his life, anl was the magistrate of the town under the Dutch government. rn 1663, the English settlers'in the Dutch colony revolted and came jurisdiction under the of the English connecticut colony. Robert coe became the commissioner (or Magistr-ate) of Jamai.u, ,.rporrding to the govemment of connecticut. After Longisland was returned to the jurisdiction of New york, .yorkshire,, becoming a county called he held other offices and retired in 1671, at age 75, after holding the office of High Sheriff.

He is cited as one the of founders of Newtown and Jamaica Ny on Long Island and eventually retired back to Hempstead Ny.

rn 1675, he married his 3rd wife, Jane Rouse, at79 yearsof age. He died at about 92 yearc of age in Jamaica around 16g9. He was truly a patriach for his times. No record of his death or place of burial has been found, and as he disposed of all his property in his lifetime there are no probate records of him. Patriot captain Aaron coe is a great2 grand,son of founder Robert coe. During the Revolution War Capt. Aaron Coe was an ardent patriot both at home and in the field. He took part atTiconderoga as well as Saratoga. He had sons that fought in the Revolutionary war as well as in the war of 1g12. He was a successful farmer and a Deacon at Granville, Mass. Aaron coe was born on 16 Feb l730lr, at Middletown, cr 30 oct l794,the son of Ephraim coe and Hannah Miller, and grandson of captain John coe of stratford, ct who fought in the French Indian wars, held numerous town offices and was in the ct Assembly.

The following story "General Gates Arrests captain coe,, is retord by my great grandfather, 1't Lt. Jerome Hadden coe, MD, as heard from his grand l5 hand father, Ensign Seymour Coe: "Taking his morning constitution, came in failure General Gates, who met one of CaptainAaron Coe's Men who by some flagging in military etiquette, incurred the General's wrath and received a severe to the with the cane. News of the beating coming to the Captain, he proceeded General's tent and took him to tact for the unmilitary and unlawful attack'

captain coe at the time 47 years of age was a man much respected, a Deacon, and one of the prominent men of Granville, Mass, no doubt felt, bearing the difference in rank- the equal of the General and did not spare words of probably felt condemnation. General Gates was effaged at this boldness and he and his effrontery so imprudent, that he ordered him to deliver up his sword a consider himself under arrest. This becoming known to the regiment created by storm of indignant protest. So severe was the feeling that threats were made or the soldiers which if acted upon, would have meant disgrace to the regiment possible injury to the general. Happily one soldier had the good sense to visit ihe general,s tent, headquarters and inform him of the danger."

made As repeated by my great grandfather's grandfather, "General your act has danger' The the rnen furious. Such threats are made That I consider your life in there will men say that if you do not retum Captain Coe's sword before night, doubt be 500 bullet holes in your marque before the morning. The general no and already repented his rash act. However, the captain's sword was retumed the Captain released from arrest."

During the revolution Aaron Coe was a Captain from the Granville Militia during Revolutionary war. He served under colonel Mosely's Hampshire Company.

married Capt. Coe was married twice and had children from both marriages' He first on 28 Nov I754,inDurham, cT to Phebe Parsons, the daughter of to Mary Ithamar Parsons. He married second on 1 Jan 1776'in Granville, MA Seward, the young daughter of Dr. Ebenezer Seward)'

Captain Coe never advanced in rank beyond Captain. He died at Granville, Mass on october 30,1794 and was buried with military honors.

of his Wayne Rogers is descended twice to Aaron Coe from children of both marriages. He is the Registrar for the california Society OFPA.

16 Associates in the Spotlight

Maryland Member Of The Order Serves His Country In Iraq

Darin T. Myers joined the Maryland Society as a teenager and continues to be an active Associate whom we can be proud of.

He is currently a Specialist in the Army. On Sept I7 ,2003, he was awarded The Army Achievement Medal for helping at the scene of an accident while on duty supporting the Iraqi War. It reads:

"For meritorious achievement from 1 June 03 to 22 Attgust 03, SPC Myers distinguished himself as a dedicated soldier to the values and training received as he came to the aid of the driver of an overturned truck on Camp As saylayah, Qatar. His quick response to containing the HAZMAT spill saved further damage as well as the cost of environmental clean-up. He is a credit to the 388th Medical Logistic Bn, the theater logistics personnel, and the ."

We wish him a safe return and thank him for his service to our country.

xlrr, ,,

[email protected]]rc: j$st


Darin Myers is the fourth person from the 1eft.

t7 News From The Societies


meeting on the 1lth The Connecticut Society held its October membership was a joint meeting with at Dandy Lions Restaurant in windsor, cT. This Patriots ofAmerica and the Connecticut Society, Daughters of Founders and with each Society connecticut oFPA; ,po,rrr. were invited. The day began holding separate business meetings'

has made a Governor Persson explained that the Connecticut Society during 2003-2004. we commitment to our order to obtain 24 new members Timothy Jacobs has be-en so have had good progress to date; however, Registrar very few in the pipeline' effective in proc"ssing applications that we now have joint meeting Skip pointei out that-orr"i.uro1for having the OFPA-DFPA to discussing *u, tt swap information on possible members. In addition to each connecticut DFPA membership at this meeting, Skip will send a letter member explaining OFPA membership requirements'

Tim Jacobs received a DiPloma for his second suPPlemental line' Most of us remember how difficult gave it was to Prove the line that us membershiP in the Order' Tim became a member on his KelseY line, obtained his first supplemental for his Harris line and now has proved a second suPPlemental: Founder John Baker who settled at the many Charlestown, MA, 1636 andPatriot (L-R) Tim Jacobs with Dave Perkins, one of new members he has recruited. John Baker of Norwich, CT' Tim promises, however, that this is his last supplemental.


June, 2003 at Anthony's The Georgia Society held its Annual Meeting this past was the case last year the Restaurant in the Buckhead District of Atlanta. As American colonists' Annual meeting was held jointly with the Sons of the and Patriots' Also in attendance were officers of the Daughters of Founders prospective Associates and other attendees' Elections were held to select Officers for the 2003 - 2005 Term. Governor Frary was re-elected to a second term as well as being elected as Registrar. Secretary Hampton was re-elected to a second term as well as being elected Lieutenant Governor. Treasurer Chastain was re-elected as was Historian Hagan. A new slate of Councilors was ratified with Associates Thomas E' Peters, Walter C. Whitfield and James Roger Westlake elected to serve in that capacity for the term 2003 - 2006.

The Georgia Society regrettably had two Associates pass from this life; Dr. Ramon Converse Thompson and William Harold Hampton, father of our Lt. Governor William Charles Hampton. Both Associates will be sorely missed.

The Georgia Society had abanner year for new members with three Associates inducted. Those three gentlemen are William Martin Hay, Ronald Charles Gay and Charles Robert Smith. The Georgia Society continues to work with a number of prospective Associates and looks forward to another banner year!


The Kentuckiana Society held in annual Fall meeting at the historic Pendennis Club in Louisville, KY on September 20th,2003. After the luncheon, the business meeting was held, beginning with the ritual. Membership was the main topic of conversation. There are 3 (L-R) Dr. Jack J. Early, newly elected society governor gentlemen cunently working on and Duanne F. Cornell, honorary society governor. their application papers.

After general remarks, Governor Duane Cornell thanked the members and officers for their support and hard work. The installation of new officers followed. The newly elected society goverror is Dr. Jack J. Early of Louisville. After the rvelcome and introductions, Dr. Early entertained a motion that former state governor Cornell be made the honorary state governor. Thanks were offered for his 2 terms in office and the fine work with respect to membership in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

A rousing vote of confidence was made toward the motion. Dr. Early then gave the benediction and dismissed the group for the rest of the fall afternoon.

l9 Louisiana

In honor of George Washington's birthday the Louisiana Society had a wreath laying ceremony at his statue which is located in .

On the Fourth of July our Society joined other patriotic groups for a Barbecue held on the grounds of the Destrehan Plantation.

This past September Governor Edward Warren presented the Outstanding Unit Award to General Bennett Landreneau and his staff to show appreciation for their service in Iraqi.

In November several associates joined with the members of the Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims for lunch held at the Southern Yacht Club.

Unit. Govemor Ed Warren making the presentation to the Ounstanding Louisiana National Guard


Maryland's Tteasurer, Granville W. Wehland - a Past Governor General and chairman of the Volume Five of the "Register" presents a copy to the Ms Betty Bradway, Historian General of the "society of Mayflower Descendants" on behalf of the "Order" in grateful appreciation of that Society's aid the o'Order" and the storage space the "Sociefy of Mayflower Descendants" provided over (L-R) Ms. Betry BradrvaY and the many years in their library at Plymouth, PGG Granville Wehland and documents of the MAo'Ordef" for the books 20 Massachusetts

The Massachusetts Society got off to a spectacular start with its "First Luncheon of the New Fall Season" on October 2,2003. Although many "regulars" could not attend, the meeting attracted many first-time visitors. An almost record-breaking (L-R) Jonathan E. and Steven E. Hubbard being presented with certificates from their father Charles A. 51 sat down to a sumptuous pre- Hubbard, II, Governor Emeritus Thanksgiving feast. One more was added when Councillor Burdette A. Johnson arrived just in time for a grand celebration of his forthcoming 98th birthday (on October sixth), complete with cake and song. Governor Harold F. Ordway, Jr., served as Luncheon Presiding Officer, handling the incredibly busy agenda in a professional and shipshape manner.

The Reverend Dr. Robert W. Golledge, Deputy Chaplain General of The Order, paid tribute to the Reverend Dr. Rhys Williams, Society Chaplain, who passed away on July 20, 2003. The Society was honored to have Dr. Williams'widow, Eleanor as a guest.

The Gala Christmas Luncheon, held December 4,2003, was another (L-R) RI Governor Robert Baxter, Past Governor General Joseph Kilboum, Major "blockbuster" General Robert Davenport, a prospective member and Mary McCarl, the wife of SAR eVent With 51 Secretary General Henry Mccarl sitting down to a festive filet mignon dinner. The Society was honored, once more, to have Past Govemor General Joseph A. Kilbourn grace the head table. An "official" welcome was extended to Brigadier General Rogers B. Finch, formerly of the New Jersey Society, and his wife, Barbara, now making their home in Mass.

The Reverend Dr. Robert W. Golledge delivered a tribute to Councillor and longtime past Secretary-Treasurer H. Russell Davis, Jr., who passed away on September 15,2003. The Society was pleased to have in attendance one of Mr. Davis'sons, Henry R. Davis III, a prospective Society member.

21 Michigan

(L-R) Govemor Gordon Barnett, Jr., Govemor Robert Lessa and Governor General Alden Atwood following the installation of Governor Lessa. The ceremony took place at the historic Heritage House in Chensaning, Michigan, where the Michigan Society received its Charter on May 1,1954, fifty years ago.

New Jersey

The New Jersey Society held their fall meeting on December 13th at the Nassau Club. Due to bad weather our attendance was limited to 22 enthusiastic associates.

The speaker was Ronald Goldberger, a member of the New Jersey Historical Society. Mr. Goldbelger gave a very interesting presentation about How History Had Maligned Aaron Burr.

We have added two more associates and two more are in the process.


The Ohio Society has maintained a pretty heavy schedule of Activities.

First to mention, we have held seven regular luncheon programs, three in association with Western Reserve Society Sons of the American Revolution, and two special Ladies Day programs.

1. The highlights of the year: Feb. 22,2003 - Honor George Washington with WRSSAR. Gov Francis Sherman thanking the 2. Organtze, attend and celebrate anniversary Director ofthe local historical society 22 of the onlyAmerican Revolution Battle in Ohio at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers buried at Fort Laurens with a Color Guard, Local, State and National SAR officers.

3. Attend and participate with SAR Color Guard Veterans Day Ceremonies at Cleveland City Hall and WRSSAR meetings. Gov Francis Sherman placing a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. We are preparing to launch a membership drive with the participation of all current officers.

Rhode Island

The Winter Meeting of the Rhode Island Society was held Sunday, February 8, 2004, at the Agawam Hunt Club.

Our guest speaker was Captain William Calhoun, U.S.N. (Ret.), Professor of National Security Decision Making, Naval War College, Newport, RI. His talk accompanied by a slide presentatiofl, "A Reacquaintance With George Washington," was timely and informative. There were 29 Associates and guests in attendance.

(L-R) Harold W. Sands, Deputy Govemor and Treasurer; the guest speaker, Captain William Calhoun; Sidney Clifford, Secretary; Carlen P. Booth, Past Govemor and Registrar and Robert B. Baxter, Govemor.

23 Virginia

Governor Thatcher Wood marching up with an Honor Guard from the 3rd Infantry Division and the Fife and Drum Corps from the Old Guard at Montpelier, home of President James Madison.


The Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Society was held at the Milwaukee Athletic Club on 29 November 2003. The gathering was particularly festive in that it was held in conjunction with The Society of Colonial Wars in Wisconsin, l8I2 and the Sons of the Revolution, with the OFPA acting as host Society and OFPA Governor General Alden Atwood in attendance

After a sumptuous luncheon, Governor Williams held a short business session in which new associate James Earl Green was formally inducted into the Order and a new slate of officers were elected

The Governor General then installed the new Board of officers and gave a short speech conceming the state of the Order.

(L-R) William H. Upham, Jr, Jerry P. Hi1l, Governor General Alden At*'ood. Governor-elect Thornas P. Curtis and Governor Winston C. Williams. How to Join Our Order

To acquaint those who read the Bulletin but are not Associates of our Order, the following information is offered to facilitate determining whether you are qualified for membership:

An applicant must be a man of the age of 18 years, or older, of good moral character and reputation and a citizen of the United States, who is lineally descended, in the male line of either parent, from an ancestor who settled in any of the Colonies now included in the United States ofAmerica prior to May 13, 1657; and one or all of whose intermediate ancestors in the same line, who lived in the period of the American Revolution from l7l5 to 1783, adhered as patriots to the cause of the Colonies.

Alternatively, any man as described above is also qualified for membership if he can prove that his father or either grandfather met the above requirements.

r.,r, An informational brochure may ,; be obtained from:

.tr, OFPA Membership Chairman ,, Dana L. Gowen II qOS Thtl {fnnan or lll. f King Arthur Circle .* * Fgvupngs Snntcryx Anmrc* rlrr Maitland, FL 327 5I-5328 li ,tl)** *,t /* /.{irl ln,i-,d l',n ,... or via our website at ,4|'r* &r' t4. rk {.t/./1.,/'$8} www. FoundersPatriots. org. -i.4#'e&wEt I,, ,,'.., . *. zi^.t.t^-.e E,,Li***stL l,-.*,r-- , .4*4"1*,ta* 4 tti/ 'r'y { . ltp .i4va)* ' '

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25 '--- Welcome New Associates Since the Fall, 2003 issue of the Bulletin was published, Registrar General Donnel J. Hubbard reports that the following Associates have been accepted in the Ranks of our Order. Youth Associates and Supplements are included in this list. We extend a hearty welcome and weoll meet you at the next meeting!

Associate Name Order No. Society ItTo. Founder Patriot(s)

Smith, Gregory Bell 5558 PA 694 Thomas Smith Joseph Smith Varney, Kenneth Allen 5566 CT 745 Thomas Bliss Timothy Bliss Andrewso Harmon Lester 5567 CT 746 Francis Andrews William Andrews Chickering, Howard Allen 5569 CT 747 Edmund Sherman Jotham Sherman Lewis, Edward Daniel 5570 MD 050 William Lewis Eldad Lewis, William Lewis & Isaac Lewis King, Cameron Blake 5571 VA ts6 John Baker Henry Baker, Jr. Niles, Eugene Russell 5572 MD 051 John Niles Samuel Niles Adams, John Stafford 5573 RI 160 John Steele Allyn Steele Stebbins, Rodney Jerome 5574 FL 290 Rowland Stebbins James Stebbins Wallace, James Lynn 5575 CA 234 Thomas Roberts Joshua Roberts Fechter, JackTanner 5576 DC 384Y Joseph Tanner Thomas Tanner Bowker, Albert Hosmer 4788 CA 2265t Edmund Bowker Asa Bowker Osgood Jr., Harold Arthur 5577 CT 748 John Osgood Thomas Osgood Cornwall, Stanley Hamilton 5578 CT 749 William Comwall Benjamin Cornwall Piper, Arthur Keith 5580 RI 159 Henry Woodward Theodorus Woodward Stearns II, Emory Ward 5581 CT 151 Isaac Steams Reuben Steams Osborn, RobertBruce 5582 TX 105 Thomas Osborne David Osborn Douglas, Graham James Coleman 5583 FL 29tY Col John Douglass Capt Joseph Douglas Bayneo James Manuel 5584 VA 158 William Hatcher Edward Hatcher 26 Cornwe', 5048 cr 738s1 Abraham";;{ Howe Zadok Howe Ellis, Isaac Barnett 5585 TX 106 John Ellis Benjamin Ellis Barker, William Christopher 5586 VA 157 John Barker Henry Barker, Jr. . Moody, Joel Alan 5589 WI 090 John Moody Joseph Moody Moody, Joshua Ernest Lane 5590 WI 09lY John Moody Joseph Moody Moody, Oliver Martin Lane 5591 WI 092Y John Moody Joseph Moody Moodl', Sabastian Wood Lane 5592 WI 093Y John Moody Joseph Moody Moodl', Edward James 5593 WI 094 John Moody Joseph Moody Moody, Cameron John 5594 WI 095Y John Moody Joseph Moody Knapp, Vincent Edward, LTC (ret) 5595 VA 159 Aron K-nap Ephraim Knap, Sr. Barker, Ronald Dean 5596 VA 160 John Barker Henry Barker, Jr. Tinkham, William Knipe 5597 MA 502 Ephraim Tinkham Peter Tinkham Plummer, John William 5598 WI 096 John Heald Amos Heald. Sr. Rogers, Wayne Jerome 5446 CA 22851 Thomas Brownell Nathan Brownell & Joseph Brownell Archer, Scott Lee 5599 WI 098 Robert Tucker Jedediah Tucker Jenks, Airell Blaine 5602 RI 161 Joseph Jenks Capt Stephen Jenks

Qaoodatpa enlled fu tfpunl Sleat Rush B. Lincoln, Jr MI Robert S. Hopkins CA John L Fellows, Jr Thomas P. Dickinson, II John D. Miller NJ William H. Rawson CT Edgar J Brainard John T. Quigley Garford F. Williams Edgar Howard Frank E. Raymond PA Walter R. Amesbury Jr FL Thomas H. Hancock TX Stephen N. Gage, Jr Otis C. Johnson, Jr Ted D. Menill GA Wolcott E.Lay,Jr Wilford D. Raymond IL John D. Randall VA Glenwood O. Barker MA Gary I. Hackett Francis D. Barker Charles H. Reed Cecil M. Daggett fralettcat Jn flarr. 27 >-J- __ ' Directory of Key Officers

Governor General - Alden Atwood 815 E St SE, Washington, DC 20003-2843 202-548-0064 [email protected] Deputl Govcrnor General - Dana L. Gowen, II 1905 KingArlhur Cir, Maitland, FL 327518-5328 407-740-8488 [email protected] Secretarv General - Robert P Vivian 827 Lamberts Mill Rd. Westfield. NJ 07090-4771 908-232-5323 rpr'[email protected] Treasurer General - J. Nlichael Phelps, Esq. 5 Reed Ranch Rd, Tiburon, CA94920-2022 41 5-38 1 -0258 [email protected] Registrar General - Donnel J. Hubbard 200 Elmwood Dr, Culpeper, VA 22701-4028 540-825-5343 dj [email protected] Gencalogist General - Granville W. Wehland, Esq. 3892 College Ave. Ellicott City, MD 21043-4609 410-461-9591 [email protected] Attorne) Gcneral - Charles E. Wehland, Esq., 677 Park Ave, Ellicott City, MD 21043 410-796-2377 [email protected] Chaplain Gencral - Stewart C' Whittle 4081 Fragile Sail Way, Ellicott City, MD 21042-5022 4 I 0-46 1 -5 648 [email protected] Historian Gencral - Peter R. Hill 431 MansfieldAve. Haddonfield" NJ 08033-4088 8s6-s46-s065 [email protected] Deputl Secrctary General - Richmond G. Favrot i 301 Calhoun St. New Orleans. LA 70 1 1 8-6003 504-899-8793 Deputl Trcasurer General - Todd B. Frary 148 Weatherstone Square Dr, Woodstock, GA 30188-7209 770-928-5981 [email protected] Deputl' Rcgistrar General - Ruluff D. Mclntyre, Jr 5250 Columbia Rd Apt 727, Norlh Olmsted, OH 44070-3564 440-779-11.78 bulldog53 Deputl- Attornel Gcneral - Robert M. Clark, Jr.' Esq. 4267 N Central Expressway, Dallas, TX 75205-4022 214-691-616s [email protected] Deputl Genealogist Gcneral - Stephen P. Shaw PO Box 440. East Haddam, CT 06423-0440 860-91 6- r 804 [email protected] Deputl Chaplain Ge ncral - The Rev Dr Robert W. Golledge PO Box 816, Hampton, NH 03834-0816 603-926-6220 [email protected] Deputl Historian Gencral - Bruce B. Dickerson 171 Chipmunk Hill, Mountainside, NJ 07092-1603 908-233-488 1 milo [email protected]

.\I-,\8.\\lA Governor - Henry S. L"vnn, Jn Registrar - Timothy L. Jacobs 2878 Shook Hill Rd. Bimingharn. AL 35223-2617 113 HighlandAve, Middlctou,n. CT 06457-3802 205-226-3266 [email protected] 860-347-7035 tjacobs( Secretart - Dr. Alan R. Dimick Treasurer - BG John H. Napier III 2717 Lockerbie Ci1 Bimingham, AL 35223-2911 158 Mt Zion Rd. Ramer, AL 36069-6505

205-959-3 1 06 334-28 l -0505

,\RIZON,\ Governor - Lawrence R. Fuller Registrar - Richard G.A. Fleek 6801 Camelback RdApt Sl 14, Scottsboro. AZ 85251-2'+21 4264 W Mortan Ave, Phoenix. AZ 85051-7358 602-939-64t3 Secretary - James lI. Bugbee Treasurer - Charles C. Blackrvell, Jr.' )ID 17239 N 59th Pl, Scottsdalc, AZ 85254-596'7 491 I E Doubletree Ranch Rd., Paradise \ralle1. AZ E5l5-r- i 5i7

C,\l-IFOR\lA Governor - J. Nlichael Phelps, Esq. Registrar - Wa!ne J. Rogers 5 Rced Ranch Rd. Tiburon. CL91920-2022 44842 Grado Cir. Temecula. CA !)1591-i-:-j q09-302-ll6+ 415-3 ti I -0258 [email protected] ro--,r-\tl\-J : r -. I: Secretary - Kenneth R. Walker Treasurer - Col. Edn ard G. $ ickei. Jr PO Box 90319,1. Palmdale. CA 93550-5063 l92l Lakeshire Dr.. \\-ainL:t Cr::1.:. C.i 9li9-i-l-{'1'1 661-94'7-4409 kaslan2( 925-939- l 525 :ir,, ir i :::i ;..rt

CON\ECTICUT Goyernor - Leonard N. Persson Registrar - Timothl L. Jacobs (.16157-3 40 RuJfin Rd. Woodburv. CT 06798-2027 I I 3 Highland Ar e. \liddletori n. C T 802 203-263-2199 [email protected] 860-347-7035 tj:cob: - nail.l Secretary - Kenneth V. Olson Treasurer - Robert D. \\blff 35 Sylvan Rd, Nerv Britain, CT 06053-2125 105 Hedgehog Ln. \\'est Sinsbury'. CT 06092-2107 860-229-3008 [email protected] 860-658-4998 hedgehog I @

28 DISTRICT OF' COLUIIBIA Gov - Richard M. Wright, Jr Registrar - A Clarke Magruder, Sn I 20 I 0 Vale Rd, Oakton, YA 22121-2321 43 13 Neptune Dr, Alexandrja, VA 22309-3801 703-360-7143 [email protected] Secretary - John F Grissom Treasurer - LCDR Richard M. Wright, Jn I 200 N Nash St #1 139, Arlington.YA22209-36t2 12010 Vale Rd, Oakton, VA22l24-2321 703-524-1817

FLORIDA Governor - Peter lI. Douglas Registrar - William V. Millman 7566 Albert Tillinghasr Dr. Sarasota, FL 34240-8688 505 Everglades Dr, Venice, FL 34285-3308

911-3',17-4302 [email protected] 94 1 -488-0493 wmill505@, Secretary - Jack B. Ashcraft Treasurer - Jack B. Ashcraft 757 W Lakc Cir. Sarasota. FL 34232-1944 757 W Lake Cir, Sarasota, FL 34232-1944 9.11-37r-ll3l ju [email protected] 94t-31 t-413t [email protected]

CEORGI,\ Governor - Todd B. Frary Registrar - Todd B, Frary i48 Weatherstone Square Dr, Woodstock, GA 30188-7209 148 Weatherstone Square Dr, Woodstock, GA 30188-7209 770-928-5981 [email protected] 770-928-5981 [email protected] Secretary - W. Charles Hampton Treasurer - William F, Chastain 2024 Abercrombie Rd, Culloden, GL31016-9746 206 Boiling Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30305-3 107 478-994-2708 [email protected] 404-233-1920

ILLI-\OIS Governor - Glenn Guy Peterson Registrar - Glenn M. Pet€rson 36790 Buck Ct, Lake Villa, IL 60046-6737 2121 Parkview Ct, Wilmette, IL 60091-3120 847-265-0825 [email protected] 847 -251-0165 Secretary - Jeffrey M. Holden Treasurer - Glenn N{. Peterson 249 ExmoorAve, Glen Ellyn, IL60l37-5457 2121 Parkview Ct, Wilmette, IL 60091-3 120 630-858-5035 847-251-0165

KENTUCKIANA Governor - Dn Jack J. Early Registrar - N. J. White 9002 Hurstwood Ct, Louisville, KY 40222-57 16 9734 Comell Trace Rd, Louisville, KY 40241-3033 502-426-60',78 502-452-9837 Secretary - Daniel N. Klinck Treasurer - Duane F. Cornell, Esq. 5842 Brittany Woods Cir, Louisville, KY 40222-5908 I 0503 Kovats Ct., Louisville, KY 40223-3359 502-429-0382 502-742-3715 [email protected]

LOUISIA),lA Governor - Robert R. Richmond Jn Registrar - David E. Warren 601 Northline St, Merairie, LA70005-4437 505 N Woodlawn Ave- Metairie. LA 70001-4640 501-834-2417 richmondinvest(alao L c om 504-837-6718 [email protected] Secretary - John C. Grout, Jn Treasurer - Edward R. Warren 6861 West End Blvd, New Orleans. LA70l24-2353 4216 Cleveland Pl, Metairie, LA 70003-1346 985-717-6932 [email protected] 504-885-9670 [email protected]

NIAI\E Governor - Harry W. Kinsley, Jn Registrar - Harry W. KnsleJ', Jn PO Box 67. Limerick, ME 0,+048-0067 PO Box 67, Limerick, ME 04048-0067 207-79i-80,1 I 201 -793-8011 Secretary - Joseph W.P. Frost Treasurer - 2-10 112 Goodwin Rd, Eliot, ME 03903-1220 207-139-t972

]IARYL.{\D Governor - James T. Young, Jr. Registrar - Allen D. Niles 126,11 Fork Rd, Fork, MD 2105 l-9706 10107 Ridgeline Dr, Gaithersburg, MD 20879-3011 4t0-592-2737 301-921-9709 [email protected] Secretary - Thomas A, Mead Treasurer - Granvill€ W Wehland, Esq. 6681 Dasher Ct, Columbia, MD 21045-8204 3892 CollegeAve, Ellicott City, MD 21043-4609 4i0-381-4,130 410-461-9s9r [email protected]

]IASS-{CHUSETTS Governor - Harold F, Ordway, Jr. Registrar - Donald L. Thatcher l4 ]ris Ct Suite C, Acton. l'lA01720-5692 16 Mt. Pleasant St, Westborough, MA 01581-2119 978-37 t-7031 [email protected] 508-366-8468 Secretary - Thomas M. Smith Treasurer - Asa E. Phillips, III 8 High St, Ashburnlam, MA 01430-1505 80 Sunset Rd, Weston, MA 02493-1637 978-827-5954 781-893-1323

NIICHIGAN Governor - Robert J. Lessa Registrar - Charles M. Hopkins PO Box 154, Mecosta, MI 49332-0154 7327 Mustang Dr, Clarkston, MI 48346-2625

Secretary - Warren A. Merchant Treasurer - Jerome R. Stocking 34284 Thombrook St, Famington Hills, MI48335-1448 1450 N River Rd #13, St. Claire Shores, MI 40709-4214

29 NE\ADA Governor - Richard L. Putnam Registrar - J B Coats 17715 Fairfax Ct, Reno, NV 89506-4592 1839 Deep Creek Dr, Sparks, NV 89434-1762 775-626-2547 [email protected] Secretary-JB Coats Treasurer-JB Coats 1839 Deep Creek Dr, Sparks, NV 89434- 1762 1839 Deep Creek Dr, Sparks, NV 89434-1762 775-626-2547 [email protected] 775-626-2547 [email protected]

NEW HAMPSHIRE Governor - J. Frank Goodwin III Registrar - Hans E. Jackson 244 N Main St, Wolfboro, NH 03894-4311 7 Mt. Pleasant St, Dcrry, NH 03038-2043 603-569-1218 [email protected] 603-432-6454 [email protected] Secretary - Donald M. Sunner Treasurer - Hans E. Jackson 44DurhamPointRd,Durham,NH03S24-3126 TMt.PleasantSt,Derry,NH 03038-2043 603-868-2579 603-432-6454 [email protected] n*EW JERSEY Governor - Bruce B. Dickerson Registrar - E, Malcolm Quigley 171 Chipmunk Hill, Mountainside, NI 07092-1603 20 Homor Ln, Princeton, NJ 08540-3937 908-233-488 I milol [email protected] Secretary - Kevin A. Elliott Treasurer - Francis A. Wood, MD 598 Park Rd, Monis Plains, NJ 07950-2884 108 Llewellyn Rd, Montclair, NJ 07042-2034 973-538-7294 973-744-3211 [email protected]

NEW YORK Governor - Drnst Rothe Registrar - Roy D. Goold 1 158 5th Ave, 4-D, New York, NY 10029-6911 7 Sweden Hill Rd, Brockport, NY 14420-2517 [email protected] 716-637-6419 [email protected] Secretary - Brian P.T. Blake Tteasurer - Brian P.T. Blake 13 Red Oak Cir, Shelton, CT 06282-3870 13 Red Oak Cir, Shelton, CT 06282-3870 203-926-9254 203-926-9254

NORTH CAROLINA Governor - Registrar - Timothy L. Jacobs 113 Highland Ave, Middletom, CT 06457-3802 860-347 -7035 [email protected] Secretary - Bryan D. Bechler Treasurer - PO Box 1 I I 5, Granite Falls, WA 98252-1 I I 5 360-691-2861

OHIO Governor- Francis J. Sherman, Sn Registrar- Richard L. Fetzer 5205 Queen Ann Way, Painesville, OH 44077-6302 PO Box 203, Aurora, OH 44202-0203 440-352-9055 {[email protected] 330-562-5781 [email protected] Secretary - Shawn D.Ztrat Treasurer - Elliot T. Eldred 5255 Stonehurst Dr, Brunswick Hills , OH 44212-6228 29110 Millard Dr, Bay Village, OH 44140-1963 440-871-2999

PENNSYLVANIA Governor - Richard D. Smith, Sn Registrar - Robert A, Kilgore 647 Brintons Bridge Rd, West Chester, PA 19382-8134 PO Box 435, Devon, PA 19333-0435 610-793-1930 [email protected] 610-644-7038 [email protected] Secretary - Thomas R. Kellogg, Esq, Treasurer - Peter M. Adams 1745 Indian Run Rd, Malvem, PA 1,9355-9715 I 143 Cardinal Dr, West Chester, PA 19382-7816 610-644-5041

RHODE ISLAND Governor - Robert B. Baxter Registrar - Carlen P. Booth PO Box I I 0 l, Providcnce, RI 02901- I 10 I 70 Village Dr, Riverside, RI 02886-3950 401-831-1816 [email protected] 401-438-8549 [email protected] Secretary - Ilarold W. Sands Treasurer - Harold W. Sands l0 Cherry Creek Rd, Newport, RI 02840-5728 10 Cherry Creek Rd, Newport, RI 02840-5728 401-841-9358 401-841-9358

TEXAS Governor - Robert M, Clark, Jn, Esq. Registrar - Lloyd D. Bockstruck 4627 N Central Expressway, Dallas, TX75205-4022 3955-C Buena Vista St, Dallas, TX 75201-1667 214-528-2400 [email protected] 214-522-1302 Secretary - Dn Robert J. Devine Treasurer - LTC Lawrence K, Casey, Jr. 3124 Sweetbriar Ln, Ft. Worth, TX 76109-2257 6915 Limerick Dr, Beaumont, TX '17'706111i

YIRGINIA Gov€rnor - Thatcher S. Wood Registrar - Donnel J. Hubbard 9014 Splitwood Cir, Richmond, VA23229-6353 200 Elmwood Dq Culpeper, VA 22701{028 804-741-6088 [email protected] 540-825-5343 djhubbard'@ Secretary - Daniel C. Warren, MD Tleasurer - Richard E. Whitson, Jr. 6159 Virginia Dr, Gloucesteq VA 23061-4302 232 W Princess Anne Rd. Norfolk. VA 23517-2210 804-693-5866 757-627-1244

WISCONSIN Governor - LTC Thomas P Curtis Registrar - LTC Thomas P Curtis N56 W21796 Silver Spring Dr, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 N56 W21796 Silver Spring Dr, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 262-703-0797 [email protected] 262-703-0797 [email protected] Secretary - Jerry P. Hill Treasurer - William Van Delind, II 5677 N Consaul Pl, Milwaukee, WI 53217-4818 8l I N Jefferson St, Milwaukee, WI 53202-3709 41,4-332-9479 jerryp@, 262-786-74'74 [email protected] . 30 -----\\ _ -b_____=Merchandise Order Form

ltem Revised 09/1 5/2003 Price Qtv Amount Plaque of the Order, or Governor's Star (gold plated and sterling silver) 187.50 Membership Emblem Badge on Ribbon 75.00 Miniature Membership Emblem Badge on Ribbon 45.00 Past State Governor Lapel Pin 2s.00 Officer's Neck Ribbon (specify neck size) 15.00 Cordon (sash) with Bow (National Officers only) 48.00 Membership Rosette - Plain (Lapel) 10.00 Past or Present State Governor Rosette (Silver Braid beneath) 20.00 Past or Present General Officer Rosette (Half Gold, Half-Silver beneath) 22.00 Past or Present Governor General Rosette (Gold Braid beneath) 25.00 Cummerbund with Medallion (one size fits all) 27.50 Necktie tStriped; hand tie -100% silk) 35.00 Neckrie rStriped with Medallion; hand tie -100% silk) 35.00

Boririe t Striped; hand tie -100% silk) 2s.00 Bos:ie {Striped with Medallion; hand tie -100% silk) 2s.00 Silk Purcket Square (Striped with Medallion -100% silk) 11.00 Blazer Patch (not currently available) Socien'and Meritorious Award Medal & Certificate** 35.00 ROTC -{rvard Medal and Certificate** 16.50 \aiional Guard Award Certificate** 20.00 Centennial Medal (fuIlsize only) 25.00 Supplemental Index for the Register of Lineages, Vol. 1-4 10.00 Revised OFPA Handbook 11.50 OFPA Information Pamphlet (50 copies) s.00 War Service Cross, Official Set (Full Size and Miniature) 56.2s War Service Cross, Altemate Enameled Set (Full Size and Miniature) 87.50 Blazer Buttons (Set of 6 Small and 3 Large) 68.75 Self-Adhesive Decal (Emblem of the Order) 1.00 **Send requests for these three Awards with payment to: shi ping $4.00 Robert B. Baxter, PO Box 1101, Providence, RI 02901 Grand Total

For all other Merchandise, please send orders and payment (made out to oFpA): Todd B. Frary Deputy Treasurer General, 148 Weatherstone Square Dr, Woodstock, GA 30188 For inquiries and other questions please call 170-928-5981 or [email protected] NAME ADDRESS CITY STA|E ZIP

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