Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia, 1904
RegisteroftheSocietyColonialWarsinDistrictColumbia,1904... Society GeneralofColonialWars(U.S.).DistrictColumbia,AlbertCharlesPeale * GENERAL L IBRARY of the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN -PRESENTED B Y- &,. S QTS^JLA/U- ^ >^ CXJ3. 1 'JY\ ^£>_ \^q5 IL. % 3 D 6 3 With t he uaMi"LiMENT9 of the Societyf o Coloxial, Wars . IXHE T UISTRILT OP- OOLUMllIA Kendall B uilding WALTER C. CT.EPIIAN10 Washington, 1 J. C. .Secretary. (2*--cii~ J -I e o > REGISTER SOCIETYF O COLONIAL WARS INHE T DISTRICTF O COLUMBIA 1904 FORTITERRO P PATRIA WASHINGTON C ITY 1904 Prepared f or the Society by Dr. A. C. Peale, the Registrar, and edited by Dr. Marcus Benjamin, the Deputy-Governor under the direction of the following Committee on Publication: Thomas H yde, Chairman; A. C. Peale, A. Howard Clark, Marcus Benjamin, Frank B. Smith. (§&tttB, ( Stnlltmsn of tlu? (Boratril. ana fciattotng QIommittrfB. Governor, Thomas H yde. Deputy-Governor, Marcus B enjamin, Ph. D. Lieutenant-Governor, W illiam Van Zandt Cox. Secretary, F rank Birge. Smith, (1632 Riggs Place.) Treasurer. John W illiam Henry, (1315 F S treet.) Registrar. A lbert Charles Peale, M. D. Historian, G ilbert Thompson. Chaplain, R ev. Caleb Rochford Stetson. Chancellor, L eonard Huntress Dyer. Surgeon. H enry Lowry Emilius Johnson, M. D. Gentlemen o f the Council. (Term expires December, 1904.) George C olton Maynard, Frederic Wolters Huidekoper, Thomas B lagden. (Term e xpires December, 1905.) George W ashington Neale Curtis, M. D., John D ewhurst Patten, Job Barciard. (Term e xpires December, 1906.) Alonzo H oward Clark, Zebina Moses. Samuel W alter Woodward. Committee o n Membership. Albert C harles Peale, M.
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