The Order of the f,'ounders and Patriots of America ulletin Vol. LXXVIII, No. I Spring 2004 Whole No. 172 Roswell Levi Atwood, PhD Governor General 1981 - 1984 NOW AVAILABLE! Second Revised Edition Founders of EarlY American Families by Meredith B. Colket, Jr' (Revision Editor - Keith M' Sheldon) Theoriginal3T0pageeditionofFoundersofEarlyAmericanTamilies,publishedin irformation about some 3,300 male was rapidly o,ri. rt contained rrirt"ri*r 1g75, 1607 to 1657 ' 'oro to the 13 original colonies from heads of families whJernigrated TheRevisedEditionof468pages,publishedinlg85,alsosoldout,wasreprintedinabout 4,400 emigrants since 1999_. it featured data on 1gg3 and has been out of print -plusahistoryorrn"o,a.roftheFoundersandPatriotsofAmerica'eligibility requirements,arosterofcurrentmembers,aninterestingdiscussionofwhereearlythat may ( otp,omi,,",'t colonists and earlv residences colonists came from, irr,,,*,io,,, genealogical of Arm, ,"j" t"i""ui" guide to ronn"' be visited today, data on coats research. names of 4glpages conlains 90 more Founder The new second Revised Edition p1usal1of.h.Fo,,,'dlffiinttre.iqgJEdition'arosterofcurrentmembers,of the order' a list of ail past Governors General Governors, General orn".r, ."0 to their will fi"311:-b::::i:i":]:T:1e addition Family historians and genealogists library. It is priced at uJt'uu' rnurr order' Please use the form below to Founders Book c/o W.R.H.S. Library 10825 East Blvd Cleveland OH 44106 of the Sqcond Revised Editipn' Please forward copies made payable to "Founders BooK'- Enclosed is my check fot S- NAME ADDRESS STATE ZIP- CITY %lbtin Spring 2004 Vol. LXXVIII, No. I Journal of The Order of the Founders and Patriots ofAmerica The Bulletin is published semi-annually by the: Features General Court of the Order of PGG Roswell Levi Atwood 5 The Founders and Patriots of America 815 E Street SE Heritage Roundtable 6 Washington, DC 20003 Bulletin Background 7 Subscriptions Non-members are $10 per year 108th General Court 8 Associates are prepaid by annual dues Editorial Deadlines Robert & Aaron Coe 14 Feb 15th for the Spring issue Aug 15th for the Fall issue Associates in the Spotlight I7 Articles, poetry activity reports and photographs from associates are Departments welcome. Governor General's Message 4 Please send editorial materials to: News From The Societies 18 Stephen P. Shaw PO Box 440 25 East Haddam,CT 06423 How to Join Our Order [email protected] WelcomeNewAssociates 26 Send changes ofaddress to: The Bulletin Necrology 27 c/o Robert P. Vivian 827 Lamberts Mill Rd Directory of Key Officers 28 Westfield, NJ 07090 [email protected] Merchandise Order Form 31 www.FoundersPatriots.org Governor General's Message between national officers and state officers. Our membership continues to grow steadily, due to the effective efforts of our Registrar General' We look fotward to a new administration continuing with these programs already started and developing more new ideas for the future. During my tenure over the Past four, I need to esPeciallY thank the two associates with whom I was in constant communication relied on their good counsel. I refer to Bob Vivian, our Secretary-General, and Mike PhelPs, Treasurer-General' Both contributed a Dear Associates, great deal to the advances made over the past four years. Bob Vivian, has always It is good to know that, as I write this, been immediately responsive to requests there is only about six more weeks until from me, or other general officers and Spring, and all the hoPe that season state officers, and can be counted on to brings with it. Our Order is also about to offer good sound advice when called enter a new season with the advent of our upon. Mike has worked diligently to put General Court in Sarasota, Florida, where our national finances in order' You may rve will have election of new officers, and recall he came to the rescue when he and hopefully, new plans being made for the the California Society volunteered to host next several Years. the General Court last Year' As this administration draws to a close, Many associates will remember mY I think we have made good Progress fatheq Past Governor Roswell Levi in a number of areas: the restoration Atwood, who just Passed away on of financial health to our national February 4th. He could also be counted organization, the creation of the John on to offer his suggestions when I asked Quincy Adams Foundation to finance for them, and often, when I did not' I long term developmental and educational will miss hearing his advice and opinions' plans, and the start of what I hope will be an on-going "goals" program for the We are heading toward spring, and I look national organization and various state forward to seeing you at the General societies. The insignia merchandising Court in Sarasota, Florida. program, having hit some serious snags in "order fulfillment" in the past, Alden Atwood has again become a reliable source of Los Angeles, CA income. Because of e-mail, there is more immediate and effective communication 4 Roswell Levi Atwood, PhD Governor General 1981 - 1984 A native of Salem, Massachusetts, our Past Governor General professionally was a teacher, management and education consultant, lecturer and author. He received his A.B. Degree from Boston University, M.A. from New York University and Ph.D. from London University. He also was the proud possessor of several honorary degrees. He was a member of an array of the following superb groups: The Hereditary Order of the Descendants of the Loyalists and Patriots of the American Revolution; Somerset of Washington, D.C.;TheD.C.; The Order Chapter, Magna Charta Barons; of Washington; The Jamestowne Society of the Descendants of the Society; Flagon and Trencher; The Colonial Clergy; General Society Stephen Hopkins Society ; The Elder of Mayflower Descendants in D.C.; Brewster Society; and The National Sons of the Revolution in D.C.; The Gavel Society. Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, Priory of St. He was a strong and dedicated King Charles the Martyr; Sons of the associate for the Order who held American Revolution; The Society of many positions. He restarted the Colonial Wars in D.C.; Association Bulletin after a three year absence of Descendants of Knights of the and worked toward increasing Garter; Colonial Order of the Crown; membership by introducing the short The Military Order of the Crusades; form we use often today. Baronial Order of Magna Charta; Society of the War of 1812; St. Governor General Atwood married George's Society of New York; The the late Thelma E. Bowlby in Society of Descendants of Knights of 1933. He is survived by our the Most Noble Order of the Garter; Governor General Alden Atwood, National Society of Old Plymouth four grandchildren and 8 great- Colony Descendants; Hereditary grandchildren. Order of the Descendants of Colonial Governors; St. Andrew's Society He will be missed. - The Heritage Roundtable ......A New Level Of Commitment For The... ... The John Quincy Adams Foundation The Heritage Roundtable is a new, exclusive top-tier giving club or level added to the existing giving levels established in 2001 for The John Quincy Adams Foundation. Associates of The Order of the Founders & Patriots ofAmerica as well as others can now make a lasting contribution and commitment to the future by including the Foundation in their estate planning. These efforts will help to perpetuate the Order into the future by creating a lasting endowment for the Order. Those who wish to become members of The Heritage Roundtable will be asked to notiff the Foundation by signing an Application/Commitment Form indicating that they have made a planned or deferred gift to the Foundation. Examples of the kinds of gifts accepted into this program include the following: I Naming the Foundation in a will or living trust. 2 Establishing a Charitable Remainder Trust for the benefit of the Foundation. 3 Naming the Foundation as beneficiary of an insurance policy. Those individuals who elect to become members of The Heritage Roundtable will be recognized in a number of ways, including but not limited to: 1 Presentation of a handsome certificate honoring the individual as a member of The Heritase Roundtable. 2 Recognition at Meetings of the General Court and in publications of the Order and Foundation. Individuals wishing to become Charter Members (the first twenty-five members) of The Heritage Roundtable should contact PGG Lyttleton T. Harris IV, Vice Chairman of The John Quincy Adams Foundation, for an Application/Commitment Form at 6524 San Felipe Rd, Suite 102, Houston, TX 71057 or [email protected] Bulletin Background The Bulletin has had a long history which has been agreed a should be continued. With small start it has expanded to t6unt.r, .r! $rr!a!{r 8rt1.lin the publication you have before you now. There have been many changes and some years when it wasn't published. d; 6.{r*r i,t ;rai rn . eaii rrii! & ' rit. ,ryrn*-4. !..1!. tr \.rkl , t '*6 ,s .ra &?qiaii.d!{r.i!..r,,-r,(l,*{ _,. Beginning q6l!r$r!{Ll rrd'. with the first issue on May 14,1928, it was 4rt\i.$ttrtsi,,. f,}trg3 t'r1d. tid,4| ,, -i..r.rr *1d*,wkn!r:&( i.8 .r.rwrp.!]!][email protected] rri,,edr,rn,arlr!6rrtr.',,tt.lltl a simple listing of state society news which totaled four :,rtlltiiliiiitlii,,.,t,urli!"ryrq.s;it',,t:ti ,: ,l,&1e,1!t'rr61d ra nr*rd&, ,!4r r; l$ilarill&riillse&61.&li.@};-p,_r.dr* -,., pages. By 1932, it had moved up to twelve pages to include Y, : ., d!- r. ..ei.,.i q j rliry, @ !,rGdn{*i.,.itse{'.N*...,..r.i,,rt: General Court meeting highlights, state news, necrology and '-:::aaaaaaa:,,:,.
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