Roswell Levi Atwood, Phd Governor General 1981 - 1984 NOW AVAILABLE!
The Order of the f,'ounders and Patriots of America ulletin Vol. LXXVIII, No. I Spring 2004 Whole No. 172 Roswell Levi Atwood, PhD Governor General 1981 - 1984 NOW AVAILABLE! Second Revised Edition Founders of EarlY American Families by Meredith B. Colket, Jr' (Revision Editor - Keith M' Sheldon) Theoriginal3T0pageeditionofFoundersofEarlyAmericanTamilies,publishedin irformation about some 3,300 male was rapidly o,ri. rt contained rrirt"ri*r 1g75, 1607 to 1657 ' 'oro to the 13 original colonies from heads of families whJernigrated TheRevisedEditionof468pages,publishedinlg85,alsosoldout,wasreprintedinabout 4,400 emigrants since 1999_. it featured data on 1gg3 and has been out of print -plusahistoryorrn"o,a.roftheFoundersandPatriotsofAmerica'eligibility requirements,arosterofcurrentmembers,aninterestingdiscussionofwhereearlythat may ( otp,omi,,",'t colonists and earlv residences colonists came from, irr,,,*,io,,, genealogical of Arm, ,"j" t"i""ui" guide to ronn"' be visited today, data on coats research. names of 4glpages conlains 90 more Founder The new second Revised Edition p1usal1of.h.Fo,,,'dlffiinttre.iqgJEdition'arosterofcurrentmembers,of the order' a list of ail past Governors General Governors, General orn".r, ."0 to their will fi"311:-b::::i:i":]:T:1e addition Family historians and genealogists library. It is priced at uJt'uu' rnurr order' Please use the form below to Founders Book c/o W.R.H.S. Library 10825 East Blvd Cleveland OH 44106 of the Sqcond Revised Editipn' Please forward copies made payable to "Founders BooK'- Enclosed
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