The First Mounted and Dismounted Close Combat Symposium 14-16 July 2015 Defence Academy of the UK, Shrivenham

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The First Mounted and Dismounted Close Combat Symposium 14-16 July 2015 Defence Academy of the UK, Shrivenham COUNTRY FOCUS: SWITZERLAND European Security & Defence 3-4/2015 Unmanned Aerial ISSN 1617-7983 Systems • a 5,90 • • TTIP/CETA and Security Policy International Combat Aircraft Market To which extent could the European and the American Multi-role aircraft are expected to account for more than defence sectors be affected by a free trade zone? 55 percent of the future military aircraft market. June 2015 Politics · Armed Forces · Procurement · Technology Predator B COST-EFFECTIVE MULTI-MISSION CAPABLE • Over 1 million Predator B flight hours with over 220 aircraft produced • 18 Predator B aircraft currently operated by European NATO allies • Over 90% mission capable rate Maritime Configuration in operation today Stefan Klein | Spezialtechnik Dresden GmbH | ©2015 General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. Leading The Situational Awareness Revolution 1505 ESD (Jun).indd 1 5/14/15 1:37 PM Editorial More than a Glimmer of Hope? It is a historic agreement. After years of hani, cautioned against allowing expecta- dispute between the West and Iran on tions to get too high: he will be making the nuclear issue, an agreement has been certain demands ahead of finalising a de- reached following tough negotiations in finitive agreement in late June. Ayatollah Lausanne. In Lausanne, Federica Mogh- Ali Khamenei also warned against pre- erini, the EU’s High Representative for mature celebration. Iran will only agree, Foreign Affairs, said that the UN members if “on the first day of the implementation with powers of veto, plus Iran and Germa- of the agreement, all economic sanctions ny, would now begin to write the text for are completely lifted”, said Rouhani in the final treaty, which is due to be finished a speech broadcast on Iranian televi- by 30 June. sion. Iran’s spiritual leader, Ayatollah Iran is committing to submitting its nuclear Ali Khamenei, does not consider the enrichment programme to a multi-tiered framework agreement to guarantee a system of restrictions and controls for a final treaty. He said that what has been period of up to 25 years. All the country’s agreed “thus far”, does not guarantee nuclear activities will therefore be subject either a final treaty “or its contents”, or to strict monitoring by the International even that negotiations will continue “to Atomic Energy Agency. In addition, the the end”. Khamenei, who has the final country will have to shut down over two- say on foreign policy, had repeatedly thirds of its existing capacity for the en- made sceptical comments about the richment of uranium for the first ten years. negotiations’ chances of succeeding, but It will be required to dilute or export over basically supports the efforts of Rouhani 95 percent of its stockpile of enriched ura- and his Foreign Minister, Mohammed nium. After that time, Iran will only be per- Javad Zarif, to solve the long-standing mitted to carry out enrichment, research conflict over the nuclear issue in order to and development within narrow limits and get sanctions lifted. under strict controls. In return, the West Both sides hope, of course, to improve will lift its economic sanctions. Should Iran their positions during the detailed negotia- violate the terms of the agreement, the tions. Warnings ahead of this stage are sanctions will be reimposed immediately. therefore fully understandable. Yet the There is legitimate doubt as to whether critics in Israel, Saudi Arabia, and in Con- the agreement will actually be concluded, gress in Washington, now find themselves because now the detail of the contract in a difficult position. Iran is allowing its has to be worked out. The result achieved full nuclear capabilities to be put under on the shores of Lake Geneva is a hard- international monitoring, is exporting won and complex interim diplomatic the fuel that could potentially be used success, which was only possible because to construct a bomb, and is modifying all sides made concessions. It is immate- or dismantling some of its facilities. And rial who has conceded the most. It is the has agreed to all of this for a period of 25 outcome that matters. There was immedi- years. Of course, this could be considered ate criticism from Israel. Israel claims that insufficient – but what would the alterna- the agreement legitimises Iran’s nuclear tive have been? Military escalation? For ex- programme, despite the fact that it it has ample, bombing Iranian nuclear facilities, the sole aim of building atomic bombs. with an uncertain outcome and adding Critics said that none of Iran’s nuclear to the many existing trouble spots in the facilities will close. The Republicans in U.S. Middle East. Or a tightening of economic Congress also reacted with scepticism. The sanctions against Iran? Such action would Speaker of the House of Representatives, have been irresponsible. Of course, it is still John Boehner, noted an “alarming devia- possible that the negotiations will collapse tion” from US President Barack Obama’s before the end of June. Both sides must original goals. Congress will make a de- and should now prove that it is still possi- tailed examination of the final agreement ble to resolve conflicts through diplomacy. before any easing of the sanctions on Iran. It is worth the effort. Even the Iranian President, Hassan Rou- Henning Bartels June 2015 · European Security & Defence 3 Content Powerful Instrument Russia's ”Wonder Tanks“ To ensure consistent combat capability, the French At this year’s “Victory Parade”, held on Moscow’s Air Force is working to integrate new weapon Red Square on 9 May 2015, in addition to vehicles systems while adapting its operational doctrines already in use by the Russian armed forces, twelve and the training of personnel responsible for their each of a range of new battle tank systems were on implementation. Page 31 display. Page 52 SECURITY POLICY ARMAMENT & TECHNOLOGY 10 TTIP/CETA and Security Policy 42 “We expect collaboration for future Johannes Varwick and Aylin Matlé programmes.” Interview with Mr. Toru Hotchi, Director, Equipment 14 NATO and the Challenge of Hybrid Warfare Policy Division, in the Bureau of Financed Equipment, Andreas Jacobs and Guillaume Lasconjarias Ministry of Defence (MoD), Japan 46 UAV MALE COUNTRY FOCUS: SWITZERLAND Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Medium Altitude Long 18 Swiss Security Policy after 2014 Endurance Operations Christian Nünlist Peter Preylowski 22 The Swiss Armed Forces Today and Tomorrow – 49 UAV HALE Mission and Future Development Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for High Altitude Long Lieutenant General André Blattmann Endurance Operations Peter Preylowski 25 Data Fusion with iVeNet Marketing Report ATM ComputerSysteme GmbH 52 Russia’s “Wonder Tanks” Rolf Hilmes 26 armasuisse – the Swiss Armed Forces’ Procurement Organisation INDUSTRY & MARKETS Martin Sonderegger 30 “The military and civilian sides of the business 54 The International Combat Aircraft Market – complement each other superbly.” A Two-Pace Surge Interview with Urs Breitmeier, CEO RUAG Group Georg Mader 62 The German Military Aviation Industry – ARMED FORCES Sectors and Outlook Bernhard Gerwert 31 The Fundamentals of the French Air Force Eric Martin 65 “DSEI provides a unique global platform hosted in one of the world’s leading military powers” 36 Leading-Edge Defence Technology from Serbia Interview with Rear Admiral (ret'd.) Simon Williams, Marketing Report Yugoimport-SDPR J.P. Chairman of DSEI organisers, Clarion Defence and Security 39 “Opportunities resulting from the multinational approach are obvious.” Interview with Major General Christian Badia, Commander of the European Air Transport Command 4 European Security & Defence · June 2015 COLUMNS COUNTRY FOCUS: SwitZERLAND 3 Editorial 6 Periscope 11 Masthead 63 Firms & Faces VIEWPOINTS FROM … 13 Washington: US Expectations Regarding TTIP Sidney E. Dean 17 London: The UK as an Ally in Dangerous Times Tim Guest • Security Policy 38 Madrid: A New Investment Cycle Requires a State Policy • Armed Forces Nuria Fernández • Defence Procurement Pages 18-30 June 2015 · European Security & Defence 5 Periscope Turkey’s First Indigenous 200 kg. The performance is 24 hours en- With a net weight of 5.3 tons Caracal UAS durance, service ceiling 30,000 foot and a can carry 5.9 tons of payload. Powered by (df) Turkey is quite ahead in the European data range of 200 km. two Turbomeca engines with 1.566 kW unmanned flight sector with ANKA, an the helicopters reach a maximum speed advanced Medium Altitude Long Endur- Poland Preselects CARA- of 324 km/h and a range of 740 km. The CAL Multipurpose-Helicopter service ceiling extends above 6.000 m. 29 (gwh) The bid of Airbus Helicopters and its Soldiers and a crew of five can be trans- partner Heli Invest Services was the only ported in the 1.45 m high cabin. (Photo: TAI) one meeting the formal requirements and technical requirements for multipurpose CRAYLER Field Loader helicopters for the armed forces, the Polish Several applications deriving from user ex- Ministry of Defence announced. perience are now available for the CRAY- ance (MALE) Unmanned Aerial System After preselection of the H225M Caracal LER, a remote controlled, four-wheel-driv- (UAS). This first indigenous UAS has been by the Polish MoD a detailed evaluation en and air-transportable field loader with a developed with the contribution of the and verification of operational needs by the lifting capacity of 1,300 kg at 600 mm load affiliates of TSSK – Teknokent Defence armed forces will start to define details. distance and a lifting height of 2.8 metres. Industry Cluster – and was shown during The CRAYLER, produced by Palfinger, was IDEF‘15. ANKA passed the acceptance test developed in close cooperation with the campaign in 2013. That 18+ hour long test German Armed Forces for the erection and flight concluded with automatic landing, operation of air-transportable field camps after successful demonstration of full en- and medical rescue centres.

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    The Arms Trade Treat and Russian Arms Exports: Expectations and Possible Consequences S Sergey Denisentsev Senior Research Fellow of the Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies Konstantin Makienko Deputy Director of the Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies Translated by Ivan Khokhotva Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST) is a Russian non- governmental research center specializing in the study of Russia’s military- technical cooperation with foreign states, the restructuring of Russia’s defense industry and defense procurement. This work was commissioned by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), in the context of its project “supporting the Arms Trade Treaty Negotiations through Regional Discussions and Expertise Sharing”. Reprinted with the permission from UNIDIR. The views herein do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the United Nations, UNIDIR, or its sponsors. Introduction RESOURCE The adoption of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) would undoubtedly affect all the leading arms exporters and importers, including Russia, which is the world’s second-biggest arms exporter. This study aims to assess the possible effects of the Arms Trade Treaty, if and when it is adopted, on Russian arms exports. To that end we are going to review the current state of these exports; look at the R distinctive features of the Russian arms export control system; and speak to representatives of the Russian government, leading Russian defense companies, and international relations experts about their expectations from the ATT. 1. Russian arms exports in 2002-2011. Export control system: current state, outlook and transparency. 1.1 Russian arms export control system Arms exports – which fall under the Russian definition of “military and technical cooperation”, along with imports – are very important for the Russian economy.
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