TERMINAL CHARTS Charleroi, (Brussels South), EBCI, EFF 07 OCT 21 RWY 06/24 Length Chgd to 3200M, LDA 2600M/ AUSTRIA 2405M, TORA 2905M/3055M

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TERMINAL CHARTS Charleroi, (Brussels South), EBCI, EFF 07 OCT 21 RWY 06/24 Length Chgd to 3200M, LDA 2600M/ AUSTRIA 2405M, TORA 2905M/3055M 24 SEP 21 VFR TERMINAL CHANGE NOTICES 0.3-1 EUROPE q$i Jeppesen CHART CHANGE NOTICES highlight only significant changes affecting Jeppesen Charts, also regularly updated at www.jeppesen.com. IMPORTANT: CHECK FOR NOTAMS AND OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION PRIOR TO FLIGHT. TERMINAL CHARTS Charleroi, (Brussels South), EBCI, EFF 07 OCT 21 RWY 06/24 length chgd to 3200m, LDA 2600m/ AUSTRIA 2405m, TORA 2905m/3055m. RWY 06 extended flush with apron P15. Closed TWY N6 estbld S Eferding, LOLE, EFF 16 JUL 20 LINZ RADAR freq of TWY M6. TWYs M7 and N7 estbld S of apron 119.75 chgd to 125.685. P15. TWY N split into TWYs NB and NA between Hb Hofkirchen, LOLH, EFF 16 JUL 20 LINZ TWYs N2 and N3. RADAR freq 119.75 chgd to 125.685. Kortrijk-Wevelgem, EBKT, Mandatory to contact Innsbruck, LOWI, EFF 19 SEP 21 until 19 OCT 21 KORTRIJK INFORMATION before taxi. Reconstruction works of RWY 08/26. RWY 08/26, TEL: AFIS 056362044, 056362042, Fax 056354059. TWY A, B, Y and Z closed. AD OPS closed. ATS Handling FIA 056373434. Ops Manager available BTN 0600-1800Z. Please check current 056232990. Apt Administration 056232996. NOTAMs for possible postponements. Liege, EBLG, Handling agent 'ASL Jet Handling' Linz Ost, LOLO, EFF 16 JUL 20 LINZ RADAR freq added: TEL 035350233, E-Mail handling@ 119.75 chgd to 125.685. aslgroup.eu, Web http://www.aslgroup.eu Niederoblarn, LOGO, EFF 10 SEP 20 TWY Z6 and Apron P0 estbld as extension of TWY Non-compulsory REP GRÖBMING (N47 26.4 A5. E013 54.1) estbld. Moorsele, EBMO, EFF 01 JAN 20 AFIS call sign Salzburg, LOWS, EFF 20 MAY 21 REPs for Kortijk RMZ chgd from KORTRIJK RADIO to 'LENGAU' and 'STRASSWALCHEN' chgd to KORTRIJK INFORMATION. non-compulsory. St Truiden, (Brustem), EBST, AD op hr: PPR, Scharnstein, LOLC, CTA (E) N border moved 0.4 1000LT - SS (at latest 1800LT). O/T 24hr PPR NM to the north. during 0700-2200LT. Seitenstetten, LOLT, EFF 16 JUL 20 LINZ RADAR Theux, (Verviers), EBTX, Standard TFC circuit at freq 119.75 chgd to 125.685. 2100'. GLD TFC circuit at 1760'. Stockerau, LOAU, EFF 10 SEP 20 Compulsory Tournai, (Maubray), EBTY, EFF 25 MAR 21 LILLE REP GREIFENSTEIN (N48 21.3 E016 14.5) chgd APPROACH 126.475 freq chgd to 126.480. to non-compulsory. BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Weiz, (Unterfladnitz), LOGW, EFF 13 AUG 20 GRAZ RADAR freq 123.025 chgd to 120.440. Banja Luka, LQBK, EFF 07 OCT 21 RWY 17/35 Wels, LOLW, EFF 16 JUL 20 LINZ RADAR freq designation chgd to 16/34. VDF on freq 133.075 119.75 chgd to 125.685. withdrawn. VDF on freq 119.705 withdrawn. TEL ARO (051) 337537, 061314833 (mobile), Fax Wien, (Schwechat), LOWW, Area chart: EFF 10 337538. MET 337573. Apt Administration 535210 SEP 20 Compulsory REPs MAISSAU (N48 34.7 (also Fax), Fax 535217. E015 49.8), SCHÖNBERG (N48 31.8 E015 Mostar, LQMO, ARO (036) 352209, 061260176 42.2), STOCKERAU (N48 25.0 E016 01.1) and (mobile), Fax 352208. MET 352207. Apt GREIFENSTEIN (N48 21.3 E016 14.5) chgd to Administration 352770, Fax 350212. ATIS non-compulsory. 445267. BELGIUM Sarajevo, LQSA, TEL ARO (033) 779150, 063352586 (mobile), Fax 546743. Info about slot GENERAL allocation 289-120, -123, -125. Apt Administration Text section 2.2: EFF 09 SEP 21 EB-TRA WA (TRA 289200, Fax 289201. MET 779153. WEST ALPHA) chgd to EB-TRA W (TRA WEST), Tuzla, LQTZ, TEL ARO (035) 745530, 063351665 upper limit chgd from FL 195 to UNL. Area will (mobile), Fax 745532. Apt Administration 745610, not be activated above FL 115 when EB-CBA 1C 814605, Fax 745750. MET 745746. is active. Text section 2.2: Until 30 SEP 21 Temporary CANARY IS Segregated Area EB-TSA C1 CHARLIE 1 (500'/1500') estbld. May be activated Mon-Fri: Gran Canaria, GCLP, Area chart: EFF 19 JUL 18 0700-1800Z. Activity info by OOSTENDE RMZ (G) established within FIZ (G) La Gomera TOWER or OOSTENDE APPROACH. with same lateral and vertical limits. Brussels, (Brussels National), EBBR, EFF 13 AUG 20 ALS 07L estbld. q$z © JEPPESEN, 2021. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 0.3-2 VFR TERMINAL CHANGE NOTICES 24 SEP 21 EUROPE q$i Until APRX 15 JUL 22 WIP in the manoeuvring area Tenerife-South, (Reina Sofia), GCTS, CAUTION: which includes expansion of accesses to THR Glare may be produced by hand-held lasers. 03L/03R, OBST compliance in TWY/RWY strips Crew should report any such event and its & safety distances in shoulders and installation possible location to ATC services. Birds on and of an arresting system on THR 21L. The work in vicinity of AD. will be conducted in 12 phases. Temporary & EFF 22 APR 21 AD name Reina Sofia withdrawn. partial closure of RWY 03L/21R, RWY 03R/21L & TWYs may occur. The works require closures of CROATIA facilities in the manoeuvring area. Any operational GENERAL incident will be published by NOTAM . Caution is Text section 2.2: Until 22 OCT 21 Temporary recommended due to the presence of personnel Reserved Area LD-TRA VKANAL (GND/2000') and machinery. Pls check current NOTAMs . estbld. May be activated Mon-Fri H24. For info VFR CORRIDOR MIL available for all VFR TFC. about actual activity contact relevant ATC unit. La Palma, GCLA, EFF 03 DEC 20 until APRX Text Section 2.2: Until 22 OCT 21 Temporary 03 DEC 21 Resurfacing works and regulatory Reserved Area LD-TRA VVRANA (GND/2000') compliance works will be carried out on RWY estbd. May be activated Mon-Fri H24. For info 18/36 and TWY A in several phases. The start about actual activity contact relevant ATC unit. and end dates of each phase and any operational Text section EFF 12 AUG 21 eGAFOR incident will be published by NOTAM . Caution is issuance time and validity period: SEP-APR: 1st recommended due to the presence of personnel time interval for issuance time 0200Z will not be and machinery. issued; SEP-FEB: 2nd time interval for issuance Until APRX 30 JUN 21 Pavement improvement time 1400Zwill not be issued; NOV-FEB: 2nd works on RWY and North Apron will take place time interval for issuance time 0200Z will not be in several phases. The start and end dates of issued; SEP-APR: 3rd time interval for issuance each phase and any operational incident will be time 1400Z will not be issued. published by NOTAM . Caution is advised due to the presence of personnel and machinery. Lanzarote, (Cesar Manrique Lanzarote), GCRR, Brac, (Brac Island), LDSB, EFF 20 MAY 21 RWY EFF 08 OCT 20 AD name chgd to 'César 04/22 designation chgd to RWY 03/21. Manrique Lanzarote'. Dubrovnik, (Cilipi), LDDU, EFF 27 FEB 20 Danger Tenerife-North, (Cuidad de La Laguna), GCXO, area LQ-D2 withdrawn EFF 08 OCT 20 AD name chgd to 'Ciudad de RCLL 11/29 estbld. La Laguna'. Krk Island, (Rijeka), LDRI, EFF 20 MAY 21 PULA EFF 17 JUN 21 until APRX 17 JUN 22 Resurfacing RADAR freq 127.675 estbld. works on all TWYs take place in 8 phases. Be Losinj Island, (Losinj), LDLO, EFF 20 MAY 21 aware of restrictions. Phase 2 & 3: LDG RWY 12: PULA RADAR freq 127.675 estbld. ACFT that cannot exit via TWY E3 directly shall Vrsar, (Crljenka), LDPV, EFF 20 MAY 21 PULA turn 180° on RWY to then vacate the RWY via RADAR freq 127.675 estbld. TWY E3. Phase 3: TWY E4 closed. Phase 4: TWY Y closed. TKOF RWY 12: Access to RWY via CZECHIA TWY E2. LDG RWY 30: ACFT that cannot exit via GENERAL TWY E2 shall turn 180° on RWY to then vacate Text section 2.2: EFF 09 SEP 21 Temporary RWY via TWY E2. Phase 5: TWY W closed. Reserved Areas estbld: LK-TRA GA Zabreh 1 Phase 6: TWY E2 closed. Phase 5 & 6: TKOF (4000'/FL 95), LK-TRA GA Zabreh 2 (2500'/FL RWY 12: Access to RWY via TWY E3. LDG RWY 95) and LK-TRA GA Zabreh 3 (4000'/FL 95). 30: ACFT that cannot exit via TWY E3 shall turn 180°on RWY to then vacate RWY preferably via TWY E3, but may be instructed by ATC to exit via Breclav, LKBA, EFF 28 JAN 21 Callsign for ASP TWY E4 or E5. Phase 7: TWY E 1 closed. TKOF freq 127.350 chgd from BRNO APPROACH/ RWY 12: Access to RWY via TWY E2. LDG RWY BRNO RADAR to PRAHA RADAR. BRNO 30: ACFT that cannot exit via TWY E3 orTWY E2 APPROACH/ BRNO RADAR freq 120.555 shall turn 180° on RWY to then taxi along it and withdrawn. vacate it via TWY E2. Phase 8: TWY E3 closed. RWY 08/26 width chgd to 60m. GLD strip with Pls check current NOTAMs . dimensions 800m x 40m estbld. EFF 26 MAR 20 RWY Incursion Hot Spot HS1 Ceske Budejovice, LKCS, AFIS service changed withdrawn. HS2 renamed to HS1. to Radio service. Callsign changed from TFC circuit: maintain MNM 1000' AGL (inbound BUDEJOVICE INFO to BUDEJOVICE RADIO. segment of northern circuit). Do not fly over TWY B & T and Apron Middle chgd to opened. Tenerife -North (Los Rodeos) GCXM Air Base Apron Middle extended and TMNL building estbld. (inbound segment of southern circuit). PAPI 09 (4.0°), 27 (3.0°) estbld. TEL: Apt Operator 387204550, Fax 387201014. ARO 386325339, 725036721 (mobile). Handling 725502738 (mobile). q$z © JEPPESEN, 2021. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 24 SEP 21 VFR TERMINAL CHANGE NOTICES 0.3-3 EUROPE q$i Cheb, LKCB, TWYs estbld between TWY A and While flying through the ATZ with no intention to land paved RWY.
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    HEADQUARTERS AIR COMMAND Air-DRes Sec 3b A Rayden Spitfire Block Royal Air Force High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP14 4UE E-mail: request-124987- Our Ref: 09-08-2012-151700-09 [email protected] 6 September 2012 Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you for your email of 9 August asking for information about the disbandment of XIII Squadron based at RAF Marham, and 14 Squadron from RAF Lossiemouth. This has been considered as a request for information in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). I can confirm that the MOD does hold some of the information within the scope of your request. I will answer each of your questions in turn: 1. How much money was saved through disbandment? I cannot provide a total savings figure relating only to the disbandment of XIII and 14 Squadrons because the decision was taken as part of the wider savings measures under the overarching Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) therefore the information requested is not held. 2. Current location of the aircraft? The aircraft have been re-distributed, in line with fleet management requirements, between other squadrons at both RAF Marham and RAF Lossiemouth, as listed in the tables below: XIII Squadron Aircraft Number on Aircraft Current Location Disbandment ZA400 TEF - RAF Lossiemouth ZA551 IX(B) Sqn - RAF Marham ZA587 II(AC) Sqn - RAF Marham XV(R) Sqn - RAF ZA588 Lossiemouth 12(B) Sqn - RAF ZD707 Lossiemouth 12(B) Sqn - RAF ZG712 Lossiemouth ZG713 TEF - RAF Lossiemouth XV(R) Sqn - RAF ZG752 Lossiemouth ZG791 CMU - RAF Marham Aircraft Number on Aircraft Current Location Disbandment ZA367 RTP - RAF Leeming 12(B) Sqn - RAF ZA372 Lossiemouth ZA591 CMU - RAF Marham ZA607 31 Sqn - RAF Marham ZD843 31 Sqn - RAF Marham 12(B) Sqn - RAF ZD847 Lossiemouth ZD851 TEF - RAF Lossiemouth ZD895 IX(B) Sqn - RAF Marham XV(R) Sqn - RAF ZG709 Lossiemouth 3.
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