UK MIL AIP LOSSIEMOUTH AD 2 - EGQS - 1 - 1 17 JUN 21 EGQS AD 2.1 - LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME EGQS - LOSSIEMOUTH EGQS AD 2.2 - AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 ARP Co-ordinates and site at AD: N57 42 18·10 W003 20 20·86 Geometrical centre of the Runways. 2 Direction and distance from City: 4nm North of Elgin. 3 Elevation/Reference Temperature: 40ft / 18°C 4 Magnetic Variation / Annual Change: 1° 53’W (SEP 20) / 0° 14’ E decreasing 5 Geoid Undulation at AD Elev Position: ---- AD Administration: Royal Air Force Address: Royal Air Force Lossiemouth Lossiemouth Morayshire IV31 6SD 6 Telephone: Mil: 95161 7426(ATC); 2052(Ops) Civ: (01343) 817426(ATC); 816872(Ops) Fax: Mil: 95161 7456(Ops) Civ: (01343) 812121 7148(Ops) E-mail:
[email protected] Web site: 7 Types of Traffic Permitted (IFR/VFR): IFR/VFR 8 Remarks: Nil EGQS AD 2.3 - OPERATIONAL HOURS AD: HO, PPR 24HR. ++08-18 MON-THU, 08-17 FRI. AD Strictly PPR. Requests to 1 be made minimum 24 hours in advance. Civilian flights must PPR 72 HRS in advance. 2 Customs and Immigration: Prior arrangement for EU and Military flights. 3 Health and Sanitation: Nil. 4 AIS Briefing Office: Nil. 5 ATS Reporting Office (ARO): HO. 6 MET Briefing Office: H24. 7 ATS: HO. 8 Fuelling: HO. 9 Handling: HO. 10 Security: H24. 11 De-Icing: Widebody Aircraft De-Icing capabilities, incl. C-17A/Voyager Remarks: Airfield strictly PPR. Requests are to be made a minimum of 24hrs in advance.