Combat Engineering Vehicles Pakistan's Armed Forces

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Combat Engineering Vehicles Pakistan's Armed Forces VOLUME 25/ISSUE 8 DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018 US$15 ASIA P A CIFIC’S LA RGEST C IRCULATED D EFENCE MAGAZINE COMBAT ENGINEERING VEHICLES PAKISTAN’S ARMED FORCES LIGHT COMBAT AIRCRAFT ASIA-PACIFIC FREIGHTER MARKET DEFENCE AND SECURITY SHOW REVIEW MILITARY MRO MANNED, UNMANNED. ONE TEAM. ONE MISSION. Predator XP • 4+ million flight hours proven performance • 35+ hours endurance • Extends the reach of manned platforms • Creates a force multiplier, enhancing decisions and mission effectiveness • Provides critical, time- sensitive intelligence Imagery Metadata and Dissemination ©2017 General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. Leading The Situational Awareness Revolution Contents DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018 VOLUME 25 / ISSUE 8 “ENGINEERS UP!” 06 From bridge layers to mine clearance, earth moving to Cpl. Bryan Nygaard countering IEDs, the combat engineers are equipped with a range of vehicles, technology and skills to keep the fi ghting units focused on the fi ght, as Stephen W. Miller fi nds out. Engineers can tear down as well as build. Engineers from the US Marine 9th Engineer Support Battalion dismantled a HESCO barrier at Firebase Saenz in Helmand province, Afghanistan, Dec. 14, 2012. 12 22 26 LOGISTICAL LEGACY REGIONAL MRO CAPABILITY PAKISTAN’S LEAVES ROOM NEEDS TO BE FIXED ARMED FORCES FOR CHANGE Beth Stevenson fi nds that the drive to acquire Brian Cloughly discusses Pakistan’s response Traditional underinvestment in cargo/logistic new military equipment is also triggering a to US criticism of its campaign against aircraft has many different manufacturers are greater need for national MRO capabilities terrorism while refl ecting that the ongoing ready to reach and grasp new requirements linked to technology transfer. animosity with India remains guides its when they arise. David Oliver reports. defence priorities. 16 D&S SHOW REPORT 18 Andrew Drwiega reviews some of the highlights of this year’s Tri-Service Defence & Security Show (6-9 November), held in Bangkok, Thailand. The event was opened by Thai LIGHT COMBAT AIRCRAFT Defence Minister General Prawot Wongsuwon. The IN THE ASIA PACIFIC AMR team toured the show The multi-role utility of light combat aircraft every day publishing the with their lower price, compares favourably Bilingual Show Daily News. against more dedicated fi ghters for nations that want fl exibility as well as tactical fi repower. Justin Bronk explains. | DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018 | 03 Index of Advertisers BALT MILITARY EXPO 19 Editorial BOEING COVER 4 DIMDEX 23 EUROSATORY 25 FROM TRICKLE GENERAL ATOMICS COVER 2 GULF AERO 15 TO TORRENT IDEAS 27 merging international defence equipment exporters NORTHROP GRUMMAN 5 were out in force at the Defence and Security Show OKB NOVATOR 10,11 in Thailand (6-9 November 2017). It was notable RENK 9 that some of the manufacturers taking the biggest displays were part of national groups ROSOBORONEXPORT COVER 3 Efrom South Korea, Turkey, the Ukraine, as well as the more traditional players such as China, France, SINGAPORE AIRSHOW 29 Germany, Israel, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. SOFEX 21 The past dominance of western manufacturers is clearly being challenged by rising new players who are increasingly willing to team with other nations to provide new and alternative systems and to share technology. Advertising Offi ces France/Spain Japan’s Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA) was a newcomer to the D&S show. Stephane de Remusat, REM International Following the lifting of the Japanese defence export ban on 1 April, 2014, the Japanese government issued Tel: (33) 5 3427 0130 E-Mail: its Three Principles on Transfer of Defence Equipment and Technology as a guide to foreign exports. Germany In what is described as ‘an increasingly severe security environment’, and while still pursuing the Sam Baird, Whitehill Media Tel: (44-1883) 715 697 Mobile: (44-7770) 237 646 objective of ‘peace and stability of the international community’, Japanese defence manufacturers will E-Mail: be allowed to sell equipment overseas while also pursuing joint military development programmes. India However, there will be strict controls regarding any transfers to third parties and equipment sold or Madhavi Gargesh Tel: +91 9898 000266 developed in a way that guarantees Japan’s own security as well as that of its close allies. Email: One example of this was the recent decision to donate fi ve turboprop Beechcraft King Air TC-90 Turkey / Eastern Europe / UK Zena Coupé training aircraft from the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force to the Philippine armed forces to assist Tel: +44 1923 852537, in maritime patrol and security operations. Nordic Countries/Italy/ Switzerland Emanuela Castagnetti-Gillberg Aircraft in particular are at the forefront of this export effort, with the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Tel: (46) 31 799 9028 Force Kawasaki P-1 maritime patrol aircraft appearing in the UK at the Royal International Air Tattoo E-Mail: for the fi rst time in 2015, presenting itself as an anti-submarine warfare aircraft Russia Alla Butova, NOVO-Media Ltd, More recently, at the Dubai Airshow (12-16 November) which immediately followed the D&S Show in Tel/Fax: (7 3832) 180 885 Mobile : (7 960) 783 6653 Email Thailand, the Japanese Ministry of Defence (MoD) sent the newly designed and very spacious Kawasaki USA (East/South East)/Canada (East) C-2 transport aircraft. Talks were alleged to be under way regarding the potential purchase of the aircraft Margie Brown, Blessall Media, LLC. by the United Arab Emirates. Japanese government guidance at the moment as to which nations will be Tel : (+1 540) 341 7581 Email: on the approved list and how quickly any potential sale can be pushed through is unclear. USA (West/South West)/Brazil/Canada (West) Although the Japanese public remains actively against war, the launching of increasingly powerful Diane Obright, Blackrock Media Inc Tel : (+1 858) 759 3557 missiles by North Korea over their country added to the creeping expansion of China, particularly Email: where Japan is concerned in the East China Sea, is becoming a catalyst to rebalancing public opinion. All Other Countries Jakhongir Djalmetov, Media Transasia Limited Japanese industry will be more mercenary regarding access to international customers. It is hard to Tel: +66 2204 2370, Mobile: +66 81 6455654 see how the current projected trickle of defence cooperation and sales will not turn into a torrent, Email: particularly when profi ts begin to roll into the coffers of defence manufacturers, and the government Roman Durksen, Media Transasia Limited sees its export fi gures climbing. Tel: +66 2204 2370, Mobile +66 9 8252 6243 E-Mail: Andrew Drwiega, Editor Editor: Andrew Drwiega Tel: +44 1494 765245, E-mail: Publishing Offi ce: Chairman: J.S. Uberoi Audit Bureau Of Circulations Media Transasia Limited,1603, 16/F, Island Place Tower, 510 King’s Road, Hong Kong Controlled circulation: 21,271 (average per issue) certifi ed by ABC Hong Kong, Operations Offi ce: for the period 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2015. President: Egasith Chotpakditrakul Subscription Information Gaurav Kumar Chief Financial Offi cer: ASIAN MILITARY REVIEW can be obtained General Manager: Jakhongir Djalmetov by subscription. Subscription rate for one year International Marketing Manager: Roman Durksen (8 issues) is U.S.$ 100.00 Readers should Digital Manager: David Siriphonphutakun contact the following address: Sales & Marketing Coordinator: Wajiraprakan Punyajai Subscription Department, Graphic Designer: Khakanaa Suwannawong Media Transasia Limited. Production Manager: Kanda Thanakornwongskul Circulation Assistant: Yupadee Seabea 75/8, 14th Floor, Ocean Tower II, Soi Sukhumvit 19, Media Transasia Ltd. 75/8, 14th Floor, Ocean Tower II, Soi Sukhumvit 19, Sukhumvit Rd., Bangkok 10110, Thailand Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand. Tel: 66 (0)-2204 2370, Fax: 66 (0)-2204 2387 Tel: 66 (0)-2204 2370, Fax: 66 (0)-2204 2390 -1 Email: 04 | ASIAN MILITARY REVIEW | L A N D WARFARE “ENGINEERS UP!” Rheinmetall Pionierpanzer is a name often used for Armoured Engineer Vehicles which focus on obstacle removal and earth moving. Many of these, like the latest Kodiak AEV3, use a MBT chassis, in this case the Leopard 2. For all the might of main battle tanks and other fighting vehicles, their progress can be stopped or slowed without the skills and specilist vehicles deployed by engineers. by Stephen W Miller ombat arms are often the today’s combat capabilities based as they and even support establishing military primary focus and priority are on vehicles, manoeuvre and fi repower. infrastructure. The difference today is that of armies. Main battle tanks, The primary tasks of combat engineers many of these tasks are accomplished by fi ghting vehicles and artillery and their specialised equipment is to specialised equipment. Sometimes these are at the top of the lists in either to assure friendly force freedom are advances to allow missions to be acquisitionC budgets. Without doubt these of movement or rob an opponent of their completed more easily and rapidly, like systems provide the combat power that mobility. These critical contributions are modern river and gap crossing systems, decides the outcome of a battle. However, often under appreciated. Yet, their work while others are in response to challenges these systems can be compromised by can provide the edge that can compensate of new battlefi eld threats and technologies, natural obstacles like rivers and ravines for friendly numerical disadvantage, halt such as the IED. It could be said that the or by man-made ditches, mines, and the opponent’s momentum, and position commodity of the combat engineer is even downed trees. The effectiveness of them for destruction by fi re.
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    Canadian Military History Volume 20 Issue 3 Article 9 2011 The Success of the Light Armoured Vehicle Ed Storey Canadian Expeditionary Forces Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Storey, Ed "The Success of the Light Armoured Vehicle." Canadian Military History 20, 3 (2011) This Feature is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars Commons @ Laurier. It has been accepted for inclusion in Canadian Military History by an authorized editor of Scholars Commons @ Laurier. For more information, please contact Storey: Light Armoured Vehicle The Success of the Light Armoured Vehicle Ed Storey s a military vehicle enthusiast make them cost effective and easier AI was quite excited to see the Abstract: In order to understand the to deploy. article by Frank Maas in Canadian purchase of military vehicles, one must The AVGP series of vehicles Military History dealing with the understand the vehicle and where it falls purchased by Canada in 1976 was in the evolution of vehicle procurement. Canadian Light Armoured Vehicle This article, written in response to an a 10.7 ton, 6 wheeled amphibious (LAV) series of vehicles (vol.20, earlier article in Canadian Military vehicle based on the Swiss Mowag no.2 Spring 2011). I was also keenly History by Frank Maas, examines the Piranha I. Canada bought three interested in the article as my Father chronology and motivations behind versions: the Cougar 76 mm Fire was stationed at CFB Petawawa in the Canadian acquisition of wheeled Support Vehicle, the Grizzly armoured fighting vehicles.
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