OSTEUROPA is an interdisciplinary monthly for the analysis of politics, economics, society, culture and contemporary events in Eastern Europe, East Central Europe and Southeastern Europe. A forum for East-West dialogue, OSTEUROPA addresses pan-European topics. The journal was founded in 1925 and prohibited in 1939. Since 1951, OSTEUROPA has been pub- lished by the German Association for East European Studies in Berlin: <www.dgo-online.org> OSTEUROPA is member of eurozine network: www.eurozine.com ISSN 0030-6428 Abstracting and Indexing services: OSTEUROPA is currently noted in: European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Interna- tional Political Science Abstract, Journal Articles Database, Periodicals Index Online, Public Affairs Information Service, Social Science Citation Index, Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Osteuropa, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. Editors: Dr. Manfred Sapper, Dr. Volker Weichsel, Olga Radetzkaja English Copy Editor: Ray Brandon OSTEUROPA Schaperstr. 30. D-10719 Berlin Tel. ++ 49 +30 / 30 10 45 81
[email protected] <http://osteuropa.dgo-online.org/> Inspection copies, single issues and subscriptions to OSTEUROPA should be ordered from OSTEUROPA. Annual rates (12 issues): € 84 institutions and individuals; € 49 students. Single issues: € 10.00, special issues depending on length € 15.00 - € 32.00. Ray Brandon, Manfred Sapper, Volker Weichsel, Anna Lipphardt Impulses for Europe. Tradition and Modernity in East European Jewry Xxx pp., 11 maps, xxx illustrations Berlin (Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag) 2008 € 24.00 ISBN 978-3-8305-1556-2 Cover: Mark Rothko (1903–1970): No. 12. 1949. Oil on canvas (171,5 x 108,1 cm) © Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Rothko was born on 25.9.1903 as Marcus Rothkowitz to a Jewish family in the then Russian town of Dvinsk (today Daugavpils, Latvia).