The Political Vision of the Association) in Lebanon 2010
Appendix The Political Vision of the A L- JAMA’A AL- ISLAMIYAH (Islamic Association) in Lebanon 2010 In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful Thanks to almighty God, and prayer and peace be upon all God’s prophets, upon the seal of prophets, our master Muhammad, and upon all his com- panions. Thereafter: al- Jama’a al- Islamiyah in Lebanon is a reformist, ideo- logical, and Islamic movement whose objective is satisfying almighty God and accomplishing the total meaning of worship in the life of the individual and society. Al- Jama’a al- Islamiyah upholds national co- existence with non- Muslims within Islamic law safeguards, and cooperates with all citizens in order to achieve social justice and to protect human rights and his/her free- doms. Al- Jama’a operates in its Da’wa [call to Islam] within Lebanon’s reality and through legitimate means. It seeks to reform, among other things, the moral, economic, and political conditions so that they could become more harmonious with Islamic principles, which, we see, realize the interests of society. General Departing Points Political activism is an undivided part of the program of the Islamic Association. It is similar to all other areas of activisms, be they cultural, physical, societal, or propagational, which cover the life and needs of people in their religion and world. From this departing point, political activism is the ref lection of the think- ing and program of the Association, which works to achieve. Political activism is neither a sheer reaction nor an acquiescence to the political reality in which we live.
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