

o F T H E INGENIOUS, IN MANY Confiderable Parts of the W O R L D.

VOL. LX. For the Year 1770.

LONDON: Printed for LOCKYER DAVIS, Printer to the R oyal Society, in Holboum, M.DCC.LXXI. [']

C O N T. E N T S


^ V O L. LX.

I. A N Account of a Journey to Mount Etna, in a * * Letter from the'Honourable William Hamilton* His Majefiys Envoy Extraordinary at Naples, Mathew Maty, M . D . Sec. p. i II. A Letter from Philip Carteret, , Captain o f the Swallow Sloop, to Mathew Maty, , Sec. R. S. on the Inhabitants of the of Pata- garni p. Vo III. A L e tte r on a Camelopardalis ike] Cape of Good Hope, fro m Carteret a* thew Maty, M. D. Sec. R. S. p. IV. Experiments in Support of the Ufes Ganglions of the Nerves,' in Philofophical Tranf- adtions, VokLIV. a n d LVII. by James Johnftphe^M D. 1:1 p* 36 V. A n Account of a nemo Scaly , Lizard extracted from the German Relations o f m C ON.TENTS, o f the Danifti Royal MiJJionaries in the Eaft Indies, of the Tear 1765, publijhed at Hall, in Saxony, by Dr. Hampe, F.R.S. p* VI. An Account of the Refult of fome Attempts made to afcertain the Temperature of the Sea in great Depths, near the Coafis of Lapland and Norway; as alfo fom e Anecdotes, colled!ed in the fo r m e r : B y Charles Douglas, Efquire , F. R. S. then Captain of his Majefty s ’Ship the Emerald, Anno 1769. p. 39 VII. D e modo marmoris albi , Dijfertatio epiftolaris Domino Maty, Regiae Londi- nenfis Secret ario, infcripta; R. E. Rafpe, Serenijf. Half. Landgravio a , S, . Sodali. P* 47 VIII. Account o f a very remarkable young . In a Letter from the Honourable Daines Barrington, F, JR. S. to Mathew Maty, M D . Sec. . S. p. 54 IX. A Determination of the exadl Moments of Time ‘when the Planet Venus was at external and internal Contad! with the Suns , in the Tranfts of June 6th, 1761, and June 3*/, 1769. B y Samuel Dunn. p. 65 X. A n Account of fome Improvements made in a new W heel Barometer, invented by Keane Fitz Gerald, Efquire, F.R. S. In a Letter to Charles Morton, M . D. Sec, R. S. p. 74 XI. Some Obfer va t ions upon an inedit ed Greek Coin o f Philiftis, Queen o f Syracufe, Malta, and Gozo, who has been pajfed over in Silence by all the ancient Writers. In a Letter to Mathew Maty, M D . Sec . R. S, from the Rev. John Swinton. B . D . F . R . S. Cuflos A rchivorum o f the Univerfity o f Oxford, Member of the Academy degli Apatifti a t 7 Florence, CONTENTS. vii Florence, and o f the Etrufcan Academy ^Cortona inTufcany. a : ,P* XII. A Letter from Mr. Thomas Woolcomb, Surgeon, to the late DoCtor Huxham, F. on the Cafe of a Boy, who died of a Gun-fhot Wound, and communicated by the Rev, J. Cor. Huxham, M . D . RR.S, P- 94 XIII. Jmrnal of a , Voyage made by Order o f Royal Society, to Churchill River, W eft Coaft o f Hudfon’s Bay; of thirteen Months Refdencein that Country j and of the Voyage to England } in the Tears 1768 1769: B y William Wales. P- 100 XIV. Obfervations on the State of the Air, Weather, made at Prince of Wales's Fort, on the North Weft Coaft of Hudfon’s Bay, in the fears 1768 and 1769: ByJofeph Dymond William Wales. P- XV. An Account of feme very and uncommon Specimens of Spongiae from the Coaft of Italy: in a' L etter to James Weft, , Preftdent of the Royal S o ciety fro m John Strange, Efquire, F . R.S. Pv*79 XVI. A Letter from Captain Davies to , Efquire, F, R. . S on a M ethod o f preparing B irds jor Prefervation. P* 1 ^4 XVII. A L etter to D r . , F. giving an Account of the Appearance of Lightning on a Conductor fixed from the Summit of the - mail of a Ship, down to the W ater: By J. L. Winn. XVIII. An Tnveftigation of the lateral of the Electricity communicated to the electrical viii CON TEN T S. Circuit, in a Difcharge: Jofeph Prieftley, L L . D . F.R.S. p. 192 XIX. Experiments and Obferv on B y the Same. p; 211 XX. Meteorological Obfervations fo r 1769, made a t Bridgewater in Somerfetfliire: Communicated by D r . Jeremiah Milles, D ean ^Exeter & p. 228 XXI. Meteorological Obfervations at Ludgvan in Mount’s Bay, Cornwall, 1769: B y William Bor-, lafe, D. D. F. R. S. Communicated by the Same. p. 230 XXII. A Letter to D r . William Watfon, F . R . S . giving fome Account of the Manna , and o f the T a ra n tu la : B y Dominico Cirillo, M . D . of Natural Hifiory at the of Naples. P- 233 XXIII. Obfervations made at Dinapoor, June 4, 1769, on the P lanet Venus, when pajjing over the Sun’s Di/k,with three different Quadrants, and a two Foot reflecting Telefcope: Communicated to the Royal Society, by the Court o f Directors of the Eaft India Company. p. 2239 XXIV. Directions fo r making a Machine for finding the Roots of Equations uni, with the Man­ ner oj ufing it: By the Rev. Mr. Rowning, to John Bevis, M.D. F . R . S . * p. 240 * XXIII. On the late Tranfit of Venus: B y Nathan. Pigott, Efquirei to D r . Bevis, F . R . S . p. 257 * XXIV. Obfervations on the proper Method of cal­ culating the Vialues o f Reverfions depending on S u r­ vivor/hips :By Richard Price, D. D. F . R . S. p. 268 * XXV. D e CONTENTS. ix XXV. De Athmofphera Eledlrica Joannis Baptiftaj Beccariae, R . S. S. ex Scholis Lon- dinenfem Societatem Libellus. p. 277 XXVI. Four Letters from Mr, T. S. Kiickhan, the Prefident and Members o f the Royal $ on the Prefervation of dead Birds, ' p; |02 XXVII. Defcription of the blunt-headed Cachalot: B y James Robertfon, E fq; o f Edinburgh. municated by. Thomas Pennant, ; F . R , S, p. 321 XXVIII. Experiments and on various Phenomena attending the Solution of Salts: By R. Watfon, A. M, F, Fellow of Trinity College, and Profejfor of , in the Univer- f t y o f Cambridge. P* 32? XXIX. An Account of an Occultation f Tauri by the Moon, obferved at Leicefter: the Rev. M r, Ludlam, in a Letter to the . Mr.Malkelyne, AjlronomerRoyal. p. 3 XXX. Extrail of a Letter from John Win thro p, Ffq\ F* R , S,Hollilian P r o f ejfor o f Mathematics and N a tu ra l Philofophy, at Cambridge, N.England; to B. Franklin, LL.D . F. R. S. Dated Sept. 6,' 1769. p. ^ jg XXXI. ExtraSl of a Letter from Mr. Mallet, o f Geneva, to Dr.Bevis , F . R p/363 XXXII. Experiments on the Blood, with marks on its morbid Appearances:By William Hewfon, F.R. S . / . . , > . p. 368 XXXIII. On the Degree o f Neat which coagulates the Lymph, and the Serum of the with En­ quiry into the Caufes oj the inflammatory Cruft, or Size, as it is called: By the Same. P» 3 Vol.LX. b XXXIV. F ur- ■X C O N T E N T S. , XXXIV. further Remarks on the Properties of the Coagulated Lymphj on tkppping of Haemorrhages >> and on the Effeffs of Cold upon the Blood: By the Same. , P- XXXV. Account o f feme Bo oj Gibraltar, in a Letter from John Boddington, EJq, to D r . William Hunter, with fome Re­ marks from Dr. Hunter, tn a Letter to D r. Ma­ thew Maty, M . D.Sec. S. ' ;'P* 4 !4 * XXXIV. Difficulties in the Newtonian Theory o f Light, conjidered and removed: By the Rev. S. Horfley, LL. B. F. R. * P-41? XXXVI. Some'new Theorems fo r computing the Areas of certain Curve Lines: By * John Landen, F.R.S. , 7 P-441 XXXVII. Extra# of two Lett Alexander Rofe, o f the Kid , to D r . Murdoch, F . R* S. P* 444 XXXVIII. Extra# of a Letter from Mr. John Latham, Surgeon and M , a t Dartford in Kent, to M r. Warner, F of the Royal , and Senior Surgeon to Guy’s Hofpital. - nicated to the Royal Society by M r. Warner, p. 451 XXXIX. Aftronomical Obferv made at Cavan, near Strabane, in the County of Donegal, Ireland, by Appointment of the. Royal Society: By Mr. Charles Mafon. P* 454 XL. A Letter from M. Pingre, of the Royal Acade­ my o f Sciences at Paris, to the R ev. M r . Mafkelyne, Aftronomer Royal,F . R . p. 497 XLI. Obfervations of Immerfons and Emerjions of Jupiter’s firft Satellite , made at Funchal, Ma­ deira, with a ref effing Telefcope 18, , made 6 CONTENTS. & made by M r . Sho rt: By the late Thomas Heberdeh, M i l ) . F .R .S. p. 562 X L If. Account of the Tranf't of Mercury, obfervedat N orn ton, in Penfylvania Nov-. 9, 1769, agreeable to an Appointment of the American Phihfophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting ufeful Knowledge: By William Smith,I).2). o f the, College of Philadelphia; John Lukens, Surveyor General' of the Province of Penfylvania; David Rittenhoufe, A . M.and M r . Owen Biddle. Com-* miinicated by Benjamin Franklin, and Prefdentof the Philofophical Society at Phila­ delphia. , P % e 4 XLUX. A Letter to James Weft, Prefident o f the Royal Society > containing the of twenty Cafes o f Compound In te r e f: B y J. Robert- fon, L ib . R . S. p .5 0 8 XLIVV A Copy o f a L etter fro m John Ellis, j F. R. S. to Dr. Linnaeus, See. w ith the. Figure and CharaBers of that elegant American. Evergreen-tree, called by the , Lob­ lolly Bay, taken from Bloffblown near London, and JheWing that it is not an Hibifcus, as M r* Millar calls i t ; nor an Hypericum, as D r . Linnaeus fuppofes it, but an intire news , to which M r. Ellis gives the Name of Gordonia. p. 518 •XLV. The Copy o f a Letter fro m John Ellis, E fq; F . R.S. to M r. William Aiton, Gardener to her Royal Highnefs the Princefs Dowager Wales, at Kew, on a new Species of Illicium Linnaei, or Starry Anifeed Tree,lately dfcovered in W eft Florida, p. 524 b 2 XLVd. Ah ,2 c 0 N T E N T s. XLVI, An Account of a wry remarkable at Oxford. In a Letter to Mathew Maty, M D Sec. R. S.from tlx Reverend John Swmton, B D F R.S. Cups Archivorum of tbeVmwrJty o f Oxford, Member of the Academy Apatifti^ Florence, and o f the Etrufcan Academy o f Cortona in Tufcany. _ . n n XLVII. ^ Letter front Richard Price, F R . S . to Benjamin Franklin, L L . P.. «*"• on the Effett of the Aberration Venus ««««£ w M Lranfit over the Sun. „ P' S3 XL VIII. A Catalogue o f the fifty Plants jrw» Cftelfea Garden, prefented to the Royal Society by thernr- thipful Company of Apothecaries, for the Tear 1767, . purfuant U tk D irJm of,Sir-Htms S lo a n e ^ /.

Hudfon, Sector ® Pharmaceut. Lond. Soc, H ort. Chelfean. P r a - feffiuset Prccleblor . Botanicus . XLlX. A Jhort Account of the Observations oj late Pranfit of Venus, made in California, by Order of his Catholic M qjefy ; communicated by bis E x­ cellency Prince Mafferano, Ambajfador fr o m the- Spanilh Court, and F. R. S. ^ P* 549 L ExtraSI of a Letter, dated Paris, Dec. 17, 177°» to M r . Magalhaens/ra» M r . Bourriot, containing a jhort Account of the late Abbe Chappe s - tion of the Franft of V enus California. T ra n f- lated ly D r. Bevis, F. R . S . P- 551



In the YEAR 1770;


The NAMES of the DONORS, wv \ ' -

Donors Names. Prefents made. Jan. 32. Soc. of Dilettanti Ionian Antiquities - ,Eol.< Print of an antient Greek Infcription Mr. Jamard Reeherches fur la- theorie de la Mulique Mr. Baniere Theorie de la-Mulique 4* Eufta. Zanoti De Cometa Anni 1769; Feb. 1. Archbp. of York A Piece of the Rock of Gibraltar, containing petrified Bones 13. Peter Ortefchi Giornale de Medicina Tom. V. 4* Hon. Daines Barrington The Sea Eagle from the Wefiern Ifles A Hare, which changes its coat in Winter to White The black billed Awk The black Gwillemot The female Goatfucker The Father Lalher T he .brown. W hi ftlefifh 4 F*b> CxiT ] Donors Names, Prefents made. Feb, lj» Hbiv Dairies Barrington The fpotted Blehmy The fpotted Goby The Gwiniad and Athorine Feb. 22* ^ flf hsJJod ■ .. Specimen Phyfico-Chemicum de Digeftore Papin . # 4® ft;*j, Palatine Academy Hilforia et Commentationes Academics Eleclof alls Scientiarum & elegantiorum Literarum Theodoro Palatince V0I.I.4® John Ellis, Efq; Directions for bringing over feeds ana plants from the Eart Indies, &c. 4® March 8. Soc. of Antiquaries' A mezzotinto print of Dr. Lyttelton, late bifhop of CarlHle Mr. Hielmfterne Prof. Hell’s obfervations of the late tranfit of Venus, taken at Wardhua 515*> Hon. Daises Barrington Five birds, viz. the Gwillemot The Awke The ring tailed Hawk female of the Hen Harrier The leffer Gwillemot The black billed Awk 29. Mr. James Fergufon A print called the Agronomical Ti#ie keeper Mr, J. Miller N° L of afet of botanical prints and their explanations April Board of Longitude- Theoria Lunce Tobise Mayer 40 Ejufdem Tabulae motuum Solis et Lunae, &c. 4® 26. Prof. Delius A funeral Oration upon the late Dr. Trew, F.R.S. & Pr. Ac. Cur.Nat. 40 J. M» F. Bergius de Tabe Feftinata 4® J. Ch. Schoenfeld, de uteri fabrica controv. 40 Chr. Gu. Haag, de methodo Medendi, &c. 4° Joan Reufs de Secretionibus 40 John Fothergill, M. D. Some account of the late Peter Col- linfon,* F. R. S. 4^ John Caverhill, M. D, A Treatife on the caufe and cure of the Gout 8° Experiments on the caufe of heat in living animals • 8° May 3. Mr. Rivet The Autumnal Equinox afcertained 8® Rev. Mr, Rowning A Machine for finding the Roots of Equations univerfally Mr, Benj. Weft Obfervations of the tranfit of Venus 1769 at Providence, New England Feb. ’ * *v1;

Donors Name;. ' „ . ^ u , ,7< .Rev. T. Coram H ushun, • A Portrait of the latfe Dr. Hmthain, , i * 1 M a . F« Mr. Kuckahn " •A group of butterflies preferred in a glazed cafe 21. Lord Baltimore Gaudia Poetica,in Lat. Eng. & Fr. £ Donald Monro, M .D . A Treatile on mineral waters, zV ol.8 Mr. Kuckhatf A group of birds and flies hnely preferved in a-glazed cule June 14. A watchmaker at Rouen Conflruftion for a Pendulum to a clock . a ii Mr. Robert Erfkine A Difiertation on rivers and tides 8 28. M .D e Horne Examen des principals methodes d’adminiftrer le mere, pour la guerifon des mal. vener. 8® Nov. 8. Peter Buiffiere, Efq; Portrait of Paul Buifliere, Efq; F. R. S.. *Mr. William Wales Several forms of pyrites, with ores, talcs, fungi, fparrs, and copper, from Hudfon’s Bay Daniel Peter Layard, M.D.Clays, ochre, felenites and cryfols 7 of alum, from the chatybeat fpring on Somerlham heath in the county of Huntingdon Rev.SamuelHorfley,LL.B.Apollonii Pergei Inclinationum Reftit.Lib.il. > 4 , M. D. Meditationes Algebraic* . 4* Mr. A Treatiie of menftiration both m theory and practice 40 John Smith, M. D* Choir gaur, or the grand orrery of the antient Druids, called Stone­ i henge ■ 4° Mr. John A'ikin Cafes in forgery, with remarks 8° D. Jofeph, Liefganig Dimenfio graduum Meridiani Viennenfis et Hungarici 4° Mr. Grofley Londres, 3 Tom.. _ l2° Mr. Sage Lettre a M. Button fur la mine de plomb blanche chriftallifee 40 Chriftopher Mayer Expofitio de Tranfitu Veneris ante difeum Solis 4° , - - Nouvelte methode pour lever une carte 1 ' generale exadte.de toute huRuflie 8° Tuberville Needham, Efq; Memoire fur la Maladie des Betes a ^ Cornes • 4° D. Steph. de Stengel Pantometrum Paeeccianum, feu inftrum.. nov. pro elicienda ex una ftatione dift. loci inaccefla 4*: Fr. Chr. Meufchen Catal.fyft. d’un Cab. de coquillages et cruftacees de M» Arnold Leers 8®- Nov- I *vi 3

Donors Names. Prefents made. Nov. 8. Fr. Chr. Meufchen. Cat. fyft. d’une Coll, de coquUlages * &c. de Michel Oudaan 8® Catai. de curiof. nat. de coquil. mineraux, &c. * 8 Cat. Mufei Difhoekiani ■ ; # 8® Schediafma Prob. de fummo officio Arm. AdmhvS. Ro. Imp. 8® 15. Lord Baltimore Gaudia Poetica 4° Dec, 6. Soc. of Antiquaries Diflertations, Vol. I. . 4° , Efq; Tabulae Aftronomite, by Gael Morris 4® John Wilkes, Efq; Three Letters in the Perlian language wrote by Mr. Biffom to one of the Nabobs Richard Eyre, D. D« A calculus extracted, after death, from a child, brother to the Doctor. 13. Mr. William Bowyer Mr. William Clarke’s Connexion of Roman, Saxon, and Englilh Coins ® Anthelmus Charcot Lex naturae unica, feu de attra&ione ad impullionem revocata 4° Mri J. Reinhold Forfter Travels into North America by Peter Kalm, Vol. I. 8® 20. Arthur Young, Efq; A courfe of Experimental Agricul­ ture,, 2 Vols. 4