
Adapted from the Skills leaflets, produced for the British Chess Federation by JE Littlewood and RA Furness. Developed from the Tactics for Juniors sheets originally prepared by RG Wade, R Bott and S Morrison. The Pin A piece is said to be pinned when it is attacked along a line from which it cannot move without exposing a second, usually more valuable piece to attack.

&àâäãåçéè' Ü76767676| Ö67676

White plays Bc4. The Black cannot move from the diagonal because the Black would be in . The Queen is lost.

Find the Pin Find a move to pin a piece, so it can be captured on the next move.

1. White to move 2. White to move

&àâäãåçéè' &àâäãåçéè' ÜJoL76

3. Black to move 4. Black to move

&àâäãåçéè' &àâäãåçéè' Ü76767nJ<6| Ü76J676<6| Öm::qB767m:7{ Öm:7676:m:7{ Ñ76:6767m:z Ñ7m:76767m:z É67676767y É676767gD7y Ç76767676x Ç76767676x Åm87676N68w Åm87676767w Ä7m88nG7686v Ä7m876Gm88m8v ~67sK76767u ~676=67sK7u ,êëíìîïñó- ,êëíìîïñó-

In these four positions, the next move will either pin a piece or attack a piece which is already pinned.

5. White to move 6. White to move

&àâäãåçéè' &àâäãåçéè' ÜJ67gD<67nJ| Ü767nJ76<6| Ö6Bm:7qB:m:7{ Ö6:67676:{ Ñ7m:Lm:767m:z Ñ767676:6z Ém:@676767y Ém:76D6:67y Ç767m87676x Ç86=67676x Å67oN76767w Å68676768w Ä8m8867m88m8v Ä7m8767676v ~nG7q@=6GsK7u ~67676GsK7u ,êëíìîïñó- ,êëíìîïñó-

7. Black to move 8. Black to move

&àâäãåçéè' &àâäãåçéè' Ü7s<767676| Ü767g=7676| Ö6:m:76767{ Ös<:676767{ Ñ:qB767676z Ñ76767676z É67676:m:7y É67676767y Ç86767676x Ç767nG76K6x Å6867oN767w Å67676867w Ä76767sK8m8v Ä76767686v ~67676767u ~67qBDnJ767u ,êëíìîïñó- ,êëíìîïñó-

In these four positions, the player to move can make a capture because of a pin.

9. White to move 10. White to move

&àâäãåçéè' &àâäãåçéè' Ü76767676| ÜJ67gD<67nJ| Ö6767s<76:{ Öm::m:76:m::{ Ñ76767m:B6z Ñ76L67oL76z É6767nJ767y É6@67qB7q@7y Ç7676767q@x Ç76767676x Å67676767w Å67676767w Ä76767m876v Ä8m88oN7m88m8v ~6767nG7sK7u ~nG76=nG7sK7u ,êëíìîïñó- ,êëíìîïñó-

11. Black to move 12. Black to move

&àâäãåçéè' &àâäãåçéè' Ü767nJ76<6| Ü7676767s<| Ö6:676:m::{ Öm:B6767m::{ Ñ76767676z Ñ7m:76767gDz Ém:7qB76767y É6NqB76767y Ç767gD@676x Ç76767676x Å67686768w Åm87676768w Ä767g=7m886v Ä@m8767686v ~67676GsK7u ~676=676Ku ,êëíìîïñó- ,êëíìîïñó-

In these four positions, How does the player to move use the pin to gain an advantage?

13. White to move 14. White to move

&àâäãåçéè' &àâäãåçéè' Ü76J67nJ<6| Ü76

15. Black to move 16. Black to move

&àâäãåçéè' &àâäãåçéè' Ü76767676| ÜJ67nJ76<6| Ö676767nJ7{ Öm::676:qB:{ Ñ76767676z Ñ7gD:676:6z É6767s<767y É6767m8767y Ç7676B67m:x Ç@m8767676x Å67676767w Åm87g=76767w Ä76767nG@m8v Ä76867m88m8v ~6767676Ku ~nG767sK76Gu ,êëíìîïñó- ,êëíìîïñó-


1. Re1 pins the Black Queen in front of the King. White will win the Wueen for the loss of his . 2. Bf3 traps the two Black Rooks on the diagonal. 3. 1… Bf4 pins the White Rook against the King. Black will win the (rook for ). 4. Rc1 pins the Queen against the King on the back rank. 5. d5 attacking and winning the on c6. the Knight cannot move because the White Bishop pins it against the King. 6. Rd1 attacking the Black Queen. Black cannot play Qxd1+ in response because it is pinned against the King by the White Queen. Black’s best move is 1… Qxc4, but then 2 Rxd8+ Kf7 3 bxc4 when White has gained a Rook. 7. The Bishop pins the Knight against the King. Black attacks and wins it by playing 1… f4. 8. 1… Re4+ The on f3 is pinned, so cannot capture the Rook. If White plays 2 Rxe4, he loses his Queen to 2… Qxd8. If he moves the King, Black wins the Rook by 2… Rxd4. 9. Simply Rxe5+ Black cannot recapture by 1… fxe5 since the pawn is pinned against the King by the Bishop. 10. Rxe5+ Th pinned Knight on c6 cannot recapture. 11. 1… Qxe4 winning the Bishop. If 2 dxe4 Black regains the Queen by 2… Rxd2 and remains a Bishop to the good. 12. 1… Qxh3 . The White Pawn on g2 is pinned. 13. Qxe5 winning the Knight. If 1… dxe5 White regains the Queen by 2 Rxd7 and remains a Knight to the good. 14. Rb3, if the Black Queen moves 2Qb8 leads to mate: 1… Qa5 2 Qb8+ Kd7 3 Rb7+ Qc7 (if 3… Ke8 4 Re7 mate) 4 Qxc7+ Ke8 5 Qe7 mate. If Black plays 1… cxb3 2 Qxb4. Black cannot recapture as the Pawn on c5 is pinned. 15. 1… Rxg2 2 Rxg2 h3 3 Kg1 hxg2 and Black will win the White Pawn and promote his own 16. 1… Bxe5 wins a Pawn and skewers the White Queen and Rook. If White plays 2 Qxe5 Black replies Re8 to pin the Queen.