
Azalia Martinez

Mexican American cultures


May 9, 2013

Interview/ Fan

Azalia : Ok the date is April13,2013 my name is Azalia Martinez and I'm interviewing Anthony Gonzales he is 27 years old and Anthony would you like to say something?

Anthony: no not really uhm, well thank you for your time interviewing me, to tell you a little a bit about myself I'm 27 ,I have a kid.

Azalia : well what music attracted you as a teen, what sort of music did you like?

Anthony: rap music

Azalia: can you name some artist in rap

Anthony: uh , uh street military, brother lynch, 36mafia, just to name a few that's who 1would listen to

Azalia : and you said a bunch of music, who else would you listen t o?

Anthony: I would listen to classic rock some Spanish

Azalia : As a teen

Anthony: Ya because I grew up around that living around my mom that's what they would listen to so if they listen to it I was just there and I would listen to it to

Azalia : Oh okay, what kind of classic rock would you listen to?

Anthony: My mom and them would listen to scorpions, lex diamond, Journey and I would listen to it too at first I didn't like the music I didn't like no classic rock I didn't like anything to do with rock but as time progressed and time moved on you know started to begun to like it

Azalia: Oh and what kind of Spanish music would you listen to

Anthony: Uh uh how do you say um Tex Mex or something like that yeah tex mex music

Azalia: What's Tex Mex?

Anthony: It's like music from Texas how can say tejano Mexican American music Azalia : And what is tejano, Mexican American music, who sings it?

Anthony: There's a bunch of artist

Azalia: Can you name a few?

Anthony: yeah like little Joe, Ia mafia, and moss

Azalia: what considers them Mexican American as song writers or singers?

Anthony: Because like uh it's different from the music, that the Spanish they got now cause because now they got variety of Spanish music

Azalia: uhu

Anthony: Mexicans and you got uhm music from people like the Mexicans, Mexican like corridos, like all different types of music and you put them all in different categories, there all nothing alike there all different their all different in their own way

Azalia: Okay and can you name something that makes them different?

Anthony: uhm their lyrics and the way they sing because they like, like were on some of the music they sing about stuff like that they see growing up like the tex mex music that I named they just see things, and they write about them or they lived them and they write about them and they just put it all in a group song and I mean there's really nothing different about it ,its all the same.

Azalia: So what makes it different, what makes a Tejano song a Tejano song and a song yet a Tejano Mexican song a Tejano, Mexican or what makes it different from country like what makes it different

Anthony: Umh pretty tricky question right there uh shit

Azalia : Why is it the rhythm or the lyrics?

Anthony: And yeah the rhythm the beat it got's a whole different beat the way they sing, some sing it fast some sing them slow

Azalia: What was it about that type of music that attracted you?

Anthony: The Spanish

Azalia : Yes

Anthony: Man I guess growing up that's all my grandparents would listen to, and when I would go over there was none of that, but put that turn up to that rap station none of that was being played there

Azalia : So the rap wasn't being played so you had to listen to what they were listening to?

Anthony: Yeah I would only have to listen to what they were listening to Azalia: Ok tell me a little bit about that tell me what was going on with the rap how come they wouldn't want you listening to that?

Anthony: Well because where I grew up there was a lot of violence going on and ,my grandparents didn't want me listening to rap because they tough by listening to rap I would go out there and do bad things they didn't want me influenced by the rap music but I eventually ended up listening to it and liking it

Azalia: So what attracted you to rap?

Anthony: Just like they were all putting it all in words the lyrics, the way they were singing it, you know they would talk about bitches and hoes getting money you know having a good time and I liked that 1 liked what I was listening to and I wanted that for me I wanted the bitches and hoes I wanted to have a good time you know so that's what turned me up to rap music and it was good it had some good somgs the beat was badass the lyrics

Azalia: Can you name some of the lyrics that you would hear on some of the songs, can you name a song that you really liked as a teen?

Anthony: Uhm there was a bunch of them there was Scarface that I never seen a man cry till 1see a man die uhm three six mafia uhm there was just there's such a variety of music and the rap music that I liked

Azalia: So there are different varieties of rap music

Anthony: Yeah hell yeah, there's difference because the rap in the rap music everyone raps but the way they rap is different to a certain extend because you got people from California that rap one way and you got people from new York who rap a certain way and you got us from down south that rap in a whole different form

Azalia: Who's considered the south?

Anthony: Uh Houston artist uh basically just Houston artist everybody from south Texas from down south you know

Azalia: Ok do you feel that the place that you grew up influenced what you listened to?

Anthony: Yea

Azalia: In what way?

Anthony: I mean can you repeat the question again

Azalia: The place you grew up in, influence what you listen to?

Anthony: Well yeah because where I grew up it wasn't in no suburban neighborhood you know so 1 would listen to the rap music and it just stuck and I guess it made me who I am you know Azalia : Did your friends listen to rap also or did they listen to something else?

Anthony: No my friends listened to rap they would listen to rap one of my friends is the one who turned me on to rap music he introduced me to a cd from a Houston address back in the day it was day I'm sorry and you know I liked it I liked what the rapper was saying I like the lyrics it was just good music for me m,y family didn't think it was good because they would listen to Tejano music cla ssic rock and you know but me personally I like rap

Azalia: That was you favorite music although you would hear but you wouldn't mind listening to that Tejano and the Spanish music and the classic rock?

Anthony: No I don't mind it

Azalia: back then you wouldn't mind it either?

Anthony: back then I wouldn't have a problem with it ,it wasn't something I would like listening to ,I didn't like listening to that

Azalia : why was it to Mexican?

Anthony: No because I couldn't relate to any of that, I couldn't relate to some of the Mexican music, the classic rock I couldn't relate to it because in that aura it was my mom's era it was back in the 80s in shit, 1 was like I'm not going to listen to that shit I don't like it I would hear it but I didn't like it, now it don't bother it don't get me wrong I will listen to in my car to a few of the songs I will sing along with em

Azalia : What kind of songs?

Anthony: Uh I know a few of the couple classic rock song's I know a couple Spanish, I listen to them now, back them I wouldn't listen to them but I would listen to them now.

Azalia : so you never thought your parent's music was to Mexican?

Anthony: no I never thought it was to Mexican

Azalia : so you saw it as normal?

Anthony: ya I saw it as normal, but ya I seen it as normal but it went in thru one ear and I really didn't get off to it, It never stuck with me

Azalia: What makes music important to you?

Anthony: Uh what can I say uh well it's not important but when I hear music I'm more mellowed out

Azalia: Mellowed; calm?

Anthony: Ya , I can hear a song and I can be calm just chilling , I don't like to be bothered, there some good songs that just calm me down, relax my nerves. Azalia: So music is important because it can calm you down?

Anthony: Ya it calm's me down it takes me to another, it puts me at ease it calms me down, it puts me at ease that's what I notice about music, the music will just I would hear rap music and it would just get me crunk I just wanted to act a fool

Azalia: What does crunk mean?

Anthony: get loose have a good time, when I would hear rap music I would want to get loose and have a good time but now I listen to rap song and I just mellow out and sing along with it and have a good time

Azalia: What made you have a problem with it identifying yourself with the music that your parents listen to?

Anthony: Uh can you break that question down, where I can understand you a little better?

Azalia: Do you think that your parents, how come you couldn't identify with your parents music how come you couldn't relate to it, to your parents music?

Anthony: Because like I said I never grew up around that music, I heard it they listened to it but that's from my parents area that's what they listened to and after all why do they want me to listen to this, is that what they want me to grow up on? I dint want to grow up on that, I wanted to hear different types of music, so I heard this and that type of music, and then I heard rap but out of all the music I heard that just one stuck with me, been there with me,

Azalia: How do you think the music relates to who you are now?

Anthony: Uh man I mean I don't know, I don't know how it relates to mel just l don't know how to break that down to say how it relates to me

Azalia : You don't think that the music relates, you don't think that the music relates to who you are now?

Anthony: Nah not now, back then it did it influenced me a lot to do what they were doing I was very easy influenced to do what the music was talking about now I just listen to it to listen to it

Azalia: Do you like the beat?

Anthony: Ya I like the beat I like the artist

Azalia: Ok so do you think that the music you listen to now represents your identity?

Anthony: Nah it don't represent me

Azalia: No? in no way? Anthony: In no way, I mean I could listen to rap music and people say you wannabe like them and have money and everything but at one point I did want to be like them but now II listen to the music just to listen to the music

Azalia: Ok huh? How do you feel when artist crossover and go mainstream? Like would you call them a sell out or?

Anthony: nah I wouldn't call them a sell out because a lot of artist are doing it now a days are crossing over and going mainstream, its all about money

Azalia: So you don't have a problem with them making more money, selling out their music to have more money

Anthony: no I don't have a problem

Azalia: what if a San Antonio sound was suddenly discovered

Anthony: there is an artist that is rapping now that is from San Antonio

Azalia: what's his name?

Anthony: AJ Hernz

Azalia: AJ Hernz and how did his music impact the music around here

Anthony: I mean he holds it down he represent were his from and he sings and he just holds it down

Azalia: how do u feel about Mexican American ba nds or artist crossing ove r to mainstream to f it the music industry

Anthony: it don't bother me at all

Azalia : t ell me about how music makes you feel or how different music makes you feel

Anthony: uh there's some music that I could listen to that I cou ld relate to it that puts me at ease that takes me back that brings back memories some songs brings back good memories bad memories good times bad times

Azalia: different types of music

Anthony: uhuu different types of music

Azalia: ok

Anthony: and that there's some music you just jam out loud in your rid e with the windows up when you got that good song that yo u like that's when you out the windows down like everyone knows that's the shit right there that's the song when u got the windows rolled up you don't want anyone to hear that but when the windows go down ay you know what time it is Azalia: what time it it

Anthony: shit time to get loose cause you got a crunck song on you just start throwing your hands in the air and sing along

Azalia: and when you got the windows up what does that mean

Anthony: shit you don't anyone to hear the song you are listening to you might be embarrassed by it

Azalia: you embarrassed by it so when you got the window up that's because you're embarrassed by it but when you got your windows down that's it

Anthony: I'm good when I got the windows rolled up I'm singing a Spanish song I don't want anyone to hear I don't anyone to hear me sing it so when they roll up I turn down my radio real quick

Azalia: are you embarrassed of Spanish music?

Anthony: naa I'm not embarrassed od it I like it there's some songs that are good there's some songs that I can relate to there's some good songs but there's some songs that are from Spanish music like 1 don't like all that corrido stuff I can't relate to that kind of music

Azalia: why can't you like corridos?

Anthony: like I never grew up with that kind of music I just started listening to that type of music when 1 got with my chick and my chick and them they listen to that type pf music so

Azalia: what does your chick mean

Anthony: oh my girlfriend I'm sorry well my girlfriends family listens to that music, they listen to that music, I have no problem with it I can sit there and listen to it, me personally I won't play that shit in my car and if I do play that shit the windows are rolled up you know what time it is when the windows are rolled up

Azalia: so you're not interested in corridos?

Anthony: no not interested at all, no not interested at all.

Uh what other types of music I'm I interested in? oh country too ! !

Country's another type of music that I'll listen to but with the windows rolled up like I listen to some George strait, I'll listen to some old country but that's only when I'm by myself when I got the windows rolled up I know some songs to

Azalia: do you think your parents' choice of music impacted of what you listen to now? Anthony: no not really, they never liked listening to a certain type of music but I list en to it and it didn't take no impact of my life but cause I wanted to prove by the negativity of the songs but now that I' m older I listen to the songs and it don't bring negativity no more it's just the song that soothes me and mellows me out and songs that I could sing along to, or bop my head to to just have a good time uh shit what else can I say uh like I don't know like music it influences my little girl too because whens she's in t he car there is certain songs t hat she likes that I do not like cause she might hea r her sisters play one of the songs and she's real quiet but I put on a rap song and she sta rts crying and going crazy and shit

Azalia: do you think your influencing what your little girl listens to know?

Anthony: I'm not going to be like my parents to what to listen to or what not to listen to, if she wants to listen to a certa in kind of music she can listen to ill listen to it with her, I have no shame in it. Back then it would've been different beca use I don' t listen to half of the shit like all the little boy bands Justin Bieber and all that, I don't listen to anything like that, but if she wants to ill listen to it with her. Are we recording in here? Alright let's get down to the rap .

Azalia: Since your parents didn't approve of the music you listen to as a teenager, would you consider as that being rebellious, or do you feel that ,that was normal?

Anthony: it was normal

Azalia: why?

Anthony: they were just trying to look out for me becau se you know they knew what they were talking about and they just didn't want me to be influenced by that music, they were just basically looking out fo r me, but rebellious nah

Azalia : so it wasn't rebellious?

Anthony: nah, li ke I just didn't listen to it to be an asshole like you don't want me to listen to it so ima listen to it regardless

Aza lia: oh okay

Anthony: so when I first heard it I was like hey this is w hat I like and this is what ima listen to, whether they want me to listen to it or not ima listen to it cause that's what I like iit soothes me it makes me feel good that why I like that music till this day cant no one tell me don't listen to rap, my girlfriend ca n't even tell me don't listen to rap, listen to what ima listen to

Azalia : does she ever tell you not to listen to rap?

Anthony: no she don't ever tell me not to listen to rap, but when I'm with her in my car I won't listen to rap, ill listen t o her type of music

Azalia: why? Anthony: because that's what she likes, I'll listen to that Spanish music, because that's what she likes, my ch ick you know my chick is from Mexico you know she lived there almost all her life until she came over here all she knows is just Spanish you know she don't know that much English so to her her choice of music is Spanish so when she's with me in the vehicle that's what she prefers to listen is Spanish music and don't get me wrong at one point I didn't like any of the music she was always putting on the radio but

Azalia : what kind of music was that?

Anthony Gonzales: it was like how can it was like music from Mexico I mean I have no problem with people from Mexico I just didn't like the music but over a period of time over the 4 years we've been together I learned to adjust to the music you know there's some songs that I like some songs that 1could relate to know that I'm with her but ali i ali i don't have anything against that music

Azalia : do you feel like it's too Mexican?

Anthony Gonzales: naa I don't feel like it's too Mexican you know I don't get off to it I wouldn't listen to it every day I listen to it when I'm with her well every now a day I might listen to a quick song but it's not too Mexican you know I don't dislike it

Azalia:have you grown accustomed to it?

Anthony: Yeah I've grown accustomed to it I mean everywhere we go if we go to a family gathering or anywhere that's all they listen to Mexican music I'm not gona go over there and say ay put a rap song on because that's not what they listen to so I've already learned to adjust to the Spanish music you know 1 sing along to some of the songs too shit n they get down

Azalia : what style of music is it?

Anthony: uh a style I don't know what kind of style it is but I just know that I don't know what kind of style it is I just know it's some weird ass music but its good though they got different groups that I listen to gropo Brindis like she turned me on to a lot of that music I never listened to when I was with my family and that because they listened to Spanish but they didn't listen to the Spanish that she listens to so it's two different kinds

Azalia : so you would say there is a difference between the Mexican Spanish music than the Tex Mex?

Anthony: yeah it's totally different its totally different

Aza lia : in what way?

Anthony:uh in the way the rhythm the way the rhythm is the beats I don't know how to explain but it's just totally opposite its different but they both good music but they both different I don't know how to describe it but there both different in a certain way

Azalia:did the music that you listened to connect you to your inner self? Anthony:uh you could say you could say that yeah it connected me

Azalia:in what way did it connect you to your inner self

Anthony: in th music that I listen to?

Azalia:the rap which is at the end your preference right

Anthony: right uh how did it have an effect on my life?

Azalia :no how did it connect you to your inner self? How did it soothe your inner core? How did it connect to you?

Anthony: it was just something that was there the way like rap if you really break it down it's like poetry it's like poetry but there twisting it around and putting it in a different formation wit h profanity and what is happening but it's all like poetry and I got off to that I like it

Azalia:do you feel that that music touches your soul

Anthony:some songs not all of it

Azalia :ok do you feel that you were an informed fan?

Anthony:what do you mean?

Azalia:an informed fan like you knew who the people who were listening were? Do you feel that you knew them? You had a connection with them?

Anthony:naa I didn't feel like I had a connection with them I was just a fan of the music but I wasn't oh 1 had a connection with that I was just a fan of the music but having a connection there was no connection

Azalia :do you feel that you were an informed fan like you knew you rapper

Anthony:yeah I knew who they were but I didn't know anything about them oh he does this no 1just knew the music

Azalia:do you feel that also about the classic rock and Spanish music that you really weren't that connected to who they were who the singers were?

Anthony:yeah I feel the same way about t hat about both of those because I can't I can't connect to them I could just adjust to their music because what they are saying you know but I am not a fan i can't say I'm attached to it or anything

Azalia :what memories come to your mind as you listen to

Anthony:the classical rock brings back memories of my mom when she was like when my mom would hear to that type of music she always had a story oh mijo I remember when I heard this song it was good we sang to that group and we had a good time so when does songs come on the radio they just ring up memories of my mom when she was laughing joking around you know having a good time you know that's what classical rock does for me

Azalia:ok what memories come to mind as you listen to rap?

Anthony:uh I got good memories when I listen to rap because that's when I was young and dumb you know I remember just running from the laws or just acting a fool and then going home and throwing on the cd or the tape and tripping out even till today when I listen to those songs I get a little chuck 1get a little laugh you know because it brings back memories

Azalia:what memories come to you mind as you listen to country or Spanish music?

Anthony:uhu Spanish music does are memories of my grandparents my grandparents would go to the house on Sundays just kicking back listening to some good music having them tell us a little story about here and there it was all good you know. Country how can I say about country there's just a lot of variety songs in country some that I like some love songs I might hear a country song and you know think about my girl just good memories no bad memories when I hear songs

Aza lia:when you go out to a party scene like a party or a club what kind of music do you listen to?

Anthony:when I go to a club or to a party when I go to a bar I go Spanish bars I go to bars were they have all kinds of music the music the music don't bother me and don't get me wrong I go to places where they play techno music and I don't like that kind of music I'm not part of that scene

Azalia:so were else do out go that there's m usic? Or what do you listen to?

Anthony:llike going to a Mexican bar I like hearing some good Spanish music

Azalia:whats a Mexican bar?

Anthony:were theres no English music there's nothing but Spanish music and its good music regardless if I don't like a few of those songs its good music to drink to have a good time to listen to some good Spanish music

Azalia: what music relaxes you what sort of music?


Azalia:oldies what oldies?

Anthony:oldies from like the 60's 70's and oldies like that

Azalia:can you name a few artist or groups?

Anthony:! don't know any groups I just like the songs I hear them on the radio I like oldies because my grandpa listens to those and that what he would always have in his vehicle so I had to adjust to listening to the oldies and it always put me at ease it always kept me calm and collected I could be fighting with my wife or girlfriend and I hear the oldies and it just goes away with that type of music my problems go away it's good music to listen to

Azalia :only the oldies just that effect on you

Anthony:yeah just the oldies

Azalia:what kind of music makes you move

Anthony: like what kind of music like dancing or just beingon the ball

Azalia :dancing

Anthony:the Spanish music

Azalia:Spanish music like what kind of Spanish music?

Anthony:like the Spanish music that my chick listens too it makes me move we go out we to her music because you got to be on the ball when that music comes on she likes to dance so it gets me moving having a good time

Azalia:what matters more to you the lyric or the beat?

Anthony:uhhu the lyrics because there's some songs that me and her can relate to and she'll tell me 1 like this song because of the lyrics and I'll listen to it and ill like it to the beats alright too but the lyrics is what catches my attention

Azalia :can you tell me more about you grandparent and the music that they listen to?

Anthony:Uhu like they listen to a lot of oldies they listen to Spanish music but its music from the early 80's and that's what we listen to they listen to and it's all good music that music just soothes you could just takes it away

Azalia:did you have a close tie with your grandparents

Anthony:oh yeah till this day I still have a close tie with my grandparents

Azalia :so would you say that you were always listening to that type of music or would you listen to the music that you parents would listen too

Anthony:! would listen more to the Spanish oldies songs that my grandparents would listen to because 1 would always be over there with them and I lived w ith them for a couple of years so I got adjusted to their music and it was good music it was music that I liked

Azalia:how has music changed over the time since you were younger Anthony:yeah it changed a lot due to the lyrics the artist because back in the day there was some artist that I liked that don't sing no more they had good Spanish music now you don't hear from them no more and you got all this new groups coming out with a different form of Spanish like they want to mix Spanish with hip hop or hip hop with Spanish ifs not the same

Azalia :you don't like that now Anthony: I don't like that

Azallia:why not?

Anthony:uhu its just some type of music that I don't like it don't hit me I don't get off to it

Azalia:why do you feel that they are switching their music to fit what mainstream wants

Anthony:yeah that's all there doing their switching the music up to see what the mainstream wants to see what the mainstream wants so

Aza lia: After our interview did you learn anything about yourself that you want to share with us

Anthony:yeah I learned a lot about myself I never really talked to anybody about how the music has affect me because it affected me in so many ways you know it affect ed me in the way my attitude is and the way I talk because listening to rap music I picked up on the vive like ay whats up I would talk with my hands I guess the way I am and I don't say nigga I say Mexican you know due to the rap that show 1talk and I guess that makes people look at me different or something

Azalia:what else would you say that you learned about yourself

Anthony: I learned now back then I didn't like to listen to all types of music but over the years you know I've learned to adjust to all types of music so I can't say I got one particular set of type of music that I like because know I like Spanish I like the Mexico music I like country a litt le you know I like all those type of music and you know it makes me feel good you know

Azalia:so would you say that over the time over you lifetime you have adjusted to different types of music

Anthony:yeah ive adjusted to different types of music you know and I feel that I can have a conversation with people about music they be like uh what do you think about t his type of music I could sit there and have a conversation with them because I have heard it and I know how the beat it it's just I don't know to explain it but music does something t o me it makes me feel different inside I don't know how people act with different stuff but for me music is everything all types of music

Azalia :well thank you Anthony for participating in our Mexican American music class and thank you

Anthony:thank you too.