
Tikkun Leil Shavuot May 16, 2021 Mitchell Wohlberg


1. “You shall not hate your brother in your heart; you shall surely reprove your fellow; and not bear because of him.” Leviticus 19:17 2. Rav Amram, son of Rabbi Shimon bar Abba, said that Rabbi Shimon bar Abba said that Rabbi Ḥanina said: was destroyed only because the people did not rebuke one another, as it is stated: “Her ministers were like stags that found no pasture, and they walked without strength before their pursuer” (Lamentations 1:6). Just as this stag turns its head toward the other’s tail when it grazes, and each one feeds on its own, so too, the Jewish people in that generation lowered their faces to the ground and did not rebuke one another. Shabbos 119b

3. And Abraham rebuked Avimelech: R. Yosi ben R. Hanina said: Rebuke leads to love, as it says, rebuke a wise man and he will love you. Such indeed is R. Yosi ben Hanina’s view, for he said: Love unaccompanied by rebuke is not love. Resh Lakish said: Rebuke leads to peace; hence, ‘And Abrhaman reproved Avimelech’. Such is his view, for he said: Peace unaccompanied by rebuke is not peace. Bereishis Rabbah 54:3

4. said: With regard to this scholar who is beloved by the residents of his town, it is not because he is a superior Sage than others; rather, it is because he does not reprove them in Heavenly matters. Kesubos 105b

5. R. Tarfon said, “I wonder whether there is anyone in this generation who can accept reproof, for if one says to him, ‘Remove the mote from between your eyes,’ he would reply, ‘Remove the beam from between your eyes!’ ” R. said, “I wonder if there is anyone in this generation who knows how to rebuke!” Arachin 16b

6. When Moses commenced to admonish the people, he spoke of their virtues and their accomplishments, that they were to present him with distinguished men who were to serve as judges, etc. (1,13). He did so because we know already from Solomon in Proverbs 9,8: "Do not rebuke the scoffer for he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you." You need to impress the person whom you wish to rebuke with the fact that you esteem him highly; otherwise he will not accept your rebuke. You must convince such a person that it is shameful for a person of his niveau (level) to act in a manner that ruins his image. Shelah, Shnei Luchot Ha-brit, Devarim


7. And Rabbi Ile’a said in the name of Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi Shimon: Just as it is a mitzva for a person to say that which will be heeded, so is it a mitzva for a person not to say that which will not be heeded. One should not rebuke those who will be unreceptive to his message. Rabbi Abba says: It is obligatory for him to refrain from speaking, as it is stated: “Do not reprove a scorner lest he hate you; reprove a wise man and he will love you” (Proverbs 9:8). Yevamos 65b

8. Rabbi Yoḥanan says: For what virtue was Jeroboam privileged to ascend to monarchy? It is due to the fact that he rebuked Solomon for his . And for what misdeed was he punished and lost everything? It is due to the fact that he rebuked Solomon and humiliated him in public, 101b

9. had twelve thousand pairs of students in an area of land that stretched from Gevat to Antipatris in , and they all died in one period of time, because they did not treat each other with respect. 62 b 10. R. ben Zakkai said, “Give me Yavneh and her wise men.” Rabbi Akiva said, “He [God[ turns wise men backward and makes their wisdom foolish.” [Isa. 44:25]. 56b

11. Our masters taught: The left hand may always repulse, but the right hand should bring near. Not like R. Joshua ben Perahiah, who repulsed Jesus with both hands. What was the incident with R. Joshua ben Perahiah? When King Yannai rose up against the sages to put them to death, Simeon ben Shetah was hidden by his sister, and R. Joshua ben Perahiah (and Jesus) fled to Alexandria of Egypt. When peace came, Simeon ben Shetah wrote to R. Joshua, “From me, Jerusalem the holy city, to you, my sister Alexandria of Egypt: My husband dwells in your midst, and I abide desolate.” R. Joshua replied, “I understand. Peace upon you.” So he rose up, together with his disciple (Jesus) and came to Jerusalem. He happened to put up at a certain inn (run by a woman) where great honor was accorded him. He remarked, “What a beautiful inn.” His disciple replied, “Yes, master, but her eyes are bleary.” R. Joshua: “You wicked person! So it is with such matters that you occupy yourself!” At that, he brought forth four hundred rams’ horns and (had them sound as he) excommunicated him. Though Jesus came day after day before R. Joshua, pleading, ‘Take me back.” R. Joshua paid no attention to him. But one day as R. Joshua was reciting the Shema, (Jesus) came and stood before him. (Relenting), R. Joshua decided to take him back and motioned to him with his hand. But Jesus interpreted the gesture as a final repulse. So he went off, set up a brick, and worshiped it. R. Joshua implored, “Repent.” But Jesus replied, “I have a tradition from you: he who sins and causes others to sin should not be given the opportunity to repent.” A master taught: Jesus practiced magic and incited Israel to heresy, leading them astray. Sanhedrin 107b 12. Rebuke yourself at the time that you rebuke your friend, for you should know that you have a role in any sin from a fellow Jew. - Lo Tisa Alav Chet - don’t put the (blame for) the whole sin on him. If you feel a responsibility as well and repent, you will be effective and he will too Sfas Emes