
Five-Year Plans- Development of the national economy of the , list of economic goals created by Stalin.

Collectivization- Enforced by Stalin to consolidate individual land and labor into collective farms.

Stakhanovites- Movement based on a miner named Aleksei Stakhanov, employing hard work to overachieve output.

Magnitogorsk- Russian city which during the five year plan based itself off the steel mills of Gary, Indiana

Red/Great Terror- Campaign of mass killings, torture and oppression by the after taking power in 1917.

Grigory Zinoviev- Bolshevik politician who became was in prominent leadership position during the 1920’s, helped Stalin attack Trotsky and was part of the ruling along with Stalin and Kamenev, but was purged by Stalin after Trotsky had been taken of of power.

Lev Kamenev- Bolshevik politician who became was in prominent leadership position during the 1920’s, helped Stalin attack Trotsky and was part of the ruling triumvirate along with Stalin and Zinoviev, but was purged by Stalin after Trotsky had been taken of of power.

Nikolai Bukharin- Russian Bolshevik , spent six years in exile and worked with Lenin and Trotsky.

Leon Trotsky- Bolshevik military leader during 1917 revolution. Challenged Stalin for power after Lenin’s death and was forced into exile.

Moscow trials- Stalins trials against people he viewed as traitors to the party, they were mostly just for show and usually ended with the death or imprisonment of the accused.

Gulags- Work-camp prisons that were established in the Soviet Union as a way of getting manual labor out of prisoners and a way for to have workers.

Old Bolsheviks- Members of the party before the 1917 revolution, later purged by Stalin during the Great Purges.

Kulaks-The more wealthy farming class, they usually owned some land. During Stalin's leadership this class became vilified and all members of it were persecuted and seen as the enemy by the people.

Comintern- International organisation that advocated for . Founded in 1919. Aim was to fight to overthrow the international bourgeoisie.

Twenty-One Points- Lenins conditions for a communist world that he presented during the third international, including expelling moderate socialists and pacifists from the country and having a unified structure for the entire nation

Realpolitik- Politics or diplomacy based on power and on practical and material factors and considerations rather than ideological notions or moral premise.

in One Country”- Shift by Stalin away from Marxist views that Communism should spread across the world. Focus more on national communism in the Soviet Union.

Left vs. Right- Political split in the Soviet upper party. ,, and Mikhail Tomsky made up the , and his supporters made up the .

Vladimir Mayakovsky- Russian poet who embraced and commended communism during the 1917 revolutions, but started to disagree with the party’s practices during the 1920’s and committed suicide.

Maxim Gorky- Soviet Realism author who wrote several plays commending the party, became dissident and was expelled from the USSR but returned during the thirties.

Socialist Realism- Soviet style which gave a realistic feel to writing and art, characteristics of it include glorifying communism and revolution imagery.

Anna Akhmatova- Russian modernist poet and one of the most acclaimed writers in at the time. Alexander Solzhenitsyn- Russian novelist, historian and critic of Soviet totalitarianism, helped to raise awareness of the and forced system in the Soviet Union.

Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District- Oprea that Stain banned due to his perceived notion of artistic style and anti-communist messages

Tromfin Lysenko- Crazy Soviet biologist, created which was the centralized political control exercised over genetics and agriculture in the Soviet Union. Stalin loved him, believed Lysenkoism would produce massive agricultural output.

Sergei Eisenstein- Soviet filmmaker who made many films in the style of Soviet Realism.

Famine of 1932-1933- Famine caused by Stalins terrible agricultural policies (Lysenkoism) , killed around 4 to 6.5 million people

Article 58 of Penal Code- put in use to arrest those suspected of counter- revolutionary activities, used by the Soviets to purge prominent members of the party.

Speculation - Using non-Soviet currency to pay for goods during the USSR, was a harsh criminal offence but many did it because Soviet currency was not valuable enough or they were not being payed enough.

Commercial Store- sold heavy industry products and consumer goods, was part of the commercial store network.

Torgsin Store-Soviet hard currency store where one could buy rare and foreign goods like currency gold and jewelry. Blat- connections on the black market, needed to get consumer goods and food that were hard to get in the regular stores.

Pravda- the official newspaper of the Communist Party in the USSR.

Dmitri Shostakovich- Russian composer who wrote Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District, despite this play and many others being classified as against the party he still received many awards from the government for his contribution to Soviet culture.

Lavrenti Beria- State security administrator, was chief of the Soviet security and secret police apparatus (NKVD) under Stalin during WWII. Longest lived and most influential of Stalin’s secret police chiefs.

Kolkhoze- Collectivised farming, members of the collective were not paid much by the government and the system was a failure for the most part due to problems with agricultural policies during Stalin's government

“Railway of Death”- incomplete railway project of the Soveit Gulag system in northern Siberia, took place from 1947 to 1953.

Kliment Voroshilov- Soviet military leader who helped Stalin with his by organizing arrests and denouncing individuals in the government, for his loyalty he was rewarded with high government positions.

White Sea Canal-System of canals in northwestern Russia, connect White Sea with Lake Onega which further connects to the Baltic Sea. Constructed by gulag inmates, 12,000 died. - Early Bolshevik politician who was killed by an assassin while at his place of work, his death is usually blamed on Stalin and noted as one of the first times Stalin purged someone

Checka…GPU…OGPU…NKVD…KGB- Succession of Soviet state security organizations utilized by Soviet leaders to enact power and control over their subjects. Killed A LOT of people over the timespan in which they operated.