Published Bp 2Itttgorttp
Published bp 2Itttgorttp. From ^rucrDap February 2$»> to &atutHaj? March. 3, 1764. Madrid, February 13-, Alexandria, he desired to see the Citadel, which hia ON Emanuel de Sada, who was formerly Sardinian Majesty has rendered a complete Ambassador at Turin, and latterly Cap a great Expence. Upon his Royal FTighness's De- tain General of Valencia, died a few pat tiire, he was saluted with the same Number of Days fince, and Count d'Aranda is ap Cannon, and received the same Honours al the Gate pointed Captain General in his Place. as at his Eritrante. At Asti, he met with the fame The following is an Account of the Days of En Treatment. At the first Post from Turin, he was tertainment, and Festivals, for the Marriage of the» met by the Master of the Ceremonies, and his Deputy, Infanta Donna Maria Luifa, in February 1764. in Two of his Sardinian Majesty's Coaches, and con February 10, Friday, The King and Court return ducted to the Palace prepared for his Reception on. from the Pardo to Madrid, Sunday last at Noon, and soon after complimented on Feb. 11, Saturday, The Imperial-Ambassador Count his safe Arrival, on the Part of the King, the Duke Rosemberg comes to Madrid, and occupies the of Savoy, and the ret! of the Royal Family. House whcreShe is to be defrayed at the King's The Foreign Ministers residing at this Court went Expence. in a Body to -pay their Respects to his Royal High • Feb. 12, Sunday, and Feb. 13, Monday, The Am- ness; after which his Rojal Highness was conducted bassador continues to be served at the King's Ex- to Court by thc Master of the Ceremonies and his .
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