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Published bp 2Itttgorttp. From ^rucrDap February 2$»> to &atutHaj? March. 3, 1764. Madrid, February 13-, Alexandria, he desired to see the Citadel, which hia ON Emanuel de Sada, who was formerly Sardinian Majesty has rendered a complete Ambassador at Turin, and latterly Cap a great Expence. Upon his Royal FTighness's De- tain General of Valencia, died a few pat tiire, he was saluted with the same Number of Days fince, and Count d'Aranda is ap Cannon, and received the same Honours al the Gate pointed Captain General in his Place. as at his Eritrante. At Asti, he met with the fame The following is an Account of the Days of En Treatment. At the first Post from Turin, he was tertainment, and Festivals, for the Marriage of the» met by the Master of the Ceremonies, and his Deputy, Infanta Donna Maria Luifa, in February 1764. in Two of his Sardinian Majesty's Coaches, and con February 10, Friday, The King and Court return ducted to the Palace prepared for his Reception on. from the Pardo to Madrid, Sunday last at Noon, and soon after complimented on Feb. 11, Saturday, The Imperial-Ambassador Count his safe Arrival, on the Part of the King, the Duke Rosemberg comes to Madrid, and occupies the of Savoy, and the ret! of the Royal Family. House whcreShe is to be defrayed at the King's The Foreign Ministers residing at this Court went Expence. in a Body to -pay their Respects to his Royal High • Feb. 12, Sunday, and Feb. 13, Monday, The Am- ness; after which his Rojal Highness was conducted bassador continues to be served at the King's Ex- to Court by thc Master of the Ceremonies and his . pence. Deputy, in Two of his Sa'diivin Majesty's Coaches, Feb. 14, Tuefiiay, The Ambassador goes in Cere attended by Mr Pi't, Sir William Boothby, and Co mony, from the aforesaid House, to a Publick lonel St. John. At the Foot ofa private Staircase, Audience, in which he makes a Demand of the which leads to a Part of the Palace, he was met by Infanta. At Night Fireworks or Entertainments at j the fame Gentleman of the Bedchamber who fiad the Euen Retiro. complimented him in the Name of his Sardinian Feb. 15, Wednesday, The Marriage Contract if sign Majesty, and in a Gallery at the Head of the Stairs, ed, Fireworks or Entertainments atthe Buen Reti: j. by the Grand Chambellan, who conducted his Royal Feb. 16, Thursday, TheNup:ia!s. Fireworks again, Highness to an Apartment, where he was received or Entertainments at the Retiro. by the King of Sardinia, the Duke of Chablais, ar.d Feb. 17, Friday, First Festival at the Count of Ro- the Prince of Piedmont, the Duke of Savoy being semberg's. confined to his Room by the Remains of a Fever and Feb. 18, Saturday, Second Festival at the Count of Cold, which has not yet left him. After some Con Rosem berg's. versation with his Sardinian Majefiy, his Royal High Feb. 19, Sunday, The Court kiss Hands in the ness was conducted by the Duke of Chablais and Morning. In the Afternoon tbe King and Royal Prince of Piedmont, to the Duke and Dutchess of Family go in great Solemnity to return Thanks at Savoy's Apartments, where his Royal Highness was tbe Chrrch of Arocha. received by the Rest of the Princes and Princesses of Feb. 20, Monday, Third Entertainment at the Count this Royal Family. Ahcr this Ceremony, his Royal of Rosemberg's. Highnes. returned in the same Manner to'the Apart Feb. 21, Tuesday, Day of Rest between Count Ro- j ment where he had left the King, and was recon- semberg's Festivals, and those of the Prince de la ducted Home from thence in the fame Coaches. Catholics, Ambassador from Naples. | From the Cordial Friendship which exists between Feb. 22, Wednesday, Entertainment of the Prince de 1 the Two Courts, it is easy to conceive with what la Catholica. Warmth of Regard his Royal Highness was received Feb 23, Thursda'y, The Tribunals kiss Hands. by his Sardinian Majesty and his Family, of which Feb. 24. Fiiday, Entertainment of the Marquis he continues to experience every Testimony, by every d'Oilun, Ambassador from the Fren h Court. j polSble Mark of Attention ard Esteem that can be Feb. 25. Saturday, The King and Court return to sliewn him ; and his Royal Highnfss., on his Part, the Pardo. 1 returns it in a Manner, which has already procured him The Ambassadors of the three Courts wi'l have the sincere Affection of thc whole Court. Immediately Fireworks, ard give a Play in Theatres which they ! upon his Royal Highness's Return, he was waited have fitted up far-the Occasion within their Houses, * upon by the Prince of Carignan and his Son, and the' vvhich will be followed by a great Supper, and a Ball, i next D.iy by tlie Great Officers, the Ministers of v Turin, February 15. His Royal Highness the State, the- Knights of the Order of the Annuncia Duke of York, is arrived in this Capital in perfect tion, and Those about the Court who are of the same Heakh : Notwithstanding his Wisties to maintain a j Rank. His Royal Highness then visited the Prince private Character, it was impossible to avoid his \ and Princess of Carignan, as Eail of Ulster, and beino- received at Alexandria and Asti, the two chief continues ta preserve his private Character. Towns through which his Royal Highness passed, •with all possible Marks of Respect and Distinction. In last Tuesday's Gazette, in the Article from Ge At some Distance from the first, the Commandant met noa, for Sigu, read Sign ; for PraBick, read Pratick i him with two Coaches and Six, complimented him and for Callaro, read Catlaro. in the Name of the King, and conducted him to the Governor's House (he being absent upon Account of St. James's, February zg. Kis Health) where his Royal Highness was received This Day the Count dc Woronzow. Minister Ple by the Officers of the Garrison and chief Nobility of nipotentiary from the Empress of Ruffia, had aa the Place, and entertained magnificently. In enter Audience of Leave of His Majesty. ing the Town, he was saluted with Thirty Discharges And afterwards M. de Grosse, 1-is Successor in the of Cannon, the. Guard at the Gate presented their fame Character, had his First private Audience to Arms, and -the Officer saluted him ; a Captain's deliver his Credentials. Guard was mounted, and all other Honours paid him To which they were introduced by the Right Hon. ia Proportion : During his Royai Highness's Stay at lhe Earl of Sandwich, one of His Majesty's Principal I Price Three-pence. J Secretaries .