.( 2 ADVEETISEMENTW. 1 The Crawford Grand. “:.

WALKER & PRATT MFC. CO., Msnnfsoturers, Wholesalers and Betailers of ICI - -- -~ _ I err Sto--- - STEAM Ventil PROPERTY OF THE

21 A

New York: 82 Fif&Av., car. West 14th St.

PRIL.#DE’CPWI.¶, Pa., 1409 Cbeaturrt Strerh mvlC~r&ZORE, .lld., Ii3 North Char*Ies Stveof. PROYIDE.WCD, R. X.,275 IW?~taminster St. NElPPORT, R. I., 227 Ttmaes Strert. ROS!FO.V (Uigbtarrds), 2206 ~Vasbiuqtorr Street. XZOSW’OiP~ (Sontb), 39.1 Dreadzag. L’m=l; -ASS., 3 .WarRet Street. W*~lTERZ’OW2t’, iW.#SS., GaZea Stwet. works: - Watertown, Mass. Wearing Aplxvcl of all kinds Dved or Cleansed whole. Drape&s, Lace Curtains, Blankets, Feathers, Laces, and ~111Mate- rinls I)yed or Cleansed. - FINEST LAUNDRY XVORIC. - Watertown Office at Works, Galen Street. 151 MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. WATERTOWN WATER SUPPLY CO. Office Union Market NationalBank building, Main Street John H. Perkins, Supt.

WEST EN3 STRBET RAILWAY CO. Station Main, near Cross Street. General Of&e, 81 Milk Street, Boston. Cars leave Watertown 8. A. M., and every 30 minutes U&i1 5.30 P. M., 5.55 P. 1.. then every 30 minutes until 9.55 P.M. Leave Boston every 30 minutes from 7.05 A. Y. to 11 P. M. Sunday cars leave Watertown every half hour from 7.25 A. Y. to 12.55 P. M. Leave Boston every 30 minutes from 8.30 A. M. t0 11.30 P. hf.


Watertown, McMaster’s block, 33 Main Street. James F.. Lynch, Postmaster; Lizzie M. Lynch, Asst. Postmaster. Mails arrive 7.32and 11 ~.~.,12.33,3.42and(i.l7~.&r. Mails close 8.04 and 9.45 A. M., 12.55, 3 and 6.20p.i~ Mails arrive from Waltham and West, 10.03 A. M. Mails close for Waltham and West, 1.42 P. M. Office hours from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. ; Saturdays from 7 A. JI. to 9 P. BI. Money orders on all principal o&es in the United States. Letters and merchandise registered to all parts of the world. Mt. Auburn, in J. H. Flagg’s store, near Railroad bridge Mt. Auburn street. Mailscollected and delivered from Cambridge P. 0. ,J. H. Flagq, Sqerintendent. Mails arrive 8.15 and 11.45 A. M., 3.00 and 5.45 P. M. Mails depart same time as arrival. Be&s, Bemis Station. B. H. Bacon, Postmaster. Mails arrive 7.46 A. H., 12.34 and 5.36 P. M. Mails depart 8.16 A. Y., 1.06 and 6.31 P. M. 4 ADVERTISEMENTS. FIELD & MELVIN, SUGAR CURED HAMS. CHEESE. Groceries and Provisions, FRl3SXI EGGS. cx-1o1cE mUTTERr CHOICE FRUITS AND CANNED GOODS. FRESH VEGETABLES IN THEIR SEASON. Main Street, car,Riverside Place, WATERTOWN, THE WATERTOWNCO-OPERATIVE BANKI WATERTOWN, MASS. Office of Secretary & Treasurer, 38 Main Street, -OFFICERS, - Pres., Chas. Brigham. Vice-Pres., A. I-i. Hartwell. Secretary and Treasurer, S. S. Gleason. -DIRECTORS,- Chss. Brigham, A. II. Hartwell, S. S. Gleasot~, Lewis B. Porter, II. II. Powell, homas E. Hackett, Jnmes II. Norcmss, Hornce W. Otis, L. Sidney Cleveland, [iram D. Skinner, T. P. Emerson, A. B. Cole, W. A. Lingham,J. D. E’vans. -3.1X.4 LVCE COMNITTJE. -- H. 1D. SKINNER. L. S. CLEVELAND. --SBCL’L’lTY COM~~~ZY1’TEE,--

B. W. PERKINS, President. E. II. WILLIAMS, Yice.Prcsidcnt. J. F. SHEAB~IAN. Secretary. M. W. COULTER, Treasurer. -- EQUITABLETRUST AND INVESTMENT CO, Office, No. 57 Sears Building, Boston, Mass. CAPITAL PAID IN $mo,oao. The investments offered for sale by this Company 81% First Mortgages bearing SEVEN PER CENT.iuterest upon real estate in Kawns; aleo the SlX PER CENT.BONl>S ofthe Company, secured by First Mortgages deposited with tbe Mawachusetts Loan and Trust Company, of Boston, both of which are safe and will prove a satisfactory investment for large or small amounts. Please call at the office and examine 0x1 securities, 01’ if not convenient to call, write for further information to EDWARU II. WILLIAMS, 57 Sears Bldg., 199 Washington St., Boston I'ULSIFER, SAVAGE & CO., Commission Merchants and Dealers in Fruit and Country Produce. XOS. 96 AND -98 CLINTON STREET, BOSTON, Telephone No. 691.

J. C. Pulsifer. w. m. Savsge. A. B. Pulsifer. ADVE ICTISEMENTS. 5 JOHNRALSTON & CO,, -&Zarwfabchrvers of-


Special Atten’kopa Given to Special Orders, Lettering, Etc. COR. CUSHMAN & FAYETTE STREETS,





NEATSFOOT OIL. STRICTLYPURE NEATSFOOT OIL C!ONSTANTJLY ON HAND. ADVERTIS~WEN’J.‘S . 7 WM. E, FARWEL.L, IICITSURAlkCE AGENT. WINTER, COR. SUMMER STREET. Assurance Corporation, - - - - - London, Eng. Union Insurance Company, - - - - - San Francisco, Cal. American Fire Insurance Company, - - - Philadelphia, Pa. 1Jnelling House Insurance Company, - - - - - Boston, Mass. Quincy Mutual Insurance Company, - - - - Quincy, Mass. -P. 0. BOX, 773. - J?l;rET’CHER ds%TO WNIE, DEALERS IN GROCERIES,PROVISIONX, CROCKBRY, WOODEN WARE, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC. Pleasant Street, opp, Bemis Station, Aetna Mills, WATERTOWN- MASS-

* t- H. BARKER i!k CO., MANLilpAC7 URER5 OF WATERTOWNSTARCH ’ The Oldnnd We&known Watcrtmon Soft, Sprillg Premiana Starch is made of wheat, and is recmmesded pnrticutnrly fop Ehmily and Lumdry ~8~8. Vhecct Stnvch giaes a atv’ong and dwubleJinish, and ia wed and preferred by Zuundrirs and highly recommended. -And IJealcrs in - , SOUR F’IwOUR. 74 COMMEBCIAL &PlZEET, BOSTON, MASS. FACTORY A.T WATERTOWN. IIIRAM BARKER. E. L. BARKER. HIRAM E. BARKER. JOHN GROSSMAN, Electricia.~,BellHanger&Locksmith SPECIALTIES.-Electric Burglar and Fire Alarms, Hotel and House Annun- ciators, Gas Lighting Apparatus, Watchmen’s Time Clocks, Heat Regulators and Speaking Tubes. Electric and CommonBell Hanging of allXtr& Ligkt Me4hanicsl Repairing, Wiring for Incandescent Eleotrio Lighting, Estimates famished, 4 CHURCH STREET, WALTIIAM, MASS. P. 0, BOX 1177, 8 ADVERTISEMENTS. HOWARD BROTHERS, - Dealers in- PURE ICE. ICE HOUSES, LAKE STREET.

Residents of Newton(Wards One and Seven) will be supplied with a choice quality of Pure Ice upon application. Order Boxes in Newton :-Post Office, W. H. Brackett’s, W. Howes’ Markets. Receive Orders at their Office, Dana Block, Main Street, and at E. C. & A. B. Hall’s, Noyes Block, Watertown. ALEXANDERGREGG&SONS, FUNERALAND FURNISHING UNIIERT'AKERS. COFFINS,CASKETS & ROBES

Constantly on hand and furnished at Short Notice. Warerooms,15 Galen St., Watertown,Mass.

Every article necessary for the burial of the dead, all of which will be furnished at the Lowest Possible Prices. Also Superintendent of Cemeteries. Residence, 26 Riverside Place, Watertown. WATERTOWN DIRECTORY, IL - OF THE -.-


W. A. GREENOUGHt< & CO., COPPERY, PEI~~RS ana PWLISHERB, No. 28 Oliver Street,Boston. G

Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1889, by W. A. Qmssons~ &Co., in the Oilice of tbe LEbrariso of Congress at Washington.

Press of W. A. (freenough & Co. -, , . “j i ‘- IO ADVICRTISEMENTS. .,I JOHN E, ABBOTT, Attorneyand Counsellor at Law. 8.5 DEVONSHIRE ST., BOSTON, MASS.

My connection with the Arm of ABBOTT BROTHERS, 71 Broadway, h’ew York City,gives me the best facilities for attending to legal business in ISew York. I have also special facilities for transacting legal business in Canada. and ant familiar with the French language. In this connection I refer to M. Flandin, the French Consul at Boston. S. 3p. AB-OTT, ATTORNEY A’T I;rAW. 13 EXCHANGE STREET, ROOM 28, BOSTON. Residence, Summer Street, Watertown, Msss, DANA c%! BATEIS, COUNSELLORS AT LAW. 54 DEVONSHIRE STREET, BOSTON, MASS. WM. P. DANA. BENJAMIN E. BATE& Mr. Bates’ Residenoe, Main Street, Watertown. LAFAYETTE G+. BLAIR, COUNSELLOR - AT - LAW, 34 SCHOOL ST., ROOMS, 37 AND 38, BOSTON. Resideme, Melendy Avenue, East Watertown. FRED E. ORAWFQRD, ATTORNEY8 COUNSELLORAT LAW, 10 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON. Offloe, Tnssdayr Thor&y and Saturday Evenings, Noyes’ Blook, Main Street, Watertown, WATERTOWNENTERPRISE PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. Office, Barnard’s Block, 30 Main Street, WATEIRTOWN. Terms, - - ggl.50 per year, FRED G. BAREER, Publisher. PREFACE.

The 10th edition of the Watertown Directory for 1889 Ji 90 is herewith presented to our patrons and the gen- eral public, with the hope that it will meet the wants of all who have occasion to use it, we spare no pains or ex- pense that our experience of most thirty years can sng- gest to get up all of our publications as correct and relia- ble as possible for works of this kind, and have every reason to believe that they will compare favorably with any directories published in this country. Our large and extensive list of directories are on file at our office for the use of our patrons and the public, whenever they wish to avail themselves of the opportunity. The following synopsis is appended 1888 1889 Increase 2,506 2,808 302 With thanks to one and all who have aided us in any way. We remain very respectfully, W. A. Greenough & Co., Editors, Publishers and P~rintera. 12 ADVER.TISEMENTS. CHARLES H. ROLLINS, PracticalPlumber& Gas Fitter JOBBERIN PLUMBERSMATERIALS OFALL KINDS, G;asFlxtures, Etc. Main St., opp. Town Hall, Watertown, Hass. Special attention given to Ventilation. Satisfaotion harmteed,

Watertown, Nt. Auburn and Boston EXPRESS. Ofice in Watertown, 54 Main Street. Boston O&e, 91 Xilby St., and 25 Merchants Row. Order Box in Boston,-Cellar, 3 Quimy Market. Leave Watertown at 10.00 A. &I. Leave Boston at 3.00 P. M. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JO’EL-N ROSS. CARRIAGEAND WA60N MANUFACTURER, Also, Carriage Painting. SpringStreet, Watertown, j Repairilzg 1:n all its Rrrmci~s Pronaptlg Attended to. WATERTOWN CARRIAGE FACTORY. F. 0. HARTHERTZ, CarriageManufacturer & Repairer. ltlorse Shoer and Blacksmith. Wheelwright and Carriagesmith. Cor. Arsenal & Taylor Sts., Watertown. L. B. ATHERTON, CARRIAGE PAINTER. First-Clam Work at Esasonable Prices. Sign Work and Lettering a Specialty. TAYLOR, car. ARSENAL ST., - - WATERTOWN, MASS. CONTENTS.

Abbreviations ...... 23 A8gregates of Polls, Property; Etc ...... 162 American Legion of Honor...... 149 Ancient Order of United Workmen...... z. 149 Bank ...... 120 Blocks, Buildings, Etc ...... 21 British American Association ...... 17 n Business Directory...... 119 Bu.iness Directory of Patrons ...... 16 Cemeteries ...... 22 Census of Mass ...... 169 Churches ...... 146 Corporation8 ...... 163 Fire Alarm Boxes ...... 143 Fire Department ...... 142 General Directory ...... 23 ...... 149 Grand Army of the Republic . Index to Roston Advertisements ...... lo Index to Watertown Advertisements ...... 15 Justices of the Peace ...... 168 of Honor ...... 160 Masonic Societies ...... 148 Medical Examiner ...... 168 Northern Mutual Belief Association ...... 160 Notaries Public...... 158 Odd Fellows ...... 148 Order of the Iron Hall ...... 150 Order of the Sons of Veterans ...... 17B Police ...... 142 Post Offices ...... 154 Preface ...... 11 Public Library ...... 146 Publicschools...... 144 Railroad Stations...... 22 Batesof.Postage...... 155 Savings Bank ...... 186 Societies.Rtc...... 151 Streets, Courts, Avenues, Etc ...... 18 Telegraph Oflices ...... 139 Temperance Society...... i...... 151 Town Of&era...... 141 United Order of the Golden Cross ...... 161 West End Street Railway Co ...... 154 Woman’s Relief Corps ...... ! ...... 150




PAGE PAGE Abbott John E ...... 10 Harthertz F. C...... 12 Abbott Samuel P ...... 10 Haynes A. F ...... 165 Atherton L. B...... 12 Howard Bros ...... 8 Barks-Fred G ...... 10 Hubbard F. K ...... foot lines Barker H. & Co ...... 7 Lewando’e French Dyeing and Bates Benj. E ...... 10 Cleansing Eatablisbment.. . 2 Blair L. G ...... 10 Parlin J. R...... front cover Brigham Charles ...... 166 Perkins & Co...... 3 Coolidge Au&in J ...... 165 Potter B. E...... *...... foot lines Crawford Fred E ...... 10 Ralston John & Co...... 5 Critchett J. H. & Son...... 12 Rollins C. H ...... 12 Critchett’s Express ...... 12 Ross John...... 12 Crystal Spring Laundry ...... 3 Spear & Richardson ...... 3 Farwell Wm. E...... 7 Taylor Geo. F ...... 3 Field & Melvin ...... 4 Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co.... . 2 Fletcher & Towne...... 7 W:ttertown Carriage Factory.. 12 Gilkey & Stone...... 6 Watertown Co-operative Bank. 4 Gleason S. S ...... 4 Watertown Enterprise...... 10 GrrggAlex&Sons...... 3


PAGE PAGE Abbott John E...... 10 Dana & Bates...... 10 Abbott Samuel P ...... 10 Equitable Trust Q Invest- Barker H. & Co ...... 7 ment Co. (The) ...... 4 Bates Benjamin E ...... 10 Grossman John, Wattham.. . . . 7 Blair L. G...... 10 Lewando’s French Dyeing Brigham & Spofford ...... 168 and Cleansing Establishment. 2 Brighton Abattoir ...... New England Machine Co.. . . 165 BrownF.A.&Co...... 3” Paine’s Furniture Co. front Butchers’ Slaughtering and cover and 14 Melting Association...... 6 Putsifer, Savage & Co...... 4 Crawford Fred E ...... 10 Savage W. W...... , 4 Critchett J. H. & Son ...... 12 SmithB.F...... backcover Critchett’e Express ...... 12 Walker % Pratt Mnfg. Co. . . . . 2 16 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PATRONS.


Arch2tects. Curta&ns and Fixtures. Brigham & Spofford, 19 &Iilk, Bos- Paine’s Furniture Co., 48 Canal, ton (see page 165) Boston (see front cover and p. 14)

%3edd%wg,Feathers,Etc. Paine’s Furniture Co.. 48 Canal. Dead Animccls Re- Boston (see front cover and p. %4) moved. Butchers Slaughtering and Melting Association, Brighton (see p. 6) Bro7cem (Mortgage. ) The Equitable Trust & Investment Co., Edward H. Williams, vice Decorators (Ttnporters pres., 57 Sears building, Boston (see page 4) am&d Mnfm.) Paine’s Furniture Co., 48 Canal, Boston(see front cover and p. 14) Cabinet iWakers. Paine’s Furniture Co., 48 Canal, Boston (see front cover and p. 14) Drape&es. Paine’s Furniture Co., 48 Canal, Boston (see front COY. and p. 14) Chawch Pmw$ture. Paine’s Furniture Co., 48 Canal, Boston (see front cover and p. 14) Dry CEeansing. Lewando’s French Dyeing and Cleansing Establishment, 17 Tem- Cleansing (Dry.) ple pl., Boston (see page 2) Lewando’s French Dyeing & Cleans- ing Establishment, 17 Temple pl., Boston (see page 2) Dye House. Lewando’s French Dyeing and Cleaosing Establishment. 17 Tem- ClathZng Cleaned and ple pl., Boston (see page 2) Dyed. Lewando’s French Dyeing and Cleansing Establishment, 17 Tem- Emery W7teels. ple place, Boston (see p. 2) New England Machine Co., 48 to 47 Beverly, Boston (see p. 165) Commissfon Mer- chants. Pruit. Pulsifer, Savage & Co., 96 and 98 Clinton, Boston (see page 4) Pulsifer, Savage & Co., 96 and 98 Clinton, Boston (see page 4) BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PATRONS 17 Purnaces,Rnnges, Etc. Ma&inery and Ma- (Mnfrs.) ch2n&s’ TooEa. Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co., 31 Un- New England Machine Co., 43 to 47 ion, Boston (see p. 2) Beverly, Boston (see p. 165)

ParnBture DeaEers. Paine’s Furniture Co., 48 Canal, Paine’s Furniture Co., 48 Canal, Boston (see front cover andp. 14) Boston (see front cover and p.14)

Neuts Foot Oil. Furniture Bnfrs. Butchers’ Slaughtering & Melting Brown F. A. & Co., 87 Union, Bos- Association, Brighton (see p. 6) ton (see page 3)

Offtee Furm4ture. Investment Securities.~ Paine’s Furniture Co., 48 Canal, B. The Equitable Trust & Iuvestment (see front cover and page 14) Co., Edward H. Williams, vice pres., 57 Sears bldg., Boston (see page 4) Oils. Butchers’ Slaughtering & Melting Iron.and Wood Work- Association, Brighton (see p. 6) ing Tools. New England Machine Co., 43 to 47 Beverly, Boston (see page 165) Parlor F~urmiture. Paine’s Furniture Co., 48 Canal, Boston (see front cover and p.14) Lawyers. Abbott John E., 85 Devonshire, B. Pews and Pulpits. .kizt pixlt”,~ P 13 Exchange, Paine’s Furniture Co., 48 Canal, Boston (see pagyl0) Boston (see front cover and p.14) Blair Lafayette G., 34 School, Bos- ton (see page 10) Crawford Fred E., 10 Tremont, Boston (see page 10) Rattan and Reed Pur- Dana & Bates, 54 Devonshire, Bos- ton (see page 10) niture. Paine’s Furniture Co., 48 Canal, Boston (see front cover and p.14) Machinery Hnfrs. New England Machine Co., 43 to 47 Refrigerators. B:verly, Boston (see p. 165) Paine’s Furniture Co., 48 Canal, , Boston (see front cover and p.14) '17 A BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PATRONS. Roll Top Desks. Steam and Hotel Cook- ,&nd Apptwatus. Paine’s Furniture Co., 43 Canal, Boston (see front cover and p.14) Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co., 31 Un- ion, Boston (see p. 2)

ShaftZny, Hamnyers, Pulleys, Etc. Stove Mnfrs. New England Machine Co., 43 to 4i Beverly, Boston (see p. 165) Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co., 31 Un- ion, Boston (see page 2)

Slaughter Houses. Butchers’ Slaughtering & Melting l’txllou~ a?&d Grease. Association, Brighton (see p. 6) Butchers’ Slaughtering & Melting Association, Brighton (see p. 6)

Sprin,y Beds UYC.~ Bed- ditq. Paine’s Furniture Co., 48 Canal, lk, Copper amd Sheet Boston (see front cover and p.14) Iron WorFcs.

Walker & Pratt Mufg. Co., 31 Un- ion, Boston (see page 2) Starch Mnfrs. Barker H. & Co., 54 Commercial. Boston (see page 7) l’im Roofing.

Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co., 31 Un- Steam Boilers and Em- ion, B6ston (see page 2) gines. New England Machine Co., 43 to 47 Beverly, Boston (see p. 165)

The Equitable Trust 82 Investment Stemn Pumps, BoZlers, Co., Kdwartl H. Williams, vice Etc. pres., 57 Sears building, Boston (see page 4) New England Machine Co., 43 to 47 Beverly, Boston (see 1’. 165) Upholstered mad UJ,- holsterg Goods.

Paine’s Furniture Co., 48 Canal, 1Valker C Pratt Mnfg. Co., 31 Un- Boston (see front cover and p.14) i<,n, Boston (see p. 2) MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT 17 B




Qficers : - Robert Elder, Pres. ; J. 13. Oldrieve, Vice Pres.; G. S. Thompson, Xec.; A. D. Drew, Treas. Meets first Wednesday in the month, in G. A. R. Hall.

HOSE CO. SO. 2. Mt. Auburn street, Mt. Auburn. O$Ecers:-Robert Elder, Capt.; James Laffey, 2nd Capt.; Edward Powers, Clerk. --- ORDER OF THE SONS OF VETERANS. ARTHUR B. FULLER, CAMP 102.

ORGANIZED ACGUST 19, 1889. Oflcers :-A. I?. Sutting, Cupt.; D. A. S. Barker, 1st Lieut.; D. J. Sullivan, 2nd &ieut.; G. W. Priest, 1st Sergt. Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays. 18 STREETS, COURTS, BVEXJES, ETC.


Adams avenue, from Mt. Auburn, south to Nichols ave., Norwood Park, It:. W. Adams avenue, from Mt. Auburn, north and cast, to School, E. W. Arlington, from Arseunl, across Mt. Auburn to Belmont, East Watertown Arsenal, from Beacon square to Brighton line Auburn place, from Mt. Auburn, near Patten Bacon from Main, next beyoud R. R. bridge Beacon square, junction Riverside place, N. Beacon, Mt. Auhurn and Main Bailey road, from Mt. Auburn, uext Garfield north Beechwood avenue, from N. Beacon to the Charles river Belmont, from Mt. Auburn? near railroad bridge, Mt. Auburn, to Waltham line Bigelow avenue, from Mt. Auburn to Nichols ave., E.W. Bleilers lane, changed to Prospect Boyd, fr. Galen, nearly opp. Maple to Fayette (Newton) Bridge, from Waltham, across F. R. R., to Newton line Brook, from Pleasant, to the river, at Hollingsworth & Whitney Co’s. paper mill California, from Watertown, at the bridge to Newton line Carroll, from Belmont to Orchard Cedar, from Walnut, near Franklin, to Lincoln Centre, from Franklin to Walnut Charles River ave., from N. Reacon to the Charles river Chester, fr. Mt. Auburu, 01~1). the cemetery, to Washburn Chestnut, from Main to Green Church, from Main? at To.wn building. to Palfrey Church lane, from Main, nearly opposite Public Library building, to Pleasant Common. from Mt. Auburn to Belmont Common-street place, from Common, nesr Belmont Coolidge avenue. from Cambridge line, at Mt. Auburn cemetery, to Arsenal Coolidge Hill, from Arlington, opp. E. Watertown depot Cottage, from Mt. Auburn, near the railroad bridge, to the Catholic cemetery, Mt. Auburn Cottage place, from Cottage, Mt. Auburn Cross, from Pleasant opposite H. & W. CO’S mill, across Main to Winter Cuba, from Main to Myrtle Cusbman, from Fayette, next White avenue ./ _--


STREETS, COURTS, AVENUES, ETC. 19 Dexter avenue, from Mt. Auburn, next Adams avenue, IS:ust Watertown Iclm. from Arlington, at E. W. station to Arsenal, E.W. Elton aveuue, from Nichols avenue to Bigelow a.ve.,E. W. Payette, from Spriug to Forest Pifth avenue, from California, near Newton line to Watertown Forest, from Main. nearly opp. Cubs, to beyond Fayette Pranklin, from Mt. Auburu, opposite Russell avenue, to Walnut Galeu. from Watertown square, to Newton line Garfield, from AIt. Auburu. nearly opp. Lincolu, north Garnet, from 10 Irving to Parker Gilkep avenue, from Patten. at railroad bridge Greeu. from Maiu 01~1). Whites ave. to Pleasant Grove, from Srliugton, near Mt. Auburn, to Coolidge ave.. East Watertown Hnrnden avenue. from Lexington, east to Carroll Hill, from opp. 36 Fayette to Palfrey Hovey, from Belmont, next Wllite, to Orohnrd How:~rd, from Maiu to Pleasnnt Hudson, from Cusbman to Whites avenue Irviug, from Mt. Auburn ac’ross North Beacon to River- side plnce Irving Park, from Irving to Royal .Jewett, from Morse to Royd Ladd, from Riverside place, opp. J. H. Ladd’s residence, to North Reacon Lesiugton, from Mail1 to Relmout Lincoln, from Mt. Auburn, west, nest above Walnut, to Walnut Lowell avenue, from Orchard, east to Carroll Main. from Reacou square, junction Mt. Auburn to Wal- tham liue Main-street court, from 33 Main Aial~le, from Galen to Newtotr line Marshall, from Mt. Auburn to Spring Melenrlp avenue, from Mt. Auburn to Grove, E. W. Middle, from Main to Myrtle Morse. from Galen to Watertown, near Newton line Mt. Auburn, from railroad bridge, Cambridge line, to Main, at Reacon-square junction nlyrtle, from Main, near F. R. 11. to Pleasant Nichols avenue, from Arlington. opposite East Water- town station, to Adams avenue, East Watertown North Bencou. from Charles River bridge (Brighton) to Bracon square North Beacon street court, from No. Beacon: near Lndd, southerly Norwood Park, a district lying north of the F. R. R., be- tween Arlington and Mt. Auburn streets, E. W. 2 20 STREETS, COURTS, AVENUZS, ETC. Orchard, from Lexington, near Relmont line. to C nmn Otis, from Mt. Auburn, opp. the cemetery, to W urn Palfrep, from Mt. Auburn nest Marshall, beyond Whites avel~uc Park, from Morse to IIoyd, near Newton line Parker, from Mt. Auburu, nearly opp. the cemetery Patten, from Mt. Auburn, opp. schoolhouse to Arsenal Pearl, from Summer to Palfrey Phillips, from Mt. Auburn, nest Irving Pleasant, from Galen, at Watertown sq., to 7Valth:~m line Prentiss, from AIt. Auburn, next Arlington, to Relmont, East Watertown Prospect, from Arsenal to Piorth Beacon Riverside place, from Beacon square Royal, from Korth Beacon to Riverside place R&sell aveuue, from north side Mt. Auburn, nest Gar- field School, from Belmont, across Mt. Auburn to Arsenal, East Watertown Spring, from 21 Main to Common Stanlev avenue, from Waltham, beyond Bridge Summ;?r, from 3It. Auburn, beFond Whites nvenue to Warerly Swett place, from Waltham, next Bridge Taylor, from Mt. Auburu at railroad crossing to Arsenal Thaster, from Main. at Public Library building Vernon ave., from Russell ave. Walnut, from &It. Auburn to Arsenal Waltham from Pleasant, at R.R. bridge, to Waltham line Warren, from Lexington, near Relmont to Walthsm line Washburn, from Franklin to Chester Water, from Galen, n. tbe bridge, to Galcn, at the school- house Watertown, from Galen, n. the bridge, to Newton line Watertown court, from Watertown, n. Newtou line Watertown squsre, junction Main, Galen and Pleasant Wxverly, from Main, opp. Myrtle, across Summet Wheelers court, from Riverside place, nest Beacon sq. \Vhite, from Helmont, near Lexington, to Orchard Whites avenue, from Main, opp. Green, to Pelfreg Whitney, from Belmont. to Orchard Wilbur avenue, from Lexington near R. R. Williams, from Galen, at Newton line, to Jefferson (Newton) Winter, from Church to Fayette / , /



Adams Block, Morse, corner Watertown Almshouse, John J. Reed, superintendent, Orchard Barnard Block, from 26 Main to Galen Batchelder’s Building, Main, car. Watertown sq. Central Hall, 31 Maiu Dana Block, 41 to 45 ,Main, Watertown square Diamond Block, Taylor Plagg’s Block, Mt. Auburn, near railroad bridge, Cam- bridge liue Foresters’ Hall, Dana block, Main Gardner’s Block, Cross, next Main Garfield Block, Galen, car. Pleasant Gas Works, Newton and Watertown Gas Light Company Waldo N. Learned, superintendent, Water Good Templar Hall, Walthsm, opp. Bridge G. A. R. Hall, Otis Bros. Block, Mt. Auburn, car. Main Lyman’s bldg., Mt. Auburn, near Beacon sq. Masonic Hall, Otis building, 23 to 25 Main. car. Spring McMaster’s Block. 29 to 33 Main, nen.r Spring Morse Block, Galen, corner Watertown, and Cross, car. Pleasant Ncyes Block, Main, opposite Church . Otis Bras.’ Block, Main, from Mt. Auburn to Spring Otis Building, Main, corner Spring Post OHIces, J. F. Lynch, postmaster, 33 Main; Mt Au- burn, branch -Boston Post-oMce, J. H. Flagg, supt., Bemis station, B. H. Bacon, postmaster Russell’s Block, Mt. Auburn, at Beacon square Russell’s Buildin.g, Spring, near Main Spring Hotel butlding, Main, Watertown sq. Town House aud Hall, Maiu, corner Church Union Market National Bank building, Main, opposite Town Hall Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co. Block, 15 to 27 Galen Watertown U. S. Arsenal, Arsenal, near Elm Wheeler’s Block, Spring, between Summer and Fayette Whitney Block, Main, corner Church Wollitzer Block, rear Myrtle, opposite Cuba 23 RAILROAI) STATIONS AND CEMETERIES.


Bemis Station and 2Etua Mills Cottage-street crossing, Thomas Lyons. flagman East Watertown, Arlington street, John H. Glidden, station agent Grove-street crossing, Francis F. Clark, flagman Howard street crossing, John Coffey, flagman Irving street crossing, Frank J. Burns, flagman Mt. Auburn street crossing, John P. Sheridan, flagman Union Market, Walnut,corner Prospect street, Margaret E. Whitton, station agent Walnut street crossing Samuel N. Cushing, flagman Watertown, Church street, J. M. Johnson station agent.


Arlington street cemetery, hlexander Gregg, superin- tendent, Mt. Auburn, corner Arlington, It:. W. Cnthoiic cemetery, Williatn Andrews, superintendent, ad- joining Mt. Auburn cemeter-, foot of Cottage, Mt. Auburn Common street cemetery, Alexander Gr~gg,sup~,ritltend- ent, Common, corner Mt. Auburn Mt. Auburn cemetery, Jatnes W. Loveriug, superintend- ent, Mt. Auburn street, a portion of wllich lies in the town of Watertown, hnd the balance in the City of Cambridge. WATERTOWN DIRECTORY, . 188B-90.

ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS DIRECTORY. Ab., above: qt., agrnt : a&., amiatant: av., nvenue; b. or bds., boards: bet. between: bldg , building; blk., block: (B.), Boston; corn. trw., commercial traveller; corn. mer., cotnmission merchant; I’. or COI., corner; ct., court; X. W., Xast Watertown; F. R. R., Fitchburg Ballroad; h., house; lab., labort’rj mkr., maker; mofr., mrruufacturer; Mt. A., Mount -4uburn; II., near; ow., up- poa1t.e; pl., place; Y. O., l’oet O&x; pres., president; rd., road; Rev., Revrr- end: r., rear; sea., secr*tary; sq.. B mire; ht., street; supt., nuperinwndmt; treas.. treasurer; LT. ht., Union .\lsr 9, qt; U. 8. A., United States A’my’ U. 8. z;. U$ted States Navy; W. & P. Mntg. Co., Talker L Praft Manuhtcturlng -I . E. St. Rv. Co., West End Street Rawa) Cu.; whf., whnrl; whol., wholesale: WM., widow. Where tbe uame of a firm. corporation or factory appears immediately after the name, it indicate8 the place of business. After the name of the street, the word street is omitted.

ABBAN JOSE:PH, laborer, b. Mary Abban’s, N. Beacon Abban Mary, widow, house North Beacon, car. Ladd Abbott Henrietta W. Mrs., boarding-house, Mt. Auburn opposite bummer BBOTT JOHN E., lawyer (85 Devonshire, B.), A house Franklin, near Mt. Auburn (see page 10) BBOTT SAMUEL I?., lawyer (13 Exchange, rm. A 24, B.), house Summer, near Unitarian church (see page 10) Abbott tiarah S., widow of Abiel, house 10 Phillips Abramsoh Joseph, starch maker, house Main, corner Church lane Adam Julius (Lucien Adam & Son), dyer, Main, near Waltham line, bds. Lucien Adam’s, Main Adam Lucien \ Lucien Adam & Son), dyer, Main, near Waltham line, house do, _--- Good Teams at all hours at Reasonable Prices. B.E. Potter, Special Rates to Parties SPRINGSTREET. and Entertainments. 24 WATERTOWN [A ] DIRECTORY Adam Lucien & Son (Lucien and Julius Adam), dyers, Main, near Waltham line Adams Arthur, student (Mass. Ins. Tech., 187 Boylston, B.), boards Henry Adams’, Morse Adams Edward W., pressman “ Len7ando’s,” boards Henry Stephen’s, Pearl Adams &ily Adelia Miss, teacher, Phillips primary school, boards William J. Quincy’s, Garfield Adams Henry, salesman (558 Washington, U.), house Morse, near Park xtna Mills, Pleasant, car. Bridge, Bemis station, Albert G. Davidson, agent, oflice (%(ici Devonshire, 15.) Btna Mills Boarding house, Pleasant, near Bernis station Ahearn William, teamster, II. Orchard, car. Car roll Alarie Joseph, carpenter, bouse Fayette. beyond Forest Alden George A. $ at Gas Works, hds. Miss S. Learned’s, Pearl Aldrich E. True. physician, M. Auburn, c. Summer, h. do Alexander Charles N., baker, E:. J. Dills, honse rear Palfrey, near Spring [cemetery, Mt. Auburn Alexander James A., machinist, house Cottage, near the Alexander Wm. A., fruit (50 Chatham, B.), h. 89 Uoyd Allan David, gardener, K. M. Pratt, Belmont, house do. Allan James B., gardener. R. M. Pratt’s, Belmont, b. do. Allen Charles, teamster, bds. Union Market House Allen Edward E., oils (7 Central wharf, B.), h. Green, near Pleasant Allen .Jane N. Mrs., dressmaker, Spring, n. Summer,h.do. Allen Leslie H., public carriage and express, Church, n. Main. house Spring. near Summer Allen Thomas, house Palfrey, near Spring Allen -, house C Block, off Myrtle Allev John, at Bates Farm, house Forest, car. Fayette Ame”ricnn Magnesium co., manufacturers maguesium, Water. store (143 Federal, B.) Anderson William M., farm band, h. Cbnrch lane Andrews William, superintendent, Catholic cemetery, house Cottage at cemetery gate, Mt. Anburn Andrus William ft’., salesman (B.), house Arseual, car. Arlington Angus William. farm hand, b. B. H. Pierce’s, Lexington Anthony Wilber, hostler, Dr. Alfred Hosmer, Riverside place, boards do. Applin John, foreman, machine shop, M’alker & Pratt Mufg. .Co., house at Newton Armstrong Thomas J., sninner, 2Etua Milla, house Pleas- ant, near Bemis station Arnold Charles R., dial painter (Walthan j, bds. G. F. Robinson’s. Mt. Auburn ~-. WATERTOWN [B] DIRECTORY 25 Arnold James H., teamster, J. H. Critchett & Son, house North Beacon Artey Robert, carpenter, rooms 115 Boyd Ashley Edith B., teacher, Grant school, b. 35 Riverside pl Atchison Robert, carpenter, attua Mills, h. at Newton THEETON LE WLS B., carriage painter, Tay- A lor, house at East Cambridge (see page 12) Atkins John G., molder, W. & P. Mufg. Co., house at Waltham Atkinsou Jane, widow of William, h. Bacon, next Main Atwood Carrie A., widow of Albert W., h. Cuba, c. Main Atwood Elkanah S., molder, Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co., house at Boston Highlands Atwood George 1’. B. molder, house Hill Atwood Grace S. Miss, h. Grove, c. Coolidge av., Mt. A. Atwood Henry A., iron-molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., h. Riverside place, opp. Irving Atwood William F., foreman of iron founders, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., b. Mrs. M. A. Blackwell’s, Riverside pl. Auld Lydia P. Miss, teacher, boards C. L. Woodworth’s, Fayette Austin John A., street car conductor, boards Mrs. Mar- garet Austin’s, Mt. Anbnrn, Mt. Auburn Anstin Xnrgaret, widow of Thomas, house rear Fast Grammar school, Mt. Auburn. n. Cottage, Mt. A. Avery Simou Mrs., boards F. Bright’s, Main Ayer Lucius A. J., prodnce and boarding house, Mt. Au-. ’ burn, car. Patten

BABIL SIMON. at Crystal Springs Mnfg. Co., house al Newton Bacon B. H., postmaster and station agent, Bemisstation. F. R. R., hoose Waltham, near school house Bacler Daniel, boards A. F. M&n’s, Galen Bailey Arad Mrs., house Mt. Auburn, car. Bailey a~. Bailey Arthur H., canned goods (132 State, B.), house Bovd, beyond Park Bailey Frank M., hides and leather (250 Purchase, B.), boards Mrs. Arad Bailey’s, Mt. Auburn Bailey Frank O., provisions (47 No. Market, B.), house Centre Bailey James, foreman of finishers, Lewando’s, boards J. H. Fraser’s, Washburn Baker John, clerk (Adjt. Gen. office, State House, B.),, house Palfrep, car. Whites av. Balcom Charles A., clerk, Newton and Watertown Gas Light Co., Water, house at Newton ,’ B:rlcom.Charles H., asst. supt. Newton and Watertown, Gas Light Co., Water, honse Church, next R. R. POTTER’S, SPRING STREET. SADDLEHORSES, Teams by the Day or Week. ~PERSONAL ATTENTION QIVEBTTO B~ABDING Hoasxa. 26 WdTERTOWW [B-j DIRECTORY Bannister Robert J., mason, h. California, n. BtnaDlills Rauks Thomas G., trav. salesman (36 Pearl, H.),aud supt. of highways, house Fayette, car. Church Banks WilLiiam, farm hand, I:. W. IIarrington, Belmont, boards do. [opposite Otis Rarker L)avid A. S., produce, house Washburn, nearly ARKEK. FHED G., book and job printer. and B proprietor “Watertown Euterprise,” Baruard blk., 30 Main, b. D. M. Brown’s, Franklin (see inside back cover) Barley John, at Lewando’s, 11. Summer, c. Whites av. llarker George ‘I., bds. David A. S. Barker’s, Washburn Rarker Gilbert, starch maker, h. Galen, near the bridge Barker Hiram (H. Barker & Co. ) , starch mufr.? Water, louse at Brighton Barker Hiram E. (H. Barker & Co.), starch mnfr., Wa- ter, house at Xcwton ARKJZR H. & CO. (Hiram and Hiram E. Barker), I3 starch mnfrs end of Water and (i4 Commercial, B.) (see page’i) Barker Grace J . Xiss, teacher (Wakefield), boards J. G. Barker’s, Mt. Auburn Barker Isabelle F., widow, boards Mrs. Eleanor P. Rug- gles’, Mt. Auburn Barker Joseph G., shirt mnfr., Spring, opp. Fayette, II. Mt. Auburn. car. Parker Barkers John, carpenter, house Spring, near Summer Barnard Samuel O., book-keeper, house Patten, near Mt. Auburn Barnes Gordan II., clerk, Boston Rranch Grocery, 29 _Main, rooms J. F. Parsons’, Galen Barnes James .J.? grocer, Main, near Cross, house do. Barnes John J . , at .J. H. Conant’s, Howard, 11. 3 Swett pl. Rarron Andrew W., driver, ‘I’. P. Emerson, house Church, above Summer Rarrou Fred H., carpenter, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., boards Mrs. L. A. Russell’s, Pleasant Barron Warren W., watchmau, W. and P. Mnfg. Co., b. Lewis E. Brown’s, Arsenal Barrows George, clerk (31 Union, Il.), 11. Fayette, c. Hill Barrows Miles I’., clerk (31 Union, B.), boards George Barrows’, Fayette Barry Ahbie V., widow of Chas. J., h. Main. c. Waverly Barry Garrett, clerk, boards James Barry’s, Forest Ilarry James, teamster, house Forest, corner Summer Rarry John, street car driver: boards George A. Page’s, Mt. Auburn Rarry *John E., starch maker, house Maple, next Galen Barry Lawrence, stone mason, h. rear Main, at F. It. R. F. .L3;. IEXUBEBARD, 20. Aubtcvn Street, Watertowrb, Xass. Connected by Horses for Sale and Exchange. Telephone. WATERTOWN [B-J DIRECTORY 27

Barry Wm. I)., carriage painter, b. J. E. Barry’s, Maple Bartlett Harriet H., widow of Orville, house Summer, n. W bite’s avenue Bartlett bar&h A., widow of Benj. F., house Mt. Auburn, corner Taylor ,Bartou Samuel XL., clerk (office Secretary of State, Sitate House, B.), house Orchard, corner Whitney Bass Herbert J., drug clerk. 40 Main, boards L. A. J. Aytlr’s, Mt. Auburn Batchelder Joseph, machinist, S. Elliott, Maple, boaids at Newton Batchelder Samuel.L., house Spring Hotel bl’dg, Nain, 01~1~.Watertown square ATES BEKJAMlN E., lawyer (54 Devonshire, B U.). house Main, next Lexingtun (see 1~. 10) Bates Ft,arces A., wid., b. Geo. A. Stearns’,Mt. Auburn Bates Herbert C., machinist, Porter & Co., house Pa. ette, car. Whites av. Bates Phiueas, secretar:;, Boston School Committee (Ma- son, B.) , house Fayette, near Whites av. Bates Stock Farm, Main. near Lexington ljatson Horace M., shoe cutter (17% Purchase, B.).h?use Gilkey avenue Bean James DI., oil can mnfr. (17 India square, I~.), h.’ Palfrev, above Pearl Beattie James, laborer, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., boards John Regan’s Bea ttie James F., molder? W. & P. Mnfg. Co.? house Arsenal, near Patten Beattie Robert H., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Summer, corner Forest Beaudro Michael, laborer, &tna Mills,h. brick bl’k, n.do Bedell C. Austin, supt., Ztua Mills boarding-house, Pleasant., near Bemis station Bedell Mary A., widow of Abisl, b. C. Austin Bedell’s, Pleasant Belcher Anna, widow of Thomas, h. Waltham, n. F. R.R Belt George D., hospital stewnrd, U. S. Arsenal, h. do. Bemis Isaac V., lawyer, Dana block, Main, house Main, near Lexington Bemis 1,. Thaddeus, house Fayette, near Spring Bemis Post Office, Bemis station, Pleasant Benbow John, carpenter, rooms J. I?. Parsons’, Galen Benjamin Charles W., clerk (35 Congress, room 36, B.)! boards W. H. Benjamin’s, Hoveg Benjamin Fred A., clerk (20 Dock square, B.), boards W. H. Benjamin’s, Horey Benjamin William H., carpenter, h. %~~%Zzlrnontorey. n. Beuneb Amos, dyer, rooms A. H. White’s, Gilkey av. ES. 32,. J?c,T-L“I‘~R, HACKLIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE. &RING+ STREET, WATERTOWN. 28 WATERTOWN [B] DXRE’jTORY ,~__~ - Bennett George A., dining-room, Russell’s block, Mt. Auburu, rooms F. K. Hubbard’s, Arsenal Bent Charles Prank, clerk (Newton), boards J. H. Reut’s, Fifth avenue Ueut Herbert I?. (Luther Rent csi- Co.), furniture, Main, 0~1~. Church, house at Newton Reut Johu fi., carpenter, h. Fifth av., near California Rent Luther (Luther Bent & Co.), fnrniture, Main, opp. Church, house Spring, near Summer Rent Luther c%Co. (Luther aud Herbert F. Rent). furui- ture, carpets aud beddiug, Main, opp. Church Bentou Edward A., prop., Boston Branch Groeerg, 29 Maiu, house Otis, uear Mt. Auburn Uen~ou Abner It;., electrician (383 Federal, U.), boards Mrs. IL Uenyon’s, Gelen Uenyuu Arthur I., clerk, b. Mrs. R. Benyon’s, Galen Benyou George H., bookkeeper (6 Ashburton place, B.) house Watertown, corner E’ifth avenue Benyon John I?., clerk, bds. Mrs. 12. Benyou’s, Galen Beu~ou Luther T., clerk, b. Mrs. It. Rengou’s, Galen BeuFou ltuth, widow, 11. Galen, nearly opp. Maple Rerry Charles K., patent Lames (52 Uoyistou, Camb.), hou;le htpette, near Whites av. Berrv Charles W., supt., Ztna Mills boarding-house, h. -Summer, near Whites aveuue Rerrv Edward, stove polisher, W. L P. Mnfg. Co.,house korest, nest railroad Berry Plxuk J. (Berry & Moody), carpenter, Main, opp. Mt. Auburn, house Phillips, next Mt. Auburn ISerr! Thomas E., carpenter, house Winter, car. Church &rry \Villiam B., harness maker, house Nichols aveuue corner Bigelow av., Norwood Park, E. W. Rerry & Moody (Prank J. Berry and George H. Moody) carpenters and builders, Main, opp. Mt. Auburn Rertau Madame, foreman of lace finishing, Lewando’s, house Pleasant, near Galen Besse William, laundryman, boards L. A. J. Ayw’s, Mt. Auburn Rickell ,James P., stove mounter, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., h. Cuba, near Main llickford Charles, house dewett ’ I$ickford W. D., house Jewett Rigelow Henry J., fruit and produce (23 North Market, U.), house Jewett, near Morse Rigelow Jonathan, fruit and produce commission (23 North Market, B.), house Nichols avenue, corner Klton avenue, Norwood Park, E. W. Bigelow Samuel B., boards Jonathan Rigelow’s, Nichols avenue, Norwood Park, E. W. ~~:ATERTOWX [B-j DIRECTORY 20 -...----~. Bigeluw William F., clerk, 29 Maitt,boards J. H.Ladd’s, Riverside place Bill Fred L’., farmhand, G. F. Ingersoll, house bummer, near I\lt. Auburn Bittgltuttt John, graiu broker (B.), house Chester [A. Bird liattnah W. Miss, h. Belmont, n. R. 1~. Bridge, Xt. Bisbee Charles A., machine blacksmith, Porter J, Co., Watertown, house af Walthant Bixby Curtis W., .draugbtsman (Rand & Taylor, B), bds. A. Yltiplts’, Green Blachweil Marcia A. Mrs., nurse, 11. 35 Riverside place BI:tir EIIUS J., street car driver, 11. Pleasant, ttc’:~~ X.tna Mills LAW LAFAYETTE G., lawyer (34 Scl~ool. B rm. 85 U.). ltouse Melendy ave., Nornood Park, East Watertown {see page 10) Blakettey Albert A., painter, b. J. W. Blukeuey’s, Morse Blakeney Johtt W., painter, house Adams block,‘Rlorse Blakeuey Thomas, at iE:ttta Miils, h. Cross, u. l’leabant Blqncltard George W., boards W. S. Smith’s, Otis Blaze George &I., clerk (Kilby & Water, B.), h. Cool- idge aveuue, Mt. A. Bleiler Charles J.. salesman (28 Blackstone, B.), house Arlington, next Arseual Bleiler Frauk, butcher, George Bleiler’s, Arsenal, b. do. Bleiler George, btttcher, Arsenal, car. Prospect, h. do. Blue Alexauder, machine tender, H. & W. Co., house at Newton Bodge Frank M., laundryman, Herbert H. Sawyer, h. Spring, near Palfrey [Newton Boisvert Louis, wheelwright, S. Elliott. Maple, bds. at Boiviu Charles, expressman, rms. Isaac N. A. iUcKay’s, Mt. Auburn [ant Borthwick Walter, at 1F,tna Mills, b. J. Pringle’s, Pleas- Boston Branclt Grocery, Edward A. Benton, prop., Mc- Master’s block, 29 Main Bostwick Mary R., widow of Edward W., house Cuba, near Main ’ Bott Benjamin S., decorator. h. Spring, car. Marshall Bot,t John, pulp maker, bds. ‘I’. E. Perry’s, Winter Boudrot Jiffry, weaver, ZE:tna Mills, house Pleasant, n. Bemis station Bottrne Barney, machinist, Porter*& Co., Watertown Bourne Blaney E., carpenter, bds. Mrs. H. W. Abbott’s: Mt. Auburn Bowen George S., tinsmith, Main street court, h. Cross next F. R. R. [at Newton Bowen William, machinist, Porter & Co., Watertown, h. Bowles George W., machinist; house Main, near Cuba HORSE; FOR SALE & EXCHANGE B. E. POTTER’S, SPRINQ STREET, - - WATERTOWN. Uonnected by Telephone. 30 WATERTOWN [B-J DIRECTORY

Royce Alexaader, carpenter, b A. H. White’s, Gilkey av. Bovce A. M. Mrs., dressmaker, Church, car. Winter Bo>ce Dauiel, laborer, house Main, above Church lane Boyce James L., engiueer, house Cu~hman, near Fayette Boycl Atlua C.? wid. of George S., 11. i8 Boyd, cog'. Park Boyce John J., provisions, Watertown sq., car. Pleasant, house at Newtou Boyd George W., paiuter, 11. Mrs. A. C. Hill’s, Boyd Bo)*le Charles, weaver? &tna Mills, b. P. Boyle’s, Grove Boyle Jeuuie T.. dressmaker, Morse block, Galen, 11. do. Boyle Naucy, wrd. of Patrick, h. Waltham, n. Swetts pl. Brackett Sidney L., artist (616 Washingtou B.), house Spring, uear Summer Bradford Charles, ftJreign freight agent, F. R. R. (76 St,ate, I~.) house Otis, near Mt. Auburn Bradford Ruth A., widow of Rev. George, h. Summer, near Whites avenue Bradlev Helen M. Miss, house Summer, II. Whites ave. Bradle”v Mary, widow of Patrick, house Wheelers court Bradley Sarah F. Miss? house Summer, n. Whites ave. Brady Thomas, wool puller (Brighton), 11. 4 Swetts pl. Bransfield Edward. laborer, h. Water, next gasometer Brewer ALanson ‘I’., supt.? U. S. Arsenal, Arseual, E. W. house at Brighton Bridges John, at H. H. Sa.wyer’s, Spring, h. Patten Bridges John A., laundryman. house foot Gilkey ave. Brierton Anuie, widow of Christopher, h. Wheelers ct. Briggs *John, carpenter, boards Mrs. M. Manning’s, &It, Auburn Briggs Maria E. Miss, clerk, F. R. R. (B.), hds. Mrs. H. W. Abbott’s, Mt. Auburn Brigqs Nathau, cabinet maker, 11. Spring, car. Summer &ICJ;HhM CHQRLEY, architect (19 Milk, room B 60 and 61 B.), h. head of Garfield (see inside back cover) Brigham Harry W., messenger, bds. Mrs. Mary E. T. Hriqham’s, Galen Brigham’s Hattie S. Miss, hook-keeper, Gilkey & Stone, Irving, bds. J. H. Gilkey’s, Auburn alace Brigham Maria Miss, house head of Garfield Brigham Mary, widow of John, house head of Garfield Brigham Mary E. ‘I’., wid. of Johu, h. Water, car. Galen Bright Charles H., baker, Whitney block, Main, near Church, house do. Bright George A., baker, b. Henry F. Bright’s, Howard Bright George W., carpenter, h. Water, near soap factory Bright Henry F., horse clipper, h. Howard, near &fain Bright Joseph, paper finisher, Hollingsworth & Whitney Co., house Cuba, near Main F,K, HlJlHMll, wtt,“iirt;;‘::l”‘” 32~. Horses for Yale and Exchange. ConnectedbyTelephone, WATERTOWN [B] MRECTORY -- 31’ Bright William A., laborer, b. Gee. W. Bright’s, Water Brock George O., foreman: shirt-cutters(95 Surnmer:B.) house Morse, next the pond Broderick David, laborer, Xtna Mills, h. Pleasant, n.do. Brodriok Waltont private, U. S. Arsenal, boards do. Ifroe George E., at ?Xtua Mills, b. J. Broe’a, 5 Swett pl. Broe Johu, spinner, &tnn Mills, house 5 Swett place Broe Phitlig, carpenter, house Pleasant, r. Garfield blk. Brooks Rufus F., house Church, cornerPalfrep Brown Annie B. Miss, teacher (Cochituate), boards J. A. Frencn’s, Parket Browu B. Wesley, glass-cutter (118 Milk, B.) h. Sum- mer, corner Whites avenue Brown Charles F. A., machinist, boards Mrs. L. H. Brown’s~ Walnut Brown Dan M., cattle buyer, house Franklin, near Mt. Auburn Brown Eusebius H., poultry dealer (South Market, B.), house Main, near Waltham line Brown Elizabeth F., widow, house Forest, n. Summer Brown Prank A.? machinist (84 Kingston, B.), house Fayette, near Winter Brown George, farm hand, house Whitney, car. Belmont Brown George A., driver, “Lewando’s,” house Main, next above Cuba Brown Joseph E., tailors’ trimmings (43 Summer, B.), boards B. E. Potter’s, Patten Brown Lewis E., driver, T. P. Emerson, house Arsenal, near North Beacon Brown Lucius T., gardener, house Pearl, g. Summer Brown Lydia H., widow of Benjamin, house Walnut, n. Union Market station Brown Matilda Miss, house Califmia, n Fifth ave. Brown 0. B., teacher of music, Primary school& house at Malden Brown Schuyler L., assistant engineer (224 Federal,B.) boards A. J. Richardson’s, Winter Brown Wesley B., glass-cutter (118 Milk, B.), h. Sum- mer, corner Whites avenue Browne H. E. bfrs., teacher of sewing, Public schools, house at Dorchester Brumby George, gardener, house Pleasant, n. Galen Bryant Robert, fireman, at paper mill, boards E. J. Mc- Pherson’s, Winter Buchman Alexander, dyer, bds. D. A. Robbiu’s, Palfrey Buchanan Daniel, pressman, Lewando’s Dye House, Ga- len, house at Newton Buckminster Edward L.. street car conductor, rooms J. E. Leighton’s; Galen Good Teams at all hours at B.E. Potter, Reasonable Prices. Special Rates to Parties Sf’RlNGSTREET. and Eutertaiuments. . 39 ‘*. \?‘ERTOW’X [B] DIBECTOI

Bull:~rtl Alice C. Miss. principal, Parker Grammar and l’riln:\ry sc11oo1, bds. at Hyde Park Bnllartl .J. W. Niss, boards A. G. Fitch’s, 31:tiil Burljank Elizabeth A. Miss, teacher, Lowell mixed school bo:rrda at Relmont Burhtlk Peter, supt., Lewando’s Dye House. Gn1e11~h. Fr;inklin, near Centre Burgess Charles A.,teamster, Walker $ Pratt Mnfg. CO. house Arsenal, opp. Patten Burke. Kriciget, widow of .James, h. Mnin street ct. Burke Edward, pniuter. boards 1’. Oates. No. Hacon Burke Etlward F., machinist, U. 8. Arsenal, boards W. H. Burke’s. Franklin Burke James F., police, boards Mrs. Ellen Gullagher’s, Waltham Burke James P., laborer, boards Mrs. Bridget Burke’s, MaLia street ct. Burke *John, laborer, house Cottage place Burke Michael9 laborer, bds. John Hughes’. Arsenal Burke Michael, laborer, hds. Mrs. M. Mannjug’s, Water Burke Michael, laborer, bds. Mrs. M. II:. Clossep’s, Iiea- con sqxare Burke Walter, laborer, house Summer, ‘11. Whites ave. Burke William, laborer, boards P. Oates.’ So. Bacon Burke William H., machinist, 1~. Franklin, n. Washburn Burke William H., Jr., machinist, bds. Wm. H. Burke’s, Frauklin Burnham Charles H.. carpenter, Palfrey, near Mount Autxrn, house do. Burnham Edith A. Miss, dressmaker, rms. J. H. Green’s Phillips BUI ns David, Jr., st. car conductor, house Waltham, n. Swett place Burns Frank J., flagman, Irving-,t. crossing. 1’ R R., boards J. P. Burns’, Water rPleasant Burns James, yard man, 2Etna Xills, bds. C. A.Bedell’s, Burns James, I3 Galen, house Main, opp. Publie Library Burns John F., h. Water, near Galen Burns John P. Mrs., Ol,eratiVe, B;tna Mills, house Pleas- ant, next Galen Burns Joseph A., cigars and tobacco, 13 Galen and fish market 135 do. house Main, opp. Public Library Burns Joseph M.,lst sergeant of ordnance, U.S. Arsenal, house do. Burns Katie Miss, house Pleasant, near Galen Burns Mary E. Miss, teacher, Spring Primary school, b. J. M. Burns’, Arsenal Grounds Burns Michael C., carpenter, house Snmtne~+. n rporest Burns Michael n., private U. S. Arsenal, boards do. HORSEDENTISTRY F, K,fiu@bf!b, : HORSE CLIPPING. Mt. AUBURN ST., Watertown, 3c%ss. WATERTOWN [(j-j DIRECTORY 33

Burr Edward C.. molder, Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co., h. at Waltham Burroughs Lydia I?. Miss, dressmaker, i Irving, b. do. 13ustiu Charles F.,harness-maker (6 North Anderson,B.) boards W. H. Hustin’s, Franklin Bnstin Frank H., clerk, boards W. H. Bustin’s, Franklin Bustin Heurv 15, painter, b. J. 12. Jenkins’, Watertowu Bustin Willi;;m H.,hnrness mnfr. (6 North Anderson, B.) house Franklin, near Walnut Uustiu \Villiam II., Jr., clerk (45 Kilby, rm. 2, B.),bds. W. H. Bustiu’a, Franklin Butler Elmer, at Camphell Elec. Supply Co., Fayette, b. T. R. Butler’s, White, car. Lowell av. Butler James, tenmstcr, H. & W..Co.. rms. J. N. Bean’s, Pnlfrey. above Paul [at Newton Butler John E.. overseer, wool room, Aetna Mills, house Butler Thomas R , paint mixer, The Govern W. P.P.Co., house White, car. Lowell av. [Bill’s, Summer Butters Horatio, paper maker, H. & W. Co., bds. F. P. Butts Mattie A., widow, house Galen, corner Water Buezell Charles, butcher, bds. Union Market House Byrne T. Aubrey, special agent, U. S. Treasury, office, (I?. 0. bid., B.), house Boyd, next Galen CAHILL ANN, widow of Thomas, presser at Lewando’s, house Riverside place, near Ladd Cahill Bridget Miss, housekeeper, Rev. R.P. Stack,Chest- nut, house do. Cahill Daniel, laborer, house %Vaverly, near R. R. bridge Cahill Daniel, Jr., laborer. b. Waverly, near R.R. bridge Cahill David, clerk, Lynch Bras., b. Mrs. John Farrell’s, Boyd Cahill David, teamster, bds. Mrs. John Farrell’s, Boyd Cahill James L., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Plezsaht‘ near Cross Cahill John I:.. molder. boards Kate Cahill’s, Pleasant Cahill Kate Miss, house Pleasant, next Cross Cahill Patrick, starch maker, h. Water, opp. soap factory Cahill William R., laborer, boards Mrs. A. Cahill’s, Riverside place Callahan Denuis, laborer, b. Mrs. M. Sheehan’s, Arsenal Callahan Eugene, laborer, Alms-house, boards do. Callahan Frank H., special police, b. Phillip J.Callahan’s, Cottage, Mt. Auburn [gate, Mt. Auburn Callahan Patrick Mrs., widow, h. Cottage, at cemetery Callahan Philip J., Mt. Aubuin & Boston express (54 N. Market, B.), h. Cottage, n. Catholiccemetery, Mt.A. Callender William R., clergyman, house Washburn, opp. Ch&ter POTTER’S, SPRING+ STREET. SADDLEHORSES, Teams by the Day or Wpk. w PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO BOAEDING HORSES.

----_ 34 WATERTOWN [(j-j I)IRECTORP Calnnn Edward, gardener, house foot Wheelers court Calnan William J., laborer. b. I-2. CoInan’s. Rhrelers ct. Campb.rll Cyrus H., clerk (Newton), house Park~‘r, near Mt. Auburn Caml)bell Electrical Supply Co. (The), electric wire mnfrs., Ronald A. Stuart. treas., Fayette, corner Cushman. and (122 Milk, B.) r Parker Campbell George C., clerk, boards C&s H. Carnpt,ell’s, Cnmphell John Mrs., h. Walnut. n. Union Market House Campbell Joseph, machinist, b. Geo. A. Merr,v’s, bpring Campbell Laura A. Mrs., prin., Francis gramtnar school house Parker, near Mt. Auburn Campbell William, machinist, Porter & Co., Watertown, house at Newton Caney Frank H., supt., Porter & Co., h. Morse, n. Park Cayen Edward A., pnstor, First Baptist church, house hit. Auburn? corner Otis [place Card William, painter, b. J. C. Walsh, foot Common-st. Carey Patrick, house Galen, near Water Care.y Thomas, laborer, W. P. Mnfg. Co., house rear Main, at F. R. R. [at Woburn Carling J. Frank, foreman of laundry, “ Lewando’s,” h. Carney William Mrs.. house Summer, near Forest Carroll James, clerk, 7 Galen, bds. Mrs. Mary Carroll’s, Arsenal Carroll John, at Gas Works, boards M. Carroll’s, Galen Carroll Mary, widow of James, house Arsenal, n. Irving Carroll >Iichael, at Gas Works, house Gnleu, n. Water Carroli Michael, teamster, Gilkey & Stone, house North Beacon, opp. Ladd Carroll Nellie E. Miss, asst. R. F. Horne’s, Main, boards Mrs. Mary Carroll’s, Arsenal Carroll Thomas, laborer, house Cottage place, Mt. A. Carruthers Robert, clerk (477 Wash., B.), house Spring, corner Sutnmer Carter Bertha E. Miss, music teacher, b. J. W. Carter’s, Mt. Auburn Carter Ella ‘I’. Miss, music teacher, Maple, house do. Carter Frederick, clerk, Field & Melvin, house Galen, car. Wstei Carter John IV., dentist, h. Mt. Auburn, car. Auburn pl. Cartwright James, mnfr. liquid bug exterminator, Lowell av., corner Orchard, house do. Carver Frank B., designer, Aetna Mills, boards P. F. Towae’s, Pleasant Casey Alonzo, at the Warren Soap Mnfg. Co., boards F. V. Xosman’s, Galen Casey Julia, widow of Jere., h. Water, near schoolhouse

Hacks F~m~iahed at Special Atteutiolr given Short Notice. to Boarders. F, KaHUBBARD, Mt. Auburn, St. ,wERTO?& [(j] DIREC’TORP 35

Casev Michael, farm hand, 4‘ Walker ” farm, boards Q. h. Green’s, Wnltham [Mt. Auburn Casey Michtel. laborer, bds. Edward Mee’s. Cottzpe pl., Casey William, laborer, b. Mrs. Aon Regan’s, Pleasant Cashmsn Daniel, laborer, rooms A. H. A. Groeschner’s, Summer Cashman Joseph, clerk (264 Washington, B.), rooms A. H. A. Groeschnrr’s, Summel Cashman Margaret Mrs., house North Beacon, opposite Charles River avenue Cassidv John E., wholesale liquors (50 Broad and 157 Milk, B.), house N. Beacon, near Beechwood av. Cassidy .John E., .Jr., student (Boston College, B.), bds. ,J. E. Cassidy’s, North Beacon rSurumer Cassidp Peter .J., porter (50 Broad. B.), house Porest, c. Cave Charles H., carpenter? house Summer, COP. Spring Ceiley Catharine L., widow of Archibald H., house Cuba, corner Main Chadhourne Henrv R., salesman (ll& Blackstone, B.) , h. Nichols ar., korwood Park. E. W. Chadhourne Henry R., *Jr., printer, boards H. R. Chad- honrne’s. Norwood Park, E:. W. Chadhourne Joseph H., clerk (127 Summer, B.), boards Henry R. Chadbourne’s, Nichols av., Norwood Park, East Watertown ChxdbouPne Marshall W., h. Arlington. opp. Elm, E.W. Chalmers Hugh G., machinist. h. Forest, II. Fayette Cllamberlain Willard N., llutcher (Brighton). office (25 South Market, II.). 11. Elton av., u. Nichols avenue, East Watertown Chang John, broker (12 India, B.), bds. J. 0. Chany’s, Whitney Chanv John O., honse Whitner. corner Harnden av. Chani Samuel, boards J. 0. tillany’s, Whitney Chanv, see Chency [53 Boyd Chapin Sumner F., mill operative (Newtonville), boards Chapman Frank H., at H. & W. Co., house 3 Diamond block, Taylor Chapman H. G., overseer, atua mills. h. at Ncwto 1 Charter Franklin, carpenter and boarding-house, M rse, corner Park - Chase Charles, boards Mrs. Sarah F. Chase’s, Arsenal Chase Freeman B.,cattle driver, b. Mrs. Sarah F. Chase’s, Arsenal Chase Hattie L.. student (Boston University, Somerset, B.), boards Henry Chase’s, Cheatnnt Chase Henry, agent for N. E. Society for Suppression of Vice (28 School. B.), II. Chestnut, car. Main 1 Teams at all hours at 8 Reasonable Prices. B.E. Potter ‘a I GoMSpecial Rates to Parties SPRINGSTREE iT. and Eutertainments. 3 36 WATERTOWN [c-j DIRECTORY Chase Hollis IX.. engineer, b. Mrs. Sarah F. Ch:~se!s, Arsenal Chase Sarah F., widow of Charles, 11. Arsenal, II. I’iitten Cheney Charles W., cattle dealer, b. Union Market IIouse Cheney George H. Mrs., bds. A. G. Fitoil’s, Main Cheney Walter, laborer, J. Brien’, boards Walnut, oppo- site Union Market Hotel Chick Horace F., supt., The Campbell Electrical Supply Co., Fayette, bds. William Sterling’s, Hudson Christie John W.. carpenter, 11. Williams, c’or. Galrn Clnflin Rodmnn F., cane chair seater, honse Mt. Auburn, next school house Claggett Charles W., house Mt. Anburn, next Dexter avenue, E. W. [Walth:lm Clancy Bridget. widow of Michne1.b. Mrs. E.Gallnplrer’~, Clanoy Edward N., cleric, F. R. R. olflce (Il.), bo:~rtls Mrs. E. Gallagher’s, Waltham Clark Charles A., molder, W. 8: P. Mnfg. Co.! house Cross, corner Winter Clark Charles E., foreman, W. E. St. Rv. Co. stables, Main, n. Cross, rms. I. N. A. McKay’s, Mt. Auburn Clark Delia 3;. Miss, house Church, near Summer Clark Kliza A., widow of Jacob, h. Cross, car. Winter Clark Ezaiel, gardener, J. C. Stone, Coolidge avenue, b. Groves crossing Clark Francis F., flagman, Grove-St. crossing, F. 1~. It., house do., Mt. Auburn Clark -ettc .* -- WVATERTOWN [c] I)IKW:TOI


Coou James H. L., district police (65 Bowdoiu, B.), h. Palfrey, near Mt. Auburn Cooney Dauiel H., police, house Arsenal, near Pntten COOP 'l'h~rnas, house Watertown, opp. Fifth aveuue Cooper l%za, widow of Hiram, house 6 Green,near Main COLXOIXII Catharine, widow of Patrick, 11. Pleasaut, near Church lane Coreornn Catharine, widow of John, house Cottage, at cemetery gate, Mt. Auburn [Auburn Corcoran Lawrence, marble finisher, 11. off Cottage, Mt. Corcorao Timothy, paper maker, house Water, nearly opposite soap works Corrigau Edward, at W. & P. foundry, house Brooks Corrigan John, laborer, Nathan Drake, Coolidge avenue, Mt. Auburn, house do. Corrigau Michael, pattern maker, W. C P. Mnfg. Co., house Arsenal, next Irving Corey John, IJrivate, U. S. Arsenal, boards do. Carson William W., salesman (558 Washington, B.), h. Palfrey, beyond Whites avenue Cory Herbert M., clerk,,U. S. Arsenal, house Ladd,near Riverside place Cory H. M. Mrs.. business medium, Ladd, near River- side place, house do. Cosgrove John. laborer, hunse Summer, near Forest Costello Michael, at U. S. Arsenal,boards Taglor,corner Mt. Auburn Catting Henrietta, widow, house Williams, corner Galen Coughiiu Thomas W., asst. pastor, St. Patrick’s church, house Chestnut Courtney Michael, town laborer,h. Pleasant,next Speares Factory Covenep Dennis, laborer, house Pleasant, car. Cross Cox Barney C. Mrs., house Green, nearly opp. Chestnut Cos William H., restaurant (Waltham) ,;.boards Xrs. Barney C. Cox’s, Green Crabtree Dana A., laundryman, h. Pntten.n. Mt.Aubnrn Crafts Ellen AI. Miss, teacher, Phillips High Scl~ool,btls. Mrs. Wary E. Crafts’, Franklin Crafts Mary E., widow of Joseph, h. Franklin,n.Walnot Cram John H.. foremau, for J. O’Brien, boards Walnut, opposite Hotel Crawford Calvin D., market-gardner, Lincoln, house do. RAWFORD FRED E., lawyer,Noyes blk., Main c and (10 Tremont, B.), h. Lincoln, next Mt.Auburn (see page 10) Crawford Harry A., market-man, Riverside pl., house do. C;immins Catharine, widow, house Main, cornrr Cuba Crimmins Patrick, laborer,house Garfield block,Pleaeant - HORSEDENTISTRY, F. K. HUBBARD, HO&ECl,IPPING, M:k::::“,,s:.T” I

WATERTOWN [ (-jl DIRECTORY 41 Critcirett Frederick E., tailor, Noyes block, 54 Main, h. Vrauklin, near Ceotre Critohett James H. (J. H. Critchett & Son), 54 Main, autl (Y 1 Kilby, Il. j , house Royal Critchett James 0. (J. E-1.Crrtchett & Son), 54 Main, house l’atten, near Mt. Auburn RLTCHETT J. H. & SON (James H. and James C U. Critchettj, express, 54 Main, and (91 Kilby, B.) (see page 12j Critchett William M., foreman (65 Summer, B.), house Franklin, corner Washburn . RITCHETT’S EXPRESS,J. H. Critchett & Son, C proprietors, 54 Main (Yl Kilby, B. ), (see page 12) Critchley George H., machinist, S. Elliot, Maple, house Middle Croak Mary, widow, house’Church lane Croft Michael, molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Win- ter, near Summer Croft Patrick W., pattern-fitter, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., h. Adams Block, Morse Croft William J., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., boarda Michael Crofl’s, Winter Cronan John, farm’hand, boards Michael Fitzgerald’s, Common street place Cronin Jeremiah, salesman, Michael Cronin’s,Watertown, square, house Morse block. Cross Cronin Michael, teas and coffees, Watertown square Crooker Alfred M., wool broker (179 Devonshire, B.), house Walnu$ opposite Centre Crosby W. Lincoln, manager, Lewando’s DTe House,. Galen, near Pleasant, ofice (17 Temble Place, B.), house Hotel Pelham, B. Crossffeld Marion Mrs.. house Church, corner Fayette Crouse James E., laborer, Gilkey & Stone, house Ches- Crow% %‘?~as~l$r~r (Bay State Pants Co., B.),. rooms .A. Hawes’, RI;. Auburn street Crowdle Martin, starch maker, h. Water, n. schoolhouse Grump Richard, waiter, Coolidge House, Bowdoin square (B.),house over J. H. Flagg’s store, Mt. Auburn Cruser Lewis, foreman, cylinder room “Lewando’s”, h. Myrtle, corner Main RY STAL SPRING MANUFACTURING C CO., starch mnfrs., Pleasant, near Waltham Cullen John, laborer, W. & P. Mnfg. Co.,. bds. Thomas F&den’s, Arsenal [Patten Cummings Charles W., masan,bds. Mary A. Cummings’, Cummings Mary A., widow of Andrew, house Patten, near Mt. Auburn HORSES FOR SALE & EXCEiNGE B, E. POTTXXEL’S, SPRING STREET, - .- WATBRTOWN. Connected by Telephone. 42 WATERTOWN [D-J J~IRECTURY Cuniff John, private, U. 8. Arsenal, boards do. Cunniff Martin J., iron molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., h. Galen, near Water Cunniff Peter, cattle driver, Union Stock Market, house at Cambridge Cunningham Michael, coachman, E. M. Mayo, Walnut, house Spring, corner Palfrey Cuquil Fred, laborer, Newton & W. G. L. Co., rooms Old Wool Shop, Galen Curley John, laborer, boards John Hughes, Arsenal Curran Delia A. Miss. boards J. Curran’s, Common Curran James,section hand,F. R. R.,h. Cross, next R.R. Curran Kate E. Miss, music teacher, boards J. Curran’s? Common Curran Margaret T. Miss, boards J. Curran’s, Commou Currau Thomas, laborer, house Common, near Common street place Currier James R., manager, Union Market Hotel, Wal- nut, near Arsenal, boards do. Curry Agnus, laborer, boards Hugh Curry’s, Water Curry Hugh, carpenter,house Water:uext Starch Factory Currv Robert, carpenter, house Morse, near Galen Curtis IraT., driver, ‘I’. P. Emerson,h. Irving,n. Garnet Cusack Peter, corporal, U. S. Arsenal, boards do. [lor Cushing Benjamin F., salesman,b. S. M. Cushing’s,Tay- Gushing Ethel Miss, teacher (Newton), house Main, corner Middle Cushing Helen G. Miss, teacher (Phila.). house Main corner Middle Cushing Samuel N., flagman, Waln.ut st. crossing, F. R. R., house do., near Union Market House Cushing Sylvanus M., teamster, h. Taylor, n. Mt.Auburn Cushing William, real estate (15 Congress, rm. 7, B.), h. Main, car. Middle Cutler Sarah, widow, bds. S. L. Batchelder’s, Main Cutter Samuel P., bds. David Flanders’, Jewett Cutts Loring, machinist, S. Elliot, rooms Otis Wheeler’s, Maple

DACY OWEN, laborer, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., h. Pleasant, beyond Church lane Dadmun Arthur H., musician, bds. 14 Fayette Dadmun Charlotte M., widow sf William H., house 34 Fayette Dadmun Etta B. Miss, principal, Coolidge grammar school, b. 14 Fayette Dadmun Francis W., painter. Walker & Pratt Mnfg.Co., house Riverside place, near Irving F,K, HUBBARD, ,+%~k:Lyp: -Styk;. Horses for Sale and Excthange. ConnectedbyTelephone.

i WATERTOWN [D-J I-rIRECTORY 43 Dadmun Harry E., paymaster, Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co., 21 aud 23 Galen, house Riverside place, next Irving Dndmun i\Iary H. Miss, button hole maker, house Main, corner Cross Dalby Thomas, knit goods mnfr., Morse, near Water- town, h. Morse, opp. Jewett Dalby Thomas A., supt., Thomas Dalby’s, Morse, house Jew&t, corner Morse Daley Charles H., plumber, for W. II. Greenleaf, Grove, . house at Waltham Dalev Hanora, shirt starcher, rooms F. V. Mosman’s, Galen Daley Margaret, widow of Timothy, h. Common st. place Daley Michael J., presser, L‘Lewando’s,” house Morse, near Jewett Dalliare Jerome, hairdresser, Main, opp. Church, house Forest, bey. Fayette Dalton John J., teas and coffees, house Cross, n. Main Dalton Thomas, machinist. Porter & Co., Watertown, h. at Newton Dalv Carroll A., starch maker, boards Mrs. John Far: I rell’s, Boycl Daly James S., provision8 (Newton), h. Maple, u. Galen Dalv deremiah, hostler, B. E. Potter, honse Cross, near “Pleasant Daly Michael, gardener, h. William8 Dame William H., passenger agent, B. & A. R. R. f-232 Washington, B.), h. Main, corner Howard Dana Etnma M&s, house Mt. Auburn, next Hubbard’s stable Daniel8 Lewis, house Arsenal, n. Beacon square Daniel8 Louis, shoemaker, Whitney block, Main, house at Boston Dardis Alice, widow of James, bds. John Dardis’,Spring Dsrdis John, door maker, house Wheelers block, Spring Dardis Michael E., carriage painter, Taylor, car. Arse- unl, house Wheeler court Dardis Thomas E., hostler, Union Market Hotel, b. do. Davenport Albert M., salesman (48 Canal, B.), h.Grove, near Arlington, E. W. Davenport Alfred M., farm hand, boards A. M. Daven- port’s, Grove, E. W. Davenport Bennett F., sanitary chemist (161 Tremont, B.), h. Grove, u. Arlington, E. W. Davenport Charles A., student (Harvard Univ.), boards A. M. Davenport’s, Grove, E. W. Davidson Albert O., agent, Xtua Mills, Pleasant, house Bridge, near Bemis station Good Team* at all hours at , B.E. Potter, Reasonable Prices. Special Rates to Parties and Entertainments. SPRINGSTREET. . WATERTOWN [I)] I)Li

WATERTOWN [El DIRECTORY 47 Drew Charles E., bookkeeper, Hollingsworth & Whitney Co., house Irving, car. Garnet * Drisooll Cornelius, laborer, house Water. next gasometer Dudlav Linda11 T., cattle driver, Union Stock Market, h&se at Brigbton [ Bovd Dundee Lawence, plumber, bds. Mrs. John Farrell’s, Duncklec Benjamin W., stoves, furnaces, etc. (113 Blackstone, B.), 11.Chester, near Mt. Auburn Dunham Douglass A., clerk (B.), house Royal, next N. Beacon Dunn Michael, spinner, 2Etna Mills, h. Pleasant, n. Cross Duune George C., manager, Portlaud Stone Ware Co. (42 Oliver, B.), house 73 Boyd, below Park Dnnphy Patrick J., clerk (Huntington ave., car. Dart- mouth, B.), bouse Common-st. place Dunton Mary W. Miss, bookkeeper at Nonantum, rooms Waltbam, B. H. Bacon Dupee George H. , provisions (495 Tremont, R.! and (Newton) house Morse near Jewett [block, Galen Durfee William, engineer, i‘ Lewando’s,” house Morse Durfee William, laborer, bds. Elm, car. Arsenal, Dutton albert, asbestos goods (19 Pearl, B.), house Arlington, near Grove, E. W. Dwver Elizabeth, widow of John, house Main. near Cuba Dwklley George R., supt. of schools, ofice Town Hall, and principal, Phillips High School, house at Arling- ton Heights Dwyer John F., coachman, Mrs. Adelaide Rowell’s, Pal- frey, house Summer, near Whites avenue Dwyer Mary, forewoman of press room, “ Lewando’s,” house Summer, near White’s av. Tjwyer Patrick, laborer, house ,Summer, near Wbites av. Dwyer Thomas, starch maker, bds. P. Dwyer’s, Summer Dyer Isaac H.. provisions (6 Clinton, B.), house Frank- lin, next Walnut Dymont Dyer, driver, W. E. S. R. Co , house Rogers blk. off Cottage, Mt. Auburn EAGER WILLIAM A., farm hand, h. Main, car. Bacon Eames Seth J.. milkman (386 Tremont, B.), h. Palfrey, near Pearl Ear:e Alfred, engineer, The Warren Soap Mnfg, Co., Water, boards F. Charter’s, Morse Earle Edward B., importer, teas. coffees, spices. etc. (63 Commercial, I~.), house Galen, next Boyd Earle James H., publisher (178 Washington, B.), house Galen, at Newton line Eastern Educational Bureau, publishers,maps and charts, 30 Main, rm. 4, and (50 Bromfield, B.) ES. E. l?OTTEIt, HACKLIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE. S&RIM3 STREET, WATERTOWN. ~‘C.~TEIlTOWN [E] LSIHI~CTORY 45--.----- ~. __~-__--- -~.-

Eaton ATIII Jr., widow, boards Mrs. H. W. Ahllott’s, ML Atlt,rll~ll Enton f1:dw:llfl 11.. tlY:Is.. HollinLrsworth 8; Whit:i:,T (lo., dice (36 Federal, 13.j. cf. l~ayt~ttc~, II~:II’ 6l)rii.g Eaton IIenry A., l)ailrt maker, ‘The C;. W. I’. I-‘. Co., 11. Forest. near Summer Eavitt S:lmuel I,., stone polisher. Irouse 8 Cotttlge Ed,ceconlb Freeman H., forenl:rn of p:tttern m:ikers, W. 8; P. Mnfg. Co., house l’nltrn, n. JIt. Alll)urn Edgecomb Nellie C. filiss, s:~lescvorr~t~n. Otis Uros., bds. I?. H. Rtl~ecomb’s, I’atten Edwards William. house Fayrtta. corner Cllu1,ch Edwards William H . . dentist ( Ii>-dr’s block, Wnsh’n, Newton), boards William I~dwnrds’. F:rIette Egan Festus, plumber. house Atl:~Jr~s’ bl(>

Ticccks Furr~iwhed ut Mol*t & otice, F, K, HUBBARD, Speciab Attention g&en to Boarders. &It, Auburn St. ’ Eva:1s .IXii> I)., salrsman (I Commercial, I:.), house 13el111~1~I. between White sud Hovey

FAG,iN .I ;\ .\IES H., harness maker and carriage trim- mer, ht. Aul~rrt~n. nest’ railroad bridge. Mt. Rul~urr~, hOilSC \vheekr’S block. SIJL’ing [Church la ue Fa11ey I:ricictJt, widow of John, house l’leabant. corner Pahey lSritlgl.,t, widow of Martin, II. Galen, r. JIorse blk Fahey Jarnen, luhorer. H. & W. Co., house I&~~ol~ Fahey .J:t~nrs. house North Beacon, near Arsenal .Fahey Ja~nrs II., laborer, b. Bridget Fahey’s, I‘. Gnlen Fahey J uliu., presser, Lewando’s, 11. Ga1en.r. Morse’s blk Fahey, hl:trtirr, at starch f:tctorg, boards Mrs. M. Man- ning’s. Water Fnhey Alartin, laborer, h. Patrick Fahey’s- Arsenal Fahey P:it. ick. laborer, b. Michael Sexton’s. N. Beacon Fahey I’utl,ick, laborer, house Arsenal, near l’aylo~ Fahey Thomas, concreter, house North Beacon, corner North &icon-street court Fahey Thomas, laborer, b. Bridget Fahey’s, rear Galen Fancy Emma F., tailoress, b. G. E. Fancy’s, Sumtner Fancv George E., carpenter, 11. Summer, near Spring Fank”Shinn. laundry, Otis Bros.’ block, Mt. Anburn, rootns do. Farnham Thomas H., superintendent, Harvard Mills CO. Arsenal, house Franklin, near Crntre Farnham Tiley C., widow, house Franklin, near Centre Faroum John J. Mrs., Water, next Starch Factory Farraher Michael, laborer, H. & W. Co., house Brook Farrell John Mrs., boarding-house, Boyd, corner Park Farrell Miclmel. carpenter, h. Cottage place,Mt. Auburn Farrell Murtagh, carpenter, h. Cottage pl., Mt. Auburn Farrell Patrick, blacksmith, house Watertown court Farringtoa Annie RI. Mrs., dressmaker, Belmont, near railroad bridge, Mt. Auburn, house do. ARWELL WILLIAM E., tax collector, book- F keeper and cashier, Watertown Savings Bank, 26 Main, and insurance, Winter, corner Summer,house do. (see page 7) Fawns Charles, veterinary surgeon, house Waverlp, near railroad bridge Faxon George F., foreman, Simons, Hatch & Whitten, Spring, house Chestnut, near Main Faxon Harriet A. Miss, house Maple, next Galen Faxon Harriet N., widow of Caleb, h. Chestnut, n. Main Fayes Eliza, widow, boards H. S. Rollins’, Arsenal Feelev Dennis, tailor, house Summer, near Whites av. Fenton Thomas, iceman, Howard Bros., Watertown, b. J. 1~. Jenkins’, do. HORSES FOR SALE .& EXCHANGE B. E. POTTER’S, SPRING STREET, - - WATERTOWN. Connected by Telephone. 50 WATERTOWN [F J IIIRECTORY

Ferden Thomas, painter, and boarding-house, Arsenal, near Beacon square Ferguson Neil, tailor (Center, corner Washington, New- ton), boards F. Charter’s, Morse Fergusou Thomas J., laborer, house Wheelers court Fernald Eliza H., widow of Hiram, house Mt. Auburn, corner Irving Fewkes Charles H., wood engraver (B.), boards Jesse Fcwkes’, Maple Fewkes Jesse, pattern maker (Boston), house Maple, at Newton line Fewkes Nellie 11. Miss, teacher, b. Jesse Fewkee’, Ma.ple Field Edwin T. (Field & Melvin), provisions, 2 Main, house Riverside place, near Ladd IELD & MELVIN (Edwin T. Field and Albert F. F Malvin j groceries and provisions, 2 Main (see p. 4) Fielding Jam&, carpenter, boards J. B. Jenkins’, Water- town Fifield John, carpenter, S. F. Stearns, Main-St. court, rooms F. V. Mosman’s, Galen Finnegan John, picker-hand, 2Etua Mills, h. 6 Swett pl. Finnegan John, Jr., in dye house, Aetna Mills, boalds 6 Swett place Finnerty William, driver, Leslie H. Allen, h. Church lane Fish Philip, house Cushman, near Fayette Fisher Bridget, widow of John, house North Beacon, C. No. Beacon-street court [Franklin Fisher David, cattle dealer, house Mt. Anburn, corner Fisher Edward H. Mrs., at H. H. Sawyer’s Fisher Eliza A. Miss, school teacher, boards H. E. Will- son’s, Russell avenue Fisher George O., grainer (B.), honse Franklin, near Mt. Auburn Fisher Leon, clerk (Freight Office, F. R. R., B.), boards George 0. Fisher’s, Franklin Fisher Michael, house Brook Fitch Austin G., house Main, opposite Cuba Fitch William A., commercial reporter, house Otis, near Mt. Auburn Fitz Charles F., book-keeper, Union National Bank (40 State, B.), h. Common, near Mt. Auburn Fitz Charles F.. Jr., student (M. I. T., B.), boards C. IL7 Fltz’s, . Common Fitzgerald Edward W., carpenter, h. Forest, nest R. R. Fitzgerald Ella Miss, dressmaker, Townsend blk.,Church lane, house do. Fitzgerald Michael, laborer, house Common-st. place Fitzllatrick John, farm hand, F. E. Coolidge, boards School lane


Fitzsimmons Bernard, house Morse, near Jewett Flagg *James H.,grocer, and supt. Mt. AuhurnPost-otice Mt. Auburn, near R. It. bridge, house 35 Cushing (Cambridge) Flaherty William, painter, b. Thomas Ferden’s, Arsenal Flanagan John, stoue-cutter (Cambridge), house Cuba, near Myrtle Flanagan #Joseph. laborer, house Water, near Galen Flanders Alexpnder, polisher, Walker ds Pratt Mnfg.Co., house Summer, coruer Winter Flanders Da.vid, nickel-plater, Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co., house Boyd, corner Jewett Flannerv James .J., grocer, Main, corner Forest, boards Pnirick J. Flannery’s. Waverly Flannery John F., mas‘on, house Adams’ block, Morse Fc‘lannery Patrick ,J., at li. S. Arsenal, house Waverly, corner Summer Flannerv William P., clerk, James J. Flannery, Main, b. P. b. Flannerv’s, Waverlev Fleming James, lihorer, houoe’foot of Brook [mer Fleming, Margaret ~~rs..llouselieeper. .T. E’. Dwyer, Sum- Fletcher Albion C., variety store, 36 Main, house Mount Auburn, opposite Summer Fletcher Charles R., at Crystal Spring Mnfg. CO., house at Newton Centre Fletcher Elmer A.? clerk, 36 Main, boards A. C. Fletch- er’s, Mt. Auhurn rNewtot1 Fletcher Irving T., clerk. Fletcher 6: Towne, boards at Fletcher James W., carpenter, house Watertown, near Waiert,own court Fletcher Margaret, widow of John, house Cottage near the cemetery Fletcher Samuel W. (Fletcher b Towne), grocer, Pleat- ant. corner Bridge. 11. at Newton LETCHER & TOWNE (Samuel W. Fletcher and F Plin~y F. Towne), groceries, hoots and shoes, Pleas- ant, corner Bridge, opp. Bemis station (see p. 7) Flohr Andrew L., house Summer Flohr Fred L., boards A. L. Flohr’s. Summer [bridge Flood Ann. widow of James. house Waltham. opp. R. R. Flood William A., lZEtna alills, boards Mrs. Ann Flood’s Waltham [ L’atten Flynn Catherine, widow of Michael, house Arsenal. near Flvnn John, boards Mrs. Catherine Flynn’s, Arsenal Flinn John, tailor, house North Beacon. n. Arsenal F

Jj’, K, HVBBARn,~~:*ifitf Mt. Auburn. ~le&r Maim St., t - .


Frost Jacob H., at J. II. Conant. Howard, boards L. F. Frods, do. Frost Leauder S., superiutendent, J. H. Conaut, How- ard, house next do. Frost William E., at J. H. Conant’s, Howard, boards D. B. Collier’s, do. Fuller Brnjamin A., harness maker, Main. opp. Church, hds. illrs. George McWhirter’s, Mt. Auburn Fuller .Jabez W., hostler, C. H. Reed, Mt. Auburn, b.do. Fuller Moses, uacountant, house 2 Diamond blk., Taylor Fuller Sarah S. Bliss3 hoards Oliver Shaw’s, Mt. Auburn, corner IMarshall

GABELSON OLAF, laundryman, house rear Cuba, near Main Gahielson Ola P., driver, Speare $ Richardson, h. Clay Gaffney Philip. junk. bIain, corner Myrtle, h. do. Gallagher Ellen, widow of Patrick, house Waltham, next Bridge Gallagher Hugh, laborer, Gilkey & Stone, house Asse- nal. near Irving Gallagher Hngh, at Lewando’s, boards J. F. Galla- gher’s, rear Main Gallagher James, sash maker, II. Wheeler’s bl<)ck,Spring Gallagher John, concr’eter, h. rear old wool shop, Galeu Gallagher John, sash and blind maker, house Brooks Gallagher John F., laborer, house rear Main, opposite Thaxter Gallagher Katherine, widow of Michael, house Pleasant, near Crose Gallagher Owen, laborer, II. Barker St Co., and milkman Galen, next Maple. house do. Gallagher Patrick, laborer, house Cross, near Main Gallagher Patrick J., street car driver, bds. Hugh Galla- gher’s, Arsenal Gallagher Richard F., machine tender, H. & W. Co., h. Cuba, opposite Myrtle Gallagher Thomas F., at Am. W. W. Co. (Waltham), b. Ellen Gallagher’s, Waltham Gallway Irving, tinsmith, house Watertown, car. Water- town court Gallway Jane, widow of William, house Watertown, car. Watertown court Gallway John, coachman, house Galen, near Myrtle Gallway Susan Miss, mill operative, boards Jane Gall- way’s, Watertown Galvin Elizabeth, widow of Timothy, house Pleasant, c. Church lane

POTTER’S, SPRING STREET. SADDLEHORSES, Teams by the Dayor Week. w PEESONAL ATTENTION orv~rp TO BOARDING HORSES. WATERTOWN [G-J DIRE7TORP 54 - Galvin Maurice P. Mrs.. house Watertown, opposite Fifth avenue ~l’leasaut Gamble Robert, at Btna iUills, boards C. A. l)edell’s, Gammape Carrie Miss, at Aetna Mills, boards I’;nos Blair’s, Pleasant Garcelon Fred F., shipper, H. & W. Co., boards H. C. Bates’, Fayette Gardner Charles B. (33 India, B.), hoose Winter, oppo- site Cross Gardner William, cleanser,Lewando’s, boards Mrs. dames Smith’s, Main [bOiil’dS do. Garrity Mi:hael. farm hand, Joshua Coolidge, Belmont, Gass .Joseph G., carpenter, house Arsenal, uear Patlen Gatter Godfreid, iron molder, house alain, ~61’. Cross Gavin dohn J., clerk, Thomas Gavin (Newton), boards Thomas Gavin’s, North Beacon Gavin Thotnas, contractor, and coal and wood, Irving. corner Arsenal, and (Church, Newton), house North Beacon, next Royal Gavin Thomas J., teamster, Thomas Gavin, Irving, car. Arsenat, bds. do., North Beacon George Abigail L. Mrs., housekeeper, George H. Sleep- er’s. Church George Blanche I., teacher of drawing, public schoo1s, boards at Boston Gerry Susan W., widow, house 5 Galen Getchell Frank M., dresser, Xtna Mills, house Pleas- ant. near do. Gilbert Otis R., salesman (27 F. H. Market, B.), house Nichols avenne, E. W. Gilbrouson Fred, at Btna Mills, boards C. A. Bedell’s, Pleasant, Gildea James, laborer, house Wheelers block, Spring, near Summel Gilkey James H., clerk, Gilkey & Stone, h. Auburn pl. Gilkey Lucy M., widow of R. Frank. 11. 7 Irving Gilkey Royal (Gilkey & Stone), lumber, Irving, car. Ar- senal. house 5 Irving ILKEY & STONE (Royal Gilkey and Joseph H. G Stone), lumber, lime and cement, Arseual, cornel Irving (see page 5) Gill James E., farmer and milkman, house Belmont, near Wattham line Glaah Leonard, shoe repairer, 1 Mt. Auburn. near R. R. bridqe, Ut. A., house 212 Cashing, Cambridge Glnsheen Richard, I<., carpenter, house Pleasant, near Church lane Gleason Caroline Miss, shirt maker, boards M. Gleason’s, Forest F. EI. ~~BJ~ARD, Mt. Atibtwn Street, Watertozurh, Mass. Connrrtrd by Horses for Sale and Exchange. T&&one. WATERTOWN [Gj DIRECTORY 55

Gleason John, house Main, opposite Thaxter Gleason John H., wool puller, h. Main, n. Catholic chn~ch Gleason Michael, wool !Jdler, house Forest, n. Summer Gleason Patrick Mrs., house Summer, near Forest LEASON SAMUEL S., appraiser, auctioneer, G insurance and real estate, and secretary and treasur- 3,,I er, Watertown Co-operative Bank, 38 Maln, house Fayette, near Hill (see page 4) Glen House, Edward Haynes, manager,Coolidgeav.,F,.W. Glidden Charles H., at Union Market Stock Yards, house Walnut, next Arsenal Glidden Elhridge, teamster, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Spring, corner Palfre:v Glidtlen George ,F., machinist, house 11 Cottage Glidden John H., station ageut, E. Watertown station, F. R. R.. Arlington, house do. east of the depot Glynn

Harding William, farmer, Main, near Waltham line,h.do. Harringtou Edith F. Uss, clerk, S. S. Gleason, 38 Main boards Atwood D. Drew’s, Spring Harrington Everett W., farmer and milkman, Belmont, near Waltham line, huuse do. Harrington Isaac, printer’s foreman (‘7’3 Federal, B.), b. B. H. Dow’s, Riverside place Harrington Josephine, milliner, rooms Edward Lord’s, Cross Harriugton Patrick, starch maker, b. John Farrell’s, Boyd Harris William P., bookkeeper, rooms Otis Wheeler’s, Church Harris William W., mason, F. R.R., house Walnut, next Union Market House Harrison James R., pattern maker, h. Whitney block, Main, corner Church Hart Cornelius, hostler (S. P. Whitman, Newton), house Galen, near Water Hart EIugh, gardener, house Cuba, near Main Hart Hugh F., core maker, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house foot Wheeler court Hartford Harrison E., clerk, N. B. Hartford, house Riv- erside place, near Beacon sq. Hartford John W., farmer, North Beacon, near Beech- wood avenue, house do. Hartford Nathan B., groceries and provisitins, Otis Bros.’ block, Main, house Parker, near Garnet ARTHERTZ FRED CHARLES, carriage mnfr. and horseshoer, Arsenal, car. Taylor, house H 6 Taylor (see page 12) Hartley Charles, at 33tna Mills, house Pleasant, near Bemis station Hartnett Catherine, widow of Patrick, h. end Bacon Hartwell Albert H., supt., H. 8.~W. CO., h. Russell ave. Hartwell Eliza A., widow, house 46 Summer Hartwell Julius R., train master (F. R. R., Charlestown), house head Palfrey, beyond Whites avti. Harty Michael, carpenter, h. Morse, nearly opp. Park Harvard Mills Co., mnfrs. carpet linings and shoddy wools, Arsenal, opp. the Arsenal and (179 Devon- shire, B.) Harvey Patrick, laborer, house Pleasant. car. Howard Haskins Frank A., machinist, Porter Co., Watertown, house at Auburndale Haskell Freeman, caraenter, Harvard Mills, 11. Walnut Hatch CorneliusP. (iimons, Hatch & Whitten), shirt mnfr., Spring, near Fayette. bds. at Boston Hatch Franklin C., missionary (2 Russell place, B.), h. Elm, corner Arsenal, E. W. Good Teams at all hours at Reasonable Prices. B.E. Potter, Special Rates to Parties SPRINGSTREET, and Entertainments. 60 WATERTOWN [H] DIRECTOIL~ Hatch Franklit C. Mrs., matron, Home for Friendless Girls, Lltn, car. Arsenal, E. W., house do. Hatch Orin M., clerk, Boston Branch Grocery, 29 Main, house Summer, car. Wiuter Hathaway James A., supt., Union Stock Market, and cattle shipper, Walnut, house at Brighton Hauck William, sergt. of Ordnance, U. S. Arsenal, 11. do. Haviland Edwin J., salesman (50 Brogd, B.), house N. Beacon, next Charles River avenue Havilaud Francis N. J., travelliag agent (50 Broad, B.), boards John E. Cassidy’s, North Beacon Havilnnd Theodore A., clerk (50 Broad, B.), bds. E. J. Huviland’s, North Beacon Havilsnd Thos. I?., machinist, N. Beacon, foot Prospect Hawes Audrew, tinware (132 North, B.), house Mt. Auburn, car. Otis Haydeu Adaline A., widow of William E., boards G. 0. Brock’s, Morse Hayes Michael, watchman, honse Fayette, car. Forest AYIYlZs ALBEItTO F., reporter, Boston Globe -81 (P-&d Washington, B.), and architect, house Mar- shall, near Mt. Auburn (see inside back cover) Haynes Edward, manager, Glen Hotel, Coolidge av. b. do Haynes Sarah A., widow of Zebediah, b. A. F. Haynes’, Marshall Havward Annie Miss, nurse, 11 Green, bds. do. Haiward Herbert N., street car conductor, bds. George A. Merry’s, Spring [rut Havwood Chas., at Aetna Mills, b. C. A. Bedell’s, Pleas- Ha;wood Frank C., mason, h. Chester, n. Mt. Auburn Hs~elton Charles C., machinist (55 Lincoln, B.), house Marsh&, near Mt. Auburn Heald Frank O., agent, Raymond excursions (296 Wash- ington, B.), house Franklin, opp. Centre Healey Thomas, starch maker, house Water, next Starch Factory [do. Hebul’n John, foreman, II. E. Crawford, Riversidepl.. h. Heffernan John; laborer, h. Wollitzcr block, lear 31~ I LIL’ Hemiugway John, house Irving, near Garnet Hennessey John, laborer, b. J. O’Brien’s, Walnut, opp. Hotel Henrv ,J:tmes S., cattle dealer, house Garfield Herbert Chas., hairdresser, 39 Main, h. Pleasant,c. Cross Hicks Charles S., clerk (Newton), reams K. E. Tupper’s, Summer Higgins Charles H., teamster, J. H. Critchett & Son, h. North Beacon, next Irving Higgins Thomas,. teamster, Pevear & _Russell, house Summer, near Forest HORSE ‘DENTISTRY, F, K, HUBBAR&

IKt. AUBURN ST., HO&SE CLIPPING. Watertown, .2hws. --__ WATERTOWk [H] 1)IBECTORY 61 Hill Charles A., paiuter (Newton), 11.73 Boyd, car. Park Hill David, carpenter, house Adams block. Morse Hill Emum F;, widow, b. George A. Page’s,. Mt. Auburn Hill James H., towu laborer, house Wollitzer block. rear Myrtle Hill Johu J., rubber coat maker, house Wollitzer block, rear hiyrtle Hill Joseph D., carpenter, house Forest, near Summer Hill Uaggie Miss, house Wellitzer block, rear Myrtle Hill Nelson, carpenter, house Garfield block, Pleasant Hitler Gustavus; weaver, Aetna Mills, house Pleasant, above do. ‘Hinckley Geo. B., veneerer (Vose & Son. B.),h. 8 Myrtle Hinds, see Hynes Hoar Calvin A., farmer, Grove, car. Arlington, house do., East Watertown Hobbs George B., teamster, Gilkey & Stone, h. Spring, corner Palfrey Hobbs Nathan, boards Miss Delia E. Clark’s, Church Hobbs Yophia Mrs., bds. Miss D. E. Clark’s, Summer, near Church Hodge Stepben D., mason, house r. P. H. Page’s, Galen Hodgsdon Peter, hairdresser, b. J. J. Jarvis’, Whites av. Hodsdou Albion A., at H. & !Ir. Co., house Summer, c )r. Whites avenue Hoffman Frederick L., insurance agent, boards Mt. Auburn, car. Taylor Hogau John, laborer, house off Cottage, Mt. Anburn .Hogan Mary, widow of Johu, hoase Common-at. pl. Holbrook Bradford, machinist, W. & P. Mnfg. Co.. h. at Cambridge Holbrook Sarah J. Miss, teacher. Francis Grammar school, boards H. L. Wilson’s, Russell avenue Holdeu Casper B., driver, Howard Bros., house Palfrey, near Spring Holden John A., clerk (40 North Market, B.), house Fayette, nest Whites avenue [Green Holland Archibald, putp worker; bds. Henry Holland’s, Holland Bridget E. Miss, house Church lane Holland Daniel F., clerk, 134 Galen, house Church lane Holland Henry, ‘laborer, H. & W. Co., house Green, near Pleasant Holland Martin ‘I’., machinist apprentice (B.), hoards. P. Holland’s, Bridge Holland Michael, stove fitter, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Church lane [ Waltham Holland Patrick, wool puller (Brighton), h. Bridge, near Holland Robie $., at J. H. Conant’s, house Green, near Pleasant POTTER’S, . SPRING STREET. SADDLEHORSES, Teams’ by the Day’orWeek. W PERSONAL AITENTION GIVEN -TO BOAXDING HORSES. 62 U’ATERTOWN [H-J DIRECTORY Hollaud ‘l’tronlas, foreman, C. Evans, florist, Main, near Walthatn line, house do. Hollxud William; clerk, Fletoher & Towne, boards P. lidla~ld’s, Bridge [shall Hollautl \Villiam It., dyer’s examiller, Lewanclo’s.ll.1\1ar- Hollerau Charles, laborer, house Main, car. C11u~cl1 lane Holleratr I\lichael, helper, boards Mrs. Mary Glosser’s, Beacon square Hollingsworth Sumner, pres., Hollingswortb & Whitney CO., house at Boston Hollingsworth & Whitney Co. (Sumuer Hollingsworth, ~ bores., Charles A. Dean, vice-IJreS.,Edward 1~. Eaton, treas.), paper tnnfrs., Pleasant, opp. Cross, and (36 Federal, Boston) Holmes Andrew, carpenter, boards Jatnes Holmes, Fay- ette, near Pearl Holmes Anna B. Miss, clerk, bds. John Holmes’, Spring Holmes Hessie A. Miss, clerk, bds. John Holmes’,Spring Holmes Christiana M. Miss, clerk,b.John Holmes’,Spring Holmes George A., clerk, boards Mrs. Mary E. Holmes’, Mt. Aubnrn Holmes James, house Fayette, near Pearl Holmes John, carpenter, H. & \Y. Co., house Spring, near Fayette Holmes AIary L. Mrs., buttotr hole maker, house Mt. Auburn, nest school house Holmes T. Frank, janitor, M. E. Church. house Main, near Chestnut Holt Albert, foreman, The Warren Soap Mnfg. Co., Water, house Myrtle, near Main HoIt, Alice A. Miss, clerk, U. S. Arsenal, bds. at Boston Holt John H., engineer, steamer Pequosette, bds. Mrs. S. A. Bartlett’s, Mt. Auburn Horan Charles B., coachman (Newton Highlands), bds. Mararet Horan’s, Orchard Horan Daniel J., cigar maker (Waltham), boards Mar- garet Horam’s, Orchard Horan John, stone mason, house Fayette, near Forest Horan Margaret, widow of Charles W., house Orchard, corner Carroll Home Emilv, widow of George U., boards Mary Brig- ham’s, ‘Garfield Horne Henry, carpenter, boards William L. Stiles’, Riv- erside place Hoine Robert F., dentist, Union Market National Bank building, Main, house Phillips, corner Garnet Horr Valeria Miss, dressmaker, bds. A. E. Rosebrook’s, Parker [Beacon street court Horrigan Patrick, painter, George A. Page, house North 3% XC. J?O’L”L‘IER, HACKLIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE. S&RING+ STREET. WATERTOWN. WATERTOWN [HI I~IRECTORY 63 Hortou Edward T., at Lewaudo’s, boards Mrs. Eliza- beth Hortou’s, Cross IIortou Elizabeth, widow of Edwin, h. Cross, near Main Hosmer Alfred, pres. Ci’atertown Savings Bank and 1Jhy- siciau, Riverside 1~laue, near Maiu, house do. Houghton David W.,oarpenter,h. Fraukliu, 11.Washburn Howard Abraham Liucoln, iceman, boards F. H. How- ard’s, Galen Howard Austin M., student, boards W. C. Howard’s, Riverside place OWARD BROS. (Frederick H. and William C. H Howard!, ice, Watertown, near Galen, oflice 1)slna block, Main (see page 8) [Galen Howard Edward Everett, student, bds. F. H. Howard’s, . IIoward Ezrum V., police and truantofficer,h. 18 Summer Howard Fred C., confectionery and fruit? Dana block, Main, house Morse, opposite Dalby’s factory Howard Frederick H. ( Howard Bras.), ice, Watertown, near Galen. house Galen, near Water Howard George R., brakeman, F. R. R., boards E. V. Howard’s, Summer Howard Henry W., machinist, U. S. Arsenal, and bil- liard hall, 31 Main, boards 18 Summer Howard Jsmes E., engineer, testing machine, U. S. Ar- senal, house at Boston Howard Mary H., Miss, b. Mrs. R. A. Howard’s,Parker Howard Rhoda A. Mrs., house Parker, near Garnet Howard Ruth W. Miss,teacher,Coolidge grammer school boards 18 Summer Howard William C. (Howard Bros.), ice, Watertown, n. Galen, house Riverside place, corner Wheeler court Howell Charles X., clerk, (Summer, B.), boards Mrs. 13. D. Howell’s, Hill Howell Frank J., book-keeper, S. Elliott, Maple, rooms John D. Morgan’s, Galea [Fayette FIowell Harriet D., widow of Samuel N., house Hill, off Hoties Elizabeth A. Mrs., book-keeper (Newton j , house Watertown, near Watertown court FIowes Freeman F., painter, house Spring, near Summer Howes Harriet, widow, house 1 Irving Howes Willis L., salesman (Beal & Higgins, Washing- ton, B.), boards F. F. Howes’, Spring Hubbard Charles A., foreman, F. K. Hubbard’s, 1lt. Auburn, bds. do., Arsenal UBBARD FRANK ‘K., boarding, hack and H livery stable, Mt. Auburn, near F. R. R., house Arsenal, near Beacon square (see foot lines) Hubbard George A., book-keeper (31 Union, B.) , boards H. P. Hubbard’s, Parker Hacks Furnished at Special Attentiou given Short Notice. to Boarders. F, KSHUBBARD, Mt. Auburn, St; CONCORD [H] DlRECTORY 64 ~___ Hubb:lrd Henry P., sash maker, 11. Parker, n.Mt.Auburr, Hubh:lrd ‘J?h,)mas H., corn. trav. (45 Federal, B.), house Otis, corner Washburn Hubb:lrd Willixm H.,harness maker, boards James Non- ahan’s, Arsenal Huckins David ‘I!., dentist aud physician, MC&faster’s block, 31 Main, house li Fayette Huckins Edgar W., dentist, MeMasters block, 31 Main, hfJUSe Franklin. near Centre Huckins Ilarry, boards 7 Fayette Hudson George, faucv goods (Bridge, Nonantum),house Bridge. corner Waltham Hudson George H., baggage master, Watertown station, F. R. R., bds. John Hudson’s Wheelers court Hudson John, carpenter, h. Wheelers court Huestis James, laborer, house rear old wool shop. Galen Hughes Charles H., wood moulder, honse rear Summer, near Spring Hughes Edward F., engineer, pnmping station, W. W. S. Co., bds. John Lyons’, Watertown court Hughes *James, mason, h. rear Main. o)J~. ‘haxter Hughes John, fireman, bds. dohn Hughes’, Arsenal Hughes John, section hand, F. R. R., house Arsenal, be- yond Irving Hughes Martin, laborer, b. James Hughes’, rear Main Hughes Michael A., stove fitter, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., h. Arsenal, nearly opp- Patten Hughes Patrick, teamster, Pevear & Russell, house ‘&o. Beacon street court Humpage James H., machinist, S. Elliott, Maple,bonrds at Newton Humphrey Edward A., laborer, 11. Lowell avenue Humphrey Edward A. Mrs., dressmaker, Lowell avenue, house do. Huot Abby hl. Mrs., h. Church, car. Summer Hu21t Edwin P., pulp maker, bds. 16 Summer Hunt Fred, watchman, “Lewando’s”, house Morse blk., Galen Huut George A., slater, h. Mcxse’s block, Galen Hurl!)urt Mary Miss, dressmaker, Lowell ave., h do. Hurltav Edward, carpet lining maker, boards Mrs. M. &iills’, Church lane Hurley *John, laborer, bds. Dennis O’Leary’s, Morse Hurlev John. machinist, H. & W. Co., boards Mrs. M. &iilis’, Church lane Hurst Michael, laborer, h. No. Beacon St. court Hnsted John B. Rev., clergyman, h. Cuba, near Ma%,in Hutchins Arthur, carpenter, b. F. H. Edgcomb’s, P:ltten Hutchins Frank, carpenter, b. F. H. Edgcomb’s, Patten Hacks IQwdsJ~ed at Short Notice. F, K, HUBBARD, Special Attention given to Boarders. Mt. Auburn St. WATERTOWN [I-J] DIRECTORY 6i Hutchins Frederick, miller, Perkins & Co., Main! house Riverside place Hynes Martin, laborer, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., bds. Mrs. Ann Regau’s, Pleasant Hynes Michael. laborer, W. & P’. Mnfg. Co., bds. Mrs. Ann Regan’s, Pleasant

IGO MICHAEL, farm hand, h. Wheeler’s blk., Spring Ingraham William H.,town clerk, and iusurance,30 Main house Church, near Palfrey Ireland Rasselas W. (98 Union, B.), house Green, near Chestnut JACKELIN WILLIAM, dyer, bds. T. F. Berry’s, Winter Jackson Annie L. Miss, h. Maple, at N’ewton line Jackson Arthur 1~., hook-keeper; Union Stock Market, Walnut, house at Brighton Jackson Charles F., civil engineei and surveyor, Frank- lin, corner Centre, house do. Jackson Emeline C. Miss, h. Maple, near Galen Jackson George C., private, U. b. Arsenal, h. ‘do. Jackson James, polisher, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Pleasant, near Howard Jackson Sarah W. Miss, h. Maple, near Galen Jacobsen Hagan, cabinet maker, house off Arlington, n. Prentiss, Mt. Auburn Jacobson Augelo M., piano maker (20 Albany, Cam- bridgeport), h. Cottage, Mt. Auburn Jacobson Christian E., h. Cottage, Mt. Auburn Jacobson Robert C., piano maker (20 Albany, Csm- bridgeport), b. A. Jacobson’s, Cottage, Mt. A. Jaquith Fred L., book-keeper (B. & M. depot, B.), h. Chester James Daniel, grocer (Newton), h. Williams James Mary, widow of Richard, ‘house Williams James Richard W., clerk (7 Dock sq., B.). boards &Inry James’, Williams Jarvis John J., hairdresser, Noyes’ block Main, house Whites ave., corner Fayette’ Jenkins James B., painter, house’ Watertown next Galen Jennison Catherine, widow of Horace, house Watertown, near WYatertown court Jennison Edward F., soap mnfr., off California, at Newv- ton line, h. at Lancaster Jennison E. Otis, street car conductor; boards Mrs. Otis Jennison’s, Watertown *Tennison Otis Mrs., h. Watertown, nearly opp. Morse Jepson George E., clerk (Custom House, B.), house - Nichols ave., opp. Elton ave., East Watertown HORSES FOR SALE & ElXCHANAE B. Em POTTEIR’~~,~ SPRING STREET, - - WATERTOWN. 'Connected by Telephone.


epson William A., clerk (82 Water, B.), boards G. E. Jenson’s. Nichols avenue dohans& Charles. at H. & W. Co., b. Church lane aohnson Augusta Mrs., nurse, 11.Mt. Auburn.c. Summer Johnsou Frank E., clerk, H. S. Arsenal, boards at Charlestown Johnson George S., machinist, H. & W. Co.,house Mar- shall, uear Mt. Auburn Johnson George W. Mrs., h. Fayette, car. Pearl Johnsoo G. Loring W., clerk, boards Mrs. G. W. John- son’s, Favette Johnson Ha&e B., teacher, Allston Grammar school (Cambridgeport). b. George 8. Johnson’s, Marshall JO~RSOII Helen Miss, book-keeper, bds. Augusta John- sou’s, Mt. Auburn Johnson Isaac T., 11. Fayette, near Whites ave. Johnson .Tohn M., station agent, Watertown st.ation, F. R. R., house 22 Irving Johnson John P., coachman, S. R. Payson, Belmont, Mount Auburn, house at Belmont Johnson Leonard W., clerk (Quincy House, B.), boards Mrs. Geo. W. Johnson’s, Fayette, car. Church Johnson Neliie, clerk, N. B. Hartford Johnson Peter, cattle driver, Union Stock Market, bds. Union Market House Johnsou William H., starch maker, 11. Cuba, near Main Jones Edward J., Jr., salesman (450 Wash., B.), house Chester Jones Edwin H., clerk (F. R. R. freight office, B.) ? bds. Mrs. M. A. Jones’, Bridge Jones Mary A., widow of Franklin, house Bridge, corner , Waltham Jones Storer F., at 2Etna Mills, boards M. A. Jones’, Bridge ; Jones Thomas, operative, 2Etna Mills, bds. at Newton , Joy Rachel F., widow of Frederick F., b. G. H. Wright’s, ” Otis, near Washburn

KANE EDWARD, section hand, F. R. R., house North Beacon, car. Beacon st. court Kane Thomas, laborer, house No. Beacon, bey. Irving Kaunalv William J., foreman, Harvard Mills, h. near do. Keefe Cornelius, teamster, 1,. Bent & Co., h. Wheeler ct. Keefe Patrick F., blacksmith, house No. Beacon, opposite No. Beacon-St. court Keefe, see O’Keefe Keenan Mary J. Miss, housekeeper, Benjamin H. Pierce, Lexington, boards do. Keenuu Patrick, farm hand, house Common-St. place L41wr?j,Hrrck rttaci? F,K, HUBllARD, Roardh~~ StnWe.- MT. ACBURN, NEAR hlAIN ST., WATERTOWN! MASS. WATERTOWN [Kl nIRECTORY 67 Keenan Patrick J., wool stock (56 Fulton, B.), house Arlington, next Mt. Auburn, Mt. A. Keith Walter II., liquors (6 Central wharf, B.), house Fifth avenue, junction Watertown Kellar Elizabeth Miss, house Stanley avenue iI louse Kelleher Ellen, widow of Cornelius, h. Water, r. school- Kelleher Helen, finisher, Lewando’s, boards Ellen Kelle- ’ her’s, Water Kelleher John, stone mason, house Fayette, n. Cushman Kelleher John, hairdresser, bds. Ellen Kelleher’s. Water Kelleher Josephine, finisher, Lewando’s, bds. Ellen Kel- leher’s, Water Kelleher Michael, stone mason, house Watertown, near Xewton line Kelleher Patrick, keeper of stores, I.?. S. Arsenal, house at Brighton Kelleher Timothy, carp. U ., S.Arsenal. boards do. Kellen William, M. E. clergyman, house Palfrey, near Whites avenue Kelley Edward J., driver, bds. off Cottage, Mt. Auburn Kelley Frank E., house 10 Swett place Kelley Frank M., clerk, Navy Yard (Chas’n), 11.Cushman Kelley Joseph Mrs., boards A. G. Fitch’s, Main Kelley Mary iUrs., presser, ‘L Lewando’s”, house Galen, next Maple Kelley Michael J., physician, Main, car. Chestnut, 11. do. Kelley Patrick, farm hand, house Cottage place, Mt. A. Kelly Catherine Miss, house Cottage, near R. R., Mt. A. Kelly Christopher M., laborer, The Warren Soap Mnfg. Co., boards Mrs. Mary Kelly’s, Morse Kelly Daniel J., milk striker, b. Mrs. M. Kelly’s, Orchard Kelly Ellen, widow of James, house Waverly, c. Summer Kellp James D., clerk (93 Court, B.), bds. Thomas Kel- Iv’s, Common-St. place Kelly John, conductor, W. E. St. Ry., bds. off Cottage, Mt. Auburu Kelly John B., shipper (Summer, B.), boards T. Kelly’s, Common-st. place Kelly John T., cutter (B.), bds. Ellen Kelly’s, Waverly Kelly Margaret, widow of Daniel, h. Orchard, c. Hovey Kelly Mary Miss, shirt maker, boards Mrs. M. Kelly’s, Orchard Kellv Mary, widow of John, house Adams block, Morse Kell> Minnie E. Miss, shirt maker, boards Ellen Kelly’s, Waverly Kelly Patrick J., contractor, Mt. Auburn, near Beacon square, house do.

Good Teams at all hours at - B.E. Potter, Reasonable Prices. Special Rates to Parties SPRINGSTREET. . and Entertainments. 5 GS WATERTOWN [K-j DIRECTORY Kellv Sarah, widow of Patrick, house off Xo. Beacon, n. “1ieecliwood avenue [Factory Kelly Thomas, at Gas Works, house Water, opp. Starch Kelly Thomas, farm hand, Samuel R. Payson, house Com- mon-St. plrce Kellv Thomas B., porter (220 Bedford, B.), b. Thomas “Kelly’s, Common-st. place Kelly Thomas F., blacksmith, house Park Kelly Thomas F., provisions, Mt. Auburn, near Bescun square, house do. Kelly ‘I’imothv, gardener, bds. Dli,s. DI. Kelly’s, Orchard Keudall Frau&s, house Fayette, corner Chnrch Kendall Francis I’., cattle dealer, bds. Francis Kendall’s, Fayette Kendall George, groom, Bates farm, b. W. H. Tourtelett Kendall John H., manager, Union Oil Co. (New Orleans), boards F. Kendall’s, Favette Kennedy Antholly M., grain’inspector, F. R. R. elevator (Ctms’n), house Hill Keunedy Catherine, widow of Daniel, house Pnlfrey,near SplUlg Kennedy Daniel, laborer, b. Catherine Kennedy’s, Palfrey Kennedy John, carpenter, b. Catherine Kennedy’s,Palftey Kennedy Michael, coachman, house Franklin, n. Walnut Kennerg Simon, gardener, Rev. R. P. Stack, rooms Nrs. C. Hackett’s, Main Kenney Thomas W., clerk (Hall Rubber Co., B.), house Waltllam Kennington Edward A., shade painter, J. Ralston & Co., Fayette, house Forest, near Fayette Kenny Edward, molder, W. & P. Dlnfg. Co., b. Francis Kenny’s, Morse Kenny Francis, molder, W. & P. D1nfg. Co., h. Morse near Jewett Kenny John, express (office 33 Court square, B.), house Winter, near R.R. Kennv Michael, at J. II. Conant’s, house Bacon KerriRan Michael, laborer, boards DIartin Sheridan’s, Wheelers court Keyes Franklin H., carpenter, house Myrtle, next Main Keyes Lucy W., widow, boards Alexander Gregg’s, Rir- erside place Kidder Rebecca G., widow of George IL. II. Auburn pl. Kilbride Michael. laborer, Walker & Pratt Dlnfg. Co., b. M. Manning’s, Water Ri\evr James II., lamplighter. boards DI. Iiiley’s. Hovey Kilev James W., laborer, boards DI. K&y’s, rear Dl.vrtle Kile; Jeremiah, laborer, boards M. Kiley’s, rear Myrtle Ki1e.y Margaret, widow of Michael, house rear DIyrtle W'ATERTOWN [L-j .DIRECTORY 69 Kiley alichael! produce peddler, house Hovey, corner Harnden aveuue Kiley 1iichael W., boards Michael Kiley’s, Hovey Killilea Peter, farm hand, j. E. Gill, Belmont, boards do. Killion William, _vard master, Union Stock Market, Wal- nut, house at Brighton Rillock *James B. (F. H. Bank, B.), boards Ralph War- ner’s, School Kimball Arthur G., clerk, N. B. Hartford, hoards Ellen F. Kimball’s, Pearl Kimball Ellen F., widow of Charles, h. Pearl. n. Fayette Kimball Frank W., at H. & W. Co., house rear Palfrey, near Spring Kimball Edward D., house Mt. Auburn, corner Arling- ton, Mt. Auburn Kimball George A.. machinist, boards Cuba Kimball Xattie, widow of Abnrtos A., heuse Cuba Kinchla .John, laborer, Gas House, h. Middle, n. Myrtle Kinchla Timothy, teamster, Perkins & Co., Main, house at Newton King Peter, laborer, boards ;lohn Flynn’s, No. Beacon King Robert. card stripper (Newton), house California, at Newton line Kinnear John W., overseer, Davis & Farnum Mnfg. Co. (Waltham), house Ca.lifornia, corner Fifth av. Kinnear Sarah Miss. house Californi:i, corner Fifth av. Kinsman David W., map mounter, SO Main, house Sum- mer, corner Church Kinsman Lizzie R. Miss, clerk, Otis Bras., boards D. W. Kinsman’s, Summer [at Newton Kirkaldy Robert, machinist, S. Elliott, Maple, boards Kivnett Agues,shirt starcher, rms F. V. Mosman’s,Galcn *Joanna, widow of George, h. Cottage, Mt.Aul)urn Kuox Oscar It‘., shoemaker (I:.), h. Centre, n. Walnut

LACEY JOHN, farmhand, George A. Stearns, Alt. Auburn, boards do. [b. do. Lacsy Peter, farmhand, George A. Stearns, Mt. Auburn Lacker Jacob, butcher, house Arsedai, opp. Union Mar- ket House Lacouter John, at 3Ztna Mills, house Pleasant, near do. Ladd Joseph H., clerk of Police Court (50. Framinghain) house Riverside place, opp. Ladd Laffey Martin, laborer, house Cottage, at cemetery gate, Mt. Auburn Laing Arthur, drug clerk, 24 Maid, boards Benjamin H. Dow’s, Riverside place Lally John, farmhand, Waldo Adams, School. boards R. Elder’s, Mt. Anburn. n. Dexter av.. R. W. POTTER’S, SPRING STREET. SADDtEHORSES, Teams by the Day or Week. ~PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO BOARDING HORSES. 70 WATERTOWN [L-j IHRPCTORP

Lamb William A. Rev., pastor, North Evangelical church (Newton j, house 153 Galen Lamont Thomas, carpenter, h. Mt. Auburn, c. Summer Lanchester Henry D., carpenter, bds. John McIntosh’s, Palfrey Landstrom John. coachman, Francis Kendall, Fayette, house near do. Lanehark John, private, U. S. Arsenal, boards do. Langmaid Webster Chase. real estate (267 Washington, B.), house Mt. Auburn, nest Adams av., E. W. Lane James: hostler. Calvin A. Hoar’s, Grove, E. W., boards do. Lang Arthur, clerk, boards B. H. Dow’s, Riverside place Lark Oliver, house Clay Larkin Joseph, hastier, Dr. 11. J. Kelly’s, Main, b. do. Lassman Robert E., florist, Whitney, corner Harnden avenue, house do. Lnthrop Albert W., boards William Lathrop’s, Main Lat!lrop William, house Main, beyond Howard Laurey Zenas, farmer, Coolidge av., c. Grove, E. W. Laville James, at Watertown Water Works,b. 1 Swett pi. Laville John, painter, boards 1 Swett place Laville Mary, widow of Mark. house 1 Swett place LawnThomas S., laborer, b.William Lawn’s, N. Beacon Lawn William, laborer, b. North Beacon, near Ladd Leach Charles W., printer. house Riverside pl., n. Irving Leach E. M. C. Mrs., music teacher, house Church, COT. Fayette Leach John, gardener house Wheelers court Learnard William J., molder, Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co. house at Waltham Learned Agnes M. Miss, dressmaker, Main, near Wal- tham line, boards do. Learned Annie A., widow of Thomas, house Mt. Auburn corner Phillips Learned Charles H., milk farm, Main, near Waltham line, house do. Learned Clara E. Miss, teas, coffees, crockery, etc., Otis Bros.’ block, Main, boards L. T. Brown’s, Pearl Learned Herbert, farmhand, boards Charles H. Lenru- cd’s, Main Learned Mabel F., assistant, Watertown Public Library Learned Samuel S. Mrs., house Riverside place Learned Susan Miss, house Pearl, corner Fayette Learned Waldo A., supt., Newton & Watertown Gas Light Co., Water, house Jewett, corner Morse Learned Wilbur F., civil engineer (City Hall, U.), house 11 Irving Leary Ann. widow of John, house Galen, car. Maple F. R. HUBII3ARD; Mt. Auburn Street, Wutertowm, Mass. Connrctedby Horses for Sale and Exchange. Telephone. WATERTOWN [L-j DIRECTORY 71 Lease James, at Btna Mills, boards J. Pringle’s, Pleasant Lee James, carpenter, house Water, nearly opposite Soap Factory Lee Juhn, plasterer. b. Mrs. M. Manning’s, Mt. Auburn I.eighton John E., horse-car drivkr, house Morse block, Galen Leighton Stephen G., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Spring? corner Summer Leighton Weston E., driver, J. H. Critohett & Son,house Summer, next Mt. Auburn Leland Gardner It., laborer, house Adams’ block, Morse Leland Henry G., blacksmith, h. Ahams’ block, Morse Lemeaux Louis, loom fixer, Ztna Mills, h. Bridge, n.do. Lemon Augnstus Franklin, bookbinder (B.)house Adams avenue, Norwood Park, E. W. Lemon Franklin A., clerk, Pevear & Russell, Arsenal, h. A. I?. Lemon’s? Adams av., Norwood Park E.W. Lemtnons Louis, laborer, house r. Summer, near Spring Lenox Charles W., hairdresser, Whitney block, Main, h. Maiu, corner Church lane Leonard Philip, flagman, Spring-street crossing, F. R.R. boards John P. Sheridan’s, Spring Leonard William J., molder,W. P. Mnfg. Co., 21 Galen,. house at W&ham Leonard Williatn ‘I’., assistant in testing-room, U. S. Ar- senal, house at Brighton [Phillips Leonardson Lydia A., widow, boards Charles A. Gregg’s Levelley &OS. (Joseph M. and Mitchell Levelley) ,grocers, Russell’s block, Mt. Auburn street Levelley Joseph M. (Levelley Bros.), grocer, Mt. Aai buru, house Winter, near Summer Levelley Mitchell (Levelley Bros.), grocer, Mt. Auburn, house Winter, near Summer Levelley Rose Miss, clerk, Levelley Bros., Mt. Auburn, boards do., Winter pb Levellev Thomas, clerk, Levelley Bros., Mt. Bubwrn, b. ElbANDO9S FRENCH ‘DYEI’NG & L CLEANSING ESTABLISHMENT, Galen. near Pleasant, offices Garfield block, Gal‘en, and (l’i Temple place, 13.) (see page 2) Lewis Charles, at Lewando’s, house Pleasant Lewis George, clver, “Lewando’s” house Park Lewis John. dvei, b‘Lewando’s,” h. Green, n. Chestnut Linborn Amelia Miss, nurse, h. Galen, car. Williams Lincoln Sarah, widow of Wm. G., h. Summer, c. Church Lindley Mary E., widow of Charles, b. 1 Diamond blk. Lindsey Robert, milkman, Forest, n. Summer, house do. Linghalq William A., overseer, Hollingsworth & Whit- ney Co., boards 16 Summer

HACKLIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE. S;RINGC STREET, WATERTOWN. , 72 WATERTOWN [L-j INRECTORY Litchfield Arthur, machinist, U. S. Arsenal, house Mt. Auburn, car. Taylor Littlefield Lyman I?., blacksmith, Arlington, near Arsenal Livermore Charles E., provisions, storehouse, Franklin, near Washburn, h. Centre, car. Walnut (see p. 526) Livermore George H.. clerk (15FA Tremont, B), bds. Josiah ‘I’. Livermore’s, Phillips Livermore Herbert J., butcher, h. Franklin. n. Washburn Livermore Josiah T., honse Phillips, car. Garnet Livermore Laura A., widow of Abijah, house Pleasant, beyond Church lane Livermore Thomas, bds. Edward Lord’s, Cross Locke Artemus, farmer, Common, car. Belmont, h. do. Locke Baldwin, house Main, car. Cross [Boston Locke F. A., piano and organ tnner, 28 Main, house at Locke Henry W., farmer, Common, car. Uelmont, h. do. Locke Oliver B., pattern maker, h. rear Cuba, n. Main Lockhart Walter, teamster, h. Galen, c‘or. Williams Londregan William, second hand, Aetna Mills, h. brick block Pleasant, near do. Lonergan Kyran J., cutter, J. G. Barker, Spring, boards L. J. Ayre’s, Mt. Auburn Loftis Patrick, laborer, house Summer, near Forest Long James H. (B. & R. R. R. freight, II.) boards C.H. Whitney, Palfrep [Pleasant Looker John H., cleaner, ‘bLewando’s”, h. Green, next Lord Eben N.. pattern finisher, W. & I?. Mnfg. Co., h. Water, car. Galen Lord Edward. street-car driver, h. Cross, n. Pleasant Lougee Charles E., carpenter and builder, California, n. Newton line, h. Mrs. Otis Jennison’s, Watertown Longhry Daniel F., machinist, Porter & Co., bds. J. D. Loughry’s, Pleasant [ant, n. do. Longhrv James D., second hand, Aetna Mills, h. Pleas- Lowe &as. H., trav. salesman (80 Water, II.), h. Wal- nut, opp. Centre Lowe Edwin A., boards Charles H. Lowe’s, Walnut Lute Cbarles *J., st,eam piper, 11. Pleasant,r. Garfield blk. Lnndergan William, second hand, Btna Mills, h. brick block, near do. L-c ross Lundstrom George P., dyer, “Lewando’s,” h. Main, n. Lundstrom John, coachman, Francis Kendall’s, house 17 Fayette Lunt Fdwin L., eagineer, at Arsenal, house 8 Cottage Luut George C. (Geo. C. Lunt & Co.), 32 Main, house Otis, n. Mt. Auburn st. Lunt Geo. C. & Co. (Geo. C. Lunt) dry goods, boots and shoes, 32 Main Lyman Fred R., clerk, boards W. H. Lyman’s, Palfrey HORSEDENTISTRY, ’ F. Ii. HUBBARD, HORSECIJPPING, ":k:~:::",ns:? WATERTOWN [M] nIRECTORY 73 Lyman Harry C., clerk, boards W. H. Lyman’s, Palfrey Lvman M. Gertrude Mrs., artist, h. Parker, n. Garnet Ljman William E., clerk, Wm. H. Lyman’s, Mt. Au- burn street, 11.Park, near Garnet Lyman William H., provisions, Lyman’s block, Mt. Au- burn, 11.Palfrep, near Mt. Auburn street Lynch Andrew, laborer, at Gas House, house Fayette, beyond Cushman Lynch Brothers (James F. and Charles J. Lynch), gro- cer, 33 Main, car. Main street court (see page 527) Lynch Charles, at 2Etua Mills, b. Mary Delap’s, Pleasant Lynch Charles J. (Lynch Brothers), grocer, 33 Main, h. Morse, near Jewett Lynch James F., postmaster and (Lynch Brothers), gro- ceries, 33 Main, house Morse, near Jewett Lynch John, laborer, at Starch Factory, bds. P. Cahill’s Water Lynch Lizzie M., asst. postmaster, 33 Main, bds. J. F. Lynch’s, Morse [Pleasant Lynch Michael, laborer, 2Ztna Mills, bds, C. W. Berry’s, Lynch Richard, laborer, b. Michael Sexton’s, No. Beacon Lyons James, laborer, bds. Thomas Lyons’, Cottage, Mt. Auburn Lyons John, stone mason, house Watertown court Lyons Joseph P., law student (B. U., 12 Somerset, B.), b. Thomas Lyons’, Cottage, Mt. Auburn Lyons Michael W., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., h. Mt. Auburn, next R. R. Lyons Thomas, flagman, Cottage-St. crossing, F. R. R., house Cottage, n. F. R. R., Mt. Auburn Lyons Thomas, shoemaker, 11 Galen, h. Forest. n. Main Lyons Thomas F.. police, house over Flagg’s store, Mt. Auburn street, hit. Auburn MABEP IVAN, upholsterer, L. Benf & Co., house Sum- mer, near Mt. Auburn Mack John, commissary sergeant, U. S. Arsenal. b. do. Mack Mary A.. widow of John, boards Mrs. B. Ryder’s, Church lane Mack Mary E. widow of H. B., physician, house Spriug, near Summer Mackin Annie M., tacker, Lewando’s, boards J. E. Mackin’s, Main Mackin Joseph E., tinsmith, Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co., house Main, nearly opp. Public Library Mackin Joseph S., helper, Lewando’s, boards Joseph E. Mackin’s. Main MacLeod Samuel K., carpenter (Centre pl., Newton), h. 115 Boyd, below Jewett HORSES FOR SALE & EXCHANGE B. E. FOTTEIR’S, SPRING STREET, - - WATERTOWN. Connected by Telephone. 74 WATERTOWN [M] DIRECTORY Macurdy Edith S. Miss (Bewtonj, bds. S. A. Macurdy’s Ceutre [Centre Macurdp Grace H. Miss(Cambridge) b. S. A. Macurdy’s, Macurdy H. Warren, carpenter, Elm, near Arlington, E. W., house do. Macurdg Simon A., carpenter, house Centre Macurdy TheodsiuE. Miss, bds. S. A. Macurdy’s,Centre Macurdy William T. (Otis Bros.) ,dry goods, Otis Bras., block, Main, house Chester, n. Washburn Madden Charles, molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., b. Patrick Madden’s, Arsenal Madden

Mallon Thomas, private, U. S. Arsenal, boards do. Maloney James, laborer, house Water, near Galen Maloney James, laborer, 11.Pleasant, r. Garfield block Maloney John, clerk, boards Mary James’, Williams Maloon Horace A., teamster (B.), h. Common-st. pl. Maloy Patrick, laborer, Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co., h. Pleasant, near Cross Manion William, watchman, house North Seacon? corner Bleilers lane Manley George H., machinist, Porter & Co..Watertown, house at Newton Mann Charles, machinist, Porter & CO., boards D. B. Collier’s, Howard Mann Jeremiah, butcher, rms. Peter Burbank’s, Franklin Manning Charles J., molder. Walker &Pratt Mnfg. Co., rooms Mrs. Isaiah Pratt’s, Arsenal Manning Jere., private, U. S. Arsenal, boards do. Manning John, laborer, house Cottage pl., Mt. Auburn Manning Margaret, widow of William, boarding-house, Mt. Auburn, near F. R. R. crossing Manning Margaret E., widow of Peter, house Joyce’s block, Water Manning Martin W., plumber’s apprentice, boards M. Manning’s, Mt. Auburn Manning Michael, laborer, h: Wheelers block; Spring Manning Thomas J., mill operative, house North Beacon, beyond Irving Manning William C., gardener, house corner Beacon and Prospect Mansfield Helen Z. Miss, overseer, J. G. Barker, Spring. bds. Mrs. S. B. Sawyer’s, Spring [Auburn Mansur Wesley, carpenter, bds. L. A. J. Ayer’s, Mount 5 March Delano Mrs., h. Mt. Auburn, opp. Walnut March Isabella N. Miss, boards Mrs. Delano March’s, Mt. Auburn March Stillman P., men’s furnishing goods (34 Summer, S.), house Franklin, car. Mt. Auburn Marguardt Anton Dr., teacher, Phillips High School, h. . Marshall Marsh Caroline B. Miss, bds. Mrs. H. W. Bird’s,Belmont, near 12. R. bridge, Mt. Auburn Marsh Charles F., butter and eggs, Myrtle, near Main, house do. Marson Charles J., at Lewando’s, bds. L. A. J. Ayer’s, Mount Anburn Martin Franklin H., apothecary, 40 Main, car. Galen, Watertown square, house do. Martin George H., clerk. H. W. Martin, Galen, boards H. W. Martin’s, Chester Good Team* at all hours at Reasonable Prices. B.E. Potter, Special Rafes to Parties SPRINGSTREET. and Entertainments. 76 WATERTOWN [M] DIRECTORY Martiu Henry W., furniture, Garfield block, Galen, house . Chester, near Mt. Auburn Martin William, laborer, h. Pleasant, n. %tna Mills Martin William, Jr., at Aetna Mills, bds. William Mar- tin’s, Pleasant Mason Charles B., laundryman (136 Frauklio,Cambridge- port), bds. J. A. Bridge’s! Gilkey ave. Mason Charles F., bursar (Harvard University)? h. Otis, near Washburn Mason Eva D. Miss, bookkeeper, Lewando’s office, Gar- field block, Qaleu, bds. J. A. Bridges’, Gilkey av. Mason Frank L., driver, H. P. Mason, house eud Ueech- wood avenue Mason Hiram P., provisions, h. end Beechwood ave. MGSOU I\Iary C. Miss, house Russell avenue Masters Fred W., insurance agent (71 Kilby, room 15, B.), house Mt. Auburn, juuc. Belmont. Mt. Auburn Masterson Ann, widow of James, boards I). H. Cooney’s, Arsenal Mathews Clara, widow, bds. 5 Irving Mathev Albert, farm hand, Walker’s farm, Walthamline, boards do. Mathey Thomas, farm hand, Walkers farm, Waltham, boards do. Mayberry Elizabeth, widow, h. Chestnut, n. Main Mayell Alfred It:., engineer, Xtua Mills, house Bridge, near Waltham Mayo Emery M., mutton (Abattoir, Brighton, and 20 North, B.), h. Walnut, nearly opp. Franklin Mayo Herbert E., overseer (Beacon, Brighton), house Waluut, car. Lincoln McArthur Audrew, baker (14 Cambridge, B.), h. Adams avenue, East Watertown McAuliffe Florence, stove mounter, W. & P. Mnfg. CO., house Arsenal, opp. Patten McAveeney Patrick, tailor, ltussell’s block, Mt. Auburn, house Winter, near Summer McAvoy William B., compositor (B.), boards Mrs. H.H. Wall’s, Galen McCabe Charles, laborer, h. rear Summer, near Spring McCabe Mary, widow, h. rear Summer, n. Spring McCafferty Owen, laborer, house Middle, near hlaiu McCaffrey Patrick, laborer: h. Galen, near Water McCafferty Patrick, at Gas Works, house Church lane’ McCafferty William, molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Cuba, opposite Myrtle McCarroll Thomas, laborer, boards Michael Sexton’s, North Beacon McCarthy Daniel, mason, h. Adams block, hiorse HawE DEMT-TIQY F,it, HUBBARD, Mt. AUBURN ST., HORSE CLIPPXNG. Watertown, 3Gws. WATERTOWN [M] n*mCTORY 77 McCarthy Daniel, teamster, b. Dennis O’Leary’s, Morse McCarthy Edward, farm hand, E. W. Harriugton, Bel- mont, near Lexington, bds. do. McCarthy John F., at Campbell Elec. Supply Co.,.Fay- ette, bds. Patrick McCarthy’s, Pleasant McCarthy John George,, laborer, boards Thomas McCar- thy’s, Pleasant [at Newton McCarthy Patrick, driver, Speare & Richardson, house McCarthy Patrick, hostler, B. E. Potter, house Forest, corner Summer McCarthy Thomas, laborer, h. Pleasant, beyond Howard McCarty Daniel, laborer, bds. Dennis O’Leary’s, Morse McCarty Michael, printer, 30 Main, bds. at Hudson McCassey James, carpenter, house Main, next Myrtle McCloskey Michael, farm hand, Joshua Coolidge, Bel- mont, boards do., E. W. McCormack John F., molder, U. S. Arsenal, house For- est, corner Fayette McCue Matthew, laborer, boards R. H. Seiver’s, Park McCullough James R. Rev., pastor, First M. E. church (Newton), 11. Williams McCuscic John, farm hand, Ralph Warner, boards T. S. Graham’s, School, near Belmont McCutchey James, at Nonantum Mills, boards D. Brod- rick’s, Waltham McDermott Catharine, widow, bds. Spring, c. Summer McDevitt Mary, widow, h. rear Morse block, Galen McDonald Angus H., carpenter, h. Morse block, Galen McDonald Daniel, house Mt. Auburn, next school house McDonald John, gardener, house Cottage, near Catholic cemetery, Mt. Auburn McDonald Lachen, house Mt. Auburn, next school house McDonald Patrick, laborer: h. Water, n. Starch Factory McDonald William, ice man, Howard Bras., boards Mrs. S. Baird’s, Galen McDonnell Julia, widow of John, house Park, near Boyd McDonough Annie F. Miss, bookkeeper, Hackett Bras., boards Thomas McDonough’s, Lincoln McDonough James, laborer, h. rear old wool shop, Galen McDonough John, private, U. S. Arsenal, b. do. McDouough John F., clerk (47 Pearl, B.), Walnut, cor- ner Lincoln McDonough Margaret E. Miss, typewriter (South Mar- ket, B.), bds. Thomas McDonough’s, Lincoln &IcDonough Martin, laborer, house Wheelers court McDonough Mary J. Miss, principal, Spring grammar school, bds. Thomas McDonough’s, Lincoln McDonough Patrick, laborer, H. & W. Co., house Galen, near Morse block POTTER’S, SPRING STREET. SADDLEHORSES, Teams by the Day or Week. w PERSONAL ATTENTIOX GIVEN TO BOJRDING HOMES. 78 WATERTOWN [M-j DIRECTORY McDonough Thomas, laborer, II. Lincoln, car. Walnut McElroy Joseph, painter, house Maple, next Galeu McEvy James, at Lewando’s? bds. Mrs. George McWhir- ter’s, Mt. Auburn McFarland Auu Miss, house Spring, corner Summer Mcl’arlaud Catherine E. Miss, house Spring, c. summer McFarlaud Hose Misd, house Spring, car. Summer McGanu I\lichael, farm-hand, J. C. Stone’s, house off Cottage, Mt. Auburn McGaun I\lurt~agh, farm-hand, J. C. Stone, house off Cottage, Mt. Auburn McGee Patrick, laborer, Union Stock Market, Walnut, house North Beacon st. court McGinty Edward, blacksmith, house off Cottage place, Mt. Auburn [Summer M’cGlaullin Hiram, chief engineer, H. & W. Co., h. 16 McGovern Alice Miss, dressmaker, Gardner’s block, Cross, boards J. E. Cassidy’s, North Reacon McGrath Mary, widow of James, house Pleasant, near Hull Rubber Co.‘s buildiugs McGrath Michael, grocer, Pleasant, near Hall Rubber Co.‘s buildings, boards do. [Market House McGrath Michael, machinist at Arsenal, boards Union McGrath Owen, laborer, house Waltham, n. Pleasant McGrath Patrick, laborer, hollse off Forest McGrath Teague, laborer, h. Winter, n. railroad McGrath Thomas J., p oultry, boards Owen McGrath’s, Waltham McGinnis John, farm-hand, J. E. Gill, Belmont, b. do. McGuire Peter, laborer, bds. Thomas Perden’s, Arsenal McGuire Peter, house Forest, corner Fayette McGuire William, teamster, h. Winter, II. Summer McGuire William P., at Campbell Electric Supply Co., Fayette, b. Peter McGuire’s, Forest, c. Fayette McGurn James, core-maker, Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co., boards Fayette McGurn Patrick, molder, W. & P. Mnfg..Co., II. Fayette McHugh Patrick, laborer, h. North Beacon st. court. Mclnuis Maggie Miss, shirt maker, boards F. P. Bills’, Summer McIntosh John. carpenter, house Palfrey, n. Spring Mclutosh Robert C., carpenter, boards John McIntosh’s, Palfrey BIcKav Isaac N. A., fish-market, Pleasant, corner Galen h&se Mt. Auburn, near Taylor MoKillops Alexander, coachman, Francis Kendall, Fay- ett.e, house North Beacon st. court McKenuon Charles, farm hand, Ralph Warner, boards T. S. Graham’s, School. near Belmont Hacks Furnished at Special Attention given Short Notice. to Boarders. F, Ki HUBBARD, Mt. Auburn, St, WATERTOWN [&j-l DIRECTORY ‘is McLaughlin James, Jr., at H. & W. Co., boards Mrs. Ann Reagan’s, Pleasant DTcLsnghlin John, mason, house North Beacon, near N. Beacon court [house do. McLaughlin Thomas, mason, Summer, n. Whites avenue, DlcLautblin Emma H. Dliss, crayon artist and portrait painter, boards Joseph L, McLauthlin’s DIyrtle ~McLanthlin Howard O., clerk, McLauthlin 8; Co., 37 Main. boards Diary McLauthlin’s, Spring McLauthlin John J., at Whitney’s Paper Dlill, h. Cuba McLauthlin Joseph L., sail maker (234 Commercial, B.) house 5 Myrtle Mclauthlin Lewis. clerk, DIcLauthlin & Co., 37 Main, boards Mary McLauthlin’s, Spring McLauthlin Diary, widow of Charles (McLauthlin & CO.) house Spring, corner Summer McLauthlin Wallace H., clerk (256 Washington, B.), b. Mary McLauthlin’s, Spring McLauthlin & Co. (Mary McLauthlin), job printer,books and stationery, 37 Main DfcLean Malcomb A., watchman, Glen Hotel, Coolidge avenue, boards do. McLean Nargaret Miss, housekeeper, Lachlen McDon- ald’s, Mt. Auburn DTcMakin James, teamster, H. & W. Co., house Waltham near Swett place &Mann Jeremiah, salesman, H. J. Livermore,Franklin, boards do. [Church lane McManus Robert, laborer, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house DIcDlanus Rose, widow of Charles, house California, near Ztna Mills McDfaster Archibald DIrs., house Spring, near Summer DIcNamara John Mrs., house Cottage, near the cemetery, Mt. Auburn McNamara John E., farmhand. boards Mrs. John Dfc- Namara’s, Cottage, Mt. Auburn McNamara John E., gardener, Dft. Auburn cemetery, h. house off Cottage, Mt. Auburn McPherson Bander J., carpenter, U. S. Arsenal, house Winter, corner Church McPherson H., car driver, rooms W. E. Leighton’s, Summer McPherson L. A. Mrs., dressmaker, h. Winter, c.Church McPhie Delia, widow, b. John McPhie’s, Arsenal DIuPhie John, blacksmith, house Arsenal, near Patten DIcShefferty Charlie, gardener, for F. E. Coolidge, bds. Sehool lane McShcrry James, at Campbell Electric Supply Co., Fay- ette. boards Owen McSherry’s. Pleasant IBe E. POTTER, ’ BACKLIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE. S~RINQ STREET, WATERTOWN. 80 WATERTOWN [M-J nmECTORY M;lcSherrp John, machinist, boards Owen M&herry’s, Pleasant MeSherry Owen, gardener, 11.Pleasant, car. Church lane McWhirter George Mrs., boarding-house. Mt. Auburn, next First Baptist church McWhirter George T., mill operative, boards Mrs. Geo. McWhirter’s, Nt. Auburn Meacham Orrell B., widow of William, boards C. D. Crawford’s, Lincoln Mead Julian A., physician and medical examiner, North Beacon, opp. Arsenal, house do. Meagher Frank, street car conductor, b. 8 Patteu Mee Dennis, farmhand, J. C. Stone, Coolidge ave., Mt. Aubnrn, boards do. Mee Edward, laborer, house Cottage pl., Mt. Auburn Mee J as., farmhand, F. E. Coolidge, h. Cottage pl.,M t. A. Mee John, farmhand, b. Jas. Mee’s, Cottage pi., Mt. A. Mee Patrick, farmland, F. E. Coolid-ge, bds. do., Mt. A. Meehan Lawrence,- laborer, house ho~th Beacon! next Critchett’s stable Mellen Margaret Miss. house California near Fifth av. Melvin Albert F. (Field & Melvin), provisions, 2 Main, bds. E. ‘I’. Field’s, Riverside pl. Melvin Ira, painter, b. John C. Walsh’s, Common-St. pl. Merley Perkins S., carpenter, house 20 Irving Merley Wm. M., carpenter.rms. Geo. E. Fancy’s, Summer Merrlfield Albert A., boards H. F. Merrifield’s, Arling- ton, East Watertown Merrifield Charles E., salesman (12’i Summer, B.), house Otis, near Mt. Auburn Merrifield Frank W., blacksmith, boards John Hall’s, Bigelow avenue, East Watertown Merrifield Hosea F., blacksmith (Western ave., Brighton Corner), house Arlington, n. E. Watertown station Merrill Elmer, carpenter, bds. Thos. Lamont’s, Mt. A. Merry George A., boardiag-house, Spring, near R. R. Meserve Amos W., apprentice, J. H. Conant’s, house Howard opposite Meserve A. J. Miss, millinery, 62 Main, opp. Church. boards I. N. A. McKav’s. Mt. Auburn Metcalf William S., soli&ing agent, h. 11 Holwortby place, Mount Auburn Midgley Martha, widow, house Swell pl. Milliken Lottie, wid. of M. H., h. Walnut, next Arsenal Millmore John, laborer, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house N. Beacon, beyond Irving Millmsre Michael, town laborer, house off Summer, near Whites avenue

Special Attendon given to Boardeh~ Mt. Auburn St. . WATERTOWN [M-J DIRECTORY 82 Mills Andrew T., painter (City Hospital, Boston), house Wheelers court C’ane Mills Andrew ‘I’., 2d, painter, b. Mrs. M. Mill’s, Church Blills Frank A., tinsmith, boards Mrs. L. A. Russell’s, Pleasant 1 Mills George W., driver, bds. A. T. Mills’, Wheelers ct. Mills Levy, gardner, F. E. Whitcomb, Lexington, car. Belmont [block, Church lane Mills Margaret, widow of William J., house Townsend Mills Mary L., wid. of Palemon C., h. Pleasant, n. Green Mills Robt. L., gardener, b. Mrs. M. Mills’,~Chu~~cl~ lane Mills Satnuel, hostler, B. E. Potter, Spring Mills William H., house Lexington, near Main Mills Wm. L., pedestrian, b. Mrs. M. Mills, Church lane Milner Lucy L. Mrs., bds. J. F. Tobey’s, Morse Miloes Aun, widow, house Main-Et. court Moffatt Arthur W., carpenter, house Morse block, Galen Molder Adam, butcher, J. Lacker, boards Arsenal, near Union Market House Molloy Bridget, widow, house Cottage pl., Mt. Auburn Mouakntn Ann, widow, house rear Cottage, Mt. A. Mouahan Edward., flagman. Irving-St. crossing, F. R.R., house Spring, near Palfrey Mouahan Edward, laborer, Gas Works, boards John Gallagher’s, rear Galen Monahan Edward C., foreman, Bag Factory, H. & W. Co., bds. Hugh Monahan’s, N. Beacon Monahan Hugh, house North Beacon, near Irving Monahan James, laborer, house Arsenal, car. Fatten Monahau James B., fireman, b. Jas. hlonahan’s, Arsenal Monahan James D., foreman, coal elevator (F. R. R., B. ), house Spring, next Marshall Monahan John, machihst, b. Owen Monahan’s, Orchard Mon:lhan John H., paper bag maker, H. 6 W. Co., bds. Hugh Monahan’s, Nort,h Beacon Monahan hlary A. Miss, dressmaker, b. Jss. Monaban’s, Monahan Owen, gardener, h. Orchard, next Carroll Monahan Patrick, laborer, bds. Edw. Monahan’s? Spring Monahan Patrick, starch maker, h. Pleasant, near Cross Monahan Patrick J., gardener, house Cottage, corner Cottage place, Mt. Auburn Monahan Terrance Mrs., house Arsenal, opp. Patten Moogan William, boards P. Oates’, North Beacon Moody George Martin, printer, 30 Main, boards G. Gatter’s, do. Moody George H. (Berry & Moody), carpenter, Main, opp. Mt. Auburn, h. Parker, car. Garnet Moody Robert, gardener, H. Thomas, Main, near Wal- tham line, boards do. HORSES FOR SALE & EXCHANGE 8. E. POT’TJapL’B, SPRING SPREE%“, - - Z~~TATBRTOQ~N. Connected by Telephone. 82 WATERTOWN [M J I)IRECTORQ

Mooers Henrr, machinist, b. J. T. Mooers’, Patten ct. Mooers *John ‘I’., blind maker, house Gilkey ave. Mooers William U., plumber (60 Harvard, B.), boards J. T. Uooer’s, Gilkey ave. Mooney James A., clerk John J. Boyce. b. at Newton Mooney John, clerk, N. B. Hartford, b. ,John Mooney’s, rear Mt. Auburn Mooney John, laborer, honse rear Mt. Auburn, II. R. R. Mooney Katharine Miss, lauudress, house Mt. Ahburn, next Hubbard’s Stable Mooney Ylichael laborer, boards Jo1111 Mootmy’s. rear Mt. Auburn street [thnm Moore Albert H., machinist, S. Elliott. Maple, b. at Wal- htoore Frnuk, carpenter, boards Mrs. Mary Glosser’s, Beacon square Moore George B., foreman, mounting shop, W. 6%P. Mnfg. Co., house Summer, nearly opp. Pearl Moore James A., with J. H. Conaut, 11.Main. ab. Myrtle Moore James A., machiuist, Porter & Co., Watertown, house at Newton Moore Roscoe, at J. H. Conant, 11. Howard, next F. R.R. Moore William 4., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house North Beacon-street court [Bovd Moran Thomas, at Gas House, bds. Mrs. John Parreli’s, Moran Thomas, carpenter, house Pleasant, near Cross Moran Thomas, groom, Waldo Adams farm, School, near Mt. Auburn, boards Robert Elder’s, Mt. Auburn, near Dexter avenue, E. W. Morehouse Joseph, weaver, Xtna hfills, boards C. A. Bedell’s, Pleasant Morgan John D., station agent,B. & A. R. R.(Newton), house Galen, opposite Maple Moriartv Ellen hrrs., house Church lane Morin Pierre, shade painter, J. Ralston & Co., Fayette, boards Mrs. McWhorter’s, Mt. Auburn Morley John, laborer, W. & P. Mufg. Co., boards Ann Regan’s, Pleasaut Morley Michael, laborer, boards Patrick Morley’s, D/It. Auburn, near Arlington Morley Patrick, gardener, E. D. Kimball’s, Mt. Auburn, house next do., Mt. Auburn Morel1 Edward, boards Louis Morell’s, Swett place Morel1 Louis, at 3Ztna Mills, house 2 Swett place hforris Milledge E., farm band, house Summer, corner Winter, opposite Maple Morrissey Michael, boards Gardner’s block, Cross hEorrissey Michael, Jr., supt., car cleaning, Waguer Pal- ace Car Co. (B. & A. R. R., B.), house Gardner’s block, Cross F,K, HUBBARD, “%z:%i~Eez?d HT. AUBUBN, NEAR MAIN ST., WATERTOWN, hfAss. WATERTOWN [M ] DIRECTORY 8.3

N:,rrisou Joseph, mau servant, Ralph Warner’s, School, boards do., Nt, Auburn Norse Charles Q., conductor, H. R, R., rooms Isaac N. A. McKpy’s, Mt. Auburn [Washburn Norse Harry I?., clerk (30 Kiibp, B.), house Otis, near Norse Luther B., physician, Riverside place, cut. xorth Beacon, house do. Norton David i\lrs., presser, Lewando’s, house Pleasant, rear Garfield block Mortou Thomas, private, U. S. Arsenal, boards do. Noseley Joseph, pattern finisher, W. & P. Rlufg. Co., boards Mrs. A. Brierton’s, Wheelers court Nosher Major L., carpenter, house Norse, near Park Noshier Terrance, farm hand, B. Whitney, Lexington, boards do. Nosman Frank V., driver, Howard Bros., house Norse block, Galen Nosman Gardner, carpenter, h. Water, n. soap factory Nuckford James, hand ou Walker’s farm, boards do. Muir Andrew, farm hand, F. E. Coolidga,house rear Cot- tage place, Mt. Auburn Nulhearn Edward F., tinsmith, boards Nrs. N. Mul- Ilearn’s, Riverside place Nulhearn Johu F., laborer, boards Mrs. S. Nulhearn’s. Pleqsant Nullrearu ~f:qaret, widow of Beruard, h. Riverside pl. Blulhearn Sarah, widow of Charles, house Pleasant, near G&n Nulhearn Terreuce H., shade maker (Cambridge), bds. Wrs. S. Mulhearn’s, Pleasant. Nulhearn William, laborer, house Watertown, corner Watertown court Nulholland Howard X., clerk (‘LO Kilby, B.) ,bouse Otis, uear Mt. Auburn Nulhollaud Nargaret L., widow of Hugh, house Otis, near Nt. Auburn Nulholland W. Hall, clerk (Nanchester, N. H.), house Otis, near Mt. Auburn Nullen Daniel J., laborer, Aetna Mills, house Pleasant, near Bemis station Nullen Patrick, blacksmith, house Arsenal [Norse Nullius Patrick, weaver, 2Etna Mills, bds. W. Mullius’. Nullins William, laborer, house Adams block, Morse Nurley William F., carpenter, rooms G. E. Fauq’s, Summer Murphy Barbara, widow, house Church lane Nurphy Iiridget Miss, dressmaker, b. Dennis Murphy’s, Mvrtle Good Teams at all hours at Reasonable Prices. iI, E.Potter, Special Rates to Parties SPRINGSTREET. and Entertainments. 6 84 WATERTOWN [M-J DI=cTO”P Murphy Dennis, laborer, house Myrtle, near Middle Murphy Dennis, gardener, Walker farm, Waltham line, boards do. Murphy Edward, farm hand,bds. J. F. GJlagher’s,Main Murphy Edward W., upholsterer (B.), 11. Common st.pl. Murphy Ellen Miss, house Mt. Auburn street,near R. R. Murphy Eugene, f*xpreas driver, house Cross, next R. R. Murphy Eugene, corporal, U. S. Arsenal, boards do. Murphy Hannah, widow of Jeremiah, house Pleasant, near Galen ~~urphy James, laborer, house Wheelers court Murphy John. foreman, Ii. Ual,ker & Co., Water, house Galen, near Water Murphy John, laborer, house Cottage place. Mt. Auburn Murphy John A., teamster,Pevear cyi Russell, 11.Arsenal, next Irving ‘Murphy John J., stove mounter. W. & P. Mnfg. CO., boards Dennis Murphy’s, Mvrtle Murphy John P., sectiou hand, I?. 1~. R., house sort11 Beacon street court Murphy Margaret Mrs., housekeeper, I. V Bemis. Main near Lexington, house do. [Hotel Murphy Michael IL., clerk (B.), Arsenal,n. Union Market Murphy Owen. laborer, house Main street court Murl,hy Patrick J., teamster, Gilkey & Stone, house Ar- senal, nekt Irving Murphy Thomas, farm hand, A. Locke, Belmont, c’orner Common, house at Belmont [do. Murphy Thomas H., engineer, Thomas Dalby’s, ro Ins Murphy Thomas J., teamster, Gilkey & Stone, boards P. J. Murphy’s, Arsenal Murphy William, farm hand, house Common street place Murphy William J., plumber, Charles H. Rollins, house Pleasant, near Galen [Waverly Murray Alexander R., paper maker, H. & W. Co., hoase Murray Annie H. Miss. at (:ampbell Electric Suplrly Co., Favette, boards William Murray’s, Forest Mu&ay’,James, gardener, at J. II. Ladd’s, Riverside pl. Murray James H., book-keeper (110 Oliver, B.), house Morse, near Park Murray John Mrs., house Morse. near Park Murray Margaret E. Miss. at Campbell Electric Supply Co., Fayette, boards William Murray’s, Forest !Kurray Michael, laborer, boards Pleasant, near Cross Murray Owen &Ire., grocer, Galrn, nearWater.house do. Murray Peter. engineer, boards Mrs. M. Manning’s, &It Auburn street Murrav Peter, gardener, house Wilbur avenue Murra; William. laborer. house Forest, corner Favette WATERTOWN [N] IIIRECTORP a5 Myers Linus C., paper maker, H. & W. Co.,boards Des- ter A. Robbins’, Palfrey NALLP JAMES J., bds. Patrick J. Nally’s, Main Nally John, laborer, 11.Forest, car. Fayette Nally P.ltrick. id, laborer, h. Forest, car. Fayette Nally Patrick J.. express and furniture mover, Church, near Mario, h. Main, corner Forest Nally Thomas, laborer, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house For- est, near Fayette Neal *James, laborer, b. Mrs. Mary Closser’s. Beacon sq. Nerille Alice B. Miss, music teacher, Middle, near Main hoards do. Neville Joanna, widow of Michael, b. Middle, n. Main Newcomh Arthur W., presser, Lewando’s, bds. William M. Newcomb’s, Cross Newcomb Harry, carpenter, b. W. 31. Newcomb’s, Cross Newcomb John C., plumber, b. S. G. Leighton’s, Spring Newcotnb John W., carpeuter, h. Morse, opp. Jewett Newcomb WiiliamM., engineer, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., 11. Gardner’s block, Cross Newman Mary A., widow, house Jewett, car. Morse Newman Richard, laborer! house Cottage, near F. R. R., Mt. Auburn Newton William M., teacher, High school, h. at Everett Newton & Watertown Gas Light Co.,Waldo A. Learned, superintendent, Water Nichols Gilbert, driver of hose carriage, bds. Mary A. Nichols’, Mt. Aubnrn [Mt. Aubarn Nichols Joseph H., paper maker, bds. Mary A. Nichols’, Nichols Mary A., widow of Gilbert, house Mt. Auburn, near Taylor Nicholson Marv J., spinner, b. P. Nicbolson’s,Lexington Nicholson Pat&k, wood dryer, house Lexington, near blain Nicholson Peter, gardener, R. M. Pratt, Belmont, b. do. Nioholson Thomas, shoemaker, Church, near Ma,in, bds. Mrs. R. B. Fowler’s, Cross Nickelson Eva, type writer, Lewamdo’s, house at West: Somerville Nickerson Emma Miss, weaver, Aetna Mills, h. Pleasant, near Swett place Nickerson Mary Mrs., weaver, Aetna Mills, h. Pleasant, near Swett place Nigers Charlotte, widow of Aaron, house Fayette, next Whites avenue Niles James P., dentist, Noyes block, Main, house Sum- mer. uear Pearl [corner Palfrey Nolan Edward C., horse shoer, Beacon sq.. bds. Spring, POTTER’S, SPRING STREET. SllDDLEHORSES, Teams by the Day or Week. ~P~ONAL A~ENTION GIVEN TO BOARDING HORSES. b6 I~r~\TEII:TOWN [o] DIXtXCTOI~Y Nolan James F. (Edward C. and James F. Nolan) T Bea- con sq., house Spring, car. Palfrev Nolan Mary, widow of Martin J., II. spring, c. Palfrey Nolan Michael, private, IJ. Y. Arseuul, bds. do. Nolan W. Martiu, helper, W, & P. Mufg. Co., boards Mrs. M. Nolan’s, Spring Noonau Edward, helper, at Lewanclo’s, house Spl ing, near Main Noonau Johu, helper, Lewaudo’s, boards Mrs. Ann Re- gau’s, Pleasant Noonan Patrick, laborer, bds. Richard Noonan’s Water Noonan Richard. gardener, h. Water, n. Soap Factory Norcross Abner. stove mounter, ‘IV. & P. Mnfg. Co., 11. Cuba, near Main Norcross Abner, stove mounter, W. $ P. Mnfg CU.. h. Cuba, near Main Norcross Alice I. Miss. teacher grammar school (Somer- ville), bds. J. H. Norcross’, Mt. Auburn Norcross Ann I. Miss, house 72 Parker Norcross Eliza C., widow of Elijah, h. Cuba, near Main Norcross Eliza J. Miss, house 1% Parker Norcross George Francis, carpenter, h. Riverside pl. Norcross George G., helper, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., bds. W. W. Norcross’. Cuba Norcross Harriet Ii. Miss, teacher, Rice grammar sc11001, (B.), boards J. H. Norcross’, Mt. Auburn Norcross James E., clerk (56 Temple pl., R.), house Chester, corner Mt. Auburn Norcross James H., builder, h. Mt. Auburn, c. Chester Korcross Mary Miss, teacher, boards G. F. Norcross’, Riverside place Norcross William W., stove mounter, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Cuba, near Main Norton Harrison I)., machinist (Newton), house Fayette next ?Vhites avenue Noyes Charles H., clerk, b. Samuel Noyes’, Main Noyes Mary A., widow of George I,., house Phillips, corner Garnet Noves Samuel, house Main, corner Green Nugent Michael A., at Btnn Mills, house Waltham:iear Pleasant Nutting Andrew F.,machinist, h. Mt. Auhurn.n. Summel Nye Charles H., printer, rooms Mrs. Ann Leary’s. Galen Nye Charles L., supt. of bath house, Csliforuia, house Spring, near Fayette

OATES PATRICK, laborer, house North Beacon: opp. Critchett’s stable O’Brien Delia Miss, spinner,b. I’. Nicholson’s, Lexington 3~;“. R. RUBEUURD, Mt. Aubtsm Street, Watertowrc, Mass. Connrrted by Horses for Sale and Exchange. Telephone. WATERTOWN [(-j-j DIRECTORY ’ 87 O’Brien Ellen, widow. house Church iane O’Hrieu Eugene, laborer, h. Carroll, near Belmont O’.Hrien James, laborer, house Carroll, hear Belmont O’llrien James, laborer, house Church lane O’Brien James, loom fixer? &tna Mills, house Pleasant, opposite do. O’Brien James P., stove mounter, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., boards Patrick O’Brien’s, Pleasant O’Brien John, laborer, h. Commou street place O’Brien John, contractor, stone and cellar work, house Walnut, opp. Union Market House O’Brien John, real estate, 11.Cuba, junction Myrtle O’Brien AIargaret A#iss, at Lewando’s. h. Church lane O’Brien Matthew, laborer, b. Summer, near Forest O’Brien Minnie L. %Iiss, teacher, Parker primary school, boards William C. Foley’s, Summer O’Brien Patrick, house Forest, near Fayette O’Brien Patrick, laborer, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house r. Pleasant, near Howard O’Brien Patrick, private, U. S. Arsenal, boards do. O’Brien Peter, laborer, house m WV O’Brien Stephen, farmhand, Walker farm, Waltham O’Brien Thomas, gardener, house Adams’ block, Morse O’Brien Thomas H., carpenter, house Church lane O’Brien Timothy M., compositor (B.)? boards James O’Brien’s, Carroll O’Brien William P., concreter, house Forest, near R.R. O’Connell Anthony, laborer, house end of Brook O’Connell dohn R., freight agent, Union Market station, F. R. R. Arsenal, boards Union Market House O’Counor Frank, stone mason, h. Water, n. schoolhouse O’Connor Hugh, blacksmith, boards Mrs. T. Monshan’s, Arsenal O’Connor James, farmhand, h. Waltham, next Sweit pi. O’Connor Thomas, laborer, hoards Michael Sheridao’a,, North Beacon Odams Charles F., laborer? Perkins & Co.? Main, house Summer, car. Winter Odams Herbert W., apprentice, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., b. John D. Odams’s, Main Odams John D., farmhand, house Main, near Chestnut O’Donnell Catherine Miss, at Lewando’s, boards John Condon’s, Bacon O’Hallaran Mary Miss, dressmaker,Main, c. Cross.h. do. O’Halloran Michael, produce peddler, h. Beechwood av. O’Halloran Patrick H., hairdresser, 31 Main, rooms A. W. Barron’s, Church O’Hara James R., broker (50 State, room 33, B.), house Galen, corner Royd l3. J4. POT’I’XCR, HACKLIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE. S&RING STREET, WATERTOWN. 85 WATERTOWN [()I DIMcCT~J~Y O’Hara Machael, farmhand, boards M. Igo’s, Wheeler block, Spring O’Hearn Edward, gardener, M. R. Payson, Belmont O’Hearn Edward, laborer, h. rear Summer, near Spring O’Hearn William, starch maker, Crystal Springs Mnfg. Co., house Pleasant, car. Howard G’Hearn William P., private, U. S. Arsenal, house No. Beacon, car. Bleilers lane O’Keefe Cornelius, laborer, h. rear Main, at F. R. R. O’Keefe Cornelius. teamster, b. M. 0. Keefe’s, Rrook O’lieefe Daniel L., driver, Howard &OS., boards Mrs. Joanna O’Keefe’s, Water O’Keefe David, plumber, boards M. 0. Keefe’s, Brook O’Keefe David, wool sorter (Brighton), house Galen, near Water O’Keefe Joanna, widow of David, h. Water, near Galen O’Keefe John F., machinist, bds. M. 0. Keefe’s, Brook O’Keefe Michael, laborer, house Brook O’Keefe Michael F., concreter, b. M. O’Keefe’s, Brook O’Keefe, see Keefe O’Kelley Philip, hostler, F. R. Hubbard, Mt. Auburn, rooms do. Oldham Allau, laborer, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Ar- senal, opposite Patten O’Leary Dennis, laborer, house Adams’ block, Morse O’Mara James, gardener, house Church lane O’Neil Abbie C. Miss, shirt maker, b. J. O’Neil’s, Forest O’Neil Arthur IX., overseer at Nonantum Worsted Co. (Newton), boards Joseph O’Neil’s, Forest O’Neil Joseph, laborer, house Forest, car. Summer O’Neil Joseph William, boiler maker (Cambridge), bds. Josepli O’Neil’s, Forest O’Neil Patrick, lather, house Watertown, next Morse Onions Thomas, laborer, house Morse’s block, Galen Osgood Archibald, foreman of shipping room, Lewaudo’s, house West Spring, opp. Fayette Osgood Eliza A., widow, h. Garfield, next Mt. Auburn O’Shea Dennis G., laborer, house end Watertown court O’Sullivan Timothy J., hairdresser, J. Dallaire’s, Main, rooms do., Forest Otis Rrothers (Horace W. and Ward M. Otis and William ‘IT. Macurdy), dry goods, boots and shoes, Otis bl~g, Main, car. Spring Otis Horace W. (Otis Brothers), Otis building, Main, house Centre, car. Franklin Otis Ward M. (Otis Brothers), Otis building, Main, and clerk, Watertown Savings Bank, 26 Main, boards Mrs. Delano March’s, Mt. Auburn HORSEDENTISTRY, *- ItL. HUBBARD, MT. AUBURN t?33T., IMSECUPPlN6, WATERTOWN, BTASS. WATERTOWN [p] DIRECTORY 89 Ouderkirk Smith, coal shoveler, F. R. R. (B.), house Williams, car. Galen Owens Michael, laborer, house Water, near Galen

PAGE CHARLES W., machinist, S. Elliott,h at Newton Page George A., painter, 6 Main, hcuse Mount Auburn, opposite Summer [Galen, near Water Page Harrison P., window glass (118 Milk, B.), house Page Harrison P., Jr., salesman (118 Milk, B.), house Galen. near Water Page James R., house Galen, near Water Page John, house Church, near Fayette Page Viloetta C. Miss,shirt maker,b. H. C.Bates’,Fapette Paige John, carder, Aetna Mills, house Pleasant,near do. Paine J. Thomas, boards Garnet, corner Parker Paiue Richard H., hardware and cutlery, Dana block, Main, house Garuet, corner Parker Parker Francis H., Lieut. Cal.: commanding officer, Uni- ted States Arsenal, house do. Parker George, police and truant officer, house Marshall, near Mt. Auburn Parker George S., asst. cashier, Union Market National Bank, Main, boards George Parker’s, Market Parker Henry S., house Myrtle, near Main Parkhurst Emma K., widow of John M., bds. Mrs. Eliza Cooper’s, Green Parlin William, laborer, Newton & W. G. L. Co., rooms Old Wool Shop, Galen ARLIN JOSEPH R., clothing, 45 Main, Water- town square,house Riverside place (see front CcJVer) ParmenterP Henry G., laborer, house Walnut, near Union Market Hotel, Patron Andrew, cleanser, 6‘ Lewando’s,” house at Newton Paron Phillip. cleanser, LbLewando’s,” house at Newton Parrish Lucius H., printer, 30 Main, house Galen, next Old Wool Shop Parsons Alice J. Miss, teacher, Grant primary school, boards 35 Riverside place Parsons Joseph F., painter, George A. Page, house. Morse block, Galen Parsons William, priuter (B.), house Boyd, near Park Parsons William W., agent, St. Paul, Mann., and Mann- toba Despatch (Washington B.), boards William Parsons’, Boyd Pattee Moses, driver, Steamer 1, Church, rooms do. Patten Alice G. Miss, teacher, High School (Dover, N. H.), boards Thomas Patten’s, Fayette Patten Mamie B. Miss, teacher, Phillips primary school, boards Thomas Patten’s, house Fayette, near Church HORSES FOR SALE & EXCHANGE B. 33. POTTEER’GI, SPRING STREET, - - WATERTOWN. Connected by Telephone. WATERTOWN [PI DIRECTORY 90 _.. Yatten Thomas, house Fayette. near Church Patten Weudell W., salesman (34 Summer, B. j house Chester Patterson Catherine.Mrs., house Watertown, near Galen Patterson William J., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Washburn, nearly ogp. Otis Payson Gilbert R., corn. mer. (43 Avon B.), house Bel- m.mt, near Common Payson Gilbert R., Jr., student (H. U., Cambridge), b. G. R. Payson’s, Belmont, near Common E’aysau Samuel R. (87 Milk, &om 43, B. j, house Del- mont, near Common Peabodv Henry L., general secretary,Y. M. C. A., house Irgng Park, car. Royal Peace Thomas, machiuist (B.), house Swett place Peck Dyer H. Mrs., Jewett, car. Morse Peuderghast Mary J. ~Mrs., mil!iner, Main, car. Church, house do. Pepler Alfred, overseer, dye house, Aetna Mills, house at Newton Perkins Albert W., pattern maker, bds. L. A. Shaw’s, Patten Perkins Hope T., widow of William, house Mt. Auburn, opp. Phillips Perkius John H., supt., Watertown Water Supply Co., ofice Union Market National Bank building, house Pleasant, at the pumping station Perkins Thomas J., salesman (28 Tremont row, B.),bds. J. H. Perkins’, Pleasant Perkins William H. (Perkins & Co.), grist mill, Main, opp. Spring, house Chester, near Mt. Auburn ERKINS & CO., (,J. W. Magee and W. H. Per- P kins), grist mill and dealers in hay, straw and grain, Main, opp. Spring (see page 3) Peterson Lawrence B., machinist (B. & A. R. R., Allston), house Marshall, near Mt. Auburu Pevear Abbie F., boards 9 Irving Pevear Marietta B., boards 9 Irving Pevear William H. (Pevear & Russell), coal aud wood, Arsenal, house 9 Irving Pevear & Russell (William H. Pevear and Howard Rus- sell), coal and sand, elevator Arsenal, next Irving, offieed 28 Main Phelan Katharine Miss, house Church lane Phelps Adeline, widow of Jonas, house Riverside place Phelps Edward J., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., rooms S. G. Leighton’s, Spring Phelps Henry A., blacksmith, J. H. Conant, Howard, house at Waltham

F, K, HUBBARD, ~ZL~E:~-: -“72s. Horses for Me and Exchange.. ConnectedbyTslepbons. WqTERTOWN [p] DIRECTORY 91 Philbrick Heury R., teamster, J. H. Crichett & Son, h. -North Beacon, next North Beacon-St. court Philbrook Charles C.. carpenter, boards 29 Feyette Philbrook Herbert A., tiusmith, W. & P. Mnfg Co, h Boyd, near Park Philbrook IvIary A., widow of George C., h. 23 Fayette Plrillips Charles E., plumber, house Park, near Morse Phipps Appleton, carpenter, house Green, near Pleasant Phipps Sanford, architect (28 School, room 61, B.), house Green, corner Pleasant Pierce Benjamin H., farmer, Lexington, opp. Harnden av., h. do. Pierce Charles Q., slipper mnfr. (127 Summer, B.)? house Mt. Auburn, next Walnut Pierce Jolm Q. A., slipper mnfr. (127 Summer, B.), house Mt. Auburn, near Franklin Pierce Ruth U., widow of George, h. Palfrey. n. Church Pierce William T., civil eugineer (60 Devonshire, B.), honse Centre Pike Albert E., painter, boards 133 Boyd Pike Charles, carpenter, boards 133 Boyd (Newton) Pike George E.. engineer, house 133 Boyd, opp. Fayette (Newton) Pillsburv Edward W.. printer, 30 JIain, house Mt. Auburn, uear Tavlor [bury Pillsbury Sarah M.. widow of Enoch, boards E. W. Pille- Piper Charles F., salesman (14 Summer, B.), house Otis, corner Washburn Plaisted Edward S., produce, house Riverside place Plunkett Elizabeth, shirt maker, b. Mary Punkett’s, Main Plunk&t James H., clerk, Hackett Bras., boards Mrs. M. Plur,kett’s, Main Plunk&t Mary, widow of Bernard, h. Main, car. Myrtle Plunkett Mary A., shirt maker (B.), bds.Mary Plunkett’s, Main Plunk&t Walter F.,wool sorter (Nonantum Worsted Co.) house Waltham, next Swett place Pollard John, tripe cleaner (Brighton), h. Wheelers ct. Pollard ,Joshua H., machinist (B.) ,b. F. Charter’s,Morse Pollock Henry T. P., molder, W. 8~P. Mnfg. Co., house Riverside place Porter Andrew C., decorator, Porter & Co., Watertown, house Middle Porter Annie P. Miss, stenographer (32 Pemberton sq., B.), boards 4 Irving Porter Edward F., house 4 Irving [4 Irving Porter Lewis B., prop. Porter Shuttle & Bobbin Co., b. Porter Shuttle & Bobbin Co., mnfrs. sewing machine bohbins and shuttles, Watertown. n. Galen Good Teams at all hours at B.E. Potter, Reasonablb Prices. Special Rates to PCUWXI SPRINGSTREET. and Entertainments. 92 WATERTOWN [p] DIRECTOltY

Porter William I)., manager, Kmpire Laundry Machine Co. (New York), boards 4 Irving Porter & Co., laundry machinery mnfrs., Watertown, n. Galen (185 and 18i High, B.) OTTELL 1BEIGtGS E.&very and sale stable. Spring Y next M. K., house Patten, corner Mt. Auburn (see foot liues) Potter William, salesman, bds. B. E. Potter’s, Patten Pouliot E. O., brakeman, N. Y. N. IS. R. It., house off Cottage, Mt. Auburn Powell Albert, machinist, Porter & Co., Watertown, h. at Newton Powell Herbert H., book-keeper and paymaster, Ztna * Mills, house at Newton Power John, marble-cutter (83 Haverhill, B.), boards Patrick Condon’s, Summer, near Myrtle Powers EJdward, milkman, house off Cottage, Mt. Auburn Powers Edward, Jr., laborer, boards &ward Powers’, off Cottage, Mt. Auburn Powers Frank H., carpenter, boards William Powers’, off Cottage, I\lt. Auburn Powers *John, laborer, bds. P. Powers, Common-st. place Powers Patrick, laborer, house Common-st. place Powers Robert E., express driver, for Hatch, Cambridge, bds. Il:dw. Powers, off Mt. Auburn Powers Walter W., boards William Powers’, off Cottage, Mount Auburn Powers William, fisherman, h. off Cottage, Mt. Anburn Powers William, starch maker, Crystal Spring Mnfg. Co., house at Newton Pratt Arabella, widow of John Q. A., house Riverside pl., corner Irving Pratt Edward F., molder, boards Mrs. Q. A. Pratt’s, Riverside place Pratt Isaiah Mrs., house Arsenal, near Patten Pratt Lucius H., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house No. Beacon, opposite Arsenal Pratt Miles Mrs., house Mt. Anburn, corner Pulfrey Pratt Robert M., house Belmont, near School Pratt Stillman A., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., h. River- side place, corner Ladd Pratt William A., melter, W. & P. Mnfg. CO., 21 Galen, house at Waltham Prendergast Patrick, laborcr,boards James H. Rnttigan’s, Water Priest Benjamin Lyman, house Centre Priest David H., broker and brass foundry (31 Exchange, room6, B.), house Franklin, near Mt. Auburn Priest F:liza, widow of Filman, h. Winter, next Summer POTTER’S, SPRING STREET. SADDLEHORSES, Teams by the Dayor Week. W PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO BOAEDING HORSES. WATERTOWN [(-)I DIRECTOI:Y 03 L__---- Priest Gardiner N., laborer, boards Mrs. bliza Priest’s, Winter RIlL%T GEORGE E., treas., Walker & Pratt P Mufg. Co.. %l, 23 Galen and (31 to 35 Union. U.), aud Watertown Savings Bank, 26 Maiu, II. River- side plaoe, near Beacon square (see page 2) Priest G. Wesley, student (Harvard Univ.), boards Gee. E. Priest’s, Riverside place Priest Hanuah. widow of Sylvester, house Riverside place. near Beacon square Priest Harry W., boards J. W. Priest’s, Centre Priest John W., house Centre, near Waluut Priest Walter ‘I’. (I’. A. Brown & Co.), furniture (87 Union, U.), house Riverside place Pringle James, card-stripper, AEtnr Mills, house Pleasant near Hall Rubber Co.‘s buildings Prior Uatthew, machinist, 94 Patteu, house 11 do. Proctor Abby Lrj., widow of George W., house Chester, near Mount Auburn Proctor Charles I’,, salesman (35 Union, B.), house Otis, coruer Mount Auburn Proctor S. Eugene, clerk (184 Wash., B.), boards Abby 8. Proctor’s, Chester Prue George H., machinist, boards J. B. Prue’s. Cuba, corner Main [coruer Main Prue John B., stationary engineer, F. R. R.,house Cuba, Puffer Jteuben, house Arlington, n. Belmont, Mt. Auburn Putnam Wendell Phillips, foreman, John Ralston & Co., Fayette, corner Cushman, house at Boston Putney Almon, house Fayette, near Whites avenue Pyle John ‘I’., painter, house Galen, corner Williams Pyle Samuel, painter, house Summer, corner Winter QUIGLEY FRANK J., stone-cutter, house Cottage, near the Catholic cemetery, Mt. Auburn Quin;;tWi~~u;nJ. (44 School, B.), house Garfield, next Quinlan’Daniel, house Arsenal, next Harvard Mills Quiulan Dennis, laborer, h. Arsenal, next Harvard Mills Quinlnn Edward, laborer, b. Daniel Quinlen’s, Arsenal Quinlan James F., mason, bds. J. H. Quinlan’s, Myrtle Quintan John, laborer, bds. Daniel Quinlan’s, Arsenal Quinlan John H., brick layer, h. Myrtle, junc. Cuba Quinlan Michael, mill operative, bds. Mrs. M. Connor’s, off Orchard Quinlan Patrick, laborer, h. No. Beacon, opp. Royal Quinlan Thomas, laborer, Aetna Mills, h. Brook Quinlan Timothy J., laborer, boards Patrick Quinlan’s, North Beacon TEIORSE DENTISTRY,F, K, HUBBARD, HORSE CLIPPING. IKt. AUBURN ST., Watertown, Jlaes. 54 WATERTOWN [R] IIIRE 3TORY -.- ____~~~ .___ Quilllau William J ., cigar maber (B.), boards Patrick Q,tllnlan’s, Xorth Beacon Quinn IJauiel, laborer, h. rear ,Summer, near Spring QUIUU Uitniel, teamster, h. \#‘heeler’s block, sl,riug Quwri James, hbow, II. North hacon-st. court L&lrk Johu, clerk, N. B. Hartford. II. Galen, 11. Water Quirk ‘l3161:1as, coauhnan, house off Forest

RAPPEltTY ‘I’HOXAS J., mnuhinist, S. Elliott, Maple, house at Newton Rafutie Jobu, at Lewando’s, h. Pleasant, near do. ltafuse Jlartin, laborer, Gilkey & Stcue, b. 24 Irving Ralley Christopher, butcher (Abattoir. Brighton), boards Ai. Xalley’s, Common-st. place Ralley i\Liuhael, farm hand, boards M. Ralley’s, Common street place Rallep ,\lichael, laborer, h. Common-&. place Italley Peter J., laborer, b. hf. ltdey’s, Common-st. pl. Ralston John (John Ralstoa & Co.), Fayette, car. Cush- mau, boards 1 I Green Z1LSTON JOHN bz CO. (John Ralston), window R shaded mnfrs., Fayette, COT. Cushman (bee p. 5) R;lmauy Fraser A., painter, house off cottage, near the cemetery, Mt. Auburn Ramsay James H., gardener, boards R. Ramsay’s, off Cottage place, Mt. Auburn Rumsay Robert, carpenter, h. off Cottage pl., Mt. Auburn Rand A. V., telegrapher, W. U. T. Co., Watertown sta- tion, boards Mrs. McIVhater’s. Mt. Auburn Rand Edward A., rector, Church of the Good Shepherd, house Garfield Rand E. Kennard, student, b.Rev. E. A. Rand’s,Garfield Rauney Annie L.: widow of E. R., house Elm, near Eait )Vatertown station Rattigan Bryan, laborer, honse North Beacon street ct. Rattigan James H.. carpenter, house Joyce’s blk, Wate Rattigan *John, laborer, b. B. Rattigan’s,N. Beacon st.ctr Rattigan Thomas, laborer, boards B. Rattigan’s, Xorth. Beacon street court Read George, at Bates Farm, boards W. H. Tourletott’s Lexington Reardan Bridget, widow of Michael, house brick block, Pleasant, near I@tna Mills Reardon John. laborer, h. r. Mt. Auburn, n. Beacon sq. Reardon John F., lsborer, boards Mrs. B. Reardon’s, Pleasant Reardon Patrick, laborer, b. Mrs. B. Reardon’s,Pleasant Reed Ann Mrs., at Lewando’s Dye House, house Forest, near Summer Hacks Furnished at Special Attention given Short Notice. to Boarders. F, IL HUBBARD, Mt. Auburn, St, WATERTOWN [R] DIillW’l ORP 93 Reed Chase H., cigar mufr. (Westfield), house Mt. Au- burn. corner Dexter aveuue Reed Isaw, baker, Charles H. Bright. h. at Mddford Read JOIIU J., supt., ~~Imshouse, Orchard, house do. Xeed Alar? ,J. Mrs., matron, Almshouse. Orcllard. h. do. Reed Thomas, gardener, F. E. Coolidge, East Water- town. house off Cottage, Mt. Auburn Regan Ann, widow of David, boarding-house, Pleasant, near Cross [lane Regan Bridget, widow of Thomas, 11.Pleasant, n.Chutch Regan Cornelius, painter, J. Ralston & Co., boards Ann Regan’s, Pleasant Regau Cornelius D., salesman (5 Union, B.), house rear Main, at F. R.R. Regau Jeremiah, laborer, house rear Main at F. R.R. Regan Jeremiah, Jr., laborer (B.), boards Jere Regan’s? rear Main Regan John, laborer, boards Bridget Regan’s, Pleasant Began John F., tripe cleaner (Brighton), house Forest, near Summer [court Regan Marv Mrs., nurse, b. John Hudson’s, Wheelers Regan Patrick, blacksmith, Taylor,n.Arsenal,h. next do.

Rhine,Alexander K., machinist (B.), h. Cottage place l llice Joauna Miss, house Morse. near Jewett Rice Lulie A. Miss, b. R. F. Brooks’, Church Rice Nellie M. Miss, boards Miss J. Rice’s, Morse Rich Alfred T., driver, J. E. Gill, Beltnont, boards do. Rich Mary B., widow of Lathley, house Elton avenue, Norwood park Richards Abraham L., h. Mt. Auburn, corner Bailey ave Richards Fannie W., principal, Parker School, boards 35 Riverside place Richards Frank E., express clerk (Wells, Fargo & Co.. Boston), boards D. W. Kinsman’s, Summer Richardson Andrew J., carpenter, h. Winter, c. Cross Richardson J. Fred (Speare & Richardson), laundry, Pleasaut, beyond Howard. h. Main, corner Green Richardson Joseph, fireman, W. $ P. Mnfg. Co., house Forest, corner Fayette Richardson Sarah, widow of Samuel, h. Main, c. Cross Richardson Truman S., clerk, Otis Bros., Main Richardson William G. Rev.. pastor, M.E. church, house Riverside place, corner Ladd Richardson William ‘I’., painter, house off Cottage,Mt. A Rider Jahn, machinist, U. S. Arsenal, boards Union Market Hotel Riley Bridget, widow of David, h. Forest, near Summer Riley Cornelius, laborer, house Forest, near Main Rilev *Tames. house Winter, near Summer 13. E. I)O’l’TER, HACgLIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE. S&RING+ STREET. WATERTOWN. 9(i WATEltTOWN [RI [,[l:1<::T()r;i -~ -.____ .______Riley Jeretuiatt, l:rborer, 11. Plettsant. tlear Ilall littbber Co.‘s tbttiltiiups Riley Jo:tutta .\I. bliss. teacher. Sljring primary scl~ool, bds. James Riley’s. Witttet [Wiuter Riley M:tt.g:tret G., clerk, Post OHice, btls. .Jernesi

Hacks Fwrnis?~ed at Short Notice. F,K,BUBBARD, . .’

WVATERTOWN [R J DIRECTORY 97 Robinson George Fred, clerk (550 Somerville avenue, Somerville), house Palfrep, next Mt. Anhrn Robinson tieorge F., janitor, High and Grant scboo1s, 11. Mt. Auhw, next Common Robinson lone G., widow of William, house Main, be- yond Howard Robinson Nellie M. Mrs., house Bovd, near Galen Robiuson Theodore B., clerk (4 High, B.), boards Mrs. Ione G. Robiusou’s, Maiu Rockett Edward, laborer, house foot of Cottage place, Mount Auburn Rockett John, laborer, boards Edward Rockett’s, Cottage place, Mt. Auburn Rockwell Charles E., freight clerk, F. R. R. (C&as.), h. N’aluut, near Union Market House Rockwell Horatio, laborer, bds. C. H. Cave’s1 Spring Rockwell James E., driver, ‘I’. I’. Emerson, h. Arsenal, near Beacon square Rockwell Lincoln K., machinist, boards James E. Rock- well’s, Rockwell Warren L., bookkeeper (34 Washington, B.), boards 26 Riverside place Rogers Artemas B., salesman, 135 Washington, B.), h. Fayette, corner Whites avenue Rogers John H., paper hanger (Waltham), bds. Artemas B. Rogers’, Fayette Rogers M. ‘l’hacher, publisher (50 Bromfield, B.), house Churcll, uear Fayette Rogers Roderick W., carriage painter (Church, Camb.), house off Cottage, &fl. Auburn Rogers W. N., foreman, Speare BERichardson, Pleasant, house at Waltham OLLINS CHARLES H., plumber and gas fitter, R 54 Main, opposite Town Hall, house Otis, n. Wash- burn (see page 12) Rollins Henry S., hotel clerk (B.), h. Arsenal n. Patteu Roouey Anne A., widow of John, h. 11 Cottage Rooney Bernard, tailor (Washington, car. Cherry, West Newton), house Cuba, near Green Roonev Bernard, Jr., bds. Bernard Roonep’s, Cuba Rooney Elizabeth, widow, house Common street place, corner Common Rooney James F., bookkeeper (34 Boylston, B.), house 11 Cottage Rooney John, plumber, bds. Bernard Rooney’s, Cuba Rooney John F. (Stratton & Rooney), plumber, Mouut Auburn, car. Beacon square, h, Cuba Rooney Martin, laborer, h. Forest near R. R. Roouep Thomas, laborer, house Bacon EORSES FOR SALE & EXCELANGE B. E. POTTl?ER’S, SPRING STREET, - - WATERTOWN. Connected by Telephone. 95 WBTERTOIVN [R] DIRECTORY . Rooae>~Timothy Mrs., house Brook Rooney ‘I’imothy T., laborer. 1,. Thomas Roonq’s, Bacon Rosborougb James, gardener, 11. ob Cottage, nlt.Autmr,n Rose Ch:wles T., hag packer, H. & W. Co., h. Forest, beyond Fayette ROM Levi W., broker (7 Exchange place, B.), Fa.yette, car. Hill Rosehrook Alvin E., carpenter, h. Parker, n. Mt.Anburn OSS JOHN, carriage mnfr., Spring, near Main, h. R Royal (see page 12) Rowan James, laborer, boards J. M. Turk’s, Cottage pl., Mt. Auburn Rowe Thomas H., molder, Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co., rms. Isaiah Pratt’s, Arsenal Rowe11 Adelaide, widow of Whittemore, house Palfrey, near Pearl Roy Felix, machinist (Waltham), b. P. F. Towne’s, Pleasant Ro-ce Anne M. Mrs., dressmaker, boards E. J. Mc- Pherson’s, Spring Ruggles Eleanor P., widow of Stephen D., house Mount Auburn, corner Phillips Rumrill Albert L., wood worker, h. Marshall, n. Mt. 4. Rundlett Benjamin T., house painter, Main st-ct., house Whitney, near Belmont Rundlett David S., engineer, Holliugsworth & Whitney Co., house ;lilt,. Auburn, corner Summer Russell Caroline W. Miss, h. Green, near Pleasan Russell Catherine A. Miss, h. Common, near Orchard Russell Charles, ice(92 State, H.),h. Common, n. Spring Russelt George F., farmer, h. Common, near Orchard Russell Hanorah, tacker, Lewando’s, house Main, corner Cross Russell Henry (estate), paper hangings, painter an 1 pa- per hanger, Russell’s bldg., Spring, near Main Russell Henry, Jr., clerk. Henry Russell (estate)) house Spring, corner Palfrey Russell Horace, house Russell avenue Russell Howard (Pevear & Russell), coal and wood, 28 Main, h. Vernou ave., near Russell avenue , Russell Jeremiah H., h. Common, near Spring Russell Louisa, widow of Jeremiah, house Common, near Spring Russell Louise A., widow of George S.: house Pxassnt, near Green Russell Mary E., widow of Henry, h. Spring, c. Palfrey Russell William L., clerk (R. & A. R. R., B.),boarcls J. H. Ladd‘s, Riverside place R!T ssell William W., ice (92 State, B.), h. Russell ave.

MT. AUBURN, NEAR ;\~AIN ST., WATERTOWN: MASS. WATERTOWN [s] nIRECTORY 99 Russell William W.! Jr., foreman, boards W. W. Rus- sell’s, Russell aveuue Russo. Joseph, coufectionery and fruit. Main, car. Spring house at Somerville Ryan Daniel, molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., h. Summer Rvan Joseph, private, U. S. Arsenal, bds. do. RFan tJamea, rubber worker, b. ‘I’. Itpan’s, Pleasant Ryan Timotlry, spinner, 2E:tna Mills, house brick block? near do. Ryder Bridget, widow of John, h. Church lane ltytler James M., clerk, b. Chas. H. Staples’, Parker Ryder John. machiuist, at Arsenal, boards Union Mar- ket House Ryder Verenus H., h. Mt. Auburn, nest Dexter avenue, East Watertown

SANFORD JACOB c., em[JlOyt?, w. E. St. lty. CO., h. rear Palfrey, near 3lount Anburn Sam Ling, laundry, Main, n. Cross, rooms do. Sam Wab Lee, laundry, Kelly’s block. Mt. Auburn Sample Hugh, iron melter, house off North Beacon, near Beechwood avenue [near do. Sampson Abraham, weaver, Aetna Mills, house P’ieasaut, S**mpson Paul. weaver, 2Etna Mills, II. Pleasant, n. do. Sanborn Paurelia S., widow, h. Pleasant, II. I@tna Mills Sanford William H ., at J. H. Conant, house Pleasant, near do. Sanger Bertha Miss, book-keeper (495 Tremont, B.), boards George H. Dupee’s, Morse Sanger Francis H., door aud sash maker, h. Morse. near Galen [Galen Sanger George C.! door and sash maker, h. Morse, near Sanger Hannah S., widow of Char!es E., house Mt. Au- burn, opp. Phillips Sauger Mary L. Miss, house Morse, near Jewett 8anger Nathaniel C. (estate), door. sash and window frame mnfr., Morse, near Galen [Galen Sanger Rebecca, widow of Nathaniel C., house Morse,n. Saunders Alfred. driver, W. E. St. Rp. Co., rooms 8. G. Leighton’s. Spring Savage Anna S. Mrs., bds. Wm. H. Savage’s, Summer Savage Jason, house Riverside place Savaae Paul, student, bds. W. H. Savage’s, Summer Savage Ralph B.. student, boards Rev. W. H. Savage’s, Summer AVAGE WALLACE W. (Pulsifer, Savage & s Co.), wholesale produce commission merchant (96 and 98 Clinton, B.), h. Riverside pl. (see page 4) Good Teams at all hours at Reasonable Prices. &WI v B.L Po++ppSpecial Rates to Parties SPRINGSTREEl -7. and Eutertainments. 7 100 WATERTOWN [fj] l~IREC’I’OIIY Savage William H.,pastor, First Parish Unitarian Cl~urch house Summer. near Spring Sawiu George W., house Arlington, n. Glen Hotel Sawtelle Mary L. Mrs., house Main: car. Cross Sawyer George A., butcher, Arsenal, opposite Union Market House, office (3 cellar. Quincy Market, B.), house Arsenal, opp. Union Market House Sawyer George W., sash and door mnfr. \Eriplrton), 1~. Palfrey, opp. Chul~ch Sawyer Herbert H., laundry, Spring, near PalfreT, bcls. William H. ‘l’ourtellotte’s, I,esing:l(,n Sswgel~ Swal1 B.. widow Of Edwin, dressmaker, Spring, next railroad, house do. Scanlan Charles, private, U. S. Arsenal, house do. Suhwier Charles. bds. A. I+‘. I~lnhn’s, Galen Scott .Jamcs, at 3tna Mills, bds. J. Pringle’s, Pleasant Scott John, hostler, house off Myrtle . Scully Patrick, laborer, house No. Beacon, corner Xorth Beacon street court Seiforth Frauk. dresser. 2Etnn Mills, house Pleasant, nest Starch Factory Seivier Richard H., carpenter, h. Park, near Morse Severance Charles F. G., salesman(cell&r 3, F. H. Mar- ket, IL), house Watertown, n. Newton line Seward Henry IV., asst. paymaster (I?. R. It., B.), bds. Mrs. H. D. Howell’s, Hill Seward William A., clerk, general ticket office (F. R. R. 13. ), house Elton avenue, East Watertown L5 eston Michael, laborer, house North Beacon, opposite North Beacon-St-court Shnoahan Dennis, town laborer, house 8 I-‘attest Shanahan Mary Miss. book-keeper, bds. 8 Puttrn Shanuon Daniel, tailor, b. F. Charter’s. Morse Shapleiph George, machinist, Porter & Co., house Mitldle nest Main Sherkey Frank. laborer, house Cottage pl., Mt. Auburn Sharkev James IV., laborer, boards off Cottage, Mount Auburn Sharp Richard W.. at Btna Mills, house 2 Swett place Sharp Supp1.y ‘I’., Custom House broker (44 Kilby, B.), Iloilse Mt. Auburn, corner Irving Shattuck Charles H., machinist. house CII~UI, n. Main Shnug!:n&sy Martin. fireman, Xtna Mills. II. at Krwton Shaughnessy Patrick, laborer, house rear Mount Aubu~m, near Beacon square Shaw Kartlett BI.. salesman, TV. & P. Mnfg. CO.. 21 . G:llen, boards Mrs. M. A. Blackwell’s. Itiversi(le 1’1. Shaw Freeman b., carpenter, F. R. R., II. Riverside pl. WATERTOWN [ 81 1)IRECTVKY 101

Shaw Harry, gardener, Ii. Thomas, Maiu, near Waltham line boards do. Shaw .Jcunie Mrs., house Riverside place, near Irving Shaw John F., at paper mill, house Joyce’s blk., Water Shaw Liuus Alleu, police, house i?atterl, II. Mt. Auburn Shaw Oliver. supt., !li‘alker & l’ratt Mnfg. Co., 21 Galen aud pres. Uuiou Market National Bauk, house Mt. Auburn, corner Marshull Shea Bartholomew, spiuuer, Xtna Miils, house brick block, Pleasant Shea John F., laborer, 11. Pleasant, beyoutl X:tna Mills Shea Maurice, teamster (B.), dlouse rear Summer. near Spring Shea Michael H., plumber (Boston), boards Bartholumew Shea’s, Pleasant Sheehau Bartholomew, laborer, 11. Carroll. near Belmont Sheehan Jere, teamster, house Pleasant, near Cross Sheehsu Margaret Mrs., boarding-house, Arsenal, near Beacon square Sheehan Patrick, laborer, house near soap works Shepa,rd Msy Miss, music-teacher, bds. G. H. Wright’s, Oti3 Sherburne Marcells H. MPS , starcher, at T,ewando’s, 11. Kelly’s block, Mt. Auburn Sheridan Frank, tripe cleaner (Brighton), house Atiaws blO&. hlcJI?X Sheridau &auk J.,at Campbell Electric Supply Co., Fay- ette, boa.rds Morse Sheridan James, laborer, ho.lse Watertown court Sheridan James Mrs., house Church lane Sheridan John A., student (Bostou College), boartls J. P. Sheridan’s, Spring Sheridan John P.. shoemaker and flnpman, Mt. Auburn- st. crossing, P. It. It., house Slxing. next R. H. Sheridan Martiu, laborer, house Wheelers court Sheridan Michael, starch maker, house No. Beacon, n. North Beacon-St. court Sheridan Philip H., milkman, b. .J. P. Sheridan’s, Sptiug Sherman Alfred A., clerk (JO0 Washington, B.), boards William Sherman’s, Church Sherman Charles F., clerk (400 Washiugton, B.), boards William Sherman’s, Church Sherman Frederick, engineer, Simons. Hatch & Whitten, boards William Sherman’s. Church Sherman George B., clerk (225 State, B.). boards Mrs. Sarah B. Sherman’s, Fayette Sherman Snr:th Is., widow of Marcus M., house Fayette, near Whites avenue Shermnn William. house Church, near Summer POTTER’S, SPRING STREET. SADDLEHORSES, Teams by the Dayor Week. w PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO BOARDING HORSES. 102 WATERTOWN [s] DIRECTO’RY Shields William J.,express driver,boards Mrs. M. Mills’, Church lane Shipp George S., hairdresser, 2 Mt. Auburn, at R. R. bridge, house 136 Cushing, at Cambridge Shipton Ambrose J., millwright, Hollingsworth & Whit- ney Co., house 121 Boyd, beyond Jewett Shirley Charles F., at (181 Devonshire, B.), boal,da Mrs. E. French’s, Morse Shirley Kate Miss, house Morse, near Park Shorrv Alrnira, widow of Joseph P., house &lain, corner Myrtle Shorey Frank R., salesman (140 Tremont, B.), house Main, corner Myrtle Shultz Fred, laborer, hoards F. V. Mosman, Galen Shnrtleff Allerton L., molder, W. Sr P. Mnfg. Co., house Fayette, corner Pearl Shurtleff Perez T., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Irving Park Silsbee Alice M.. widow, house Spring Hotel bldg., Maiu Simmons Woodside, blacksmith, Mt. Auburn cemetery, moved to Auburn place, Cambridge Simms William, laborer, honse Main, corner Lexington Simons, Hatch & Whitten (Stephen B. Simons. C. P. Hatch and Henry C. Whitten), shirt mnfrs. and gents’ furnishinggoods, Spring, near Fayette and (1 Winthrop sq. and 18 to 32 Otis, B.) Simons Stephen B. (Simons, Hatch & Whitten), shirt mnfr., Spring, house at Wellesley Simpson William, b. Lachlen McDonald’s, Mt. Auburn Simpson William, Jr., bds. Lachlen McDonald’s, Mt. Auburn Sisters of St. Luke, School, near Mt. Auburn Skehill Patrick, laborer, house North Beacon, corner No. Beacon-St. court Skinner Elizabeth P., teacher, Grant Grammar sc11001, house Hill Skinner aenry R., law student (B.), boardsH. D. Skin- ner’s, Hill Skinner Hiram D., molder, W. &P. Mnfg. Co., 11. Hill Skinner Lillian A. Miss, stenographer (B.), boartls Ii. D. Skinner’s, Hill Slamin ,John, laborer, house No. Beacon, car. Arsenal Slatnin Mary, dressmaker, house Mt. Auburn, near R.R. crossing Slamin Thomas, laborer. h. Mt. Auburn, n. R.R. crossing Slamin Thomas, laborer, house Arsenal, beyond Irving Slatterp Daniel F., molder, W. & P. Rlnfg. Co., 21 Gnlen, house Main, near Cuba Slatterg Mary .J. Xrs., laundress, h. Main, near Cnha * F. E. HUBBARD, Mt. Auburn Street, Wcdertown, Mass. Cnnnertrdby Horses for Sale and Exchange. Telephone. WATERTOWN [s-j nIRECTORP 103 Slattery Michael W., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., 21 Galen, house at Waltham Sleeper George H., truckman, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Church, uear Summer Sloan James, laborer, bds. Michael Hamrock’s, Arsenal Smith Albert H., clerk, U. S. Arsenal, h. at Newton Smith Anuie, wid. of Snowdou, nurse, h. Cuba, n. Main Smith Auson, salesman (B.), h. Summer, c. Whites av. Smith Charles E., driver, E. C. & A. B. Hall, bds. Mrs. James Smith’s, Main [Egau’s, Morse Smith Charles H., hairdresser (Newton), boards Festus Smith Charles Willard, molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., h. Summer, corner Wiuter . Smith David M., gardener, Mt. Auburn Cemetery, h. off Cottage, Mt. Auburn Smith Edward J., secretary, H. C. Derby (Brighton), 11. Galen, nearly opp. Maple Smith Edwin C., student, b. Rev. L. E. Smith’s, Morse Smith Elia Mrs., forewoman, glove cleaning, Lewando’e Smith Ferdinand H., book-keeper (Railway Clearing House, Lowell depot, B.), house Gilkey ave. Smith Fred P., train baggage master, 0. C. R. R., house 53 Boyd Smith George, laborer, house Morse block, Galen Smith George C., gardener, Mt. Auburn Cemetery, bds. D. M. Smith’s, off Cottage Smith George H., machinist, h. Cuba, near Main . Smith Geo. N., gardener, J. S. Henry, Garfield, b. do. Smith Helen M., widow, house 53 Boyd Smith Henry I?., house Arlington, next East Watertown railroad station, do. Smith Hiram, private, IT. S. Arsenal, bde. do. Smith James, salesman (33 Summer, B.), house Rogers’ block, off Cottage, Mt. Auburn Smith James Mrs., h. Main, nearly opp. Public Library Smith James W., shipper, Harvard Mills Co., house Mt. Auburn, next school-house Smith Luoius E. Rev., assistant editor (Watchman, room ‘LO,Tremont Temple, B.), house Morse, car. Park Smith Mary H. Mrs., b. Dr. George A. Tower’s, Mt. A. Smith Russell F., Wagner car conductor, h. 53 Boyd Smith Thomas H., carpet lioiug maker, bds. Mrs. James Smith’s, Main Smith Walter S.. messenger, AmericanExpress Co. (Bos- ton), house Otis, near Mt. Auburn Smvth Johu R., machinist, Porter & Co., house Bacon Snow George K. Mrs., h. Summer, near Whites ave. Snow James H., fish market, Russell’s block, Mt. Auburn at., house Mt. Auburn, next Common El. Em PCD’l’r~ER, HACKLIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE. S&RING STREET, WATERTOWN: 104 WATERTOWN [s] DIRECTORY Snow Walter B., draughtsman (1~. F. Sturtevant, Jamaica Plain), house Franklin, cot’. Washburn Snow William G., draughtsman, boards &lrs. G. K. Suow’s, Summer Solou Authouy J., bag maker, E-1. 6%W. Co., boards J. B. Perkins’, Watertown Spear Emaliue Mrs., house 4 Fayette, near Spring Speare Lewis 11. (Speare & Richardson), Cqstal Sprilre Laundrv. Pleasant, house at Newton Ceutre l?EARe & RICHARDSON (Lewis R. Speare S and J. Fred Richardson). Crystal Spring Laundry, Pleasant, beyond Howard (see page 5) Spence James, watchman, Hall Rubber Co.‘s buildings, house Pleasant, near do. Spinks James H., dyer, Lewundo’s, II. Main, car. Cuba Splane Kat,ie, widow, h. Mt. Auburn, II. R. 1~. croesirrg Spoilett George, painter, boards Mrs. M. Manning’s, Mt. Auburu street Spixgne Charles, carpeater, 11. Cross. car. Pleasant Sprague Chester, coutractor and builder, Arsenal, nest Irving, house Chester, near Mt. Auburn st. Sprague Dora Miss, presser, Lewautlo’s, boards A. I?. Mahn’s, Gales Spring N. Joseph, musician (li9 Washington, B.). house Riverside place, near Ladd [Chestnut Stack Robert P. Rev., pastor. St. Patrick’s church. house Stacy Philemon. Jr., book-keeper (Washington, cormer Channin.g, Newton), h. 1 Diamond block, Taylor q Stanley PatrIck, farmer, F. E. Coolidge, house Cottage place, Mt. Auburn Stanley Thomas, gardener. boards Patrick Stanley’s, Cottage place, Mt. Auburu Stanton Walter B., street car driver, boards D. E. Crab- tree’s, Patten Staples Charles H,, carpenter. h. Parker, opp. Garnet Starr Joseph F., painter, h. California, near Fifth ave. Stearns Charles A., electrician (35 Pearl, I~.), house Elm, car. Arlington, x. W. Stearns Charles S., carpenter, Aetna Mills, house Pleas- ant, near do. Stearns Edward B., student (Mass. Institute Tech., 187 Boplston, B.), boards C’harles A. Stearns’, Arling- ton, East Watertown Stearns Edward F., carpenter, S. F. Stearns, Main-street court, boards do., North Beacon Stearns George A., farmer, Mt. Auburn, between School and Garfield, house do. Stearns Samuel F., carpenter, 5 Main street court, house North Beacon, near Arsenal HORSEDENTISTRY, F. K. HUBBARD, MT. AUl3URN ST., HORSECLIPPING, WATEBTOWVH. MASS. WATERTOWN [s-j DIRECTORY 305

Steinmetz William R., surgeon, U. S. Arsenal, bds. do. StelJhen8 Charles George, teamster (Newton) 11. Adams’ blk., Morse Stephens Edward E., teamster, h. California, n. Fifth av. Stephens Harry, pressman, hbLewando’8,” house Pearl, corner Summer Stephens John, laborer, II. California, near Newton line Stepheus William J., laborer,b. John Stephens’,Califorl~ia Sterling William F., supt., The G. W. P. P. Co., Fay- ette, house Hudson, wr. Cushman [ney Steveus Alexander, laborer at Robert Lassman’s, I+ hit- Stevens Charles B., driver, T. B. Emerson, house Pal- frey, near Spring Stevens Frank, sigual tender, F. R. R. (E. Cambridge), bo:l rds Robert Stevens’, Arsenal Steven8 George,coachman,B. 0. Wilsou,b. C. F. Marsh’s, Myrtle Stevens George L. (The Warren Soap Mnfg. Co.), Water, house at Winchester Stevens Henry, signal tender, F. R. R. (E. Cambridge), boards Robert Stevens,’ Arsenal Stevens Henry H., machinist, bds. L. Davis’, Orchard Stevens Joseph C., president Aetna Mills, Pleasant, car. Bridge (266 Devonshire, B.), house at Boston Stevens Robert, produce peddler, h. Arsenal, c. Pattcn Stewart Isaac, fresco painter, 1~. Belmont, car. Carroll Stewart R. H., street car conductor, rooms J. E. Leigh- ton’s, Galen l Sticknep John K., vice pres., Union Market National Bauk, Main, opp. Town Halland Watertown Savings Ba.nk, 26 Main, house Mt. Auburn, cur. Palfrey Stiles Augustus D., house Mt. Auburn, near Taylor Stiles William L., h. Riverside place, near Beacon sq. Stockin Abner C., agent for Harper & Bros. (50 Brom- field, B.), house l’alfrep, opposite Whites avenue Stockin Arthur, wood engraver (3 School, B.), house Marshall, near Mount Auburn ,Stockin Thomas B.. house PalfreI, opp. Whites avenue Stockin Edwin C., clerk (50 Bromfield, rm. 2, B.), house Parker. near Mount Auburn Stockwell Adelaide Miss, bds. Mrs. G. B. Stockwell’s, s . Sto$<%%eoree B Mrs., house Spring. near Fayette Stockwell ,Janet‘Misi: assistant, Watertown l’ubl~c Li- brary, Main, boards Mrs. G. B. Stockwell’s, Spring Stone Andrew H., janitor, Francis, Parker and Spril;g scl~ools. Patten, car. Gilkey avenue Stone Cllarles W., paying teller (National BeI ere Bank, 100 Franklin, B.), house Mount Auburn+cor. Patker HORSES FOR SALE & EXCHANGE B. E. POTTJZR’S, SPRING STREET, - - WATERTOWN. Connected by Telephone. 1UG WATERTOWN [s] nIRECTORY Stone Daniel, house Garfield Stone Edwin L., clerk ($1 Kilby, B.), bds. J. C. Stone’s, Coolidge avenue, Mount Auburn Stone Frank H., driver, T. P. Emerson, house Mount Auburn, next Hubbard’s stable Stone Prank M., salesman, J. C. Stone’s, Coolidge ave., Mouut Auburn, boards do. Stone ,Joaeph H. (Gilhey C Stone), lumber, Arsenal, car. Irving, house Mt. Auburn, car Commou Stone Josephine H. Miss, artist, Mount Auburn, corner Common, boards do. [E. w. Stone Joshua C., farmer, Coolidge av., c. Grove, h. do. Stone Mary H., widow, house Patten, car. Gilkey ave. Stowell Eliza Miss, house Church, corner Summer Stow41 Emma Miss, house Church, corner Summer Strang Charlotte E., widow of John R., house Mitldle Strang Edward E., at The Campbell Electric Supply Co., Fayette, boards Charles H. Shattuck’s, Cuba Strang Hattie I., clerk, Simons, Hatch & Whidden, bds. Mrs. C. E. Strang’s, 3Iiddle Strang Jesse, carpenter. h. Fayette, opp. Paint Factory Stratton Charles, clerk, F. It. It. ofice (B.), bds. H. It. Stratton’s, Royal Stratton Homer 1~. (Stratton & Rooney), Mount Auburn, car. Beacon sq.: house Royal, corner Irving Park Stratton Lillian M. Miss, teacher, Phillips primary school, boards k1’. H. Ingraham’g, Church Stratton R; Rooney (H. R. Stratton and J. F. Roonep), plumbers, Mount Aubnrn, corner Beacon sq. Strum Charles, engineer, Speare & Richardson, Main, above Church lane Stuart Ronald A., treasurer, The Campbell Electrical 5upply Co., Fayette, corner Cushman and (121 Milk, B.), house at Boston Sullivan Ann. widow of Daniel, house Pleasant, near do. Sullivan Daniel, feeder, Mount Auburn stable, W. E. St. Ry. Co.. house 8 Cottage, Mount Auburn Sullivan Daniel, at I@tna Mills, house Pleasant, near do. Sullivan Daniel, bookkeeper (U.) ,b. J. Curran’s, Common Sullivan Daniel A., second hand, Aetna Mills, house Pleasant, near do. Sullivan Daniel J., book-keeper, J. H. Conant, Howard, boards Mrs. A. Sullivan’s, Pleasant Sullivan Dennis, laborer, honse Morse, next Palbp’s factory Sullivan Dennis J.. special police and belper, Porter & Co., house Galen, nest old wool shop Sullivan Ellen, widow, house Cburoh lsue Sullivan j&es, book-keeper (B.) b. J. Curran’s, Common -~ F,K, HUBBARD, Tpll’,:;~ki:y’*: -st%%s. Horses for Sale awl Eschsn8e. ConnectedbyTelepbnne. WATERTOWN [T] nIRECTORY 107

Sullivan James, laborer, boards Robert Stevens’, Arsenal Sullivan James H., coachman, J. H. Conaut’s, Pleasant, boards Mrs. Ann Sullivan’s, do. Sullivan Jeremiah J., lawyer, Barnard block, SO Main . and (28 School, rm. 27, B.) boards John Sullivan’s, Pleasant Sullivan 5011~1,milkman, Pleasant, n. Xtua Mills, 11. do. Sullivau John, shade painter (15 Blauche, Cambridge- port), bds. Thomas Coffey’s, North Beacon [ant Sullivan Johu J ., laborer, b. Mrs. Mary Sullivan’s, Pleas- Sullivau John J., bds J. P. Sullivan’s, Pleasant Sullivan John P., at Porter Shuttle & Bobbin Co., house Galeu, next old wool shop Sullivau John P., core maker, W. & P, Mnfg. Co., house Pieusant, near Howard Sullivan Margaret L. Miss, teacher, Bemis primary school Grove, boards at Waltham Sullivan Marv, widow of James, 11. Pleasant, bey.Howard Sulliv:lu Nellie Mrs., weaver, Xtna Mills, house Pleasant near do. Sullivan Patrick, shade painter, John Ralston & Co., Pavette, house at South Boston Sullivan Peter J., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., boards John Sullivan’s, Pleasant Sullivan Timothv O., hairdresser, J. Dallaire, Main, bds. do., Forest- Swan \Yilliam D., supt., American Tube Works (Somer- ville), house Elm Swett Melville H., lawyer (42 Court, room 24, B.), house Marshall, near Mt. Auburn Swett Noah, cashier, Union Market National Bank, house Marshall? near Mt. Auburn Swift George, private, U. S. Arsenal, boards do. Swift John. laborer, house Summer, near Whites avenue Swint Jacob P., baker, E. I. Dill, house 4 Taylor Sykes Thomas G., clerk, J. H. Flagg’s, Mt. Auburn, b. Richard M. Orr’s, Cushing, Cambridge

TABER GEORGE W., machinist (Porter BECo.), house Middle, near Main Taecrard Kliza, widow of John, house 46 Summer Tarzer Daniel A., house Franklin, corner Mt. Auburn Tainter Etta, bookkeeper, Otis Brothers, house Galen, corner Water Tainter George, house Galen, corner Water Tainter Mary B., widow of William C., boards Mrs. M. E. ‘I’. Brigham’s, Galen Tarlton Betsey S., widow of Joseph W., h. Lowell av. Tarleton Joseph K., janitor, Lowell school, h.,Lowell av. Good Teams at all hours at B.E. Potter, Reasonable Prices. Special Rates to Parties SPRINGSTREET, and Entertainments. 108 WATERTOWN [T-J III HECTORY Tarltou Frank D., house Franklin, corner Washburn Taritun George H., watchmaker and jeweler, 18 Main, house 13 Irving Tarltou Lewis B., clerk, boards Mrs. S. G. P. Tarlton’s, l’runklin Tarlton Susau G. P. Mrs., h. Franklin, corner Washbu;n Taylor Christina &Iiss, at 2Etna Rlills. boards Charles Stearns’, Pleasant AYLOR GEORGE F., apothecary, 24 Msin,opp. !I! Spring, house Chestnut, near &in (see page 8) Taylor Warren, polisher, W. & P. M. Co.,tiouse Spring, next railroad Teele Arthur W., clerk, George E. Teele’s,Main, boards do., Mti Auburn Teele George E., hardware, Spring Hotel building,Main, and carriage painter, Spring, near Main, house Mt. Auburn, next Auburn place Temple Alfred E., harness maker (North Brighton) ,btls. George W. Jollnson’s, Fayette Tem!)le Joseph C., harness maker (Brighton), boards &lrs. George W. Johnson’s, Fayette Templeton John C., Iaborer,house Arsenal,nest the Har- vard i\lills Tenncy Ellen, widow of James, house Cnha, near Main Teuney Minnie 13. bliss, teacher, Grant grammar scl~ool, boards A. B. Rogers’, Fayette Tennep Susie J. Miss, teacher of music, h. Cuba, n.Main Theriault Theodore, painter, S. Elliott, Maple, boards H. C. Bates, Galen Thomas Fred A., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co.. house Pleasant, near Green ThotnaJ Hiram, farmer, Main, near Waltham line Thompson Albridge IA., carpenter, rear Taylor, near R. It., rooms George A. Page’s, Mt. Auburn street Thompson Daniel, overseer, carding room, 2T3tna Mills, house 12 Swett place Thompson Edward R., soap maker, The Warren Soap Mnfg. Co., house Maple Thurston Hiram T., engineer. John Ralston & Co., Fay- ette, house Uain, above Church lane Thurston James I<., fireman, J. Ralston & Co., Fayette, house Main. above Church lane Thwing Charles G., house Watertown, n. Newton line Thwing F. Gertrude Miss, clerk, boards Mrs. J. D. Th wi ug’s, Watertown Thwing Juliana D., widow of Josiah, house Watertown, near Newton line Tigbe Kate, sorter, Crystal Springs Iaurdry, b. Charles Strum’s, Main Hm-tSE DENTISTRY F, K,HUBBARD, Mt. AUBURN ST., HORSE CLIPPING. watertown. Mass. . . _.-_..- __.. .~.-_- -. _- ._._-


Tillsou Harry E., clerk (18 Beacon, B.), boards H. B. Tillson’s, Riverside place Tillson Hiram B., molder, W. & P. Mufg. Co., house Riverside place, near Ladd Tillson ziusan A. Miss, shirt maker, boards George E. Teele’s, Mt. Auburn Tighe Joseph, wool sorter, house Green, near Pleasant Timmons Annie, mill operative, house Watertown, near Newton line Timmons iMargaret, operative, house Watertown, near Newton line Timonev Annie Miss, at Xtna Mills, boards C. A. Be- deli’s, Pleasant, Mt. Auburn Timouey Hugh, laborer, house Cottage, near cemetery gate. Mt. Auburn Timmons Edward I)., house Watertown, n. Newton line Tobey J. Franklin, machinist (Newton), house Morse, near Jewett Tolman Alvin F., driver.Gilkey & Stone, house Arsenal, near Taylor [corner Pearl Twnbs Daniel W., presser at Lewando’s, house Summer, Toomay Jdhn, shade painter, J. Ralbton & Co., Fayette, house at Somerville Terre Joseph, fruit, Main, corner Main street court, 11. Main street court Terre Ottavio S., draughtsman (27 Mt. Vernon, B.), boards J. Terre’s, Main street court Torsleff Andrew, book-keeper (Charlestown Enterprise, Charlestown), boards S. B. Peterson’s, Marshall, near Mt. Auburn Torsleff Herbert W., oil dealer (P. 0. Box 644)) boards * L. B. Peterson’s, Marshall Tourtellotte William H., foreman, “Bates” farm, house Lexington Tower George A.. homeo. physician, Mt. Auburn, corner Marshall, house do. !BJ ring Towle Charles J., wool puller, house rear Palfrey, near Towle William H., bag maker, H. & W. Co., b. Charles 6. Towle’s, rear Palfrey Towne Pliny F. (Fletcher & Towne), grocer, Pleasant, corner Bridge, house do. Townsend Isabella Miss, dressmaker, Riverside place, near Irving, house do. [ving Townsend Louisa Mrs., house Riverside place. near lr- Townsend Luther T. Rev., professor (Boston University school, 72 Mt. Vernonj, house Chestnut Train Otis A., house Mt. Auburn, near Palfrey Trask David F.. iron molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house head Russell avenue POTTER’S, SPRING STREET. SADDLEHORSES, Teams by the Day or Week. w PERSONAL ATTENTIOX GNEN TO BOPRDING HOIXES. 110 WATERTOWN [‘IT] INRECTORY

Travers Authony, private, U. S. Arsenal, boards do. ‘l’rcacy Johu EI., helper (W. &P. Mnfg. Co.),boards M. Trexoy’s, Spring Treaty ~~lmhael, coachman, Mrs. Miles Pratt, h. Spring, uear Palfrey Treat William W., salesman (425 Atlantic avenue, B.), house Coolidge avenue. near Grove, Mt. Auburn Trendo Edward, farm hand, E. W. Harringtou,Belmont, near Lexiugton, boards do. Tripp David I?. , concrete paving and roofing, Irving, cor- Garuet, house do. Trolsaas Uartiu, machinist, Arsenal, house Nichols av., near Elton aveuue Trott Heury S., at J. H. Conant’s, house Howard, opp. Troy Edward, gardener, G. M. Payson, Kelmout, b. do. Troy Xartin, coachman, G. R. Payson, Belmont, b. do. Trull Charles W., machinist, Porter & Co.. Watertown, house at Somerville Trumbull Joseph, hand on Walker’s farm, boards do. Truudy C!arlton A., loan broker (61 Court, room 8, B.,) house Main, corner Bacon Tuck Baujamin W., painter, h. over J. F. Nolan’s shop, Beacon square Tugman James J., boards John S. Tugman’s, Cuba Tugman John S., laborer, house Cuba, near kIyrtIe Tully I%trick, core maker,Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co., h. Main, near Chestnut ‘Iupper Angus G.; carpenter, h. Williams, at Newton line Tupper Kimball E., paper maker, house Summer, near Mt. Auburn Turk Fraucis I?., carpet lining maker,b. *John H. Turk’s, Mt. Auburn street, Mt. Auburn Turk John H., clerk, h. Mt. Auburn, c. Cottage, Mt. A. Turk Joseph M., laborer, h. Cottage place, Mt. Auburn Turk Nellie F. Miss, dressmaker, Mt. Auburn, corner Cottage: house do., Mt. Auburn Turner Alfred E., clerk (23 Summer, B.), boards Levi A. Turuer’s, Chestnut Turner George S., house Church, corner Palfrey Turner Levi A., house Chestnut, corner Green Tuttle John W., commission merchant (218 Devonshire, B.), house Morse, near Park Tuttle Karl I~., student, boards John W. Tuttle’s, Morse Twohig James, laborer, house Cottage place, Mt.Auburn

UNION MARKET HOUSE, William Snow, proprietor, Walnut, nest Union Market Stock Yards Union Market National Bank, Oliver Shaw, president, Noah Swett, cashier, Main, opposite Town Hall Hacks Furnished at Special Attention given Short Notice. to Boarders. F, I(, HUBBARD, Mt. Auburn, St, WATERTOWN [v-w] DIRECTORY 111 Union Stock i&rket, Walnut, next F. R. R. Upham Mary Mrs., house Lowell avenue U. S. Arsenal, Arsenal, near Elm VAHEX .JARIES, grocer, No. Beacon, n. Arsenal,h. do. Vahey John, laborer, boards John Hughes’ Arsenal Vatley .John P.,clerk,James Vahey, North Beacon, b. do. Valley Michael, starch-maker, house Brook Valley Patrick, lst, laborer, bds. John Hughes’, Arsenal Vahey Patrick, laborer, boards John Hughes Arsenal Van Winkle, at W. & 1~. Mnfg. Co., boards L. A. J. Ayer’s, Mt. Auburn Varney A. L., Capt. of ordnance, U. S. Arsenal, b. do. Vaughan George B., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Marshall, next Spring Vernon George, carpenter, house Bacon Vine James, machinist, Porter & Co., Watertown, house at Newton Vivian John W., salesman (193 Congress, B.), h. Otis, next Mt. Auburn WAH WING, laundry, Spring, near Main Waldron Catherine, widow of Michael, h. Wheelers ct. Waldron James F., tripe-cleaner (Brighton), house Wheelers court Waldron John, farm hand,bde. Andrew Greeleg’s, Water Walker Erving, compositor (246 Washington, B.j, house Lowell avenue Walker Erving P., bds. Erving Walker’s, Lowell avenue Walker George W., president, Walker BEPratt Mnfg. Co., 21. Galen, store (31 to 35 Union) t honse at Malden Walker Lucius, vault-keeper, Safe Deposit Vaults (Equit- able bldg., B.), house Boyd, next Galen Walker Samuel, oils (33 India, B.), house Wider, opp. Cross ALKER & PRATT MNFG.

Welch JOCK:, nickel polisher, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., boards George A. Merry’s, Spring \Velch Johu, laborer, bds. John Flynn’s, No. Beacon . Welclr Nicbael, iaborer, boards A. Greeleg’s. n‘atel Welch 1\1ichnel, laborer, bds. I’eter Welch’s, Riverside 1’1. 1Velch ,\lichael, laborer, boards Michael Sexton’s, North Ileacou 1Velcb Peter, laborer, h. Riverside place, c. Wheelers ct. \Velch ‘Thomas, laborer, boards Mrs. Thomas Welch’s, North Beacon-St court Welch Thomas Mrs., house No. Beacon-St. court Weldon John T., watchman, Xonantnm Worsted CO. (Newton), house California, opp. Fifth avenue . Wellman (George H. , physician (119 Devonshire, I’m. 2, B. j, house Coolidge ave., near Grove, Mt. Auburu Wells John E-I., salesman (45 Purchase, B.), house Sum- mer, near Pearl Wells Lizzie E:. Miss, h. J. H. Wells’, Summer, n. Pearl Welsh William C., overseer, Harvard Mills Co., Arsenal, house next do. Wenson Clark, farm hand, E. W. Harrington, Belmont, near Lexington, boards do. Wentworth Abigail, widow, b. Geo. Shapleigh’s, Middle Wentzell Philip, farm hand, bds. L. Adam’s, Main 1Ventzell Victor, cleanser, Adam & Son, bds. L. Adam’s, Main Westerfield Henry H., machinist, b. John Holmes, Spring Western Union Telegraph offiices,Churoh, Watertown sta- tion, and Walnut, Union Market station Wheaton Caleb, foreman at Arsenal, house 8 Cottage Wheeler. Horace, carpenter, house Summer. car. Winier Wheeler Jesse F., lawyer (5 Tremont, rm. 22,B.), house Mt. Auburn, near Palfrey Wheeler Otis, carpenter, house Church. corner Winter Wheeler Wade C., carpenter, bds. H. Wheeler’s, Summer Whipple James, at J. H. Conant’s, Howard, bds. T. E. Berry’s, Winter Whitcomb Francis E., teamster (F. R. R., B.), house Belmont, car. Lexington White Albert H.. produce, house Gilkey avenue White Charles C., clerk, N. B. Hartford’s, rooms F. H. Smith’s, Gilkey avenue White Forest W. (44 Broad, B.), house Fifth av. White Fred, foreman of machine knitters, Thomas Dal- by, boards at Newton White George H., at Campbell Electric Supply CO., Fayette, boards Stanley av., Bemis White john. butcher, boards Patrick White, off Cottage, Mt. Auburn HORSES FOR SALE & EXCHANGE ’ B. EL POTTER’S, SPRING S+.REET, - - WATERTOWN. Connected by Telephone. 114 \\‘A’rEIwOWx [w] DIRECTOR$

White Joseph B., at 2Etua Mills, house Stanley av. White ;CIurv A.. widow of William, house Fifth avenue White Pa&k, farmer, F. 11;.Coolitlge,house off Cottage, Mount Auburn White Patrick, tailor, Patrick McAreeney, Mt. Auburn, boards Jlrs. M. Nanning’s. do. [next Royal White ‘l’heopholis P., carpeuter, house Korth Beacon, White, see Wight and Whyte Whitehe~~d Thomas, foreman, Porter Shuttle & Bobbin Co., house Morse, opp. Park Whiting Moses. carpenter,Clmrch, next F. R.R..h. Royal Whitman Samuel I?., livery stable (Centre, Newton), h. Morse, near Park Whitney Arthur H., house Whites avenue, next Main Whitney Bradshaw. farmer, Lexington,n. Belmont,h.do. Whitney Charles E., house Maiu, car. Whites av. Whitnev Fred A., music teacher, house Maiu, corner Whites avenue Whitney Frederick E., clerk, William H. Lyman, Mt. Auburn. boards C. H. Staples’, Parker Whitney George, farmhand, h. Beacon Hill, near Main Whitney George H., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Palfrey, near Mt. Auburn Whitney Hiratn, jewelry aud fancy goods, Whitney blk., Nain, near Church, b. Spring, car. Summer Whitney James. painter, boards Geo. A. Merry’s,Spring Whitney James E.,sewing machinea(33 Hayward pl.,B.), house 46 Summer Whitney Xarthn Miss, house Mt. Auburn, COP. Phillips Whitney Myron W., house Paifrey, near Pearl Whitnev Myron W., Jr., student, boards RI. W. Whit- nei’s. Palfrep. near Pearl Whitney Peter, at Harvard Mills, boards G. Whituey’s, Beacon Hill, near Main WI itnev Solon F., libl’arian, Watertown Public Library, Mii n, house Garfield Whitney Susan 13. Miss, house Mt. Auburn. car. Phillips Whitney Thomas F., second hand, paper bag room, Hol- lingsworth & Whitney Co., h. Fayette, near Pearl Wbittemore Ephraim, farmhand, E. Brown, Main, near Waltham line, house do. W1 ittemore John M., manager, Harvard Mills CO., Ar- senal, house at Somerville Whitten Henry C. (Simons, Hetch & Whitten), shirt mnfr., Spring, near Fayette, house at Winchester Whitton John F., car builder(F. R. R., B.), house Union Market Station Whitton Margaret E. Mrs., operator, W. U. Tel. CO., snd station agent. Union lf**r’--+ en+:,... 1. ,,cn 40. WATERTOWN [w-j DIRECTORY 115

Whyte dames R., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house at Waltham Wicks Edwin F., foreman of dye house, Lewando, house 20 Irving Wicks ‘I’hornas H., carpenter, bds. W. H. Wicks’, Green Wicks William H.,carpenter,Green,opp. Chestnut, h. do. Wiggin Delia A., milliner, b. W. A. Fitch’s, Otis Wiggin Hortense M. Miss, teacher, Francis Grammar school, boards W. A. Fitch’s, Otis Wight Albert N., paper maker, H. & W. Co., h. Summer nest Mt. Auburn Wight Charles O., paper maker, H. & W. Co., house Forest, corner Summer Wiley Lorenzo P., dining room, Main, opposite Church, house Cross Williams Edward S., ‘finisher, W. & P..Mnfg. Co., 21 Galen, house at Cambridge Williams Harry, hostler, F. K. Hubbard, Mt.. Auburn, rooms do. Williams Lewis, cook, house Arsenal, opp. Fatten William3 Thomas, mason, house Fayette, car. Forest Willi:~me Thomas, Jr.,laborer,b. Thos. Williams’,Fayette Wilson Beujamin O., drugs (28 Merchants row, B.) , h. Main, opp. Myrtle Wilsou Edward A., clerk (28 Merchants row, B.), house Main. opp. Myrtle Wilson George L., clerk (28 Merchants row, B.), house Ma,rshall, corner Spring Wilson Henry L., salesman (1 li State. B.), h. Russell av Wilson II. Carlo+ clerk,(28 Merchants row, B.)? boards B. 0. Wilson’s, Main Wilson Isabella, widow of John, house Cottage, corner Cottage place, Mt. Auburn Wilson William II., carpenter, house foot Parker Wing Wah, laundry, Spring. near Main, house do. Wingfield Lewis, hostler (Newton), house Pleasant, bey. Church lane Winnek Annie I. Miss, clerk (Geo. Frost & Co., lo.), b. George Shapleigh’s, Middle Winnek Arthur L., bamboo worker (B.), boards George S hapleigh’s, Middle Winnek James C.. stove mounter, W. & P. Mnfg. CO., house Cross, rear M. E. church Winnek Mary A., widow, b. George Shapleigh’s, Middle Winslow Alice V., teacher, Francis Primary school, bds. Miss Clarke’s, Church Winter William, machinist (B.), rms. George A. Page’s, Mt. Auburn Good Teams at all hours at Reasonable Prices. Special Rates to Parties and Entertainments. 116 WATERTOWN [w-j DIRECTORY WiseFrank A., conductor, B. & A. R. R., boards J. D. Mot-van’s, Galen Wishart Thomas B., plumber, Charles H. Rollins, Main, boards do. Chester Wiswall George I-E., clerk (82 State, B.), house Frauk- lin, corner Walnut Wiswall Henry M., clerk (6 Hancock av., B.i, house Myrtle, near Main Wollitzer Anton J., house Myrtle, c-or. Pleasant Wolton Alman L., pail maker, D. B. Collier’s, Howard Wood Alex, gardener, W. H. Keith’s, boards Mrs. Jesse Wood’s, Summel Wood Harriet M., widow of Coolidge P., house Green, n. Pleasant Wood Henry. carpenter, b. M. E. Morris’, Summer Wood Henry Mrs., forewoman, Simon. Hatch & Whitten Spring, boards M. E. Marre’s, Summer Wood Herbert S., molder, W. & P. Mnfg. Co., house Irvine;, near Riverside place Wood Jessie, widow of William, h. Summer. n. Forest Woodgate George, private, U. S. Arsenal, boards do. Woodward Benjamin, h. Belmont., car. White Woodworth Charles L., Rev., h. Fayette, n. Whites av. Woodward Charles W., furoiture machinery (73 Oliver, B.), house Fayette, near Church Woodward James B., apothecary, Main, nextTowr. Hall house do. Woodward Lewis E., street car conductor, rooms D. A. Crabtree’s, Patten Worcester Francis, organ maker (162 Broadway, Cam- bridgeport), h. Jrarshall, car. Spring Wormwood Samuel P.. pres. (291 Congress, B.), house Fayette, corner Cushman Worth Alonzo I~., carpenter, house Morse, opposite Dalby’s Factory Worth Charles A., printer, 30 Main. boards A. K. Worth’s, Morse Worth Chas. S., carpenter, U. S. Arsenal-h. at Brighton Worth Cora N., compositor, 30 Main, boards A. K. Worth’s Morse Wright George H., provisions (454 Tremont, B.), house Otis, near Washburn Wright George S., clerk (1 Hamilton, B.), h. Garfield Wright George W. Mrs., boards D. F. Trask, head of Russell avenue Wright Lucv R., house Fayette, car. Whites avenue Wyeth Hollis N., bds. J. D. Evans’, Belmont WATERTOWN [y-j DIRECTORY 117 * YORf CHARLES A., book-keeper (35 Union, B.) ,bds. John A. York’s, Patton York John Addison, stove mounter, Walker & Pratt Mnfg. Co., and chief engiueer, fire dept., house Pat- ten, near Mt. Auburn street York John Amos, masou, h. Summer, near Whites ave. York John J., artist, bds. J. A. York’s, Summer Yerk Michael, stove mounter, h. Cross. near Main York William F., mason, b. John A. York’s, Summer e Youug Jesse, farm hand, B. H. Pierce, Lexington Young Men’s Christian Association rooms, Lyceum bldg. Mt. Auburn street Young Robert, shirt cutter, Sirnons, Hatch & Whitten, Spring, bds. Mrs. G. XcWhitter’s, Mt. Auburn




American Railway Manual and Supply Directory ...... $4.00 Augusta, Hallowell and Gardiner Directory ...... 2.00 Bangor and Brewer Directory ...... 2.00 Bath, Brunswiok and Richmond Directory ...... I.5 0 Biddeford, Saco and Old Orchard Directory ...... 1.50 Boston Business Directory (annually) ...... 1.50 Boston Street And Avenue Directory ...... 25 Brockton and Bridgewaters Directory ...... 2.00 Brookline Directory ...... 1.50 Cambridge City Directory (annually) ...... 2.60 Conczrd City Directory ...... 1.50 Haverhill and Bradford Directory ...... 2.00 Lewiston and Auburn Directory .. ! ...... 2.00 Malden, Medford, Melrose and Everett Directory...... 2.00 Massachusetts Business Directory ...... 3.30 Merrimack River Directory...... 2.00 Milford, Hopedale, Natick, Framingham, Holliston Directory 2.00 Nashua City Directory ...... 2.00 New Bedford City Directory ...... 2.00 Portland Directory (annually) ...... 2.50 Portsmouth City Directory ...... 1.30 Bockland, Belfast and Camden Directory...... 2.00 Somerville City Directory ...... 2.no United States Iron, Hardware, and Metal Trades Directory ... 5.00 Waltham and Watertown Directory ...... 2.00





A Classified List of all Trades, Professions and Pursuits in the Town of WATERTOWN, for the year 1889, arranged Alphmbet- iwlly for each Trade, thus exhibiting at B &mce the full address and Special Business of her Citimns.

Agr4cultural Implements. Paine Richard H., Dana block, Main Teele George E., 25 Main

Apothecades. Coe Harrie L.,3 Mt. Auburn,at R. R. bridgc,Mt. Auburn Martin Franklin H., 40 Main, corner Watertown square TAYLOR GEORGE F., 24 Main (see p. 3) Woodward James B., Naiu, next Town Hall

Architect. HAYNES ALBERT0 F., Marshall, n. Mt. Auburn (see inside back cover) Directoryand Book Printing a Specialty'with WIAt GREENOUGH & CO,,28ol~~~~~~,~~~onl I20 WATERTOWN RUSiNESS DIRECTORY Artists. Deuault Charles N. (photograph) ,Otis Bras.’ block,Main Lvmau M. Gertrude, Parker &Lauthlin E. H. Miss, Myrtle Stone Josephine H., Mt. Auburn, corner Common

Auctioneer and Appraiser. GLEASON SAMUEL S., 38 Main (see page 4)

Rakers. Bright Charles H., Whitney block, Main. near Church Dill Edwin I., Spring Hotel building,, Main

Banke. Union Market National Bank, Oliver Shaw, pres. ; John K. Stickney, vice pres. ; Noah Swett, cashier, Main, opp. Town Hall WATERTOWN CO-OPERATIVE BANK, Charles Brigham, pres. ; A. H. Hartwell, vice pres. ; S. S. Gleason, sec. and treas. ; 38Main (see p. 4) Watertown Savings Bank, Alfred Hosmer, pres. ; George E. Priest, treas., 26 Main

Bath TuBs and Bowls. RO~Ll~~ y2yARLES H., 54 Main, opp. Church see a e Greenleaf William H., 29 Main

Bell Hanger. GROSSMAN JO;fiN, 4 Church, Waltham (see p. 7)

Billiard Hdls. Howard Henry W., 31 Maiu

Blacksmiths. Ham Joseph F., Beacon square, car. Riverside place HARTHERTZ F. C., Arseual, coruer Taylor (see page 12) Regau Patrick, Taylor, near Arsenal ROSS JOHN, Spring, near Main (see page 12) WATERTOWN BUSINESS DIRECTORY 121 __.~~ I BourdCng Ho uses. -4bbott H. W. Mrs., Mount Auburn, opposite Summer Btua Mills, C. A. Bedell, proprietor, Pleasant, near Bemis Station Aver L. A. J., Mount Auburn, corner Patten Charter Franklin, Morse, corner Park Closser Mary, Beacon square Farrell John Mrs., Boyd, corner Park Manuing Margaret, Mount Auburn, near Fitchburg R.R. Merry George A., Spring, near Summer MoWhirter George Mrs.,Mt.Auburn, next Baptistchur& Regau Ann Mrs., Pleasant, near Cross Sheehan M. Mrs,, Arsenal, near Beacon square

Books and Statdon,ery. McLauthlin & Co., 37 Main

Boots and Shoes. Daniels Louis, Main, near Cross Dooley James, Russell’s block, Mt. Auburn Drew A. D., Spring, next Otis building FLETCHER & TOWNE, Pleasant, corner Bridge (see page 7) Lunt George C. & Co., 32 and 34 Main Otis Bros., Otis building, Main

Boot and Shoe Makers and Repc&wrs. Clifford John J., Cross, near Main Daniel5 Louis, Main, near Cross Dooley James, Russell’s block, Mt. Auburn Drew Atwood D., Spring, next Otis building Glaab Leonard, Mt. Auburn, near railroad bridge, Mt.A Lvous Thomas, Galen, near Main . gicholsou Thomas, Church, near Main Sheridan John P., .&It. Auburu, at railroad crossing

Broker (Ivisuranee.) FARWELL WILLIAM E., Winter, corner Sum- mer (see page 7)

Broker (Mortgage.) Swett Noah, Main, opposite Town Hall

Bug Exterm’%ator. Cartwright James, Lowell avenue, corner Orchard Directoryand Book Printing a Speciallywith W1 As GREEfNGil & CD,,28 @!, &!%!““~ 122 WATERTOWN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Burglur Alarms. GROSSMAN JOHN, 4 Church, Waltbam (see p. 7) Butchers. Blieler George, Arsenal, corner Prospect Sawyer George A., Arsenal, opposite Union Market House, and (3 cellar, N. S. Quincy Market, B.)

Call Bells. #GROSSMAN JOHN, 4 Church, Waltham (see p. 7) Canned Goods. FIELD & MELVIN, 2 Main (see page 4) FLETCHER & TOWNE, Pleasant, corner Bridge (see page 5) Carpenters. Berry & Moody, Main, opposite RI. Auburn Burnham Charles H., Palfrev, near Mt. Auburn Lougee Charles E., California, near Newton line Macurdy H. Warren, Elm, near Arlington, E. W. ‘Sprague Chester, Arsenal, nest Irving St.earns Samuel F., 5 Main-street court Thompson A. L., rear Taylor, near R. R. Whiting Moses, Church, near the depot Wicks William H., Green, opp. Chestnut

Carpet Cleaners. LEWANDO’S FRENCH DYEING 62 CLEANSING ESTABLISHMENT, Galen, near Pleasant (17 Temple place, B.) (see page 2) . Carpet L4n4ng Mnf rs. Harvard Mills Co., Arsenal (179 Devonshire, Boston)

Cawiage Mnfrs. HARTHERTZ F. C., Arsenal, car. Taylor (see page 12) ROSS JOHN, Spring, near Main (see page 12)

Cam&age Paintem. ATHERTON L. B. Taylor, car. Arsenal (see p. 12) ROSS JOHN, Sprin& near Main (see page I2j Teele George E., Spring, near Main Directoryand Book Printing a Specialtywith .WIAm GREEiOUGH & CO,,28'$f!&&!o"~ WATERTOWN BUSINESS DIRECTORY 123 Carriagesmiths. HARTHERTZ F. C., Arsenal, car. Taylor (see RS&$g~~l)XN, Spring, near Main (see page 12) Carriage Trimmer. Fagan James H., Mt. Auburn, n. railroad bridge, Mt. A-

Cattle Dealer. Henry James S., Garfield Caterer. Dill Edwin I., Spring Hotel bld., Main

Cement and Plaster. GILKEY & STONE, Irving, car. Arsenal (see p. 5) l CXgars and Tobacco. Burns Joseph A., 13 Galen FLETCHER & TOWNE, Pleasant, cot-. Bridge (see page 7) TAYLOR GEORGE F., 25 Main (see page 3) Woodward James B., Main, near Town Hall

Cleaneirtg (Dry.) Adam & Son, Main, near Waltham line LEWANDO’S FRENCH DYEING c% CLEANSING ESTABLISHMENT, Galen, near Pleasant (17 Temple place, B.) (see-page 2)

Clergymern. Capen Edward A. (Baptist), Mt. Auburn, corner Otis Coughlin Thomas W. (Roman Catholic), Chestnut Husted John B. (Methodist Episcopal), Cuba, near Main Kelleu William (?vIethodist Episcopal), Palfrey Lamb William A. (Evau.), 173 Galen, near Morse McCullough James R. (M. E.) , Williams Rand Edward A. (Episcopal), Garfield Richardson William G. (M. E.), Riverside place Savage William H. (Unitarian), Summer, near Spring Stack Robert P. (Catholic), Chestnut Townsend Luther T. (Methodist), Chestnut Woodworth Charles L. (C. T.), Fayette, n. White avenue Directoryand Book Printing a Specialtywith W,,A,GREENQUBH & CO,,~8~~~~$,!!&$'~ 124 WATERTOWN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Clothing Cleansed amd Dped. LEWANDO’S FRENCH DYEING & CLEANSING ESTABLISHMENT, Galen, near Pleasant (17 Temple place, B.), (see p. 2)

Clothing and ikEens Purnieh4n.g Goods. PARLIN JOSEPH R., 45 Main, Watertown square (see front cover)

Coal and Wood. Gavin Thomas, Irving, corner Arsenal and (Church st., Newton) Pevear & Russell, elevator, Arsenal, next Spring, office, 28 Main

Coflns and Caskets. GRFyGeG8$LEXANDER & SONS, 15 Galen (see cg

Concrete Paver. Tripp David F., Irving, corner Garnet

ConfectConery ar&d Fruit. Howard Fred C., Dana Block Russo Joseph, Main, corner Spring

Country Produce. FIELD & MELVIN, 2 &fain (see page4) FLETCHER & TOWNE, Pleasant, corner Bridge (see page 7)

Crockery and Glassware. FLETCHER & TO’JNNE, Pleasant, corner Bridge (see page 7)

Dead AnCnaaEs Removed. BUTCHERS’ SLAUGHTERING & MELT- ING ASSOCIATION, Market and Western ave. Brighton .(see p. 6) Dkuctoryand Book Printing a SpecialtywM W,A, kREENOUG;H & CO,,28OkK,~~$!B!pa WATERTOWN’ BUSINESS ,DIBECTORY 125 Dentists. Horne R. F., Union Market National Bank bldg., Main Huckins David ‘I’., McMaster’s block, 31 Main Niles James P., Noyes block, Main

Depot Carriage. Allen L. H., at depot and Spring near Summer DZnCmg Rooma. Bennett George A., Russell’s block, Mt. Auburn street Wiley Lorenzo P., Main, opp. Church

Door, Saeh and BUnd .Mn&. Banger N. C. (estate), Morse, near Galen

Drniq PJpe. ROLLINS CHARLES H., 54 Main, opposite Town Hall (see page 12)

Allen Jane N. Mrs., Spring, near Summer Boyle Jennie ‘I’., Morse block, Galen Burroughs L. F. Miss, 7 Irving Burnham Edith A. Miss, Phillips Coburn S. A. Mrs., Fayette Davis Hattie B., Taylor, car. Mt. Auburn Farrington A. M. Mrs., Belmont, n. R. R. bridge Fitzgerald E. Miss, Church lane Gray Maggie L. Miss, Otis Bros. block,Nain Humphrey E. A. Mrs., Lowell avenue Hurlburt Mary, Lowell avenue Learned Agnes M., Main, n. Waltham line McPherson L. A. Mrs., Winter, car. ,Church McGovern Alice, Cross O’Halloran Mary Miss, Main, car. Cross Sawver Sarah B., Spring, next R. R. Slamin Mary, Mt. Auburn, n. R. R. Townsend Isabella Miss, Riverside pl. Turk Nellie F. Miss, Mt. Auburn, car. Cottage, Mt, A.

Dmg8 and Chem6ca~s. Martin Franklin H.,‘Galen, car. Main TAYLOR UEORCIE F., 24 Main (see p. 3) Woodward James B., Main, next Town Hall 126 WATERTOWN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Dry Cleanshag. * Adams & Son, Main, near Waltham line LEWANDO’S FRENCH DYEING & CLEANSING ESTABLISHMENT (the only house in New England for the dry cleaning of delicate fabrics), Galen, near Pleasant, oEce (17 Temple pl. B.) (see page 2)

Dry Goods. Lunt George C. & Co., 32 and 34 Main Otis Bros., Otis building, Main

Dye House. LEWANDO’S FRENCH DYEING & CLEANSING ESTABLISHMENT, Galeu, near Pleasant, office (17 Temple pl., B.) (see p. 2)

Electdc d&e Mnfrs. The Campbell Electrical Supply Co., Ronald A. Stuart, treasurer, Fayette, car. Cushman (122 Milk, B.)

ElectricianI. GROSSMAN JOHN, 4 Church, Waltham [see p. i) Elect&c Annm~ac&ators. GROSSMAN JOHN, 4 Churchz Waltham (see p. 7) Electric Supplies. GROSSMAN JOHN, 4 Church, Waltham (see p. 7) Emery Wheels. NEW ENGLAND MACHINE CO., 43 to 47 Beverly, B.) (see inside batik cover)

Expresses. Allen Leslie H., at depot and Church, n. Main Callahan Phillip (Mt. Auburn and Boston), Cottage,near cemetery, Mt. Auburn (54 No. Market, B.) CRITCHETT J. H. & SON, 54 Main and (91 Kil- by, order box cellar3 Quincy Market, B.) (seep. 12) Emerson Thomas P., Spring, next railroad, and (34 Court sq., Boston) Directoryand Book Printing a Specialtywith W,A, GREENOUGH & CO,,28 ~!&$&‘$‘~~ WATERTOWN BUSINESS DIRECTORY 127 Kenney John, Watertown and Nonantum Express, J. B. Murphy’s store, C. W. Rerry’s store (33 Court sq., 67 Franklin, 96 Kingstou, B.) Nally Patrick J., Church, near Main

Fancy Goods. TAYLOR GEORGE F., 24 Main (see p. 3) Woodward James B., Main, near Town Hail

Fish and Oysters. Burns Joseph A., 134 School McKay I. N. A., Pleasant, car. Galen Snow James H., Russell’s blk., Mt. Auburn

morists. l Evans Charles, Main, next Waltham line Lassman Robert E., Whitney

#Your und Grain. FIELD & MELVIN, 2 Main (see page 4) Flagg James H., Mt. Auburn, at railroad bridge, Mt. A. FLETCHER & TO1%rNE, Pleasant, car. Bridge (see page 7i PERKINS & CO., Main, opp. Spring (see page 3)

Pru$t. Torre Joseph, Main, car. Main-street court

Bv.& and Vegetu?Xes. FIELD & NELVIN, 2 Main (see page 4) Blagg James H., Mt. Auburn, at R. 12. bridge, Mt. A. FLETCHER & TOWNE, Pleasant, car. Bridge (see page 7)

lPurnaces, Ranges, Etc. (Mnfrs.) WALKER de PRATT MNFG. CO., 21 and 23 Galen (31 to 35 Union, B.) (see page 2) .

Furnz’ture Dealers. Bent Luther & Co., Main, opposite Church Martin H. W. Garfield block, Galen Directoryand Rook Printing a Specialtywith WmA,GREENOUGH & CO,,28 ~~~!Ef$!d!!%!Ofl~ .

128 \V:iTEJ{‘J’OVQ$ BUSTNESS DIRECTORY Furniture Hovers. Allen L. H.. at depot aud Spring, oear Summer CRITCHETT J. H. & SON, 54 Main (see page 12) Kenney John, at J. B. Murphy’s, and C. W. Berry’s stores Nally Patrick J., Main, corner Forest

Gas Pixtawes mad Shudes. ROLLINS CHARLES H., 54 Main, opp. Town Hall (see page 12)

Gas Ltylat Cornpan2/. Newton &Watertown Gas Light Co.,Waldo A. Learned, supt., Water, near Galen . Gas and Steam Fitter. ROLLINS CHARLES H., 54 Main. opposite Town Hall (see page 12)

Gents’ Purn&Mng Goods. PARLIN J. R., 45 Main (see front coverj Simons, Hatch & Whitten (mnfrs.), Spring, n. Fayette

PERKINS &CO., Main, opp. Spring (see page 3)

Grocers. Barues James J., Main, near Cross Boston Branch Grocery, E. A. Benton, proprietor, Mc- Master’s block, 29 Main FIELD & MELVIN, 2 Main (see page 4) Flagg James H., Mt. Auburn, near R. R. bridge, Mt. A. Flannery James J., Main, corner Forest FLETCHER & TOWNE, Pleasant, car. Bridge (see page 7) Ford Thomas, Main, corner Church lane Hartford Nathan B., Otis Bros.’ block, Main Hall E. C. & A. B., Nopes block, opp. Town Hall, Main Levelley Bras., Russell’s block, Mt. Auburn Lynch Bras., 33 Main XcGrath Michael, Pleasant, near Hall Rubber Co. Murray Owen Mrs., Galen, near Water Vahey James, North Beacon Directoryand Book Printing a Specialtyw!h W,A, GREENOUGH & CO~,~~'%%!!z+!!!Z!~~ WATERTOWN BUSMESS DIRECTORY 129 Hairdressers. Dalliare Jerome, Main, opposite Church Jarvis John J., Nopes’ block, Maiu Leuox Charles W., Whitney block, Main O’Halloran P. H., 31 Main Shipp George S.,Mt. Auburn, at R.R. bridge, Mt Auburn Herbert Charles, 39 Main, car. Main st. court

Hardware. Paine Richard H., Dana block, Main Teele George E., Spring Hotel bldg., Main

Harness Makers. Fuller Benjamin A., Main, opposite Church Fagan James H., Mt. Auburn, n. railroad bridge, Mt. A. Mahoney D. J., Mt. Auburn, car. Beacon square

Hats and Caps. PARLIN J. R., 45 Main (see front cover)

Hay, Straw, Etc. GILKEY & STONE, Irving, car. Arsenal (see p. 5) PERKINS & CO,, Main, opposite Spring (see p. 3) Pevear & Russell, Arsenal, next Irving, office 28 Main

Eeat Regulators. GROSFMAN JOHN, 4 Church, Waltham (see p. 7) .

Horse Dealer. POTTER B. E., Spring, next F. R: R. (see foot lines)

Horse Shoers. Ham Joseph F., Beacon, corner Riverside place HARTHERTZF. c., Arsenal, corner Taylor (see page 12) Nolan J. F., Arsenal, Beacon square

Hot Water Bo$lers. ROLLINS CHARLES H., 54 Main, opposite Town Hall (see page 12) Directoryand Rook Printing a Specialtywith W,At GREENOUI;H & CO,,28 Ol;&&!&!o”~ 133 WATERTOWN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Hotels. Glen House, Edward Haynes, manager, Coolidge av. E.W Union Market House, James R. Currier, manager, Wal- nut, next Union Market stock yards

Ice. HOWARD BROS., Watertown, near Galen, ofilce, Dana block, Main (see page 8)

Indurated Hollow Ware (Mmfr.) Conant John H., Howard, next F. R. R. and (43 Com- mercial, B.)

Insurance Agents. FARWELL WILLIAM E., Winter, corner Sum- mer (see page 7) GLEASON SAMUEL S., 38 Main (see p. 4) Ingraham W. H., Barnard block, 30 Main

Iron Pipe arzd Shks. ROLLINS CIIARLES H., 54 Main, opposite Town Hall (see page 12)

jrron amZ Wood Working TooZs. lYEW ENGLAND MACHINE CO., 43 to 47 Bev- erly, Boston (see inside back cover)

Downing Patrick, Favette, near Forest Gaffney Philip, Main”, corner Myrtle

EhWum l?uraa$shCng Goods. WALKER & PRATT MNFG. CO., 21 and 23 Galen (31 to 35 Union, B.) (see p. 2)

Kn&t Goods Hmfrs. Dalbg Thomas, Morse, near Watertown Elliott Fred, Arsenal, junction North Beacon Directoryand Book Printing a Speciallywith W,I\, GREENOUGH & CO,,28O!&&!!!!~!fJ"~ WATERTOWN BUSINESS DIRECTORY 131 Laundr$es. Fank Shinn, Otis Bros.’ block, Mt. Auburn Sam Ling, Main. near Cross Sam Wah Lee, Kelly’s block, Mt. Auburn Sawyer B. H., Spring, near Palfrey SPEANE & RICHARDSON, Pleasant (see p. 3) Wing Wah, Spring, near Maiu

Laundry iWach?nae;l*y iWnft*s. Porter & Co., Watertown, near Galen

Lnw2/ers. ABBOTT JOHN E., Franklin, near Mt. Auburn (85 Devonshire, B.) (see p. 10) ABBOTT S. P., Summer, near Unitarian church, and (13 Exchange, room 28, B.) (see p. 10) BATES BENJAMIN E., Main, near Lexington and (54 Devonshire, B.), (see p. 10) Bemis Isaac V., Dana block. Main BLAIR LAFAYETTE C., Melendy av., E. W., and (34 School, rm. 37, Boston), (see p. 10) CRAWFORD FRED E., Noyes block, Main, and (10 Tremont, B.) (see p. 101 Sullivan Jere J., Barnard block, 30 Main, and (28 School, rm. 27, Boston) Swett M. H., Marshall, near Mt. Auburn, and (42 Court, room 24, Boston) Wheeeler Jesse F., Mt. Auburn, near Palfrey, am1 (5 Tramont, room 22, Boston)

Aead Pipe. ROLLINS CHARLES H., 54 Main, opposite Town Hall (see page 12)

Llbrqrdes. McLauthlin & Co., Main, opposite Post-Office Watertown Free Public Library, Main

Lhne, H&r and Cement. GILpXF3 & STONE, Arsenal, corner Irving (see “g v

LocIcsmith. GROSSMAN JOHN, 4 Church, Waltbam (see p. 7) Directoryand Book Printing a Specialtywith , WIA, GREENOUGH & CO.,28 oJ~~!,Smt,&!$~~ 9 132 WATERTOWN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Zunaber. GILKEY & STONE, Arsenal, COP. Irving (see p. 5) . Machinery Mnf~s. NEW ENGLAND MACHINE CO., 43 to 47 Bev- erly, Boston (see inside back cover)

Mach2nerq amd Illackinists’ Fools. NEW ENGLAND MACHINE CO., 43 to 47 Bev- erly, Boston (see inside back cover)

Machinists. Elliott Sterling, 3 Maple, near Galen Prior Matthew, 94 Patten

Magg? e&urn Mnfrs. American Magnesium Co., Water, store (143 Federal,B.)

iWanufactur&ng Cowapanies. Ztna Mills, A. 0. D.avidson, agent, Pleasant, c. Bridge and (266 Devonshire, B.) American Magnesium Co., Water (Boston office, 143 Federal) Campbell Electrical Supply Co. (The) (electric wire man- ufacturers), Ronald H. Stuart, treasurer, Fayette, corner Cushman and (,122 Milk, B.) Harvard Mills Co., Arsenal, opposite I!. S. Arsenal (179 Devonshire, B .) Porter Jt Co., laundry-machinery manufacturers, Water- town, near Galen and (185 and 187 High, Boston) WALKER & PRATT MNFG. CO. (stoves and furnaces), 21 and 23 Galen and(31 to 35 Union,B.) (see page 2)

Maps and Charts. Eastern Educational Bureau, 30 Main

Xasons. Barry Lawrence, Main, near F. R.R. Cummings Charles, Patten, near Mt. Auburn French Thomas I,., Warren, corner Lexington Gavin Thomas, Irving, corner Arsenal McLaughlin Thomas, Summer, near Whites avenue O’Brien John (stone), Walnut, opposite Union Market House WATERTOWN BUSINESS DIRECTORY 133 Medical Examiner. Xead Julian A., North Beacon, opposite Arsenal

Xeal and -Feed. PERKINS & CO., Main, opposite Spring (see p. 3)

Milbmen. Gallagher Owen, Galen, corner Water Gill James E., Belmont Harriupton E. W., Belmont Learned Charles H., iMain, near Waltham line Liudseg Robert, Forest, near Summer Powers Edward, off Cottage, Mt. Auburn Sullivan John, Pleasant, near 2EXna Mills

Meserve A. J. Miss, 62 Main Pendergast M. J. Mrs., Main, corner Church L Musical Iristrumen ts. TARLTON GEORGE H., 28 Main Neatsfoot Oil. BUTCHERS’ SLAUGHTERING & MELT- ING ASSOCIATIOM, Market and Weatern av. Brighton (see p. 6)

Newspaper. WATERTOWN ENTERPRISE, Fred G. Barker editor, proprietor and printer, 30 Main (see p. 10)

Newspapers and Per4odicals. McLauthlin & Co., 37 Main

Nurses. Blackwell Marcia M. Mrs., 35 Riverside pl. Johnson Augusta, Mt. Auburn, car. Summer Repan IMary, Wheelers ct. Smith Annik Mrs., Cuba, near Main Watkins Susan: Galen, car. Maple Directoryand Book Printing a Specialtywith, Wa Al GREiNOUGti & CO,,28 Ol&! $;&,$$ 134 WATERTOWN BUSLNESS DIRECTORY OilS. BUTCHERS’ SLAUGHTERING & MELT- ING ASSOCIATION, Market and Western av. Brighton (see p. 6)

Optical Goods. TARLTON GEORGE H., 28 Main

Pa&t Mnfrs. Government Waterproof Paint Co. (The), Fayette, car. Cushmau (167 Milk, B.)

Painters. (CARRIAGE.) ATHERTON L. B.,‘I’aylor, car. Arsenal (.see p. 12)

(HOUSE AND SIGN.) Page George A., 6 Main Rundlett B. ‘I’., Main-St ct. Russell Henry (estate), Spring

Paper Hawgers. Collins Henry, Spring, near Main Russell Henry (estate), Spring, near Main

Paper Hanghgs. Collins Henry, Spring, near Main Russell Henry (estate), Spring, near Main

Paper am& Paper Bag iWnfrs. Hollingsworth & Whitney Co., Pleasant, opp.Cross, and (36 Federal and 135 Congress, B.)

Patent Medicines. TAYLOR GEORGE F., 24 Main (see page 3)

Perfumers. TAYLOR GEORGE F., 24 Main (see page 3) Directoryand Book Printing a Specialty WM WIA, 6REENOU6H & CO,,28 Olisy,$: &&!o@~ WATERTOWN BUSINESS DIEECTORY 135 Photographers. Aldrich A. True, Mt. Auburn, car. Summer Deuault Charles N., Otis Bros’. block, Main

PhftsQcBans. Emerson Charles S., Mt. Auburn, next scheool-house Hall S. Adelaide Mrs. (homeopathic), Mt. Auburn, opp. Summer Hosmer Alfred, Riverside place. near Beacon sq. Huckins David T., McMaster’s block, 31 Main Kelley M. J., Main, corner Chestnut Mack Mary E. Mrs. (clairvoyant), Spring, near Summer Mead Julian A., North Beacon, opp. Arsenal Morse Luther B., Riverside pl., COP.North Beacon Tower George A. (horn;), Mt. Auburn, car. Marshall

Piano and Organ Tuner. Locke F. A., 28 Main

Piano Movhg. CRITCHETT J. H. & SON, 54 Main, and (91 Kil- by, B.) (see page 12)

Plaster a%& Hair. GILKEY & STONE, Irving, car. Arsenal (see p. 5) Plumbers. ROLLINS CHARLES H., 54 Main, opposite Town Hall (see page 12) Stratton & Roouey, Mt. Auburn, car. Beacon square

Pt~umbers’ Mater4aZs. ROLLTNS CHARLES H., 54 Main, opposite Town Hall (see page 12) Prhters. BARKER FRED G., Barnard block, 30 Main (see page 10) McLauthlin & Co., 37 Main Prod me. FIELD & RgELVIN, 2 Main (see page 4) Directoryand Book Printing a Specialtywith YV,Am GREENOUGH & Coal28 ~~~~~~&!$J”~ 136 WATERTOWN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Provisions. Boyce John J., Watertown square FIELD & MELVIN, 2 Main (see page 4) FLETCHER & TOWNE, Pleasant, car. Bridge (see page 7) Hackett Bras., 7 Galen, Watertown sq. Hartford Nathan B., Otis Brothers’ block, Main Kelley Thomas F., Mt. Auburn, n. Beacon sq. Livermore Charles E., storehouse, Franklin, n. Washburn Lyman William H., Russell’s block, Mt. Auburn st. Public Carriage. Allen Leslie H., Church, near Main

BARKER FRED G., “Watertown Enterprise,” 30 Main (see page 10) Pumps. ROLLINS CHSRLES H., 54 Main, opposite Town Hall (see page 12)

ReaZ B&ate Agents. GLEASON SAiMUEL S., 38 Main (see page 4) Roofing. WALKER & PRATT MNFG. CO., 21 and 23 .Galen and (31 and 35 Union, Boston) (see p. 2)

Sanitnrg Engineer. ROLLINS CHARLES H., 64 Main, opposite Town Hall (see page 12,)

Savhags Bank. Watertown Savings Bank, Alfred Hosmer, president, George E. Priest, treas., 26 Main

Sewing Mach~ine S7buttle and Bobbin iK42frs Porter Shuttle & Bobbin Co., Watertown, near Galen

Shaftiz&g, Hatagers, Pulleys, h’tc. NEW ENGLAND MACHINE CO., (43 to 49 Beverly, Boston) (see inside back cover) Directoryand Book Printing a Speciirltywith 1,W ,At GREENOUGH & CO,,28 O~~v~!$~$$$‘“~ WATERTOWX BUSINESS DIRECTORY 137 Sheet L;ead aud Z4nc. ROLLINS CHARLES H., 54 Main, opposite Town Hall (see page 12)

ShQrt Manufacturers. Barker Joseph G., Spring, opp. Fayette Simons, Hatch & Whitten, Spring near Fayette (1 Win- throp sq. and 18 to 32 Otis, B. j

Slazcghter House. BUTCHERS’ SLAUGHTERING & MELT- ING ASSOCIATION, Market and Western av. Brighton (see p. 6)

Soap Mnf rs. Jennison E. F., off California, at Newton line Warren Soap Mnfg. Co., Water (143 Federal, B.)

Speaking Tubes. GROSSMAN JOHN, 4 Church,Waltham (see p. 7) Stables (JXvery.) HUBBARD FRANK K., Mt. Auburn, n. F. R. R. (see Watertown foot lines) POTTER B. E., Spring, next F. R. R. (see Water- town foot lines)

Starch Manufachmers, BARKER H. & CO., Water and (74 Commercial, B.) (see page 7) Crystal Springs Mnfg. Co., Pleasant, beyond Howard

Steam and Gas Fitter. ROLLINS CHARLES H., 54 Main, opposite Town Hall (see page 12)

Steam and Hotel Cookd,ng Apparatus. WALKER & PRATT MNFG. CO., 21 and23 Galen (31 to 35 Union, B.) (see page 2j

Steam and Hot Water Apparatus. WALKER & PRATT MNFG. CO., 21 and 23 Galen (31 to 35 Union, B.) (see p. 2) Directoryand Book Printing a Specialtywith WnA, GREENOUGH & CO,,~8~~~!!!&&@"'~ 138 WATERTOWN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Steam Boilers and Engines. NEW ENGLAND MACHINE CO. (43 to 47 Bev- erly, B.) (see inside back cover)

Steam Pumps, Boilers, Etc. NEW ENGLAND MACHINE CO. (43 to 47 Bev- erly, B.) (see inside back cover)

Stove Hnfrs. WALKER & PRATT MNFG. CO., 21 and 23 Galen (31 to35 Union, B.) (see p. 2)

Stoves and Finware. Bowen George S., Main-street court WALKER & PRATT MNFG. CO., 21 and 23 Galen (31 to 35 Union, B.) (see p. 2)

Critchett Fred E., Noyes’ block, 54 Main McAveeney Patrick, Russell’s block, Mt. Anburn

Tallow and Grease. BUTCHERS’ SLAUGHTERING & MELT- ING ASSOCIATION, Market and Western av. (Brighton) (see p. 6)

Teachers. (DRAWING.) George Blanche I., public schools

(MUSIC.) Carter Bertha E., Mt. Auburn, car. Auburn place Carter Ella I’., Maple Curran K. E. Miss, Common Leach E. M. C. Mrs., Church, c0.r. Fayette Neville Alice B. Miss, Middle, near Main Tenney Susie J. Miss, Cuba, near Main

Teas, Coffees and SpCces. FLETCHER & TOWNE, Pleasant, corner Bridge (see p. 7) Directoryand Book Printing a Specialtywith W,A, GREENOUGH & lXII2~0@$$&%,!~~ WATERTOWN BUSINESS DIRECTORY 139 !Pe.Zegruph Ofices. Western Union Telegraph Co., A. V. Rand, operator Watertown station, Church Whitton Margaret F. Mrs., Union Market station, Wal-, nut, car. Prospect

TBa, Copper and Sheet Iron Work. Bowen George S., Main-street court WAL.KER & PRATT MNFG. CO., 21 and 23 Galen and (31 to 35 Union, B.) (see p. 2)

!Fin Roofing. WALKER & PRATT MNFG. CO., 21 and 23 Galen and (31 to35 Union, B.) (see p. 2)

T&nt Cloth iWtafr8. RALSTON JOHN & CO,, Fayette, COP.Cushman (ye page 5) l’@let Articles. TAYLOR GEORGE F., 24 Main (see p. 3) Woodward James B., Main, next Towu Hall

Undertakers. GRFazeG8)ALEXANDER & SONS, 15 Galen (see Gregg George H. (4 Central block, Newtonville) Kelley P. J., Mt. Auburn, near Beacon square

~phb~8ttWer8. Bent Luther & Co., Main, opp. Church

Var&ety Store. Fletcher A. C., 36 Main Hudson George, Bridge, corner Waltham

Veterinary Surgeon, Fawns Charles, Waverly, near R. R. bridge Wagon i?&nufacturer. ROSS JOHN, Spring, near Main (see p. 12) Directoryand Book PrMing a Specialtywith W,A, GREEMUGH & ClL,28 ~@,$&!"!PIJ~ 140 WATERTOWN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Watchmakers and Jewelers. Tarlton George H., 28 Main Whitney Hiram, Maiu, near Church

Watchmen% Clocks. GROSSMAN JOHN, 4 Church, Waltham (see p. 7)

Weighers. Flagg James H., Mt. Auburn, near R. R. bridge, Mt. A. Town Scales, Mt. Auburn: next Beacon square

Wheelwrights. HARTHERTZ F. C., Arsenal, corner Taylor (see page 12) ROSS JOHN, Spring, near Main (see page 12)

Window Shade ithfrs. RALSTON JOHN & CO., Fayette, car. Cushman (see page 5)

Woolen Goods Mnfrs. Ztna Mills, A. 0. Davidson,agent,Pleasant, car. Bridge Samuel Smith, treas. and selling agent (266 Devon- shire, B.)

Directoryand Book Printing a Specialtywith W,A, GREENOUGH & COBI28Oli)!j!&&$!!n~ MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. 141



Town Election First itfonday in March.

Selectmen-Horace W. Otis, Edward F. Porter, Hiram D. Skinner. Town Clerk-William H. Ingraham. l’reasurer-John K. Stickney. Collector-William E.- Farwell. Assessors -William H. Ingreham, William E. Farwell, Samuel S. Gleason. Auditor-Howard Russell. Board of He&k-George A. Tower, Chairman; H. A. Philbrook, Fred E. Crawford, b’ecretary. Constables-George Parker, Ezrum V. Howard, Daniel H. Cooney. Fence Viewers-George Parker, Thomas H. Wicks, Luther Bent. Janitor-John H. Halt,. Measurers of Brain-W. H. Perkins, James W. Dlagee @JeTseerso]‘Poor-The Selectmen. 142 MISCELLANEOUS’ DEPARTMENT. Police-George Parker, Daniel H. Cooney, E. V. How- ’ ard, Thomas F. Lyons, James F. Burke, L. A. Shaw. Registrars of Voters-O. W. Dimick, Chairnmn; Wm. H. Ingraham, CZe&; C. D. Reagan, William C. Foley. Sealer of Weights and Xeasures-George H. Gregg. Supt. of Almshouse and Pound Keeper-John J. Reed. Supt. of Hay Scccles-Daniel J. Mahoney. Supt. of Highways-Thomas G. Banks. Surveyors and Measurers of Wood and Bark--C. W. Berrv, William H. Pevear, Harry E. Dadmun, John J. Ga& . Truant O$icel*s-George Parker, E. V. Howard, Geo. F. Robinson, A. H. Stone. Undertakers-Alexander Gregg, George H. Gregg, P. J. Kelley.


BOARD OF ENGINEERS. John A. York, Chief; Perez T. Shurtleff, Asst. ; John F. Reagan, 2nd Asst. and Clerk.

PEQUOSSETTE S. F. CO., NO. 1. Church Street, near Main. Fifteen men. Warren Taylor, Foreman; Orin R. Hatch, Asst. Fore- m.an; Andrew H. Stone, Clerk; Moses Pattee, Driver; J. H. Holt, Engineman.

A. D. DREW HOOK AND LADDER CO. Church Street. Fifteen men. Michael W. Lyons,Foremun; Florence McAuliffe, Asst. B’oreman; Charles Madden, Clerk. MlSCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. 143

FIRE ALARM. List of hoses with their numbers and locations. 3 J. H. Flagg’s store, Mt. Auburn. 4 R. R. station, East Watertown. 5 Junc’n Mt. Auburn and School Sts. 6 Cor. Mt. Auburn and Walnut Sts. 7 Cor. Mt. Auburn and Parker Sts. 12 Corner Galen and Morse Sts. 13 Cor. Watertown and Morse Sts. 14 Jewett St., near Boyd St. 15 Engine House, Church St. 21 Main St., opposite Howard St. 23 Office 2EXna Mills, Pleasant St. 24 Junct’n Lexington and Orchard Sts. 25 Cor. Common St. & Common St. Place. 41 Cor. Grove St. and Coolidge Ave. 42 Junc’n Arsenal and Walnut Sts.

DIRECTIONS FOR SOUNDING AN ALAR% When a fire is discovered, go to the nearest box to the fire. A sign over each box gives the location of the keys, with which the citizens should be familiar, thus saving any delay in sounding an alarm. Open the box, pull the hook all the way down, once only, and let go. If you don’t hear any Bound from the tapper in the box, pull again. If you fail the second time, go to the next nearest box and do the same. Do not touch any other box if the first one gives the alarm. After giving an alarm, remain at the box, if possible, to direct the firemen to the fire. Never sound an alarm for a fire seen at a distance, un- less assistance is called for. Never open the box or touch the hook except in case of fire. Any one having a key to the signal boxes who should change his place of residence, or business, will please re- .turn the key promptly to the Chief Engineer or to the En- gine House

SKlNALS. l-Blow for test at 6.30 A. ar. and 12.45 and 6.45 P. M. l-l-Two blows will be given wheu the companies at fires have “made up.” ll-Blows followed by box number indicate Police Call. One round. 2-2-Sigual for no School. Two rounds. 144 MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Dr. J. A. Mead, Cl~airman; Charles W. Stone, Sec.; Joshua C. Stone, C. S. Ensign, James D. Monahan, Mrs. Ruth Bradford. Superintendent-George R. D welley. Teacher of Drrtzuing-Miss Blanche I. George. Teachers of I~~sic-S. H. Hadley aud 0. B. B~OWLI. Teacher of Sewing-Mrs. H. E. Brown. Truant Ojqicers-George Parker, Exrum V. Howard, George F. Robinson, Andrew H. Stone. Jan,itors--George F. Rohinson,Andrew H. Stoue,Mary Austen, Mrs. Ryan, Joseph Tarlton.

PHILLIPS HIGH SCHOOL. Marshall street. George R. Dwelley, Principal: Ellen M. Crafts, Dr. Anton Marquardt, Wm. RI. Newton, Assistants.


GRANT GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Whites avenue. Charles G. Ham, Mmter; Elizabeth P. Skinner, Min- nie E. Tenney, Assistants.

GRANT PRIMARY SCHOOL. Whites avenue. Niss Alice J. Parsous, Teacher.

FRANCIS GRAMYAR SCHOOL. Mount Auburn street. Mrs. Laura A. Campbell, Principal; S. J. Holbrook, Hortense M. Wiggin, Assistants.

FRANCIS PRIMARY SCHOOL. Mount Auburn street. Miss Alice V. Winslow, TeacAer.

PHILLIPS PRIMARY SCHOOL. Marshall street. Miss Mamie B. Patten, Principal; Lillian M. Stratton, E. Delia Adams, Assistants. MISCELLANEOiJS DEPARTMENT. 145 Q. EAST DISTRICT.

COOLIDGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Mount Auburn street. Miss Ettn B. Dadmun. Miss Ruth W. Howard, Teach- ers.

COOLIDGE PRIMARY SCHOOL. Mount Auburn street. Christina F. Green, Teacher.

LOWELL GRAMMAR AND PRIYARY SCHOOL. Lowell avenue. Miss Elizabeth Burbank, Teacher.


SPRING GRAMYAR SCHOOL. Main street. Miss Mary J. McDonough, Principal.

SPRING PRIMARY SCHOOL. Main street. Miss Joanna M. Riley, Miss Mary E. Burns, Teachers.


PARKER GRABSMAR AND PRIMARY SCHOOL. Galen street. Miss Fannie W. Richards, Miss Alice C. Bullard and Miss Annie L. O’Brien, Teachers.

BEMIS PRIMARY SCHOOL. Grove street. Miss Margaret L. Sullivan? Teachep. Substitute Teacher-Eliza Fisher. Teacher of Drawing-Miss Blanche I. George. TeacAer of Music--S. H. Hadley and 0. B. Browne Teacher of Sewing-Mrs. 0. B. Browne. 146 MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. ST. PATRICK’S PAROCHIAL SCHOOL.

Pleasant street, next Church lane. 7 Teachers of St. Dominick. 440 pupils.


Main street. ORGANIZED 1568. TRUSTEES. Charles S. Ensign, Q7Lainnaa; George E. Priest, Secre- tary; Charles Brigham, Treas.; Rev. Robert P. Stack, A. 0. Davidson and E. E. Allen. Solon F. Whitney, Librarian; Miss Jane Stockwell, 1st. Asst.; Miss Mabel F. Learned, 2d Assistant. Open every afternoon except Sundays, from 2 o’clock to 9 o’clock. Number of books, over 18,700, besides 18,000 pam- phlets and papers.



Mt. Auburn street, near Riaiu. ORGANIZED 1830. Rev. Edward A. Capen, Pastor; Royal Gilkey, Joseph H. Stone, W. E. Farwell, Henry Richardson, 8. Henry Coombs, Deacons; J. H. L. Coon, F. H. Edgecomb , William E. Farwell, Standing Committee; S. Henry Coombs, Treas. ; Joseph H. Stone, CZer7c; S. Henry Coombs, Collector; Charles York, Sexton; George H. Wiswall, Supt. S. S.; James H. Gilkey, Asst. Supt.; Sumner Coolidge, Chorister; Royal Gilkey, Sec.; J. H. L. Coon, Treas.; Charles Davenport, Libradan; Frank Stone, Asst. Librarian. - Number of church members, 310. Number of scholars, 322 . Volumes, 475 . MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. 14%


ORGANIZED 1’8?6i. Edward C. Porter, P~~stor; Luther B. Morse, Horace W. Otis, L. McDonald, Deacons; J. Q. A. Pierce,Treas; J. Henry Green, Cl&; E. S. Plaisted, Se&on; Walter R. Snow, S~cpt. S. 5.; A1fred.E. Turner, Asst. Supt.; M. Prior. Librarian. @?Icers sf tRe Pnvish-John M. .Tohnson. Treas.; E. S. PLaiuted, James H. Snow, E. B. Eaton, Prudential Committee. Number of members, 223. Number of scholars, 220. Volumes, 500.

CHURCH OFTHE GOOD SHEPHERD(EPISCOPAL.) Mt. Auburn, corner Russell avenue. Church built A. D. 1888. Rev. Elw:rrd A. R*ind. R∨ Thomas, G. Banks, Clerk; W. .T. Qelincv, Trew; .Tohn E. Abbott, H. A. Scranton, TVdenv; .Josepb A. French,Geo. F. Robinssun, Thomas 13. Cox, Joseph H. Chadbourne, Albert Dutton, Vestrymen; Miss Ethel Cnshing, Organist.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Main street, near Cross.

ORGANIZED 1837. Rev. William G. Richardson, Pastor; George W. Fos- kett, R. H. Paine. Henry Chase, Cyrus H. Campbell, Wilber F.ILexrned, Geo. E. Priest, N. B. Hartford, F.W. Cobb, 1%M. Shaw, G. G. Edwards, F. T. Holmes, Stem- arch; NathanB. Hartford, Treas.; W. C. Howard, H. W. Martin, Geo. E. Priest, E. F. Porter, W. H. Per- kius, W. W. Savage, Oliver Shaw, L. S. Cleveland, Chester Sprague. Trustees; F. T. Holmes? Sextm; Geo. E. Teele, Supt. S. S.; l3. ill. Shaw, Sec.; H. S. Wood, Librarian. Number of church members, 152. Number of Sundaj school members, 235. Volumes, 208.

ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH (ROMAN CATHOLIC.) Main street, near Watertown square.

ORGANIZED 1849. Rev. Robert P. Stack, Pastor; Rev. ‘I’. W. Couglrlin, awt ; -- --Se&on; Rev. Robert P. Stack, Supt. Sunday-ScAool. Number of members 2,300. 10 148 MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. FIRST PARISH SOCIETY (UNITARIAN.) Church street, corner Summer.

ORGANIZED 1630. Rev. William H. Savage. &∨ Charles W. Stone, f%airmnn; Dr. Jnlian A. Mead, A. 0. Davidson, Mrs. Joanna B. Richards, Standing CDmnzittee; William H. Ingraham, Treas. and Clerk; C. F. Piper, Supt. S. S.; A. Clark, Librarian.

MT. AUBCRN UNION CHAPEL. Belmont street, near the bridge, Mt. Auburn.

ESTABLISHED NOV. 9, 1873. Henry Richardson, &@.; A. M. Freeman, Vice S.upt; A. FL Scorgie, Sec.; A. ,J. Cooliclge, Treas.; James A. Freeman, Libxzrian; A. d. Codidpe. f%+wacm; Frank 1). Chant, James Reid, W. J. Craig, H. Porter Smith, II. W. Rogers, Mrs. Emily G. Coolidge, Susie R. Frce- man. Eleanor Richardson, Louisa J. Barker, Lucv A. Whipple,Margaret Cm, emoflcio, Pruchtial Com&ttee. Sundav-school at 2 P. M. ; Sermon at 3.10 P. M. Pray- er-meeting at 7.30 P. M. ; all are cordially invited to nt- tend ; seats free.



CHARTERED 186%. H. H. Sawyer, K M. ; F. E. Critcbett, 8. W. ; B. W. Brown, J. W.; G. F. Robinson, Sec.; C. W. Stone, Treas. ; CharIes F. Bnstin, S. D.; John M. Johnson, J. D.;.John H. Clifford, S. S. ; Benj. A. Sprague, J. S.; W. H. Savage, Clmp; R.L. Davis, M; F. H. Edgecombe, Tyler. Meetings held at Masonic Hall. Otis building, Main. eorner Spring street, second Thursday in. the month. Officers elected annually, in December.


LAFAYETTE LODGE, PiO. 31. G. C. Lunt, iV. B.; H. H. Powell, v. (2;‘John W. Newcomb, Per Sec.; D. A. S. Barker, Rec. Sec. ; Benj. H. Dow, Treas.; E. McLaughlin, war.; David Rnndlett, MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. 149

Con.; E. J. McPherson.0. G.; T. E. Berry, I. G; John Clifford. R:S. of N. G.; Benj. A. Sprague, L. S. of iV. 0.; W. P. Atwood, R. S. of V. G.; E. J. Jones,. Jr., L. S. of V. G; H. J. Livermore, R. S. S.; Willham M. Newcomb, L. S. 8. 3 Meets everv Tuesdav evening, at Masonic Hall, Otis boiiding, Maih, corner Spring street.



INsrrrurzD OCTOBER 9, 18i9. H. T. P. Pollock, C.; James Spioks, V. C.; 6. Albert Gregg, P. C.; G. 31. Blaze, Orator; George H. Gregg, G&E.; Samual S. Gleason, Treas.; John A. Bridges, C&p. ; William J. Quincy, Sec.; Henry Horne. Guide; John P. Sheridan, Way&n; F. Chapman. Sentry; Hiram McGlauflia, James Spinks, W. A. Liugham, Trustees. Meets first and third Tuesday evenings in G. A. R. Hull, Mount Auburn street. -- ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN.


INSTITUTED OCTOBER 22, 1886. C. H. Rollins, P. M. W. ; H. A. Philhrook, M. W. ; Thomas J. Perkins, Foreman; W. W. Barron, Overseer; Appleton Phipps. Recorder; 0. R. Hatch, Receiver; A. I,. (‘onant, Fin. ; A. W. Barron, I. W.; Chester- Sprague, 0. w. Meets first and third Mondays in each month at Mar sonic Hall, Otis building, Main street.

GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. I ISAAC B. PATTEN POST, NO. 81. M. A. Forrest, C.; J. R. Harrison, S. P. C.; Da- vid F; Tripp, J. V. C.; Charles C. White, Q. M., A. W. Perkins, Ad@.; George D. Belt, Surgeon; George W. Foskett. Chap.; J. M. Burns, 0. D.; D. W. Burchstead, 0. G. ; G. F. Robinson., S. M. ; John L. Robbins, Q.M.S. Regular meetings first and third Friday evenings of every month, at G. A. R. Hall, Mount Auburn, corner Main street. 150 MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. ISAAC B. PATTEN RELIEF CORPS, NO. 69. Mrs. Lizzie M. Dow, President; Mrs. Anna Ful. Con- don, S. V. Pres.; MTR. Mtlry E. Harrison, J. V. Pws.; Miss Edith M. Smith, Sec.; Mrs. Eliza M. Teele, Treas.; Mrs. Adelaide Hancock, Chnp.; Illrs. Harriet M. .Jolrn- 8x1, Conductor; Mrs. Hattie E. Robbins, Asst. Con.; Miss Nellie Flohr, G%ml-d; Mrs. Hannah E. Flohr, Asst. G. Regular meetings. 2d and 4th Mondnvs of each month. at G. A. R. Hall, Mt. Aubnrn, car. Ma’in street.



INSTITUTED FEBRUARY 2, 1877. P. T. Shnrtleff, Past Diet. ; George B. Vaughn, Did. ; F. W. Cobb, Vice ih’ct.; N. B. Hartford, Asst. Diet.; John N. Newcomb, CT&de.; F. C Hayward, Chup.; Henry At- wood, Guard; A. B. Cole, Sen.; C. A. Gregg, Treas.; ‘George F. Robinson, Rep.; Harry E. Dadman, Finnncinl Reporter. Meets second and fourth Monday evenings at Masonic Hall, Otis building, Main street.


FRANKLIN ASSOCIATES, NO. 19. F. H. Edgecomb. Pres.; Mrs. 0; W. Dimick, Vice Pees. ; William H. Pevear, Sec.; 0. W. Dimick, Twas; Howard Russell, Con.; J. W. Carter, Chap.; David Flanders, Marshal; Henry Collins, J. D. K.; A. D. .Drew, 0. D. IL; J. H. Snow, S. P. March, W. H. Pe- vear, Trustees. Meets third Wednesday in each month, in G. A. R. H+ll, Mt. Auburn street.



INSTITUTED SEPT. 29, 1886. D. A. S. Bxrker, P. C. J. ; George E‘. Ro1:inson.C. J.; Edw. F. Pratt, v. J.; D. W. Bul:chstead, Pdate; Gee. 1%.Vaughn, Herald; J. A. Powell. Adjuster; George S. Parker, Accountant; Charles H. Rollins, Cashier; Edw. F. Stearns, Wutclwmn,; J. E. &M~~I:uI, Vidette. Meets first and third Thursday in each month in G. A. R. Hall, Otis block, Main street.



ORGANIZED MAY 31, 18%. Meet.8 every Wednesday evening in the Aetna School Hall, Bridge street.

U. 0. G.. C.


ORdANlZED SEPTEYBER, 1879. T. F. Holmes& C.; C. Ii. Holden, I? iV. C.; Aodrew Goodwin, Prelate; M. A. Rafuse,Hemld; A. J..Coo,iidge, K. R.; J. H. L. Coon, F. K. R.; A. D. Drew, Treas.; Mrs. George Merry, lK I. B. ; J&n Lewis. W. 0. B.; Mrs. A. C. Learned, P. A? C. Meets at Grand Army Hall, Mt. Auburn street,seeond and fourth Thursday evenings of each mont$.


BOARD OF TRADE. George C. Lunt, S. S. Gleason, W. M. Otis, George E. Priest, Chester Sprague

HOME FOR FRIENDLESS WOMEN AND GIRLS. Elm, car. Arsenal st.reet, East Watertown. CUIlce, 2 Russell pl., off North Russell st., Boston. F. C. Hatch, Xupt; Mrs. F. C. Hatch, Matron; Henry E. Cobb, Perkins C. Page, Royal Gilkep, Advisory Board ; Rev. Addison Browne, toll.; G. A. Tower, M. D., Clara C. Austin Leach, M. D., visiting P&,&cians; P. C. Page, Treqs; Green & Wilson, Atts. P THE LADIES’ BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. Miss Emily Robbins, Pres.; Mrs. Sanford Phipps, Pice -,Pres. ; Miss Mary Dowse,Treas,; Mrs. J. F. Green,Xec.; Mrs. Otis Wheeler, Matron; Mrs. Wellington, Amt, Matron. 159 MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. WATERTOWN HISTORICAL SOCIETY.

Alfred Hosmer, M. D., PMS. ; Rev. Edward A. Rand, V. Pres. ; Solon F. Whitney, Sec. and Treas., h, Bennett F. Daveuport, ix. D., Ju- lian A. Mead, Y.D., ‘Ex. Committee.


FORYED IN 1816. Mrs. R. A. Bradford, Pres.; Miss Emily Robbins, Vice Pres.; Mrs. Abby V. Bariy, Treas.; Mrs. Francis Ken- dall, Sec.


ORGANIZED FEBRUARY 22, 1880. M. M. Welch, &es.; Thomas J. Gavin, Vice Pres.; Jaines J. Tugman, Z’reus.; M. P. Hynea, COT-.Sec. ; M. York, E’inancinl Secretary. Meetings are held on the first and third Fridays of each month, in Dana block.

WATERTOWN POOR FARM. Orchard Street. John J. Reed, Supt. Number of inmates, 17.


L. S. Cleveland, Pres.; Chester Sprague, Vice Pres; F. W. Cobb, Sec. aT&d Treas.; S. Y. Gleason, C. H. Rol- lins, F. E. Crawford, Ez. Corn. IMeetings every 2d Wednesday evening, iu Otis -bldg.

YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Rooms Lyman’s bldg., Mt. Auburn Street. George S. Turner, Pres.; F. G. Barker, H. S. Wood, T. G. Banks, Vice Pres.; 13. M. Shaw, Recording Sec.; Warren Rockwell? Corresponding Sec. ; S. H. Coombs, Treas. ; - General Secretary. MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. 163 CORPORATIONS

aTNA MILLS. Pleasant, corner Bridge street. Omce, 266 Devonshire street, Boston. Joseph C. Stevens, Pres.; Arthur Hobart, Treus. ; Merrill Smith, Clerk; A. 0. Davidson, Agent. (Dress and Woolen Goods Mnfrs.)

CRYSTAL SPRINGS MANUFACTURING CO. Pleasant street, near Waltham street. INCORPORATEDl889. . Starch Mnfrs. F. H. Odiorne, Pres.; W. B. Buckminster, Treas.; Herman Barker, Supt.

HARVARD MILLS COMPANY. Arsenal, opposite the Arsenal. Of&e, 179 Devonshire, Boston. Samuel A. Carleton, Pres; Joseph M. Damon, Tress; Thomas H. Farnham, Supt. (Carpet Linings.)

HOLLINGSWORTH & WHITNEY COMPANY. Pequossette Mills. Pleasant, opp. Cross Street. Store, 34, 36 and 38 Federal street, Boston. Sumner Hollingswortb, Pres.; Charles A. Dean, ?%e Pres.; Edward B. Eaton, Treas. (Paper and Paper Bag Mnfrs.)

THE WATERTOWN CO-OPERATIVE BANK. Olllce of Secretary and Treasurer, 38 Main Street. Charles Brigbam, &es; A. H. Hartwell, ‘CTicefies.; S. S. Gleason, Sec. and Treas.; Charles Brigham, A, H. Hartwell, S. S. Gleason, Lewis B. Porter,H. H. Powell, Thomas E. Hackett, James H. Norcross, Horace W. Otis L. Sidney Cleveland, Hiram D. Skinuer, T. P. Emerson, A. B. Cole, W.,A. Lingham, J. D. Evans, Directors; H. D. Skinner, L. S. Cleveland, Fin. r%~m.; James H. Nor- cross, H. W. Otis, S. S. Gleason, Security Committee. Regular meetings at office of Secretary and Treasurer, S. S. Gleason, 38 Main street, fourth Thursday of each month. ADVERTISEMENTS. TAYLO-R’S PMARMACY: GEORGEF.TAYLOR, i RegisteredPharmacist, . MAIN ST,,OPP, SPRING, WATERTOWN,MAS.S,


I? A. BROWN & co,, ------MANUFACTURERS OP- - PARLOR FURN-ITURE. Warerooms,87 UnionSt,,‘ Boston. Neal* +mwm~*ket et. FACTORY AT LYKN.


P. 0. BOX, 517, WATERTOWN. TELEPHONE, 88, NEWTON. MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMRBT. 165 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. See that your letters are sealed and stamped. Do not abbreviate the address. Always use street address or box number when convenient. “ Viaitors ” or “ transients ” should have mail addressed “ incrre of ” etc. Place your rddress on upper left hand corner of envelope, and it will be returned if undelivered. Place your stamp in upper right hand corner. Nothing can be attached or pasted on postal card, except at letter rates. Postmasters are permitted to read postal cards to prohibit the mailing of obscene literature. Second, third and fourth class matter must not be Sealed against inspection. There is no limit of weight to first or second class matter or sin- gle books ; all other matter is limited to four pounds. Liquids can be mailed only in metal or wooden boxes. I’ersons sending postal cards and who write upon the address side of them “in haste,” or other words unconnected with their delivery, subject them to letter postage, and they are held as unmailable. RATES OF POSTAGE. FIRST CLASS. Embraces letters, postal cards, and all matter wholly or partly in writing. Rates : letters two cents each ounce or fraction, postal cards one cent each. drop letters mailed at and for office where there is no carrier delivery, one cent each, at carrier offices, two cents each. SECOND CLASS. Applies to newspaper publishers and news agents. Rates : one cent per pound or fraction. Publiclrtions must be issued 8s fre- quently as once in three months, matter to be fully paid. When mailed by other than publishers or news agents, one cent per four ounces or fraction, prepaid by stamp affixed. THIRD CLASS. Embraces books (transient newspnpers, periodicals, 1 cent, 2 oz.) photographs,circulars,picture cards,and other matter wholly in print, proof and corrected proof sheets, with manuscript copy acompany- ing the same. Blank checks, drafts and similar printed forms, such 88 deeds, insurance pO!iCieS, etc. This will include check books, or books of blank drafts, but not’ ordinary blank books, which are fourth class matter, one cent sn ounce. Checks, drafts, policies and other such papers filled up with writing will be charged letter postage. Rate one cent, each two ounces or fraction. matter to he fully paid. There is no limit to single volumes of books. Other third-class matter is limited to 4 Ibs. FOURTH CLASS. Embraces blank and printed address cards, labels, tags, mounted maps and charts, letter paper, patterns, playing cards, visit- ing cards (if zu&fle+z, letter mtcs), paper sacka, wrapping paper, with printed advertisements thereon, bill heads, letter heade. envel- opes, printed blanks, sample cards, and other matter of the same general character, the printing upon which is not designed to instruct, amuae, cultivate the mind or taste. or impart general information, samples, merchandise, models,ores, metals and miner- 81s. Rates one cent, each ounce or fraction. If matter of two classes be inclosed in one package, the whole must be paid at higher rste. 75ci MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT.

Postal laws and regulations have been amended so as to permit transmission through the mails within the United States and ter- ritories, of liquids, except spiritous and malt liquors, not liable to explosion or spontaneous combustion or ignition by shock or jar, and not inflammable, and of soft soap, pastr? or confections, oint- ments, salves and articles of similar conslstentcy under certain conditions insuring safety to other mail matter in transmission. Only the following printing is now allowed on fourth-class matter merchandise : The name and address of the person to whom it is sent; the name and address of the sender preceded by the word ‘bfrom;” the uumber and names of tbe articles inclosed, a mark, number, name or letter for purpose of identification; a simple form of return request; if a patented tag or wrapper is used, the word “Patented” with the date of the patent. By order cf the U. S. Congress, hereafter the postage of oeeds, cuttings, scions and plants sball be charged at the rate of one cent for each two ounces, or fraction thereof, subject in zill other re- spects to the existing laws.

UNMAILABLE. The following articles are excluded from the mails : liquids, poi- sons, explosive materials; books, pamphlets, pictures, and other publications of an obscene or indecent character; all letters on the envelope of which, and postal cards upon which, scurrilous epithets are written, printed or engraved, or disloyal devices printed or engraved ; and all articles which from their form and nature are liable to destroy, deface or injure the contents of the mail bags, or the person of any one engaged in the postal service. Anything in the nature of an offensive or threatening dun, apparent upon an envelope, outside corner or postal card, or conveying the suggestion that such dun is enclosed, must be excluded as unmail- able. FOREIGN. On letters to all parts of Austria, Azores, Belgium, , Egypt, France, GeEmany, Great Britain and Ireland, Greece, Hun- garv. Italy, , Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Port- ugal, Roumania, Russia, Servia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and , five cents per half ounce or fraction thereof; prepayment, except on regi%tered letters, optional. Two cent posral cards can be forwarded to any of the above foreign countries. On newspapers and books, 1 cent for each two ounces or fraction, limited to 4 lba. 6 ounces. Coin, jewelry, and articles subject to custom’s duty, are excluded from all foreign mails. Rates of postage to foreign countries other than as above, being subject to change each month, inquiry should be made at the foreign department for ruling ratea before mail matter is deposited irr the office. All mail matter, except letters, must be so wrapped or enveloped that their contents may be readily and thoroughly examined by post- masters without destroying the wrappers.

MONEY ORDERS.-DONESTIC. 8300 can be sent in one day. For any amount not exceeding 8100 on one order will be issued on payment of the following fees : MrSCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. 157 - On orders not exceeding $5, flve cents. On orders not exceeding $10, eight cents. Over $10 and not exceeding $16, ten cents. Over $15 and not exceeding $30, fifteen cents. Over $30 and not exceeding $40, twenty cents. Ok r $40 and not exceeding .$SO, twenty-nve cents. Over $a0 and not exceeding $60, thirty cents. Over $60 and not exceeding $70, tll,irty-five cents. Over $70 and not exceeding $80, forty cents. Over $80 and not exceeding $100, forty-five cents. FOREIGN. Orders for Great Britain are issued at the following r&es: On orders not exceeding $810, ten cents. Over $10 and not exceeding $20, twe ty cents. _ Over $20 and not exceeding $30, thirty cents. Over $30 and not exceeding 840, forty cents. Over $40 and not exceeding $50, fifty cente.

Orders can also be sent to Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Cauadi~n Provinces, Constantinople (in Turkey), Denmark, Prance, Holland, India, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Leeward Islands;Luxembourg, New South Wales, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzer- land, Tasmania, Victoria, and Windward Islands. A list of :Money Order Of&es may be seen at P. O., on applica- tion. Note. The issue to a aingle applicant in one day, of more than three Orders, payable at the aame office, and to the Bame @pee, h positively forbidden. POSTAL NOTES. Po8tnl notes may be obtained at any money order office, payable to bearer, at any money order o&e, for suma from 1 cent to ssp.99 inclusive. The rate for each note is 3 cents.

REGISTRATION. Fees-10 centa beside the postage. Valuable letters should invaribly be registered, or if money is to be remitted, a money order procured. Never inclose money or valuables in an 0rdinar.y letter. SPECIAL DELIVERY SERVICE. The special delivery system includes a!1 post o&es in the United States and all classes of mail matter. Accordingly every article of mailable matter, mailed at any post office in the United States, to which is aaxed a 10 ct. special deliv- ery stamp in addition to regular postage, will be delivered at Letter Carrier offices within the carrier limits. immediately on arrival brtween the hours of 7 A. M. and 11 I?. M., and at any other post office within a one mile radius between the hours of 7 A. M. and 9 1’. 1M. LETTER SWEET ENVXLOPES. Issued only in the denomination of Two Cents. DIRECTIONS. . WRITE - - - on the blank side. FOLD - - - the lower corners even nith the cross perforations and then to the flap. SEAL - - - by moistening the gum at the sides and top. ADDRESS - - - on the aide bearing the stamp. OPEN - - - by teAring off the ends and breaking the perforated line on top. PRICES from which no deviation ie made. 158 MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT.

PAD containing 25 sheets, 5%; 50 sheets, $1.15; 100 sheets, 42.30. SHEETS.-Single sheet, 3c ; Two sheets, 5c ; Three sheets, 7c ; Four sheets, 10~; Fire sheets, 12~; Six sheets, 14; Seven sheets, 17~; Eight sheets, 19; Nine sheets, 21; Ten sheets, 23; Twenty- five sheets, 58~; Fifty sheets, $1.15 ; One hundred sheets, $2.30 ; Five hundred sheets, $11.50; One thousand sheets, Q23.00 -- JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.

Abbott Samuel P. Farwell William E. Barton Samuel M. Gleason S. S. Bernis Isaac V. Hall Albert B. Bipelow Jonathan Ingraham W. I% Conant John H. Priest George E. Coolidge Austin J. Sticknev John K. Crawford Fred E. Stone Charles W. Sullivan Jeremiah J.


Abbott John E. Ingraham W. H. Abbott Samuel P. Parker George S.



BARXSTABLE. 14,488 15,379 !49,846 BRISTOL. 75,851. 82,640 158,491 Ban&able...... 1,8@4 2,148 4,050 Acnahne’t ...... 633 638 1,071 Bourne ...... 677 686 1,363 At&borough ...... 6,471 6,704 13,155 Brewster ...... 423 511 934 Berkley ...... 488 453 941 Chathum ...... ’ 992 1,036 2,023 Dartmouth...... 1,709 1,739 8,442 Dennis...... 1,397 1,526 2,923 Digbton ...... 900 873 1,738 Eastham...... 317 821 638 Enston...... 2,011 1,937 3,Q48 Falmouth...... 1,244 l;Pi6 2,520 F&haven...... 1,318 1,562 2,880 IIsrwIch...... 1,384 1,399 2,733 FellRiver...... 26,803 30,060 56,863 MaShpee ...... 110 141 311 Freetown ...... 720 i37 1,457 Orleans ...... 639 631 1,176 Mansfield...... l&O 1,529 2,989 ,Provincetown...... 2,212 2,268 4,480 New Bedford...... 15,413 17,980 33,393 Sandwich...... 1,0+3 1,696 2,124 Norton ...... 816 903 I,?18 Truro ...... 467 505 972 Raynham ...... 76.3 772 1,535 Wellileet ...... 632 856 1,687 Rehoboth;...... 941 847 1,788 Yarmouth ...... 879 977 1,856 Seekonk ...... 671 624 1,285' Somerset...... 1,321 1.154 2,475 swsnses...... 710 893 1,403 Taunton ...... 11,528 12,146 23,674 BERKSHIRF.. 39,037 3i,59i 73,634 We&port...... 1,317 1,389 2,TOQ Adams...... 4,032 4,250 8,282 DUKES. 2,006 2,128 4,185 AIford ...... 176 166 341 Cbilmark ...... 206 206 412 Bock&...... 485 %3 938 Cottage City ...... 3.57 352 709 Cheshire...... 742 TO6 1,448 Edgartown ...... 657 608 1,165 Clrrksburg ...... 373 835 708 Gay Head...... 94 82 186 Dalton...... 949 1,164 2,113 Gosnold ...... 71 61 122 Egremont...... 889 487 836 Tiebury ...... 721 820 1,541 Florida ...... 266 221 48-l ESSEX. 126,019 137,676 263,oeP GreatBarrington.. ... 2,020 2,25Q 492’19 Amesbury...... 2,100 2,303 4,403 Hlrncock...... 296 317 613 Andover...... 2,714 2,997 5,711 Hinsdde ...... 804 852 1,656 Beverly...... 4,349 4,837 9,186 Lanesborough ...... 618 694 1,212 Boxford...... 407 433 840 Lee ...... 2,053 2,QQl 4,274 Bradford...... 1,412 1,694 3,106 Leoox...... 1,106 1,048 2,164 Danvers...... 3,373 3,6’1b 7,018 Monterey ...... 283 283 571 Essex., ...... 872 8jo 1,722 Mount Washington ... 81 79 160 Cieorgatoan ...... 1,123 1,176 2,289 h’ewAsl,foi-d...... 80 83 163 Gloweater...... 11,723 9,990 21,713 New i&rlborou$. ... 641 829 1,681 Groveland...... 1,070 /I,202 !4,2i2 North Adams...... 6,089 8,481 12,546 Hamilton ...... 419 431 880 0th...... a64 339 703 HaTerhill ...... lo,%6 11,340 21,T95 Peru...... 198 li0 368 Iprwich ...... 1,970 2,237 4,mT Pittsfield...... 6,870 7,596 14,486 Lswrence...... 17,706 21,139 38,848 Richmond ...... 414 4% 834 Lynn...... 91,746 24,115 43,861 Sandtsfleld ...... 517 502 1,019 Lynhfield ...... 313 393 i66 savop ...... 856 335 881 Maochebter ...... 823 815 1,688 Shefiield...... 1,021 1,012 2,933 Marblehead ...... 3,605 3,913 7.818 Stockbridge...... l,O?Z9 1,084 2,113 Merrimac ...... 1,187 1,191 2,378 Tyringbsm...... 226 231 487 Methuen...... 2,101 2,406 4,5QT Washington...... 251 219 470 Yiddleton...... 457 442 899 West Stockbridge .... 830 818 1,648 Kahmt ...... 318 319 637 Will&o&m...... 1,959 lJ70 3,729 Newbury...... 829 761 1,590 Windnor.?...... 349 308 J&57 Newburyport...... 6,162 7,554 13,716


COURTIES, ClTINa Mdes Fe- Papa- $OUNTINI. ‘&TINS Ma,es Fe-” Popu- AND TOWN& males lotion AND TOWNS. melee lation _- ESSEX.--Con. HAMPDEN.-Con. North Andover...... 1,ila 1,715 3,42?, Wales...... 421 432 853 Peabody ...... 4,737 4,193 9,530 Westfield ...... 4,296 4,665 8,QSl Rockport...... 1,~%n 1,889 3,888 West Springfield.. ... 2,E 2,:; $7; ROWICY ...... 609 574 1.183 Wilbrahtlm ...... (idem...... 12,776 15,308 28,084 22,921 25,551 48,472 Salisbury...... 2380 2,460 4,840 HAMPSRIRE. siulgus ...... 1,394 1,461 2,855 Amherst...... 2,OiB 2,123 4,189 Swampsrott...... 1,158 1,313 2,471 Belcbertown ...... 1,160 1,147 2,307 TopsBeld ...... 57.5 560 1,141 Cheetetield...... 381 337 39.8 Weuhem ...... 425 446 8il Cummington...... 391 408 805 West Newbury ...... 962 937 1,899 Easthampton...... 1,902 2,389 4,291 F EASKLIN. 18,761 18,637 37,448 EnEeld ...... 507 503 1,010 GOShCIl ...... 177 159 396 Ashficld ...... ?i‘s? ml 1,097 Grsnby ...... 360 309 729 Bcmardston ...... 46 465 930 Greenwich ...... 266 266 532 Buckland ...... 895 865 I,;60 IIadley ...... 906 841 1,747 Chnrlemont ... .:. ... 477 481 958 Hatieid...... 704 663 1,367 Coleraine ...... 812 793 1,605 Huntington ...... 623 64‘4 1,261 conwq ...... 786 787 1,573 Middlefield ...... 250 263 513 Deerfield...... 1,553 1,489 3,042 Northampton...... 5,852 7,044 12,896 Ewing ...... 452 421 8i3 l'elhem ...... 262 287 649 Gill ...... 432 378 360 Plainfield ...... 225 228 453 ...... Greenfield 2,311 2,558 4,869 Prescott...... 220 228 44a Hawley ...... 292 253 545 Soutllumpton ...... 499 526 1,025 Heath ...... 287 281 568 south Htrdley...... 1,790 2,159 3,949 Leverett...... 598 381 ii3 Ware ...... 2,721 3,282 6,M)3 Leyden ...... 217 230 447 Westhampton...... 280 261 641 Monroe ...... 96 80 176 Williamsburg ...... 908 ?,046 2,044 ...... Montague 2,809 2,819 6,628 Worthington ...... 385 373 333 New Salem...... 412 420 832 NortbEeld...... 783 922 1,705 MIDDLESEX. 169,214 187,596 356,810 Omnge ...... 1,836 1,814 3,650 &owe ...... 336 246 682 Acton ...... 898 887 1,785 Shelburne...... 757 .857 1,614 Arlington...... 2,205 2,468 4,673 Sbutesbury ...... 244 241 485 Abahby ...... 436 435 8il Sonderland ...... 372 328 100 Aehlaud...... 1,362 1,271 2,633 Warwick ...... 330 332 662 Ayer...... 1,106 1,084 2,190 Wendell ...... 2il 238 509 Bedford...... 459 471 930 Whately ...... Ml 458 999 Belmont ...... 767 Bi2 1,639 Billerica...... 1,051 1,110 2,161 IIAMPDEN. 55,917 60,860 146,777 Boxborough ...... 173 175 348 Agawm...... 1,155 1,202 2,357 Burlington...... 310 292 604 Blandford ...... 493 461 954 Csmbridgs ...... 28,618 31,042 59,660 Brimficld ...... 564 5i3 1,137 Carlisle ...... 278 248 526 Cheeter ...... 6i9 639 1,318 Chelmsford ...... 1,142 1,162 2,3M Chicopee ...... 5,353 B,li5 11,528 Concord ...... 2,013 1,714 3,727 Granville ...... 634 539 1,193 Dracut...... 1,058 809 1,92i Hampden...... 442 426 868 Dunstable...... 211 214 431 Holland ...... 119 110 229 Everett...... 2,613 2,i62 6,375 Holyoke ...... 13,213 14,676 27,804 Framingham...... 4,010 4,265 8,2i5 Longmeadow ...... 881 796 1,677 Groton ...... Qi6 1,011 1,987 Ludlow ...... 828 821 1,619 Holliston...... 1,384 1,642 2,926 Monsoll...... 1,924 2,034 3,958 Hopkinton...... 1,972 1,950 3,922 Montgomery...... 140 132 278 Hudson...... 1,938 2,030 3,968 PJmer ...... 2,829 3,103 6,923 Lexington...... 1,357 1,361 2,718 Russell ...... 399 443 847 Lincoln...... 472 429 901 Southwmk ...... 494 488 982 Littleton...... 637 530 1,067 SpringEeld...... 17,876 19,701 37,577 Lowell ...... 28,605 35,546 64,051 Tolland ...... 231 I91 422 Mslden...... 7,690 8,717 10,497 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS. 161

Coumms, CITIEE Ynlel Fe- POPU- AND TOWNS. males lation -_ MIDDLESEX.-Con. PLYMOUTH. 40,561 41,128 81,689

Marlborough ...... 5,567 5,374 10,941 Abington...... 1,816 1,883 3,699 Mayllsrd...... 1,342 1,361 2,703 Bridgewater ...... 1,995 1,832 3,827 Medford...... 4,418 4,623 9,041 Brockton ...... 10,398 10,385 20~83 Melrose ...... 2,834 3,267 6,101 CIWVW ...... 5i2 519 1,091 Nstick ...... 4,185 4,275 8,460 Duxbury ...... 887 1,037 1,924 Newton...... E,i41 11,018 19,759 East Bridgewater.. .. 1,411 1,401 2,812 North Reading ...... 4.51 427 aTa Halifax ...... 257 273 530 Pepperell...... 1,270 1,317 2,587 Hsnover...... 950 1,016 1,966 Reading...... 1,582 1,957 3,539 Hamon ...... 633 504 1,227 511crb0rn ...... 561 830 1,391 Hingbam...... t 2,040 2,335 4,375 Shirley...... 585 557 1,242 Ifull ...... 240 211 451 Somerville...... 14,191 15,801 28,992 Kingston ...... 753 817 1,550 Stonebarn...... 2,719 2,933 5,652 Lakeville ...... 4s5 495 980 stow...... 494 492 970 Marion...... 4.49 516 965 Sudbury ...... 583 582 1,165 Marshfield ...... 825 824 1,649 Tewksbury...... 1,037 1,286 2,323 Bfattspoisett ...... 553 662 1,215 Townsend ...... 894 952 1,846 Middleborough...... 2,462 2,711 5,li3 Tyngsborough ...... 299 305 gO4 Pembroke ...... 663 650 1,313 Wakefield...... 2,882 3,178 6,060 Plymouth...... 3,556 3,663 7,239 Waltbam ...... 6,708 7,QOl 14,6OQ Plympton...... 290 310 600 Watertown...... 3,004 3,234 6,238 Rochester...... 509 512 1,021 Wsyland ...... 987 959 1,946 Rockland...... 2,417 2,367 4,704 Westford ...... 1,059 1,134 2,1Q3 Scituate ...... 1,176 1,174 2,350 Weston ...... 744 683 1,427 Whitman ...... 1.824 1,7il 3,595 Wilmington...... 486 505 991 Norwell ...... 800 789 1,589 Winchester ...... 2,152 2,238 4,390 Warehun...... 1,732 1,522 3,%4 Woburn ...... 5,902 5,848 11,750 West Bridgewater .... 668 639 1,707

NANTUCKET. 1,340 1,803 8,143 SUFFOLK. 200,727 220,395 421,172 Boston ...... 186,101 204,305 3QO,406 Nantucket...... 1,340 1,803 3,143 Ch&ca...... 12,139 13,5iO 25,7OQ NORFOLK. 49,022 53,152 102,174 Revere...... 1,833 1,804 3,637 Avon ...... 1.300 wintbrop ...... 654 716 1,370 Belliogham ...... 594 504 I;198 WORCESTER. 119,587 124,444 244,031 Brtintree...... 1,943 2,097 4,040 Brookline ...... 3,938 5,257 9,195 Ashbumham...... 1,001 1,057 2,058 canton ...... 2,083 2,287 4,380 Athol...... 2,271 2,48i 4,758 C011esset ...... 1,058 1,158 2,216 Auburn ...... 621 547 1,268 Dedbam ...... 3,149 3,492 6,641 Rarre...... 1,002 1,081 2,083 Dover ...... 351 813 654 Berlin ...... 439 460 889 Forborough ...... 1,243 1,571 2,814 Blackstone ...... 2,743 2,693 5,435 Franklin ...... 1,911 2,072 S,9.?3 Bolton...... 423 453 873 Holbrook ...... 1,155 1,179 2,334 Boylston...... 413 421 834 Hyde Park ...... 4,061 4,539 6,400 Brookfield...... 1,481 1,532 3,013 Medfield ...... 614 920 1,594 Cbarltou...... 931 86'3 1,823 Medway...... 1,382 1,395 2,777 Clinton ...... 4,022 4,923 8,945 Millis ...... 332 351 683 Dana ...... 341 354 695 Milton ...... 1,661 1,894 3,555 Douglas...... 1,119 1,086 2,205 Needbam ...... 1,284 1,309 2,580 Dudley...... 1,341 1,401 2,741 Norfolk ...... 410 415 825 Fitcbbnrg...... 7.502 7,873 15,375 Norwood ...... 1,614 1,407 2,Q21 Gnrdner ...... 3,752 3,531 7,233 Quincy ...... 6,191 5,953 12,144 Grafton...... 2,194 2,304 4,498 Randolph ...... 1,871 1,936 8,807 Hardwick...... 1,652 1,483 3,145 Sharon ...... 660 668 1,328 Harvard ...... 664 620 l,le4 Stooghton ...... 2,553 2,630 5,183 Holden ...... 1,231 1,239 2,liO Walpole ...... 1,201 1,242 2,443 Hubbard&on ...... 662 611 1,303 Wellesley .:...... 1,114 1,808 3,013 Lancaster...... 918 1,132 2,060 Weymonth...... 6,349 5,381 10,746 Leiceater...... 1,378 1,545 2,923 W-U...... l,=J 1,3sQ 2,710 Leotiter ...... 2,589 2,723 5,291 162 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS.


Lunenburg...... 553 518 1,071 Soothborough ...... 1,061 1,039 2,199 Yeudon ...... 406 419 945 Southbridge...... 3,129 3,372 6,501 Milford...... 4,556 4,781 9,343 Spencer...... 4.190 4,057 8,247 Millbury ...... 2,170 2,385 4,555 Sterling...... 641 690 1,331 New Brnintree...... 296 262 558 Sturbridge ...... 957 1,024 1,981 Northborough ...... 942 911 1,853 Sutton...... 1,552 1,549 3,101 Northbridge ...... 1,888 1,897 3,785 Templeton ...... 1,302 1,325 2,627 North Brookfield ..... 2,098 2,103 4,201 Upton ...... 923 1,312 2,265 Oakham...... 384 305 749 Uxbridge ...... 1,409 1,539 2,948 Oxford ...... 1,130 1,225 1,355 Wsrren ...... 1,991 2,040 4,031 Paxton...... 1 304 257 $61 Webster...... 3,031 3,189 6,229 Pctersbum ...... 515 617 1,032 Wcstborough...... 2,299 2,581 4,380 Phillipston...... 270 2so 530 West Boylston...... 1,419 1,608 2,927 Princeton ...... 523 515 1,038 West Brookfield ...... 825 922 1,747 Roy&ton ...... 568 585 1,153 Westmioseer ...... 751 799 1,556 Rutland ...... i ... 516 447 963 Winchendon ...... 1,940 1,932 3,872 Shrewsbury...... i.i 122 1,450 Worcester...... 33,678 34,705 68,383


- T z THE STATE AND Percentage& Males. Fem&.s. Population. I- COUNTIES. I I Males. Females. L -L

THE STATE- 932,429 l,OC9,036 1,941&s 48.93 61.97

Barnstable ...... 14,466 15,379 29,845 40 47 61.53 Berkshire ...... 36,037 37,597 73,634 48.94 51.06 Bristol ...... 75,841 82,640 158,491 47.86 62.14 Dukes...... w@3 2,128 4,135 48.51 61.49 Essex ...... 126,019 337,675 263,694 4i.79 62.21 Fmnklin...... IS,?61 18,687 37,446 50.10 49.90 IIampden ...... 65,917 80,860 116,7ii 4i.88 62.12 Hampshire ...... 22,921 25,551 48,4i2 4i.29 52.71 Middlesex ...... 169,214 187,696 356,310 47.42 52.58 Nantucket ...... 1,349 1,803 3,143 42.63 57.31 Norfolk ...... 49,023 63,152 102.174 47.98 52.02 Plymouth ...... 40,561 41,128 el,88@ 49.65 , 5035 Suffolk ...... _-_ 200,727 220,395 421,122 47.66 52.34 Worcester...... 119,587 124,444 244,031 49.00 61.00 -- AQQREGATES OF. ,LLS, PROI! l’1, IAYES Y cc. iw 1 1888 Number of Pcrsooe Paying a Tax on Property ...... 340,900 347,565 Number of Prrsons Payiug u Poll ‘lax ooiy ...... 377,039 394,371 ‘lot4 Numbt r of T%Y&MjW’8 ...... 717.9 39 742,436 Number of Polls ...... Femule 982 Mule 65!!853 Female 1,240 Male 673,721 Tax on P42rsonal Estate ...... $7.381,03 3 $7,386,191 Tax on Real Estate ...... $zo,351,7i5 $20.855,1:2 Tax on I’olla...... $1,og6,029 $1,138,311 ‘I‘otxl Tax ...... $28,83l,s3, $29,379,674 &lndlng Krridrot Bank Stock ...... )464,191,384 $~4$~;~;; . Koeideot &lank Stock ...... $40,691,33’, ‘lbtal Value of P~rsorutl Estate...... 8524,886,i21 $532,‘234$79 Value of Real Estate ...... $1,340,49S,67 3 $1,40:,660,086 Buildings, Excluding Lwd ...... $694,300,3b9 $722,676,834 Land. tixcluding Bu~Llinga ...... $713,359,697 $W.943,188 Tutal Vdue of Asaeeed .&state ...... $1,407,66O,U86 $ I 460 520 022 Total Vlrlwtioo of Assessed J&tate ...... $l,Y32,548,867 $1:99!&394:101 : Morey at Interest aud:Serured by Mortgsge...... $24,616,548 $27,176,464 ,- other debts due the 1 Unsecured ...... $5i,i53,58 9 $M,h97.o86 person8 assessed 1, Total...... $76,2i8,4Y3 $85,983,ib0 more than tbry }Mom J on band, including drposils are iudebted or pay , taxable (18 vnlurd ,“I ~we.~lmenf ..... $29,196,700 $30.413,145 Interest fur aa vu- 1 Publw Stocks iul t+ecurilles. .‘1...... $71,113,17 3 *65,290,43 1 ed fur asxr~sment J stocka iu Corpor’ns. ~ithoutthe&wz..$72,278,317 ‘Wp; Number of Horses ...... (asseaaed) ...... 160,337 Number of Cow...... ‘I...... 17Q,n3 1ee:ew Number of Bbeep...... a‘...... 55& 2 51,539 Number ofNeat Cattle (other than Cow)...... I‘...... 64,494 65,6UY Number of Swine...... “...... 36,796 34,749 Number of Dwelling tlouaee ...... ‘1...... 6’L%,439 330,541 Number of Awee 01 Land .1,1.11,,,,1,111,,.1,,,,,“.~,.~...... 4,5~,7~ 7 4,497,l2s ADVERTISEMENTS. 163

ES!C.@BCISI~BD IA’1831. C.QPIT.#L, $1,500,000. PHILIP L, YCEN, Press & Treas. CHAS. F. WASHBURN, Vice-Pm. L Sea, PHILIP W. MOEB, Asst. Treas., and Gel~eral Snlpt,. Washburn&CHAS. MOM G. WASHKURN, Mnf'g Asst. Sec. and Counsel.Co., WORCESTER, MASS. NEW YORK CITY. CH ICACO. IMIAETERS OF IRON CSC STEEL. ~EE!~?~~cI~T~G~~ jV 1 R E %~~GTX~%RPOSE~ HARD AND SOFT DRAWN Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes. Galvanized Iron and Steel Telegraph and Telephone Wire. GLIDDE-9’ P.4TEJVl’ STEEL B&RR NVRE.





Atonzizers aid Nasal Douche, ADVERTISEMENTS. 165

-TELEPHONE 1831.- New England Machine Co., SteanlEnninesManufaotures, Repairs,Boilers Buys itnd Sells &PIIII~S. Injectors,Lubric%rs and OilCupsl ALSO, Iron& Wood-WorkingTools, Grinders & Emery Wheels. - AGENTS FOR THE - H. B. Smith Machine Co’s. WOOD WORKING TOOLS. Straight and Angular Shafting and Couplings. Self-Oiling Hangers, Pulleys and Belting, 43 t0 47 BOSTON, MASS.

Marshall, near Mt. Auburn Street, \ WATERTOWN,MASS, FRED 6. BARHER, PRINTER, 30 MAIK STREET, Mee advertisement page 10). e