.( 2 ADVEETISEMENTW. 1 The Crawford Grand. “:. WALKER & PRATT MFC. CO., Msnnfsoturers, Wholesalers and Betailers of ICI - -- -~ _ I err Sto--- - STEAM Ventil PROPERTY OF THE 21 A New York: 82 Fif&Av., car. West 14th St. PRIL.#DE’CPWI.¶, Pa., 1409 Cbeaturrt Strerh mvlC~r&ZORE, .lld., Ii3 North Char*Ies Stveof. PROYIDE.WCD, R. X.,275 IW?~taminster St. NElPPORT, R. I., 227 Ttmaes Strert. ROS!FO.V (Uigbtarrds), 2206 ~Vasbiuqtorr Street. XZOSW’OiP~ (Sontb), 39.1 Dreadzag. L’m=l; -ASS., 3 .WarRet Street. W*~lTERZ’OW2t’, iW.#SS., GaZea Stwet. works: - Watertown, Mass. Wearing Aplxvcl of all kinds Dved or Cleansed whole. Drape&s, Lace Curtains, Blankets, Feathers, Laces, and ~111Mate- rinls I)yed or Cleansed. - FINEST LAUNDRY XVORIC. - Watertown Office at Works, Galen Street. 151 MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT. WATERTOWN WATER SUPPLY CO. Office Union Market NationalBank building, Main Street John H. Perkins, Supt. WEST EN3 STRBET RAILWAY CO. Station Main, near Cross Street. General Of&e, 81 Milk Street, Boston. Cars leave Watertown 8. A. M., and every 30 minutes U&i1 5.30 P. M., 5.55 P. 1.. then every 30 minutes until 9.55 P.M. Leave Boston every 30 minutes from 7.05 A. Y. to 11 P. M. Sunday cars leave Watertown every half hour from 7.25 A. Y. to 12.55 P. M. Leave Boston every 30 minutes from 8.30 A. M. t0 11.30 P. hf. POST OFFICES. Watertown, McMaster’s block, 33 Main Street. James F.. Lynch, Postmaster; Lizzie M. Lynch, Asst. Postmaster. Mails arrive 7.32and 11 ~.~.,12.33,3.42and(i.l7~.&r. Mails close 8.04 and 9.45 A. M., 12.55, 3 and 6.20p.i~ Mails arrive from Waltham and West, 10.03 A. M. Mails close for Waltham and West, 1.42 P. M. Office hours from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. ; Saturdays from 7 A. JI. to 9 P. BI. Money orders on all principal o&es in the United States. Letters and merchandise registered to all parts of the world. Mt. Auburn, in J. H. Flagg’s store, near Railroad bridge Mt. Auburn street. Mailscollected and delivered from Cambridge P. 0. ,J. H. Flagq, Sqerintendent. Mails arrive 8.15 and 11.45 A. M., 3.00 and 5.45 P. M. Mails depart same time as arrival. Be&s, Bemis Station. B. H. Bacon, Postmaster. Mails arrive 7.46 A. H., 12.34 and 5.36 P. M. Mails depart 8.16 A. Y., 1.06 and 6.31 P. M. 4 ADVERTISEMENTS. FIELD & MELVIN, SUGAR CURED HAMS. CHEESE. Groceries and Provisions, FRl3SXI EGGS. cx-1o1cE mUTTERr CHOICE FRUITS AND CANNED GOODS. FRESH VEGETABLES IN THEIR SEASON. Main Street, car,Riverside Place, WATERTOWN, THE WATERTOWNCO-OPERATIVE BANKI WATERTOWN, MASS. Office of Secretary & Treasurer, 38 Main Street, -OFFICERS, - Pres., Chas. Brigham. Vice-Pres., A. I-i. Hartwell. Secretary and Treasurer, S. S. Gleason. -DIRECTORS,- Chss. Brigham, A. II. Hartwell, S. S. Gleasot~, Lewis B. Porter, II. II. Powell, homas E. Hackett, Jnmes II. Norcmss, Hornce W. Otis, L. Sidney Cleveland, [iram D. Skinner, T. P. Emerson, A. B. Cole, W. A. Lingham,J. D. E’vans. -3.1X.4 LVCE COMNITTJE. -- H. 1D. SKINNER. L. S. CLEVELAND. --SBCL’L’lTY COM~~~ZY1’TEE,-- B. W. PERKINS, President. E. II. WILLIAMS, Yice.Prcsidcnt. J. F. SHEAB~IAN. Secretary. M. W. COULTER, Treasurer. -- EQUITABLETRUST AND INVESTMENT CO, Office, No. 57 Sears Building, Boston, Mass. CAPITAL PAID IN $mo,oao. The investments offered for sale by this Company 81% First Mortgages bearing SEVEN PER CENT.iuterest upon real estate in Kawns; aleo the SlX PER CENT.BONl>S ofthe Company, secured by First Mortgages deposited with tbe Mawachusetts Loan and Trust Company, of Boston, both of which are safe and will prove a satisfactory investment for large or small amounts. Please call at the office and examine 0x1 securities, 01’ if not convenient to call, write for further information to EDWARU II. WILLIAMS, 57 Sears Bldg., 199 Washington St., Boston I'ULSIFER, SAVAGE & CO., Commission Merchants and Dealers in Fruit and Country Produce. XOS. 96 AND -98 CLINTON STREET, BOSTON, Telephone No. 691. J. C. Pulsifer. w. m. Savsge. A. B. Pulsifer. ADVE ICTISEMENTS. 5 JOHNRALSTON & CO,, -&Zarwfabchrvers of- --IN ALL- WIDTHSAND COLORS For Window Shades. Special Atten’kopa Given to Special Orders, Lettering, Etc. COR. CUSHMAN & FAYETTE STREETS, WATERTOWN, MASS. GILHEY & STONE, - DEALERS IN ASD MANUFACTURERS OF - -LUMBER. tilme,Sair,Cement c+Flaster. ARSENAL,GOR,IRVING STREET, WATERTOWN, MASS, 6 ADVERTISEMENTS. DEAD ANIMALS. BRIGHTON ABATTOIIR. MELTINGASSOCIATION, MARKET ST., AND WESTERN AVE., Bit‘IGHTON DIST. WILL REMOVE DEAi~Lii-HES- ASIID- CATTLE PROMPTLY AND WITHOUT EXPEX’SE. NEATSFOOT OIL. STRICTLYPURE NEATSFOOT OIL C!ONSTANTJLY ON HAND. ADVERTIS~WEN’J.‘S . 7 WM. E, FARWEL.L, IICITSURAlkCE AGENT. WINTER, COR. SUMMER STREET. London Assurance Corporation, - - - - - London, Eng. Union Insurance Company, - - - - - San Francisco, Cal. American Fire Insurance Company, - - - Philadelphia, Pa. 1Jnelling House Insurance Company, - - - - - Boston, Mass. Quincy Mutual Insurance Company, - - - - Quincy, Mass. -P. 0. BOX, 773. - J?l;rET’CHER ds%TO WNIE, DEALERS IN GROCERIES,PROVISIONX, CROCKBRY, WOODEN WARE, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC. Pleasant Street, opp, Bemis Station, Aetna Mills, WATERTOWN- MASS- * t- H. BARKER i!k CO., MANLilpAC7 URER5 OF WATERTOWNSTARCH ’ The Oldnnd We&known Watcrtmon Soft, Sprillg Premiana Starch is made of wheat, and is recmmesded pnrticutnrly fop Ehmily and Lumdry ~8~8. Vhecct Stnvch giaes a atv’ong and dwubleJinish, and ia wed and preferred by Zuundrirs and highly recommended. -And IJealcrs in - , SOUR F’IwOUR. 74 COMMEBCIAL &PlZEET, BOSTON, MASS. FACTORY A.T WATERTOWN. IIIRAM BARKER. E. L. BARKER. HIRAM E. BARKER. JOHN GROSSMAN, Electricia.~,BellHanger&Locksmith SPECIALTIES.-Electric Burglar and Fire Alarms, Hotel and House Annun- ciators, Gas Lighting Apparatus, Watchmen’s Time Clocks, Heat Regulators and Speaking Tubes. Electric and CommonBell Hanging of allXtr& Ligkt Me4hanicsl Repairing, Wiring for Incandescent Eleotrio Lighting, Estimates famished, 4 CHURCH STREET, WALTIIAM, MASS. P. 0, BOX 1177, 8 ADVERTISEMENTS. HOWARD BROTHERS, - Dealers in- PURE ICE. ICE HOUSES, LAKE STREET. Residents of Newton(Wards One and Seven) will be supplied with a choice quality of Pure Ice upon application. Order Boxes in Newton :-Post Office, W. H. Brackett’s, W. Howes’ Markets. Receive Orders at their Office, Dana Block, Main Street, and at E. C. & A. B. Hall’s, Noyes Block, Watertown. ALEXANDERGREGG&SONS, FUNERALAND FURNISHING UNIIERT'AKERS. COFFINS,CASKETS & ROBES Constantly on hand and furnished at Short Notice. Warerooms,15 Galen St., Watertown,Mass. Every article necessary for the burial of the dead, all of which will be furnished at the Lowest Possible Prices. Also Superintendent of Cemeteries. Residence, 26 Riverside Place, Watertown. WATERTOWN DIRECTORY, IL - OF THE -.- INHABITANTS, INSTITUTIONS, MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS, SOCIETIES, BUSINESS, BUSINESS FIRMS, STATE CENSUS, ETC., ETC. W. A. GREENOUGHt< & CO., COPPERY, PEI~~RS ana PWLISHERB, No. 28 Oliver Street,Boston. G Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1889, by W. A. Qmssons~ &Co., in the Oilice of tbe LEbrariso of Congress at Washington. Press of W. A. (freenough & Co. -, , . “j i ‘- IO ADVICRTISEMENTS. .,I JOHN E, ABBOTT, Attorneyand Counsellor at Law. 8.5 DEVONSHIRE ST., BOSTON, MASS. My connection with the Arm of ABBOTT BROTHERS, 71 Broadway, h’ew York City,gives me the best facilities for attending to legal business in ISew York. I have also special facilities for transacting legal business in Canada. and ant familiar with the French language. In this connection I refer to M. Flandin, the French Consul at Boston. S. 3p. AB-OTT, ATTORNEY A’T I;rAW. 13 EXCHANGE STREET, ROOM 28, BOSTON. Residence, Summer Street, Watertown, Msss, DANA c%! BATEIS, COUNSELLORS AT LAW. 54 DEVONSHIRE STREET, BOSTON, MASS. WM. P. DANA. BENJAMIN E. BATE& Mr. Bates’ Residenoe, Main Street, Watertown. LAFAYETTE G+. BLAIR, COUNSELLOR - AT - LAW, 34 SCHOOL ST., ROOMS, 37 AND 38, BOSTON. Resideme, Melendy Avenue, East Watertown. FRED E. ORAWFQRD, ATTORNEY8 COUNSELLORAT LAW, 10 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON. Offloe, Tnssdayr Thor&y and Saturday Evenings, Noyes’ Blook, Main Street, Watertown, WATERTOWNENTERPRISE PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. Office, Barnard’s Block, 30 Main Street, WATEIRTOWN. Terms, - - ggl.50 per year, FRED G. BAREER, Publisher. PREFACE. The 10th edition of the Watertown Directory for 1889 Ji 90 is herewith presented to our patrons and the gen- eral public, with the hope that it will meet the wants of all who have occasion to use it, we spare no pains or ex- pense that our experience of most thirty years can sng- gest to get up all of our publications as correct and relia- ble as possible for works of this kind, and have every reason to believe that they will compare favorably with any directories published in this country. Our large and extensive list of directories are on file at our office for the use of our patrons and the public, whenever they wish to avail themselves of the opportunity. The following synopsis is appended 1888 1889 Increase 2,506 2,808 302 With thanks to one and all who have aided us in any way. We remain very respectfully, W. A. Greenough & Co., Editors, Publishers and P~rintera. 12 ADVER.TISEMENTS. CHARLES H. ROLLINS, PracticalPlumber& Gas Fitter JOBBERIN PLUMBERSMATERIALS OFALL KINDS, G;asFlxtures, Etc. Main St., opp. Town Hall, Watertown, Hass. Special attention given to Ventilation. Satisfaotion harmteed, Watertown, Nt. Auburn and Boston EXPRESS. Ofice in Watertown, 54 Main Street. Boston O&e, 91 Xilby St., and 25 Merchants Row. Order Box in Boston,-Cellar, 3 Quimy Market. Leave Watertown at 10.00 A. &I. Leave Boston at 3.00 P. M. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JO’EL-N ROSS. CARRIAGEAND WA60N MANUFACTURER, Also, Carriage Painting. SpringStreet, Watertown, j Repairilzg 1:n all its Rrrmci~s Pronaptlg Attended to.
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