curriculum vitae

Erik GOLDSTEIN Professor of International Relations, and of History Department of International Relations 152 Bay State Road Boston University Boston, Massachusetts 02215 USA

[email protected]


1980-84 Jesus College, University of Cambridge 1984 Ph.D. in History

1978 University of Oslo 1978 Scholarship and Certificate

1977-80 Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Tufts University (combined B.A.-M.A. program). 1980 M.A. in International Affairs 1980 M.A.L.D. (Master of Arts in International Law & Diplomacy) 1980 Fields passed at Ph.D. candidacy level 1) European Diplomatic History and Foreign Policies; 2) Diplomatic History and Foreign Policies of Communist Areas; 3) United States Diplomatic History and Foreign Policy; 4) International Law

1974-78 Tufts College, Tufts University 1979 B.A. summa cum laude (History) and Phi Beta Kappa.

1970-74 Melrose High School 1974 Diploma, highest honors, History Prize, and Scholarship


1976-80 Tufts University 1976-80 Tutor, Department of History

1981-84 University of Cambridge 1981-84 Supervisor, History of Development of the International System

1984-98 University of Birmingham 1984-87 Lecturer (temporary) in International History 1987-88 Lecturer 'A' in International History 1988-90 Lecturer 'B' in International History 1990-93 Senior Lecturer in International History 1993-97 Reader in International History 1997-98 Professor of International History

1998-present Boston University 1998-present Professor of International Relations (and History, 2005) 1998-present Chair, Dept. of International Relations

Concurrent Appointments: 1988-94 Associate Member, Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham. 1988, 1993 Visiting Scholar, Centre for International Studies, University of Cambridge. 1990-91 Secretary of the Navy Senior Research Fellow, US Naval War College. 1995-2005 Hon. Senior Research Fellow, Department of Politics, University of Leicester. 1996 Visiting Lecturer, University of Buckingham. 1998 Deputy Director, Centre for Studies in Security and Diplomacy, University of Birmingham 1999-2009 Hon. Senior Research Fellow, University of Birmingham 1999-present Hon. Fellow, Center for Studies in Security and Diplomacy, University of Birmingham 1999-present Senior Fellow, International History Institute, Boston University 2002-present Advisory Board, Division of Global Affairs (previously the Center for Global Change and Governance), Rutgers University 2007-present Fellow, Institue for the Study of Muslim Societies and Civilizations, Boston University. 2009(Spring) Visiting Professor, Dept. of History, University of East Anglia


Journal Editor: 1988-2007 Diplomacy and Statecraft. Vols. I-XVIII

Books: 1990 The End of the Cold War. (: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd, and Portland: Cass, 1990) (co-editor), 220pp.

1991 Winning the Peace: British Diplomatic Strategy, Peace Planning, and the Paris Peace Conference, 1916- 1920. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, and New York: Oxford University Press, 1991). 307pp.

1992 Wars and Peace Treaties. (London and New York: Routledge, 1992). 264pp.

1994 The Washington Conference, 1921-22: Naval Rivalry, East Asian Stability, and the Road to Pearl Harbor (London and Portland: Cass & Co., 1993) (co-editor). 319pp. Hardback and paperback editions.

1999 The Munich Crisis: New Interpretations and the Road to World War II (co-editor) (London: Cass, 1999). Hardback and paperback editions.

2002 Guide to International Relations and Diplomacy (co-editor)(Continum, 2002), 567pp. (Arabic translation, forthcoming)

2002 The First World Wars Peace Settlements: international relations, 1918-25 (London: Longmans, 2002). Italian translation: Gli accordidi pace dopo la Grande guerra, 1919-25 (Milan: il Mulino, 2005).

2003 Power and Stability: British Foreign Policy, 1865-1965 (co-editor) (London, Cass, 2003).

In Progress:

The Great Powers and the East Mediteranean World, 1798- present.

Discussion Papers

1997 The Politics of the State Visit [Diplomatic Studies Programme Discussion Papers no. 26] (Leicester: Centre for the Study of Diplomacy, 1997). 27pp. Reprinted in Diplomacy, C. Jönsson and R. Langhorne, (London: Sage, 2004).

Articles & Chapters 1987 'British Peace Aims and the Eastern Question: The Political Intelligence Department and the Eastern Committee, 1918.' Middle Eastern Studies 23:4 (1987): 419-36.

1988 'New Diplomacy and the New Europe at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919: The A.W.A. Leeper Papers.' East European Quarterly 21:4 (1988): 393-400.

1988 'The Foreign Office and Political Intelligence, 1917-20.' Review of International Studies 14:4 (1988): 275- 88.

1989 'Quis Separabit: The Order of St. Patrick and Anglo-Irish Relations, 1922-1934.' Historical Research 62:147 (1989): 70-80.

1989 'Great Britain and Greater Greece, 1917-20.' Historical Journal 32:3 (1989): 339-56.

1989 'Megale Vrettania kai e Megale Ellas', Eleftheria (27 Nov. 1989).

1990 'Historians Outside the Academy: The Experience of the Foreign Office Historical Section, 1917-1920.' Historical Research (1990): 195-211.

1991 'Holy Wisdom and British Foreign Policy, 1918-1922: the St. Sophia Redemption Agitation' Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 15 (1991): 36-64.

1993 'British Diplomatic Strategy and Planning for the Washington Conference, 1921-22' Diplomacy & Statecraft 4:3 (1993): 4-34.

1995 'The New Europe and the New Greece' in P. Carabott, ed. Greece and Europe in the Modern Period: aspects of a troubled relationship (London: Centre for Hellenic Studies, 1995), pp. 38-54.

1996 'British Diplomatic Strategy and the Locarno Conference' in M. Dockrill and B.J.C. McKercher, Diplomacy and World Power: Studies in British Foreign Policy, 1890-1951 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), pp. 115-35.

1996 ‘The Origins of Summit Diplomacy’ in David Dunn, ed. Diplomacy at the Highest Level: the evolution of international summitry. [Studies in Diplomacy] (London: Macmillan, 1996), pp. 23-37.

1997 ‘The British Official Mind and Europe’ Diplomacy & Statecraft 8:3 (Nov. 1997): 165-78.

1997 ‘The British Official Mind and the United States, 1919-42’ in T. Otte and C. Pagedas, eds. Personalities, War and Diplomacy (London: Cass, 1997), pp.66-80.

1998 ‘The Round Table and the New Europe’ The Round Table 346 (1998): 177-189.

1998 ‘Greece: the imperatives of geopolitics’ Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 22 (1998): 169-184.

1998 ‘Developments in Protocol’in J. Kurbalija, ed. Modern Diplomacy (Malta: Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, 1998), pp. 49-56.

1998 ‘The New Europe and the Round Table’ in A. Bosco and A. May, ed. The Round Table: The Empire/ Commonwealth and British Foreign policy (London: South Bank University Press and the Lothian Foundation Press, 1998), pp. 437-50.

1998 'The Peacemakers and the British Homefront' in M. Boemke, et al.Germany and Versailles: A Reassesssment after Seventy-Five Years German Historical Institute Series (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998), pp.147-66.

2000 ‘Europe and Interaction with the Non-European World since 1945’(co-author) in M. Fullbrook, ed., Short Oxford History of Europe (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), pp. 240-274.

2001 ‘The Eastern Question: The Last Phase’ in M. Dockrill and J. Fisher, The Rise and Fall of Morality in Peacemaking’ (London: Palgrave in association with the Public Record Office, 2001), pp. 141-55.

2003 ‘Britain and the First Cold War’, in M. Hopkins et al, eds. Britain and the Cold War, 1945-1964: New Perspectives (London: Palgrave Macmillan Cold War History Series), pp. 7-14, 193-5.

2003 ‘Disarmament, Arms Control, and Arms Reduction’ in M. Henessey and BJC McKercher, eds. War in the Twentieth Century: reflections at century's end (Westport: Praeger Studies in Diplomacy and Strategic Thought, 2003).

2003 ‘The British Offical Mind and the Lausanne Conference, 1922-23’ Diplomacy & Statecraft 14:2 (June 2003): 185-206.

2004 Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford University Press, 2004) Archibald Clark Kerr George Clerk Laurence Collier James Headlam-Morley Geoffrey Knox AWA Leeper William Tyrrell, Victor Wellesley

2007 'The Versailles System' in Gordon Martel, ed. Companion to International History, 1900-1945 (Oxford: Blackwell, 2007; paperback edition, 2010)

2008 'Politics of the State Visit' Hague Journal of Diplomacy 3:2 (2008): 153-78.

2010 ‘Religion and British Policy Towards the , 1875-1923’ in John Fisher and Keith Robbins, eds. Religion and Diplomacy (Leiden: Brill, 2010), forthcoming

2010 ‘Origins of the Anglo-American Special Relationship, 1880-1914’ Gaynor Johnson, ed. The New Diplomacy: Essays in International History, 1880-1929 (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010), forthcoming

2010 ‘Restoring Holy Wisdom: Britain and St. Sophia’ in Melanie Hall, ed. Towards World Heritage: Preservation in an Age of Empire (London: Ashgate, 2010), forthcoming

Encyclopaedia Articles

1998 'Konrad Adenauer' in D. Dinan, ed. Encyclopaedia of the European Union (Washington: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998), pp. 5-6.

2000 ‘Eleftherios Venizelos’ in G. Speake, ed. Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, vol. II, (London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000), pp. 1702-03;

2000 ‘Ioannis Metaxas’ in G. Speake, ed. Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, vol. II, (London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000), pp. 1043-44.

2002 ‘The Treaties of London’ World Book Encyclopedia (Chicago, 2002)

2008 ‘Germany-United States Treaty (1921)’ Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, hardcopy 2010) (e—edition, 2008).

Selected Research Communications and Notes: 1986 ‘Hertford House: The Naval Intelligence Geographical Section and Peace Conference Planning, 1917- 1919.’ The Mariner's Mirror 72:1 (1986): 85-88.

1990 ‘A Chronology of the Cold War’. Diplomacy and Statecraft 1:3 (1990): 203-13.

‘Diplomatic Studies in Britain’ Diplomatic Studies Programme Newsletter

Selected Additional Writings: 1988 'Eirikur Benedikz' 1988 'Eirikur Benedikz' The Independent 1989 'Mastering International Studies.' The Birmingham Magazine 1 (July 1989):14c 1989 ‘Great Britain and Greater Greece (1917-1920) [Mεγάλη Bρετνία και Μεγάλη Ελλάα (1917-1920)] Eletheria 27 November 1989. 1992 'H S Ferns' The Independent 'President Vigdis Finnbogadottir' The Times, [file copy] 2000 ‘Preface’, Occasional Lecture (Boston: Boston University, The University Professors, 2000) 2005 'The Anglo-American Century' Capturing History (Gottlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University, 2005)

Editorial Boards 1996-2005 Editorial Board, Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies 2001-present Editorial Board, Diplomatic Studies Discussion Papers

Book Series Editor 1998- present International History (New York: Praeger).  Wend, Henry. Recovery and Restoration: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Politics of Reconstruction of West Germany’s Shipbuilding Industry, 1945-1955 (2001).

 Brogi, Alessandro. A Question of Self-Esteem: The United States and the Cold War Choices in France and Italy, 1944-1958 (2001)

 Kochavi, Noam. A Conflict Perpetuated: China Policy During the Kennedy Years (2002).

 Whitham, Charlie. Bitter Rehersal: British and American Plannoing for a Post-War West Indies (2002).

 Priest, Tyler. Global Steel and the U.S. Quest for Manganese (2003).

 Tilchin, William and Charles Neu. Artists of Power: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and their Enduring Impact on U.S. Foreign Policy.

1999- 2006 Diplomats and Diplomacy (London: Cass)

 Hopkins, Michael. Oliver Franks and the Truman Administration: Anglo-American Relations, 1948-1952. (2003).

 Johnson, Gaynor, ed. . Locarno revisited : European diplomacy, 1920-1929 (2004).

 Protheroe, Gerald. Sir George Clerk (2006)


University of Birmingham  Introduction to Problems of World History in the Twentieth Century.  Diplomatic History of the Twentieth Century.  Graduate Diplomatic History of the Twentieth Century.  Intelligence and International History  Great Powers in the East Mediteranean

Boston University  Diplomacy & Statecraft  The Great Powers in the Eastern Mediterranean

Adjunct Courses  History of British Foreign Policy. Tufts University London Program (1985-88)  International Relations, 1945-present. University of Buckingham. (1996)

Short Courses:  Britain & the United States: Sources of Power, Internal Conditions, and Foreign Policies, 1700 present, Madingley Hall, University of Cambridge (1985-90).  British Intelligence & British Diplomacy, Madingley Hall, University of Cambridge (23-25 March 1990).  The British Secret Services, Madingley Hall, University of Cambridge (July 1996)

Professional Courses 1993 co-director, South African Diplomatic Training Programme (Sep.-Dec. 1993). 1995 co- director, British Council Seminar: Diplomacy in the Post Cold War Era (22-30 Mar. 1995). 1998 co-director, Mid-Career Diplomats Course, Know How Fund Programme (Mar.-Apr. 1998). 1998 co-director, Conference on Diplomatic Training for Directors of Personnel and Heads of Diplomatic Training, Know How Fund Programme of Diplomatic Studies, Wilton Park (14-26 June 1998). 1998 co-director, Course on European Issues and Institutions, Know How Fund Programme of Diplomatic Studies, , , Strassbourg, (16-19 Nov. 1998). 1999 co-director, Course on Public Diplomacy, Know How Fund Programme of Diplomatic Studies, Wilton Park (20-25 June 1999).


Learned Societies: 1978 Phi Beta Kappa Society 2002-08 President, Phi Beta Kappa Society, Epsilon of Massachusetts 1992 Fellow of the Royal Historical Society

Boards & Committees: 1992-99 Executive Committee, British International History Group 1996-97 Thesis Prize Committee 1994-2000 Advisory Board, Centre for the Study of Diplomacy, University of Leicester 1994-97 Standing Committee on Modern Greek Studies 1996-97 Convenor, British International Studies Association / Political Studies Association Group on Diplomacy 1996-2000 Co-Director, Diplomatic Studies Programme


Manuscript referee for: Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Manchester University Press, Royal Historical Society, Contemporary Modern History, Historical Association, Macmillans, Unwin Hyman, Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies, Arms Control, Frank Cass, Praeger, International Studies Perspectives, Taylor & Francis, Ashgate.

Research proposal referee: Canadian Department of National Defence (1991), Social Science Research Council of Canada (2001, 2003), Royal Military College of Canada (2000, 2003, 2005)

Promotion Assessor: University of Liverpool (2001, 2003, 2005), University of Alberta (2001), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1998), University of Birmingham (2003, 2006), Ben Gurion University (2004), Kings College, London (2006, 2007), Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (2006)

Program Reviewer: Mediterranean Studies, King's College London (2002); Education for Public Inquiry and International Citizenship Program, Tufts University (2003)

External Examiner:

Research Degrees: University of Salford (1988) University of Cambridge (1989) London School of Economics (1994, 1998) King’s College, London (1998)

Degree Programmes: 1993-97 King's College, London (BA & MA in Modern Greek Studies). 1997-98 Bolton Institute (MA in Modern History). 1997-98 University of Southampton (MA in American Studies). 1997-98 University of Durham, (MA in Politics and International Relations).


1979-80 Fletcher Fellow, Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy 1979-80 Fletcher International Security Studies Research Fellowship Grant 1979 University of Oslo Summer Term Scholarship, Norway 1980-83 Overseas Research Students Scholarship 1981-83 Bane Fund Grant, Jesus College, Cambridge 1981 Cambridge Historical Society Grant 1983 Smuts Memorial Fund Travel Grant 1988 Faculty Research Grant, Birmingham 1990-91 Secretary of the Navy Senior Research Fellow, United States Naval War College 1992 Hoover Presidential Library Fellow 1992 School of Social Sciences Research Grant 1992 Departmental Capital Grant for Research 1992 Wardrop Fund Grant, University of Oxford 1998- Boston University Annual Research and Travel Grants 2001 Smith Richardson Foundation


University Committees: 1987-90 Senior Common Room Committee

Faculty Committees: 1985-88 Board of Graduate Studies 1987-88 Faculty Research Committee 1992-94 Faculty Board 1992 Salaries and Promotions Committee 1995- 97 International Affairs Committee 1996-97 Promotions Committee

School Committees: 1992-94 Board of the School of Social Sciences 1994 Computer Equipment Sub-Committee 1997-98 School Executive Committee

Department Committees: 1985-89 Departmental Sub-Committee on Finance 1987-88 Departmental Sub-Committee on Planning 1992-94 Departmental Research Committee 1992-94 Departmental Graduate Studies Committee 1993-94 chair 1992-94 Planning and Resources Committee

Other: 1989-90 Modern History Seminar Committee 1992 University delegation to the Republic of Uzbekistan 1993 Committee on Training of multi-racial South African diplomatic service

2) BOSTON UNIVERSITY (1999-present)

University 2000-03 Metropolitan College Summer School Advisory Committee 2000-02 Advisory Board, Institute for Religion and World Affairs 2005-2009 Steering Committee, Global Health Initiative 2008-present University Research Council

College Committees 1999-01 Search Committee, Chair and Professor of History 2000-01 Internal Audit, Center of Energy and Environmental Studies



Graduate School of International Studies 1985-88 Deputy Director 1989-90, 93-94 Director

School of Historical Studies 1997-98 Deputy Head, School of Historical Studies

Centre for Studies in Security and Diplomacy 1998 Deputy Director

BOSTON UNIVERSITY (1998-present)

Department of International Relations 1998- present Chair, Dept. of International Relations

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES University of Birmingham 1993 Mentorship 1997 Academic Staff Appraisal


1986 'The Role of Political Intelligence: Diplomatic Planning for the Paris Peace Conference, 1919', Contemporary History Seminar, University of Salford, 26 Feb. 1986

1987 'Great Britain and Greater Greece, 1916-1920', Centre for Byzantine Studies & Modern Greek, University of Birmingham, 7 May 1987 Oxford Modern Greek History Workshop, 19 Nov. 1987 Modern Greek History Seminar, University of Cambridge, 10 November 1988

1989 'Greek Foreign Policy since the Second World War', Standing Conference on Modern Greek Studies, 4 March 1989

1989 'Greece and the Imperatives of Geopolitics, 1974-89', Conference on Contemporary Greece: The Hellenic Republic at Fifteen Years, Tufts University, 22 April 1989

1990 'The Peace Settlement and Europe's Future', College of Naval Command & Staff, 1 October 1990

1990 'Britain at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919', Research Seminar, Dept. of Strategy & Policy, Naval War College, 13 December 1990

1991 'The International System, 1871-1914', College of Naval Warfare, 17 January 1991

1991 'War Termination', College of Naval Warfare, 28 January 1991

1991 ‘The Zulu War', Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, 7 February 1991.

1992 'The Political Intelligence Department and the Reshaping of Eastern Europe', North American British Studies Conference, New York City, NY 4 April 1992.

1992 'The Heritage of the Nineteenth Century', Bar Convent Museum, York, 2 June 1992.

1992 'The Political Intelligence Department and British Foreign Policy,1917-45', Inaugural Pan-European Congress, European International Studies Association Conference, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 16 September 1992

1992 'The New Europe Group and the Political Intelligence Department' , British International Studies Association Conference on International History, University of Leeds, 26 September 1992

1992 'The New Europe and the Balance of Power', Research Seminar, Department of Political Science & International Studies, University of Birmingham, 5 November 1992

1992 'The New Europe and the New Greece', Centre for Hellenic Studies, King's College, London, 9 November 1992

1992 Holy Wisdom and British Foreign Policy, 1918-22: The St Sophia Redemption Agitation', Centre for Byzantine Studies & Modern Greek, University of Birmingham, 19 November 1992.

1993 'The Political Intelligence Department and the Origins of International History', Historians and Foreign Policy: Conference in Honour of DC Watt, Stevenson Professor of International History, London School of Economics, July 1993.

1993 'The Origins of the First World War', Historical Association, November 1993.

1994 'Venizelos and the New Europe', University of St. Andrews, 15 February 1994.

1994 'Venizelos and the New Europe’, University of Aberdeen, 1994

1994 'Britain and the Home Front, 1919', German Historical Institute, Uiniversity of California, Berkley April 1994

1994 'Diplomacy and Intelligence', Centre for Political & Diplomatic Studies, Oxford, July 1994

1994 'The Origins of Summitry', Diplomacy Research Seminar, University of Birmingham, 2 December 1994.

1995 'The British Official Mind & Europe', Pan-European Congress, European International Studies Association Conference, Paris September 1995.

1995 'Britain & Europe, 1900-50', Royal Historical Society, London, 22 September 1995.

1995 'The St. Sophia Agitation of 1919', University of Bristol, 8 November 1995.

1996 'Holy Wisdom and British Foreign Policy at Constantinople', University of Glasgow, 20 February 1996.

1996 'The Round Table and the New Europe', Lothian Foundation, London, 23 March 1996.

1996 'The Role of the State Visit', International Studies Association, San Diego CA, 18 April 1996.

1997 'The State Visit and International Relations', Centre for the Study of Diplomacy, University of Leicester, 21 February 1997

1997 'The Inheritance of the 20th Century', Nottingham Trent University, 19 March 1997.

1997 ‘Churchill and Intelligence’, University of Cambridge, 11 July 1997.

1997 ‘Britain and the First Cold War’, Institute of Contemporary British History, London, July 1997.

1997 ‘The Heritage of the 19th Century’, Nottingham Trent University, November 1997

1997 ‘The Politics of State Visits’, British International Studies Association, Leeds, December 1997.

1998 ‘The Perils of Protocol’, Mediterranean Diplomatic Academy, Malta February 1998

1999 ‘Disarmament, Arms Control and Arms Reduction’, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario 19 March 1999

1999 ‘The Eastern Question: the Last Phase’ Public Record Office, London, 26 June 1999.

2001 ‘Iceland and the United States’ (US State Dept. Speaker) Symposium marking 50th Anniversary of Iceland-United States Alliance, Reykjavik, Iceland, 4 May 2001

2001 “Greek-Turkish Relations, 1945-2001’, 10th International Summer Seminar, Institute of International Relations, Hydra, Greece, 5 July 2001

2002 ‘The Great Powers and the Eastern Mediterannean World’, Falmouth Forum, Jan. 2002.

2002 ‘The Evolution of Diplomacy’ Summitry Conference, Diplomatic Studies Program, Boston University, 30 March 2002.

2002 ‘The Eastern Question: The Last Phase’, International History Seminar, Boston University, May 2002

2005 ‘Britain in the Footprint of the Ottoman Empire’ Keynote lecture, British International History Conference, Cambridge Sep. 2005

2006 'Saving Holy Wisdom: Britain and St. Sophia' International Origins of the Preservation Movement, Boston University April 2006

2007 ‘Britain in the Footprint of the Ottoman Empire’ European Studies Seminar, Boston University Sep. 2005

2008 ‘British Plans for Succeeding the Ottoman Empire, 1918-22' Center for European Studies, Harvard University, 25 Apr. 2008.

2008 ‘Great Britain and the Re-emmergence of Armenian Statehood’ Conference on The Legacy of the First Armenian Republic, 1918-21, Boston University 27 Sep. 2008

2009 ‘Saving St. Sophia: Britain, Nationalisms, Religion, and the Ottoman Empire‘ From Plunder to Preservation: Britain and the “Heritage” of Empire, 1820-1940, Cambridge Victorian Studies Group, King’s College, Cambridge 22 Mar. 2009.

2009 ‘The World at the End of the Second World War’ International History Seminar, University of East Anglia 23 Mar. 2009.

2009 ‘Great Britain and Armenia, from the Nineteenth Century to the First Republic. Keynote, National Association of Armenian Studies 16 May 2009


2001 Partition as a Soltution to Ethhic Conflict, Boston University, supported by the Smith Richardson Foundation, Oct. 2001

2002 Summit Diplomacy, Boston University, in conjunction with the Diplomatic Studies Programme, 29-30 March 2002


1992 chair, 'The European Community and the Eastern Mediterranean', British International Studies Association Conference, Swansea 16 December 1992.

1995 co-organiser and chair, Diplomacy Section, Pan-European Congress, European International Studies Association Conference, Paris, September 1995.

1997 organiser and chair, Group on Diplomacy Section, British International Studies Association, Leeds December 1997

1998 chair and commentator, ‘Diplomacy in a Democratic Age’ New England Historical Association, Conneticut College, New Haven, 17 Oct. 1998.

1999 moderator, ‘Modern Diplomacy’ International Studies Association, Washington, DC 17 Feb. 1998.

1999 moderator, ‘Rethinking the Cold War’, Historical Society, Boston, 29 May 1999.

1999 chair, ‘U.S. Interests’ U.S. National Strategy and the Future of Land Forces in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf, Center for International Relations, Boston University, and the Strategic Institute of the U.S. Army War College, Boston, 8 June 1999.

2002 chair and commentator, ‘Critical Approaches to Diplomacy’ International Studies Association, New Orleans, March 2002.

2004 chair and commentator, ‘Coalitions and Alliances at War, 1900–41’ American Historical Association, Washington, D.C. 9 Jan. 2004

2007 Speaker, Symposium on 'The Future of Iraq: U.S. Exit Staregies' Edward R. Murrow Center, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy 21 Feb. 2007

2009 discussant, ‘Discourse and Great Power Foreign Policy 1880-1925’ Middle East Studies Association, Boston 24 Nov. 2009

BRIEFINGS 2001-03 chair and organizer, Executive Briefings on Current International Affairs, Boston University with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.